DR :: Volume #3

#265: Not steady border

When the Goldshire Empire army appears in the Passus sentry post, they even have nothing to conceal. Actually anything these scout and some Pastan equally clear Passus this damned place, in fact they have seen these to stand the panic-stricken expression in militiaman's in sentry post in seeing their time surface, this makes them laugh, self-satisfied extremely looks appearance that these militiamen cannot withstand flustered. This Pastan has not chosen by starlight attacks, but attacks under the broad daylight, for is lets these place these stupid people's clear realizing the Goldshire Empire strength, then puts down the weapon to open the door thoroughly the surrender. These scout are just the vanguard army, in fact Pastan believes that when he is grasping 5000 well-equipped soldier appear when front of this small foothold, they make the decision immediately. 闪金帝国的部队出现在帕苏斯的岗哨前时,他们甚至没有任何掩饰。这些斥候和帕斯坦一样清楚帕苏斯这个鬼地方究竟有些什么,事实上他们已经看见了那些站在岗哨上的民兵在看见他们时候面上的惊恐表情,这让他们哈哈大笑起来,得意万分的看着那些民兵慌张不堪的样子。这一次帕斯坦并没有选择趁着夜色进攻,而是在光天化日之下出击,为的就是让这些地方那些愚蠢的民众清晰的认识到闪金帝国的实力,然后彻底放下武器开门投降。这些斥候只不过是先锋军,事实上帕斯坦相信,当他掌握着的五千名装备精良的士兵出现在这个小小据点的前面时,他们就会立刻做出决定了。 From some perspective, his idea not wrong. 从某种角度来说,他的想法并没有错。 Leaves here!! & R dquo ; “离开这里!!” Looks the frontline regiment's first garrison that outside is approaching gradually, Bateer trembling bellows was saying, he gets hold of the hand...... weapon, the feeling palm is the cold sweat. Although he has long known that on this day sooner or later will arrive, but looks that Goldshire Empire soldier runs outside the foothold recklessly, bluffing and blustering time, he felt the whole body becomes tender. This on behalf of an arrival of war, but actually will this war turn into what? Passus be only less than 1000 soldier, majority militiaman, the present quantity are smaller, moreover they have not undergone how strict training, them has many people even not to think will attend a war! 看着外面正在逐步逼近的前线军团第一纵队,巴特尔战战兢兢的大吼着说道,他握紧手……中的武器,感觉手心全是冷汗。虽然他早就知道这一天迟早会到来,但是看着闪金帝国士兵就在据点外面肆意奔走,耀武扬威的时候,他还是感觉到全身发软。这代表着一场战争的到来,可是这场战争究竟会变成什么样呢?帕苏斯只有不到一千个士兵,大部分还是民兵,现在的数量更少,而且他们并没有接受过多么严格的训练,他们当中有很多人甚至从来没有想过会参加一场战争! However now, they actually have to face this possibility. They are going to go to the battlefield, but the opponent has fought many battles. Well-equipped empire soldier, can they really block these fearful fellows? 但是现在,他们却不得不面对这种可能性了。他们将要走上战场,而对手是身经百战。装备精良的帝国士兵,他们真的能够挡住这些可怕的家伙吗? Gives the warning. Let others seek asylum, hurry up. Sends the fast horse to go to the manor, reported before feudal lord Sir these Goldshire Empire hybrid had arrived at our defense line . & R dquo ; “敲响警钟。让其他人去避难,快点儿。派快马去庄园,报告领主大人那些闪金帝国杂种已经来到了我们的防线前。” Said here, Bateer actually revealed a forced smile. Defense line? By this less than three meters high city wall? It could prevent some gnome and mouse person such thing, but facing an army, this low city wall can be useful? 说道这里,巴特尔却是不由的露出了一丝苦笑。防线?就靠这个不到三米高的城墙?它或许能够阻止一些地精和鼠人这样的东西,但是面对一支军队,这道低矮的城墙又能够有什么用呢? „ Can we light the beacon-fire? Sir? & R dquo ; “我们要点燃烽火吗?大人?” soldier grasps the flare trembling opens the mouth inquiry saying that if between that feudal lord Sir and Bateer have anything to exchange, that was he once to Bateer pledged was invaded in the border they can light the beacon-fire, but he will send out oneself subordinate to come to assist to fight. 一个士兵手持火把战战兢兢的开口询问道,如果说那位领主大人和巴特尔之间有什么交流的话,那就是他曾经向巴特尔承诺在边境遭受入侵时他们可以点燃烽火,而他会派出自己的部下前来协助战斗。 No, is not now. & R dquo ; “不,不是现在。” Hears subordinate's inquiry. Bateer silent moment, then shakes the head. The feudal lord Sir once warned him, only then can light the beacon-fire in enemy's after defense line that small stream. Bateer knows why this is, because of one of the that small stream Passus border lines, under although present soldier of these Goldshire Empire are hiding in their eyes bluffs and blusters, even is showing off own military force, so long as they without crossing that brook, then these people would have no to enter Passus. 听到部下的询问。巴特尔沉默了片刻,接着摇了摇头。领主大人曾经告诫他,只有在敌人穿过防线前的那条小溪之后才能够点燃烽火。巴特尔知道这是为什么,因为那条小溪正是帕苏斯的边境线之一,所以虽然眼下的那些闪金帝国士兵正在他们的眼皮子底下耀武扬威,甚至炫耀着自己的武力,但是只要他们没有越过那条溪流,那么这些人就没有进入帕苏斯 They crossed the brook, we light the beacon-fire. Then you can evacuate. & R dquo ; “等他们越过溪流,我们就点燃烽火。然后你们可以撤离。” Then, is looking steadily at own subordinate, Bateer earnest saying. But hears his speech, others opened the eye surprisedly. 接着,盯视着自己的部下,巴特尔认真的说道。而听到他的说话,其他人都不由惊讶的睁大了眼睛。 Then you? Sir? & R dquo ; “那么您呢?大人?” I will stay here. & R dquo ; “我会留在这里。” At the same time saying. Bateer pulls out the long sword at the same time. 一面说着。巴特尔一面抽出长剑。 At least cannot these empire to think that we are one group of cowards, I do not know that the feudal lord Sir wants to do, but I know us, if when has not fought with the enemy turns around to run away. Then we will become on Eagle Plateau everyone's laughingstock, therefore I will at least stay here ......... & R dquo ; “至少不能够让那些帝国人认为我们是一群孬种,我不知道领主大人想要干什么,但是我知道我们如果在还没有和敌人战斗的时候就转身逃走的话。那么我们将成为雄鹰高原上所有人的笑柄,所以至少我会留在这里………” Said here. Bateer looked at soldier. 说道这里。巴特尔望了一眼自己身边的士兵 ........., but now, you can leave. I know that among you many people are not the true soldiers, you underwent the training initially time has not thought one day with own compatriot fight. If you want to leave, then can leave. & R dquo ; “………而现在,你们可以离开。我知道你们当中很多人不是真正的军人,你们当初接受训练的时候也没想过会有一天和自己的同胞战斗。如果你们想要离开,那么可以离开。” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” No one replied, soldier have the complex expression to look at present Bateer, they are once thinking that more than once in secret Bateer can sit this position merely is only because he has a relative who is the mayor, merely is only because the luck good is so simple, but now, they discover finally, at present this man, indeed has the qualifications to sit compared with them in this position. 没有人回答,士兵们只是带着复杂的表情望着眼前的巴特尔,他们曾经不止一次在私下里认为巴特尔之所以能够坐上这个位置仅仅只是因为他有一个担任镇长的亲戚,仅仅只是因为运气好这么简单,但是现在,他们终于发现,眼前这个男人,的确比他们更有资格坐在这个位置上。 I will remain, Sir. & R dquo ; “我会留下来,大人。” At this moment, has followed side Bateer, holds the flare to prepare to light the adjutant of beacon-fire to say frequently suddenly. He looked steadily at soldier that these are bluffing and blustering like this, in the eye sprays the unprecedented flaming anger. 就在这时,一直跟随在巴特尔身边,举着火把时刻准备点燃烽火的副官忽然开口说道。他就这样盯视着那些耀武扬威的士兵,眼中喷射出了前所未有的熊熊怒火。 Perhaps indeed, Passus is not worth mentioning regarding Goldshire Empire, but this is not these damn empire pigs can in the reason in front of us bluffing and blustering. In my opinion, these whole body dirty fellows and these gnome have no difference, perhaps they intelligent a little, will convince the terminology, but seems like gnome that does not seem like plucks? Since this, then to us, what difference they also do have?! & R dquo ; “的确,帕苏斯对于闪金帝国来说或许不值一提,但是这不是那些该死的帝国猪可以在我们面前耀武扬威的理由。在我看来,这些浑身肮脏的家伙和那些地精没有什么区别,或许他们聪明一点儿,会说通用语,但是看起来不还像是退了毛的地精吗?既然这样,那么对于我们来说,他们又有什么不同?!” Good that „ said!! & R dquo ; “说的好!!” At this time, soldier yelled. 就在这个时候,又有一个士兵大叫起来。 These fellows are also one crowd of lowly gnome! Ha, I want to see his pouring in an extremely difficult situation in the mire to be able impatiently to be what appearance, when the mud of his corpse and swampy ground mixes up becomes stale, I that bright and beautiful armor will place in my bedroom, treats as my foot basin! & R dquo ; “这些家伙也不过就是一群低贱地精罢了!哈哈哈,我迫不及待的想要看见他狼狈不堪的倒在泥潭之中会是什么样子,等他的尸体和沼泽地的烂泥混在一起发臭的时候,我会把那身亮丽的盔甲摆放在我的卧室里,当做我的洗脚盆!” That Goldshire Empire will certainly have a mortal hatred of your! & R dquo ; “那闪金帝国一定会恨死你的!” Hahahaha ......... & R dquo ; “哈哈哈哈………” The soldier laughter scattered originally the tension-filled anxious atmosphere, in the surface of this moment everyone brings the smile and self-confidence, they do not think oneself really can resist these powerful Imperial soldier, but they made & mda S h like this ; No one spoke again, quick, these soldier returned to oneself post again, start own work that concentrated on. 士兵们的哄笑声驱散了原本紧张不安的气氛,此刻每个人的面上都带着笑容与自信,他们并非认为自己真的能够抵挡住这些强大的帝**人,但是他们还是这样做了—没有人再说话,很快,那些士兵就再次回到自己的岗位上,重新全神贯注的开始自己的工作。 Why does not know, Bateer believes, they will not leave. 不知道为什么,巴特尔相信,他们是不会离开的。 „ Are these country bumpkins doing? & R dquo ; “那些乡巴佬在干什么?” Distant is looking at that low city wall, soldier also curious whispering of first garrison said, they think the militiaman who these have not seen the world by scared witless that they frighten. But in fact time city wall above these country bumpkins from the beginning indeed seem very chaotic, but they have restored now calmly. This makes these soldier some incomprehensible, before they had to see these place militiamen, they were noneffective, are only see the whole body that the Goldshire Empire flag frightened to become tender. However these fellows seem like some not too same & mda S h ; Or at least seems like not quite same. 远远的望着那低矮的城墙,第一纵队的士兵们也是好奇的交头接耳道,他们以为这些没见过世面的民兵会被他们吓的魂不守舍。但事实上虽然一开始的时候城墙上面那些乡巴佬的确显得很混乱,但是现在他们也已经重新恢复了镇定。这让这些士兵有些不能理解,之前他们不是没有见过那些地方民兵,他们根本就毫无战斗力,光是看见闪金帝国的旗帜就吓的浑身发软。但是这些家伙看起来有些不太一样—或者说至少看起来不太一样。 Who knows, perhaps is waiting for death that frightens? & R dquo ; “谁知道,或许是吓的等死?” I do not think. & R dquo ; “我可不这么认为。” Hears companion's ridicule, the commanders of first garrison stared his one eyes. But facing his speech, the opposite party as if does not care. This no wonder, this all the way these militiamen's performance are very also difficult to make them enhance vigilance, do not say that a Passus such poor broken small place, in their opinion, delivers the vegetable/dish radically. But at this time, following scouted the cavalry to catch up fast. 听到同伴的嘲笑,第一纵队的指挥官瞪了他一眼。而面对他的说话,对方似乎并不在意。这也难怪,这一路上那些民兵的表现实在很难让他们提高警惕,更不要说帕苏斯这么一个穷破的小地方,在他们看来,根本就是送菜的。而就在这个时候,后面的一个斥候骑兵飞快的赶了过来。 Regiment of Sir Pastan in behind!! & R dquo ; 帕斯坦大人的军团就在后面!!” What does Sir Pastan have to instruct? & R dquo ; 帕斯坦大人有什么指示?” Hears here, the garrison commanders ask. But hears his inquiry, the opposite party nods. 听到这里,纵队指挥官开口询问道。而听到他的询问,对方点了点头。 Sir Pastan requests you to launch the attack immediately, probes the strength of opposite party. & R dquo ; 帕斯坦大人要求你们立刻发起攻击,试探一下对方的实力。” Probe? & R dquo ; “试探?” Hears here, the platoon leader frowns. Before they and are not only playing with these militiamen, is also observing their responses. Now seems like this foothold should with the information that they obtain to differ not in a big way, and no defense capability. As for that low city wall, soldier that these Goldshire Empire have fought many battles has not paid attention to completely. 听到这里,小队长皱了下眉头。之前他们并不仅仅是在玩弄这些民兵,同时也是在观察他们的反应。现在看起来这个据点应该和他们所得到的情报相差不大,并没有什么防御能力。至于那低矮的城墙,这些闪金帝国身经百战的士兵更是完全没有放在眼里。 Deals with such fellow, needs to probe? Can Sir Pastan be too discrete? 对付这样的家伙,也需要试探吗?帕斯坦大人会不会太谨慎了? Although in heart unstated criticism, but the garrison commanders issued the order. Quick, soldier of first garrison arranges immediately neatly, they lift up high the shield, gradually stand forth. 虽然心中腹诽,但是纵队指挥官还是下达了命令。很快,第一纵队的士兵立刻排列整齐,他们高举盾牌,缓步向前走去。 Came!! 来了!! Sees this, Bateer to get hold of the long sword, stubbornly is looking steadily at these soldier. Visits them to forward, forwards, forwards again, passes through the swamp, across lawn, then & mda S h ; Has dripped the brook. 看见这一幕,巴特尔握紧长剑,死死的盯视着那些士兵。看着他们向前,向前,再向前,走过沼泽,穿过草地,然后—淌过溪流。 Is now!! 就是现在!! Goes out from the knee deep mountain stream in these Goldshire Empire soldier, sets foot on the Passus land, Bateer finally issued the order. 就在那些闪金帝国士兵从不过膝盖深的溪水中走出,踏上帕苏斯的土地时,巴特尔终于下达了命令。 Lights the beacon-fire! Puts the signal!! „ “点燃烽火!放信号!!“ Hears the order of Bateer, quick, soldier hold up the flare, lit beacon-fire , black smog shoot up to the sky, toward in the air scatters. 听到巴特尔的命令,很快,士兵们举起火把,点燃了身边的烽火,紧接着,一股股黑色的烟雾冲天而起,向着空中飘散。 „ Did they light the beacon-fire? Now? & R dquo ; “他们点燃了烽火?现在?” Sees this, the garrison commanders to frown, this time seems like in him is somewhat suspended in midair, if rear area the rule, when they appear should do that. But if the warning, the present was early? Actually these people are thinking anything ............... 看见这一幕,纵队指挥官皱了下眉头,这个时机在他看起来有些不上不下,如果说是统治后方的话,那么在他们出现的时候就应该这么做了。但如果是警告的话,现在是不是又早了点儿?这些人究竟在想什么…………… „!! & R dquo ; “!!” But at this time, suddenly, a strange wailing sound got up, attracted the attention of garrison commander, he raised the head, this discovered that the meteor of sparkle cut the horizon together like this, rushes over in own direction! 而就在这个时候,忽然,一声奇异的尖啸声响起,吸引了纵队指挥官的注意力,他抬起头来,这才发现一道闪耀的流星就这样划破天际,向着自己的方向冲了过去! This is ............ 这是………… Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” Also without and other garrison commanders responded, next moment, the intensely bright meteor pounded like this in the crowd, flew away these Goldshire Empire soldier thorough bang, the burning hot air wave that suddenly exploded is mixing with the deafening bellow distant toward peripheral dispersing, almost made people unable to look straight ahead. 还没有等纵队指挥官反应过来,下一刻,耀眼夺目的流星就这样砸在了人群之中,将那些闪金帝国士兵彻底轰飞开去,一时间爆炸的炙热气浪夹杂着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声远远的向着周边散开,几乎让人无法直视。 But in the gunsmoke, a clearness, the immature sound resounds. 而紧接着在硝烟之中,一个清脆,稚嫩的声音响起。 Finally came! Your this flock of pigs!! But this young lady and other heart is hard to take itchy!! & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “终于来了!你们这群猪!!本小姐可是等的心痒难耐啦!!”(未完待续……) Chapter 265 not steady border: 第265章不稳的边境:
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