DR :: Volume #3

#264: An inevitable trap

The Brin bottom town/subdues under darkness, had turned into a sea of fire at this moment completely. 黑暗下的布林底镇,此刻已经完全变成了一片火海。 The horse neighs is hitting the present railing crazily, tries to flee from this place. However next moment, sparkle thunder such straight sneaking into , raised the entire horse stable upside down, the ignition light of scattered stump residual limb and combustion scattered in all directions to dance in the air, brought a burned black flavor. Zhan En lowers the head, looks is falling in present that half body, the vigorous and healthy body had once been torn to burn at this moment, turned into a darkness, but the well-preserved head opens the mouth to stay in that moment of neighing reluctantly, seems like its soul still at the wail. 马儿嘶叫着疯狂撞击着眼前的围栏,试图逃离这个地方。但是下一刻,闪耀的雷霆就这样笔直的窜入其中,把整个马厩掀了个底朝天,散落的残肢与燃烧的点点火光四散飞舞,带来了一阵焦黑的味道。詹恩低下头去,望着掉落在眼前的那半截身体,曾经健壮的身躯此刻已经被撕裂烤焦,变成了一片漆黑,而勉强保存完好的头颅则张开嘴巴停留在嘶叫的那一刻,就好像它的灵魂依然在哀鸣。 If scatters a salt, perhaps the flavor will be better, what a pity is I cannot make the horse meat ......... & R dquo ; “如果撒点儿盐,恐怕味道会更好,可惜的是我不太会做马肉………” Thought aloud is saying, Zhan En raised the head, looks to focus on the advance party in the entrance, fully-armed, hand Sword protector shield angry is gazing at fixedly own old person. 一面自言自语的说着,詹恩一面抬起头来,望着眼前站在大门口,全副武装,手持剑盾愤怒的瞪视着自己的老人。 This lives, the venerable ......... every day has the pleasant surprise, uncertain such as the person hopes, but incomplete is perfect ......... & R dquo ; “这就是生活,老先生………每天都有惊喜,也并不一定如人所愿,不过残缺才是完美的………” Your this damn devil!! & R dquo ; “你这该死的恶魔!!” Gazes at fixedly is wearing the black robe at present, bringing mage of silver white mask, an old person eye of fault to crack, he holds up the weapon, the whole person seemed in his hand that to be sharp the long sword of sheath. 瞪视着眼前穿着黑袍,带着银白面具的法师,老人目疵欲裂,他举起武器,整个人就好像他手中那把出了鞘的长剑般锋锐无比。 I will not make you injure to my family member! Your these evil dark thing will whin under the just trial forever!! Even if were at cost of my life, I will not make you injure my family member hair absolutely!! & R dquo ; “我不会让你伤害到我的家人的!你们这些邪恶的黑暗之物将永远在正义的审判下哀嚎!!哪怕是拼了我这条老命,我也绝对不会让你伤害我家人一根头发!!” Courage praise worthy. & R dquo ; “勇气可嘉。” In the long sword facing old knight hand, Zhan En selected under the brow, later he rotated gently started the cane. 面对老骑士手中的长剑,詹恩挑了下眉头,随后他轻轻转动了下手中的手杖。 Then as to your courage returns a courtesy ............... & R dquo ; “那么作为对你的勇气的回礼……………” Said here, Zhan En sneered is extending the right hand, hit a sound to refer to gently. 说道这里,詹恩冷笑着伸出右手,轻轻打了个响指。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” next moment, dark-red negative energy flame flat land eruption. The old knight thorough package is one of them. But that pitiful old person even makes anything without enough time again, such blood-curdling screech tumbling in place. The ice-cold Death flame following pouring into that the slit of armor is relentless, burns down the flesh. Swallows the internal organs, rending blood-curdling screech sound in manor sky reverberation. Like ghost final wail. 下一刻,暗红色的负能量火焰平地爆发。将老骑士彻底包裹在其中。而那个可怜的老人甚至来不及再做些什么,就这样惨叫着翻滚在地。冰冷的死亡火焰顺着盔甲的缝隙毫不留情的灌入其中,烧毁血肉。吞噬内脏,撕心裂肺的惨叫声在庄园上空回荡。如同鬼魂最后的哀鸣。 Grandfather ............!! & R dquo ; “爷爷…………!!” The gate of manor opens suddenly, then a child wept and wailed to run from, ran by the old person of flame surrounding toward that. He kneels down in old person's side, sobbing is being anything cannot say & mda S h ; However in next moment, the long sword that stretches out from the ice-cold flame brutally pierced at present child's chest, the old knight set out again from the flame, at this moment under helmet he already no longer beforehand senile, displacing was a skeleton head of pure white no flaw. In that pitch-dark eye socket, is glittering the brilliance of ice-cold thorn cold negative energy. He sent out like wild animal angry roaring, made an effort to pass through oneself grandson's chest, later the next moment flame erupted from the sword blade of old knight, is struggling the emaciated body of swaying from side to side also to wrap that together. 庄园的门忽然打开,接着一个小孩哭喊着从中跑了出来,向着那被火焰包围的老人跑了过去。他跪倒在老人的身边,哽咽着却是什么都说不出来—但是就在下一刻,从冰冷火焰之中伸出的长剑无情的刺穿了眼前孩子的胸口,老骑士再一次从火焰中起身来,此刻在头盔下的他已经不复之前的老态,取而代之的则是一颗洁白无瑕的骷髅头。在那黑洞洞的眼眶之中,闪烁着冰冷刺寒的负能量的光辉。他只是发出了如同野兽般的怒吼,用力贯穿了自己孙子的胸膛,随后下一刻火焰从老骑士的剑身上爆发,将那个正在挣扎扭动的羸弱身躯也一同包裹在了其中。 Then gave you, knight. & R dquo ; “接下来就交给您了,骑士阁下。” Zhan En exaggerating bends the waist, to the opposite party good a ritual. 詹恩夸张的弯下腰去,向对方行了一礼。 I think that your family member is also willing dead under your sword, and returns your side with the brand-new stance , I have the matter. Said goodbye. & R dquo ; “我想您的家人也很愿意死在您的剑下,并且以全新的姿态重新回到您的身边的,那么,我还有事。就此告辞。” Looks that knight of whole body combustion in ice-cold flame breaks out the front door, crashes in the homeland, hears blood-curdling screech that inside transmits after weeping and wailing sound. Zhan En then puts out a hand, drew the hood of drawing top of the head, later turns around to leave. 看着全身上下燃烧在冰冷火焰中的骑士劈开大门,冲进自己家园,听到里面传来的惨叫与哭喊声之后。詹恩这才伸出手去,拉了拉头顶的兜帽,随后转身离开。 In his behind, the present small town had fallen into the limitless sea of fire thoroughly. 在他的身后,眼前的小镇已经彻底陷入了无边无际的火海之中。 Does not have the significance. & R dquo ; “毫无意义。” Sofina opens the mouth, along with a as if clear dragon Yinban sound, the flame mighty current of roaring destroyed garrison's final barrier like this. But in these ordinary days also calculates that hit the militiamen of many social dealings with gnome dwarf and other monsters at this moment is on collapsing to the ground of looking pale, looking at this three buildings is high at present, the whole body bright red big dragon trembles. They have not even thought the resistance, while Sofina shows the true body. Her that unequalled dragon prestige had beaten the spirits and wills of these people thoroughly, the light is the station is staring at the present colossus here. Makes them feel that as if all between world are going far away to oneself rapidly, the deafening wailing and absolute fear occupied their brains and minds. Forces them to realize again from soul to body human has in this world how tiny and is not worth mentioning. They felt that oneself are in the world a tiniest gravel, this flash, they for all that it strives, the future of once yearning, is discussing excitedly the past did not have the significance, was like them. 索菲娜张开嘴巴,伴随着一声仿佛清脆龙吟般的声响,咆哮的火焰洪流就这样摧毁了警备队最后的屏障。而那些平日里也算和地精侏儒等怪物打过不少交道的民兵此刻则是面色苍白的瘫坐在地上,望着眼前这个足足有三层楼高,全身鲜红的巨龙瑟瑟发抖。他们甚至都没有想过抵抗,在索菲娜展现真身的同时。她那无与伦比的龙威就已经彻底击垮了这些人的精神与意志,光是站在这里凝视着眼前的庞然大物。就让他们感觉到仿佛天地之间的一切都在迅速离自己远去,震耳欲聋的尖啸与绝对的恐惧占据了他们的大脑和心灵。强迫他们从灵魂到*再次认识到人类在这个世界上有多么的渺小和不值一提。他们感觉自己就是天地间最渺小的一颗砂砾,这一瞬间,他们为之奋斗的一切,曾经向往的未来,兴奋谈论着的过去都毫无意义,就和他们自己本身一样。 These militiamen have not resisted, they crawl under the Sofina shadow, trembles, sheds bitter tears, for own incompetent and spiritless, for own tiny with not being able to withstand, even some people cried to cry to swallow oneself final one breath like this, but all these actually remained unmoved to Sofina, she is overlooking these low stinking insects indifferently, is looking at one flock of cockroach probably, just as she said that all these did not have the significance. 这些民兵没有丝毫抵抗,他们只是匍匐在索菲娜的阴影之下,瑟瑟发抖,痛哭流涕,为自己的无能与懦弱,为自己的渺小与不堪,甚至有人哭着哭着就这样咽下了自己的最后一口气,但是这一切对索菲娜来说却是不为所动,她只是冷漠的俯视着这些低等臭虫,就好像在看一群蟑螂,正如她自己所说,这一切毫无意义。 Their Death will not make this world worse, they live will not be being better to this world. 他们的死亡不会让这个世界变得更坏,他们活着对这个世界来说也不会更好。 Heard thinking aloud of Sofina, Elise has come back to look at her one eyes, then put out a hand, the quick blood took shape in the hand of Elise, changes into a sharp blood blade to flash through, kneels people at present in ground punctures to pierce. Then she raises the right hand again, gave a hand signal, quick, these is miserably howling the person immediately becomes worn out, their bodies like leaking the rubber ball of air/Qi started become withered, but blood outflow fast, by anything invisible attraction congealment in the Elise palm, she was then gripped tightly the sphere to mutter probably, next moment, Elise raises both hands, the blood cell in her hand flies like this to in the air, „ bang & R dquo ; Ruptures, later the stench blood rain scatters in all directions , the entire small town wraps evilly in one piece * and Death gas cloud. 听到索菲娜的自言自语,伊丽丝回过头望了她一眼,接着伸出手去,很快鲜血在伊丽丝的手中成型,化为了一道锋利血刃闪过,将眼前跪在地面上的人们刺了个洞穿。接着她再次举起右手,做了个手势,很快,那些惨嚎着的人顿时变得有气无力起来,他们的身体像漏了气的皮球一样开始变得干瘪,而鲜血则飞快的从中流出,像是被什么东西无形的吸引般凝结在了伊丽丝的手心,接着她紧握着圆球喃喃自语,下一刻,伊丽丝举起双手,她手中的血球就这样飞向空中,“砰”的一声爆裂开来,随后腥臭的血雨四散而下,将整个小镇都包裹在一片邪恶的*与死亡的毒雾之中。 At least to the master and me, this is also a pleasure. & R dquo ; “至少对主人和我来说,这也算是一种乐趣。” Satisfaction looks at a person to stagger along to run from the cave of hiding, then grabs own nape of the neck to pour in the ground turn over stubbornly twists, then Death. Elise then shrugs the shoulders, then says to Red Dragon Princess. Before several evening's anxious also returned to finally normal in her who in this time slaughtering vented, at least, looks at these this/should curses, evil human of contamination died, making Elise feel much better. 满意的望着一个人跌跌撞撞的从藏身的地窖里跑出来,然后死死抓着自己的脖颈倒在地上翻转扭曲,然后死亡伊丽丝这才耸耸肩膀,然后对身边的红龙公主开口说道。之前几个晚上的焦躁在这次的杀戮之中发泄一空的她也总算恢复了平静,至少,看着这些该诅咒的,邪恶又污秽的人类死去,让伊丽丝感觉好多了。 Wallows to lead a life of comfort, is dangerous. & R dquo ; “沉迷享乐,非常危险。” Heard the reply of Elise, Sofina hit a loud nose, spouted one group of flame, then said. 听到伊丽丝的回答,索菲娜打了个响鼻,喷出了一团火焰,接着开口说道。 Leading a life of comfort is in itself not an evil, Sofina. & R dquo ; “享乐本身并非罪恶,索菲娜。” But on this time, Zhan En has also trod the shadow, arrived at two people side. He first is puts out a hand, stroked silver mask in the surface, this smiles is saying. 而就这个时候,詹恩也已经踏出阴影,来到了两人的身边。他先是伸出手去,抚摸了一下自己面上的白银面具,这才微笑着开口说道。 Just Paladin after eliminating the devil will immerse in the satisfied joy similarly, soldier killed the barbarian who invades their hometown will also be the same will cheer, we will do will be no different from them actually. But the difference is they are human, but we are not, when kills gnome like them very happy saw to threaten existence of homeland to be short of one to be the same, we will also see to keep off in our front hindrance very much happily were short, therefore does not need to think so many, thinks that own position, thinks our standpoints, right, all these were natural. Everyone in happy will drink several cups, but only immerses in the idiot who in the alcohol is unable to extricate oneself will therefore be defeated. To us, a small adjustment also has nothing at the worst. Let alone ............... the present is also not the time. & R dquo ; “正义的圣骑士在消灭恶魔之后同样会沉浸在满足的喜悦之中,士兵们杀死了侵略他们家乡的野蛮人也一样会欢呼雀跃,我们所做的和他们其实没什么不同。只不过区别是他们是人类,而我们不是,所以就如同他们杀死一只地精时会很高兴的看见威胁自己家园的存在又少了一个一样,我们也会很高兴看见挡在我们面前的阻碍又少了一些,所以没有必要想这么多,想想自己的位置,想想我们的立场,没错,这一切都是理所当然的。每个人都会在高兴的时候多喝几杯,但是只有沉浸在酒精里无法自拔的蠢货才会因此而失败。对于我们来说,一次小小的调剂也没什么大不了的。更何况……………现在还不是时候。” „ Hasn't time arrived? & R dquo ; “时机未到?” Hears here, Sofina blinks, the curious opens the mouth inquiry said. 听到这里,索菲娜眨了眨眼睛,好奇的开口询问道。 But hears her inquiry, Zhan En nods, then he has turned the head, looks to another side mountain ridge, behind that is Passus. 而听到她的询问,詹恩则是点了点头,接着他转过头去,望向另外一侧的山脊,在那后面,就是帕苏斯 Right, now was also not the time ......... I wants also before long ............... & R dquo ; “没错,现在还不是时候………不过我想也过不了多久了……………” The fight of Land of Four seasons is smooth. 四季之地的战斗非常顺利。 Looks at the city of distant place, Pastan is being very excited, relaxes very much. The Goldshire Empire army has swept away entire Land of Four seasons, but the Skaar federation still has no useful resistance, the rebellious armies that these organize spontaneously are some disbanded soldiers, is not worth mentioning. 望着远处的城市,帕斯坦感到很兴奋,也很放松。闪金帝国的军队已经横扫了整个四季之地,而斯卡尔联邦依然没有什么有用的抵抗,那些自发组织起来的反抗军都是一些散兵游勇,根本不值一提。 Thinks of here, Pastan takes back the vision, looks to another side. Then is Passus, Pastan regarding this and does not care, does not relate. Passus is only a small place, even is not has what military power. As the matter stands regarding Pastan, attacking Passus to let the entire action is more perfect, the army that he leads can puncture the entire Skaar federation the eastern defense line, thus forces the Skaar federation to further choose the contraction. Although time Pastan from the beginning does not approve such war, he even thought that your majesty somewhat acts with undue haste, but now seems like, although your majesty is young and impetuous, but regarding the situation assurance is very accurate. 想到这里,帕斯坦收回目光,望向另外一侧。接下来就是帕苏斯,帕斯坦对此并不在意,也不关系。帕苏斯只是一个小地方,甚至算不上有什么军事力量。对于帕斯坦来说,进攻帕苏斯只是为了让整个行动更加完美一些,这样一来他率领的军队就可以打穿整个斯卡尔联邦的东部防线,从而迫使斯卡尔联邦进一步选择收缩。虽然一开始的时候帕斯坦不赞成这样战争,他甚至觉得陛下有些操之过急,但是现在看起来,陛下虽然年轻气盛,可是对于局势的把握还是很准确的。 Worthily is the Goldshire lion family, the bloodlines that flows do not allow slightly to peep. 不愧为闪金的雄狮家族,流淌的血脉不容小窥。 But thinks your majesty side that woman, Pastan thought some are uncomfortable, he acknowledged that is a beauty, the noble and elegant woman, she can be joined to any Hero character. However Pastan does not like her, although hears her sound each time regarding Pastan is enjoyment, when he discovered when other military officers have the similar feeling that was a different matter. Perhaps this time, after he displays enough is splendid, that beautiful noble woman will treat him with specially a little attitude, so long as he can prove oneself are Goldshire Empire unreplaceable important existence, by that time, all will definitely change. 只不过一想到陛下身边那个女人,帕斯坦就觉得有些不舒服,他承认,那是一个美丽,高贵又典雅的女士,她配得上任何一个英雄人物。但是帕斯坦就是不喜欢她,虽然每次听到她的声音对于帕斯坦来说都是一种享受,可是当他发现其他的将领也有同样的感觉时那就是另外一回事了。也许这一次,当他表现的足够出色之后,那位美丽高贵的女士会用更加特别一点儿的态度来对待他,只要他能够证明自己是闪金帝国不可替代的重要存在,到那个时候,一切肯定都会有所改变的。 Thinks of here, Pastan gets hold of the fist, then he raised the head, issued the order. 想到这里,帕斯坦握紧拳头,接着他抬起头,下达了命令。 Army goes forward, goal ......... Passus!! & R dquo ; ( to be continued ) “全军前进,目标………帕苏斯!!”(未完待续)
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