DR :: Volume #3

#263: Not tranquil journey

The ice-cold arrow arrow passes through the head of gnome randomly called, has penetrated the back of the head from its eye socket, but that ugly monster was screaming under this fearful Death attack brandishes in the hand the shabby weapon, then falls to the ground did not have the sound again. ~, but is quick, its compatriot tramples its corpse to march forward without hesitation. Its excited visible present half-elf shooter does not have the arrow arrow, in her arrow pouch is completely empty, this makes gnome even more excited, its growing up mouth, was yelling throws forward. However next moment, jumped out of sickle such easy that in the gnome hand was gripping tightly the lance from the half-elf shooter hand, then pricked its heart. 冰冷的箭矢贯穿了吱呀乱叫的地精的头颅,从它的眼窝一直穿透到后脑,而那个丑陋的怪物则在这可怕的死亡攻击下尖叫着挥舞自己手中破旧不堪的武器,然后一头栽倒在地再也没有了动静。~,但是很快,它的同胞毫不犹豫的践踏着它的尸体继续向前。它兴奋的看见眼前的半精灵射手已经没有了箭矢,她的箭囊里已经是空空如也,这让地精越发的兴奋起来,它长大嘴巴,大叫着向前扑去。但是下一刻,从半精灵射手手中跳出的弯刀就这样轻而易举的荡开了地精手中紧握着的长矛,然后刺入了它的心脏。 The half-elf shooter trampled that „ dead with injustice unredressed & R dquo ; Hapless gnome, then waits and sees to all around. next moment this fast rolls backward, avoids the lance that another three gnome threw. Drove back own enemy to make these gnome quite and exceptionally excited obviously, they chirp are calling calling people friends readily, planned that gathered to give this repugnant half-elf one ruthless. 半精灵射手一脚踹开了那个“死不瞑目”的倒霉地精,接着向四周观望。下一刻她就这样飞快的向后一滚,躲开了另外三个地精投掷过来的长矛。逼退了自己的敌人显然让这些地精相当并且异常兴奋,它们叽叽喳喳的叫着呼朋唤友,打算集合起来给这个讨厌的半精灵一记狠的。 However next moment, the shadow of dropping from the clouds became beach covered with blood meat sauce that the fellow steamroll of three exciting dancing with joy like this. 但是下一刻,从天而降的黑影就这样将那三个兴奋的手舞足蹈的家伙碾压成了一滩血肉模糊的肉酱。 The dwarf warrior rave sways from side to side own body in the ground, letting on his armor these sharp sharp thorn likely mill shredded meat that several gnome the corpse the smashing that tears. Then he holds up the battle axe in hand to divide horizontally, suddenly sees only the stump residual limb to scatter, next moment these threw gnome that came to be short of half immediately. Then sees only a that dwarf carp to hit very stands up from the ground, the giant axe in hand divided in a head of gnome forward, its numerous overthrowing on the ground. Then the dwarf has not even attempted this pitiful corpse and own axe breaks out. Like this discussed the axe to pound again forward. But the gnome head of embed on his axe without bias and without favor hit another gnome abdomen, then its ugly head worms one's way into like this. Brought the opposite party thin and small body to fly to rear area. 矮人战士狂吼在地面上扭动自己的身体,让他盔甲上那些锋利的尖刺像碾磨肉丝般把那几个地精的尸体撕扯的粉碎。接着他举起手中的战斧横劈而出,一时间只见残肢四溅,下一刻那些扑上前来的地精们顿时少了一半。接着只见那矮人一个鲤鱼打挺从地面上站起,手中的巨大斧头向前劈进了一个地精的脑袋里,把它重重的打倒在地上。接着那矮人甚至没有试图将这具可怜的尸体和自己的斧头劈开。就这样论起斧头再次向前砸了下去。而镶嵌在他斧头上的地精头颅则不偏不倚的击中了另外一个地精的腹部,然后它那丑陋的头颅就这样钻了进去。带着对方瘦小的身体飞向了后方。 Evil of contamination, here not your positions!! & R dquo ; “污秽的邪恶,这里没有你们的位置!!” Puts on Paladin of silver armor to angrily roar loudly is holding up the long sword in hand. next moment flashed luminous of blind person eyes to erupt from the sword blade sufficiently like this, shines on the bodies of these gnome. This sudden luminous makes gnome immediately startled, not only that their movements also start become slow with slow, as if in that flash, had added on the heavy load to be the same on their bodies artificially. 穿着银色盔甲的圣骑士大声怒吼着举起手中的长剑。下一刻足以闪瞎人眼睛的光亮就这样从剑身上爆发,照耀在了那些地精的身上。这突如其来的光亮让地精们顿时惊慌起来,不仅如此,它们的动作也开始变得缓慢和迟钝,仿佛在那一瞬间,在它们的身体上已经被人为的加上了千斤重担一样。 But almost at the same time, put on mage of red law robe also to read the incantation, he lifted up high both hands, a series of fireballs sprayed from his hand. Flies to these, because was covered the evil lifeform of not being able to move by Holy Light, sees only along with the explosion and bellow, the burning hot covered all luminously. When the black smoke and flame fly to flee, the gnome army has announced the destruction thoroughly. But other survivals see with own eyes the matter is not possible, also no longer continues to bring death forward, but was screaming turns around to leave, in a moment on clean of disappearance. 而几乎就在与此同时,穿着红色法袍的法师也念完了咒文,他高举双手,一连串的火球从他的手中喷射而出。飞向那些因为被圣光笼罩而动弹不得的邪恶生物,只见伴随着爆炸与轰鸣声,炙热的光亮笼罩了一切。当黑烟与火焰飞窜而起的时候,地精们的大军已经彻底宣告毁灭。而其他的残存者眼见事不可为,也不再继续向前送死,而是尖叫着转身离开,眨眼的工夫就消失的一干二净。 Bah, stinking insects of these this/should curses! I really hope that they can disappear on this piece of continent thoroughly!! & R dquo ; “呸,这些该诅咒的臭虫!我真希望他们能够彻底在这片大陆上消失!!” Until last gnome vanishes in the darkness, dwarf warrior then spat one ruthlessly. Cursing in a low voice. He is cleaning the blood on axe, seems like regards as important & mda S h regarding oneself this weapon very much ; Although this does not absoltely need, because the blood on his body is several times on weapon. 直到最后一个地精消失在黑暗里,矮人战士这才狠狠的啐了一口。低声的咒骂道。他擦拭着斧头上的鲜血,看起来似乎对于自己这把武器很是看重—虽然这根本没有必要,因为他身体上的鲜血是武器上的好几倍。 The attack that „ recently we were under were getting more and more. & R dquo ; “最近我们遭遇到的袭击越来越多了。” Obviously red robe mage slightly hates looked at one regarding the dwarf who own personal hygiene not cares obviously, this frowns. Said in a low voice. 红袍法师略显憎恶的望了一眼对于自己的个人卫生显然毫不在意的矮人,这才皱起眉头。低声说道。 Bear person, gnome, gangster. The mountain thieves ......... I know certainly that path to Phantom star city impossible problem-free, these fellows obviously are also very clear these & l S quo that conceals identity to go to there to lead a life of comfort ; Fat sheep & R S quo ; What value has. However was the attack quantity that we encounter too many? & R dquo ; “熊人,地精,匪徒。山贼………我当然知道通往幻星城的道路不可能一帆风顺,这些家伙显然也很清楚那些隐姓埋名前往那里享乐的‘肥羊’有什么样的价值。但是我们遭遇到的袭击数量是不是太多了一些?” This has anything. Red robe! & R dquo ; “这有什么。红袍!” The dwarves say carelessly, he touched oneself beard excitedly. Let that even more spread on the dark filthy bloodstain, contaminated a big piece. 矮人大大咧咧的开口说道,他兴奋的摸了一把自己的胡子。让那原本就黑暗污浊的血迹越发扩散开来,沾染了一大片。 Here was the road to Phantom star city, went to here person is one group of thorough idiots! They have the innumerable wealth, then abandonment that they do not accept as a memento in that damn damned place, or was robbed by these fellows, what difference also there is? Hey, believes me, there is nothing at the worst. The water buffalo knows how to seek for the forage grass tasty pasture! & R dquo ; “这里是通往幻星城的路了,前往这里的人都是一群彻彻底底的白痴!他们带着数不清的财富,然后把它们毫不留念的抛弃在那个该死的鬼地方,又或者被这些家伙抢走,又有什么不同?嘿,相信我,这没什么大不了的。就连水牛都知道如何寻找牧草鲜美的牧场呢!” This our mage said is reasonable. & R dquo ; “这次我们的法师说的有道理。” This time, that Paladin was also walking before, his handsome face seems somewhat helpless, but more is vigilant and anxious. 就在这个时候,之前那个圣骑士也深一脚浅一脚的走了过来,他那英俊的面孔显得有些无奈,但是更多的则是警惕与不安。 Since we leave now, we had encountered several attacks continuously, has the bandit, has the mountain thief, there is gnome and beastmen. I inquired about leading to the news of Phantom star city path, although here attack were indeed more than other places, but was not the extent that frequently, moreover this delayed our advancement greatly, now we have spent five days of time, but actually took less than 1/3 roads. & R dquo ; “自从我们动身到现在,我们已经连续遭到了好几次袭击,有匪盗,有山贼,也有地精兽人。我打听过关于通往幻星城道路的消息,虽然这里的袭击的确比其他地方要多,但是也不至于如此频繁,而且这大大延迟了我们的进程,现在我们已经花了五天时间,但是却才走了不到三分之一的路。” Said here, Paladin looked at them wear a look of melancholily behind not far away protected very good carriage. 说道这里,圣骑士面带忧郁的望了一眼他们身后不远处被保护的很好的马车。 To be honest, I do not know that our friends can support to arrive at Phantom star city. & R dquo ; “说实话,我不知道我们的朋友能不能够支持到到达幻星城。” But in any event, we also only then by doing so. & R dquo ; “但是无论如何,我们也只有这样做。” With this sound, the beforehand half-elf archer also walked, that young even brought on several points of naivete face to reappear similarly the deep sadness and helplessness. 伴随着这个声音,之前的半精灵弓箭手也走了过来,那张年轻的甚至带着几分稚气的面孔上同样浮现出了深沉的悲伤与无奈。 We must conduct the supplies, these damn and evil fellows have consumed my arrow arrow thoroughly, if I no longer look make the supplement, then next moment I possibly only then and you fought side-by-side with a dagger. & R dquo ; “我们必须进行补给,这些该死又邪恶的家伙已经彻底消耗完了我的箭矢,如果我不再去找一些做补充的话,那么下一刻我可能就只有拿一把匕首和你们并肩作战了。” Not only that. & R dquo ; “不仅如此。” At this time, red robe mage said again, 就在这个时候,红袍法师再次开口说道, I think that we will starve to death ......... you to know before that I inspected our supplies, these damn gnome set on fire to burn down our larger part commodity, I did not determine to be virulent as for the remaining other half. We must look for a town to conduct the supplies in front, at least needs to stay an evening. & R dquo ; “我想我们会在那之前饿死………你知道我检查了我们的补给,那些该死的地精纵火烧掉了我们一大半的物资,至于剩下的另外一半我也不确定有没有毒。我们必须在前面找一个镇子进行补给,至少要停留一个晚上。” Damn!! & R dquo ; “该死!!” Hears here. Dwarf warrior complained immediately. 听到这里。矮人战士顿时抱怨起来。 Next town also the one day of distance from us!! Can no one knows on the road have anything to attack us!! Wanted me saying that we should the present kill gnome nest to go. Cuts a pulp then to throw in the pot to boil these stinking green skins completely, like this we can eat one well!! & R dquo ; “下一个镇子距离我们还有一天的路程!!谁也不知道在路上还会不会有什么东西袭击我们!!要我说,我们应该现在杀到地精巢穴去。把那些臭烘烘的绿皮全部砍个稀巴烂然后扔到锅里去煮,这样我们就能够吃一顿好的了!!” Like this we will die before dawn. Moreover goes to that world compared with our friends by far early he! & R dquo ; “这样我们就会在天亮之前死去。而且远远比我们的朋友更早去那个世界等他!” Red robe mage coldly stared a dwarf of side that sputtering, looked that his appearance wishes one could to turn into a statue to be vigilant later generation & mda S h compared with a brain quicker fellow this action ; What pitifully is, anti- magic power and drow of dwarf are equally high, red robe mage that son small trick will perhaps not be paid attention to by him. 红袍法师冷冷的瞪了一眼自己身边那个口沫横飞的矮人,看他的样子恨不得把这个行动比脑子更快的家伙变成一尊石像来警惕后人—只不过可惜的是,矮人的抗魔力黑暗精灵一样高,红袍法师那点儿小小的伎俩恐怕不会被他放在眼里。 Therefore we now are immediately. & R dquo ; “所以我们现在还是立刻出发吧。” At this time, Paladin stood up, conducted the final judgement with the stance of leader to the present dispute. 就在这个时候,圣骑士站起身来,以领导者的姿态对眼前的争执进行了最后的裁决。 We can hunt some animals as the supplement, can drink some mountain streams, this is not the difficult matter. We must step out, arrives at the next town before the tomorrow's darkness. Like this we can conduct the supplies and recreation, but we only will stay a evening there, then immediately, is this. & R dquo ; “我们可以狩猎一些动物作为补充,也可以喝些溪水,这都不是什么困难的事情。我们必须加快脚步,在明天天黑前到达下一个镇子。这样我们就能够进行补给和休养,但是我们只会在那里呆一个晚上,然后立刻出发,就是这样。” Good. & R dquo ; “好吧。” Since Paladin has made the decision, then others will not naturally argue again anything. Dwarf warrior shrugs the shoulders, carries his battle axe to turn around to leave. But red robe mage is frowns tightly, an anxiety of face. 既然圣骑士已经做出了决定,那么其他人自然也不会再争辩什么。矮人战士耸耸肩膀,扛着他的战斧转身离开。而红袍法师则是紧皱眉头,一脸的不安。 I felt not very good, to be honest, from the beginning where this travel has is not right. & R dquo ; “我感觉很不好,说实话,这次旅行从一开始就有什么地方不对。” He somewhat nervous is waving both hands. Is looking steadily at Paladin. 他有些神经质的挥舞着双手。盯视着圣骑士 I thought that we should not receive this quest, but now this premonition is even more intense, I always unclear feelings, if we continue again. Possibly will not have any good result. & R dquo ; “我觉得我们不该接下这个任务,而现在这种预感愈发强烈了,我总有一种不详的感觉,假如我们再继续下去的话。可能不会有什么好的结果。” I believe you, mage. & R dquo ; “我相信你,法师。” The Paladin expression is calm, even serious somewhat dignified. 圣骑士的表情非常平静,甚至严肃的有些凝重。 My gods also told me. The front has the huge danger to wait for us, but we have no alternative ......... you to know. In any event, we cannot give up the friend. & R dquo ; “我的神明也告诉我。前方有庞大的危险在等待着我们,可是我们别无选择………你知道的。无论如何,我们都不能够放弃朋友。” Yes ............... & R dquo ; “是啊……………” Hears these words. Red robe mage that also bited off a moment ago seemed like by the hit/prick broken rubber ball equally is been at this time soft, he had the complex expression to look at a carriage of not far away, in the eye flashed through several points of complex facial expression. 听到这句话。刚才还神经兮兮的红袍法师这个时候却像是被扎破的皮球一样软了下来,他带着复杂的表情望了一眼不远处的马车,眼中闪过了几分复杂的神情。 In any event, we do not have the means to throw down the friend. & R dquo ; “无论如何,我们也没办法丢下朋友。” Said here, red robe mage shakes the head, then turned around to leave. 说道这里,红袍法师摇了摇头,接着便转身离开了。 But they had not discovered, on the hillside of not far away, several dark forms is gazing at exhausted adventure team there. 而他们并没有发现,在不远处的山坡上,几个黑暗的身影正在那里注视着疲惫不堪的冒险小队 Said real good, will not give up the companion ........., I must acknowledge, sometimes demon also needs some similar beliefs. & R dquo ; “说的真好,不会放弃同伴………嗯,我必须承认,有时候魔族也需要一些类似的信仰。” Zhan En puts out a hand to trace the mask on face, later narrows the eye to have several points of happy expression to say. But heard his speech, Elise frowns, showed the ponder expression. She is not strange regarding the friendship, Black Onyx Stone City in Underdark is special existence, Snake man, Half vampire and Tiefling can work as one , because of this friendship. In fact Elise does not think that this noble sentiment is human is in sole possession, regarding the human association/will flaunted that oneself approach she felt angry and disgusting. If probably gnome and beastmen support by the arm mutually, that looks like in human is the evil union. When among them abandons the past animosity the words, that turned into one type nobly, and laudable sentiment. 詹恩伸出手去摸了摸脸上的面具,随后眯起眼睛带着几分笑意开口说道。而听到他的说话,伊丽丝皱了下眉头,露出了沉思的表情。对于友情她并不陌生,黑玛瑙石城幽暗地域是个特殊的存在,蛇人,半吸血鬼泰夫林能够同心协力,正是因为这种友情。事实上伊丽丝并不认为这种高尚的感情是人类独有的,对于人类总会标榜自己的做法她感到愤怒又恶心。就好像假如一个地精和一个兽人相互搀扶的话,那么在人类看来就是邪恶的同盟。但是当他们自己之间抛弃前嫌的话,那就变成了一种高尚的,并且值得赞赏的感情。 Elise is unable to understand this point forever, regarding her only explanation was the father once told her a few words. 伊丽丝永远无法理解这一点,对此她唯一的解释就是自己父亲曾经告诉她的一句话。 Human is this world's is worst, meanest, sliest race. 人类是这个世界上最邪恶,最卑鄙,最狡猾的种族。 At least currently speaking, Elise thinks that this is regarding this race most correct appraisal. 至少就目前来看,伊丽丝认为这是对于这个种族最为正确的评价。 Now begins? & R dquo ; “现在动手?” Sofina does not have Zhan En thisfor the good of the people and country & R dquo ; Great idea, not repugnant human like Elise, on the contrary, her goal only has & mda S h from start to the present ; Constant. 索菲娜没有詹恩这样“为国为民”的伟大思想,也不像伊丽丝那样讨厌人类,相反,她的目的从开始到现在只有一个—始终如一。 „, Sofina, now is also not the time. „ “不不不,索菲娜,现在还不是时候。“ But facing the inquiry of Red Dragon Princess, Zhan En shakes the head. 而面对红龙公主的询问,詹恩摇了摇头。 That fellow who „ now we must look for has not appeared, our also some are the time, patient waiting, I think that fellow will certainly show the tail. & R dquo ; “现在我们要找的那个家伙还没有出现,我们还有的是时间,再耐心的等一等,我想,那个家伙一定会露出尾巴的。” With the Borg report, Zhan En had also discovered in fact, indeed powerful aura have followed in these Adventurer behind, considering that he followed these people so long, still did not have, when their tired soldiers and worn-out horses began, then had the possibility opposite party is „ insures & R dquo that the Ring of Magic association sent ;, But now Zhan En is not naturally willing to begin, on the contrary, his some are the time continues this game ......... 博格报告的一样,事实上詹恩也已经发现,的确有一股强大的气息一直跟随在这些冒险者的身后,考虑到他跟随了这些人这么久,却依然没有在他们人困马乏的时候动手,那么很有可能对方就是环法协会派来的“保险”,而现在詹恩自然不愿意动手,相反,他有的是时间继续这场游戏……… I understood. & R dquo ; “我明白了。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Sofina nods, then no longer spoke, but is listening to the speech of Red Dragon Princess reluctantly, Zhan En looked at her one eyes. 听到詹恩的回答,索菲娜点了点头,接着不再说话,而听着红龙公主的说话,詹恩则是无奈的望了她一眼。 Does this Your Highness Princess have four character true words obsessions?( To be continued......) 这位公主殿下难道是有四字真言强迫症吗?(未完待续……)
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