DR :: Volume #3

#262: Occult information

Does not know that is the wealth that because Zhan En gives enough makes one move, because his threat is bitterly disappointing enough, Borg spent two days of time, has investigated about the Ring of Magic association in Phantom star city a series of actions. Has to acknowledge, Zhan En's Dungeon System indeed is bug, in fact before the investigation, Borg does not know that the Ring of Magic association is making anything, their actions are obviously secret, if not the person with high aspirations gives special attention, cannot investigate any exceptionally. However Zhan En does not need to observe, because Dungeon System has been clear told him, the Ring of Magic association will transport Phantom star city Ring of Magic's staff, therefore he needs to do when was makes Borg investigate them to transport anything . 不知道是因为詹恩给的财富足够让人动心,还是因为他的威胁足够让人寒心,博格只是花了两天时间,就已经调查到了关于环法协会在幻星城的一系列举动。不得不承认,詹恩的地下城系统的确是个bug,事实上在调查之前,就连博格自己都不知道环法协会在做些什么,他们这一次的行动显然非常隐秘,如果不是有心人特别关注的话,根本调查不到任何异常。但是詹恩根本不需要去观察,因为地下城系统已经明确的告诉他,环法协会会将环法之杖运送到幻星城,所以他需要做的就是让博格去调查他们什么时候运输什么东西,什么时候到。 But this regarding Borg this local bully, does not have the difficulty. 而这对于博格这条地头蛇来说,丝毫没有难度。 I have investigated to be clear, Sir esteemed mage. & R dquo ; “我已经调查清楚了,尊敬的法师大人。” Stands in front of Zhan En again, in the Borg surface piled up with the smile of flattering, if makes any be familiar with his person to see his expression at this moment, will be startled, because in their memories, „ blood & R dquo ; Always is unfeeling, as if never for the fearful killer who anything will touch. Rather than acts servilely like the present, seems like a clown simply. 再次站在詹恩面前,博格的面上堆满了讨好的笑容,如果让任何一个熟悉他的人看见他此刻的表情,想必都会大吃一惊,因为在他们的记忆里,“血手”从来都是一个冷酷无情,仿佛永远不会为任何事情所触动的可怕杀手。而不是像现在这样卑躬屈膝,简直就好像是一个小丑。 Everyone has a pricetag, the premise is you whether to seek for it. 每个人都有一个价码,前提是你能否寻找到它。 „ The Ring of Magic association indeed the somewhat strange action, in fact, according to my investigation, five days ago, one team of Adventurer received quest of Ring of Magic association in Kamanche recently, escorts a carriage to go to Phantom star city, if I have not guessed wrong, then Ring of Magic's staff should in that. & R dquo ; 环法协会最近的确有些怪异的举动,事实上,根据我的调查,就在五天之前,有一队冒险者卡曼奇接下了环法协会的任务,护送一辆马车前往幻星城,如果我没有猜错的话,那么环法之杖应该就在那里面。” „? Are you so definite? & R dquo ; “哦?你这么确定?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow to ask, but facing his inquiry, Borg smiled bitterly is outstretching the hand. 听到这里,詹恩挑了下眉头开口询问道,而面对他的询问,博格则是苦笑着伸开手。 In this world does not have the ninety percent sure work. Sir. I can only say that is likely, news that because according to Kamanche that side passes on, although this quest is the Ring of Magic association issues. But in fact they have not appeared by the status of Ring of Magic association, but asked an aristocrat to be the intermediate. In other words these Adventurer should not know that in behind is the Ring of Magic association. But to them, an aristocrat goes to Phantom star city is the commonly seen matter. They long for Phantom star city lively with making noise, but will take on the idea to meet anything to trouble, the fellow who will therefore often hire these this/should curses will work as the watch-dog. Moreover, I think that they do not even know what oneself protect is, because of related to Phantom star city this place, most aristocrats will choose to conceal identity. & R dquo ; “这世上没有十拿九稳的活儿。大人。我只能够说可能性很大,因为根据卡曼奇那边传回来的消息,虽然这个任务环法协会发布的。但事实上他们却并没有以环法协会的身份出现,而是找了一个贵族做中间人。也就是说那些冒险者应该根本不知道在后面是环法协会。而对他们来说,一个贵族前往幻星城是司空见惯的事情。他们渴望幻星城的繁华与喧闹,但是又担心路上会遇到什么麻烦,所以往往会雇佣那些该诅咒的家伙当看门狗。不仅如此,我想他们甚至不知道自己保护的是谁,因为涉及到幻星城这种地方,大部分贵族都会选择隐姓埋名的。” Hears here, Zhan En nods. This is not incomprehensible, Phantom star city in this local big name, but is not the good reputation. To put it bluntly here is the brothel that on entire continent most degenerates, the casinos as well as all dark pleasures nest. It seems heaven on earth of Zhan En previous generation to be the same, even if these aristocrats want to go in admiration of somebody's fame, must conceal identity, if after all this passed on to be is troublesome. 听到这里,詹恩点了点头。这不是不能理解,幻星城在这片地区名声响亮,可都不是什么好名声。说白了这里就是整个大陆上最堕落的娼馆,赌场以及一切黑暗享乐之所的巢穴。就好像詹恩前世的天上人间一样,那些贵族就算想要慕名前往,也必须隐姓埋名,毕竟这要是传出去可就是个麻烦了。 I think that the Ring of Magic association such being the case thinks through a matter, they should not ask some peons to transport their valuable wealth. & R dquo ; “不过我想环法协会既然如此用心良苦,他们应该不会找些无名小卒来运送他们宝贵的财富吧。” Just like the Sir said. & R dquo ; “正如大人所说。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Borg quickly nods. 听到詹恩的说话,博格急忙点了点头。 We have investigated, those who receive this quest is the storm five heroes. & R dquo ; “我们已经调查过了,接下这个任务的是暴风五侠。” What is that? & R dquo ; “那是什么?” Hears here. Elise frowns, asks. Her complexion is not very good, just like in fact Zhan En guessed was the same. Two days evening's Elise may not have a good sleep completely, under Zhan En's teased, spiritual seal that her brain deep place was tranquil started the activation again, although in body, Elise still had no time chastely. However in the energetic domain she isexperience rich & R dquo ;, Also because of this marvelous losing horizontal, making Elise fall into an anxious condition. She longs for obtaining to satisfy from Zhan En's, in her brain only then the present man, others are not in the eye of Elise. 听到这里。伊丽丝皱了下眉头,开口询问道。她的面色不是很好,事实上正如詹恩所猜测的一样。这两天的晚上伊丽丝可完全没有睡好,在詹恩的挑逗下,她大脑深处原本平静下来的精神刻印再次开始活性化,虽然在身体方面,伊丽丝依然纯洁无暇。但是在精神领域她已经是“经验丰富”,也正因为这种奇妙的失横,使得伊丽丝陷入了一种焦躁不安的状态。她渴望从詹恩的身上获得满足,她的脑中只有眼前的这个男人,其他人根本就不在伊丽丝的眼里。 Zhan En saw certainly the change of Elise. He knows, if the present chooses to take off this fruit, then Elise will certainly be glad to offer to give itself all. However Zhan En does not plan to do that at least in a short time. Although boiled food has been able the entrance, however to look like in Zhan En. Putting some seasoning retreatment one will be more delicious. 詹恩当然看见了伊丽丝的变化。他知道如果自己现在选择摘下这枚果实的话,那么伊丽丝一定会非常乐意把一切都奉献给自己。不过詹恩至少在短时间内不打算这么做。虽然煮熟的食物已经可以入口,但是在詹恩看来。放些佐料再加工一下会更加美味。 This is the western area to the name of that five Adventurer, beautiful young lady. & R dquo ; “这是西部地区对那五个冒险者的称呼,美丽的小姐。” Hears the inquiry of Elise in reverential awe, Borg also immediately answered, he listened certainly to the exasperation in Elise tone, is not naturally willing to become her sacrificial victim hand/subordinate. 听到伊丽丝的询问,博格也立刻诚惶诚恐的做出了回答,他当然听出了伊丽丝语气之中的不耐烦,自然也不愿意成为她手下的牺牲品。 They come from the storm canyon, in this stretch of area is also on famous, they once eliminated Kobold and gnome of one crowd of attack villages allied armies, moreover makes in the well-known local breaking sword association surface not have the light, even vice- chairman died in their hands ......... & R dquo ; “他们来自风暴峡谷,在这片地区也算是得上有名,他们曾经消灭了一群袭击村庄的狗头人地精的联军,而且还让当地著名的断剑公会面上无光,甚至连副会长都死在了他们手里………” Said here, Borg shrugged the shoulders. 说道这里,博格耸耸肩膀。 At least to me, I too do not want and these damn lunatics to be an enemy. The hearts of their justness are really an annoying matter. & R dquo ; “至少就我个人而言,我不太希望和这些该死的疯子为敌。他们的正义之心实在是件烦人透顶的事情。” If they really such as you declared was so just, I think that they will certainly leave Phantom star city to be distant. & R dquo ; “如果他们真如你宣称的那么正义,我想他们一定会离幻星城远远的。” Zhan En soon discovered the flaw in Borg words, but hears here, Borg shows a faint smile. 詹恩很快就找出了博格话中的缺陷,而听到这里,博格则是微微一笑。 Perhaps, they cannot ......... the respectable Sir, you not know in fact, storm five heroes during a beforehand risk, because was not careful that caused in their precious companions some virulent magic curse. But in fact, they receive this quest , because the opposite party declared that can relieve this curse in some Phantom star city people. & R dquo ; “哦,事实上他们不能………尊敬的大人,您或许不知道,暴风五侠在之前的一次冒险之中因为不小心而使得他们宝贵的同伴中了某种恶毒的魔法诅咒。而事实上,他们之所以接下这个任务,就是因为对方宣称在幻星城有人可以解除这种诅咒。” Therefore all these plan. & R dquo ; “所以这一切都是策划好的。” Hears here, Zhan En narrows the eye, traces own mask. Just as he said that Zhan En never thinks that this world has anything is the coincidence, this is also the general character of conspiracy theorist, demon much worse. Clearly, the Ring of Magic association planned all in behind, they possibly let in that unlucky egg with some method the curse, then issued this quest, even might is they found for own companion worried Adventurer of secretly, to them promised, if they can complete this quest, then can save own companion. If the storm five heroes really declare the justice like them, then they are inevitably impossible to let up this opportunity. 听到这里,詹恩眯起眼睛,摸了摸自己的面具。正如他所说的,詹恩从不认为这个世界有任何事情是巧合的,这也是阴谋论者的共性,魔族尤甚。很明显,环法协会在后面策划了一切,他们可能用某种手段让那个倒霉蛋中了诅咒,然后发布了这个任务,甚至有可能就是他们暗地里找到了正在为自己同伴苦恼的冒险者们,向他们许诺如果他们能够完成这个任务,那么就可以拯救自己的同伴。而如果暴风五侠真的像他们所宣称的那样正义,那么他们必然不可能放过这个机会。 „ A matter. & R dquo ; “还有一件事。” Carefully is observing present mage, Borg the cautious opens the mouth said. 一面仔细的观察着眼前的法师,博格一面小心翼翼的开口说道。 According to our investigations, the Ring of Magic association seemed to be preparing to welcome an honored guest recently, they spent the high price to wrap a best room in Purple Thorns Flower Hotel, the detailed information that but has not actually informed the guest and moved in the time ............... & R dquo ; “根据我们的调查,最近环法协会似乎正在准备迎接一位尊贵的客人,他们花了大价钱在紫荆花旅店包了一件上房,但是却并没有告知客人的详细信息和入住时间……………” Therefore some people follow behind them. & R dquo ; “所以有人跟在他们后面。” Zhan En understands quickly meaning that Borg wants to express, the Ring of Magic association is impossible only to make five Adventurer take care in the association most precious Demonic Artifact . Or at least on outwardly is this, however in secret, them will definitely send out a powerhouse to follow in behind, to prevent any unfortunate and unexpected occurrence. 詹恩很快就明白了博格想要表达的意思,环法协会不可能只让五个冒险者去看顾自己协会里最宝贵的魔器。或者说,至少明面上是这样,但是在私下里,他们必然会派出一位强者跟随在后面,以防止任何不幸与意外的发生。 This may really interesting ......... 这可真有意思……… Zhan En at this moment had the interest regarding this matter more and more, the Ring of Magic association so concealed own whereabouts & mda S h deliberately ; Naturally, what considering that they transport is Demonic Artifact , this also has to be careful. However Zhan En had really suspected to their choices, because the Ring of Magic association as an official organization, obviously some are a better way and channel completes this matter. They can want the royal family to dispatch bodyguard, can set out own mage guard to conduct the transportation, but not necessarily wants to hide the head and show the tail. However now the Ring of Magic association actually does that felt that they as if for fear that alert the enemy, was discovered to be the same by anyone. 此刻的詹恩对于这件事越来越有兴趣了,环法协会如此处心积虑的隐瞒自己的行踪—当然,考虑到他们运送的是一件魔器,这也不得不算是小心谨慎。但是詹恩对他们的选择实在有所怀疑,因为环法协会作为一个官方组织,明显有的是更好的办法和渠道来完成这件事。他们可以要王室派遣亲卫队,也可以出动自己的法师卫队来进行运输,而不一定非要藏头露尾。但是现在环法协会却是这么做了,感觉他们似乎生怕打草惊蛇,被什么人发现一样。 Actually then to be afraid by anyone is discovered ............ 那么究竟是害怕被什么人发现呢………… Thinks of here, Zhan En narrows the eye, struck gently under pointed, then he looks to present Borg. 想到这里,詹恩眯起眼睛,轻轻敲打了下手指,接着他望向眼前的博格 It seems like our cooperation are happy, Mr. Borg. & R dquo ; “看来我们的合作非常愉快,博格先生。” Then, Zhan En says. 接着,詹恩开口说道。 I think we should make this cooperation more thorough conducts ......... me to give you now quest, if you can complete this matter, then I can guarantee, you will become in Phantom star city the only dark emperor, anybody will tremble in the dark shadow, how don't they even dare to raise your name ......... you to feel this in the future? & R dquo ; “我想我们应该让这份合作更加深入的进行………现在我交给你一个任务,如果你能够做好这件事,那么我可以保证,你将成为幻星城里唯一的黑暗帝王,任何人都会在黑暗的阴影之中瑟瑟发抖,他们甚至不敢提起你的名字………你觉得这个未来怎么样?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Borg gawked gawked, then in the look revealed wild with joy immediately, regarding the Zhan En's strength, Borg had the own experience. Has 45 dark organizations in Phantom star city, fellow who many these were raised by the aristocrat. However by information that Borg obtains, even these organizations, do not have so powerful mage to sit. If he can here the approval and assistance of this mysterious necromancer, becomes the Phantom star city dark emperor, then regarding Borg, this was he long-awaited highest reward!! 听到詹恩的说话,博格愣了一愣,接着眼神之中顿时露出了一丝狂喜,对于詹恩的实力,博格是有亲身体会的。在幻星城有四五个黑暗组织,其中不乏那些被贵族豢养的家伙。但是以博格所获得的情报来看,就算是那些组织,也没有如此强大的法师坐阵。如果他在这里能够得到这个神秘的死灵法师的认可和协助,成为幻星城的黑暗帝王的话,那么对于博格来说,这就是他所梦寐以求的最高奖赏了!! Borg has to guess correctly how, once will be defeated, but he will not care, will do this line of two results, either was glorious dying, either was dying of humiliation. Seeks a livelihood in the dark world, no individual can live dead in bed of old age, Borg through killing own foster father obtained present this position. But when one day he dies of old age will also have others to use the similar method to obtain this position. Since is no different finally, why cannot have a joyful process by oneself, if he can enjoy the wealth, position, glory and woman. Finally differently what was dying and having? 博格不是没有猜到一旦失败会怎么样,但是他不在乎,干这一行只有两种结局,要么是荣耀的死去,要么是屈辱的死去。在黑暗世界里讨生活,没有哪个人能够活到寿终正寝,博格就是通过杀死自己的养父才获得了现在这个位置。而总有一天当他老去时也会有别人用同样的方法获得这个位置。既然结果没什么不同,那么为什么不能够让自己拥有一个快乐的过程呢,如果他能够享受财富,地位,荣耀和女人。那么在最后死去又有什么不同呢? Thinks of here, Borg gets hold of the fist, then he is looking at present mage, respectful low own head. 想到这里,博格握紧拳头,接着他望着眼前的法师,恭敬的低下了自己的头。 All depending on your instruction, my respectable Sir. & R dquo ; “全凭您的吩咐,我尊敬的大人。” Then, he said in a low voice. ( to be continued ) 接着,他低声说道。(未完待续)
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