DR :: Volume #3

#261: A dangerous transaction

Zhan En chooses to help Sofina not have the reason, in fact after seeing this quest, Zhan En remembers matter & mda S h suddenly ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That is between the Ring of Magic associations and Goldshire Empire royal courts the close contact relations. In fact the founders of Ring of Magic association are the Goldshire Empire third prince , after is that sacrificed several tens of thousands people to start Demonic Artifact , discovered that must maintain one month of sad pressing for delivery of goods. After this prince was processed by Temple, Templar Order is the plan destroyed together with the Ring of Magic association together, but the Goldshire Empire royal family actually paid the considerably large price to preserve these mage, therefore after that the Ring of Magic association becomes the Goldshire Empire official organization. 詹恩之所以选择去帮助索菲娜并非是没有原因的,事实上在看见这个任务之后,詹恩才忽然想起一件事———那就是环法协会和闪金帝国王室之间密切的往来关系。事实上环法协会的创建者就是闪金帝国的第三王子,也就是那个牺牲了数万子民启动魔器之后才发现要维持一个月的悲催货。而在这位王子被神殿处理掉之后,原本圣堂教团是打算连同环法协会一起毁灭,但是闪金帝国王室却是付出了相当大的代价来保住这些法师,于是在那之后,环法协会就成为了闪金帝国的官方施法者组织。 But now, Goldshire Empire invaded the Skaar federation, the Ring of Magic association actually put out their seal for a long time Demonic Artifact in this time, must say that had nothing to relate Zhan En is kills is not willing to believe that The lower world demon was the conspiracy theorist, Zhan En is naturally no exception completely. He never thinks that something will have the coincidence, the accidental factor, under the yarn of destiny, is is not destined early deliberate, in addition has no alternative. 而现在,闪金帝国入侵斯卡尔联邦,环法协会却又在这个时机拿出了他们封印已久的魔器,要说这其中没有什么联系詹恩是打死都不愿意相信的,下层界魔族全部都是阴谋论者,詹恩自然也不例外。他从来不会认为某件事会有巧合,偶然的因素,在命运的织线下,一切不是早有预谋就是命中注定,除此之外别无选择。 Now seems him to do is the same. 就好像现在他所干的一样。 Now, I think that you should be able to be good to be of pleasant to hear I to speak. & R dquo ; “现在,我想你应该能够好好听我说话的。” Stands in the dark cave, Zhan En put out a hand to push in the surface that silver white mask, looked to almost wants the paralysis at present as well as frightening to placeblood & R dquo ; Borg. As one in Phantom star city is quite powerful Thief chief, the Borg skill is good. However even he does not have to think own luck so will be unexpectedly bad, he at this moment such turns to the chair falls on the ground. Two wars stares the big eye. Panic-stricken looks is standing that thin and small skeleton side Zhan En. Hears his speech, Borg blinks, seemingly wanted to say anything. However Zhan En keen detection to another side secretly thought, Thief is taking down the smoke shell from his waist, aimed at them. 站在黑暗的地窖中,詹恩伸出手去推了推自己面上那个银白的面具,望向眼前以及吓的几乎要瘫到在地的“血手”博格。作为一个在幻星城算是颇有势力的盗贼头子,博格的本事还算不错。但是就算是他也没有想到自己居然运气会这么差,此刻的他就那样翻到椅子跌坐在地上。两股战战的瞪大眼睛。惊恐的望着站在詹恩身边的那具瘦小骨架。听到他的说话,博格眨了眨眼睛,看起来想要说些什么。但是詹恩敏锐的察觉到在另外一侧的暗道里,一个盗贼正从他的腰间取下烟雾弹,瞄准了他们。 Regarding this Zhan En anything had not said, he grips the cane, knocked the ground gently. Quick. With the miserable howling sound, the dark-red flame flat land, the Thief package that does not keep eyes open is one of them, under the ignition of flame, he sent out panic-stricken angry blood-curdling screech, next moment, the people then look that helplessly his flesh is separated from the skeleton, changes into the black smoke to vanish in the flame does not see. in a moment, an originally skill is vigorous. Fully-armed Thief had been fired a withered and yellow skeleton, in its pitch-dark eye socket is glittering the ice-cold negative energy brilliance, all indicated that it at this moment had turned into undead lifeform completely, will be destroyed in the eternal pain. 对此詹恩什么也没有说,他只是握住手杖,轻轻敲了敲地面。很快。伴随着惨嚎声,暗红色的火焰平地而起,将那个不长眼的盗贼包裹在其中,在火焰的灼烧下,他发出了惊恐愤怒的惨叫,紧接着下一刻,众人便眼睁睁的看着他的血肉从骨架上脱离,在火焰之中化为黑烟消失不见。只是眨眼的工夫,一个原本身手矫健。全副武装的盗贼就已经被烧成了一具枯黄的骨头架子,它那黑洞洞的眼眶里闪烁着冰冷的负能量光辉,一切的一切都表明此刻的它已经完全变成了一个不死生物,而且将在永恒的痛苦中遭到毁灭。 【The flame of dead spirit: The Death flame circles in your fingertip, frequently waits for is swallowing the life, in ice-cold darkness. The desperate soul only then implored your forgiveness to obtain final sleeping soundly. The life does not have the value. Because they wait for since birth are given up, Death does not have the value, because it is another start 【亡灵之焰:死亡的火焰在你的指尖盘旋,时刻等待着吞噬生命,在冰冷的黑暗之中。绝望灵魂只有祈求你的宽恕才能够获得最终的安眠。生命毫无价值。因为它们生来就等待被放弃,死亡也毫无价值,因为它不过是另外一个开始】 This is fourth spell that in the Zhan En's spell position studies, does not know that is because Zhan En camouflages the number of times that necromancer mooches is too many, is other anything reason. This system gave him actually very much simply naturally 【The flame of dead spirit spell of such Undead department, it the flame that not only can congeal through the negative energy destroys the life, even can also transform it as the most faithful retinue, in addition characteristic of Dungeon magic, this also means that if Zhan En need, he can use magic power to make entire Phantom star city fall into a sea of fire. Then summoned completely the inside these burnt pitiful creature. 这是詹恩的法术位上所研究出来的第四个法术,不知道是不是因为詹恩伪装亡灵法师招摇撞骗的次数太多,还是其他什么原因。这次系统倒是很干脆大方的给了他【亡灵之焰】这么一个死灵系的法术,它不但能够通过负能量凝结的火焰去毁灭生命,甚至还能够将其转化为施法者最忠实的仆从,再加上地下城魔法的特性,这也就意味着假如詹恩需要的话,他可以倾尽魔力让整个幻星城陷入一片火海之中。然后再把里面那些被烧死的可怜虫全部召唤起来。 In fact Zhan En also has to acknowledge oneself when seeing this spell simply having tears streaming down the face top of the head blue sky, by heaven and earth and my conscience, from now on, he did not need to depend on banshee to go to keep up the appearance again to camouflage necromancer finally to himself ........., because he is necromancer. 事实上詹恩也不得不承认自己在看见这个法术时简直泪流满面头顶青天,天地良心,从现在开始,他终于不用再靠女妖去给自己撑门面伪装死灵法师了………因为他已经是一个死灵法师了。 You are challenging my patience, Mr. Borg. & R dquo ; “你是在挑战我的耐心,博格先生。” Zhan En gave a hand signal, that undead lifeform such peaceful arrives at the Borg side, grabbed him to draw him, the force opposite party sat on the chair, then he also pulled a chair to sit down conveniently, is looking steadily at the Thief chief of trembling. 詹恩只是做了个手势,那个不死生物就这样安静的走到博格的身边,一把抓着他把他拉了起来,强迫对方坐在椅子上,接着他也顺手拉过一把椅子坐下,盯视着瑟瑟发抖的盗贼头子。 I am only seek a transaction, however your approach will make me think that you want to eliminate necromancer, will then look for Templar Order to take the monetary reward ............ you should so is not stupid? & R dquo ; “我只是来寻求一笔交易,但是你的做法会让我以为你想要消灭一名死灵法师,然后去找圣堂教团拿赏金…………你应该不会这么愚蠢吧?” Works as, naturally, Sir ............... & R dquo ; “当,当然,大人……………” Until this time, Borg as if then responded, he put out a hand to wipe beads of sweat on the forehead, trembling gaze at present this necromancer that wears the mask. Borg at this moment does not have beforehand leaving things to chance & mda S h thoroughly ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Association mage that he depends upon this necromancer by that brings is seemed like very attractive woman convenient second to kill during the attack that most starts, even the opportunity has not stayed behind to the opposite party ......... must know that is middle rank mage. 直到这个时候,博格似乎这才反应了过来,他伸出手擦了擦自己额头上的汗珠,战战兢兢的注视着眼前这个戴着面具的死灵法师。此刻的博格已经彻底没有了之前的侥幸心理———他所依靠的公会法师早在最开始的袭击之中就被这个死灵法师带来的那个看起来很漂亮的女人顺手秒杀,甚至连一点儿机会都没有给对方留下………要知道那可是一个中阶法师啊。 Thinks of here, Borg looked at this necromancer again, swallowed saliva & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This and is not only only because frightened , because the opposite party put out a small pocket to throw on the table, although was not very clear, but with the aid of the flame, Borg saw beckoning luminous that in this small pocket reflected. 想到这里,博格再次望了一眼这个死灵法师,不由的吞咽了一口口水———这并不仅仅只是因为恐惧,更是因为对方拿出了一个小口袋扔在桌子上,虽然不是很清楚,但是借助火光,博格还是看见了这个小口袋里反射出来的让人心动的光亮。 The brilliance of wealth. 财富的光辉。 Reveres, Sir esteemed mage, what need do you have I to serve? & R dquo ; “尊,尊敬的法师大人,您有什么需要我服务的?” Does Borg this line, the self-respect is far from the life being important, therefore after seeing at present the wealth of this small pocket, Borg changes own attitude immediately, the respectful opens the mouth inquiry said. Although he has not checked this inside to have how much money carefully, but he affirmed that this is a big wealth, even if perhaps oneself do in Phantom star city for a lifetime, till old because of not being able to take up the dagger was killed cannot make so much money. However now, this sum of money in his front, the tentacle may result in & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In the face of the wealth, Borg had decided that forgot how own trusted aide subordinate and spent mage that the large sum of money recruited dead. 博格这一行,自尊远远没有性命重要,因此在看见眼前这一小口袋的财富之后,博格立刻转变了自己的态度,毕恭毕敬的开口询问道。他虽然没有仔细清查这里面有多少钱,但是他肯定这可是一笔不小的财富,说不定自己就算在幻星城干一辈子,直到老的因为拿不起匕首而被人杀死为止也赚不了这么多钱。但是现在,这笔钱就在他的面前,触手可得———在财富面前,博格已经决定忘记自己的心腹部下和花重金招募的法师是怎么死掉的了。 I the matter that wants you to handle am very simple. & R dquo ; “我要你做的事情很简单。” Looks at the present Thief chief, Zhan En showed the satisfactory smile, he lowers the head, lowers the sound to say. 看着眼前的盗贼头子,詹恩露出了满意的笑容,他低下头去,压低声音开口说道。 I heard that recently the Ring of Magic association will transport anything to Phantom star city, you investigate. Actually has a look at them to do. That thing to where, how will enter the city ......... you to understand that anything should ask anything should not ask, after you obtain the news, comes to the Pegasus hotel to ask me ......... you to know how to do. & R dquo ; “我听说最近环法协会会运送什么东西到幻星城,你去调查一下。看看他们究竟想要干什么。还有那个东西到了哪里,会怎样入城………你应该明白什么该问什么不该问,等你得到消息之后,就来飞马旅馆找我………你应该知道怎么做。” Is saying, Zhan En swept one at present the pitch-dark sewer. 一面说着,詹恩一面扫了一眼眼前黑漆漆的下水道。 Hope next time, we meet, you can also the station of is well speak with me here. & R dquo ; “希望下一次,我们见面的时候,你还能够平安无事的站在这里和我说话。” This naturally does not have the issue. Sir. & R dquo ; “这当然没有问题。大人。” Regarding Borg, he has not chosen. 对于博格来说,他没有选择。 As one can in the Thief group that Phantom star city takes root, „ blood & R dquo ; Borg naturally has his unique information network, under the temptation and Death of money fear these two dual pressures, he displayed almost rare warm, quick, walked randomly more or less obtained some news in Ghost of this wanton and luxurious living city each dark shadow corner, spread some news. But these rumors spread by the way that slightly cannot be checked in the alley, collection. As if the small stream collects in the sea, ultimately formed an obvious information. 作为一个能够在幻星城扎根的盗贼团,“血手”博格自然有他独特的情报网络,在金钱的诱惑与死亡的恐惧这两个双重压力之下,他发挥出了几乎超乎寻常的热情,很快,游走在这座纸醉金迷城市每一个黑暗阴影角落的幽灵都或多或少的得到了一些消息,也放出了一些消息。而这些流言在小巷之中以微不可查的方式流传,汇集。仿佛小溪汇于大海,最终形成了一个显而易见的信息。 „ Do you really believe them? Masters? & R dquo ; “您真的相信他们?主人?” Left the covert Thief group station, Elise raised own question quickly impatiently. 离开隐蔽的盗贼团驻地,伊丽丝很快就迫不及待的提出了自己的疑问。 I think that perhaps these human are fly-by-night, they will betray your information because of frightened, when perhaps the next time we come here, waited for our is these damn Paladin and mage! & R dquo ; “我认为这些人类都不可信任,说不定他们会因为恐惧而出卖您的信息,也许下一次当我们来到这里的时候,等待我们的就是那些该死的圣骑士法师了!” Don't worry. Elise. These people will not inform. & R dquo ; “不用担心。伊丽丝。这些人是不会去告密的。” However facing worry of Elise, Zhan En does not care obviously. 不过面对伊丽丝的担忧,詹恩显然不那么放在心上。 You do not understand human, they do not unite & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Even can say, even if to betray drow that is famous not like them loose , when although they are determined to congeal a rope, can indeed have the powerful strength, even does not dare slightly to peep demon. Before they set firm resolve, they are actually a loose resembles sand. & R dquo ; “你不了解人类,他们彼此之间并不团结———甚至可以说,就算是以背叛著称的黑暗精灵也不会像他们这样松散,虽然当他们下定决心凝成一股绳的时候,的确可以拥有强大的力量,甚至连魔族都不敢小窥。但是在他们下定决心之前,他们却是松散的像一盘沙子。” Is saying, Zhan En sneers is spreading out both hands. 一面说着,詹恩一面冷笑着摊开双手。 I can guarantee, they can do one's best completes my request. & R dquo ; “我可以保证,他们一定会尽心尽力的去完成我的委托的。” Hope so ............... & R dquo ; “希望如此……………” Hears the Zhan En's reply. Elise nods, but has not waited for her to say anything again, sees Zhan En to put out a hand, a slender waist that embraced Elise, the present young girl will embrace into the bosom. Then he takes off the mask, is gazing, because this sudden attack, but surprised stares the big eye to look at own beautiful young girl. 听到詹恩的回答。伊丽丝点了点头,但是还没有等她再说些什么,就看见詹恩伸出手去,一把搂抱住了伊丽丝的纤腰,将眼前的少女揽入怀中。接着他摘下面具,注视着因为这突如其来的袭击而惊讶的瞪大眼睛望着自己的美丽少女。 Don't worry, Elise, there is no worry ......... & R dquo ; “不用担心,伊丽丝,这没什么好担心的………” Is saying, Zhan En lowers the head, stopped up the Elise lips. 一面说着,詹恩一面低下头去,堵住了伊丽丝的双唇。 Facing the Zhan En's kiss, Elise gawked, next moment, her look starts becomes blurred. Quick, she closes the eye, embraces the present man, heartily enjoys him to bring the happiness that. Until a moment later, two people longing separation, Elise had then stretched out the tongue, licked under own lip gently, then shouted the tone. Her performance is that skilled, seems such scene many time is the same. Her instinct sympathized the body in the Zhan En's chest, is longing for his next action, during the consciousness of Elise, this seemed like natural ........., but made Elise not think, at this time, Zhan En put out a hand to shove open her. 面对詹恩的亲吻,伊丽丝只是愣了一下,下一刻,她的眼神就开始变得迷离。很快,她闭上眼睛,搂抱住眼前的男人,尽情的享受着他所带来的欢愉。直到过了片刻之后,两人这才依依不舍的分开,伊丽丝伸出舌头,轻轻舔了下自己的嘴唇,接着呼了口气。她的表现是那么熟练,就好像这样的场面已经进行过许多次一样。她本能的将身体贴在了詹恩的胸膛,渴望着他的下一步行动,在伊丽丝的意识之中,这似乎是理所当然的………但是让伊丽丝没有想到的是,就在这个时候,詹恩伸出手推开了她。 Ok, stops today. & R dquo ; “好了,今天就到此为止。” Is saying, Zhan En puts on the mask again, he smiled is looking at one to fall into confused Elise, then looked at peaceful standing Red Dragon Princess & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; She stands there as before, was wooden, even if witnessed this unexpected scene, indifferent was similar to frost for ten thousand years general. 一面说着,詹恩一面再次戴上面具,他微笑着望了一眼陷入迷茫的伊丽丝,然后又看了一眼安静的站在旁边的红龙公主———她依旧站在那里,毫无表情,哪怕亲眼目睹了这出人意料的场景,还是冷漠的如同万年冰霜一般。 Is the performance of Elise is very on the contrary interesting, she seems like seems like the child who a hope beloved toy has not however gone well to be the same, is biting the lip, digs the mouth to have the discontented vision to gaze at Zhan En. However Zhan En remains unmoved, from behavior he has found out by secret inquiry to the brainwashing of Elise is completely successful, the dreamlands of these alienations had changed into clearlyreality & R dquo ; Carves in her brain. But regarding Elise, she had not as if realized completely issue is. Regarding Zhan En, this obviously is a good performance. 反倒是伊丽丝的表现很有意思,她看起来就好像是一个渴望心爱玩具但是没有得手的孩子一样,咬着嘴唇,撅起嘴巴带着不满的目光注视着詹恩。不过詹恩不为所动,从刚才的行为中他就已经探知对伊丽丝的洗脑已经完全成功了,那些狂乱的梦境已经化为了清晰的“现实”刻在她的大脑之中。而对于伊丽丝来说,她似乎完全没有意识到其中的问题所在。对于詹恩来说,这显然是一个不错的表现。 However he has not planned a more further meaning, although in the spiritual level, Elise enough has accepted the baptism, is before her the willful performance, Zhan En plans to give her a little small penalty. 不过他并没有打算更进一步的意思,虽然在精神层面,伊丽丝已经足够接受洗礼,可是考虑到她之前任性的表现,詹恩打算给她一点儿小小的惩罚。 He is certain, Elise definitely cannot have a good sleep to think tonight. 他可以肯定,伊丽丝今天晚上肯定是睡不好觉的。
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