DR :: Volume #3

#260: Phantom star city

Phantom star city. 幻星城 Walks on the street, Zhan En narrows the eye to appreciate at present this wanton and luxurious living city, he can smell the rich evil and dark aura that transmits following the wind. This is this stretch of area is most magnificent, one of the cities also most degenerating. People come here, sways money to gain all that oneself long for obtaining. No matter anything, can buy here, only no, only then believes. Here person does not have tomorrow, they only care immediately, today, now, can drink one cup of alienations Xueli liquor, then drunken when enjoying the stimulation will wait for Death. Nothing is more important than temporary enjoyment, this city will not have tomorrow, without the future, everyone will live during immediately, now ......... as well as forever past, as if the convict of time. 走在街道上,詹恩眯起眼睛欣赏着眼前这座纸醉金迷的城市,顺着风他都可以闻到从中传来的浓郁的邪恶与黑暗的气息。这是这片地区最辉煌,也是最堕落的城市之一。人们来到这里,挥洒金钱来获取自己渴望获得的一切。不管是什么,在这里都可以买的,唯一没有的只有信仰。这里的人没有明天,他们只在乎当下,今天,现在,能不能喝上一杯狂乱的雪莉酒,然后醉醺醺的在享受刺激时等待死亡。没有什么比一时的享受更加重要,这个城市没有明天,没有未来,所有人都生活在当下,现在………以及永远的过去之中,仿佛时间的囚徒。 Really is a stupid and obscene place. & R dquo ; “真是一个愚蠢又下流的地方。” Follows side Zhan En's, Elise contemptuously is gazing at the present city, later gave own appraisal. But nearby Sofina nods. 跟随在詹恩的身边,伊丽丝轻蔑的注视着眼前的城市,随后给出了自己的评价。而旁边的索菲娜则是点了点头。 Degenerates dirtily. & R dquo ; “肮脏堕落。” A very briefly very appropriate appraisal. 一个非常简短又非常贴切的评价。 This is I likes the human the place, you looked, when they in the choice degenerate will never hesitate, moreover they must enjoy compared with anybody. I think that this is a good deed, not? & R dquo ; “这就是我喜欢人类的地方,你看,他们在选择堕落时从来不会犹豫,而且他们还比任何人都要享受。我想这是一件好事,不是吗?” Unlike Elise and Sofina, Zhan En quite appreciates this degeneration obviously. He is looking at these lights well-illuminated big and luxurious constructions, near the ear is completely loud noisy with women's scream and laughing, the woman who puts on the exposition stands in the entrance of tavern, to everyone who passed by this place lavishes praise, they split the mouth to laugh, but in that numb look does not have the slight sentiment. The grim reality and cruel power eliminated their all expectations to future, only now they care also only then at present, immediately, or can draw to many guests tonight. Can make how much money. They will not have a dream again , like this city. The realistic wealth gave their boundless enjoyments, brutally eliminated their dream. 伊丽丝索菲娜不同,詹恩显然相当欣赏这种堕落。他望着那些灯火通亮的高大又豪华的建筑,耳边尽是大声吵闹与女人们的尖叫与哄笑,穿着暴露的女人站在酒馆的大门口,对着每一个路过此地的人抛去媚眼,她们裂开嘴巴哈哈大笑,但是那麻木的眼神之中却没有丝毫感情。严酷的现实与残忍的权力剥夺了她们对未来的一切期望,现在她们唯一在乎的也只有眼前,当下,或者说今天晚上能够拉到多少客人。能够赚多少钱。她们已经不会再做梦了,就和这座城市本身一样。现实的财富给予了她们无边的享受,也无情的剥夺了她们的梦想。 This lives. 这就是生活。 It seems Zhan En they to be surrounded to be the same by more than ten youngster in rags in a middle of alley now. 就好像现在詹恩他们在一条小巷的中间被十多个衣衫褴褛的少年包围一样。 This is our domains. Outsiders!! & R dquo ; “这是我们的地盘。外乡人!!” A seemingly 14 or 15-year-old boy hand is grasping the nail head hammer, is gazing at fixedly present Zhan En and his two subordinates. Great shout said. But in his side, other youngster also exuded the grating laughter, in they prevented the access of alley, swinging began the dagger with the knife, seeming like blustering to be the same. 一个看起来十四五岁的男孩手握着钉头锤,瞪视着眼前的詹恩与他的两个部下。大声呼喊道。而在他的身边,其他的少年也是发出了刺耳的哄笑声,他们阻挡住了小巷的出入口,摆动着手里的匕首和小刀,看起来像是在虚张声势一样。 This street turns over to me to have jurisdiction! I! Kody is here ruler! & R dquo ; “这条街道归我管辖!我!卡奥迪是这里的支配者!” Perhaps is because the laughter of companion makes that boy even more courage full, he is brandishing the nail head hammer in hand, wicked smiling, harboring evil intentions is gazing at fixedly present Zhan En and other people. However this also no wonder. Zhan En and Elise at this moment have Sofina to wear the expensive travel cape, seems like makes a long and wearisome journey to arrive at the Phantom star city person to have no difference from these processes. This person Kody sees were many, they think several filthy money run around, but this person in his opinion also has no difference. 或许是因为同伴的哄笑声让那个男孩越发勇气十足,他挥舞着手中的钉头锤,恶狠狠的笑着,不怀好意的瞪视着眼前的詹恩等三人。不过这也难怪。此刻的詹恩伊丽丝还有索菲娜都穿着昂贵的旅行斗篷,看起来就和那些经过长途跋涉来到幻星城的人没什么区别。这种人卡奥迪见的多了,他们自以为有几个臭钱就到处乱跑,而这个人在他看来也没什么区别。 ............ Sorry, I do not know this point. & R dquo ; “啊…………很抱歉,我不知道这一点。” Hears that boy's speech, Zhan En shows a faint smile, later he puts out a hand, as if then magic receives shrinks, in the next moment Zhan En's hand had presented a gold coin, then he threw the front of that arrogant boy that gold coin like this. 听到那个男孩的说话,詹恩微微一笑,随后他伸出手去,仿佛便魔术般的一收一缩,下一刻詹恩的手中已经出现了一枚金币,接着他就这样把那枚金币扔到了那个趾高气扬的男孩的面前。 The appearance of this gold coin triggered the tumults of these children. Kody somewhat helpless picks up that gold coin, but the others of his side also collected rapidly. They did this matter for the first time are not, but were usually most also snatches several silver coins. As for the gold coin, they have not thought. 这枚金币的出现不由的引发了那些孩子们的一阵骚动。卡奥迪有些不知所措的捡起那枚金币,而他身边的其他人也迅速凑了过来。他们干这种事已经不是第一次了,但是平时最多也就是抢几枚银币。至于金币,他们可从来都没有想过。 Some people said anything to Kody in a low voice, the expression in that boy surface is somewhat weak, but he raised the head finally, has the arrogant and superior expression looks to Zhan En. 有人低声对卡奥迪说了些什么,那个男孩面上的表情有些犹豫不定,但是最终他还是抬起头来,带着傲慢和优越的表情望向詹恩 This is insufficient, outsider! & R dquo ; “这还不够,外乡人!” Heard these words, Elise narrows the eye, dangerous is looking steadily at present Kody, in her opinion. Before Zhan En, is to these low despicable reptile clemency. She cannot think why such a crowd casual can dare to own master to speak to the stinking insect that the person is run over and dies. But nearby Sofina looked at Elise one, then looked at Zhan En. However finally anything had not said. 听到这句话,伊丽丝眯起了眼睛,危险的盯视着眼前的卡奥迪,在她看来。詹恩之前已经是对这些低等下贱的爬虫法外开恩了。她怎么也想不到为什么这样一群随随便便就能够给人碾死的臭虫敢如此对自己的主人说话。而旁边的索菲娜只是望了伊丽丝一眼,然后又看了看詹恩。但是最终什么都没有说。 Naturally, I can understand. & R dquo ; “当然,我可以理解。” But Zhan En as if no tiny bit annoyed. On the contrary, he shows the smile again, meets in the hand to turn over, threw two gold coins, later spread out both hands. 可是詹恩对此似乎没有一丝一毫的恼火。相反,他再次露出笑容,接着手中翻转,又扔出了两枚金币,随后摊开双手。 I, only then these...... were sorry ......... & R dquo very much ; “我只有这些了……很抱歉………” Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Takes up the ground two gold coins, the Kody facial expression becomes Yin clearly is uncertain, he looked at the gold coin in hand, then looked at one present three people. Makes him know that at the experience that on the street seeks a livelihood can time one fellows who put out three gold coins should poor provoke, however opposite party's response actually stems from his unexpected docility. This made Kody give birth knocked a he idea again, two women who this fellow followed behind although could not see the face, but was very good from the stature, moreover their jewelry were also very attractive ............ 拿起地上的两枚金币,卡奥迪的神情再次变得阴晴不定起来,他看了看手中的金币,然后又望了一眼眼前的三人。在街上讨生活的经验让他知道能够一次拿出三枚金币的家伙应该不怎么好招惹,但是对方的反应却出乎他意料之外的温顺。这让卡奥迪不由生出了再多敲他一笔的想法,这个家伙身后跟随的两个女人虽然看不见脸,但是从身材来看都很不错,而且她们的首饰也很漂亮………… Thinks of here, Kody gets hold of the nail head hammer in hand, raised the head to gaze at fixedly Zhan En again, the loud anger shouted. 想到这里,卡奥迪握紧手中的钉头锤,再次抬起头来瞪视着詹恩,大声怒喝道。 I do not believe! Let us search well, if I discovered that you hid anything ............... & R dquo ; “我不信!让我们好好搜查一下,假如我发现你们隐藏了什么的话……………” Said here, he demonstrated brandished a nail head hammer, but others also follow his speech to approach forward, they got hold of the weapon in hand, eying covetously looked at the present prey, in the eye was revealing the exciting incomparable brilliance. 说道这里,他示威性的挥舞了一下钉头锤,而其他人也伴随着他的说话向前靠近,他们握紧手中的武器,虎视眈眈的望着眼前的猎物,眼中露出了兴奋无比的光辉。 Facts showed, is called the original sin of human really to have the reason greedily. 事实证明,贪婪被称为人类的原罪果然不是没有原因的。 Really does not have the means. & R dquo ; “真没办法。” Sees this group of vagrant children, Zhan En actually shows a faint smile at present, then he has turned the head to look at Elise. 看着眼前这群流浪的孩子,詹恩却是微微一笑,接着他转过头去望了一眼自己身边的伊丽丝 Miss Elise, then gives that part that they they earn. & R dquo ; 伊丽丝小姐,那么就给他们他们应得的那部分吧。” Good, master. & R dquo ; “好的,主人。” Although was inferior that Enoya follows the Zhan En's time to be long, but Elise has also treated not short some time side Zhan En's, therefore when hears Zhan En to say these words, she has known how oneself should do. 虽然不如埃诺娅跟随詹恩的时间长,但是伊丽丝詹恩的身边也已经待了不短的一段时间,因此在听到詹恩说出这句话的时候,她就已经知道自己该怎么做了。 The sickle that in child's exciting swing hand is flowing the nasal mucus throws at present toward the slender form, in his brain had even fantasized what squeal when oneself will exude the opposite party grasps stubbornly this pretty woman. However next moment, the sickle in his hand looked like hits to turn over to cut in anything same suddenly, but also without and other unlucky children recovered has reduced his head, the fountain ejection of stench dirt black blood from the nape of the neck, changed into blood arrow under a powerful strength direction likely later, the wailing to was shooting in all directions. 一个流着鼻涕的孩子兴奋的挥舞手中的弯刀向着眼前苗条的身影扑去,他的脑中甚至已经幻想自己把对方死死抱住时这个漂亮的女人会发出什么样的尖叫声。但是下一刻,他手中的弯刀就像是撞在了什么东西一样猛然翻转回切,还没有等那个倒霉孩子回过神来就已经砍掉了他的脑袋,腥臭污黑的鲜血从脖颈之中像喷泉般的射出,随后在一阵强大的力量指引下化为了一道道的血箭,尖啸着向四面八方射去。 in a moment, these tried to besiege the Zhan En's waifs to lie down the larger part, Elise had brutally harvested their life, not pitied regarding Death of these immature souls, in Underdark, no one will care about your age, only then the strength was the most important thing. The age is not the protective umbrella is not the safety mask, Death will not therefore leave a loophole, it can the equality treats anybody, without exception. 只是眨眼的工夫,那些试图围攻詹恩的流浪儿们就已经躺倒了一大半,伊丽丝无情的收割了他们的生命,对于这些幼小灵魂的死亡毫无怜悯,在幽暗地域里,没有人会在乎你的年纪,只有实力才是最重要的东西。年纪不是保护伞也不是防护罩,死亡不会因此网开一面,它会平等的对待任何人,没有例外。 Does not have. 一个都没有。 in a moment, this slaughtered had completely finished. Regarding Elise, the waif who these Underdark slaves are even inferior to is not anything threatens, do not propose her strength is also today we are no longer as we have been & mda S h ; After Zhan En has experienced the risk of Casalance together, Elise now has successfully stepped into the social class of Grandmaster, so long as then she can study hard again a little, then enters the legendary domain, is the time issue. 只是眨眼的工夫,这场杀戮就已经彻底结束。对于伊丽丝来说,这些甚至连幽暗地域的奴隶都不如的流浪儿根本就不算是什么威胁,更不要提她的实力也是今非昔比—在与詹恩一起经历过卡萨兰斯的冒险之后,伊丽丝现在已经成功踏入了施法大师的阶级,接下来只要她能够再用功一点儿,那么进入传奇领域,也不过就是时间问题。 ............ ......... & R dquo ; “啊…………啊………” At present this bloody slaughtering scares Kody thoroughly, that unlucky child is only stands in dull same place, opens is looking steadily at the present all that the eye cannot believe. At this moment in his side, these bludgers had turned into the inadequate human form before completely, covered with blood one group, only then these stump residual limbs and fragments displayed here to have anything. He stares the big eye, dull is looking at all these, stretches out the finger until Elise, the blood as if snake that directs one group of stenches bit his neck generally, and also her half tall child presses this when the wall he as if responded, desperate struggles is trying to flee, but is quick, two heavy blows from abdomen makes him honest immediately. 眼前这一幕血腥的杀戮彻底吓坏了卡奥迪,那个倒霉孩子只是呆呆的站在原地,睁大眼睛不敢相信的盯视着自己眼前的一切。此刻在他的身边,之前那些小混混已经完全变成了不成人形,血肉模糊的一团,只有那些残肢与碎片表现出这里曾经发生过什么。他只是瞪大眼睛,呆呆的望着这一切,直到伊丽丝伸出手指,指挥一团腥臭的血液仿佛蛇一般咬住了他的脖子,并且把这个还不到她一半高的孩子压在墙上时他似乎才反应了过来,拼命的挣扎着试图逃离,但是很快,两记来自腹部的重拳立刻就让他老实了下来。 Human always this, greedy, stupid, willful ........., therefore is interesting. & R dquo ; “人类总是这样,贪婪,愚蠢,任性………所以才有意思。” Zhan En gave a hand signal, hints Elise to throw the ground Kody, then he then walks up, is overlooking the present boy. 詹恩做了个手势,示意伊丽丝卡奥迪扔到地上,接着他这才走上前来,俯视着眼前的男孩。 „ Do you work for whom? & R dquo ; “你为谁工作?” Tile, Sir Valves ............... & R dquo ; “瓦,瓦尔维斯大人……………” Kody panic-stricken stares the big eye, is gazing at present this jet black and fearful form, simultaneously the trembling opens the mouth said. His such bludger simply does not have the qualifications to have Phantom star city any street & mda S h ; Even if only property rights of alley, but he can dare to rob these outcomers here, the only reason is his also has others behind. 卡奥迪惊恐的瞪大眼睛,注视着眼前这个漆黑而可怕的身影,同时战战兢兢的开口说道。他这样的小混混根本没有资格拥有幻星城任何一条街道—哪怕只是一条小巷的所有权,而他之所以能够敢在这里抢劫那些外来者,唯一的原因就是他的身后还有其他人。 „? Who is he? & R dquo ; “哦?他是什么人?” He, he is chairman of Sharp Edge Thief trade union ......... is one of the entire Phantom star city most powerful people ............ & R dquo ; “他,他是利刃盗贼工会的会长………是整个幻星城最有势力的人之一…………” Hehe ............... & R dquo ; “呵呵……………” Hears here, the Zhan En chuckle, then his careless on first half step, stepped the right hand of that boy, the quick, a series of rending blood-curdling screech sound gets up, then vanishes immediately. However Zhan En regarding this and does not care, the gaze that he coldly boy that because of the pain the face of distortion, is then saying. 听到这里,詹恩轻笑了一声,接着他漫不经心的上前半步,踩住了那个男孩的右手,很快,一连串撕心裂肺的惨叫声响起,接着又随即消失。但是詹恩对此并不在意,他只是冷冷的注视着男孩那张因为痛苦而扭曲的面孔,接着开口说道。 Leads us to see him. & R dquo ; “带我们去见他。” Regarding Kody, he has not chosen. ( to be continued ) 对于卡奥迪来说,他根本就没有选择。(未完待续)
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