DR :: Volume #3

#259: Four Red Dragon Princess of character true words

Established in Zhan En Bloody blade tavern Later, his summon can meet someto kill and burn to plunder & R dquo through tavern ; quest promotes, but these quest Zhan En do not allow the race in surface to meet. Only then these in Dungeondark people & R dquo ; Can accept these quest. After all on Zhan En brings Dragoon knight and Alice are used to keep up the appearance, this matter naturally not good natural does. 詹恩建立了【血刃酒馆】之后,他的召唤物就可以通过酒馆自己去接一些“烧杀抢掠”的任务来升级,只不过这些任务詹恩是不允许地表上的种族去接的。只有那些在地下城的“黑暗子民”才能接受这些任务。毕竟詹恩上面带着的魔装骑士爱丽丝是用来撑门面的,这种事情自然不好大大方方的去做。 But this time ......... 只不过这一次……… Magic is the gold, is the wealth, is the source of life, when you grasp the magic the core mystery, you know that this world is length and breadth how is boundless, but your whereabouts is a grain of tiny dust. In this type great front, any strength is overshadowed & mda S h ; Captures «Ring of Magic Association» transports to Phantom star city Ring of Magic's staff, obtains Experience Points 30000, Dungeon growth value 2500, the library transforms + 1】 【魔法就是黄金,就是财富,就是生命的源泉,当你掌握魔法的核心奥秘,你就会知道这个世界是多么的广袤无边,而你所在之处不过是一粒渺小的灰尘。在这种伟大面前,任何力量都黯然失色—夺取《环法协会》运送至幻星城环法之杖,获得经验值30000,地下城成长值2500,图书馆改造】 You think that robs Ring of Magic's staff? & R dquo ; “你怎么会想到抢夺环法之杖的?” Looked that present quest explained that Zhan En frowns, looks to peaceful standing in oneself front Red Dragon Princess. But hears Zhan En's to inquire, Sofina silent moment, this opening the mouth replied. 看完眼前的任务说明,詹恩皱了下眉头,望向安静的站在自己面前的红龙公主。而听到詹恩的询问,索菲娜沉默了片刻,这才开口回答道。 Needs the strength. & R dquo ; “需要力量。” Said here, she, was pondering anything probably, then opened the mouth to supplement one again. 说道这里,她顿了一顿,好像又在思考什么,接着再次张开嘴巴补充了一句。 We are. & R dquo ; “我们都是。” Then does not speak. 然后就再也不说话了。 This Your Highness Red Dragon Princess also really makes people speechless ......... 这位红龙公主殿下还真是让人无语……… Looks at present Sofina, Zhan En does not have the words to say. Also does not know that actually this Red Dragon Princess how raises, Zhan En has to see Red Dragon, moreover he has also fostered Black Dragon, can say that dragon clan the personality is very mostly hot tempered. Only the Silver Dragon and White Dragon character is relatively more indifferent. However is also insufficient like this Red Dragon Princess, simply is typical three do not have. Zhan En also suspected that she was the childhood has suffered what psychological trauma, turns into now this appearance. After he had asked Agatha that and Sofina summoned together. Knew from that Yu dragon master Kou, originally after Sofina since the egg hatches, is this appearance, her instinct seems to be incompatible with other dragon clan. Therefore will be repelled by these dragon species. Naturally, had anything as for them finally. Agatha is not willing to discuss, but expressed that they can return to this world by a brand-new status grateful again, serves for own Sir Dungeon Master. However can see from her attitude Zhan En, before these two people, certainly suffered big heavy losses, will turn into now this appearance. 看着眼前的索菲娜,詹恩也是没话可说。也不知道这位红龙公主究竟是怎么养大的,詹恩不是没有见过红龙,而且他还抚养过一条黑龙,可以说龙族的性格大多都很暴躁。只有银龙和白龙的性格相对冷漠一些。但是也不至于像这位红龙公主一样,简直就是个典型的三无。詹恩也怀疑她是不是小时候遭受过什么心理创伤,才变成现在这幅样子。但是在他问过和索菲娜一起召唤出来的阿加莎之后。才从那位育龙师口中得知,原来索菲娜自从蛋里孵出来之后就一直是这个样子,她的天性似乎就与其他龙族格格不入。所以才会被那些龙种排斥。当然,至于她们最后发生了什么。阿加莎不愿意多谈,只是表示她们很感激能够重新以一种全新的身份再次回到这个世界,为自己的地下城主大人服务。不过从她的态度詹恩可以看出,这两个人之前一定遭受了不小的重创,才会变成现在这个样子。 You determined that you can receive this quest? & R dquo ; “你确定你要接下这个任务?” Zhan En inquired again, this also no wonder, because in his quest column, Captures Ring of Magic's staff The difficulty is the four-star. But Sofina all abilities are only two star, in this case, the failure rate is quite high, probably about 60-70%. Actually this is not strange, the Ring of Magic association is on Klein Continent with the star light tower, the Silver moon city compound three * one of the master organizations, its strength does not dare slightly to peep on Zhan En. He can not care about Templar Order, can not care about the ruling classes of these countries, but actually has no alternative but to care about mage. Must know that demon in main plane had to do many are mage, these powerful mage were also sinister. Sly, is wise, and powerful. Enjoyed the high reputation big devils to be enslaved by human in Demon World for various reasons. But can achieve this matter generally basically is mage. Therefore Zhan En after arriving at main plane, is very careful, has not contacted with mage. Several places that fortunately he acts now, including Eagle Plateau and City of Gold is not mage the place that likes treating, therefore the number of is also quite scarce, has not always caused anything to trouble to Zhan En. 詹恩再次询问一遍,这也难怪,因为在他的任务一栏之中,【夺取环法之杖】的难度是四星级。而索菲娜的所有能力都只是三星,在这种情况下,失败率可是相当高的,大概在60-70%左右。其实这也不奇怪,环法协会是克莱恩大陆上与星光塔,银月城并列的三*师组织之一,其实力就连詹恩也不敢小窥。他可以不在乎圣堂教团,也可以不在乎那些国家的统治阶级,但是却不能够不在乎一个法师。要知道魔族主位面打交道最多的就是法师了,那些强大的法师同样阴险。狡猾,充满智慧,而且强大。很多在魔界享有盛誉的大魔鬼都曾经因为各种各样的原因被人类奴役过。而能够做到这种事情的一般基本都是法师。所以詹恩在来到主位面之后,一直都是很小心,从来没有与法师接触过。幸运的是他现在出手的几个地方,包括雄鹰高原黄金之城都不是法师喜欢待的地方,因此施法者的数量也相当稀少,一直以来并没有给詹恩造成什么麻烦。 But if Sofina must provoke these to be a different matter, moreover Ring of Magic association such high-end organization, conceivable, will certainly have many troublesome and problem after that. 但是如果索菲娜要去招惹那些施法者可就是另外一回事了,而且还是环法协会这样高端的施法者组织,可以想象,在那之后一定会出现很多麻烦和问题的。 This is very important. & R dquo ; “这很重要。” The reply of Sofina is simple. No hesitation. 索菲娜的回答非常干脆。没有一丝犹豫。 You said how many words will die? 你多说几句话会死么? Regarding this Red Dragon Princess, Zhan En is helpless. What if before him is Elise. Enoya, even is Verna. Perhaps to him will explain why slightly must meet this quest, as well as they think after meeting this quest, will have what advantage, in order to explain their intentions to own master. However this Red Dragon Princess as if absolutely does not have the nerve in this aspect, Zhan En not to know whether own summon same can see the difficult rank of quest with oneself, but the opposite party should be very clear, this is not a simple matter. But the issue Sofina only says that now wants to do, did not say that belt/bring what person, without informing Zhan En her plan, how does this make Zhan En be able to feel relieved? Although said that this Red Dragon Princess is forwards as an enclosure, but the good and evil is also the Elite lifeform of greatly summoning, if died outside, result consumption was also the Dungeon resources? 对于这个红龙公主,詹恩是无奈了。如果在他面前的是伊丽丝埃诺娅,甚至是维尔娜。恐怕都会给他稍微解释一下自己为什么要接这个任务,以及她们认为接了这个任务之后会有什么好处,以便向自己的主人说明她们的意图。但是这位红龙公主却似乎完全没有这方面的神经,詹恩不知道自己的召唤物是不是能够和自己一样看见任务的困难等级,但是对方应该很清楚,这并不是一件简单的事情。可问题现在索菲娜只说要自己去做,也不说带什么人,更没有告知詹恩她的计划,这让詹恩怎么能够放心?虽然说这位红龙公主是附送的,但好歹也算是大召出来的精英生物,如果死在外面了,结果消耗的还是不是自己地下城的资源? What regarding this do you have to plan? & R dquo ; “对此你有什么计划吗?” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” Looks at Sofina silent shaking the head, Zhan En thorough was speechless, he understands finally why Agatha will say this Red Dragon Princess does not get on well with others, from her current performance, this is notnot too & R dquo ; Gets on well with others such simply. 看着索菲娜沉默不语的摇了摇头,詹恩彻底无语了,他总算明白为什么阿加莎会说这位红龙公主不太合群,从她目前的表现来看,这已经不是“不太”合群这么简单。 Ok, after Sofina character educational problem, said, what now is most important, can actually Ring of Magic's staff snatch? 算了,索菲娜的性格教育问题以后再说,现在最重要的是,环法之杖究竟要不要抢过来呢? Zhan En knows certainly that Ring of Magic's staff is anything, main plane famous Divine Artifact Demonic Artifact such several, had hung up the number in the demon concealed treasure list. In fact Ring of Magic's staff spread in the Demon World treasure, its creator is who has been unknown, but this also has the considerable fame magic staff in Demon World. After activating this magic staff, Ring of Magic's staff will produce law of link a silver, but all in the law link releases spell that will raise a rank. In other words ordinary high rank spell, if borrows Ring of Magic's staff to release, will then become legendary spell! 詹恩当然知道环法之杖是什么东西,主位面有名的神器魔器就那么几个,早就在魔族的藏宝名单上挂上了号。事实上环法之杖原本是流传在魔界的宝物,它的创造者是谁已经不得而知,但是这把法杖魔界也算是有着相当的名气。在激活这把法杖之后,环法之杖会产生一个银之法环,而在法环之中所有的施法者所释放出来的法术,都会提升一个等级。也就是说一个普通的高阶法术,如果借用环法之杖释放出来的话,那么就会成为一个传奇法术 If legendary spell ............ the picture is too beautiful cannot think simply! 如果是一个传奇法术…………画面太美简直就不敢想啊! However, since Demonic Artifact that Demon World spreads, will then definitely not look like the Divine Artifact that good intention. This magic staff, although the might is huge, but uses is very troublesome, actually starts the Ring of Magic's staff condition to be simple, so long as absorbs the strength of enough many soul. Then can start Ring of Magic's staff. 不过,既然是在魔界流传的魔器,那么肯定不会像神器那么好心。这把法杖虽然威力巨大,但是用起来也很麻烦,其实启动环法之杖的条件非常简单,只要吸取足够多的灵魂之力。那么就可以启动环法之杖 Then the strength of need how many souls? 那么需要多少灵魂之力呢? Simply speaking, everyone added to turn time dead three times like the City of Gold city to be similar again. 简单来说,像黄金之城这样的城市里所有人加起来翻倍再死个三次就差不多了。 This population is not a problem in The lower world, even if in Demon World will be only among Demon King a small dispute will have dozens over a million demon participation. Ring of Magic's staff does not lack the sacrificial victim in lower-level plane. But main plane is different. City of Gold adds also less than 10,000 people together with the resident. Naturally, this is also the city too small reason. In addition but the population of other places actually also differ not in a big way. In this time, can accommodate 100,000 people are the ultra-large city, like Zhan En the metropolis of that often 1 million population on Earth radically is unique. 这点人数在下层界不成问题,魔界里哪怕只是魔王之间一场小小的纠纷就会有数十上百万魔族参与其中。环法之杖在下层位面根本就不缺牺牲品。可是主位面不一样。黄金之城连同居民加起来都还不到一万人。当然,这也算是城市太小的缘故。可是除此之外其他地方的人数其实也相差不大。在这个时代,能够容纳十万人都算是超大城市了,像詹恩所在地球上那种动不动就百万人口的大都市根本就是绝无仅有。 In this case, the population of army is also extremely limited, this time dispatches to invade the Skaar federation with Goldshire Empire the army quantity, in addition is about 30,000 people. 在这种情况下,军队的人数也是极为有限,就拿闪金帝国这次派遣入侵斯卡尔联邦的军队数量来说,加起来也不过三万人。 30,000 people. 三万人。 This considering everything also almost suffices the Ring of Magic's staff start to use. 这满打满算也就差不多够环法之杖启动用的。 In main plane, Ring of Magic's staff has only sent two prestige, moreover two processes are mostly the same except for minor differences. Before 1300, created talent mage Bryant of Ring of Magic association for the first time at first, he was the madman of research magic, longs for wholeheartedly can know the whole world most core the mystery. Therefore he will do everything possible to get so far as this from Demon World Ring of Magic's staff, then crazed offers sacrifices the person in entire city, is used to start magic staff, and tries to strengthen own magic by this, quite makes him be able to know the truth of it continuously hope. 主位面,环法之杖只发过两次威,而且两次的过程都大同小异。第一次是在一千三百年前,最初创造环法协会的天才法师布莱恩特,他是个研究魔法的狂人,一心渴望能够知晓整个世界最核心的奥秘。所以他才会想方设法从魔界弄到了这把环法之杖,然后丧心病狂的献祭整整一个城市的人,用来启动法杖,并且试图以此来增强自己的魔法,好让他能够得知其一直渴望的真相。 What pitifully is demon Demonic Artifact other did not discuss, the might and cheating strength are great, at that time Bryant only investigated this to need to offer sacrifices over ten thousand souls Ring of Magic's staff to activate. What a pity after when activates magic staff, he discovers & mda S h ; Let Ring of Magic's staff absorb that over ten thousand innocent ghost thoroughly , and activation also takes one month at least ............... 只不过可惜的是魔族魔器别的不谈,威力和坑人力都是一等一的,当时布莱恩特只调查到这把环法之杖需要献祭上万的灵魂才能够激活。可惜等到激活法杖之后他才发现—让环法之杖彻底吸取那上万无辜的冤魂并且活性化最起码也需要一个月…………… Therefore the matter was very then simple, sad Bryant has not waited enough for a month, sending people to give to get rid of & mda S h by Templar Order ; You killed tens of thousands of people. Also counted on that here treats for a month , but no one manages, isn't this daydreams? 于是接下来事情就很简单了,悲催的布莱恩特还没等够一个月,就被圣堂教团给派人给干掉了—你都杀了成千上万的人。还指望在这里待一个月而没人管,这不是白日做梦吗? Drew the lesson of Bryant as for his successor actually, has not slaughtered innocents in the civilized region again, but went into the wilderness to tidy up these Barbarian race. Fills Ring of Magic's staff with these Barbarian race souls, naturally, this he to succeeded time half, what a pity actually poured before the final goal line & mda S h ; He released one to surpass spell beyond his area of competence, making Ring of Magic's staff exceed the original limit, finally that unlucky egg had not confirmed whether with enough time own spell produced the results. Same be relentless was swallowed the soul with these barbarians by Ring of Magic's staff, was finished thoroughly. 至于他的继任者倒是吸取了布莱恩特的教训,没有再在文明区域里滥杀无辜,而是跑到了荒野去收拾那些蛮族。用那些蛮族的灵魂来充填环法之杖,当然,这一次他到是成功了一半儿,可惜却倒在了最后的终点线前—他释放了一个超过他能力范围之外的法术,使得环法之杖超出了原本的极限,最终那个倒霉蛋还没有来得及确认自己的法术是否产生了效果。就和那些野蛮人一样被环法之杖毫不留情的吞噬了灵魂,彻底完蛋了。 After that. Ring of Magic's staff by the Ring of Magic association thorough seal, disappeared without a trace. But this also seeks the mark in the main plane noise elimination the magic wand. Zhan En has not thought, unexpectedly will see its news here. 在那之后。环法之杖就被环法协会彻底封印了起来,不知去向。而这把魔杖也就此在主位面消声觅迹。只是詹恩也没有想到,居然会在这里看到它的消息。 The Dungeon quest issue system will only spread the sphere of influence peripheral, since in other words it in Bloody blade tavern to own subordinate issue this quest, then explained that the Dungeon System affirmation examined Ring of Magic's staff in own sphere of influence, as the matter stands, matter became interesting. 地下城任务发布系统只会遍及势力范围周边,也就是说它既然会在血刃酒馆对自己的部下发布这个任务,那么就说明地下城系统肯定检测到了环法之杖在自己的势力范围之内,这样一来,事情就变得有趣了。 However Zhan En does not know why Sofina wants this magic staff, own Dungeon may not have enough to start the soul that Ring of Magic's staff uses, but Sofina also said that she wants that magic staff, as for is used to make anything specifically, Zhan En was hopeless in the mouth obtains too the detailed information from this reticent Your Highness Princess. 不过詹恩还是不知道为什么索菲娜想要这把法杖,自己的地下城可没有足够启动环法之杖用的灵魂,而索菲娜也只是说她想要那把法杖,至于具体用来做什么,詹恩是没指望从这个惜字如金的公主殿下口里得到太多详细信息了。 Then, this quest actually following? 那么,这个任务究竟要不要接下来呢? Finally, Zhan En made the decision. 最终,詹恩做出了决定。 I agreed that you receive this quest, Sofina. However I can lead the person and you go together, moreover in accordance with the situation decides, if the matter is extremely troublesome, then we will give up this quest, did you understand? & R dquo ; “我同意你接下这个任务,索菲娜。但是我会带人和你一同前往,而且视情况而定,如果事情太过麻烦的话,那么我们就会放弃这次任务,你明白了吗?” Heard Zhan En saying that „ gave up & R dquo ;, On the Sofina light face appeared for the first time several points of melancholy, when Zhan En thinks that she will say anything protested, actually saw this Red Dragon Princess to be only peaceful nod, then said. 听到詹恩说“放弃”,索菲娜原本平淡的面孔上第一次浮现出了几分忧郁,就在詹恩以为她会说点儿什么来抗议的时候,却看见这位红龙公主只是安静的点了点头,接着开口说道。 I understood. & R dquo ; “我明白了。” Facing the reply of Sofina, Zhan En has been speechless thoroughly. ( to be continued ) 面对索菲娜的回答,詹恩已经彻底无话可说了。(未完待续)
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