DR :: Volume #3

#258: By freedom and peace name

Heard these words, the brow of Howard old Bishop provoked slightly, he narrowed the eye, is gazing at the present young people. 听到这句话,霍华德主教的眉头微微挑动了一下,他眯起眼睛,注视着眼前的年轻人。 Templar Order is not willing to be involved in the mediocre war. & R dquo ; 圣堂教团并不愿意卷入凡俗的战争。” This is natural. & R dquo ; “这是当然的。” Regarding this Zhan En does not seem to abstain. 对此詹恩似乎毫不忌讳。 In fact mediocre war nothing, to put it bluntly, the aristocrats long for the land radically, the honor, what war requirement is the benefit. However these benefits and civilians have nothing to do, is each time in the war, first met with a disaster is actually the civilians. They have not gone on stage to kill the enemy, does not have the means to obtain the glory of victory, but they forever are the war biggest victims. Isn't Templar Order willing to do what for them? & R dquo ; “事实上凡俗的战争根本就没什么好的,说白了,贵族们渴望土地,荣誉,战争需要的是利益。但是这些利益和平民无关,可是每次战争之中,首先遭殃的却都是平民。他们没有上场杀敌,也没有办法获得胜利的荣耀,可他们永远是战争最大的受害者。难道圣堂教团就不愿意为他们做些什么吗?” Of course not. & R dquo ; “当然不是。” Zhan En raised to the plane of political principle this degree, Howard was naturally impossible to shake the head to deny, therefore his hurried opens the mouth said. 詹恩都上纲上线到这个程度了,霍华德自然不可能摇头否认,所以他急忙开口说道。 But, I think that you are also very clear, Templar Order also has our issues ......... & R dquo ; “只不过,我想你也很清楚,圣堂教团也有我们自己的问题………” This I am also very certainly clear. & R dquo ; “这点我当然也很清楚。” Without Howard Bishop said, Zhan En then interrupted his words, the conflict of theocracy and royal power in Klein Continent was not something new. Actually he is also very clear, do not look that Templar Order exhibits one not to ask the human affairs aloof from worldly affairs, entrained 2.58 million avoid getting contaminated growing from mud to disdain probably with the appearance that these ordinary people is a companion, in fact they are are not not willing to manage, but is afraid by the ruling class use. The politics is a big dye vat, no matter how lofty ideal, will fall to political vat will change flavor. Initially Templar Order made the decision of separation of church and state , because saw along with strength of each region royal power. The influence of theocracy is reducing unceasingly. The past was they covers these ruling classes. Now actually must evidently in turn. Moreover many ruling classes even also try to use their influences on disturb the revolution of Templar Order. 没有等霍华德主教说完,詹恩便打断了他的话,神权与王权的冲突在克莱恩大陆也不是什么新鲜事了。其实他也很清楚,别看圣堂教团摆出一副清高不问世事,拽的二五八万好像出淤泥而不染不屑与那些凡夫俗子为伍的样子,事实上他们不是不愿意管,而是害怕被统治阶级利用。政治是个大染缸,不管多么崇高的理想,掉到政治这个缸里都会变味。当初圣堂教团之所以做出政教分离的决定,就是因为看见伴随着各地王权的壮大。神权的影响力正在不断缩小。以往是他们罩那些统治阶级。现在却看样子要反过来。而且很多统治阶级甚至还试图利用他们的影响力来干扰圣堂教团的运转。 This makes the Templar Order thunder be furious, then Templar Order highest Bishop Novendler decided to launch an all-around religious reform finally, after that Templar Order in the ruling classes with most places broke off the original relations, making their position start becomes independent and aloof from worldly affairs. To put it bluntly, this is also Templar Order regarding one suppression and self-protection that the royal power infiltrates. Also starting from that time, Templar Order did not participate in the political issue becoming the consensus of nine Saint followers. 这让圣堂教团雷霆震怒,当时的圣堂教团最高主教诺文德勒最终决定启动一次全方位的宗教改革,也就是在那之后,圣堂教团就与大部分地方上的统治阶级断绝了原本的关系,使得他们的地位开始变得独立而清高起来。说白了,这也不过就是圣堂教团对于王权渗透的一种打压和自我保护。也就是从那个时候开始,圣堂教团不参与政治问题就成为九圣信徒的共识了。 However Zhan En knows. Actually to be honest, Templar Order is not does not want to moisten above with the politics, but they hope that rather than the opposite party has the leading power by oneself. The awarding a decoration aristocrat actually also comes, although it is not the title of each country, but after obtaining the acknowledgment of Templar Order, where the awarding a decoration aristocrat can walk sideways. This is because the awarding a decoration aristocrat belongs to Templar Order completely, they had the initiative in this aspect, can therefore accomplish smoothly. 不过詹恩知道。其实说实话,圣堂教团不是不想和政治沾上边,只不过他们更希望由自己而非对方来掌握主导权。授勋贵族其实也就是这么来的,虽然它不是各个国家的爵位,但是得到圣堂教团的承认之后,授勋贵族在哪儿都能够横着走。这就是因为授勋贵族完全归属圣堂教团,他们在这方面掌握了主动权,所以才能够顺利成事。 But the war ............... this is a big mire. 可是战争……………这可是个大泥潭。 Since Zhan En dares to come here, the nature has been ready. 但是既然詹恩敢来到这里,自然早已经做好了准备。 I think. The war takes to the injury of civilians to be inestimable, is regarding the aristocrats, they do not care. Naturally, this was also the unsolved problem, but the issue was, many minor matters accumulated like this. In fact this time we many evil cult people who go to Casalance to discover are these grass-root people. I think that Howard Bishop you and I are equally clear. These evil cult may, no matter your family background, so long as can useful draw entirely. But these people by an extremely difficult situation that the war does, without means life, in this case, no matter Mother of Chaos or blood Queen, so long as can food eat to them, you thought that what thing they will care about the outcome that oneself believe are? Casalance the lesson of blood has told us this point, if continuously for a long time hence, this way, then the matter only becomes less wonderful. Let alone Howard old Bishop you are very clearer. Sometimes war of both sides does not involve the paramount interest of country, looks like two aristocrats in spitefully, but doesn't the damage that fighting that for their power and influence and faces initiate, causes finally, want Templar Order to withstand? & R dquo ; “我认为。战争带给平民的伤害是不可估量的,可是对于贵族们来说,他们并不在乎。当然,这也是老问题了,可问题在于,很多小事就是这样积累起来的。事实上这次我们前往卡萨兰斯所发现的很多邪教徒都是那些底层民众。我想霍华德主教你和我一样清楚。这些邪教可不管你的出身,只要能够有用都会统统拉进去。而这些人被战争搞的狼狈不堪,又没有办法生活,在这种情况下,不管是混沌之母还是鲜血女王,只要能够给他们一口饭吃,你觉得他们会在乎自己信仰的究竟是什么东西吗?卡萨兰斯已经用血的教训告诉我们这一点,如果长此以往,再这样下去的话,那么事情只会变得更加不妙。更何况霍华德主教你很清楚。有时候双方的战争根本不涉及到国家的核心利益,更多就像是两个贵族在赌气,而就为了他们自己的权势和面子所发起的争锋,最后造成的伤害,不还是要圣堂教团来承受吗?” Hears here, Howard looked at Zhan En one, stopped not to have speech & mda S h finally ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Before is who threatened the Soros family not to give a confession before oneself to begin to make war? 听到这里,霍华德望了詹恩一眼,停顿了一下最终还是没有说话———之前是谁在自己面前威胁说索罗斯家族不给个交代就要动手开战的? But Zhan En has not watched the Howard old Bishop look completely, or his facial skin has disregarded to despise the attack sincerely. 詹恩则完全没有把霍华德主教的眼神看在眼里,或者说他的脸皮已经厚道无视一切蔑视攻击了。 Therefore I believe, in this regard, Templar Order should initiate an attack, safeguards the life rights of these civilians. & R dquo ; “所以我认为,在这方面,圣堂教团应该主动出击,保障那些平民的生活权利。” Then Mr. Zhan En, what good suggestion you do have? & R dquo ; “那么詹恩先生,你有什么好的建议呢?” Is this. & R dquo ; “是这样的。” Hears Howard to ask, Zhan En shows a self-satisfied smile, he put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, this continued to say. 听到霍华德开口询问,詹恩不由露出一丝得意的笑容,他伸出手去推了推眼镜,这才继续开口说道。 I think that Templar Order should be more initiative, opens one in the rear area of war region specially the place of refugee is used to place these to evade the war. But during the war, regional materials transportation also because of blocking to interrupt, I think that Templar Order can send Paladin to form a team, gives these to get sucked into the civilians in flames of war sent some food and must the commodity, at least needs to make them know, even if in the most difficult environment, the gods and church has not given up them. Moreover as the matter stands, but can also better is in control of the trends of these evil cult people, avoids them seducing these helpless civilians ......... & R dquo ; “我认为圣堂教团应该主动一些,在战争区域的后方开辟一块专门用来安置那些逃避战争的难民的地方。而在战争期间,各地的物资运输也会因为封锁而中断,我想圣堂教团可以派圣骑士组成一支队伍,去给那些深陷战火之中的平民运送一些食物和必须的物资,至少要让他们知道,哪怕是在最困难的环境下,神明与教会也没有放弃他们。而且这样一来,还能够更好的掌握那些邪教徒的动向,避免他们诱惑那些无助的平民………” Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Hears here, Howard Bishop is also at present one bright. However quick, he frowns. 听到这里,霍华德主教也是不由的眼前一亮。不过很快,他又皱起了眉头。 That said that but Mr. Zhan En, the war is very dangerous, if we are not involved in carefully what to do? & R dquo ; “话是这么说,但是詹恩先生,战争是很危险的,假如我们不小心卷入其中怎么办?” Counterattacks. & R dquo ; “还击。” Facing the inquiry of Howard Bishop, Zhan En gave the answer without hesitation. 面对霍华德主教的询问,詹恩毫不犹豫的给出了答案。 I think that Templar Order can inform both sides to cease fire in some time, by facilitating Templar Order is good to send people to give these civilians to transport the commodity, if some people dare to obstruct, then they harbor ulterior motives. I want regarding this savage and evil fellow, Templar Order can certainly give the serious attack. Moreover, if they really crazed enough to dare to start ......... & R dquo to Templar Order Paladin ; “我认为圣堂教团可以通知双方在某个时间段停火,以方便圣堂教团好派人给那些平民运输物资,如果有人胆敢阻挠,那么他们就是别有用心。我想对于这种凶残又邪恶的家伙,圣堂教团一定是能够给予沉重打击的。而且,如果他们真的丧心病狂到敢对圣堂教团圣骑士下手的话………” Said here, Zhan En stopped. Has not said again. However his meaning is also very clear. If Templar Order were attacked did not hit back, then their faces may all lose completely. Moreover, who dares to start to Templar Order Paladin? Isn't this courts death? 说道这里,詹恩停了一下。没有再说下去。不过他的意思也是很清楚的。假如圣堂教团被人袭击了都不还手的话,那么他们的脸可就全丢光了。而且,又有谁敢对圣堂教团圣骑士下手?这不是找死吗? Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Hears here, Howard old Bishop lowers the head, the brilliance twinkle in eye is uncertain. 听到这里,霍华德主教低下头去,眼中的光辉闪烁不定。 Has to acknowledge, the proposal that Zhan En put forward, indeed made old Bishop quite excited. 不得不承认,詹恩提出的这个建议,的确让老主教颇为心动。 First. The proposal that he put forward was not considered as the innovation, actually in time of war, Templar Order will open the church to shelter these because of the refugee who the chaos caused by war was destitute and homeless, moreover will prepare some food for them. But these are all parties do according to oneself idea, no unified stipulation, therefore every so often the scene will also become very chaotic. But listens to the Zhan En's meaning, he proposed obviously a systematized flow, Zhan En of this flow and stipulation on Earth are commonly seen, however in Klein Continent is actually very fresh thing. However Howard old Bishop has to acknowledge, if Templar Order can assign one unified, deals with the plans of these refugees, will then be much better absolutely compared with each Church acting as one thinks fit. Therefore Zhan En did not propose everyone has not heard new plan, but conformed at the matter of doing before respectively, even if as the matter stands proposed in Templar Order. Also will little meet some resistance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; After all the old liners influence in Church is very big. 首先。他提出的这个建议并不算是创新,其实在战争时期,圣堂教团原本就会开放教堂来庇护那些因为战乱而流离失所的难民,而且也会为他们准备一些食物。只不过这些都是各方按照自己的想法去做,没有一个统一的规定,因此很多时候场面也会变得很混乱。而听詹恩的意思,他显然是提出了一个系统化的流程,这种流程和规定在地球上詹恩已经是司空见惯,但是在克莱恩大陆却还是非常新鲜的东西。但是霍华德主教不得不承认,假如圣堂教团能够指定一个统一的,应对那些难民的计划的话,那么绝对会比各个教团自行其是要好的多。所以詹恩并不是提出了一个大家都没有听说过的新方案,而是把以前各自在做的事情整合了起来,这样一来就算在圣堂教团提出。也会少遇到些阻力———毕竟教团里的守旧派影响还是很大的。 But what is more important is. The mentality that Zhan En proposes, was too meaningful regarding Templar Order. 而更重要的是。詹恩所提出来的这个思路,对于圣堂教团来说实在太有意义了。 Since the second religious reform, Templar Order has been seeking recaptures the method of influence, but actually and has no progress. But the proposal that now, Zhan En puts forward, can say that made Templar Order discover a new path, indeed, the war was the performance of these aristocratic politics tests of strength, however the following civilians were innocent. They are not soldier, does not need to be responsible for the war. However actually must withstand the misery that the war brings. Just like Zhan En said, the refugee always multiplies the hotbed of evil cult disciple, regarding this Templar Order also has a headache. But the means of Zhan En present, not only can attract more followers for Templar Order, but can also suppress the evil cult influence, also can grasp initiative & mda S h in the politics and moral level ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; After all who dares to stop them to save one group of civilians, that was not equal to saying were one executioner of killing without batting an eye? 自从第二次宗教改革之后,圣堂教团一直都在寻找重新夺回自己影响力的方法,但是却并没有什么进展。而现在,詹恩提出的这个建议,可以说让圣堂教团发现了一条新路,的确,战争是那些贵族政治角力的表现,但是下面的平民是无辜的。他们并不是士兵,也不需要为战争负责。但是却要承受战争带来的苦难。而且正如詹恩所说,难民总是滋生邪教徒的温床,对此圣堂教团也是颇为头疼。而詹恩眼下的这个办法,不但能够为圣堂教团吸引到更多的信徒,还能够压制邪教的影响力,同时在政治和道义层面也能够掌握主动权———毕竟谁敢阻拦他们去救一群平民,那不等于说自己是杀人不眨眼的刽子手了吗? Thinks of here, Howard more wants to be excited, he is not pure Nadia, saw important political interest. 想到这里,霍华德越想越是激动,他可不是单纯的娜迪亚,一眼就看出了这其中重要的政治利益。 Considers now on Klein Continent, which country there is not to go to war? It is not foreign, is internal, is not the friction dispute between aristocrats, is the Barbarian race war. If Templar Order really adopts the Zhan En's proposition, then they and morally held the commanding point in the legal principle theory of law, was also equal to blocking the lives of these warhawk. Howard is very clear, although superficially the war is the fight of both army, but actually a stable rear area is also quite necessary. But now, this stable life, once were gripped by Templar Order in the hand, then they may be finished. 试想现在克莱恩大陆上,有哪个国家不打仗的?不是对外,就是对内,不是贵族间的摩擦纠纷,就是和蛮族的战争。而如果圣堂教团真的采取詹恩的提议的话,那么他们可谓在法理和道义上占据了制高点,同时也等于扼住了那些战争狂人的命脉。霍华德很清楚,虽然表面上看战争是双方军队的战斗,但其实一个稳定的后方也是相当必要的。而现在,这个稳定的命脉一旦被圣堂教团攥在了手里,那么他们可就完蛋了。 Looks in the Howard Bishop surface the exciting expression, in Zhan En heart laughs in one's heart. In fact, his proposition from the peacekeeping forces and humanitarian aid in own previous generation Earth, from the surface, the civilized progress and development indeed expedited childbirth seemed like very fine thing. The humanitarian aid is also one of them, the right to live of person is very important ............ actually effect how, that may not be uncertain. 看着霍华德主教面上兴奋的表情,詹恩不由的心中暗笑。事实上,他的这个提议就是来自于自己前世地球上的维和部队和人道主义援助,从表面上来说,文明的发展进步的确催生了一些看起来很美好的东西。人道主义援助也算是其中之一,人的生命权是很重要的嘛…………不过究竟效果会怎么样,那可就不一定了。 After all is not every happy expectation can blossom and bear fruit. 毕竟不是每一个美好的期望都会开花结果。 It seems like, this indeed is a very important matter. & R dquo ; “看来,这的确是件很重要的事。” At this time Howard also responded, he put out a hand to trace the beard, then looked to Zhan En. 这个时候霍华德也是反应了过来,他伸出手去摸了摸胡子,然后望向身边的詹恩 Therefore you mean ............... & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是……………” I hope that Howard Bishop you can for me to Templar Order propose this suggestion, naturally, I know this is not in one single day can shove open the implementation comprehensively the matter. If possible, I also hope that Howard Bishop can propose makes our Eagle Plateau first try this approach is whether feasible. Because of the present, regarding Eagle Plateau , is a time ......... & R dquo ; “我希望霍华德主教您能够代我向圣堂教团提出这个建议,当然,我知道这不是一朝一夕可以全面推开实施的事情。如果可以的话,我还希望霍华德主教能够提出让我们雄鹰高原首先尝试一下这种做法是否可行。因为眼下,对于雄鹰高原来说,也正好是一个时机………” Did not need Zhan En to say again, Howard also knows he referred to anything, the invasion of Goldshire Empire let the Skaar federation interior will of the people disorder, in this case, cannot do well will perhaps have what trouble. In fact he has received several Paladin to report that some evil cult people stir up the report of will of the people, why this will also be Howard to one of the Zhan En's proposition so careful reasons. 不用詹恩再多说,霍华德也知道他指的是什么,闪金帝国的入侵让斯卡尔联邦内部人心紊乱,在这种情况下,一个搞不好说不定还会出现什么乱子。事实上他已经接到过几起圣骑士报告有邪教徒煽动人心的报告,这也是为什么霍华德会对詹恩的提议如此上心的原因之一。 Good. & R dquo ; “好吧。” Thinks of here, Howard old Bishop sets firm resolve finally, nods. 想到这里,霍华德主教终于下定决心,点了点头。 This matter gives me to do, I think, Templar Order will certainly have the interest in this proposition. & R dquo ; “这件事就交给我去做,我想,圣堂教团一定会对这个提议产生兴趣的。” After successfully flickered Howard, Zhan En then said goodbye to leave, he can believe firmly, Templar Order will certainly be interested in this proposition. Doing that if they really said according to themselves ........., Eagle Plateau may on the constant disorder and unrest. 在成功忽悠了霍华德之后,詹恩便告辞离开,他可以确信,圣堂教团一定会对这个提议感兴趣的。而如果他们真的按照自己说的做的话………嘿嘿嘿,雄鹰高原可就永无宁日了。 Regarding Zhan En, this may really be a wonderful matter. 对于詹恩来说,这可真是件美妙的事情。 However after Zhan En returns to the manor in a while, he received one to let he quite somewhat surprised information through the system. 不过就在詹恩回到庄园之后没过多久,他就通过系统收到了一条让他颇为有些惊讶的信息。 The system prompt he, received quest & mda S h in City of Gold Sofina ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Robs Ring of Magic's staff. 系统提示他,远在黄金之城索菲娜接到了一个任务———【抢夺环法之杖】。
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