DR :: Volume #3

#257: Third mastermind

Has to acknowledge, the trouble that now the Skaar federation encounters, actually wants being almost the same that makes with Zhan En, in fact he is also planned that uses this way to make the Skaar federation go haywire, oneself good thus to fish in troubled waters., But Zhan En did not plan does is so obvious, he hopes that can beat the contradiction between Skaar federation each aristocrats in secret, then through a series of suggestions and buys, making them gradually divide to rush to the segregation, then makes Goldshire Empire go to enter, by that time, the Skaar federation also collapsed thoroughly. 不得不承认,现在斯卡尔联邦遭遇的麻烦,其实和詹恩想要做的相差无几,事实上他也是打算利用这种方式来让斯卡尔联邦陷入混乱之中,自己好从而浑水摸鱼。,只不过詹恩并不打算做的这么明显,他希望能够暗中跳动斯卡尔联邦各个贵族之间的矛盾,然后再通过一系列的暗示和收买,让他们逐渐分奔离析,然后再让闪金帝国趁虚而入,到那个时候,斯卡尔联邦也就彻底崩溃了。 He has to think comes to bring the pressure on the Skaar federation in this way, but after considering over and over, Zhan En gave up this idea. Do not look that now the Skaar federation has a hundred things to do, the interior is not steady, and loss is serious. As long as the matter has advantages and disadvantages, the great pressure that Goldshire Empire brings may let the Skaar federation very much, not only will not therefore collapse, instead will put aside the original hatred, joins up to show no external differences. Premature conducts this step, might alert the enemy very much, instead went bad the important matter. After all even if the aristocrat between Skaar federations does not cope, is still the Skaar federation person. They also know, if Goldshire Empire successfully destroyed the Skaar federation, then their lands, the wealth and position must surrender something submissively. 他不是没有想过通过这种方式来对斯卡尔联邦施加压力,但是考虑再三之后,詹恩还是放弃了这个想法。别看现在斯卡尔联邦百废待兴,内部不稳,而且损失惨重。但凡事有好有坏,闪金帝国施加的强大压力很有可能让斯卡尔联邦非但不会因此崩溃,反而会放下彼此之间原本的仇恨,联合起来一致对外。过早的进行这一步,很有可能会打草惊蛇,反而坏了大事。毕竟斯卡尔联邦之间的贵族就算再不怎么对付,也是斯卡尔联邦的人。他们也知道,如果闪金帝国成功毁灭了斯卡尔联邦,那么他们的土地,财富和地位都要拱手让人了。 If each family has the strong strength, perhaps will then also pull holds back, but the issue lies in the most aristocrats of present Skaar federation can be said as the loss being serious, Soros and Parwood family is no exception, in this case, their only choices put down the enmity, joins up to show no external differences. 如果说各个家族都拥有强劲的实力,那么彼此之间说不定还会扯扯后腿,可问题在于现在斯卡尔联邦的大部分贵族都可以说是损失惨重,就连索罗斯帕伍德家族也不例外,在这种情况下,他们唯一的选择就是放下彼此之间的仇怨,联合起来一致对外。 Also because of this, Zhan En about the attack of Goldshire Empire felt that has doubts very much. He has a feeling indistinctly, that is that mysterious secret mastermind is actually not gives the Skaar federation to look for trouble. But looks for trouble for him. Because of the attack of Goldshire Empire, Zhan En's all morning market plans is basically equal to overturning to be heavy thoroughly. In this case, wanted to obtain successfully may not be a simple matter. 也正因为如此,詹恩对于闪金帝国的袭击感到很疑惑。他隐隐约约有一种感觉,那就是那个神秘的幕后黑手其实不是来给斯卡尔联邦找麻烦的。而是给他找麻烦的。因为伴随着闪金帝国的进攻,詹恩的所有前盘计划基本上等于彻底打翻重来。在这种情况下,想要获得胜利可就不是一件简单的事情了。 Therefore the master, now what to do we should? & R dquo ; “所以主人,现在我们应该怎么办?” As the adjutant, Enoya is the clearest Zhan En's plan, he planned through uniting the Parwood family's union, attacks Soros that side aristocrat, then conducts the division plan, when the entire Skaar federation is precarious arrives as Savior, by that time. All were easy to handle. 作为副官,埃诺娅是最清楚詹恩的计划的,他原本是打算通过联合帕伍德家族的同盟,打击索罗斯那边的贵族,然后再进行分割计划,等到整个斯卡尔联邦风雨飘摇之际以救世主的身份登场,到那个时候。一切就都容易搞定了。 But now, Zhan En's this plan was obviously invalid. 可是现在,詹恩的这个计划显然是行不通了。 Does not need to manage. & R dquo ; “不用管。” Heard the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En pondered the moment, finally the big hand wielded. 听到埃诺娅的询问,詹恩沉思了片刻,最终还是大手一挥。 We first complete our things, the Skaar federation issue, must look at them. If they asked on me to say when the time comes again, if they did not open the mouth, were also little significance with us. So long as defended our little plot of land to be OK ............ ............... & R dquo ; “我们先做好我们自己的事情,斯卡尔联邦的问题,还是要看他们自己。如果他们求到我头上的话到时候再说,不过如果他们不开口,那么和我们也没有多大关系。只要守住我们自己这一亩三分地儿就可以了…………不过……………” Said here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. The corners of the mouth revealed one to sneer. 说道这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜。嘴角露出了一丝冷笑。 I am not easy to cope, since the Skaar federation did not handle, then we can seperately find the person to help us solve this problem. & R dquo ; “我也不是那么容易对付的,既然斯卡尔联邦这边搞不定了,那么我们可以另外找人帮我们解决这个问题。” Finds the person? & R dquo ; “找人?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Facing the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En showed the self-satisfied smile. Nods to her. 面对埃诺娅的询问,詹恩露出了得意的笑容。冲她点了点头。 We can look for Templar Order to help us solve this trouble. & R dquo ; “我们可以找圣堂教团帮我们解决这个麻烦。” Templar Order? The masters, doesn't this really have the issue? I remember that Templar Order will not participate in conflict between any countries going. & R dquo ; 圣堂教团?主人,这样真的没问题吗?我记得圣堂教团是不会参与到任何国家之间的冲突当中去的啊。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Enoya blinks. Afterward asks. She said is not unreasonable, after the second world war. With the separation of church and state, Templar Order and between the place ruling classes also gradually separated. On the one hand Templar Order and contradiction between the ruling classes starts to increase. On the other hand they are also very repugnant these ruling classes to flaunt the banner of religion to seek oneself personal gain. In Templar Order these devout followers, many people think that this is one type to the approach that the gods disrespect. Therefore regarding the war between national and country, the attitude that nine Saint churches have does not involve. If both countries battle, they will only open the temple as the refuge shelters of these refugees, in addition they will not get involved in the war on own initiative. 听到詹恩的回答,埃诺娅眨了眨眼睛。随后开口询问道。她说的也并非没有道理,在第二次天地大战之后。伴随着政教分离,圣堂教团和地方统治阶级之间也是逐渐分离了开来。一方面圣堂教团与统治阶级之间的矛盾开始增加。另外一方面他们也很反感那些统治阶级打着宗教的旗号去谋取自己的私利。在圣堂教团那些虔诚的信徒之中,很多人都认为这是一种对神明不敬的做法。所以对于国家与国家之间的战争,九圣教会采取的态度是不介入。如果两国交战,他们只会开放圣殿作为那些难民的避难所,除此之外他们是不会主动介入到战争中去的。 Naturally, this was also some people evades the raid of enemy to leave the hidden danger, generally but the occupying power does not dare to do went too far, after all they also needed Templar Order for steadily they maintained local with the order, even if the nine Saint churches of place level made anything to let their uncomfortable things, they still can only lodge the protest. Naturally, Templar Order loves the manages, no matter is on the other hand. 当然,这也为一些人逃避敌国的搜捕留下了隐患,不过一般占领国也不敢做的太过分,毕竟他们还需要圣堂教团为他们维持地区方面的平稳与秩序,就算地方层面的九圣教会做了些什么让他们不爽的事情,他们也只能够提出抗议。当然,圣堂教团爱管不管就是另外一方面了。 Before cannot. & R dquo ; “以前是不会。” Facing the view of Enoya, Zhan En happily blinks to her. 面对埃诺娅的说法,詹恩得意的冲她眨了眨眼睛。 But cannot reach an agreement now. & R dquo ; “但是现在就说不好了。” Going ahead is the Zhan En's always style, no matter other aspects on the bed is so. In fact after he and Enoya discussed this issue was only the half-day time, Zhan En arrived at Great Mother Temple again, paid a visit Howard Archbishop. 说做就做是詹恩的一向风格,不管是在床上还是其他方面都是如此。事实上在他和埃诺娅讨论完这个问题之后只是半天的时间,詹恩就再一次来到了伟大之母神殿,拜见了霍华德大主教 I have never thought that you can look for me unexpectedly, Mr. Zhan En. Then mentioned, what matter did this time you have to need the Church help? & R dquo ; “真没想到,你居然会来找我,詹恩先生。那么说来,这次你又有什么事情需要教团帮忙了?” Facing the Zhan En's visit, Howard Bishop somewhat is obviously surprised, because knew about Zhan En's by him, this young awarding a decoration aristocrat is always I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come, if Zhan En said oneself are because admires the Templar Order doctrine therefore to come with him to discuss to create world epic such matter, that Howard Archbishop will kill will not believe. Therefore after seeing Zhan En, he then painstakingly a face, having the helpless smile to ask. 面对詹恩的来访,霍华德主教显然有些吃惊,因为以他对詹恩的了解,这位年轻的授勋贵族向来是无事不登三宝殿,如果詹恩说自己是因为仰慕圣堂教团的教义所以来和他探讨一下创世史诗这样的事情,那霍华德大主教是打死都不会相信的。因此在看见詹恩之后,他便苦着一张脸,带着无奈的笑容开口询问道。 Regarding the helplessness of Howard Archbishop, Zhan En thinks little actually, in fact Howard also appreciates Zhan En this point very much, he not hypocrisy like these aristocrats, but will be very simple the straightforward thorough subject, although from the Zhan En's performance, he that does not respect like other aristocrats regarding Templar Order, but Templar Order gives his quest actually basically to grant every request, even the fall sacrifice provide reliefs the donations of these refugees, he was also knocks to stumble does not hit to pull out 50,000 gold coins to come out, this point may on the mouth compared with these ordinary days praise the gods. Had an accident compared with who far aristocrat who ran. 对于霍华德大主教的无奈,詹恩倒是不以为意,事实上霍华德也很欣赏詹恩这一点,他不像那些贵族那样虚情假意,而是会很简单直截了当的深入主题,虽然从詹恩的表现来看,他对于圣堂教团并不像其他贵族那么尊重,但是圣堂教团交给他的任务却基本都是有求必应,甚至就连秋日祭救济那些难民的捐款,他也是磕绊也不打一下就掏了五万金币出来,这一点可比那些平日里嘴上赞扬神明。一出事跑的比谁都远的贵族强多了。 However, how to see Nadia? & R dquo ; “不过话说回来,怎么没有看见娜迪亚?” Regarding the Howard Bishop issue. Zhan En has not replied immediately, but curious inquired another issue. Before he arrived at Great Mother Temple time. Is Nadia is responsible for leading him to see Howard, this Zhan En arrives at Temple, actually traded Paladin. This makes Zhan En feel some surprise, because after seeing Howard also freely spoken asking. But hears the Zhan En's issue, in the Howard Bishop surface is actually the complexion sinks. 对于霍华德主教的问题。詹恩并没有立刻回答,而是好奇的打听起了另外一个问题。以前他来到伟大之母神殿的时候。都是娜迪亚负责带他来见霍华德的,这一次詹恩来到神殿,却是换了一个圣骑士。这让詹恩不由觉得有些诧异,因为在见到霍华德之后也不由的顺口问到。而听见詹恩的问题,霍华德主教面上却是面色一沉。 How yeah ......... Nadia she ......... said that she has gone back real Temple. & R dquo ; “哎………娜迪亚她………怎么说呢,她已经回去真实神殿了。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Zhan En put down the teacup in hand, he knows certainly that Nadia is Eye of truth Tom Paladin, before arrived here is for the trial. Now Nadia returns to Eye of truth Temple. Means that her trial ended, can become true Paladin? 听到这里,詹恩放下了手中的茶杯,他当然知道娜迪亚真实之眼托姆圣骑士,之前来到这里是为了试炼。现在娜迪亚回到真实之眼神殿。就意味着她的试炼结束,要成为一名真正的圣骑士了? In other words, Nadia did Paladin practice successfully the fruits of virtue finally? Really may celebrate encouraging. & R dquo ; “也就是说,娜迪亚圣骑士终于修成正果了?真是可喜可贺。” Yeah ......... the matter is not such ......... & R dquo ; “哎………事情并非如此………” But the performance of Howard Bishop does not think like Zhan En happy, on the contrary, a helplessness and bitterness and astringency of his actually face. 只不过霍华德主教的表现并不像詹恩所想的那样高兴,相反,他倒是一脸的无奈与苦涩。 In fact, this time recalls is Nadia Paladin raises on own initiative, she thinks that oneself disciplining is insufficient, therefore needs to go back to conduct many studies and tests ......... looks like this time goes to Casalance is very big ......... & R dquo to her attack ; “事实上,这次调回是娜迪亚圣骑士主动提出来的,她认为自己的磨练还不够,因此需要回去进行更多的学习和考验………看来这次前往卡萨兰斯对她的打击很大………” In this regard, Howard had not suspected actually Zhan En they did what ghost in the back. Because God's family knight because receives care of gods inborn. Also often pure child at the beginning of the trial, like the matter of Cassandra, Howard old Bishop also has the preparation the likely, in Nadia to him rephrased in own words when words that Zhan En spoke. Howard did not think that this has anything is not right. Because the follower and church indeed are relations of mutualism, if Templar Order is unable to shelter the follower, naturally do not count on that the followers believe the gods. As Archbishop. Howard to stake is also very clear. Also only then the Nadia such pure God's family knight, will think the person inborn by the gods kindness. Then natural must have devout belief & mda S h to the gods ; She does not think, on this continent how many people can care by the gods inborn? 在这方面,霍华德倒是没有怀疑詹恩他们在背后搞了什么鬼。因为神眷骑士由于天生受到神明的眷顾。在试炼之初也往往单纯的像个孩子,像卡珊德拉发生的这种事情,霍华德主教也是有心理准备的,所以在娜迪亚向他转述詹恩说的话时。霍华德并不觉得这有什么不对。因为信徒和教堂的确是一种互利共生的关系,如果圣堂教团无法庇护信徒,自然也别指望信徒们会信仰神明。作为一个大主教霍华德对这其中的利害关系也是很清楚的。也只有娜迪亚这样单纯的神眷骑士,才会认为人天生受神明恩惠。那么自然就要对神明有虔诚的信仰—她也不想想,这个大陆上又有多少人天生能够受到神明眷顾的? It looks like in Howard. This time goes to Casalance regarding Nadia is also travel of very meaningful trial, after at least she comes back, this Paladin has been short many naively, but he is also afraid the opposite party extremely to bore tip of cows horn, the God's family knight's belief is pure, but extremely pure was also very easy to collapse, therefore chose to return to Eye of truth Temple regarding Nadia at this time, Howard is some worries. However he after all is Great Mother Bishop, was not good to say anything. 霍华德看来。这次前往卡萨兰斯对于娜迪亚来说也是一次很有意义的试炼之旅,至少当她回来之后,这位圣骑士已经少了许多天真,但是他也害怕对方太过钻牛角尖,神眷骑士的信仰非常纯粹,可是太过纯粹了也很容易崩坏,所以对于娜迪亚这个时候选择回到真实之眼神殿,霍华德是有些担心的。不过他毕竟是伟大之母主教,不好对此多说什么。 „ Everyone has own road to walk, sooner or later some day she must learn itself to go forward, after rather than threw down, cries to call mother. & R dquo ; “每个人都有自己的路要走,迟早有一天她必须学会自己前进,而不是摔倒了之后哭着叫妈妈。” Compared to Howard, Zhan En does not seem careful regarding departure of Nadia, this also conforms to Howard to his consistent impression & mda S h ; Naturally, actually Zhan En how thinks in secret, only then he himself knew. 相对于霍华德,詹恩对于娜迪亚的离开似乎并不上心,这也符合霍华德对他的一贯印象—当然,詹恩私下里究竟是怎么想的,就只有他自己才知道了。 My this coming, indeed for the Casalance issue ......... I thinks that the specific situation, Howard Sir Bishop should understand. & R dquo ; “不过我这次前来,的确是为了卡萨兰斯的问题………我想具体的情况,霍华德主教大人应该有所了解了吧。” This is natural. & R dquo ; “这是当然。” Hears here, Howard Bishop nods. The Casalance situation he is very certainly clear, this matter also brought to the suitable attention in Templar Order, but is taught itself to solve & mda S h by Sun God finally ; After all is the issue that they cause, naturally cannot count on that other church cleaned up to them. 听到这里,霍华德主教点了点头。卡萨兰斯的情况他当然很清楚,这件事在圣堂教团之中也引起了相当的重视,不过最终还是由太阳神教会自己去解决—毕竟是他们自己惹出来的问题,自然不能指望别的教会给他们擦屁股了。 „ The tour of this time Casalance, I also thought. & R dquo ; “这次的卡萨兰斯之行,我也想了许多。” Said here, the Zhan En's complexion also became dignified and serious, if Enoya, she can certainly see here, Zhan En's Acting in a play pattern Opened again. 说道这里,詹恩的面色也变得凝重而严肃起来,如果埃诺娅在这里的话,她一定能够看出,詹恩的【演戏模式】再次开启了。 Although superficially, the eruption of this plague finally, is difficult to solve very much besides the plague, agitation of evil cult disciple also plays the role in adding fuel to the flames. However in my opinion, this is not the main reason. & R dquo ; “虽然从表面上来看,这次瘟疫的爆发到最后,除了瘟疫本身很难解决之外,邪教徒的煽风点火也起到了推波助澜的作用。但是在我看来,这并不是最主要的原因。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Howard Bishop also had the interest. 听到这里,霍华德主教也产生了兴趣。 Then Mr. Zhan En, actually the main reason is what? & R dquo ; “那么詹恩先生来看,最主要的原因究竟是什么呢?” War. & R dquo ; “战争。” The reply that Zhan En gives is simple, no hesitation. 詹恩给出的回答简单直接,没有一丝犹豫。 Before then, Casalance and Valkyrie duchy, because some common friction go on an expedition all the year round, causing the civilians to be destitute and homeless, they lost oneself homeland, but the form of war also keeps them from obtaining a stable work to keep a family, most aristocrats will not care about this small issue. However finally, what the war affects and affects to be deepest is the grass-root people, they will produce to oneself future are confused and chaotic, finally went to enter by the evil cult disciple. This Casalance is this, if not year to year expedition enables the people destitute and homeless, regarding own in the future not a determinism, rapidness of such plague possibly eruption, but does the evil cult disciple possibly go to enter? & R dquo ; “在这之前,卡萨兰斯瓦尔基里公国因为一些不起眼的摩擦长年征战,致使平民流离失所,他们失去了自己的家园,而战争的形式也让他们无法获得一份稳定的工作来养家糊口,大部分贵族是不会在意这种小问题的。但是最终,战争所波及和影响最深的还是底层民众,他们会对自己的未来产生迷茫与混乱,最终被邪教徒趁虚而入。这次卡萨兰斯就是这样,如果不是常年的征战使得民众流离失所,对于自己的未来没有一个确定性,瘟疫又怎么可能爆发的这么快,而邪教徒又怎么可能趁虚而入呢?” That is true. & R dquo ; “的确如此。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Howard Bishop nods, is different from pure Nadia, the relations in his very clear this aspect. However ......... Zhan En and said this, for what? 听到詹恩的说话,霍华德主教点了点头,和单纯的娜迪亚不同,他很清楚这方面的关系。不过………詹恩和自己说这个,又是为了什么呢? Is this. & R dquo ; “是这样的。” Detected that the doubts of Howard Bishop, Zhan En also showed a happy expression. 察觉到霍华德主教的疑惑,詹恩也露出了一丝笑意。 I believe that to cease risk, Templar Order should be potential achievement in this aspect. & R dquo ; “我认为,为了杜绝其中的风险,圣堂教团应该在这方面有所作为。” Then, he says. 接着,他开口说道。 p S: Recently net net, therefore god hidden...... above( to be continued......) ps:最近净网,所以神隐……以上(未完待续……)
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