DR :: Volume #3

#256: What relations however this and do we have?

Old Hank knocked the tobacco pipe in hand, having the melancholy look to gaze at out of the window. Outside golden wheat field with fluctuating that the autumn wind continuously, sends out completely relaxedlyrustle & R dquo ; Sound. As can be seen, this year is a good crop. 老汉克敲了敲手中的烟斗,带着忧郁的眼神注视着窗外。外面金黄色的麦田正在随着秋风而不住的起伏着,发出令人心旷神怡的“沙沙”声。可以看出,今年又是一个好收成。 However old person's mood therefore has not actually changed for the better, the shadow of war is gradually proliferating, even if in Passus, people also had the fear with worrying regarding the flames of war. In this case, even if the crop good and useful? Was not received to act as the armament commodity by above, was burnt down a none by these damn Goldshire people, in addition, what other choice do they have? 但是老人的心情却并没有因此而好转,战争的阴影正逐渐扩散开来,哪怕是在帕苏斯,人们也对于战火产生了恐惧与担忧。在这种情况下,就算收成再好又有什么用?不是被上面收去充当军备物资,就是被那些该死的闪金人一把火烧个精光,除此之外,他们还有什么别的选择吗? Thinks of here, the old person sighed. He clothes that put out a hand to close up oneself to wear, covered cold wind of next fall. In fact, most makes Old Hank anxious is the attitude of feudal lord Sir, is different from these average people, Old Hank takes the mayor in Passus small town, the nature knows own here has changed a feudal lord Sir to rule. That feudal lord Sir he has also seen, before is, caused that young aristocrat of many topic in the small town, although does not know that actually this young people how obtain the position and Passus of feudal lord sovereignty, but Old Hank does not care. So long as this feudal lord Sir should not be extremely harsh, to them was also enough. 想到这里,老人叹了口气。他伸出手去合拢了自己穿着的衣服,遮挡了一下秋日的寒风。事实上,最让老汉克不安的就是领主大人的态度,和那些普通人不同,老汉克作为帕苏斯小镇的一镇之长,自然知道自己这里已经换了一位领主大人来统治。那位领主大人他也见过,就是之前在小镇上引起了很多话题的那位年轻贵族,虽然不知道这个年轻人究竟是如何获得领主的位置和帕苏斯的统治权的,不过老汉克也不在乎。只要这位领主大人不要太过苛刻,对他们来说也就足够了。 However makes Old Hank feel what feels relieved, although this young feudal lord is seemingly young, but works but is actually very calm. Also not like other children of the nobility wasteful, after he is worried about the opposite party to take up an official post, will also increase the tax or restrains some properties, never expected that Zhan En, not only has not increased the tax, instead also lightened their tax burden. The people who let the entire Passus area felt better, this lets the old person is also very relieved. Regarding this newly appointed feudal lord, his feeling view is good. 不过让老汉克感到放心的是,这位年轻的领主虽然看起来年纪不大,但做事倒还是很沉稳的。也没有像其他贵族子弟那样大手大脚,他原本还担心对方走马上任之后会增税或者收敛一些财物,没想到詹恩非但没有增税,反而还减轻了他们的税务负担。让整个帕苏斯地区的人都好过了许多,这让老人也是非常安心。对于这位新上任的领主,他的感观还是蛮不错的。 But this time matter some are not quite same, the Goldshire Empire army had entered Land of Four seasons. Around Passus also presented the rumor about war much. According to the experience of Old Hank, the past to this kind of time, the feudal lords will start the call army. Recruits the militiaman to be ready for the war. But when now, that side that young feudal lord does not have sound a little. This makes Old Hank worries. Although the residents in small town regarding had not been recruited feel very fortunate, but Old Hank actually does not think like this. He treated in Passus for a lifetime, knows from A to Z regarding here situation. Knows that this stretch of area has almost no army, only then three militiaman armies are used for the bandit and protection small town that guard against flee in all directions, in addition is only to be stationed here army is a population about 500 people garrison army. This only garrisons soldier of army is the Passus native, is responsible for leading the commanders of garrison regiment is the Parwood family's member, afterward after the territory connected with, that commander then got the hell out to leave. But the commander also vacancy of this garrison, Old Hank also thinks that young feudal lord will send own trusted aide to direct this only to garrison the army like other aristocrats, from the start , there would be no manages never expected that the opposite party, but makes Old Hank send people to force up at will. Facing feudal lord Sir relaxed leisurely and carefree attitude, Old Hank also has no means that has to find the person who trusted to be responsible for managing this regiment, the person who fortunately he finds also has the prestige, pours does not need to be worried that will garrison the regiment to have problems. 只不过这次的事情有些不太一样,闪金帝国的军队已经进入了四季之地帕苏斯周围也出现了不少关于战争的流言。按照老汉克的经验,以往到这种时候,领主们就会开始召集军队。征召民兵为战争做好准备。可是等到现在,那位年轻的领主那边却是没有一点儿动静。这让老汉克不由的为之着急。虽然小镇上的居民对于没有被征召都感到很幸庆,可是老汉克却不这样认为。他在帕苏斯待了一辈子,对于这里的情况了如指掌。知道这片地区几乎没有什么军队,只有三只民兵部队用来防备流窜的匪盗以及保护小镇,除此之外唯一一只驻扎在这里的军队是一个人数在五百人左右的警备军。这只警备军的士兵都是帕苏斯本地人,只有负责率领警备军团的指挥官原本是帕伍德家族的成员,后来在领地交接之后,那个指挥官便滚蛋走人。而这只警备队的指挥官也空缺了下来,原本老汉克还以为那位年轻的领主会像其他贵族那样派自己的心腹来指挥这只警备军,没想到对方压根就没管,而是随意让老汉克派个人顶上去。面对领主大人这种轻松悠闲的态度,老汉克也没什么办法,只好找了个自己信赖的人来负责管理这只军团,幸运的是他找的人也算是颇有威望,倒也不用担心警备军团会出什么问题。 Just ............... 只不过…………… But at this time, in the steps of Atsugi system presented onetread tread & R dquo ; The sound of footsteps, hears this rapid sound of footsteps. The old person opens the eye suddenly, looks to the entrance. But under his vision gaze, heavy/thick front doorbang & R dquo ; Opens. Afterward a middle-aged man of wear garrison army military officer armor only walked, he is cleaning the beads of sweat on forehead, arrived at old person's front, nods to him. 而就在这个时候,厚木制的阶梯上出现了一阵“蹬蹬蹬”的脚步声,听到这急促的脚步声。老人猛然睁开眼睛,望向门口。而就在他的目光注视下,厚重的大门“砰”的一声打开。随后一个穿着警备军军官盔甲的中年男子就这样走了进来,他一面擦拭着额头上的汗珠,一面走到了老人的面前,对他点了点头。 I came back, Hank father. & R dquo ; “我回来了,汉克老爹。” Situation how? & R dquo ; “情况怎么样?” Looks at the present middle-aged man, Old Hank also showed the tense expression, this middle-aged man named Bateer, is the Old Hank nephew, garrisons the current commander of regiment. Although Old Hank recommends his some meanings of appointing people by favoritism, but Bateer also indeed make every effort to succeed very much. Does unusual in this position is good. Also because of this, he is entire Passus is qualified for that feudal lord Sir fewmanor & R dquo ; Person. 看着眼前的中年男子,老汉克也是露出了紧张的表情,这个中年男子名叫巴特尔,是老汉克的侄子,也是警备军团的现任指挥官。虽然老汉克推荐他有些任人唯亲的意思,但是巴特尔自己也的确很争气。在这个位置上干的非常不错。也正因为如此,他是整个帕苏斯为数不多有资格进入那位领主大人“庄园”的人。 Remembers the feudal lord Sirmanor & R dquo ;. The old person felt that own back fine hair must set upright, he lived for a lifetime, has not looked at the so grand beautiful and elegant construction, although Old Hank this life has not left Passus, but he can believe firmly, even these great Temple, perhaps do not have the feudal lordmanor & R dquo ; Come attractiveness and atmosphere. In fact in the Passus area, the manor of that feudal lord Sir can be said as the place that everyone yearns, what just pitifully is there prohibits the bystander from entering, even Bateer, still can only enter the entrance door, even this, still sufficiently enviable. 一想起领主大人的“庄园”。老人就感觉自己的后背汗毛都要竖起来了,他活了一辈子,从来没有看过如此雄伟美丽而典雅的建筑,虽然老汉克这一生都没有离开过帕苏斯,但是他可以确信,就算是那些伟大的神殿,恐怕都没有自己领主的“庄园”来的漂亮和大气。事实上在帕苏斯地区,那位领主大人的庄园可以说是所有人都向往的地方,只不过可惜的是那里禁止外人进入,就算是巴特尔,也只能够进入外门,就算这样,也足以让人羡慕的了。 But today Old Hank asks Bateer to search the rumor of that feudal lord Sir, how look should face the threat of war. Passus is only a small place, if Goldshire Empire really hits, then they may almost be nothing strengths to hit back. Now can depend upon only, only then this feudal lord Sir. 而今天正是老汉克拜托巴特尔去探探那位领主大人的口风,看看应该怎么面对战争的威胁。帕苏斯只是个小地方,假如闪金帝国真的打过来的话,那么他们可几乎是没什么还手之力的。现在唯一能够依靠的,也只有这位领主大人了。 That side feudal lord Sir has nothing special. & R dquo ; “领主大人那边倒没什么特别的。” Hears the inquiry of Old Hank, Bateer is also the helpless opens the mouth said. 听到老汉克的询问,巴特尔也是无奈的开口说道。 He agreed that we can recruit some militiamen to be responsible for the defense of border, but also is this, does not seem like regarding the Goldshire person feudal lord Sir was worried very much, he requests us with the ordinary same guard good border line, once discovered that Emperor Goldshire * the trace of team sent the signal to inform everyone to evacuate on the line. & R dquo ; “他同意我们可以征召一些民兵负责边境的防卫,但也就是这样,对于闪金人领主大人似乎不是很担心,他只是要求我们和平常一样守卫好边境线,一旦发现闪金帝*队的踪影就发信号通知大家撤离就行了。” Only by doing so? & R dquo ; “只有这样?” Hears here, old person's brow wrinkles was tighter. He thinks that feudal lord Sir will deploy an army to be responsible for the border defending, has not thought that unexpectedly can be this, as the matter stands, didn't matter give the garrison regiment to process? Moreover ......... sent the signal even, is useful? 听到这里,老人的眉头皱的更紧了。他原本以为那位领主大人会派遣一只军队负责边境防卫,没想到居然会是这样,这样一来,事情不还是交给警备军团去处理了吗?而且………就算发了信号,又有什么用呢? ......... The feudal lord Sir added a few words ......... & R dquo ; “不过………领主大人还说了一句话………” What words? & R dquo ; “什么话?” Facing the inquiry of Old Hank, Bateer has doubts some expressions to say. 面对老汉克的询问,巴特尔带着有些疑惑的表情开口说道。 He said & l S quo ; That is Goldshire Empire and issue between Skaar federations , there is nothing to relate & R S quo with us ; ............... & R dquo ; “他说‘那是闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦之间的问题,和我们没什么关系’……………” Un? & R dquo ; “嗯?” Hears here, the old person gawked. 听到这里,老人愣了一下。 What is this? 这是什么意思? In Old Hank is surprisedly uncertain, inmanor & R dquo ; In, Zhan En is also frowning, gazes is piling up information before own desk. 就在老汉克惊疑不定之际,在“庄园”之中,詹恩也同样皱着眉头,注视着堆积在自己书桌前的一份份情报。 Federations about Goldshire Empire and matter between Skaar, before Zhan En, is not very clear, therefore, him sends Enoya to collect the information immediately, after that Zhan En pieced together the original condition of entire event finally. 关于闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦之间的事情,詹恩之前并不是很清楚,所以在回来之后,他就立刻派埃诺娅去收集情报,在那之后,詹恩总算把整个事件的原貌拼凑了出来。 According to the information showed, the accusation of Goldshire Empire does not fictionalize baseless, in fact their indeed sentry post area was attacked, but Goldshire Empire indeed after being attacked the set army planned that launches the counter-attack to the Skaar federation, but after that the sentry post of Skaar federation was also attacked similarly, therefore both sides on hit. 根据情报显示,闪金帝国的指责并非凭空虚构,事实上他们的确有一个岗哨地区遭到了袭击,而闪金帝国的确是在被袭击之后集合军队打算对斯卡尔联邦发动反击,而在那之后,斯卡尔联邦的岗哨也同样遭到了袭击,于是双方就这么打起来了。 Superficially, the situation seems normal, but Zhan En quick on keen detection to questionable point. 从表面上来看,情况似乎很正常,但是詹恩很快就敏锐的察觉到了其中的疑点。 First, the Skaar federation did not have the motive to start to Goldshire Empire at this time, must know in the beforehand ceremony, because Zhan En was up to mischief intentionally, making each family lose seriously, in addition the political power just finished alternately, the home was also at a chaotic stage, will they possibly provoke Goldshire Empire? Must say that this is the old Parwood plan by the external pressure , the aristocrats who urge the Skaar federation form the united front the words, kills Zhan En not to believe that only if the old fogy were really a dotard. 首先,斯卡尔联邦没有动机在这个时候对闪金帝国下手,要知道在之前的仪式之中,由于詹恩故意搞鬼,使得各个家族都损失惨重,再加上政权刚刚交替完毕,国内还处于一片混乱的阶段,他们怎么可能会去招惹闪金帝国?要说这是老帕伍德打算以外压内,促使斯卡尔联邦的贵族们结成统一战线的话,打死詹恩也不信,除非那老家伙真是老糊涂了。 Next, both sides in suffering the attack time point have the issue very much. 其次,双方在遭受袭击的时间点上就很有问题。 First is Goldshire Empire is attacked, then the Goldshire Empire set army planned that launches the counter-attack to the Skaar federation, but after this Skaar federation was attacked, then their also set had the army to plan to counter-attack, but the Goldshire Empire army had set out at this time, invaded the Hoarfrost mountains and plains. 首先是闪金帝国遭到袭击,然后闪金帝国集合军队打算对斯卡尔联邦发动反击,而在这之后斯卡尔联邦遭到了袭击,接着他们也集合起了军队打算反击,但是这个时候闪金帝国的军队已经进发,入侵白霜山野。 This smooth discerning person looked can find the problem is, if the Skaar federation wants to attack Goldshire Empire, naturally met to convene the army. How after possibly waits for Goldshire Empire to dispatch troops , the call army, isn't this brain is sick? 这个顺序明眼人一看就能够发现问题所在,假如斯卡尔联邦想要进攻闪金帝国,自然会早就召集好军队。怎么可能等闪金帝国发兵之后再召集军队,这不是脑子有病吗? This may really be interesting ............... & R dquo ; “这可真有意思啊……………” Looks at the present information, Zhan En narrows the opens the mouth that the eye thought aloud to say. He is not worried about these information the truth, because these information are Enoya go to battlefield both sides personally, died the brain of warrior to unearth through these. And naturally also includes the body of attacked both members. But in their memories, the empire sentry post indeed was attacked by one crowd of wear Skaar federation armor knight. But that side the federation also indeed encountered one crowd of attack that soldier that wears the empire armor. 看完眼前的情报,詹恩眯起眼睛自言自语的开口说道。他并不担心这些情报的真伪,因为这些情报都是埃诺娅亲自前往战场双方,通过那些死去战士的大脑所挖掘出来的。其中自然也包括被袭击的双方成员的尸体。而在他们的记忆之中,帝国岗哨的确是遭到了一群穿着斯卡尔联邦盔甲的骑士的袭击。而联邦那边也的确是遭到了一群穿着帝国盔甲的士兵的袭击。 But the issue is, others know nothing, as the matter stands the matter became somewhat subtle. 可问题在于,其他人对此都一无所知,这样一来事情就变得有些微妙了。 If Zhan En guesses right, the original condition of entire event should have one group of mysterious people first to camouflage the federal knight to attack Goldshire Empire, then turned around to camouflage empire soldier, before Goldshire Empire dispatched troops attacked the Skaar federation sentry post. As the matter stands when Skaar federation discovery not, visible has suffered Goldshire Empire that the attack the sentry post and army threaten the border, in this case, anybody perhaps only thinks this sentry post is the Goldshire Empire elimination. 如果詹恩猜的没错的话,整个事件的原貌应该是有一伙神秘人首先伪装成联邦骑士进攻了闪金帝国,然后再转身伪装成了帝国士兵,在闪金帝国发兵之前进攻了斯卡尔联邦的岗哨。这样一来当斯卡尔联邦发现情况不对时,看见的就是已经遭受袭击的岗哨以及大军压境的闪金帝国,在这种情况下,任何人恐怕都只会认为这个岗哨是闪金帝国消灭的吧。 However ......... can achieve this thing, is actually who? Must know that this may not only need to the time assurance, to estimate psychology of both sides, if going astray, then all will perhaps lose overall. However now seems like, the situation seems to be not such. 不过………能够做到这种事的,究竟是什么人呢?要知道这可不仅仅需要对时机的把握,更要揣摩双方的心理,如果一步走错的话,那么说不定就会全盘皆输。但是现在看起来,情况似乎并非如此。 Sees here, Zhan En has to acknowledge a few words that Enoya spoke. 看到这里,詹恩不得不承认埃诺娅说的一句话。 This seems like also seems like own attitude ............... ( to be continued ) 这看起来还真像是自己的作风……………(未完待续)
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