DR :: Volume #3

#255: The beacon-fire of chaos caused by war

Bang. & R dquo ; “砰。” Girl's petite body such numerous falls down, the burning pain transmits from the body, lets the Elinster biting lip, an eye continuously winked to wink, covers light mist. But at this time, the Pattilina sound resounded from her ear. 女孩娇小的身体就这样重重的跌倒在地,火辣辣的痛楚从身体上传来,让艾琳丝特不由的咬住嘴唇,一双眼睛也是不住的眨了又眨,覆盖上了一层淡薄的水雾。而就在这个时候,帕蒂莉娜的声音从她的耳边响起。 Stands! Your these fools! Stands!! Very painful? This was right!! Wants the learned to hit the person, must first learn to come under attack!! Comes again one time!! If I looked that who dares to retrocede again, I hang her in the flagpole hang one all day! Quickly, my dozens ......... one, two, three, ten!! & R dquo ; “站起来!你们这些笨蛋!站起来!!很痛吗?这就对了!!想要学会打人,就要先学会挨打!!再来一次!!如果我看谁再敢后退,我就把她挂在旗杆上去挂一整天!快,我数十声………一,二,三,十!!” Almost at the same time, Elinster one turned over/stood up to jump from the ground, she held up in the hand is gripping tightly bending the bow, aimed at Pattilina of distant place, drew the full bowstring. But has not waited for Elinster to loosen the hand, she saw Pattilina to put out a hand toward oneself to wield, next moment she felt like has anything to pound on oneself forehead, transmitted along with a severe pain, Elinster immediately by this giant impulse belt/bring turned to again in the place. She opens the mouth, sends out the silent pain to shout, puts out a hand to cover the inflamed forehead, wants to stand again. The bonus is so, Elinster at this moment also felt oneself lean this way and that cannot stand. 几乎就在与此同时,艾琳丝特一个翻身从地面上跳了起来,她举起手中紧握着的弯弓,瞄准了远处的帕蒂莉娜,拉满弓弦。可是还没有等艾琳丝特松开手,她就看见帕蒂莉娜伸出手向着自己这边挥了一下,下一刻她就感觉好像有什么东西砸在了自己的额头上,伴随着一阵剧痛传来,艾琳丝特顿时被这巨大的冲击力带的再次翻到在地。她一面张开嘴巴,发出无声的痛呼,一面伸出手去捂住自己红肿的额头,想要再次站起来。饶是如此,此刻的艾琳丝特也感觉自己东倒西歪,根本站不起来。 Fool! Had said many times, must pay attention to protect itself, this is the fight, is not the duel! Do I want you to stand you to stand? Also does not have a look at own position!! Your this is£ is long£ wind£ article£ study, ∷ & a S ymp ; .n&plu S mn ; does et jump to bring death? What if you face is the enemy, then you have died now completely! Perhaps had turned into the dinner of wild dog! Comes again one time!! If you do not have the means close to my ten meters, tonight your anything do not count on that ate!! & R dquo ; “笨蛋!说过多少次了,要注意保护自己,这是战斗,不是决斗!我要你们站起来你们就站起来?也不看看自己的位置!!你们这是】£长】£风】£文】£学,∷≈.n±et跳起来送死吗?如果你们面对的是敌人的话,那么现在你们已经全部死光了!说不定早就变成了野狗的晚餐!再来一次!!如果你们没办法靠近我身边十米的话,今天晚上你们就什么都别指望吃了!!” At the same time saying. The little fellows are brandishing long spear/gun in the hand at the same time, narrows the eye to have the vision of danger to gaze at all around. However next moment. When she sees to appear in that person's shadow of square edge, brought dangerous expression Pattilina to reveal immediately like the Angel pure lovable smile. She even throws the long spear/gun in oneself hand directly, then swooped toward that person's shadow. 一面说着。小家伙一面挥舞着自己手中的长枪,眯起眼睛带着危险的目光注视着四周。不过下一刻。当她看见出现在广场边缘的那个人影时,原本还带着危险表情的帕蒂莉娜立刻露出了如同天使般纯真可爱的笑容。她甚至把自己手中的长枪都直接一丢,然后向着那个人影飞扑了过去。 Master, you comes back!! & R dquo ; “主人,你回来啦!!” With this acts like a spoiled brat the summon, a Pattilina clever bird from in the air has delimited probably, then threw in front of Zhan En's like this, grasped his arm. 伴随着这声撒娇般的呼唤,帕蒂莉娜就好像一只灵巧的鸟儿般从空中划过,接着就这样扑到了詹恩的面前,一把抱住了他的胳膊。 I came back, Pattilina. & R dquo ; “我回来了,帕蒂莉娜。” Looks at the present little fellow, Zhan En also nods to her with a smile, then puts out a hand. Touched a small head of Pattilina gently. 看着眼前的小家伙,詹恩也是冲她笑着点了点头,接着伸出手去。轻轻抚摸了一下帕蒂莉娜的小脑袋。 After Cassandra matter processes, Zhan En then leads others to go home. Their this action is the investigation rather than solved the problem. Therefore in Templar Order will make Zhan En lead such several people to go to investigation, if must eliminate the plague, how Templar Order saw again Zhan En is not pleasing to the eyes, is decidedly impossible to make him lead three people to bring death. 卡珊德拉的事情处理完之后,詹恩便带着其他人打道回府。他们这一次行动本来就是调查而非解决问题。所以圣堂教团才会让詹恩带着这么几个人去里面探查情况,如果说是要去消灭瘟疫的话,圣堂教团再怎么看詹恩不顺眼,也断然不可能让他就带着三个人去送死的。 But now after Cassandra this matter, Zhan En and others quest is successfully completes, according to them the records of these evil cult people found from the ruins, back mastermind obviously should be Mother of Chaos Church. But during these records also some Mother of Chaos Church followers also do to disseminate this matter the plague, is certain the plague should unable to cut off the relations in the dissemination and Mother of Chaos of Church Casalance. But the Sun god of situated in Cassandra meets in the high level, there is a Mother of Chaos Church follower to ambush. 而现在经过卡珊德拉这件事,詹恩等人任务已经算是圆满完成,按照他们从废墟里找到的那些邪教徒的记录来看,背后黑手很明显应该就是混沌之母教团。而这些记载之中也有些混沌之母教团的信徒也做过把瘟疫传播出去这种事,可以肯定瘟疫在卡萨兰斯的传播和混沌之母教团应该脱不了关系。而位于卡珊德拉的太阳之神教会高层之中,也有混沌之母教团的信徒潜伏其中。 After drawing this conclusion, Zhan En and others then left Cassandra, returned Eagle Plateau. The matter after that was very simple. Nadia has the report and evidence that digs from the ruins goes to Church to report, but to with the matter of Cassandra, Templar Order does not know nothing completely. After all Shagut and fight of shadow demon spider noisy is so big, they naturally also examined fluctuation. Does not know that actually there what happened, but now Zhan En brought the answer to them. Then the following matter was naturally tidied up by Templar Order. Naturally, actually to tidy up any result, this did not close the Zhan En's matter. 在得出这个结论之后,詹恩等人便离开了卡珊德拉,重新回到了雄鹰高原。在那之后事情就很简单了。娜迪亚带着报告和从废墟里挖出来的证据去教团报告,而对与卡珊德拉发生的事情,圣堂教团也并非是完全一无所知。毕竟沙古特和影魔蜘蛛的战斗闹的那么大,他们自然也检测到了其中的波动。只是不知道那里究竟发生了什么事罢了,而现在詹恩给他们带来了答案。那么接下来的事情自然就由圣堂教团自己去收拾了。当然,究竟会收拾出一个什么结果来,这就不关詹恩的事情了。 After throws Templar Order Nadia, Zhan En then brings Enoya and Elise returns own domain. He is the plan looked at the Elinster and others recent situation on the way, but has not thought that just entered the monastery to see present, Pattilina to take a long spear/gun to scurry about in the squares, but Elinster and several other bodies also calculate health Witch's child hit lies like the dead dog on the ground crawls unable to crawl continually, this makes Zhan En some accidental/surprised. He knows certainly in the subject arrangement of Elinster and others, there is field training this, what situation but at present is this? Do they train each time? 所以在把娜迪亚重新扔回圣堂教团之后,詹恩便带着埃诺娅伊丽丝重新回到了自己的地盘。原本他是打算顺路看一下艾琳丝特等人的近况,只是没想到刚进修道院就看见了眼前的这一幕,帕蒂莉娜拿着一把长枪在广场中间上蹿下跳,而艾琳丝特和其他几个身体还算健康的魔女之子则是被打的像死狗一样趴在地上连爬都爬不起来,这让詹恩不由有些意外。他当然知道艾琳丝特等人的科目安排里,也有战斗训练这一项,但是眼下这是个什么情况?难道她们每次都是这么训练的? What situation is this? & R dquo ; “这是什么情况?” Thinks of here, Zhan En patted the small head of Pattilina, then asks. But hears his inquiry, Pattilina has then turned the head, wear a look of disdains looked at one to crawl as in ground Elinster and others, has to acknowledge, although these Witch's child were seemingly delicate, but poured also unyieldingly, although on them wear leather armour protection, but Pattilina hit the person to come to disregard another's feelings slightly, even fought to see on these girl exposed skins outside everywhere is azure purple extravasated blood, but despite that they still bit the jaw not to have the pain to shout the half sound, has to acknowledge, from the willpower, these Witch's child has striven to excel compared with the average people only. 想到这里,詹恩拍了拍帕蒂莉娜的小脑袋,接着开口询问道。而听到他的询问,帕蒂莉娜这才转过头去,面带不屑的望了一眼依旧爬在地上的艾琳丝特等人,不得不承认,这些魔女之子虽然看起来娇弱,但是倒也硬气,虽然她们身上穿着皮甲防护,但是帕蒂莉娜打起人来可是丝毫不留情面的,连战斗能够看见那些女孩子裸露在外的皮肤上到处都是青一块紫一块的淤血,但是即便如此,她们依然咬着牙关没有痛呼半声,不得不承认,单从意志力上来说,这些魔女之子已经比一般人都要强了。 However Zhan En is not clear, what do they look here oppressively do? He had indeed told before wants these young girl knights to be responsible for teaching these Witch's child some fight skills, at least can protect oneself, but now ............... 不过詹恩还是不明白,她们在这里找虐是搞什么?他之前的确吩咐过要那些少女骑士负责教导这些魔女之子一些战斗技巧,起码能够护身,但是现在…………… „, This ......... the master, they said that must protect own family/home, since said that must protect own family/home, I think that they take a practical action, pays lip service the person who who ......... here will not certainly speak to calculate in addition, therefore I draw these fellows, wants to have a look at their determinations. & R dquo ; “哦,这个啊………主人,她们说要保护自己的家,既然说要保护自己的家,那我想她们就拿出点儿实际行动呗,嘴上说说谁不会啊………当然这里不会说话的人另算,所以我才把这些家伙拉出来,想要看看她们的决心。” Black and blue that therefore your so-called determination hits them? & R dquo ; “于是你所谓的决心就是把她们打的鼻青脸肿?” „ To hit the person to first learn to come under attack, ............ & R dquo ; “想要打人就要先学会挨打,不过嘛…………” Said here, Pattilina curls the lip. 说道这里,帕蒂莉娜撇了撇嘴。 These fellows are good, without the crying father shouted mother, pouring was also a little skill. But they in the battlefield is not meaningful now, but delivers the vegetable/dish to the opposite party. & R dquo ; “这些家伙还不错,没有哭爹喊娘,倒还算是有点儿本事。只不过她们现在上战场没什么意义,只是给对方送菜罢了。” This is natural, I had not planned that makes them go to the battlefield now. & R dquo ; “这是当然的,我也没打算让她们现在去战场。” Hears the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En nods, but is quick he to frown. Because of his keen detection, in the Pattilina words seems to be hiding any unusual meaning. In now battlefield? don't tell me, do some people need to start to oneself territory? 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩点了点头,不过很快他又皱起眉头。因为他敏锐的察觉到,帕蒂莉娜的话中似乎隐藏着什么奇特的含义。现在上战场?难道说,有人要对自己的领地下手了? What do you mean? Pattilina, did some people declare war to us? & R dquo ; “什么意思?帕蒂莉娜,难道有人向我们宣战了?” Yeah? Haven't the masters, you known? & R dquo ; “哎?主人,你还不知道吗?” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Pattilina also gawked, but quick saw the little fellow to jump excitedly, showed a in high spirits expression to say to him. 听到詹恩的询问,帕蒂莉娜也是愣了一下,不过很快就看见小家伙兴奋的跳了起来,露出了一副兴高采烈的表情对他说道。 Makes war! Goldshire Empire and Skaar federation hits!! & R dquo ; “开战啦!闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦打起来啦!!” In narration that Pattilina talked at once, Zhan En then understood the cause and effect of matter. 帕蒂莉娜七嘴八舌的讲述之中,詹恩这才明白了事情的前因后果。 Originally leaves Passus these days in him, the Skaar federation has not been idling, although said that Zhan En and contradiction between Soros families was pressed by Templar Order. How however the Soros family possibly gives up, at that time some hearsay said the Soros family must start to the Zhan En's territory. Heard this news to go bad Pattilina excitedly, all day sharpened the knife waits for the pig sheep to enter the arena then slaughters the bloodletting. 原来在他离开帕苏斯的这段时间里,斯卡尔联邦内部也没有闲着,虽然说詹恩索罗斯家族之间的矛盾被圣堂教团压了下去。但是索罗斯家族怎么可能就此善罢甘休,当时就有传闻称索罗斯家族要对詹恩的领地下手。听到这个消息可是把帕蒂莉娜激动坏了,整天磨刀霍霍就等着猪羊进场然后屠宰放血。 But without thinking of the person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, when the little fellow waits eagerly to give a Soros family slap in the face, an unexpected news spread Goldshire Empire to launch the attack at this time to the Skaar federation unexpectedly! 只不过没想到人算不如天算,就在小家伙憋足了劲想要给索罗斯家族一个耳光的时候,一个意外的消息传来闪金帝国居然在这个时候对斯卡尔联邦发起进攻了! Naturally, any war needs a reason, even if suspected the opposite party hidden the weapon of mass destruction this far-fetched good and evil also to be counted. But Goldshire Empire launches the attack not to have the reason to the Skaar federation, according to the view of Goldshire Empire, was the Skaar federation first launched the attack to their border sentry post area, then they counterattacked. 当然,任何一场战争都需要一个理由,哪怕是怀疑对方隐藏大规模杀伤性武器这样不靠谱的好歹也能够算上。而闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦发起进攻也并非是毫无原因,按照闪金帝国的说法,是斯卡尔联邦首先对他们的一个边境岗哨地区发起了进攻,然后他们才还击的。 Regarding the view of Goldshire Empire, the Skaar federation naturally firmly denied, they reprimanded Goldshire Empire is to start the war intentionally, started the call army and Goldshire Empire resists. But the Goldshire Empire speed is quick, now has taken the Hoarfrost mountains and plains, has started to march to Land of Four seasons. 对于闪金帝国的这个说法,斯卡尔联邦自然是坚决否认,他们一面斥责闪金帝国是想要故意开启战端,一面也开始召集军队与闪金帝国对抗。只不过闪金帝国的速度很快,现在已经拿下了白霜山野,已经开始向四季之地进军了。 But this news comes, Passus is also flustered, this area in the southeast areas of Skaar federation, although does not border on Goldshire Empire, but also approaches Land of Four seasons, if Goldshire Empire takes Land of Four seasons, then next unlucky very might is Passus, because of this, many people are worried about the present tactical situation. But Elinster and others naturally also heard these hearsay, these Witch's child may be stronger than the average person regarding the hope of oneself homeland, one hear of Passus may be involved in the flames of war, but their monastery may also become the target that the enemy attacks. These Witch's child cannot take a seat, runs to express willingness to protect this to Lydia in abundance the monastery, but a completely oneself strength, result these words ran up to Pattilina that the monastery strolls to hear bored, then ............... did not have then. 而这个消息传来,帕苏斯也是人心惶惶,这块地区在斯卡尔联邦的东南地区,虽然不与闪金帝国接壤,但是也靠近四季之地,假如闪金帝国拿下四季之地,那么下一个倒霉的很有可能就是帕苏斯了,也正因为如此,不少人都对眼前的战况感到担忧。而艾琳丝特等人自然也听说了这些传闻,这些魔女之子对于自己家园的渴望可比一般人还要强,一听帕苏斯有可能卷入战火之中,而她们的修道院也有可能成为敌人袭击的目标。这些魔女之子就坐不住了,纷纷跑来向丽姬娅表示愿意为保护这所修道院而尽自己的一份力,结果这些话就被无聊跑到修道院来闲逛的帕蒂莉娜听到了,然后……………就没有然后了。 „ Did Goldshire Empire launch the attack to the Skaar federation? Such quickly? & R dquo ; 闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦发起进攻了?这么快?” Listens to narration of Pattilina, Zhan En to frown, he also knows that Goldshire Empire is the big threat of Skaar federation, but he has not thought, the Goldshire Empire movement so will be unexpectedly quick, oneself leave Passus less than a half months, had had such matter unexpectedly? 听完帕蒂莉娜的讲述,詹恩皱起眉头,他也知道闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦的一大威胁,但是他也没想到,闪金帝国的动作居然会这么快,自己离开帕苏斯才不过半个多月的时间,居然就已经发生了这样的事情? Why does not know, Zhan En always thought that these are somewhat strange, thinks carefully, the eruption of plague, the appearance of Mother of Chaos Church, then waited to come back Goldshire Empire to launch the attack, as of late a series of troubles, as if always in one after another raided to oneself, the idle time did not stay behind to oneself. 不知道为什么,詹恩总觉得这其中有些奇怪,仔细想想,瘟疫的爆发,混沌之母教团的出现,然后等自己回来闪金帝国又发起了进攻,最近这段时间一连串的麻烦,似乎总是在一个接一个的向自己袭来,连一点儿空闲时间都不给自己留下。 This rare is really only a coincidence?( To be continued......) 这难得真的只是一个巧合吗?(未完待续……)
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