DR :: Volume #3

#254: Doubts of Nadia

„!!! & R dquo ; “!!!” Grips the instance of Shadowmoon sword sword hilt in Zhan En's, the sharp neighing sound then erupts baseless, the body of shadow demon spider empty, changed into a thick smoke winding fast immediately on the body of Shadowmoon sword, is only in a moment, covered the shadow of sky completely to vanish does not see, displaces, is bright, nighttime sky as always. 詹恩的手握住影月之剑剑柄的瞬间,尖锐的嘶叫声便凭空爆发,影魔蜘蛛的身体顿时虚化,化为了一道浓烟飞快的缠绕在影月之剑的身上,只是眨眼的工夫,原本覆盖着天空的阴影已经完全消失不见,取而代之的,则是明亮的,一如既往的夜空。 ......... handles finally. & R dquo ; “呼………终于搞定了。” Looks at Shadowmoon sword in hand, Zhan En is sighing in a low voice, saying that then thought aloud. At this moment he had resumed the camouflage of human, because Zhan En is also very clear, like Shagut and conflict of shadow demon spider level, will definitely arouse the interests of some strong presences, in fact he had felt the magic power aura that peeps at a moment ago keenly. Therefore restores the human form while the time that the shadow demon spider was finished, as the matter stands even some people detected the demonic nature strength, still only thinks that is trace that the shadow demon spider remained, had no relations with he himself. Although this is somewhat risky, but ......... 望着自己手中的影月之剑,詹恩低声叹了口气,接着自言自语的说道。此刻他已经重新恢复了人类的伪装,因为詹恩也很清楚,像沙古特和影魔蜘蛛这种层面的冲突,肯定会引起一些强大势力的关注,事实上刚才他就已经敏锐的感受到窥视的魔力气息了。所以才趁着影魔蜘蛛完蛋的工夫恢复成了人形,这样一来就算有人侦测到了魔性的力量,也只会以为是影魔蜘蛛残留下来的痕迹,和他自己没有什么关系。虽然这有些冒险,但是……… Looks at Shadowmoon sword in hand, Zhan En was thinking that this danger is worth. 望着手中的影月之剑,詹恩觉得这个险是值得的。 At this moment Shadowmoon sword in Zhan En hand has no longer most started at the auction that ghost appearance that seems in the coal pile to fish, on the contrary, it seems like so exquisite, elegant. On the fine and magnificent sword hilt is mounting the moon pure beautiful gem, but in the hand guard part is a closing one's eyes young girl face. Snow white translucent sword blade wraps in scabbard that is formed by the quiet shadow congealment, even can see to wipe cold light often reappearing. 此刻在詹恩手中的影月之剑已经不复最开始拍卖会上那副好像煤堆里捞出来的鬼样子,相反,它看起来是如此的优美,典雅。精致又华丽的剑柄上镶嵌着月亮般纯净美丽的宝石,而在护手部分则是一张闭着眼睛的少女面孔。雪白透亮的剑锋包裹在由幽影凝结形成的剑鞘里,甚至能够看见一抹寒光不时的从中浮现。 This is awakening Shadowmoon sword, this is this false Divine Artifact true colors. Zhan En is certain, if on the Shining Fountain auction market this presents by its original feature the sword, perhaps 30 million gold coins are impossible to take. 这才是觉醒的影月之剑,这才是这把伪神器的真面目。詹恩可以肯定,如果光辉喷泉的拍卖场上这把剑以它的本来面目出现的话,恐怕三千万金币都不可能拿下来。 However now ........., since the one cent has not spent, that did not matter. 不过现在嘛………既然一分钱没花,那就无所谓了。 Grips the sword hilt, Zhan En can feel the great power on Shadowmoon sword containing. This lets his upwarping corners of the mouth, showed the self-satisfied smile. 握住剑柄,詹恩可以感受到影月之剑上蕴含的强大力量。这让他不由的翘起嘴角,露出了得意的笑容。 All expect with him is the same. 一切都和他所预料的一样。 In fact, when Zhan En is determined to break to recapture Shadowmoon sword. A thought had produced & mda S h in his brain ; That is after he grasps Shadowmoon sword, as with the strength of its fusion originates. How can the shadow demon spider? 事实上,在詹恩下定决心打断夺回影月之剑的时候。一个念头就已经在他的大脑之中产生了—那就是当他掌握影月之剑后,作为与其融合的力量来源。影魔蜘蛛会怎么样呢? Zhan En's is expert in the domain isoperates & R dquo ;, When he grips some having the attribute weapon, his will be expert in the domain automatic cut over that domain. But this also means that when Zhan En grips the Shadowmoon sword instance, he will become one powerful enough to summon and control existence of shadow plane. 詹恩的专精领域是“操纵”,当他握住某把带有属性的武器时,他的专精领域就会自动切换到那个领域。而这也就意味着,当詹恩握住影月之剑的瞬间,他就会成为一个强大到可以呼唤和支配阴影位面的存在。 Then as the matter stands, how the shadow demon spider can? 那么这样一来,影魔蜘蛛又会如何呢? It can come from main plane, relied on the Shadowmoon sword unique strength, but now. After the Zhan En control also grasped the Shadowmoon sword strength, what appearance will the shadow demon spider turn into? Will it revolt? Amenable? Also or it will shut off the strength, returns to shadow plane? 它之所以能够从主位面现身,就是借助了影月之剑的独特力量,但是现在。詹恩接管并且掌握了影月之剑的力量之后,影魔蜘蛛会变成什么样子?它是会反抗?还是顺从?又或者它会切断力量,回到阴影位面 However Zhan En has not thought that while oneself have taken Shadowmoon sword, he discovered with amazement the shadow demon spider has not shut off itself unexpectedly and Shadowmoon sword relation. This perhaps is because the shadow demon spider during the entanglement of former and Shagut has consumed quite many strengths, it must with the aid of the Shadowmoon sword strength can maintain own have & mda S h ; However now, this only escape rope actually becomes the rope that ties up on its neck, finally, under the Zhan En's operation, Shadowmoon sword absorbed originally the exhausted shadow demon spider thoroughly. And becomes by this more powerful. 但是就连詹恩都没有想到,在自己拿过影月之剑的同时,他惊讶的发现影魔蜘蛛居然没有切断自己与影月之剑的联系。这或许是因为在之前和沙古特的纠缠之中影魔蜘蛛已经消耗了相当多的力量,它必须要借助影月之剑的力量才能够维持自己的存在—但是现在,这唯一的救生索却成为了绑在它脖子上的绳索,最终,在詹恩的操纵下,影月之剑彻底吸收了原本就已经筋疲力尽的影魔蜘蛛。并且以此而变得更加强大。 Now Zhan En can feel this unique merit of sword, he not only can play the Shadowmoon sword original effect, even can also like the shadow demon spider. Connects a shadow the network, turns on the quiet shadow channel, then weaves a big net to be one of them sleepily all enemies, he even can also summon a quiet shadow lifeform to fight for himself, but this significance regarding Zhan En is not big. Because compares the quiet shadow lifeform, he trusts Dungeon summon. 现在詹恩可以感受到这把剑的独特之处,他不但能够发挥影月之剑原本的功效,甚至还能够像影魔蜘蛛那样。连接一条阴影的网络,开启幽影通道,然后编织一张大网将所有的敌人困在其中,他甚至还能够召唤出一片幽影生物为自己战斗,不过这点对于詹恩来说意义不大。因为相比起幽影生物来说,他还是更信任自己地下城的召唤物。 However so, this is still even enough regarding Zhan En false Divine Artifact , although could not have compared his Cerberus, considering that demon sword not suitable when oneself is a knight appears. Then Shadowmoon sword can be a better more reasonable choice obviously. Has the report and beforehand record of Nadia, why these idiots will not have this to have what question to oneself the sword. 不过即便如此,这把伪神器对于詹恩来说也已经足够,虽然还比不上他的塞伯拉斯,但是考虑到那柄魔剑不适合在自己作一名骑士时出现。那么影月之剑显然会是一个更好又更加合理的选择。有娜迪亚的报告以及之前的记录,那些白痴就不会对自己为什么会拥有这把剑产生什么疑问了。 After handling proper business. Zhan En then has the leisure to care about the situations of others. 在搞定了正事之后。詹恩这才有闲情来关心其他人的情况。 Nadia is still remaining unconscious, it seems like that the wailing of shadow demon spider is very big to her stimulation. However this also no wonder, even God's family knight, eventually human. In the physical quality naturally does not have the means and Elise like this perfect body vampire as well as Enoya such undead lifeform places on a par, do not say Zhan En as higher demon. Also however Enoya after Nadia checked tells the Zhan En's reason to make him somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry, originally this young lady is because before , the Saint strength consumption is excessive, causes is very exhausted, therefore by the wailing sound of shadow demon spider will be affected under the unexpectedness, but in addition, she has not received what wound, so long as she woke up well. 娜迪亚依然在昏迷不醒,看来影魔蜘蛛的尖啸对她的刺激很大。不过这也难怪,就算是神眷骑士,终究还是人类。身体素质上自然没办法和伊丽丝这样的完美体吸血种以及埃诺娅这样的不死生物相提并论,就更不要说是身为高等魔族詹恩。不过埃诺娅娜迪亚做了检查之后也告诉詹恩的理由却让他有些哭笑不得,原来这位大小姐是因为之前圣力消耗过度,导致本来就很疲惫,所以才会在猝不及防下被影魔蜘蛛的尖啸声所影响,而除此之外,她并没有受到什么伤,只要等她醒来就好。 After the Enoya mouth learned Nadia has not obstructed the news that needs to rest greatly, Zhan En then felt relieved. Then he safeguarding Nadia quest gave Elise, oneself are flinging ten carrots and Enoya investigates at present the city situation together & mda S h ; But actually also has nothing to investigate. 而在从埃诺娅嘴里得知娜迪亚没有大碍只是需要休息的消息之后,詹恩这才放下心来。接着他把看管娜迪亚任务交给了伊丽丝,自己则甩着十根胡萝卜和埃诺娅一起去调查眼前城市内部的情况了—但其实也没什么好调查的。 Shagut and fight of shadow demon spider almost destroyed entire Cassandra, especially the inner city, from these wreckage can see that these unlucky eggs did not even have to respond with enough time was directly involved, under Shagut and steamroll of shadow demon spider, calculates the inner city systematic had turned into one pile of ruins completely. As for evidence anything do not think, Zhan En may have no interest in doing what archaeology excavation work here. 沙古特和影魔蜘蛛的战斗几乎毁了整个卡珊德拉,特别是内城,从那些残骸上可以看出这些倒霉蛋甚至还没有来得及有所反应就被直接牵连在了其中,在沙古特与影魔蜘蛛的碾压下,原本还算井井有条的内城已经完全变成了一堆废墟。至于证据什么的就更别想了,詹恩可没有兴趣在这里做什么考古挖掘工作。 In these heathens as for the inner city naturally also die completely, after inspecting the corpse Zhan En discovered that they mostly died of the biological attack of former shadow plane, naturally also had a few to depend the strength excel to support finally, then running over...... this is also must recompense to hope by Shagut. 至于内城之中那些异教徒自然也是全部死光,在检查了尸体之后詹恩发现他们大多都是死于之前阴影位面的生物袭击,当然也有少数几个仗着自己实力高强撑到了最后,然后被沙古特给压死了……这也算是得偿所愿吧。 If must say that anything harvests, in the church that is they found one that escapes death by a hair's breadth reluctantly to provide some Mother of Chaos Church to meddle for the people in inner city district actually, and using plague evidence, altar that blasphemed, scattered in disorder stack the stump residual limb fragment of human as well as died a piece of follower to make reviving Nadia look in disarray is the complexion is pale. Although not clear long and short of the story, but as can be seen. Many people believed in the Sun God Amora follower, but now, they actually join in evilly. Becoming the faithful lackey of antiquity evil god. 如果要说有什么收获的话,那么就是他们在内城区找到的一间勉强幸免于难的教堂里倒是为众人提供了一些混沌之母教团插手并且利用瘟疫的证据,那亵渎的祭坛,散乱堆放的人类的残肢碎片以及七倒八歪死了一片的信徒让苏醒过来的娜迪亚看了都是面色铁青。虽然不清楚来龙去脉,但是可以看出。这其中很多人原本都是信奉太阳神阿蒙拉的信徒,但是现在,他们却投身邪恶。成为了上古邪神的忠实走狗。 Why will the matter turn into this? Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; “为什么事情会变成这样呢?詹恩先生?” Looks is pouring old Bishop ice-cold stiff the corpse in ground at present, Nadia is unable to conceal own doubts and sadness. If these Death followers in her eyes merely are only a fuzzy concept, then present old Bishop regarding Nadia is actually completely different, she thinks that this old person, Anton Sir Bishop, he is in the Sun God Amora church one of the most reverent followers, Nadia had listened respectfully to his instruction during studying away from home, is respectful regarding this old person. However now, he actually turned into one to pour same ice-cold the corpse on ice-cold sacrificial altar. 望着眼前倒在地面上的老主教冰冷僵硬的尸体,娜迪亚无法掩饰自己的疑惑与悲伤。如果说那些死亡的信徒在她的眼中仅仅只是一个模糊的概念,那么眼前的这位老主教对于娜迪亚来说却是完全不同,她认为这位老人,安东主教大人,他是太阳神阿蒙拉教会之中最虔诚的信徒之一,娜迪亚在游学期间曾经聆听过他的教诲,对于这位老人充满敬意。但是现在,他却变成了一具倒在冰冷祭台上的同样冰冷的尸体。 Although Nadia tries to convince itself. This old Bishop was grasped to cruelly harm by these hateful evil cult people. However the reason and reality told her, at present this old person, is of & mda S h Mother of Chaos Church members ; Perhaps one of the senior members. 虽然娜迪亚试图说服自己。这位老主教是被那些可恶的邪教徒抓起来残害的。但是理智和现实告诉她,眼前这位老人,正是混沌之母教团的成员之一—说不定还是高级成员之一。 Why, why will degenerate including the Anton Bishop such devout follower? 为什么,为什么连安东主教这样虔诚的信徒都会堕落呢? Because the human nature is selfish. & R dquo ; “因为人性自私。” Zhan En is not sad like Nadia, hears the speech of Nadia, he swept one to look the sad color Paladin young girl, then said. 詹恩倒不像娜迪亚那么悲伤,听到娜迪亚的说话,他扫了一眼面露悲伤之色的圣骑士少女,接着开口说道。 You must know, matter that everyone handles, in the final analysis for oneself. If they discovered that the gods are unable to give the thing that they want, then they will abandon the gods. Seeks these to let their spirits and * feels satisfied existence. Perhaps this is very to you inconceivable, but this is the reality. & R dquo ; “你要知道,每个人所做的事情,归根结底都是为了自己。如果他们发现神明无法给予他们想要的东西,那么他们就会抛弃神明。去寻求那些可以让他们的精神和*感到满足的存在。或许这对你来说很不可思议,但这就是现实。” How can ............... & R dquo ; “怎么会……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, the Nadia complexion even more was pale several points. She opened the opens the mouth, wants to refute Zhan En's to speak, but looks in Temple broken Sun God Amora sacred image, she also anything could not say. 听到詹恩的说话,娜迪亚的面色越发苍白了几分。她张了张口,想要反驳詹恩的说话,但是看着神殿内被砸碎的太阳神阿蒙拉的圣象,她却又什么都说不出来。 What does this have is quite strange? Cassandra fell into the encirclement of plague, if the god technique of followers is unable expel and treat the plague, then you can also count on these handicraftsmen, farmer and ordinary citizen and so on how long the follower can insist? They believe the gods , because the gods can the issue that helps them solve some unable to solve, but if the gods are unable to help them solve the problem. Then they will change players. Thinks carefully, if you are a devout follower. But your family member infected the plague, the gods but who you believe are at a loss. At this time. Some people told you, so long as changed the belief, then your family member can live, what choice then you will make? & R dquo ; “这有什么好奇怪的?卡珊德拉陷入了瘟疫的包围,而如果信徒们的神术无法驱逐和治疗瘟疫的话,那么你还能够指望那些手工艺人,农民和普通市民之类的信徒能够坚持多久?他们之所以信仰神明,就是因为神明可以帮助他们解决一些无法解决的问题,但是如果神明无法帮助他们解决问题。那么他们就会换人。仔细想想,假若你是一个虔诚的信徒。而你的家人感染了瘟疫,但是你所信仰的神明对此束手无策。在这个时候。有人告诉你只要改变信仰,那么你的家人就能够活下来,那么你会做出什么样的选择?” This ........., but ............... & R dquo ; “这………可是……………” Inquired facing Zhan En's, Nadia some do not know suddenly said anything is good. 面对詹恩的询问,娜迪亚一时间有些不知道说什么才好。 But ......... but the mortal cared for ......... & R dquo by the god ; “可是………可是凡人受神之眷顾………” You also said that mortal because by care of god, will therefore believe the gods. Thinks that in monastery these pitiful children, you thought that what gods they believe? & R dquo ; “你自己也说了,凡人是因为受神之眷顾,所以才会去信仰神明。想想修道院里那些可怜的孩子,你觉得她们会去信仰什么神明?” Hears here, Nadia is speechless thoroughly, these Abandoned by Gods of monastery is a thorn in her heart, these children filled the hatred and indifferent despising regarding the gods. However Nadia can say their ideas are wrong? At least Nadia do not believe like this, but she does not approve Zhan En's to speak, because in the church, Nadia had personally seen many belief devout average people, among them is mostly down and out, but despite that their beliefs are still firm and pure. Nadia does not think what in this belief hidden is * the bare selfish desire and transaction. 听到这里,娜迪亚彻底无话可说,修道院的那些神弃者是她心中的一根刺,那些孩子对于神明充满了仇恨与冷漠的蔑视。但是娜迪亚能够说她们的想法是错误的吗?至少娜迪亚自己不这样认为,不过她也不是非常认同詹恩的说话,因为在教会里,娜迪亚曾经亲眼见过不少信仰虔诚的普通人,他们当中大多穷困潦倒,但是即便如此,他们的信仰依然坚定而纯洁。娜迪亚并不认为这种信仰里隐藏的是*裸的私欲和交易。 But looks puts on old Bishop of heathen long gown at present, Nadia really does not have the courage to refute Zhan En's to speak, she can do now only, comforts itself, perhaps present old Bishop does not degenerate, but is he is Mother of Chaos Church one, he is hidden the identity to hide in the church the evil disciple who deceives the people. 但看着眼前穿着异教徒长袍的老主教,娜迪亚实在没有勇气反驳詹恩的说话,她现在唯一能够做的,就是安慰自己,一或许眼前的老主教并不是堕落了,而是他原本就是混沌之母教团的一员,他不过是隐藏身份躲藏在教会里来欺骗众人的邪恶之徒罢了。 But ............... 可是…………… Although Nadia goes all out to convince itself, but a question was unchecked reappearing in her heart. 虽然娜迪亚拼命想要说服自己,但是一个疑问还是不可遏制的浮现在了她的心头。 If that was true, why great Amora hasn't discovered his trace? Did not say that under shining of Sun God Amora, all evil will dissipate in invisible? If is really so, an evil disciple of intention evil thought that why can hold the post of Amora sacrificial offering Bishop so many years? 如果真是这样的话,那么伟大的阿蒙拉为什么没有发现他的踪影?不是说在太阳神阿蒙拉的照耀下,一切邪恶都会消逝于无形吗?如果真是如此的话,一个心怀恶念的邪徒,为什么能够担任阿蒙拉的祭祀主教这么多年呢? Hasn't Amora detected evil existence? 难道阿蒙拉也没有察觉到邪恶的存在吗? This idea makes Nadia suddenly one startled, she quickly shakes the head, goes all out to cast behind this disrespecting idea. Is this possible? The gods are omniscient, any evil is unable to escape their eyes, oneself certainly just woke the consciousness not is very sober will have such idea, right, certainly is this ......... 这个想法让娜迪亚猛然一惊,她急忙摇了摇头,拼命把这种不敬的想法抛在脑后。这怎么可能呢?神明是无所不知的,任何邪恶都无法逃过他们的眼睛,自己一定是刚刚醒过来意识还不够清醒才会有这样想法,对,一定是这样的……… Nadia goes all out is convincing itself, tries to install the heart, but she simply has not noticed, Zhan En at this moment the vision of teasing is gazing at her in nearby belt/bring, under the reflection of eyeglasses, in the Zhan En's look flashed through a strange incomparable cold brilliance. 娜迪亚一面拼命的说服着自己,一面试图安下心去,但是她根本没有注意到,此刻的詹恩正在旁边带着戏谑的目光注视着她,在眼镜的反光下,詹恩的眼神中闪过了一道诡异无比的寒冷光辉。 Really a pure lovable knight. ( to be continued ) 真是一位单纯可爱的骑士。(未完待续)
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