DR :: Volume #3

#253: The water is muddy, catches a fish by hand

That seems like the grating noise that the nail scrubbing blackboard sends out to resound simply suddenly, enables not to have the people of preparation is almost unstab, Elise puts out a hand to cover the ear, soft collapsing in ground, but Nadia is blood-curdling screech one, faints directly. Zhan En, although is also clenching teeth to insist, but also felt that similarly own body seems like in the crowded crowd same swings at will, the under foot smooth solid ground was surging at this moment like waves, the tremor, is shocking peripheral all. 那简直就好像是指甲刮擦黑板所发出的刺耳噪音忽然响起,使得没有准备的众人几乎都是东倒西歪,伊丽丝伸出手去捂住耳朵,软软的瘫倒在地面上,而娜迪亚更是惨叫一声,直接昏了过去。就连詹恩虽然也在咬牙坚持,但也同样感觉自己的身体像是在拥挤的人群之中一样随意摆动,脚下原本平整结实的地面此刻像波浪般的涌动着,颤动,震撼着周边的一切。 Only then Enoya as before peaceful standing in same place, closes the eye, as if anything had not felt same. This also no wonder, she is undead lifeform, had not heard that the noise can also startled run a stone. 只有埃诺娅依旧安静的站在原地,闭上眼睛,仿佛什么都没有感觉到一样。这也难怪,她是不死生物,没听说噪音还会惊跑一块石头的。 On Shagut seemed to be also shocked by this inexplicable panic-stricken voice day after day, making it absorb food the movement for it. But at the same time, covers in the shadow of land from Shagut, a sturdy giant tentacle stretches out from inside suddenly, as if long whip in an in the air belt/bring over arc, then stroked layer on layer/heavily on ten thousand hungry mouths bodies, but next moment saw only that giant monster to seem like hit baseball flying upside down, fell on the ground, tumbled, left behind a fearful scar in the center of Cassandra city. But facing this sudden attack, Shagut is quite obviously angry, it fled suddenly, brought a wild air wave, but that tentacle also after transferring one likely pillar/backbone according to ground, later, a hugeness, the jet black body appeared. 就连天上的沙古特似乎也被这莫名惊骇的声浪所震慑,使得它原本吸取食物的动作都为之一顿。但就在与此同时,从沙古特笼罩大地的阴影之中,一条粗壮巨大的触手忽然从里面伸出,仿佛长鞭般在空中带过一道弧线,然后重重击打在了万饿之口的身上,而下一刻只见那巨大的怪物就好像是被击中的棒球般倒飞开去,摔在地上,一路翻滚而过,在卡珊德拉城区的中央留下了一道可怕的伤痕。而面对这突如其来的袭击,沙古特显然相当愤怒,它猛然间窜了起来,带起了一圈狂暴的气浪,而那条触手也在转了一圈之后像支柱般的按在地面上,随后,一个巨大,漆黑的身躯从中浮现。 That seems like seems like the blended body of a spider and turtle . Its contour looks like the spider very much. However in conducting the back has the carapace of similar turtle, in addition, its four limbs are not spider that segmental appendage, the resembles octopus tentacle that but is four from was wrapped in the large body slit that reveals by the carapace. 那看起来就好像是一只蜘蛛与乌龟的融合体,或者说。它的外形很像蜘蛛。但是在背上却有着类似乌龟的甲壳,除此之外,它的四肢也不是蜘蛛那种节肢,而是四条从被甲壳包裹的肥大身体缝隙之中露出的像章鱼般的触手。 Holy shit, the pleasure was then big. & R dquo ; 我了个去,这下乐子大了。” Sees this strangeness, five building high monsters appear from the shadow, Zhan En blew a whistling. He knows certainly that this is anything, this is the shadow demon spider, one of the shadow plane most fearful monsters, it is equivalent to the dragon to be equally fearful in the main plane position in shadow plane, but sees its appearance, Zhan En is also understands finally why before , here will emit so many shadow demon, likes urging a gnome kind of race to help guard nest like the dragon, the shadow demon spider will also urge other shadow demon to come to guard own domain, but plane that Zhan En's Shadowmoon sword opens exactly on is nest of shadow demon spider. 看见这个稀奇古怪,足足有五层楼高的怪物从阴影之中浮现,詹恩不由吹了声口哨。他当然知道这是什么,这是影魔蜘蛛,阴影位面最可怕的怪物之一,它在阴影位面相当于龙在主位面的地位一样可怕,而看见它的出现,詹恩也总算是明白为什么之前这里会冒出那么多的阴影魔物,就像龙喜欢驱使地精一类的种族来帮助自己守卫巢穴一样,影魔蜘蛛也会驱使其他的阴影魔物来守卫自己的地盘,而詹恩的影月之剑开启的位面恰好就是影魔蜘蛛的巢穴 Regarding Zhan En. This news joy and worry are mixed, what is happy is shadow demon spider not that specially full of wisdom existence, present it obviously completely by Shagut this intruder enraging, even does not hesitate to draw support from the shadow to appear the true body to cope at present the Nicolas family member directly. This also means that if present Zhan En and others seizes the chance to run away, will not be detected. 对于詹恩来说。这个消息可谓喜忧掺半,喜的是影魔蜘蛛并不是那种特别有智慧的存在,现在的它显然已经完全被沙古特这个闯入者给激怒了,甚至不惜直接借助影子显出真身来对付眼前尼古拉斯的眷属。这也就意味着如果现在詹恩等人趁机逃走的话,是不会被察觉到的。 But the issue also lies in this. 可问题也就在于此。 The shadow demon spider when arriving at the present world extracted the strength of too many shadow, Shadowmoon sword was even absorbed by it. But if Zhan En also wants to bring back this sword. Then he must kill the shadow demon spider, then recycles Shadowmoon sword that awakens from its body. If he leaves, regardless of that the shadow demon spider is wins finally loses, it will return to shadow plane, by that time Zhan En may be wasted effort. 影魔蜘蛛在降临现世时抽取了太多的阴影之力,以至于连影月之剑都被它吸收了。而詹恩如果还想要拿回这把剑的话。那么他就必须杀死影魔蜘蛛,然后从它的身体里回收觉醒的影月之剑。如果他就此离开的话,那么无论影魔蜘蛛最后是赢是输,它都会重新回归阴影位面,到那个时候詹恩可就是竹篮打水一场空了。 What then Zhan En will make to choose? 那么詹恩会做出什么选择呢? The answer is simply obvious! 答案简直是显而易见的! Hides in the shadow, do not go out, here waiting, no matter what happened do not move! & R dquo ; “躲在阴影里,不要出去,在这里等着,不管发生什么事情都不要动!” Issued the order to Elise and Enoya, Zhan En penetrates the half wall that the cave only remains to look to outside square, the Saudi Arabian stock and shadow demon spider at this moment has made into one group. The red, has the corrosive thick fog to tumble to well up to the shadow demon spider giant body, attempts thoroughly its package. However these proliferated shadow in all directions as if to change into the entity at this moment, the edge of each shadow turned into the sharp blade edge in this moment probably, interlocked was tearing the thick fog. The shadow demon spider huge body as if no weight crawls on the silk thread of shadow knitting fast, along with its movement, sees only these harmless shadow to start to turn toward extends in all directions, tries to hold that to float in the in the air ten thousand hungry mouths. But Shagut is not the fellow who good to deal with, sees only its that stomach bag surface innumerable huge mouths to open again, then makes an effort to gather, next moment these were close to Shagut all around shadow silk thread becoming the fragment by the thorough steamroll, was torn like a hard sliced meat, bites, chews the mud then to swallow gets into the stomach. 一面对伊丽丝埃诺娅下达了命令,詹恩一面透过地窖仅剩的半边墙壁望向外面的广场,此刻的沙特股和影魔蜘蛛已经打成一团。红色,具有腐蚀性的浓雾翻滚着向影魔蜘蛛巨大的身体涌去,试图彻底将其包裹起来。但是那些遍布四面八方的阴影此刻似乎化为了实体,每一个阴影的边缘在这一刻都像是变成了锐利的刀锋,交错着撕裂了浓雾。影魔蜘蛛巨大的身躯仿佛没有重量般的在阴影编织的丝线上飞快爬行,伴随着它的动作,只见那些原本无害的影子开始向着四面八方延伸,试图抓住那重新漂浮在空中的万饿之口。只不过沙古特也不是好对付的家伙,只见它那胃袋表面的无数巨口再次张开,然后用力合下,下一刻那些接近沙古特四周的阴影丝线就被彻底碾压成了碎片,如同一块坚硬的肉片被撕裂,咬碎,嚼成烂泥然后吞咽下肚。 Actually by the strength, the shadow demon spider and Shagut disparity is not very big, both sides are almost existences of legendary middle rank. As Shagut of Nicolas spokesman should be demigod, however projected to arrive to temper its most strengths during the projection, causes it now is also the strength of legendary middle reaches rank. But the shadow demon spider is the legendary peak, may be the shadow lifeform, main plane also tempered its strength, therefore both sides are almost in the level of legendary middle reaches now, hits same. Location addition of both sides is also in addition similar, Shagut has Nicolas swallows the domain to be the backing, but the shadow demon spider also has the shadow plane addition, now looks enough long time that both sides who can support, then victory that who can be the last! 其实论实力来说,影魔蜘蛛和沙古特的差距不算很大,双方差不多都是传奇中阶的存在。作为尼古拉斯代言人的沙古特原本应该算是半神,但是在投影之中投影登场削弱了它的大部分力量,使得它现在也不过就是传奇中游等级的实力。而影魔蜘蛛本身算是传奇巅峰,可作为阴影生物,主位面也削弱了它的力量,因此现在双方差不多都处于传奇中游的水准,打起来可谓半斤八两。再加上双方的场地加成也差不多,沙古特尼古拉斯的吞噬领域做后盾,而影魔蜘蛛也有阴影位面的加成,现在就看双方谁能够支持的足够久,那么谁就可以获得最后的胜利! However regarding Zhan En this canary ......... that was a different matter. 不过对于詹恩这只黄雀来说………那就是另外一码事了。 Cassandra at this moment has gradually moved toward the brink of collapse during the fights of two giant beasts, Shagut angrily roared is swallowing, therefore dares to approach the thing of its body, but the shadow demon spider wailing is climbing up following the dark silk thread on, suddenly the entire Cassandra sky surrounds by the bright red thick fog and jet black shadow, even cannot see the trace that both sides fight. The impact of deafening angry roaring sound as well as tearing land that only then often tumbles from the sky can feel existence of both sides reluctantly. 此刻的卡珊德拉已经在两头巨兽的战斗之中逐渐走向了崩溃的边缘,沙古特怒吼着吞噬所以胆敢靠近它身体的东西,而影魔蜘蛛则尖啸着顺着黑暗的丝线攀爬而上,一时间整个卡珊德拉的上空都被鲜红的浓雾与漆黑的阴影所包围,甚至看不见双方战斗的踪影。只有不时从上空翻滚的震耳欲聋的怒吼声以及撕裂大地的冲击才能够勉强感受到双方的存在。 Regarding all that above has, Zhan En was basically concerned with, he is only leads the Nadia three people who Enoya and Elise as well as remain unconscious to hide in the broken wine cellar deep place. However even, Zhan En is still paying attention to the above fight vigilantly, his goal only has one. That is the shadow demon spider. No matter is wins or loses finally, the shadow demon spider will definitely be injured big. By that time the opposite party meets absolutely first returns to the shadow plane training, but Zhan En must do before the shadow demon spider leaves launches the attack to it, then gets sick to want his while him, direct turns the present monster dry/does, then recycles Shadowmoon sword that awakens. 对于上面所发生的一切,詹恩基本上不闻不问,他只是带着埃诺娅伊丽丝以及昏迷不醒的娜迪亚三个人躲在残破的酒窖深处。不过即便如此,詹恩依然警惕的关注着上方的战斗,他的目标只有一个。那就是影魔蜘蛛。不管最终是赢还是输,影魔蜘蛛肯定都会受到不小的伤害。到那个时候对方绝对会第一时间回阴影位面修养,而詹恩所要做的就是在影魔蜘蛛离开之前对它发起攻击,然后趁他病要他名,直接干翻眼前的怪物,然后回收觉醒的影月之剑 As for Shagut ......... looked that the situation said again! 至于沙古特………看情形再说了! Time one minute one second of past, the fight between shadow demon spider and Shagut as if also gradually became intense. Zhan En keen detection to covered and covered the entire Cassandra red thick fog barrier gradually to abate, this explained Nicolas swallows the domain strength to start to weaken, this regarding Zhan En is a good deed. Before he had not chosen and Enoya and Nadia three legend powerhouses resists together hardly, actually to avoid the Nicolas swallowing domain. After all even if the suppression of domain barrier this type of thing is the legendary powerhouses is unable to withstand, Zhan En, Enoya and Nadia current strength is the legend primary, if their direct exposure in swallowing domain, perhaps the strength will drop to existence of Grandmaster level directly, when the time comes do not say Shagut. Looks for a fruit jelly to let three people in an extremely difficult situation casually, do not say that must resist that to have the corrosive red thick fog, in this case can foresee the final result absolutely is not what good deed. 时间一分一秒的过去,影魔蜘蛛和沙古特之间的战斗似乎也逐渐变得激烈起来。詹恩敏锐的察觉到原本覆盖和笼罩着整个卡珊德拉的红色浓雾屏障正在逐渐消退,这说明尼古拉斯的吞噬领域力量开始减弱,这对于詹恩来说是件好事。之前他之所以没有选择和埃诺娅以及娜迪亚三个传奇强者一起硬抗,其实就是为了躲避尼古拉斯的吞噬领域。毕竟领域结界这种东西的压制哪怕是传奇强者都无法承受,詹恩,埃诺娅娜迪亚目前的实力都是传奇初级,如果他们直接暴露在吞噬领域里,恐怕实力会直接下降到大师层次的存在,到时候不要说沙古特。随便找块果冻都能够让三人狼狈不堪,更不要说还要对抗那带有腐蚀性的红色浓雾,在这种情况下可以预见最后的结果绝对不会是什么好事。 Pitch-dark that however now Shagut and shadow demon spider hits, actually cheap they, Zhan En can feel that all around that acidic aura that has the stench is gradually abating, it seems like fight of both sides regarding Nicolas swallowed the domain also to have the influence of considerable degree. This enabled the speed that the domain weakened to want quickly. Although does not know that actually outside is what situation. However Shagut should be more unfortunate than fortunate evidently. 不过现在沙古特和影魔蜘蛛打的昏天黑地,倒是便宜了他们,詹恩可以感觉到四周那股带着腥臭的酸性气息正在逐渐消退,看来双方的战斗对于尼古拉斯的吞噬领域也造成了相当程度的影响。这使得领域削弱的速度要快了许多。虽然不知道外面究竟是个什么情况。但是看样子沙古特应该是凶多吉少。 Thinks of here, Zhan En gets hold of Sea Blue Light in hand, then he gave a hand signal to Enoya, the latter nods immediately. 想到这里,詹恩握紧手中的海蓝之光,接着他对埃诺娅做了个手势,后者立刻点了点头。 & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “————————!!” At this time, suddenly along with one miserable howling, a huge strange fearful form drops from the clouds, numerous pounding in inner city district. Meanwhile, the red thick fog of blotting out the sky starts to recycle fast, vanishes does not see. 就在这个时候,忽然伴随着一阵惨嚎,一个巨大诡异可怕的身影从天而降,重重的砸在了内城区。与此同时,铺天盖地的红色浓雾开始飞快回收,消失不见。 Shagut lost!! 沙古特输了!! Enoya!! & R dquo ; 埃诺娅!!” With the name of thunder ............!! & R dquo ; “以雷霆之名…………!!” Summoned that flash of Enoya name in Zhan En, the beautiful aristocrat young girl has stood up. She does not dread the air wave that store front comes in all directions the junks of fluttering, but raises the right hand, the thunder of flashing congeals on the finger of young girl, next moment, roared, about ten meters thick giant thunder light beams revolved like this are erupting from the hand of Enoya, swept away from the sky. The strength of strong element was thorough in this moment, tears covered the bright red thick fog in sky, repelled that to cover the sky the dark shadow. 就在詹恩呼唤埃诺娅名字的那一瞬间,美丽的贵族少女已经站起身来。她丝毫不畏惧那铺面而来的气浪与四处翻飞的杂物,而是举起右手,闪动的雷霆在少女的手指上凝结,紧接着下一刻,咆哮,足足有近十米粗的巨大雷霆光柱就这样旋转着从埃诺娅的手中爆发,从天空之中横扫而过。强劲的元素之力在这一刻彻底破碎,撕裂了原本遮挡在天空之中的鲜红浓雾,击退了那覆盖天空的黑暗阴影。 At that moment, pure white luminous sparkle world. 那一刻,纯白的光亮闪耀天地。 But Zhan En also saw the thing of oneself continuously waiting. 詹恩也在其中看见了自己一直等待的东西。 Almost in the back leg that the lightning emits, he dashes with the sword forward, at this moment Zhan En abandoned originally the camouflage of human thoroughly, restored the demon shape. The wings of two jet black spacious bat from his behind expansion, wild magic power gathered from Dungeon each corner on his body, saw only next moment, the dark light beam then filled the vacancy that the lightning remained, dashed to forward. 几乎就在在闪电放出的后脚,他连人带剑向前飞奔而出,这一刻詹恩彻底抛弃了原本人类的伪装,恢复了魔族的形态。两只漆黑宽大的蝠之羽翼从他的身后展开,狂暴的魔力地下城的每个角落聚集在了他的身体上,只见下一刻,黑暗的光束便填补了闪电所残留下来的空缺,飞奔向前。 The shadow demon spider is close at hand. 影魔蜘蛛近在眼前。 The biting blast and shadow of plane unique numbness heading on has not made Zhan En retreat, as higher demon, his body attribute on the high oddness, is as good as shadow demon spider's strength completely. But the shadow demon spider at this moment is obviously in an extremely difficult situation, its carapace had been torn like the bread most probably, even four brandishing tentacles also only had two. But in fact, in Zhan En charges into the sky that instantaneous, he has seen the most body of shadow demon spider to turn toward in the shadow to sink. Clearly, received the so serious wound, regarding the shadow demon spider is also a big attack, only present it wants to do is returns to shadow plane to rest and build up strength. 扑面而来的刺骨寒风与阴影位面特有的麻木感并没有让詹恩退却,作为高等魔族,他的身体属性本身就高的离谱,完全不亚于影魔蜘蛛本身的力量。而此刻的影魔蜘蛛显然狼狈不堪,它的甲壳已经像面包一样被撕扯掉了大半,甚至就连四条挥舞的触手也只剩下了两条。而事实上,就在詹恩冲向天空的那瞬间,他已经看见影魔蜘蛛的大半个身体正向着阴影之中沉去。很明显,受了如此严重的伤,对于影魔蜘蛛来说也是个不小的打击,现在的它唯一想要做的就是回到阴影位面休养生息。 The original umbra demon spider soon succeeded, however the Enoya lightning disrupted its plan, the lightning luminous, although only then the flash, however the intensely bright brilliance actually shut off the shadow demon spider and relation of shadow plane completely. This makes the shadow demon spider have to echo with shadow plane again, but is such a small the time difference that is almost impossible to grasp, had been stressed actually by Zhan En at this moment in the palm. But its most body was also hit by the thunder and lightning, hit being defeated and dispersed fission, luckily the shadow demon spider is the shadow lifeform, the body is completely existence that the shadow element congeals becomes, traded other things, coming such a to estimate that burnt on the table directly. 原本影魔蜘蛛快要成功了,但是埃诺娅的闪电打乱了它的计划,闪电的光亮虽然只有那么一瞬间,但是耀眼夺目的光辉却是完全切断了影魔蜘蛛与阴影位面的联系。这使得影魔蜘蛛不得不重新再次与阴影位面进行呼应,而就是这么一个小的几乎无法掌握的时间差,此刻却已经被詹恩抓在了手心。而它的大半个身体也被雷电击中,打的溃散分裂,幸亏影魔蜘蛛是阴影生物,身体完全是阴影元素凝结而成的存在,换了其他东西,来这么一下估计直接就烤焦上桌了。 The shadow demon spider is close at hand. 影魔蜘蛛近在眼前。 Zhan En gets hold of Sea Blue Light in hand, then a sword sweeps off forward, the ice-cold cold wind of howling throws forward along with the long sword that Zhan En brandishes in this moment as if mighty force, the entire shadow demon spider covers during ice of one exceedingly high penetrating places was cold. This made its movement slow the frontline, brandished to the Zhan En's tentacle also therefore stopped the movement. But he made use to fan under the wing, the whole person had from the sky drawn an arc, crashes in body center that the shadow demon spider was defeated and dispersed. Quick, he saw Shadowmoon sword, then at this moment was being wrapped by the strong shadow the sword, float slowly in void, seeming like completely lost the strength general. 詹恩握紧手中的海蓝之光,接着一剑向前扫去,呼啸的冰冷寒风在这一刻仿佛千军万马般伴随着詹恩挥舞的长剑向前扑去,将整个影魔蜘蛛笼罩在了一片通天彻地的冰寒之中。这使得它的动作慢了一线,原本挥舞向詹恩的触手也因此停止了动作。而他则趁势扇动了下翅膀,整个人在空中划过一道弧线,冲进了影魔蜘蛛溃散的身躯中央。很快,他就看见了影月之剑,此刻那把剑正被浓厚的阴影所包裹,缓缓的漂浮在虚空之中,看起来似乎完全失去了力量一般。 But the feeling the Zhan En's invasion, the body of shadow demon spider started to have the change again, the shadow that was defeated and dispersed congealed, changes into the innumerable tentacles to throw to him, tried to be one of them its thorough in dire straits. 而感受到詹恩的入侵,影魔蜘蛛的身体再次开始产生了变化,原本溃散的阴影重新凝结,化为了无数的触手向他扑去,试图将其彻底困死在其中。 However facing the attack that this heads on, Zhan En has not retroceded and startled, on the contrary, his corners of the mouth curl upwards, gaze at the present shadow demon spider, in the eye are reappearing a hunter to look at the prey to crash into the trap self-satisfied facial expression. 但是面对这扑面而来的袭击,詹恩并没有后退和惊慌,相反,他嘴角微翘,注视着眼前的影魔蜘蛛,眼中浮现出一丝猎人看着猎物坠入陷阱般的得意神情。 Afterward, Zhan En puts out a hand, held that to hide in the darkness, Shadowmoon sword sword hilt. 随后,詹恩伸出手去,抓住了那隐藏在黑暗之中的,影月之剑的剑柄。 next moment, such as radiance of moon/month erupted, cut open the darkness. 下一刻,如月的光华爆发,切开了黑暗。
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