DR :: Volume #3

#252: Light and shadow

White and black, the light and shadow, the whole world as if only has these two colors suddenly. 白与黑,光与影,一时间整个世界似乎只剩下这两种颜色。 The lightning of howling has the dazzling brilliance tearing darkness, while scattering covered all black to hit one to go out from the shadow ; Come person's shadow, it seems like probably a shadow of person, or that is a shadow of person, it stands in the ground like this, only then head the two points of eye spot bright red luminous often glitter, as if the eye is common. Facing the attack of this Thousand Catties Thunderclap, the shadow demon puts out a hand to try to resist, however is unravelled by it that thunder light hits instantaneously thoroughly, is missing. However quick, there are many tilak the darkness that from is gloomy to reappear. 呼啸的闪电带着刺眼的光辉撕裂黑暗,在驱散了笼罩一切的黑色的同时击中了一个从阴影之中走出;来的人影,它看起来就好像一个人的影子,或者说那就是一个人的影子,它就这样站在地面上,只有头部的眼睛部位的两点鲜红光亮不时闪烁,仿佛眼睛一般。面对这雷霆万钧的袭击,影魔伸出手去试图抵挡,但是在被那雷光击中的瞬间它就彻底灰飞烟灭,不见了踪影。不过很快,又有更多的小红点儿从再次暗淡下来的黑暗之中浮现。 Do not be noisy is too big, do not leave here, pays attention to all your around darkness! & R dquo ; “不要闹的太大,不要离开这里,注意你四周的黑暗!” Zhan En is saying in a low voice, wields a sword to forward, the quick a series of ice crystals broke through the ground flat land, as if staggered canine tore the quiet shadow army. Sees only Elise to put out a hand to forward again, dark-red strange rune/symbol writing in her fingertip formation, then changes into a point is sparkling the magic missile again, rumbled in the shadow of creeping motion like the meteor rainstorm, soon had a series of explosions, smashing that the present shadow lifeform will tear. 詹恩一面低声说着,一面挥剑向前,很快一连串的冰晶突破了地面平地而起,仿佛交错的犬牙般撕裂了幽影的大军。紧接着只见伊丽丝再次伸手向前,暗红色的诡异符文再一次在她的指尖成型,然后化为点点闪耀着的魔法飞弹,如同流星暴雨般轰进了蠕动的阴影之中,很快带起了一连串的爆炸,将眼前的阴影生物撕扯的粉碎。 But in another side, the Nadia hand grasps the long sword, her whole person under the sweep of Holy Light seems like a human form light bulb of illumination, but has to acknowledge that this human form light bulb regarding scattering dark very helpful plunges the Nadia quiet shadow lifeform » long » wind » article » study, ∽. n & la R R ; shining of et under Holy Light in thin that gradually changes, later had after then been swept by a Nadia sword, vanishes in a puff of smoke thoroughly. However even so, they still take place of the fallen, continuous flushing away forward. 而在另外一侧,娜迪亚则手握长剑,在圣光的笼罩下她整个人就好像是一个发光的人形灯泡,但是不得不承认这个人形灯泡对于驱散黑暗还是很有帮助的扑向娜迪亚的幽影生物》⊙长》⊙风》⊙文》⊙学,∽@.n←et在圣光的照耀下逐渐变的稀薄,随后便被娜迪亚一剑扫过之后彻底灰飞烟灭。不过即便如此,它们依然前仆后继,源源不断的向前冲去。 Naturally. Keeps off in the face of the quiet shadow lifeform, is not only only Zhan En. 当然。挡在幽影生物面前的,不仅仅只是詹恩 Bright red hugefruit jelly & R dquo ; Tumbled is putting out is melted the most part the wall. Then that seems like Slime same sol body to open immediately, swallows shadow monster one before body. Even can clear sees greatly its, the flexible body also follows this movement to tremble, probably a chewing big mouth. Under this crazy swallowing, the shadow retreats for a while, but they congeal again, changed into one greatly, seems like the giant octopus same monster to emit from the darkness of surface, it is brandishing the tentacle thatfruit jelly & R dquo ; Twined stubbornly, later then saw in the smooth external skin that was empty to reappear an sharp advantage thorn. That shadow octopus pricked in the mouth apparatus the body of fruit jelly like this, starts the big mouth to attract to permit, but next moment, it crazy neighed fruit jelly tearing, pestered is rolling in the one side. 鲜红巨大的“果冻”翻滚着吐出了已经被融化大半个部分的墙壁。接着那看起来像是史莱姆一样的胶质身体顿时张开,把身前的阴影怪物一口吞下。甚至可以清晰的看见它那巨大的,富有弹性的身躯还伴随着这个动作一颤一颤的,好像是一张正在嘴嚼的大口。在这疯狂的吞噬下,阴影一时退去,但紧接着它们再次凝结,重新化为了一个巨大的,看起来好像巨型章鱼一样的怪物从地表的黑暗之中冒出,它挥舞着触手将那块“果冻”死死缠绕了起来,随后便看见原本空无一物的光滑表皮上浮现出了一根尖锐的利刺。紧接着那头阴影章鱼就这样把口器刺入了果冻的身体之中,开始大口吸允起来但是下一刻,它就被疯狂嘶叫的果冻撕裂,纠缠着滚翻在了一旁。 During all and Zhan En plans does not have any difference, alarmed Mother of Chaos evil God messenger launched the fierce attack to the intruder who these were unsolicited, but regarding the quiet shadow monster, they regarding was awakened similarly annoyedly, therefore in instigator under instigated intentionally, unrelated both sides attacked brutally immediately. Worried one group. But Zhan En and three young girls stay out together, probably the human and animals harmless small white rabbit continued to hide in the cave waits for all these conclusions. 一切都和詹恩计划之中的没有任何区别,被惊动的混沌之母的邪神使者对这些不请自来的入侵者发起了猛烈的攻击,而对于幽影怪物来说,它们对于被人惊醒同样恼火不已,于是在始作俑者的故意挑拨下,原本互不相干的双方顿时大打出手。撕咬成了一团。而詹恩则和三个少女一起置身事外,像是人畜无害的小白兔般继续躲在地窖里等待这一切的结束。 However since wants to have obtained wants to pay, although the heavy/thick surface blocked in the Mother of Chaos stomach the investigations of these strange things, but is almost equal to not having regarding shadow demon this hindrance. They are sharp howling are drilled by the corner that in covers dark from any, launched the fierce attack to the present prey. However what is lucky, so far. All also in the range that can control. 不过既然想要有所得就要有所付出,虽然厚重的地表挡住了混沌之母胃里那些稀奇古怪东西的探查,但是对于阴影魔物们来说这种阻碍几乎等于没有。它们尖嚎着从任何一个被黑暗覆盖的角落里钻出,对眼前的猎物们发起了猛烈的袭击。不过幸运的是,直到目前为止。一切都还在可以控制的范围之内。 One seems like puts on the knight armor heavy/thick person's shadow in big strides from the darkness goes out, the long spear/gun in hand howls is cutting the air. Thorn to present Zhan En. But facing this strange person's shadow, Zhan En draws back backward. The remnant shadow is almost actually forwarding together at the same time one step, whatever the shadow long spear/gun of opposite party pierced its body, then sees only that say/way remnant shadowbang & R dquo ; During rupturing, next moment dozens explode the ice crystal that flies to shoot to sew that black heavy/thick person's shadow from the remnant shadow on the wall like this, but it has not even come to be torn sharply completely, seems the ice piece to melt in the water is the same, vanished in the dark slit. 一个看起来像是穿着骑士盔甲般的厚重人影大踏步的从黑暗之中走出,手中的长枪呼啸着划破空气。刺向了眼前的詹恩。而面对这诡异的人影,詹恩向后一退。一道残影却几乎是在与此同时向前进了一步,任凭对方的阴影长枪洞穿了它的身体,接着只见那道残影“砰”的一声爆裂,下一刻数十枚从残影爆炸之中飞射出去的冰晶就这样把那个黑色的厚重人影钉在墙壁上,不过它甚至还没有来得急被完全撕裂,就好像冰块融化在水中一样,消失在了黑暗的缝隙之中。 It seems like our luck really are not very good. & R dquo ; “看来我们的运气还真不算很好。” Looks all around is reappearing continuously is then eliminated, the quiet shadow lifeform of then again presenting, Zhan En seems somewhat helpless. So crowded shadow lifeform showed that they very possible not to connect the domain of some shadow feudal lord carefully, he turns head, looked at situated in law central Shadowmoon sword, at this moment this had been covered by the black light beam the long sword completely, except for wild seems like a drill bit to plan to drill through beyond the entire stratum strength fluctuation, Zhan En cannot feel anything again. He is very clear, this is Shadowmoon sword is releasing own strength, and forms the fusion resonance with shadow plane again, at present in Shadowmoon sword that deep sleep the strength of shadow is regaining consciousness gradually, but the fluctuation and aura that this strength has will definitely bring in peeping at that certain has powerful. Must know that Shadowmoon sword originally in existence that shadow plane is born, therefore these plane lifeform will naturally also go after like ducks. Zhan En also expected the shadow domain that launches can be away from these to trouble far a little, even if like this they detected that Shadowmoon sword will not catch up quickly, but now seemed like hopeless. 望着四周源源不断浮现然后被消灭,然后再次出现的幽影生物,詹恩显得有些无奈。如此密集的阴影生物说明他们很可能不小心连通了某个阴影领主的地盘,他回过头去,望了一眼位于法阵中央的影月之剑,此刻这把长剑已经完全被黑色的光柱所笼罩,除了狂暴的就好像是一个钻头打算钻通整个地层般的力量波动之外,詹恩再也感受不到任何东西。他很清楚,这是影月之剑正在释放自己的力量,并且重新与阴影位面形成融合共鸣,眼下影月之剑中那沉睡的阴影之力正在逐步苏醒,而这股力量所产生的波动与气息必然会引来某些强大存在的窥视。要知道影月之剑本来就是在阴影位面诞生的存在,因此那些位面生物自然也会对此趋之若鹜。原本詹恩还期望展开的阴影领域能够距离那些麻烦远一点儿,这样就算它们察觉到了影月之剑也不会那么快赶来,不过现在看起来是没指望了。 Ok, this is also good. 算了,这样也不错。 Thinks of here, the Zhan En's eye narrows the eyes slightly, he looked at one before the body Nadia that fights bravely perhaps, because of Holy Light can finallynormal & R dquo ; Now the reason of elimination enemy, she kills even somewhat forgets oneself, but this is also good, as the matter stands this brain will lack Paladin of root muscle not to detect certain issues. 想到这里,詹恩的眼睛微微眯起,他望了一眼正在自己身前奋战的娜迪亚,或许是因为久违的圣光终于能够“正常”的消灭敌人的缘故,她现在杀的甚至有些忘乎所以,不过这样也好,这样一来这位大脑缺根筋的圣骑士就不会察觉到某些问题。 If there is what eventuality, Zhan En can also believe firmly that she will be gladto sacrifice & R dquo very much ; Own. 而且如果有什么万一的话,詹恩也可以确信她会很乐意“牺牲”自己的。 Rumble ............!! & R dquo ; “咕噜噜噜噜…………!!” At this time, suddenly, a resounding sound transmitted from the sky, that sounded seems like the sound that a person belly hungry made, but heard this sound, Zhan En selected under the brow, then he quickly gave a hand signal to Elise and Enoya, the former after seeing the Zhan En's hand signal stands immediately the defense law core region, but the latter also after flinging the thunder long whip routed the shadow monster together attacked again arrived at the Nadia side fast. Held was still brandishing the Saint sword to launch the attack Nadia, drew in her protection method. But Nadia most starts not to respond. Nearly backhands a sword to divide to approach own Enoya, she responded luckily finally fast. Immediately receives the hand. Otherwise this Paladin fate was turned by a Enoya palm of the hand direct fan. 就在这个时候,忽然,一阵响亮的声音从天空之中传来,那听起来就好像是一个人肚子饿了所发出的声响,而听到这个声音,詹恩挑了下眉头,接着他急忙对伊丽丝埃诺娅做了个手势,前者在看见詹恩的手势之后立刻站回了防御法阵的核心区域,而后者也在甩出一道雷霆长鞭击溃了阴影怪物的再次进攻之后飞快的来到了娜迪亚的身边。一把抓住了还在挥舞圣剑发起进攻的娜迪亚,把她拖进了防护法阵里。而娜迪亚最开始没有反应过来。差点儿反手一剑劈向自己身边的埃诺娅,也幸亏她总算还是反应快速。立刻收手。不然的话这个圣骑士的下场就是被埃诺娅一巴掌直接扇翻了。 Under the Zhan En's direction, four people returned a defense law center, is fixing the eyes on the sky by the broken outer wall. 詹恩的指引下,四人重新回到了防御法阵的中心,透过残破的外墙紧盯着天空。 Rumble ............... & R dquo ; “咕噜噜噜噜噜……………” Also is a strange sound transmits, this even these also attacked the protective barrier the quiet shadow monsters as if also to detect that time was not right, they have turned the head, surprise looks at the sound to send out the place that. Until a big shadow such quiet emergence suddenly, covers in their top of the heads. 又是一阵诡异的声响传来,这一次甚至就连那些原本还攻击防护屏障的幽影怪物们似乎也察觉到了不对,它们转过头去,诧异的望着声音发出的地方。直到一大片阴影就这样悄无声息的忽然出现,覆盖在他们的头顶上。 Sees this thing the regular script, Nadia nearly nearly to scream makes noise, Elise at this moment is also the complexion changes. Only then Zhan En and Enoya can also stay quiet, but tightens the brow of wrinkle to see from two people, the present situation is not wonderful. 看见这个东西的正体,娜迪亚差点儿险些尖叫出声,就连伊丽丝此刻也是面色为之一变。只有詹恩埃诺娅还能够保持平静,只不过从两人紧皱的眉头就可以看出,现在的事态可一点儿都不妙。 But all these, originate from float in the in the air that monster. 而这一切,都来源于悬浮在空中的那个怪物。 At first sight, that seemed like one to enlarge the innumerable time of stomachs, creeping motion that it continuously, on internal organs surface bright red fold dense and numerous opened one after another mouth, several do not know that is the blood vessel or the nerve thing appears from its above, is brandishing the operation present monster advance. These mouths open and gather shut. Sends out made a belch by fits and starts probably sound, but Zhan En also sees, in these mouths, hidden in eyeballs. When the innumerable mouths open, he even can see the eyeball crazily in inside transfers regarding any intensive phobophobia patient everywhere randomly, this is a suffering and torture. 乍看起来,那就好像是一个放大了无数倍的胃,它不住的蠕动着,在内脏表面的鲜红褶皱上密密麻麻的张开了一张又一张嘴巴,几条不知道是血管还是神经的东西从它的上方浮现,挥舞着操纵眼前的怪物前进。那些嘴巴张开又合闭。发出了一阵又一阵像是打嗝般的声音,而詹恩还看见,在这些嘴巴里,隐藏在一颗颗的眼珠。当无数张嘴巴张开时,他甚至能够看见眼球在里面疯狂的四处乱转对于任何一个密集恐惧症患者来说,这都是一种煎熬和酷刑。 Belch!! & R dquo ; “嗝呃!!” The entire stomach bag receives suddenly. Then rises , is to make a belch the sound. Then next moment, Zhan En sees that to open mouth innumerably opens like this. Then made a movement of inspiration. 整个胃袋猛然一收。然后一涨,又是一声打嗝般的声音。接着下一刻,詹恩看见那无数张嘴就这样张开。然后做了一个吸气的动作。 ..................!! & R dquo ; “呼………………!!” The air howls is changing into the wild air current, sweeps across to open the mouth to fly toward that innumerably, the tavern that even Zhan En and others hides is no exception. Originally it the fight of quiet shadow demon suffered a big wound in former Zhan En and others and during, at this time facing taking of Mother of Chaos was the passivity ability, Zhan En and others can only look helplessly ceiling wood/blockhead were torn down, tumbles is flying with the air current together to in the air, the brick wall is unable to withstand the so strong suction, split. in a moment, the tavern above their top of the head on entire was still pulled to the sky, then shatter dispersion under tearing of air current, then vanishes, in these were opening greatly in huge mouth. 空气呼啸着化为狂暴的气流,席卷着一切向着那无数张大口飞去,甚至就连詹恩等人藏身的这件酒馆也不例外。原本它就在之前詹恩等人和幽影魔物的战斗之中遭受了不小的创伤,这个时候面对混沌之母的吸食更是毫无抵抗能力,詹恩等人只能够眼睁睁的看着天花板的木头一块块被撕下,翻滚着与气流一道飞向空中,就连砖墙也无法承受如此强大的吸力,一块块分裂开去。只是眨眼的工夫,原本还在他们头顶之上的酒馆就整个被扯向天空,接着在气流的撕扯下破碎分散,然后消失在了那些大张着的巨口之中。 Even shadow demon is no exception, although they also detected that the situation is not wonderful, turns around to plan to run back own dark domain, however in the face of this fearful strong suction, the shadow is not even able to cultivate one's own moral worth, Zhan En even personally sees a oneself present big shadow to seem like the rags to tear together equally from the wall, flies to the sky. Suddenly lost the shadow wall even to give people a strange radiance. 甚至就连阴影魔物也不例外,虽然它们也察觉到事态不妙,转身打算跑回属于自己的黑暗领域,但是在这股可怕强大的吸力面前,连影子都无法独善其身,詹恩甚至亲眼看见自己眼前的一大片影子就好像是一块破布一样从墙上撕扯下来,飞向天空。一时间失去了影子的墙壁甚至给人一种诡异的光华。 It seems like Nicolas has wanted to swallow and digest here all impatiently thoroughly. 看来尼古拉斯已经迫不及待想要彻底吞噬和消化这里的一切了。 Looks at this, the Zhan En complexion sinks. He knows certainly that this monster is anything, that is the Nicolas envoy, „ ten thousand hungry mouth & R dquo ; Shagut, it only the mission in this world eats the thing for Nicolas, has eaten, eating, till final trial day arrival. Here is Nicolas the projection of stomach, then Shagut naturally is also a projection, but a projection, still enough troubles even. 看着这一幕,詹恩面色微沉。他当然知道这个怪物是什么,那是尼古拉斯的使者,“万饿之口”沙古特,它在这个世界上唯一的使命就是替尼古拉斯吃东西,一直吃,不停的吃,直到最后的审判日到来为止。这里是尼古拉斯的胃的投影,那么沙古特自然也是一个投影,不过即便是一个投影,也足够麻烦的了。 What to do then should we? Masters? & R dquo ; “接下来我们该怎么办?主人?” Looks at that revolting monster, Elise is also looking pale, although she is still maintaining a protection method revolution, but she can feel, perhaps how long this protection method could not support. If cannot find out what means again, when that monster opens mouth again, they may connect this protection method same place suction eat are not impossible! 望着那令人作呕的怪物,伊丽丝也是面色苍白,虽然她依然在维持防护法阵的运转,但是她能够感觉到,这个防护法阵恐怕支持不了多久了。如果再想不出什么办法的话,那么当那个怪物再次张嘴的时候,他们可能会连通这个防护法阵一起被吸走吃掉也不是不可能的! It seems like only then this means. 看来只有这个办法了。 Looks at present Elise, Zhan En is frowning, then he swept one to gaze at Shagut Nadia to say as before no matter how, she was also a God's family knight, so long as she can burn the body strength of God's family, then can bring to the attention of Nicolas, by that time oneself and others can seize the chance to travel. But how...... can convince her to open the frantic pattern? 望着眼前的伊丽丝,詹恩皱了下眉头,接着他扫了一眼依旧注视着沙古特娜迪亚不管怎么说,她也是一个神眷骑士,只要她能够燃烧自己身体里的神眷之力,那么就可以引起尼古拉斯的注意,到那个时候自己等人就可以趁机跑路了。只不过……要如何说服她开启狂热模式呢? But in Zhan En ponders, he suddenly discovered, at this moment from Shadowmoon sword erupts, but the black light beam, is light, not only that wild strength fluctuation that starts gradually changes gradually was also vanishing before this moment, this is ............... 而就在詹恩思考之时,他忽然发现,此刻从影月之剑上爆发而起的黑色光柱,已经开始逐渐变的淡薄起来,不仅如此,之前那股狂暴的力量波动此刻也正在逐渐消失,这难道是…………… However has not waited for Zhan En to think anything again, the angry roaring sound of coming then covered all.( To be continued......) 但是还没有等詹恩再多想什么,呼啸而来的怒吼声便笼罩了一切。(未完待续……)
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