DR :: Volume #3

#251: The key of shadow

Sees this sword, Elise and Nadia stares, the first time are saw this sword, the latter does not even know that actually this is causes Zhan En and chief criminal of Alexander conflict the sword. This also no wonder, because only this sword present appearance was really ugly, tattered, seem to dig to be the same from the coal pile, moreover on since the sword hilt and scabbard were one seem like the burn failure to brave everywhere layer upon layer the iron lump. Even if this gadget said that still no one who which pile of scrap iron washes from feels strange, what can play to affect here? 看见这把剑,伊丽丝娜迪亚都是一愣,她们都是第一次看见这把剑,后者甚至不知道其实这把剑才是引起詹恩亚历山大冲突的罪魁祸首。这也难怪,只因为这把剑现在的卖相实在是太难看了,破破烂烂,看起来像是从煤堆里才挖出来一样,而且剑柄和剑鞘上到处都是一层层像是烧制失败冒起的铁疙瘩。这玩意儿就算说是从哪堆废铁里淘出来的也都没人感到奇怪,能够在这里起到什么作用? When Enoya in seeing this at present one long sword bright, then she shows a happy expression immediately, looks to present Zhan En. 只有埃诺娅在看见这把长剑时眼前一亮,接着她立刻露出了一丝笑意,望向眼前的詹恩 „ Does master, you plan to hold the ceremony here? & R dquo ; “主人,你打算在这里举行仪式?” This is a good opportunity, not? & R dquo ; “这正是个好机会,不是吗?” Heard the speech of Enoya, Zhan En is smiling nod , the applause looked at her one eyes. Really only then Enoya understands that his idea, having a look at that two being dumbfounded goods ......... especially Elise, Zhan En to express now, looks like musteducate & R dquo well ; Her. 听到埃诺娅的说话,詹恩微笑着点了点头,赞许的看了她一眼。果然只有埃诺娅才明白他的想法,看看现在那两个大眼瞪小眼的货………特别是伊丽丝,詹恩表示回去之后看来要好好“教育”她一下了。 Actually Zhan En chose at this time unties the Shadowmoon sword seal is not prompted by a sudden impulse, in fact he chose to go to Casalance initially, settled on thisplace of & R dquo plague ;. Shadowmoon sword is called false Divine Artifact to have the reason, although its strength is indeed strong, but has quite troublesome element & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Shadowmoon sword is born in shadow plane, to put it bluntly it is key that opens the lock of shadow plane channel, but the consequence that this point causes is, if Zhan En must awaken Shadowmoon sword. Must look for about the night of unmanned lunar eclipse. When otherwise he activates the Shadowmoon sword flash. Can overlap a Divine Artifact all around big region with shadow plane centered on this, but this also means that these shadow plane monsters will run to scurry about from that dark world, and launches the attack to the Shadowmoon sword holder. But Zhan En must resist their attack, has insisted Shadowmoon sword activates, connects again with shadow plane till. 其实詹恩之所以选择在这个时候解开影月之剑的封印并不是心血来潮,事实上他当初之所以选择前往卡萨兰斯,正是看中了这块“瘟疫之地”。影月之剑被称为伪神器不是没有原因的,虽然它的力量的确强大,但是却有一个相当麻烦的要素———影月之剑诞生于阴影位面,说白了它就是一把打开阴影位面通道之锁的钥匙,而这一点所带来的后果就是,假如詹恩要唤醒影月之剑。就必须找个左右无人的月食之夜。不然当他激活影月之剑的一瞬间。以这把神器为中心的四周一大片区域都会和阴影位面重叠,而这也就意味着那些阴影位面的怪物会从那个黑暗的世界里跑出来四处乱窜,并且对影月之剑的持有者发起进攻。而詹恩则必须抵挡住它们的进攻,一直坚持到影月之剑重新激活,与阴影位面再次连接起来为止。 Also because of this, he wants to look for a silent unmanned place. If otherwise does this type of airplane in own domain, that had no difference from the aristocrats of these summon devils. After all shadow plane is unfriendly regarding human. Inside many shadow lifeform is also the evil camp. Therefore Zhan En will want to take advantage Casalance time finds a place to activate Shadowmoon sword, so-called dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist, even can't the accident sentiment, affect Eagle Plateau by some chance in any case is not? 也正因为如此,他才想要找个寂静无人之地。不然如果在自己的地盘上搞这种飞机,那就和那些召唤恶魔的贵族没什么区别了。毕竟阴影位面对于人类并不友好。里面的很多阴影生物也是邪恶阵营的。所以詹恩才会想要趁来卡萨兰斯的时候找个地方激活影月之剑,所谓死道友不死贫道,就算其中万一出了什么事情,反正也影响不到雄鹰高原不是? Has not thought that Mother of Chaos Church gave a Zhan En such good opportunity, if opens shadow plane in Nicolas the projection of stomach, will then not certainly have any issue. Not only does not need to be worried that these shadow monsters can attack, even can also drive out Nicolas with the aid of two plane staggered nature. After all arrives to this is not the Nicolas true body, but is the projection, the impact that the dual plane projections bring even if were the antiquity evil god is unable to withstand, anybody was conceivable, when ate around suddenly felt that what feeling some people filled one bottle of ink to be in the stomach to you. But by that time, Zhan En and others was also naturally safe ......... 只是没想到混沌之母教团给了詹恩这么好的一个机会,如果在尼古拉斯的胃的投影里开启阴影位面的话,那么当然就不会有任何问题了。不仅不用担心那些阴影怪物会来袭击,甚至还可以借助两个位面的交错性把尼古拉斯赶出去。毕竟降临到此的也不是尼古拉斯的真身而是投影,双重位面投影带来的冲击哪怕是上古邪神也无法承受,任何人都可以想象在自己胡吃海喝的时候忽然感觉到有人给你在胃里灌了一瓶墨水会是什么样的感觉。而到那个时候,詹恩等人自然也就安全了……… Naturally, Zhan En to Nadia detail long and short of the story, he to Nadia had not said that this is in interesting Magical Weapons that at the auction discovers accidentally, can be used to open shadow plane, so long as can turn on the plane channel. Then can force the projection of Nicolas to leave main plane. Eating the belly did not find the doctor to be out to be only more miserable badly. This truth Nicolas not. 当然,詹恩并没有对娜迪亚详细说明其中的来龙去脉,他只是对娜迪亚说这是自己在拍卖会上无意中发现的一把有趣的魔法武器,可以用来开启阴影位面,只要能够开启位面通道。那么就可以逼迫尼古拉斯的投影离开主位面。吃坏了肚子不去找医生下场只会更惨。这个道理尼古拉斯不会不懂。 But several troubles. 只不过还有几个麻烦。 „ When opens the shadow plane time only to be the lunar eclipse starts, as for the issue of activation does not need to consider, however after that we may face one to struggle hard very much. & R dquo ; “开启阴影位面的时间只能是月食开始之时,至于激活的问题不用考虑,但是在那之后,我们很有可能面对一场苦战。” Is saying, Zhan En raised the head, looked at a top of the head. In outside can clear hearingrumble & R dquo ; Sound of internal organs creeping motion digestion probably. Does not need carefully to look that Zhan En can guess present Nicolas slowly and is digesting the construction of entire Cassandra comfortably satisfied, perhaps these hard construction had turned into the cheese and butter of melting at this moment, crooked was absorbed in the blood red swallowing domain. Even without the evil eye, Zhan En can foresee a that big piece of big piece of bright red similar fruit jelly thing in the slow and steadfast motion body, tumbles is wrapping all in inside. Then scene of creeping motion absorption. 一面说着,詹恩一面抬起头,望了一眼头顶。在外面可以清晰的听见“咕噜噜”的好像内脏蠕动消化的声音。不用仔细去看詹恩都可以猜测到现在的尼古拉斯正在缓慢而舒适惬意的消化着整个卡珊德拉的建筑,说不定那些原本坚硬的建筑此刻已经变成了融化的奶酪与黄油,歪七扭八的被吸收进了血红色的吞噬领域之中。哪怕不用邪恶之眼,詹恩都可以预见那一大片一大片鲜红色的类似果冻般的东西正在缓慢而坚定不移的移动身体,翻滚着将一切都包裹在里面。然后蠕动吸收的场景。 Although he had seen similar record in the record, but Zhan En does not hope absolutely oneself also turn into one. 虽然他曾经在记载中看见过类似的记录,但是詹恩绝对不会希望自己也变成其中的一员。 Shadow lifeform can look for our troubles, you must be especially careful, the hindrance of entity regarding them is nothing significance, therefore we must the earliest possible time complete the magic protection. Although said outside these Nicolas & l S quo ; Messenger & R S quo ; Also to weakening of shadow monsters certain extent, but we should better not extremely wanting to pin on these fellows. Moreover ......... & R dquo ; “阴影生物会来找我们的麻烦,你们要格外小心,实体的阻碍对于它们来说是没什么意义的,所以我们必须第一时间做好魔法防护。虽然说外面那些尼古拉斯的‘使者’也会给阴影怪物们一定程度的削弱,但是我们最好不要太过把希望寄托在那些家伙身上。而且………” Said here, Zhan En stopped, later his complexion serious is looking steadily at three people. 说道这里,詹恩停顿了一下,随后他面色严肃的盯视着三人。 You must remember the region that shadow plane opens is random, I do not know where will connect, therefore you must obey my order, no matter wants you to make anything, do not ask, so long as did is OK. & R dquo ; “你们必须记住,阴影位面打开的地域是随机的,就连我也不知道会连通什么地方,所以你们必须听从我的命令,不管要你们做什么,不要问,只要做就可以了。” Zhan En's has the truth discretely, shadow plane also has the powerful ruling class, a shadow feudal lord's strength differs not far with high rank demon, in this case, shadow plane that if Zhan En opens just connected the bedroom of some shadow feudal lord, conceivable following trouble big. Zhan En does not think resists Nicolas while must pester with some shadow feudal lord continuous, these half plane lifeform are indifferent, has no relations with either one. Even if Zhan En is the child of Demon King is still same, he does not think the opposite party because own status will show mercy to him. 詹恩的谨慎不是没有道理的,阴影位面同样存在强大的统治阶级,一个阴影领主本身的实力与一个高阶魔族相差不远,在这种情况下,假如詹恩开启的阴影位面刚好连通了某个阴影领主的卧室,可以想象接下来的麻烦有多大。詹恩可不想一边对抗尼古拉斯一边还要和某个阴影领主纠缠不休,这些半位面生物冷漠无情,和任何一方都没有什么关系。就算詹恩魔王之子也是一样,他可不认为对方会因为自己的身份就对他手下留情。 Time one minute one second of past. 时间一分一秒的过去。 Outsiderumble & R dquo ; The internal organs creeping motion sound is even more resounding, reverberates in the silent wine cellar, this moment Elise has deferred to Zhan En's to instruct, drew in the open area wine cellars magic that was used to start the plane channel, only waited for the arrival of night of lunar eclipse. 外面“咕噜噜”的内脏蠕动声越发响亮,在寂静的酒窖内回荡,此刻伊丽丝已经按照詹恩的指示,在酒窖中间的空地上画好了用来启动位面通道的魔法阵,只等待月食之夜的到来。 Right. To them. Now can do only, only then waits. 没错。对于她们来说。现在唯一能够做的,就只有等待。 The day of blood-color. 血色之日。 Old Bishop stands on the sacrificial altar, is looking at outside by the world that covers bright red. In his behind, crawls in the place, are praying in a low voice follower and knight. The rich blood aura that in the air transmits makes one sick, however is actually similar they to enjoy the pinnacle fragrance general in the expression that these people are enchanted by. 主教站在祭台上,望着外面被鲜红笼罩的世界。在他的身后,是匍匐在地,低声祈祷着的信徒与骑士。空气之中传来的浓郁的鲜血气息让人作呕,但是在这些人迷醉的表情却仿佛他们正在享受着极致的香气一般。 At this moment is sunset Xishan, but entire Cassandra still covers in bright red blood-color. That red so striking, has congealed to transform the thick mist, the entire outer city package is one of them. Old Bishop knows that they are doing, now the ceremony has arrived most essential one step, Mother of Chaos all that recruited her to be once born, but this will let this abandoned female god restores to have the strength that will happen one day, she will have returned to oneself god position, but by that time. Oneself as her humblest, most Loyalty follower is constantly by the side, witnesses the destruction of again that all things ......... 此刻已经是日落西山,但是整个卡珊德拉依然笼罩在一片鲜红的血色之中。那红色是如此的醒目,已经凝结幻化了浓厚的雾气,将整个外城都包裹在其中。老主教知道他们在干什么,现在仪式已经到了最关键的一步,混沌之母正在吸收她曾经诞生的一切,而这会让这位被遗弃的母神重新恢复原本应该有的力量,终有一天,她将重新回过自己的神位,而到那个时候。自己将作为她最谦卑,最忠诚的信徒随侍在侧,亲眼目睹那万事万物的再次毁灭……… Thinks of here, old Bishop narrows the eye, when he thinks when that exciting scene, the old person even felt that own heartbeat sped up. His that skinny body starts shivering cannot help but. He knows. Before long, the inner city will also fall to the enemy thoroughly, by that time, all will return to the bosom of Mother of Chaos. When Sun raises again, entire Casalance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; No, entire Klein Continent, the great miracle that comes to appear will shiver for the female god!! 想到这里,老主教眯起眼睛,当他想到那一幕激动人心的场景时,老人甚至感觉到自己的心跳都加快了许多。他那干瘦的身躯开始不由自主的颤抖。他知道。过不了多久,内城也将彻底沦陷,到那个时候,一切都将重归混沌之母的怀抱。等到太阳再次升起之时,整个卡萨兰斯———不,整个克莱恩大陆,都将为母神过来所显现的伟大神迹而颤抖!! ..................!! & R dquo ; “呼………………!!” But at this time, suddenly, a strange sound transmitted from afar, during will fall into was frantic old Bishop to pull back the reality. He opens the eye. Cannot believe looks toward the front, sees only the red thick fog that tumbled to proliferate as if to be punctured generally, suddenly backward the retreat in this moment by anything , the deafening bellow resounds. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一声诡异的声响远远传来,将原本陷入了狂热之中的老主教重新拉回了现实。他睁开眼睛。不敢相信的向着前方望去,只见原本翻滚扩散的红色浓雾在这一刻仿佛被什么东西刺到了一般,猛然间向后退去,紧接着,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响起。 Rumbles & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “轰————!!” Thunders sinking whining noise billowing, resounds through the skies, suddenly the followers open the eye, terrified looking to all around. They do not know that actually to have anything, does not know that now is what situation, because in before, Sir Bishop told them is not this, many people were suddenly terrified. 打雷般的沉鸣声滚滚而起,响彻云霄,一时间信徒们都睁开眼睛,惊恐不安的望向四周。他们不知道究竟发生了什么,也不知道现在是什么情况,因为在之前,主教大人所告诉他们的并不是这样,一时间不少人都惶惶不安起来。 Silence, silence!! & R dquo ; “肃静,肃静!!” Looks follower who is in a tumult behind, old Bishop frowns, he opens both hands, hints the flurried followers to calm down. Then old Bishop has turned the head, looks toward the place that the sound sends out, if he did not remember incorrectly, the place that before the sound sent out, should the square area. Is don't tell me, the ghost who these intruder do? He thinks the opposite party had been recruited by Mother of Chaos completely, now seems like, these fellows do not seem good to cope. 看着身后骚动的信徒,老主教皱了下眉头,他张开双手,示意慌乱的信徒们肃静下来。接着老主教转过头,向着声音发出的地方望去,如果他没有记错的话,之前声音发出的地方,应该正是广场区。难道说,是那些入侵者搞的鬼?他原本以为对方已经完全被混沌之母吸收了,现在看起来,这些家伙似乎也没有那么好对付。 However has not waited for old Bishop to think anything again, the mutation lives suddenly. 不过还没有等老主教再多想什么,异变突生。 The jet black light beam shoots up to the sky together, in a moment, originally the bright red barrier immediately the tourmaline, the unequalled, ice-cold darkness and shadow covered all. On the sacrificial altar that even old Bishop is at follows this dark shadow fluctuation, but shrinks suddenly, next moment sees only the ray to be even more gloomy, although the flame burns in the sacrificial offering brazier as before, but the people present world of actually becomes illusory unclear, the rich dark shadow is even more conspicuous under shining of light. Looking into the distance, sees only the inverted image of person, the inverted image of construction, the shadow in land, all kinds of shadows as if each other interlocked to superimpose at this moment, form one type unable to say a word, filled strange existence of heavy/thick and stereoscopic effect. 一道漆黑的光柱冲天而起,眨眼的工夫,原本鲜红的屏障顿时颜色变化,无与伦比,冰冷的黑暗与阴影笼罩了一切。甚至就连老主教所在的祭台上都伴随着这道黑暗的阴影波动而猛然一缩,下一刻只见光芒越发灰暗,虽然火焰依旧在祭祀火盆里燃烧,但是众人眼前的世界却变得虚幻不明,浓郁的黑暗阴影在光的照耀下越发显眼。放眼望去,只见人的倒影,建筑的倒影,大地上的阴影,各种各样的影子此刻似乎彼此交错叠加,形成了一种无法言语的,充满了厚重与立体感的诡异存在。 Sees this, old Bishop gawked gawked, he put out a hand, put in the shadow, actually felt the feeling of ice cold stabbing pain that absorbed the person mind transmitted from own palm, that seemed like him to put in basin ice water to be the same the hand, but the issue was, before him, was only one group of dark shadows. 看见这一幕,老主教愣了一愣,他伸出手去,放入阴影之中,却感觉到一股摄人心神的冰寒刺痛的感觉从自己的手心传来,那就好像是他把手放入了一盆冰水里一样,可问题在于,在他面前的,只是一团黑暗的阴影。 Is only the shadow ............... 仅仅只是影子…………… & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “啊————!!” At this time, a blood-curdling screech sound got up, old Bishop then looked, saw only almost at the same time, a tall and slender claw extended from the darkness, an arm that held him behind a not far away follower, next moment, the black shadow flame erupted immediately, that unlucky egg package was one of them, then saw the body of that follower to twitch later suddenly, then turned to the place. In surface a paleness, even in the foreheads can also see the snow white frost, seems like while still alive frozen to death is the same. 就在这个时候,一声惨叫声响起,老主教回头望去,只见几乎就在与此同时,一个细长的爪子从黑暗之中伸了出来,一把抓住了他身后不远处一个信徒的手臂,紧接着下一刻,黑色的阴影火焰顿时爆发,将那个倒霉蛋包裹在其中,随后便看见那个信徒的身体猛然抽搐了一下,接着翻到在地。面上一片苍白,甚至眉宇之间还能够看见雪白的霜冻,就好像是被活活冻死的一样。 But at this moment, the crowd also starts to make noise, people screamed that wept and wailed is retreating backward, but the knights pulled out the long sword, threw toward here. They then discovered own shadow starts to shiver suddenly like the ripple on water surface, later, dark person's shadows go out. 而此刻,身后的人群也开始喧闹起来,人们尖叫哭喊着向后退去,而骑士们则抽出长剑,向着这边扑了过来。紧接着,他们便发现自己身边的阴影忽然开始像水面上的波纹一样颤动起来,随后,一个个黑暗的人影从中走出。 Shadow plane front door, opening. 阴影位面的大门,开启了。
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