DR :: Volume #3

#250: Rotten state (Last Part)

What's all this about? & R dquo ; “这是怎么回事?” Looks becomes the blood red sky suddenly, Nadia stares, but sees this, Zhan En actually to frown immediately, then he looks at each other one to Enoya immediately. Each other saw one to be vigilant and anxious from the opposite party eyes. The smell of blood in air becomes even more thick, even somewhat makes one not gasp for breath ............ 看着忽然变得血红的天空,娜迪亚不由一愣,而看见这一幕,詹恩却是立刻皱起眉头,接着他立刻向埃诺娅对视了一眼。彼此都从对方眼中看见了一丝警惕与不安。空气中的血腥味变得越发浓厚,甚至有些让人喘不过气来………… Ha ............!! & R dquo ; “呜啊…………!!” Has not waited for him to say anything again, blood-curdling screech transmits, the people go following the prestige, see only in the Nadia side, stood there Calvin blood-curdling screech is falling down, he puts out a hand the doom is tearing the throat, is opening the eye and mouth greatly, some as if people forcibly blocks his throat. However quick, sees his both hands to fall from the arm, his whole person seems like the burnt down candle starts to melt generally. But almost at the same time, other two people also falls down, blood-curdling screech is starting to sway back and forth, their faces start to melt, quick, the clear facial features had congealed one group, divides again is not clear each other. Moreover, their bodies also start gradually become soft, the melting, the clothes and flesh fuse in together, cannot distinguish clearly again each other. 还没有等他再说些什么,一声惨叫传来,众人循声望去,只见在娜迪亚的身边,原本站在那里的卡尔文惨叫着跌倒在地,他伸出手去死命的撕扯着喉咙,大张着眼睛和嘴巴,仿佛有人正在用力的扼住他的喉咙。但是很快,就看见他的双手从手臂上掉落下来,紧接着他整个人就好像是被火烧的蜡烛一般开始融化。而几乎就在与此同时,其他两个人也倒在地上,惨叫着开始打滚,他们的面部开始融化,很快,原本清晰的五官就已经凝成一团,再也分不清楚彼此。不仅如此,他们的身体也开始逐渐变得柔软,融化,衣服与血肉融合在一起,再也分不清彼此。 Actually this is ......... & R dquo ; “这究竟是………” Looks at present, the people are dumbfounded, only then Zhan En frowns, then he looks all around, later will look at the tavern in not far away. 看着眼前的这一幕,众人都是目瞪口呆,只有詹恩皱了下眉头,接着他环顾四周,随后将目光投向了不远处的酒馆。 Everyone goes in! & R dquo ; “所有人都进去!” At the same time saying, Zhan En grasps Elise and Enoya immediately, the whole person changes into a lightning fast to the tavern flushes away. Nadia movement slow one step, but she responded rapidly, quickly follows in Zhan En's behind. Does not return crashed in the tavern. Although does not know why Zhan En must choose there, but this Nadia has been used to Zhan En saying that all the way anything is anything. Although this young aristocrat said the attitude to be inferior before , she has seen these aristocrat heir are very so respectful to oneself, even also somewhat arrogant exasperating. However Nadia has to acknowledge, the experience of opposite party by far above oneself. At this time she can do only, obeys opposite party's order. 一面说着,詹恩立刻抓起伊丽丝埃诺娅,整个人化为一道闪电飞快的向酒馆冲去。娜迪亚的动作慢了一步,但是她还是迅速反应了过来,急忙跟随在詹恩的身后。头也不回的冲进了酒馆。虽然不知道为什么詹恩要选择那里,但是这一路上娜迪亚已经习惯了詹恩说什么就是什么。这个年轻贵族虽然说态度不如以前她见过的那些贵族子嗣那样对自己很是恭敬,甚至还有些傲慢的气人。但是娜迪亚不得不承认,对方的见识远远在自己之上。这个时候她唯一能够做的,就是听从对方的命令了。 Near the blue cat tavern front door situated in square shuts tightly, but this naturally cannot baffle Zhan En, saw only him almost to dash front door one to crash in the tavern, later then had other three people to arrive at the kitchen rapidly, then Zhan En opened the shutter of underground wine cellar without hesitation, gave a hand signal to three people. 位于广场边的蓝猫酒馆大门紧闭,但是这自然难不倒詹恩,只见他几乎是撞破了大门一头冲进酒馆里,随后便带着其他三人迅速来到了厨房,接着詹恩毫不犹豫的打开了地下酒窖的门板,对三人做了个手势。 Gets down! & R dquo ; “下去!” No one has the question to the Zhan En's order, although Elise and Nadia do not know that actually Zhan En wants to do. But they obeyed the Zhan En's order, rapid under cave. After Enoya also enters the cave, Zhan En then last jumped, then again shut behind the shutter of cave. 没有人对詹恩的命令有疑问,虽然伊丽丝娜迪亚都不知道詹恩究竟想要干什么。但她们还是听从了詹恩的命令,迅速下到了地窖里。在埃诺娅也进入地窖之后,詹恩这才最后一个跳了进去,接着重新顺手关上了地窖的门板。 In the cave a darkness, are almost pitch-dark, but is quick, weak Holy Light that the Nadia body sends out scattered the darkness, illuminated the present all. 地窖里一片黑暗,几乎伸手不见五指,但是很快,娜迪亚身上散发出来的微弱圣光就驱散了黑暗,重新照亮了眼前的一切。 Actually what happened? The Zhan En husband, actually a moment ago that was ......... & R dquo ; “究竟发生了什么事?詹恩丈夫,刚才那究竟是………” Even under shining of Holy Light. The Nadia complexion is still a paleness, even is paler. After all Calvin their Death come was extremely strange and sudden, to be honest, Nadia has not thought completely these were rescued by oneself. Arrives here three youngster to change into beach muddy flesh together unexpectedly in an instant. This makes her feel the human life for the first time so frailly, although said since has started the travel of this trial, Nadia has experienced all kinds of attack more than once. However this gave her quite to shock & mda S h ; Must know a moment ago. That youngster named Calvin added that must go to the church to work as a practice knight, but she also after the opposite party agreement and other quest finished this youngster recommends Eye of truth to teach. At that time obtained Nadia commitment Calvin and his two companions seemed like so excited, Nadia even can see from their looks to the hope of future happy life. However never expected that the human affairs is difficult to predict. in a moment, they died thoroughly, even the corpse becomes horrible to look. 即便是在圣光的照耀下。娜迪亚的面色依然是一片惨白,甚至更加惨白。毕竟卡尔文他们的死亡来的太过诡异和突然了,说实话,娜迪亚完全没有想到那些被自己救出来。一起来到这里的三个少年居然会在转眼之间就化为一滩肉泥。这让她第一次感受到人命是如此的脆弱,虽然说自从开始这趟试炼之旅以来,娜迪亚就已经不止一次的经历过各种各样的打击。但是这一幕还是给了她相当的震撼—要知道就在刚才。那个叫卡尔文的少年还说要去教堂里面当一个见习骑士,而她也和对方约定等这次任务结束之后就把这个少年引荐到真实之眼教会去。那个时候得到了娜迪亚承诺的卡尔文和他的两个同伴看起来是如此的兴奋,娜迪亚甚至能够从他们的眼神中看出对未来美好生活的渴望。但是没想到世事难料。只是眨眼的工夫,他们就彻底死去,连尸体都变得惨不忍睹。 If Zhan En knows the idea of this moment Nadia in the depths of ones heart, then he will certainly complain this Paladin really not to do does not die, obvious did such flag insert also to maintain a livelihood? 如果詹恩知道此刻娜迪亚内心深处的想法的话,那么他一定会吐槽这位圣骑士真是不作不死,这么明显的旗都插起来了还想活命? Then the matter became troublesome. & R dquo ; “这下事情变得麻烦了。” With the aid of Holy Light, Zhan En swept a present underground wine cellar, seems like has no difference from the ordinary underground wine cellar, said is also, here is only a tavern, is not the secret passage access, at present but Zhan En cares is not this wine cellar, but is outside the current matter. 借助圣光,詹恩扫了一眼眼前的地下酒窖,看起来和普通的地下酒窖没什么区别,说的也是,这里只是一个酒馆,又不是什么密道的出入口,不过眼下詹恩在乎的也不是这个酒窖,而是外面正在发生的事情。 That is Devouring Ritual ......... has not really thought that these fellows are so unexpectedly crazed ......... consider as finished, they do this matter are also familiar and easy, nothing more to be said. & R dquo ; “那是吞噬仪式………真没想到这些家伙居然如此丧心病狂………算了,他们干这种事也算是轻车熟路,没什么好说的了。” Devouring Ritual? & R dquo ; 吞噬仪式?” Hears here, Nadia asked one. 听到这里,娜迪亚不由的反问了一句。 Right, Devouring Ritual, you should know what Mother of Chaos Church believes is Nicolas, her another name is & l S quo ; God of Devour & R S quo ;, First did not say that the world myriad things include the gods whether is really she lives, but the appetite of this evil god indeed is great good, enters the thing in her swallowing domain almost to be rare is not digested by it. The gods I do not know without, but regarding mortal, when Nicolas opens big mouth, is they become in the plate the fine food the time. & R dquo ; “没错,吞噬仪式,你应该知道混沌之母教团信奉的是尼古拉斯,她的别号就是‘吞噬之神’,先不说世间万物包括神明是否真是她生出来的,但是这位邪神的胃口的确是一等一的好,进入她的吞噬领域里的东西几乎罕有不被其消化掉的。神明在不在内我不知道,不过对于凡人来说,当尼古拉斯张开大嘴的时候,就是他们成为盘中美餐的时候。” Said here, Zhan En stopped. 说道这里,詹恩停顿了一下。 However this is also Mother of Chaos Church characteristics, they especially like bordering on the destruction and Death city and state in these conduct the ceremony, then summoned Nicolas & mda S h ; Naturally, as an evil god, Nicolas is impossible to arrive at main plane, therefore their ceremonies summoned here Nicolas the projection of stomach, that fat frog that then they believed can overeat heartily. “而这也是混沌之母教团的一个特征,他们特别喜欢在那些濒临毁灭与死亡的城市与国度进行仪式,进而召唤尼古拉斯—当然,作为一个邪神,尼古拉斯不可能降临主位面,所以他们的仪式就是把尼古拉斯的胃的投影召唤到这里,然后他们信仰的那头肥蛤蟆就可以尽情的大吃特吃了。 This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears here, is not only Nadia, Elise is also dumbfounded, but is quick, they also responded. 听到这里,不光是娜迪亚,就连伊丽丝也是目瞪口呆,但是很快,她们也都反应了过来。 In other words, have we entered in the stomach of Nicolas now? & R dquo ; “也就是说,现在我们已经进入了尼古拉斯的胃里?” Almost is this ......... I understands that finally why in the entire city could not see half corpse, it is estimated that by Nicolas eating clean, the lunatic who although these plagues transformed to us was a trouble, but regarding Nicolas in any case was a dish, how to eat becomes ......... & R dquo ; “差不多就是这样………我总算明白为什么整个城市里看不见半具尸体了,估计都是被尼古拉斯给吃光了吧,虽然那些瘟疫转化的疯子对我们来说是个麻烦,但是对于尼古拉斯反正都是一盘菜,怎么吃都成………” Said here, Zhan En curls the lip close to. Actually strictly speaking, Nicolas was the antiquity evil god, but The lower world demon and these antiquity evil gods did not cope. Because the antiquity evil god looked like in demon somewhat acts like a madman, naturally, this did not say demon mental balances, but compared these to be insane the insane fellow, demon many also operation. Moreover demon Demon King creates the world after the war the high-rank. Naturally has no respect regarding the beforehand these eldest children, the antiquity evil god had own domain, has not gone to The lower world and demon mixes together, perhaps both sides have hit. 说道这里,詹恩撇了撇嘴巴。其实严格来说,尼古拉斯算是上古邪神,而下层界魔族和这些上古邪神是不怎么对付的。因为上古邪神在魔族看来都有些疯疯癫癫的,当然,这不是说魔族就一个个精神正常,只不过相比那些失心疯的家伙,魔族多少还算理性。而且魔族魔王很多都是创世之战后才上位的。对于之前那些老大自然没什么敬意,要不是上古邪神有自己的地盘,没去下层界魔族一起掺合,说不定双方早就打起来了。 Then we will also be eaten by her? & R dquo ;. “那么我们也会被她吃掉吗?”。 Hears here, the Nadia complexion is even more pale, what antiquity evil god anything domain she has also listened when the story book, but is facing an antiquity evil god seriously, the situation was different. Even the God's family knight, does not represent can meet with a true God anytime and anywhere. 听到这里,娜迪亚的面色越发苍白,什么上古邪神什么领域她也只是在故事书里听过,但是当真正面对一位上古邪神时,情况就不一样了。就算是神眷骑士,也不代表随时随地能够和一位真神见面的。 Almost, but eats in fact our is not she, you cannot see her ............ & R dquo ; “差不多吧,不过事实上吃我们的不是她,你们也看不见她的…………” Actually Zhan En had not explained to the people actually, according to the literature record, the Nicolas domain is in her body, in other words Mother of Chaos Church these fellows offer sacrifices almost jumped over serving food directly, the stage of dining, directly enters the rhythm that in the stomach digested. Naturally, in this case, Nicolas is used to digest food naturally is also in her belly thesemicroorganism & R dquo ;. 其实詹恩倒是没怎么向众人解释,根据文献记载,尼古拉斯的领域就是她的身体之内,也就是说混沌之母教团的那些家伙献祭的时候几乎是直接跳过了上菜,用餐的阶段,直接进入了胃里消化的节奏。当然了,在这种情况下,尼古拉斯用来消化食物的自然也就是她肚子里那些“微生物”。 What to do then we should? Can find the center of ceremony, then destroys that place thoroughly? & R dquo ; “那么我们应该怎么办?能不能够找到仪式的中心,然后彻底破坏那个地方?” Idea is good, but pitifully this useless. & R dquo ; “想法不错,不过可惜这没什么用。” Facing the inquiry of Nadia, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. 面对娜迪亚的询问,詹恩耸耸肩膀。 Now we in the belly of Nicolas, but how long can stay entirely to depend on the ceremony to be able here to maintain. From the present situation, these evil cult people the first time were not held the ceremony, the duration will not be certainly short, what was worse, now outside has been covered by the Nicolas strength completely, even if you, Nadia Paladin, to did not have the means support is too long. & R dquo ; “现在我们是在尼古拉斯的肚子里,而能够在这里呆多久完全取决于仪式能够维持到什么时候。从眼前的情况来看,这些邪教徒也不是第一次举行仪式了,持续时间一定不会短,更糟糕的是,现在外面已经完全被尼古拉斯的力量笼罩了,就算是你,娜迪亚圣骑士,冲出去也没办法支持太久。” That, we must continuously when here the ceremony did end? Masters? & R dquo ; “那么,我们要一直在这里等到仪式结束吗?主人?” Hears here, Elise asks actually. 听到这里,伊丽丝倒是开口询问道。 Although I also want like this, the thing that but along with thorough of ceremony, Nicolas swallows will be getting more and more, most starts her only to swallow the life, behind will eat all & mda S h gradually ; Can say, if no one manages, she even can give to digest the entire city, by that time we seem like among the fruit cakes is clamping the fruit piece to be the same, wants to run cannot run away. & R dquo ; “虽然我也很想这样,但是伴随着仪式的深入,尼古拉斯吞噬的东西会越来越多,最开始她只吞噬生命,后面会渐渐吃掉一切—可以说如果没人管的话,她甚至能够把整个城市都给消化掉,到那个时候我们就好像是水果蛋糕中间夹着的果片一样,想跑也跑不掉了。” What to do then we should? & R dquo ; “那么我们该怎么办?” Replied facing Zhan En's, the Nadia complexion is even more dignified, but compared with her, Elise and Enoya actually seems quite calm, although Zhan En also anything had not said that but they believe, oneself master may not be will sit waiting for death absolutely here, person who waits for death helplessly. 面对詹恩的回答,娜迪亚的面色越发凝重,不过与她相比,伊丽丝埃诺娅倒是显得相当镇定,虽然詹恩还什么都没有说,但是她们相信,自己的主人可绝对不是一个会在这里坐以待毙,眼睁睁等死的人。 Sure enough, hears the Nadia issue, Zhan En shows a faint smile, then put out a hand to lift the eyeglasses. 果不其然,听到娜迪亚的问题,詹恩微微一笑,接着伸出手去抬了抬眼镜。 Since she planned that all eats us, so long as that makes her know what we were not good to digest do not have the issue ......... to be lucky was ......... the lunar eclipse is close at hand. & R dquo ; “既然她打算把我们全吃掉,那么只要让她知道我们不好消化就没问题了………幸运的是………月食已经近在眼前。” Is saying, Zhan En puts out a hand, quick, his wrist/skill turns over, next moment, a pitch-dark thing appeared in front of Zhan En's like this. 一面说着,詹恩一面伸出手去,很快,他手腕翻转,下一刻,一个黑漆漆的东西就这样出现在了詹恩的面前。 Before that Zhan En, obtains spoils of war & mda S h that from Alexander there ; Shadowmoon sword.( To be continued......) 那正是詹恩之前从亚历山大那里得到的战利品—影月之剑。(未完待续……) Chapter 250 rotten state( next: 第250章腐烂国度(下:
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