DR :: Volume #3

#249: Rotten state (Middle Part)

The construction line of blood on following floor pours into the basin, the limpid spring water had become the muddy contamination at this moment, old Bishop stands on the sacrificial altar, unemotional is looking at the present followers helter-skelter hangs the pork to hang person corpse on iron hook these shapes cuts open, whatever then inside internal organs and blood flow out together. Old Bishop still remembers most starts, many of them cannot even assert with confidence the blade, but now, looked that they proficiently cut open the neck of opposite party, cuts open the appearance of belly, skilled many years of butcher has been slaughtering the live pig to be the same probably. 鲜血顺着地板上的构线灌入水池,原本清澈的泉水此刻已经变得浑浊污秽,老主教站在祭台上,面无表情的望着眼前的信徒们七手八脚的将那些像挂猪肉般挂在铁钩上的人的尸体一具具剖开,然后任凭里面的内脏与鲜血一同流出。老主教还记得最开始的时候,他们当中很多人甚至连刀都拿不稳,但是现在,看他们熟练的切开对方的脖子,剖开肚皮的样子,就好像一个已经熟练了多年的屠夫正在宰杀生猪一样。 Actually should we how do? Great gods? 我们究竟应该怎么做?伟大的神明? Old Bishop raised the head, looks to the sky, that dazzling Sun brilliance this little while only remained in his eyes the next pale yellow halo, the solar worn out shining tread, as if had shown even the gods, cannot powerfully and matter, but this is not the divine punishment, is only a part of choice. Even if the gods, cannot escape to become the Astral trash similarly the destiny, when the last follower was also far away from his gods, what then the gods can also leave behind? 主教抬起头来,望向天空,那原本刺眼的太阳光辉这会儿在他的眼中只残留下一圈昏黄的光环,太阳有气无力的照耀着地面,似乎已经说明了即便是众神,也有力所不能及之事,不过这并非是神罚,只是选择的一部分。哪怕是神明,也同样逃不过成为星界垃圾的命运,当最后一个信徒也远离了他的神明时,那么众神还能够留下什么? The myriad things will be finally on the wane, only has Death to last forever. 万物终将凋零,唯有死亡永存。 Thinks of here, old Bishop got hold of Holy Emblem in hand, he narrows the eye, pray that starts to mutter. 想到这里,老主教握紧了手中的圣徽,他眯起眼睛,开始喃喃自语的祈祷。 We will die finally, however our blood and souls the rebirth in the blood, we will become the ice-cold Death guest, lists as above in corpse the skeleton chair, what the ear listens respectfully is dying wailing, what the mouth tastes is the rotten flesh, this is the destiny that everyone will certainly welcome, no one can escape from misfortune and nightmare. 我们终将死去,但是我们的鲜血和灵魂将在鲜血中重生,我们将成为冰冷死亡的客人,列为于尸骨骸椅之上,耳边聆听的是垂死的哀嚎,嘴里品尝的是腐烂的血肉,这是每个人都必将迎来的命运,没有谁可以逃脱其中的厄运与梦魇。 Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; 主教大人。” A sound appears, old Bishop opens the eye, looks to standing in oneself front knight. 一个声音浮现,老主教睁开眼睛,望向站在自己面前的骑士。 Ceremony has been ready. & R dquo ; “仪式已经准备就绪了。” I knew. & R dquo ; “我知道了。” Is saying, old Bishop nods. However quick, he as if remembered anything to resemble, asked. 一面说着,老主教一面点了点头。不过很快,他似乎想起了什么似的,开口询问道。 Before outside what happened? & R dquo ; “之前外面发生了什么情况?” „ It is not very clear. Sir, but according to sentry's report, seemed like some people to destroy the front door. & R dquo ; “不是很清楚。大人,但是根据哨兵的报告,似乎是有人破坏了大门。” Acts recklessly. & R dquo ; “不知死活。” Hears the report. In the old Bishop surface appeared an ice-cold smile. 听到报告。老主教的面上浮现出了一丝冰冷的笑容。 Is casual they to toss about, what no matter in any case is. They will become this flesh finally prey. Happen , the great Death female god needs enough nutrition, before I also feared that outside these monsters not too enough, now seems like, did not need too to be worried about this issue actually. & R dquo ; “随便他们折腾吧,反正不管来的是什么人。他们终将成为这血肉之所的猎物。正好,伟大的死亡母神需要足够的营养,之前我还怕外面那些怪物不太够呢,现在看起来,倒是不用太多担心这个问题了。” Sir? & R dquo ; “大人?” Did not need to manage them, the close inner city, prepared the kick-off. & R dquo ; “不用管他们了,封闭内城,准备开始仪式。” Outer city area anything does not have. 外城区什么都没有。 When Zhan En brings the two are returning the square, that side Nadia also spread the similar news. To be honest. Cassandra this strange situation makes everyone somewhat unable to find out the mind, even Zhan En is still same, although he is demon, but demon also divides many types, the number of demon god are many, the evil cult faction are more. Many demon gods evenhold several posts at the same time & R dquo in evil cult disciple there ;, Most famous is lie goddess Sidwell, she appears by the image of god of lie in the surface, but she did not mind that appears by the image of gods an originally does not have. Therefore every so often the gods of these so-called Kobold, the god of werewolf. The god of gnome anything is actually the camouflages of Sidwell, sometimes these evil cult people do not know the outcome that they believe is anything, but these evil cult ceremonies are also strange. Many and varied ......... 詹恩带着其他两人重新回到广场时,娜迪亚那边也传来了同样的消息。说实话。卡珊德拉这种古怪的情况让所有人都是有些摸不清头脑,就算是詹恩也是一样,虽然他是魔族,但是魔族也分很多种,魔神的数量不少,邪教的派别则更多。很多魔神甚至在邪教徒那里“身兼数职”,其中最有名的就是谎言女神西德维尔,她在地表是以谎言之神的形象出现,但是她也不介意以一种原本不存在的神明的形象出现。于是很多时候那些所谓的狗头人之神啊,狼人之神啊。或者地精之神啊什么的其实都是西德维尔的伪装,有时候就连那些邪教徒本身都不知道他们信仰的究竟是什么东西,而这些邪教的仪式也是稀奇古怪。多种多样……… The strange scene in outer city area makes the people even more have doubts, to be honest, they have not gone to inner city district immediately, actually to seek for some traces by determining the opposite party is. In this aspect Zhan En is very discrete, although he believes firmly that this plague stems from the Nabelius writing skill, but he does not believe firmly in inside certainly is own Cutie. Among demon may not have so-called to like brothers this matter, if the boss and Zhan En of inside evil cult disciple do not cope, Paladin that his fate and these intrude rashly actually also do not have much difference. 外城区的古怪情景让众人越发疑惑,说实话,他们之所以没有立刻前往内城区,就是为了寻找一些蛛丝马迹以确定对方究竟是什么人。在这方面詹恩是很谨慎的,虽然他确信这场瘟疫出自娜贝利乌斯的手笔,但是他可不确信在里面的就一定是自己的小可爱魔族之间可没有所谓情同手足这种事,万一里面的邪教徒的上司和詹恩不对付,那他的下场和那些贸然闯入的圣骑士其实也没多大区别。 Has to acknowledge, they always internal fight of demon the failure and in ground also has certain relations mutually. These demon that people story described because guarded mutually eventually causes the plan fail sometimes also not just to be only the rumors. In a The lower world such place, the trust is really rare luxury goods. 不得不承认,魔族在地面上的失败和他们总是相互内斗也是有一定关系的。人们故事里描述的那些魔族因为相互提防最终导致计划失败有时候也并非仅仅只是空穴来风。在下层界这么一个地方,信任实在是一种不可多得的奢侈品。 But before the Zhan En and others plan leaves to go to inner city district. Calvin that three bludgers, brought surprise & mda S h to them actually ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; They discovered one piece in a nearby store broken. Is contaminating the bloodstain long gown fragment, although does not know that is anything, but from the above design, seems like a very valuable thing. 只不过在詹恩等人打算动身前往内城区之前。卡尔文那三个小混混,倒是给他们带来了一个意外发现———他们在附近的一家商店里发现了一片残破的。沾染着血迹的长袍碎片,虽然不知道那是什么,但是从上面的图案来看,似乎是个很值钱的东西。 However when seeing this fragment, Zhan En is actually the complexion changes, then he put out a hand to take that rags, frowns design that gazed above is sewing. 但是在看见这块碎片时,詹恩却是面色微变,接着他伸出手去拿过了那块破布,皱起眉头注视着上面缝制的图案。 This seems like should be part of sleeves, should be cut by the sword from the above neat margin, above is embroidering the golden line, but also is embellishing two gem & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; However also only then Calvin such country bumpkin will work as the diamond same treasure this thing, in fact Zhan En sees that embellishmentgem & R dquo ; But is the ordinary polish the agate stone, in the person of Klein Continent a little spare cash, can wear the clothes of this rank slightly, therefore is not any precious thing. 这看起来应该是衣袖的一部分,从上面整齐的切口来看应该被刀剑划破的,上面绣着金色的线条,还点缀着两颗宝石———不过也只有卡尔文这样的乡巴佬才会把这东西当钻石一样宝贝,事实上詹恩一眼就看出那点缀的“宝石”只不过是普通的打磨过的玛瑙石罢了,在克莱恩大陆稍微有点儿闲钱的人,都能够穿得起这个等级的衣服,所以也算不上是什么珍贵的东西。 However causes the nature of Zhan En attention is not thatgem & R dquo ;, But is the lace on sleeves. 但是引起詹恩注意的自然不是那块“宝石”,而是衣袖上的花边。 It seems like from the surface, this lace is very ordinary, so long as carefully looked that will discover, which direction from looks, four straight lines are parallel combination a strange graph, naturally, this pattern design is not rare on the clothes, but regarding Zhan En, this has the design of several points of obsession ......... as if a little to look familiar slightly. 从表面上看起来,这个花边很普通,但是只要仔细看去就会发现,无论是从哪个方向望去,四条直线都是平行的组合成一个诡异的图形,当然,这种图案设计在衣服上并不少见,不过对于詹恩来说,这个略微带有几分强迫症的设计………似乎有点儿眼熟啊。 Calvin. & R dquo ; 卡尔文。” Pinched the fragment of that piece of clothes, Zhan En was pondering the moment, this asked. 捏着那片衣服的残片,詹恩沉思了片刻,这才开口询问道。 You said before, when the plague breaks out, Paladin once caught one group of people, they said that is Death cult beliver? & R dquo ; “你之前说,在瘟疫爆发的时候,圣骑士们曾经抓了一群人,他们自称为死亡密教?” Yes, Sir. & R dquo ; “是的,大人。” Death cult beliver? & R dquo ; 死亡密教?” Hears this name, Nadia frowns, this is the second time that she heard Death cult beliver, but Nadia sought in the memory, cannot think completely what evil cult called this name. 听到这个名字,娜迪亚皱了下眉头,这是她第二次听到死亡密教,但是娜迪亚在记忆中找寻了一下,完全想不到有什么邪教是叫这个名字的。 Did not need to think, the evil cult disciple will not say the thing that oneself believed in frankly and uprightly. These so-called evil cult names estimated that is also they, as soon as taps the head to come out, these names that in the church records are mostly useless, if you are unable to contact the core. Then you never possibly know the true colors of own enemy. & R dquo ; “不用想了,邪教徒不会正大光明的说出自己信奉的东西。这些所谓的邪教名称估计也就是他们一拍脑袋想出来的,教会里记录的那些名字大多没什么用,如果你们无法接触到核心。那么你们永远都不可能知道自己敌人的真面目。” Looks the look that Nadia has doubts, Zhan En shakes the head. Afterward he looks again to Calvin. 看着娜迪亚略带疑惑的眼神,詹恩摇了摇头。随后他再次望向卡尔文 „ Do you know the creeds of these Death cult beliver believers? They were grasped, would shouting several what things. & R dquo ; “你知道那些死亡密教教徒的信条吗?他们被抓的时候,总会喊上几句什么东西吧。” This ......... this ............... & R dquo ; “这个………这个……………” Hears here, Calvin frowns, actually the evil cult disciple was grasped then shouted cursed anything was also commonly seen, no matter most civilians do not dare to listen, even if heard still forgets immediately, after all this was not the good thing, if did not say carefully went out to be treated as the evil cult disciple to report that may be big on the trouble. The street bludger all alone like Calvin naturally is careful. It is not willing to carry in this aspect multi- stirring up trouble. Even if he has listened, it is estimated that this little while still has forgotten. However since now Zhan En asks, recollection that he also can only ponder diligently, what a pity is, really recalls not many. 听到这里,卡尔文不由皱起眉头,其实邪教徒被抓然后大喊诅咒什么的也是司空见惯,不管大多数平民都不敢多听,就算听到的也会立刻忘掉,毕竟这都不是什么好东西,万一不小心说了出去被人当做邪教徒举报那可就麻烦大了。像卡尔文这样无依无靠的街头小混混自然是小心谨慎。不愿意在这方面多惹事端。所以就算他听过,估计这会儿也早就忘掉了。不过现在既然詹恩问起,他也只能够冥思苦想的回忆,可惜的是,实在是回忆不多。 This ......... un ......... seems like anything to be eventually on the wane, but Death will exist forever ......... sorry, Sir, I also only remember that seems like such meaning. & R dquo ; “这个………嗯………好像是什么什么终究凋零,但是死亡会永远存在………对不起,大人,我也只记得好像是这么个意思。” Myriad things will be finally on the wane, only has Death to last forever. & R dquo ; “万物终将凋零,唯有死亡永存。” The words as if cold wind in Zhan En mouth has blown the square, Nadia was feeling own back sends coldly. As if they are listening respectfully to some ancient will for billion years the signal is common. But heard these words, Calvin gawked, then nods. 詹恩口中的话仿佛寒风般吹过广场,连带着娜迪亚都感觉自己的背后一阵发寒。仿佛他们正在聆听某个古老意志千百万年来的信号一般。而听到这句话,卡尔文愣了一下,接着点了点头。 Yes. Sir, probably is these words. & R dquo ; “是的。大人,好像就是这句话。” What's wrong, Mr. Zhan En, you have known that who the opposite party was? & R dquo ; “怎么,詹恩先生,你已经知道对方是谁了吗?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Facing the inquiry of Nadia, Zhan En nods, but at this moment his expression revoke settling of accounts not good. 面对娜迪亚的询问,詹恩点了点头,不过此刻他的表情倒算不上好。 If I have not guessed wrong, then we face should be Mother of Chaos Church. & R dquo ; “如果我没猜错的话,那么我们面对的应该是混沌之母教团。” Mother of Chaos?! & R dquo ; 混沌之母?!” Hears this name, Nadia scream makes noise. 听到这个名字,娜迪亚不由的尖叫出声。 If the name of Death cult beliver such rotten avenue has no impression regarding Nadia, then Mother of Chaos Church to be different. As one from the high antiquity existing evil cult organization, Mother of Chaos Church in Templar Order can be on is enrolls one of the most enemies near the top. What they believe is Mother of Chaos Nicolas. Thinks that this world the myriad things include the gods are live by Nicolas, then inevitable will return to the bosom of Nicolas. They are called mother of Death Nicolas. Dark female god who lasts forever. Mother of Chaos Church devotes to entire life slaughtering, moreover these lunatics most let a point that the person had a headache about are they were full of the patience, they never like other evil cult impatient jumped out of the round trip instigation riot or intoxicates the assassination, on the contrary, Mother of Chaos Church will not begin in the ordinary day basically. They will only wait for opposite party to deteriorate, after the goal has deteriorated, Mother of Chaos Church thinks that this isDeath enlightenment & R dquo ;, Then stands thoroughly to overthrow and eliminate the opposite party. 如果说死亡密教这么烂大街的名字对于娜迪亚来说没有任何印象的话,那么混沌之母教团可就不一样了。作为一个从远古时代就已经存在的邪教组织,混沌之母教团圣堂教团里可以算是的上是挂名最靠前的敌人之一。他们信奉的是混沌之母尼古拉斯。认为这世间的万物包括神明都是由尼古拉斯所生,那么必然就会重回尼古拉斯的怀抱。他们将尼古拉斯称为死亡之母。永存的黑暗母神。混沌之母教团一生致力于杀戮,而且这些疯子最让人头疼的一点就是他们充满了耐心,他们从来不会像其他的邪教那样迫不及待的跳出来去煽动暴乱或者下毒暗杀,相反,混沌之母教团在平日里基本不会有所动手。他们只会等待对方自己衰败,而当目标已经衰败之后,混沌之母教团就会认为这是“死亡的启示”,然后站出来彻底推翻和消灭对方。 If looks like this, then Mother of Chaos Church as if these go down in the world the insurrectionary army rebellious army that in the country presents and so on existence as if is no different, but the issue is, they long for crossing on the person of happy life to have the completely different motives with these bosom good wishes. They regarding rebuilding the new order are uninteresting, only hopes all thorough burying, because of this, under the induction of Mother of Chaos Church, a revolt will evolve for desperately and forever the slaughter and slaughtering without limits every so often finally. In fact, historically once very huge country, fell to finally scatters in all directions the fate of fission, has the shadow of Mother of Chaos church. 如果这样看的话,那么混沌之母教团似乎和那些落魄国家里出现的起义军反抗军之类的存在似乎并没有什么不同,但问题在于,他们和那些怀抱美好愿望渴望重新过上美好生活的人有着完全不同的动机。他们对于重建新的秩序毫无兴趣,只希望将一切彻底埋葬,也正因为如此,在混沌之母教团的诱导下,很多时候一场起义最终会演变为绝望而永无止境的屠杀与杀戮。事实上,历史上很多曾经非常庞大的国家,最终落到个四散分裂的下场,其中就有混沌之母教会的影子。 Templar Order has to carry out the attack to Mother of Chaos, but the issue lies in this Church is really covert, had the patience, without Deathomen & R dquo ;, Then they even can when continuously world doomsday does not act. But the omen same place, various group of monsters and freaks also come onto stage, wants which distinguishes is Mother of Chaos Church is simply more difficult than the day, even if Templar Order has a mind to want the opposite party to distinguish not to have the means that after all only then waits till the final stage, can know that who is the Mother of Chaos Church member. However by that time, the goal of opposite party has often achieved. 圣堂教团混沌之母并非没有进行过打击,可问题在于这个教团实在是太隐蔽,太有耐心了,如果没有死亡的“预兆”,那么他们甚至可以一直等到世界末日也不出手。而预兆一起,各路牛鬼蛇神也就纷纷登场,想要在其中分辨出哪个是混沌之母教团简直比天还难,就算圣堂教团有心想要把对方分辨出来也没办法,毕竟只有等到最后阶段,才能够知道谁是混沌之母教团的成员。但是到那个时候,往往对方的目的已经达成了。 As a God's family knight, Nadia had certainly heard hearsay that this about Church has hidden the secret in the darkness, but has not thought, they will appear in Cassandra unexpectedly! 作为一名神眷骑士,娜迪亚当然听说过关于这个一直隐藏在黑暗之中隐秘不出的教团的传闻,只是没想到,他们居然会出现在卡珊德拉 However Zhan En is not accidental/surprised, the Mother of Chaos Church doctrine has confusing, moreover to a certain extent indeed istruth & R dquo ; Also, they in the infiltration of Klein Continent compared with want deep many that the average person thinks, Templar Order also to have their people in fact, now seems like, these fellows have grasped Cassandra, but ............... 不过詹恩对此毫不意外,混沌之母教团的教义极具迷惑性,而且从某种程度上来说的确算是“真理”,事实上他们在克莱恩大陆的渗透比一般人所想的还要深的多,圣堂教团内部也不是没有他们的人,现在看起来,这些家伙已经掌握了卡珊德拉,但是…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En suddenly one startled, at this time, he remembered Mother of Chaos Church oneto be familiar with & R dquo suddenly badly ;. 想到这里,詹恩猛然一惊,就在这个时候,他忽然想起了混沌之母教团的一个“坏习惯”。 No wonder this damned place cannot see the corpse!! 难怪这个鬼地方看不见尸体!! I think that ......... we best leave here a little is quite safe ............ & R dquo ; “我想………我们最好离这里远一点儿会比较安全…………” What? & R dquo ; “什么?” Heard Zhan En's these words, Nadia gawked. 听到詹恩的这句话,娜迪亚愣了一下。 Leaves? Mr. Zhan En, how we can leave, now the Cassandra situation is unknown, we must ............ & R dquo ; “离开?詹恩先生,我们怎么可以离开,现在卡珊德拉情况不明,我们必须…………” However, the Nadia words have not said, mutation suddenly presently. 但是,娜迪亚的话还没有说完,异变忽现。 in a moment, covered the trim sky bright red, the air becomes the stench to stick thickly in this moment. 只是眨眼的工夫,鲜红笼罩了整片天空,空气在这一刻变得腥臭而黏稠。 next moment, the present city completely changed its original shape. ( to be continued ) 下一刻,眼前的这座城市彻底改变了它原本的形态。(未完待续) ... ...
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