DR :: Volume #3

#248: Rotten state (First Part)

Is looking at present already the thoroughly made a connection channel, Zhan En cold snort/hum, receives the sword to return to the sheath. n & i S in ; Turns the head to turn toward side to look, seeing only that three street bludgers at this moment is completely dumbfounded, the mouth grows up the situation that even the fist can force. This they have to experience the Zhan En and others strength all the way, the monster that after all these wild animals change will also launch the attack to them once for a while. However in three legendary powerhouse as well as Elise this Warlock headed by Zhan En, almost nothing can defeat jointly they. At present but this actually subverts these pitiful child's beforehand ideas completely, if they think before that these people are very strong, then Zhan En in the big dragon with legend has no difference at this moment in their eyes. Can wrecking extinguish the Cassandra front door, perhaps even really comes the a dragon unable to achieve!! 望着眼前已经被彻底打通的通道,詹恩冷哼一声,收剑回鞘。n∈转头向着旁边望去,只见那三个街头混混此刻已经完全是目瞪口呆,嘴巴长大到连拳头都能够塞进去的地步。这一路上他们不是没有见识过詹恩等人的实力,毕竟那些野兽变化的怪物也会时不时向他们发起进攻。不过在以詹恩为首的三个传奇强者以及伊丽丝这个法术士的联手下,几乎没什么东西能够战胜的了他们。可是眼下这一幕却完全颠覆了这几个可怜孩子之前的想法,如果说在那之前他们只是认为这些人很强的话,那么这一刻詹恩在他们眼里已经和传说中的巨龙没什么区别了。能够一击毁灭卡珊德拉的大门,恐怕就算真的来一条龙也做不到!! Mr. Zhan En!! & R dquo ; 詹恩先生!!” Saw this, Nadia to scream actually immediately, simultaneously saw only Paladin quickly to pull out the long sword, is gazing at the entrance vigilantly. Also not strange Nadia is so anxious, in the foothold, they had been attacked by innumerable crazy monster surrounding, but this Zhan En made such big noise, if inside does not have a little to respond, that is not normal! 看见这一幕,娜迪亚倒是立刻尖叫了起来,同时只见圣骑士急忙抽出长剑,警惕的注视着大门口。也不怪娜迪亚如此紧张,之前在据点里,他们就曾经被无数疯狂的怪物包围袭击过,而这一次詹恩闹出了这么大的动静,如果里面没有一点儿反应的话,那才不正常呢! Elise and Enoya have not spoken, but two young girls were also quickly stand side Zhan En's, is gazing at present the shatter front door with rapt attention, during their imagination, almost can foresee quick these grating wailing sound resounding continuously, will then be screaming like the tidal innumerable monster flushed & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; However this is also good, the big heavy/thick city gate limits the actions of these monsters sufficiently, but regarding two. This brushes the good opportunity of experience. 伊丽丝埃诺娅没有说话,但是两个少女也是急忙站在了詹恩的身边,凝神注视着眼前破碎的大门,在她们的想象之中,几乎可以预见很快那些刺耳的尖啸声就会此起彼伏的响起,然后如同潮水般数不清的怪物就会尖叫着冲过来———不过这样也好,高大厚重的城门足以限制那些怪物的行动,而对于两个施法者来说。这可是刷经验的好机会呢。 However what pitifully is, matter not according to such development that the people estimate. 不过可惜的是,事情并没有按照众人预想的那样发展。 ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” The wind howls has been blowing from the ruined entry. Brought several pieces of remnant leaves, in addition. No other otherness. Without the enemy, without the scream, without the attack, anything does not have. 风呼啸着从破败的门洞之中吹过。带起了几片残叶,除此之外。别无他物。没有敌人,没有尖叫,没有攻击,什么都没有。 Entire Cassandra is still a deathly stillness, does not have any sound , nothing, seeming like as if entire city died was the same. 整个卡珊德拉依然是一片死寂,没有任何声音,也没有任何东西,看起来仿佛整座城市都死了一样。 „??? & R dquo ; “???” Sees this, three young girls doubts mutual looked at each other one, they also completed same faced like surging tides the attack of turbulent enemy with the former foothold. What situation however at present is this? 看见这一幕,三位少女都不由疑惑的互相对视了一眼,她们原本还做好了和之前据点一样面对如潮水般汹涌的敌人的进攻。但是眼前这是什么情况? Goes to have a look. & R dquo ; “进去看看。” Has doubts when the people 0/10000, Zhan En actually already raising legs stand forth, in fact before then, he has started early Evil eye Carried on the scanning to entire Cassandra, those who stem from Zhan En to be unexpected, cannot see the sign of life in the Cassandra most areas completely, only then the inner city does not know partially, because what reason shielded the Zhan En's detection, it seems like, if there is a survivor. Then should in the inner city area. 就在众人疑惑万分之时,詹恩却是已经抬腿向前走去,事实上早在这之前,他就已经启动了【邪恶之眼】对整个卡珊德拉进行了扫描,出乎詹恩意料之外的是,在卡珊德拉的大部分地区完全看不见生命的迹象,只有内城部分不知道因为什么原因屏蔽了詹恩的侦查,看来,如果有幸存者的话。那么应该就是在内城地区了。 However ............ 不过………… Zhan En put out a hand to lift the eyeglasses, then his eye pupil appeared again the bright red flash, later disappearance was missing. 詹恩伸出手去抬了抬眼镜,接着他的眼眸再次浮现出了鲜红的闪光,随后消失不见了踪影。 Noisy doesn't have the thing to jump fiercely? This may really be interesting ......... 闹的这么厉害都没有东西跳出来?这可真是有趣……… Thinks of here, his anything had not said. Gave a hand signal to behind, then took a step to enter Cassandra. 想到这里,他什么也没有多说。只是冲着后面做了个手势,接着便举步走进了卡珊德拉 A Death city. 一座死亡的城市。 Enters Cassandra, can see the fight everywhere the trace. Roadblock that temporarily builds, broken house. Has burnt for the remnant of destroyed building of ashes. All seem like before Zhan En that foothold that goes to has no big change, but. Only then different, moreover decisive difference. 走进卡珊德拉,到处可以看见战斗的痕迹。临时筑起的路障,残破的房屋。已经烧为灰烬的断壁残垣。一切的一切看起来似乎和詹恩之前所前往的那个据点没什么大的变化,不过。只有一点不同,而且还是决定性的不同。 Without the corpse. 没有尸体。 Strolls on the street, Zhan En and others can see the bloodstain of splashing, can see the broken sword and shield, but actually cannot see any corpse, human, is non- human, even the corpse of animal does not have the trace. In they even also opened several houses to go to investigate at will, finally also had achieved nothing. The sign that although many place furniture reverse can show before Cassandra, has definitely experienced an unusual experience, but seems like to finish now. 漫步在街道上,詹恩等人可以看见泼洒的血迹,可以看见残破的刀剑与盾牌,但是却看不见任何一具尸体,无论是人类的,还是非人类的,甚至就连动物的尸体都没有踪影。他们甚至还随意打开了几间房屋去里面探查了一番,结果也是一无所获。虽然很多地方桌椅翻倒的迹象可以显示卡珊德拉之前肯定经历过一段不平常的经历,但是现在看起来似乎一切都已经结束了。 But person? 可是人呢? If Cassandra ultimately defeated the plagues and these monsters, restraining the corpse was not but actually strange. But why does the issue lie in no one guards a gate? Cassandra has the manpower lacked to this degree? How however to lack the manpower again, must obtain the contact to be good with the outside world. Now entire Casalance is sealed up, inside did not have the news, actually do these people want to make what? 如果卡珊德拉最终战胜了瘟疫和那些怪物,收敛了尸体倒也不奇怪。可问题在于为什么没人守门?难道卡珊德拉已经人手缺乏到这个程度了?但是再怎么缺乏人手,总要与外界取得联络才行吧。现在整个卡萨兰斯都被封闭,里面还没有消息,这些人究竟想要做些什么? Zhan En and Enoya and Elise discussed in a low voice, but another side Nadia is complexion ice-cold & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In a moment ago, them visited a Sun God church, finally naturally is natural having achieved nothing. However makes Nadia feel what is indignant, the Amora sacred image in that church was actually pounded a smashing, moreover is smudging above with the blood sentence that wrote all over blaspheming. This regarding a devout follower is not unacceptable, although Nadia is not the Amora follower, but as Templar Order, she naturally not to such matter, no matter did not ask. 詹恩埃诺娅伊丽丝低声讨论,而另外一侧的娜迪亚则是面色冰冷———就在刚才,他们才探访了一所太阳神的教堂,结果自然是理所当然的一无所获。不过让娜迪亚感到气愤的是,那座教堂之中的阿蒙拉圣象却是被人砸了个粉碎,而且还用鲜血在上面涂抹着写满了亵渎的语句。这对于一个虔诚的信徒来说是无法接受的,虽然娜迪亚不是阿蒙拉的信徒,不过作为圣堂教团的一样,她当然不会对这样的事情不管不问。 Was the evil cult disciple seizes the chance to seize Cassandra? 难道是邪教徒趁机占领了卡珊德拉 This possibility has, but Zhan En thought that some are not quite credible, because since they enter Cassandra to the present, in Evil eye Under shine, the entire Cassandra most some areas are still at very tranquil condition, absolutely does not have the sign of vital activity. But only camouflaged inner city district still has no sound, seeming like is completely an empty city. 这种可能性不是没有,不过詹恩却觉得有些不太靠谱,因为自从他们进入卡珊德拉到现在,在【邪恶之眼】的映照下,整个卡珊德拉的大半部分地区依然都处于非常平静的状态,完全没有生命活动的迹象。而唯一被遮蔽的内城区则依然没有任何动静,看起来好像完全就是一座空城。 Disperses, does an inspection carefully, can look find any clue. & R dquo ; “分散开去,仔细巡查,看看能不能够找出点儿什么线索。” Stands in the Chinese redbud square, Zhan En issued the order finally, this walks them unable to see the ghost shadow, do not say undead lifeform, is the living creature is half does not have. The foothold above good and evil is also flying one flock of crows, here sky is actually empty. Moreover, the bright sunlight according to also gave people in this city dusky one type, not clear feeling, making people think very uncomfortable. 站在紫荆花广场上,詹恩终于还是下达了命令,这一路走来他们连个鬼影子都看不见,不要说不死生物,就是活物也是半个都没有。据点上方好歹还飞着一群乌鸦,这里的天空上却是空无一物。不仅如此,原本灿烂的阳光照在这座城市上也给人一种灰蒙蒙的,不怎么清晰的感觉,让人觉得很难受。 Not only Nadia does not feel right, Calvin and other bludger little while is also the complexion blanch, vigilant anxious are looking at all around, where for fear that from jump out of anything to come & mda S h suddenly ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Although Zhan En really thinks that now can jump out of anything to change the present situation, but unfortunately, until he issues the order , nothing jumps to bring about own destruction. 不但娜迪亚觉得不对劲,就连卡尔文等三个小混混这会儿也是面色发白,警惕不安的望着四周,生怕从什么地方忽然跳出个什么东西来———虽然现在詹恩倒真想能够跳出点什么来改变现状,但可惜的是,直到他下达完命令,也没有任何东西跳出来自寻死路。 Hears the Zhan En's order, Enoya and Elise nods, then follows morning and evening main road and dusk corridor respectively toward the deep place search of Cassandra. But Nadia was kept to be responsible for taking care of that three unlucky egg by Zhan En, in fact if possible, Calvin and others really wants to turn around to walk, outside considering to hide after these monsters in woods, they pondered that over and over finally decides to remain, follows side the Sirs of these good intentions, the good and evil perhaps can also live much for several days. 听到詹恩的命令,埃诺娅伊丽丝都点了点头,接着分别顺着朝暮大道与黄昏走廊向着卡珊德拉的深处搜索。而娜迪亚则被詹恩留了下来负责看顾那三个倒霉蛋,事实上如果可以的话,卡尔文等人真想转身就走,不过在考虑到外面隐藏在树林之中的那些怪物之后,他们思考再三最终还是决定留下来,跟在这几位好心的大人身边,好歹说不定还能够多活几天。 Naturally, the Zhan En so-called search sets an example radically, in fact after following the street leaves, she relates Enoya through the mind reading immediately, then makes her take Elise to come and converges, in a while, three people then meet in the tavern of sunset glow street. 当然,詹恩所谓的搜查根本就只是做个样子,事实上在顺着街道离开之后,她就立刻通过心灵感应联系到埃诺娅,然后让她带上伊丽丝来和自己汇合,没过多久,三个人便在晚霞街的一个酒馆里重新碰面。 Actually here what happened? Masters? & R dquo ; “这里究竟发生了什么事?主人?” I don't know either. & R dquo ; “我也不知道。” Zhan En is replying the inquiry of Enoya, put out a hand to take one bottle of liquor to shake shaking from the wine chest, then opened pours into the wine glass. 詹恩一面回答着埃诺娅的询问,一面伸出手去从酒柜上拿了一瓶酒晃了晃,接着打开倒入酒杯。 Some probably evil cult disciple behavior ......... un ......... this is not evidently strange, how the issue lies in they achieves. Moreover observed situation before us, the Cassandra corpse should be many, but actually including a nail unable to find ......... this to be possible now to really be interesting ......... & R dquo ; “看样子像是某种邪教徒所为………嗯………这不奇怪,问题就在于他们是怎么做到的。而且从我们之前观察到的情况来看,卡珊德拉的尸体应该不少,可是现在却连一片指甲都找不到………这可真是有趣………” Master, can we really eliminate these evil cult people? & R dquo ; “主人,我们真的要消灭这些邪教徒吗?” But at this time, Elise was also some opens the mouth inquiries of doubts said. To be honest, she had anything extremely not to care regarding here. It looks like in Elise, no matter the opposite party is what evil cult disciple or the demon, so long as they can give a thought to the murder, made them kill, in any case death was also human, to them this was also good deed one, does not need to pay attention. Therefore Elise regarding looking for the murderer/culprit is not careful, Zhan En even suspected her, even if really found the murderer, it is estimated that will still find an opportunity to put an opposite party horse. 而就在这个时候,伊丽丝也是有些疑惑的开口询问道。说实话,她对于这里发生了什么并不是非常关心。在伊丽丝看来,不管对方是什么邪教徒还是邪魔,只要他们能顾杀人,就让他们杀去好了,反正死的也是人类,对于他们来说这也是好事一件,根本不需要理会。所以伊丽丝对于寻找真凶并不上心,詹恩甚至怀疑她就算真的找到了凶手,估计也会找个机会放对方一马。 To cover our status, we must achieve. & R dquo ; “为了掩盖我们的身份,我们必须要做到。” Regarding the idea of Elise, Zhan En is well aware, but he was quick gave the explanation. 对于伊丽丝的想法,詹恩心知肚明,不过他还是很快就做出了解释。 If we can help Templar Order relieve this trouble, then we can more up-and-comers, have the position in the world. This regarding our following plans is quite advantageous, let alone ............... & R dquo ; “假如我们能够帮助圣堂教团解除这个麻烦,那么我们就能够得到更多的新人,在人类世界也会更有地位。这对于我们接下来的计划来说是相当有利的,更何况……………” Said here, Zhan En stopped, looks again to present Elise. 说道这里,詹恩停顿了一下,再次望向眼前的伊丽丝 Does not need to be worried to massacre these fellows to have what not good effect here, because this gadget estimated that is failure, therefore we help eliminate nothing is not good. & R dquo ; “不用担心在这里杀掉这些家伙会有什么不好的影响,因为这玩意儿本身估计就是个失败品,所以我们帮忙清除掉也没什么不好。” Failure? & R dquo ; “失败品?” Hears here, Elise gawked. 听到这里,伊丽丝愣了一下。 „ Did master, you know this plague what's the matter? & R dquo ; “主人,您知道这瘟疫是怎么回事了吗?” Almost. & R dquo ; “差不多吧。” Zhan En puts down the wine glass in hand, inside wormwood wine taste some were too fierce, this does not conform to the Zhan En's taste. Therefore he sipped one gently, again threw the beverage bottle and wine glass one side. 詹恩放下手中的酒杯,里面的苦艾酒味道有些太烈了,这并不符合詹恩的品味。所以他只是轻轻抿了一口,就重新把酒瓶和酒杯扔到了一边。 If I have not guessed wrong, then this plague should be my Cutie manufacture. & R dquo ; “如果我没有猜错的话,那么这场瘟疫应该是我的小可爱制造的。” Cutie? & R dquo ; 小可爱?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Facing the Elise curious inquiry, Zhan En nods. 面对伊丽丝好奇的询问,詹恩点了点头。 Although I do not know that who this plague is initiates and spreads, but I at least know, person who makes this plague, should be my lovable younger sister & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Nabelius. & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “虽然我不知道这场瘟疫是谁发起和扩散的,但是我至少知道,制造出这场瘟疫的人,应该就是我可爱的妹妹———娜贝利乌斯了。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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