DR :: Volume #3

#247: Belief of vacillation

Crossed the hills, Cassandra is close at hand. 翻过群山,卡珊德拉已经近在眼前。 As the Casalance area biggest city, Cassandra naturally has the considerable influence in this stretch of area, here person believed in Sun God Amora for generations, even also many devout followers in the ruling circles, here the boundary of religious and politics seems not that distinct, because of this, Casalance is calledLittle Seth & R dquo ; Also has the truth. 作为卡萨兰斯地区最大的城市,卡珊德拉在这片地区自然是有着相当的影响力,这里的人世世代代都信奉太阳神阿蒙拉,甚至在统治阶层之中也不乏虔诚的信徒,在这里宗教和政治的界限似乎已经不是那么分明,也正因为如此,卡萨兰斯被人戏称为“小塞斯”也不是没有道理的。 In Cassandra, the most noticeable construction is a church, in this huge city believes in Sun God Amora church every large or small altogether more than 50, the pure white church spire continuously, towers in the city high, seems like seems like by Tianjuan that the Holy decoration wraps general. 卡珊德拉里,最引人注目的建筑就是教堂,这座庞大的城市之中信奉太阳神阿蒙拉的教会大大小小一共有五十多个,纯白的教堂塔尖此起彼伏,高高耸立在城市之中,看起来就好像是被神圣装饰所包裹的天眷之都一般。 However in the Zhan En eye this is also not anything, although Cassandra are many and world-famous by the church, but many must be Holy nation in the case of the church trulySeth & R dquo ; The capital Saint white city, paves with the pure white marble there one brick one watt, moreover Holy nation Seth gathered the nine sanctum some beliefs, taking a broad view to look almost everywhere is the apexes of church, dense and numerous seems like the god simply near it country, in comparison, Cassandra is also knockoff goods. 不过在詹恩眼中这还不算什么,虽然卡珊德拉以教堂多而闻名于世,但是真正论到教堂多还是要属圣国塞斯”的首都圣白之城,在那里的一砖一瓦都是用纯白大理石铺就的,而且圣国塞斯集合了九圣所有的信仰,放眼望去几乎到处都是教堂的尖顶,密密麻麻的简直就好像是神临之国,与之相比,卡珊德拉也不过就是个山寨货罢了。 However now this city has lost the past liveliness, under shining of sunlight, the entire city + immerses in a deathly stillness. Zhan En even can see to be discarded the cargo and carriage on street at will, as well as is burning the construction of thick smoke, even if away from this city also distance, can smell that floats with the wind to have several points of sweet greasy flavor slightly. 不过现在这座城市已经失去了往日的繁华,在阳光的照耀下,整个城市+都沉浸在一片死寂之中。詹恩甚至能够看见被随意丢弃在街道上的货物与马车,以及燃烧着浓烟的建筑,哪怕距离这座城市还有一段距离,都可以闻到随风飘来的那股略微带着几分甜腻的的味道。 Several Sirs, there is Cassandra. & R dquo ; “几位大人,那里就是卡珊德拉。” The Calvin somewhat terrified opens the mouth that is responsible for guiding said, he stares the big eye. Is looking at the present city, in the surface disclosed that what does not dare to believe the expression that similarly. However this also no wonder. After all Cassandra regarding like Calvin on the street the bludger who fools around together, is the heaven exists generally. He had come several Cassandra. At that time this city lively made the profound impression to Calvin. But now, witnessing this Casalance area is hugest, the liveliest city turned into so a being on the verge of death appearance, Calvin will feel no wonder anxiously. 负责带路的卡尔文有些惶恐的开口说道,他瞪大眼睛。望着眼前的城市,面上透露出来的是同样不敢置信的表情。不过这也难怪。毕竟卡珊德拉对于像卡尔文这样在街道上厮混的小混混来说,已经算是天国一般的存在了。他曾经来过几次卡珊德拉。当时这座城市的繁华给卡尔文留下了深刻的印象。而现在,亲眼目睹这座卡萨兰斯地区最庞大,最繁华的城市变成了如此一副濒死的模样,也难怪卡尔文会感到不安了。 However compares Calvin, the Nadia expression is actually somewhat absent-minded, yesterday evening she had almost not had a good sleep, besides that bewildered nightmare, Elise these issues also makes her quite worried. 不过相比起卡尔文来说,娜迪亚的表情却是有些恍惚,昨天晚上她几乎一直都没有睡好,除了那个莫名其妙的噩梦之外,伊丽丝的那些问题也让她颇为苦恼。 What is good? What is just? Had don't tell me all lives been delimited the just and evil camp in that moment of birth? Right forever is right, wrong is forever wrong? Then human? In the middle of human indeed has the good person. However also has the unprincipled person, is these crazy monsters? Why own broken cuts evilly to them does not have an effect, the don't tell me gods think these fearful monsters are not evil? However they did not attack human, why ............... 什么是善良?什么是正义?难道说所有生命在出生的那一刻就已经被划定了正义与邪恶的阵营?对的永远都是对的,错的永远都是错的?那么人类呢?人类当中的确有好人。但是也有坏人,可是这些疯狂的怪物呢?为什么自己的破邪斩对它们不起作用,难道说神明认为这些可怕的怪物不是邪恶的吗?但是它们不也袭击了人类,为什么…………… Nadia that this chain of issues do is dizzy, being have a good sleep that an evening tosses about thinks, therefore her the spirit is not very good to the present, but Zhan En does not care about this point, he looked at spiritual some dispiriteds Paladin, then took back the vision. 这一连串的问题搞的娜迪亚头昏脑涨,一晚上都翻来覆去的睡不好觉,因此到现在她的精神还不算很好,不过詹恩倒也不在意这一点,他只是望了一眼精神有些萎靡的圣骑士,接着便收回了目光。 Actually yesterday evening Elise did anything. Zhan En is very clear. However he has not gone to manage, although said Elise to oneself loyally and devotedly, but she has the person of thought after all, moreover Paladin and vampire are the absolutely irreconcilable foes. Persuaded Elise to accept Nadia simply with persuading the elf gives up hating with drow is good friends as at first to be the same, fantasized. 其实昨天晚上伊丽丝干了些什么。詹恩是很清楚的。但是他没有去管,虽然说伊丽丝对自己忠心耿耿,但是她毕竟是有自己思想的人,而且圣骑士吸血种本来就是不共戴天的仇敌。劝说伊丽丝去接受娜迪亚简直就和劝服精灵和黑暗精灵放弃仇恨和好如初一样,都是空想。 Elise in seems the young wife who in front of Zhan En displays to be clever simply, will cause every so often to neglect her real status & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; She is Half vampire. Is a resident in Underdark world, is the dark people. Regarding Elise. Evil is also one of her instinct, in front of Zhan En. She forever is that respectful appearance, is effective besides the Zhan En's brainwashing enough, regarding the obedience and worship of powerhouse is also one of the reasons. However this will not really turn over a new leaf on behalf of Elise turning a new leaf. She interrogated Nadia that several issues besides in venting oneself resentment, in the belief of indistinct vacillation Nadia. 伊丽丝詹恩面前表现的简直好像小媳妇般乖巧,使得很多时候都会让人忽视她的真实身份———她是一个半吸血鬼。是一个幽暗地域世界的住民,同时也是黑暗的子民。对于伊丽丝来说。邪恶也是她的天性之一,之所以在詹恩面前。她永远都是那副毕恭毕敬的样子,除了詹恩的洗脑足够有效之外,对于强者的服从与崇拜也是原因之一。但是这并不代表伊丽丝就会真的改邪归正重新做人了。她质问娜迪亚的那几个问题除了是在发泄自己的怨气之外,同时也是在隐隐约约的动摇娜迪亚的信仰。 If on Earth, then Nadia is so perhaps easy to be vacillated about the justice and good belief. In fact Zhan En most starts to come here time, does not understand why these Paladin seemed like degenerated very much easily, after he carefully studied, discovered the issue was. 如果是在地球上,那么娜迪亚关于正义与善良的信仰恐怕那么容易被动摇。事实上詹恩最开始来到这里的时候,也不明白为什么那些圣骑士看起来好像很容易就堕落了,不过在他仔细研究之后,就发现了问题所在。 Actually on Earth, about the just and evil concept, the philosopher and thinker had also discussed many were times, everyone has justice in the heart, therefore they can adopt oneself values to analyze that decided. Although this decision may come under various influences very much, so long as did, was own. If discovered wrongly, the correction was also very simple. 其实在地球上,关于正义与邪恶的概念,哲学家和思想家也讨论过很多次了,每个人都有自己心中的正义,所以他们可以通过自己的价值观去判断而决定。虽然这个决定很有可能受到各种影响,但只要做出来了,就是属于自己的。而且如果发现错误了,改正也很简单。 But is not good in Klein Continent, because of here, the good and evil is not one fuzzy, walks randomly in the realm of thought boundary, but is one has rod with clearly marked price definite! 可是在克莱恩大陆不行,因为在这里,善恶不是一个模糊的,游走在思想领域的分界线,而是一个有着明码标尺的确定性的! In other words, in this world, cannot say that „ I think is is just just & R dquo ;, But is needsyou to think that is just & R dquo ;, Thengods also think that is just & R dquo ;, Is then just! 也就是说,在这个世界,不能说“我认为是正义的就是正义的”,而是需要“你认为是正义的”,然后“神明也认为是正义的”,然后才是正义的! But degenerations of many Paladin, are because of such collision, they think oneself do right, or should not handle such matter. But gods qualitative entirely is opposite with the conclusion that they draw, this will naturally make these Paladin feel confused, must know that the gods and supernatural power in this world are not illusory, but exists. Therefore people also on the person compared with Earth want high many regarding gods' belief by far, pure many. In this case, the both sides values clash, naturally can make Paladin feel to confuse, finally loses the confidence to oneself either, either gave up their gods, thus degenerates thoroughly. 而很多圣骑士的堕落,正是因为这样的碰撞,他们自认为自己做的没错,又或者自己不应该做这样的事情。可是神明的定性却和他们所得出的结论完全相反,这自然就会让那些圣骑士感到迷茫,要知道这个世界的神明与神力可不是虚无缥缈,而是真实存在的。所以人们对于神明的信仰也远远比地球上的人要高的多,也纯粹的多。在这种情况下,双方价值观发生碰撞,自然会让圣骑士们感到迷惑,最终要么对自己失去信心,要么放弃了他们的神明,从而彻底堕落。 Therefore present Nadia will be very confused, she thinks that these monster attack human, is naturally evil. But Holy Light actually shows a completely different scene in her at present, that is Nadia thinks that is the goal of enemy, regarding the gods who she believes in is actually not the enemy. 所以现在的娜迪亚才会特别迷茫,她认为那些怪物袭击人类,自然就是邪恶的。可是圣光却在她眼前展现出了一个完全不同的景象,那就是娜迪亚认为是敌人的目标,对于她所信奉的神明来说却不是敌人。 This makes Nadia very worried. In addition Elise in that the back boosts, making the present Paladin young girl seem like simply same in the steel wire of cliff. About wavering, does not know that actually should should do. 这让娜迪亚很是苦恼。再加上伊丽丝在背后推的这一把,使得现在的圣骑士少女简直就好像是走在悬崖的钢丝绳上一样。左右摇摆不定,不知道究竟该如何是好。 Looks at facial expression confused Nadia. The Zhan En jogging shaking the head, then took back the vision to look to approach own Elise. But detected that the Zhan En's vision, Elise shrank under the body, but in the surface she is the appearance that pretends anything not to know, looks at her appearance, if Zhan En does not ask, she will not say. 看着神情迷茫的娜迪亚詹恩轻摇了摇头,接着收回目光望向自己身边的伊丽丝。而察觉到詹恩的目光,伊丽丝则是不由的缩了下身体,不过表面上她还是一副装作什么都不知道的样子,看她的样子,如果詹恩不开口问,她是不会开口说的。 But in another side, Enoya is with smile on the face to gaze at present this interesting scene, what words had not said. 而在另外一侧,埃诺娅则是面带微笑注视着眼前这一幕有趣的场景,什么话都没有说。 Ok. Then how should we enter a city? & R dquo ; “好了。接下来我们该如何进城?” Compels behavior Zhan En to treat as regarding oneself behind ripping directly has not seen, in any case this matter was not one time two, he will not mix. The Elise issue goes back to tidy up her again well, what now is important is Cassandra, Zhan En is certain, these definitely have what issue. As demon, he has felt that incomparably familiar aura that transmits from Cassandra keenly ......... 对于自己身后的撕逼行为詹恩直接就当做没看见,反正这种事也不是一次两次了,他也不会去掺合其中。伊丽丝的问题回去再好好收拾她,现在重要的是卡珊德拉,詹恩可以肯定,这其中肯定有什么问题。身为魔族,他已经敏锐的感受到了从卡珊德拉内传来的那种无比熟悉的气息……… That is the The lower world flavor. 那是下层界的味道。 Regarding this Zhan En does not find it strange, demon always likes appreciating human to suffer hardships, but now entire Casalance turns into the plague area. In this case various demon outlets will definitely seize the chance to appear. Does not know that actually these fellows are the setters, the plan slices while this opportunity. 对此詹恩丝毫不觉得奇怪,魔族向来喜欢欣赏人类受苦,而现在整个卡萨兰斯都变成了瘟疫区。在这种情况下各种邪魔外道肯定会趁机出现。只是不知道这些家伙究竟是始作俑者,还是打算趁这个机会来分一杯羹。 Zhan En almost can believe firmly now, this plague creates artificially, moreover his instigator is own Cutie. Because during only then she has this method to create this type to remember baseless extremely similar virus with. The Klein Continent scientific culture is not developed. The cell virus research is also naturally equal to not having. But in this case can make this virus, only then own Cutie. 詹恩现在几乎可以确信,这次瘟疫是人为造成的,而且其始作俑者就是自己的小可爱。因为只有她才有这种手段来凭空创造出这种与自己记忆之中极为类似的病毒。克莱恩大陆的科学文明并不发达。细胞病毒研究等自然也就等于没有。而在这种情况下能够制造出这种病毒的,也只有自己的小可爱了。 Just ............... 只不过…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at present Cassandra again. Here is very far from Cutie Dungeon, moreover previous he and Clarice contact time. The opposite party also told his Your Highness Princess all day besides hiding acts like a spoiled brat to sway back and forth in oneself turtle shell is almost all right to do, Zhan En is very difficult to believe. That lovable little fellow will spend such big strength to run to come to here to disturb. 想到这里,詹恩再次望了一眼眼前的卡珊德拉。这里距离小可爱地下城实在很远,而且上一次他与克拉莉丝联络的时候。对方也曾经告诉过他这位公主殿下整天除了躲在自己的乌龟壳子里撒娇打滚之外几乎没什么事做,詹恩实在很难相信。那个可爱的小家伙会花费这么大力气跑来这里捣乱。 But now Zhan En front trouble is also many, although they also calculate all the way before arrived at the Cassandra front door smoothly, actually discovery this time Cassandra that heavy/thick city gate already completely close, simply does not have the meaning of tiny bit opening, moreover cannot see the soldier trace in the city wall, wants to come these soldier is also finished. 只不过现在詹恩面前的麻烦也是不少,虽然他们一路上还算顺利的来到了卡珊德拉的大门前,却发现此时的卡珊德拉那厚重的城门已经被完全封闭,根本没有一丝一毫打开的意思,而且在城墙上也看不见士兵的踪影,想来那些士兵自己也已经完蛋了。 Then may trouble ......... & R dquo ; “这下可麻烦了………” Calvin frowns, is gazing at present this enough about six meters high giant city gates, it raised up like this high, rejected peeping at all outcomers, all dangerous and evil seals in city. But now, if they must enter a city, then must bridge over this city gate. 卡尔文皱起眉头,注视着眼前这足足有近六米高的巨大城门,它就这样高高竖起,拒绝了一切外来者的窥视,也把一切危险与邪恶封闭在了城市之中。可是现在,如果他们要进城的话,那么就必须跨过这道城门。 But how can go in? 可是要怎么进去? Calvin put out a hand flexure to scratch the head, hesitant moment, this looked to others. 卡尔文伸出手去挠了挠头,犹豫了片刻,这才望向其他人。 That ......... fellow Sirs, or we change a road. & R dquo ; “那个………各位大人,要不我们换条路吧。” Has other enters the Cassandra path? & R dquo ; “有别的进入卡珊德拉的道路吗?” Hears the speech of Calvin, Enoya blinks, the curious inquiry said. 听到卡尔文的说话,埃诺娅眨了眨眼睛,好奇的询问道。 Has, respectable young lady. We can pass outside sewer to enter Cassandra, although that road is more difficult to walk, but wins in the secret ............... & R dquo ; “有的,尊敬的小姐。我们可以通过外面的下水道进入卡珊德拉,那条路虽然难走一些,但是胜在隐秘……………” Sewer ......... & R dquo ; “下水道………” Hears here, Nadia frowns, as a love clean female, she is not certainly willing goes forward in the filthy thing and ozone, but seemed like does not have other means now. 听到这里,娜迪亚皱了下眉头,作为一个爱干净的女性,她当然不愿意在秽物与臭气之中前进,但是现在看起来似乎也没有其他的办法了。 Without this necessity. & R dquo ; “没这个必要。” However has not waited for Nadia to say anything again, Zhan En was actually makes noise to interrupt her words, he narrows the eye to gaze at the present city gate, cold snort/hum, then extended the right hand, pulled out the long sword of waist. 但是还没有等娜迪亚再说什么,詹恩却是出声打断了她的话,他眯起眼睛注视着眼前的城门,冷哼一声,接着伸出右手,抽出腰间的长剑。 This does not play the game, enters a scene also to rush about to look ..............., since this door that the item gem opens the door blocked our way, so long as that opened it to be good. & R dquo ; “这又不是玩游戏,进个场景还要东跑西奔找道具宝石来开门的……………既然这扇门堵住了我们的去路,那么只要打开它就行了。” You say ............... & R dquo ; “你是说……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Nadia gawked, but next moment, the brilliance when she sees in the Zhan En hand to grasp on the long sword is reappearing, she then discovered that Zhan En wants to make anything. 听到詹恩的说话,娜迪亚愣了一下,但是下一刻,当她看见詹恩手中所握着的长剑上浮现的光辉时,她这才发现詹恩想要做什么。 Wait, does not want ............!!! & R dquo ; “等等,不要…………!!!” However, the Nadia words have not said, Zhan En has held up the long sword, wields forward. 但是,娜迪亚的话还没有说完,詹恩已经举起长剑,向前挥出。 Howls, the ice-cold piercing cold wind erupts from the sword blade in this flash, the people even can see present deep blue aura to solidify the wild animal of some entity to roar to forward probably, a bow heavy heavy hit at present the gate of heavy/thick steel. Withrumbles & R dquo ; A loud sound, the seemingly indestructible city gate starts to sway, the flowers that the next moment innumerable icicles as if bloom erupt on the shutter, the sharp ice corner changed into the advantage tooth of wild animal, is worrying the present steel plate, sent out lets the person of tooth acid& R dquo ; Sound. Then sees the present steel door to start to twist, shatter, slits fast extends, even the two sides city walls had been covered by the strength of this cold ice, was wrapped by the snow white ice. 呼啸,冰冷刺骨的寒风在这一瞬间从剑身上爆发,众人甚至可以看见具现化的湛蓝色的气息好像是凝固成了某种实体的野兽般咆哮向前,一头重重撞击在了眼前厚重的钢铁之门上。伴随着“轰”的一声巨响,看起来坚不可摧的城门开始摇晃,下一刻无数的冰柱仿佛绽放的花朵般在门板上爆发开来,尖锐的冰棱化为了野兽的利齿,撕咬着眼前的钢板,发出了让人牙酸的“吱吱呀呀”的声响。紧接着,便看见眼前的钢铁门扉开始扭曲,破碎,一道道缝隙飞快的延伸开去,甚至连两边的城墙都已经被这寒冰之力笼罩,被雪白的冰包裹了起来。 All these blink in people's eyes, they only see Zhan En to wield a sword to forward, then the flowers of a series of ice from the superficial eruption of steel city gate, this leaf of giant iron gate were pounded by anything later probably were howling generally the shatter to split open, flies upside down. 这一切在众人眼中不过眨眼之间,她们只看见詹恩挥剑向前,接着一连串的冰之花从钢铁城门的表面爆发,随后这扇巨大的铁门就好像被什么东西砸了一般呼啸着破碎开裂,倒飞开去。 When Zhan En receives the sword returns to the sheath, before him, again also has no barrier.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 而当詹恩重新收剑回鞘时,在他面前的,已经再也没有什么障碍了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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