DR :: Volume #3

#246: The night of difficult dormancy

............!! & R dquo ; “…………!!” Nadia opens the eye, panic-stricken is gazing at fixedly the present sky. At this moment late at night, in the gloomy sky can see stars, moon to be covered by the dark cloud thoroughly, looking into the distance, the entire Casalance mountainous area fell into jet black deep darkness probably, this makes her somewhat not gasp for breath. The air seems exceptionally depressed, even if in the ravine, Nadia as if cannot feel should have blown the breeze of ravine, seemed this stretch of land dead thoroughly same ......... 娜迪亚睁开眼睛,惊恐的瞪视着眼前的天空。此刻还是深夜时分,阴暗的天空上可以看见点点繁星,月亮被乌云彻底笼罩,放眼望去,整个卡萨兰斯山区都好像陷入了一阵漆黑深沉的黑暗之中,这让她有些喘不过气来。空气显得异常沉闷,哪怕是在山间,娜迪亚似乎感受不到原本应该有的吹过山间的微风,就好像这片大地已经彻底死去了一样……… Thinks of here, Nadia shakes the head, wiped cold sweat on forehead, then she looked at a northeast direction again. So long as crossed this mountain, can arrive at Cassandra. This is Calvin and his companion to the path that oneself direct, this ravine track rare person walks, therefore relative security. In fact indeed so, walks, they have not encountered any danger, even a wild animal has not seen. 想到这里,娜迪亚摇了摇头,抹了一把额头上的冷汗,接着她再次望了一眼东北的方向。只要翻过这座山,就能够到达卡珊德拉。这是卡尔文和他的同伴向自己指引的道路,这条山间小道罕有人走,也因此相对安全。事实上的确如此,一路走来,他们并没有遇到任何危险,甚至连一只野兽都没有看见。 Does not have. 一只都没有。 Nadia puts out a hand, wiped beads of sweat on forehead, she still remembers oneself had a dream a moment ago, is unclear as for specific content Nadia of dream, remains the impression in mind to be dark only, the hysterical/frenzy, the evil consciousness and blood, as if had anything to cut open own body pain and despair. She does not know that what this means that is this only a nightmare? Do the great gods give her warning? 娜迪亚伸出手去,抹了一把额头上的汗珠,她还记得自己刚才做了一个梦,至于梦的具体内容娜迪亚已经记不清了,唯一残留在脑海之中的印象只有黑暗,狂乱,邪恶的意识和鲜血,似乎有什么东西切开了自己的身体般的痛苦与绝望。她不知道这意味着什么,这只是一个噩梦?还是伟大的神明给予她的警告? Thinks of here, Nadia felt oneself even more could not fall asleep, she stood up, extended the slightly exhausted body. Because is in the reason of wilderness, the people were naturally impossible to find any good camping area, what in fact now Zhan En and others lodges was a hunter hut between wooded mountains. Mainly is used for the hunter who supplies to climb mountains to go hunting to rest to use, because is for a long time unwatched. This hunter hut is tattered, everywhere is the loophole. However regarding Zhan En and others, so long as there is a place that can keep out wind and rain to be good, therefore pours does not care about these minor matters very much. 想到这里,娜迪亚感觉自己越发睡不着了,她站起身,伸展了一下略显疲惫的身体。因为身在荒郊野外的缘故,众人自然也不可能找到什么好的宿营地,事实上现在詹恩等人寄宿的是山林间的一个猎人小屋。主要是用来供上山打猎的猎人休息用,由于长期无人管理。这座猎人小屋已经是破破烂烂,到处都是漏洞。不过对于詹恩等人来说,只要有一个能够遮风挡雨的地方就好,因此倒也不是很在乎这些小事。 Looks at outside scenery by the tattered and torn wall, Nadia sighs lightly, later she went out of the hunter hut, planned that finds a place to pray well. But when Nadia goes out of the hut, suddenly, a lonesome and quiet sound resounds in her ear. 透过千疮百孔的墙壁看着外面的景色,娜迪亚轻叹了口气,随后她走出了猎人小屋,打算找个地方好好祈祷一下。而就在娜迪亚走出小屋的时候,忽然,一个幽静的声音在她耳边响起。 What do you want to make? Miss Nadia? & R dquo ; “你要去做什么?娜迪亚小姐?” „!? & R dquo ; “!?” Heard this sound, Nadia gawked. She has quickly turned round the place that turns toward the sound to send out to look, this discovers slender pretty form calm and upright static standing on the hunter hut eaves, is gazing at her peacefully. But sees this form, Nadia then to think, the person who tonight stands night watch is Elise. 听到这个声音,娜迪亚愣了一下。她急忙回过身向着声音发出的地方望去,这才发现一个纤细俏丽的身影正安静的站在猎人小屋上方的屋檐上,安静的注视着她。而看见这个身影,娜迪亚这才想起来,今天晚上守夜的人是伊丽丝 Hello, Miss Elise, I am only some am not quite comfortable, want to go to nearby revolutions ......... & R dquo ; “你好,伊丽丝小姐,我只是有些不太舒服,想要去附近转转………” Although is not good regarding the Zhan En's feeling view, but regarding Enoya and Elise. The appraisal of Nadia is very high. Especially when the night stands night watch, looks like in Nadia, the girl who these two aristocrat eldest young lady dress up is not definitely suitable to conduct to stand night watch this danger the arid work, moreover they are mage. Nadia is Paladin, can be warrior. In physique, warrior had the advantage compared with mage. Therefore Nadia wants is not but actually accidental. 虽然对于詹恩的感观不好,但是对于埃诺娅伊丽丝娜迪亚的评价还是很高的。特别是在夜晚守夜的时候,原本在娜迪亚看来,这两个贵族大小姐打扮的女孩肯定不适合进行守夜这种危险又枯燥的工作,而且她们是法师娜迪亚圣骑士,可以算是战士。在体质方面,战士原本就是比法师有优势的。所以娜迪亚会这么想倒也不意外。 What makes her not think, Elise and Enoya do quite. They can continuously peaceful sitting there. Sitting one is motionless in the evening, but has not been distracted the appearance that or has fallen asleep because of the aridness completely. Nadia self-examined changed itself even. Also cannot achieve absolutely! 只是让她没有想到的是,伊丽丝埃诺娅做的相当好。她们可以一直安静的坐在那里。坐一个晚上都不动,但是也完全没有因为枯燥而走神或者睡着的样子。娜迪亚自问就算是换了自己。也绝对做不到! She could not certainly achieve, Enoya is high rank undead lifeform, does not eat and drink to sit the last year not to have the issue. Elise is Half vampire, at night strictly speaking is her home game, therefore she is even more energetic than the daytime in the evening, will not naturally present issue & mda S h that anything is distracted to doze off ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Pitiful Nadia cannot think completely, these two young girls of oneself side can be her enemy. 她当然做不到了,埃诺娅高阶不死生物,就是不吃不喝坐上一年都没问题。伊丽丝半吸血鬼,夜晚严格来说才是她的主场,所以她晚上甚至比白天还要精神,自然就不会出现什么走神打瞌睡的问题———可怜娜迪亚完全想不到,自己身边的这两个少女会是她的敌人吧。 Yes. & R dquo ; “是嘛。” Hears the reply of Nadia, Elise nods, had not said that anything sat. But sees the Elise form, Nadia actually has several points of interest at present suddenly, must know most starts, she actually also has no understanding of Enoya and Elise. However in this period of time, each other was together later Nadia also to have several points to know to these two young girls. 听到娜迪亚的回答,伊丽丝只是点了点头,并没有多说什么就重新坐了回去。而看着眼前伊丽丝的身影,娜迪亚却是忽然产生了几分兴趣,要知道最开始的时候,她对埃诺娅伊丽丝其实也没什么了解的。不过在这段时间里,彼此相处之后娜迪亚倒也对这两位少女有了几分认识。 Naturally, must say Nadia most appreciates naturally was Enoya, during the opposite party that graceful, graceful and gentle makings and action almost could be said as all girls vainly hoping for the goal. Nadia is also same, although she is Paladin, but after all is a girl, naturally also hopes that can be more graceful, has makings some. Present Enoya, naturally was her example. But Enoya treats the Nadia attitude also is very but actually good, facing this Paladin, she always brings gently like the spring breeze smile, this causes Nadia every so often very difficult always to have the graceful smile this, peaceful standing waved be relentless to destroy the person in half block to relate on the operation thunder lightning in Zhan En young girl and that ......... 当然,要说娜迪亚最欣赏的自然就是埃诺娅了,对方那落落大方,优雅又温婉的气质与举动几乎可以说是所有女孩子梦想之中的目标。就连娜迪亚也是一样,虽然她是个圣骑士,但毕竟还是个女孩子,自然也希望能够更加优雅一些,有气质一些。眼前的埃诺娅,自然就是她的榜样了。而埃诺娅对待娜迪亚的态度倒也很不错,面对这位圣骑士,她总是带着柔和如春风般的笑容,这使得娜迪亚很多时候都很难把这个总是带着优雅微笑,安静的站在詹恩身边的少女和那个挥一挥手就操纵雷霆闪电毫不留情的毁了半个街区的人联系起来……… However Elise is different. 但是伊丽丝却不一样。 Time from the beginning, attitude of Elise to Nadia is very desolate, both sides are almost the nodding acquaintance, occasionally will speak two words, but will not have what human relations in addition again. From the beginning Nadia also thinks that the Elise character is this, afterward discovered she in front of Enoya and Zhan En is very lively, however before oneself is a desolate appearance, as if did not plan that exchanges to be the same with oneself. 一开始的时候,伊丽丝娜迪亚的态度就很冷淡,双方几乎就是点头之交,偶尔会说两句话,但是除此之外就不会再有什么交际了。一开始娜迪亚还以为伊丽丝的性格就是这样,后来才发现她在埃诺娅詹恩面前还是很活泼的,但是在自己面前就是一副冷淡的样子,似乎并不打算和自己交流一样。 This makes Nadia have doubts very much, she self-examined that the attitude to Elise is also good, moreover both sides before no contact, was far from has what contradiction, therefore does not understand completely why Elise to oneself was so desolate & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; She is not certainly clear, must know that Black Onyx Stone City will be rushed to Underdark, Paladin played the decisive role. How Elise listens to these Paladin to eliminate own clansman since childhood a lot, and story that expels them. In this case, facing Paladin, she possibly gives the opposite party the good complexion to look? 这让娜迪亚很是疑惑,她自问对伊丽丝的态度也还算不错,而且双方之前没什么接触,根本谈不上有什么矛盾,所以完全不明白为什么伊丽丝对自己就是如此冷淡———她当然不明白了,要知道黑玛瑙石城之所以会被赶到幽暗地域,圣骑士可是在这其中扮演了决定性的角色。伊丽丝从小没少听那些圣骑士是如何消灭自己的族人,并且把他们驱逐的故事。在这种情况下,面对一个圣骑士,她又怎么可能给对方好脸色看呢? However Elise is also a smart person, she knows the matter that Zhan En must handle is important, therefore are also most is only the disagreement/not with Nadia contact, as for other things, she does not want multibarreled. 不过伊丽丝也是一个聪明人,她知道詹恩要做的事情事关重大,所以也最多只是不和娜迪亚接触罢了,至于其他的事情,她也不想多管。 Nadia does not know obviously reason, why does not know, in this evening, when she sees the Elise form, Nadia had the impulsion that wish and opposite party chatted suddenly. 只是娜迪亚显然不会知道这其中的原因,不知道为什么,在这个晚上,当她看见伊丽丝的身影时,娜迪亚忽然产生了一种想要和对方聊一聊的冲动。 That ......... Miss Elise? & R dquo ; “那个………伊丽丝小姐?” What matter also has? & R dquo ; “还有什么事吗?” Heard the summon of Nadia, Elise turns the head to look at her one eyes, but detected her vision, Nadia hesitant, this somewhat careful opens the mouth inquiry said. 听到娜迪亚的呼唤,伊丽丝转过头来望了她一眼,而察觉到她的目光,娜迪亚不由的犹豫了一下,这才有些小心的开口询问道。 That ......... was I was perhaps oversensitive, but I always felt that what opinion Miss Elise you as if did have ......... I to make what to me to let your discontented matter? & R dquo ; “那个………或许是我多心了,但是我总感觉伊丽丝小姐你似乎对我有什么意见………我有做什么让你不满的事情吗?” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” Heard this issue, Elise stares gawked, but was quick, she gave the reply. 听到这个问题,伊丽丝不由愣了一愣,但是很快,她就给出了回答。 Please relax, Miss Nadia, I do not dislike you ......... in fact, I just dislike all Paladin. & R dquo ; “请放心,娜迪亚小姐,我不是讨厌你………事实上,我只不过是讨厌所有的圣骑士罢了。” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Facing the reply of Elise, Nadia obviously feels very surprised, fortunately, the Elise status is mage, but mage is on Klein Continent the gods to one of people most do not respect, therefore Nadia does not think that Elise is blaspheming the gods or is provoking Templar Order. However her reply makes Nadia very surprised , the repugnant people and repugnant one group of people, are completely different, do not say the opposite party or Paladin. 面对伊丽丝的回答,娜迪亚明显感到很吃惊,幸运的是,伊丽丝的身份是一个法师,而法师原本就是克莱恩大陆上对神明最不尊重的人之一,所以娜迪亚倒不会认为伊丽丝是在亵渎神明又或者是在挑衅圣堂教团。不过她的回答还是让娜迪亚非常吃惊,要知道,讨厌一个人和讨厌一群人,可是完全不同的,更不要说对方还是圣骑士了。 Why? What our does Paladin have to make to let you not quick matter? We just comply with the transaction, the protection is kindhearted, the attack is evil, publicizes ............ & R dquo justly ; “为什么?我们圣骑士有做什么让你不快的事情吗?我们只不过是遵从交易,守护良善,打击邪恶,宣扬正义…………” That, actually your justness and good refers to what? „ “那么,你们的正义与善良究竟是指什么呢?“ Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Facing the inquiry that Elise such as it comes suddenly, Nadia has not obviously prepared, she gawked gawked, actually does not know how completely should reply. Has to acknowledge, although Elise the issue sounds very stupid, but careful thinks, discovery this issue is very difficult to reply. Indeed, in doctrine, Nadia already more than once studies about publicizing the justice, the attack is evil, protects the kindhearted content and chapter. These religious doctrines can be the backs to her skillfully, is now, facing the inquiry of Elise, she is also scared suddenly. Although in the doctrine said that but it has not told Nadia, actually anything is just, good, is worth protecting. But which are also evil, needs to eliminate. 面对伊丽丝忽如其来的询问,娜迪亚明显没有准备,她愣了一愣,却完全不知道该怎么回答。不得不承认,伊丽丝的这个问题虽然听起来很蠢,可是仔细一想,却发现这个问题很难回答。的确,在教义之中,娜迪亚已经不止一次的学过关于宣扬正义,打击邪恶,保护良善的内容与篇章。这些教义对她来说可以算是背的滚瓜烂熟,可是现在,面对伊丽丝的询问,她也是一时间傻了眼。教义之中虽然是这么说了,但是它却从来没有告诉过娜迪亚,究竟什么才是正义的,善良的,值得保护的。而哪些又是邪恶的,需要消灭的。 If Nadia had not detected these issues before, then now, she started for the first time becomes confused. 如果说以前娜迪亚还并没有察觉到这些问题的话,那么现在,她第一次开始变得迷茫了。 This is my repugnant Paladin reason, your so-called justness and goodness, you are not clear. The god but who you believe in said that anything is just, anything is evil, you will take an action. But in fact you are unable to analyze that actually what is to wrong, will only follow in the side of gods severs ......... you not to make the judgment his choice, will not want to understand ............, when you stand before a baby, but your god lowered Oracle saying that it will grow in the future is an elimination entire continent evil enemy, must therefore be annihilated, then this whether means you will also start to kill a that child? & R dquo ; “这就是我讨厌圣骑士的原因,你们所谓的正义与善良,连你们自己都不清楚。只不过你们所信奉的神说什么是正义的,什么是邪恶的,你们才会有所行动。而事实上你们自己根本无法自己判断究竟什么是对错,只会跟随在神明的身边为他的选择而服务………你们即不会自己去做出判断,也不会去想要理解…………当你站在一个婴儿面前,而你的神降下神谕说它未来会成长为一个消灭整个大陆的邪恶敌人,因此要被消灭掉,那么这是否意味着你也会去下手杀死那个孩子?” This ......... this ............... & R dquo ; “这………这……………” Hears here, Nadia is dumbfounded, does not know completely should say anything is good. But said that all these Elise as if were also slightly vented in a heart regarding the Paladin anger, looks at Nadia that dull face, she had the pleasant sensation that several points of practical joke worked actually. 听到这里,娜迪亚目瞪口呆,完全不知道该说什么才好。而说完这一切的伊丽丝似乎也算是小小发泄了一下心中对于圣骑士的怒气,看着娜迪亚那张呆呆的脸,她倒是产生了几分恶作剧得逞的快感。 Then was this, Miss Nadia, I must continue to stand night watch, first said goodbye. & R dquo ; “那么就是这样了,娜迪亚小姐,我还要继续守夜,先告辞了。” Spoke these words, has blown along with strong winds, the Elise form disappears does not see, only then Nadia still remains same place, frowns tightly does not know that is thinking anything. 说完这句话,伴随着一阵狂风吹过,伊丽丝的身影消失不见,只有娜迪亚依然留在原地,紧皱眉头不知道在想些什么。 It seems like that this to Nadia, can be a very unforgetable night.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 看来,这对娜迪亚来说,会是一个非常难以忘怀的夜晚。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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