DR :: Volume #3

#245: Information of having far-reaching idea

„ Will Cassandra fall to the enemy? & R dquo ; 卡珊德拉怎么会沦陷的?” Regardless of how Nadia is unable to believe that this fact, must know they receive the Cassandra praying for rescue letter/believes to be sent to come to here. ~ although said that Casalance and Eagle Plateau to are not far, but each church of Templar Order subordinate has own church parish, if not the matter that they really could not handle, will not make other church parishes meddle. But Cassandra is in Templar Order a church parish of Sun God Amora department, on the Great Mother church parish with Eagle Plateau naturally is not a matter. Therefore at the beginning of the plague breaks out, Casalance has not requested reinforcements to the Eagle Plateau church, until discovering them was unable to control the situation, this distributed the urgent letter request aid, because was not clear that inside situation, these that in addition in the letter/believes mentioned in undead lifeform and City of Gold that under the sunlight walked unusual similar( Zhan En knows certainly that actually at all was not a matter), therefore Templar Order will want to send people first to examine, this will be Zhan En and others will also come here reason. 娜迪亚无论如何也无法相信这个事实,要知道他们正是接到卡珊德拉的求救信才被派来这里的。~虽然说卡萨兰斯雄鹰高原相距不远,但是圣堂教团下属的各个教会都是有自己的教区的,如果不是他们实在处理不了的事情,是不会让其他教区来插手的。而卡珊德拉则是圣堂教团太阳神阿蒙拉一系的教区,与雄鹰高原上的伟大之母教区自然不是一回事。因此在瘟疫爆发之初,卡萨兰斯并没有向雄鹰高原的教会求援,直到发现他们已经无法控制事态,这才派发了加急信件请求援助,而由于不清楚里面的情况,再加上信中提到的那些在阳光下行走的不死生物黄金之城的非常相似(当然詹恩知道其实根本不是一回事),所以圣堂教团才会想要派人先来查看一下,这也是詹恩等人会来到这里的原因。 However now, Calvin said that Cassandra has fallen to the enemy? 但是现在,卡尔文却说卡珊德拉已经沦陷了? Actually, I also hear ............... & R dquo ; “其实,我也只是听说……………” Looks at the Nadia appearance, Calvin is somewhat panic-stricken, but he is honest the people explained the matter that oneself hear completely. 看着娜迪亚的样子,卡尔文有些惊恐,不过他还是老老实实的把自己所听到的事情全部对众人做了说明。 Calvin does not certainly know that actually Cassandra is what situation, but in the foothold the rumor about Cassandra are many. In fact, the plague disseminates the neighboring region from Cassandra from the beginning, but after that to avoid the continuation proliferation of plague, the church also orders to guard regional Church members to isolate the place of residence, to avoid the further dissemination of plague. But the agglomeration that Calvin is naturally no exception. Time from the beginning is systematic, after all authority of Templar Order in the ordinary person heart is very heavy. Moreover Casalance also issued the martial law order. Therefore everyone obediently hides at home, waits for this period of unendurable time to pass. 卡尔文当然不知道卡珊德拉究竟是个什么情况,但是据点里关于卡珊德拉的传言很多。事实上,瘟疫一开始就是从卡珊德拉散播到周边地区的,而在那之后,为了避免瘟疫的继续扩散,教会也命令驻守各地的教团成员隔离居住地,以避免瘟疫的进一步传播。而卡尔文所在的这个聚集地自然也不例外。一开始的时候还算井然有序,毕竟圣堂教团在普通人心中权威还是很重的。而且卡萨兰斯本身也发布了戒严令。所以大家都乖乖躲在家里,等待这段难熬的时间过去。 However afterward the matter had the change. Does not know when from starts, each agglomeration lost with the relation of Cassandra, but this foothold is also same. Many rumors start to spread, but guarding regional church members are also lock horns, some people think that this showing epidemic situation spreads, should disperse as soon as possible, but some people think now the situation is unknown, should hold fast at the position. 但是后来事情产生了变化。不知道从什么时候开始,各个聚集地都失去了和卡珊德拉的联系,而这个据点也是一样。在这其中,很多流言都开始流传,而驻守各地的教会成员彼此之间也是争执不休,有人认为这说明疫情扩散,应该尽快疏散,而有人则认为现在情况不明,应该坚守阵地。 In this case. The foothold also starts becomes chaotic. Quick, Cassandra lost the contact the news to spread in the general public. But after hearing this news, on the terrified people are incomparably scared, although said that they are very confident to Templar Order, but will have the confidence not to give the opposite party own life again completely. Therefore suddenly many people want to leave here secretly, slips away the foothold. Naturally, they were defended the army and Church member without exception prevent. 在这种情况下。据点也开始变得混乱起来。很快,卡珊德拉失去联络的消息就在普通民众之中流传了开来。而听到这个消息之后,原本就惶恐不安的民众更是无比恐慌,虽然说他们对圣堂教团很有信心,可是再有信心也不会把自己的命完全交给对方。因此一时间就有不少人想要偷偷离开这里,溜出据点。当然,他们无一例外都被守备军和教团的成员阻止了。 But situation the imagination of deterioration rate also far ultra people, in a while, the foothold spreads the news that the plague erupted. Many people were infected, right now these not infected person was more panic, they were almost insane same tried to leave this fort foothold. However here defense army commanders but actually also firm, he sealed up the entire foothold directly. Closed everyone in inside!! 只不过事态的恶化速度也远超众人的想象,没过多久,据点内部就传来了瘟疫爆发的消息。不少人都被感染,这下子那些没被感染的人就更惊慌失措了,他们几乎是疯了一样试图离开这座要塞据点。但是这里的守备军指挥官倒也坚决,他直接封闭了整个据点。把所有人都关在了里面!! Then, is the confusion without limits with slaughtering. 接下来,就是无止境的混乱与杀戮。 The desperate people start to hold up the weapon, to defending the army launches the attack. Dies in any case sooner or later, the difference was killed by the plague is killed. In comparison was killed neatly at least also a little, will not receive so many pain. Therefore quick. In the foothold becomes everywhere chaotic and crazy, defends army these civilians as if to kill to get angry, in addition these by the monster that the plague transformation resurrects, quick, this foothold was finished thoroughly & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; As for turns into what appearance finally, was needless to say. 绝望的民众开始举起武器,对守备军发起进攻。反正迟早都是死,区别不过是被瘟疫杀死还是被人杀死。相比之下被人杀死至少还干脆利落一点儿,不会受那么多痛苦。所以很快。据点里到处都变得混乱而疯狂,无论是守备军还是那些平民似乎都杀红了眼,再加上那些被瘟疫转化复活的怪物,很快,这个据点就彻底完蛋———至于最后变成什么样子,想必就不用多说了。 Calvin they are the lucky fellows who withdraw early, some bludger own secret passages of these streets, therefore when the riot happened, they slip away the foothold through the subterranean stream immediately secretly, but so, they are still the loss are even serious , was only left over them by the present. 卡尔文他们算是较早脱身的幸运儿,这些街头的小混混都一些属于自己的秘密通道,因此在暴乱发生的时候,他们就立刻通过地下水道偷偷溜出了据点,不过即便如此,他们也是损失惨重,到现在也只剩下他们三个人了。 No one knows that actually that plague how disseminates. & R dquo ; “没人知道那瘟疫究竟是怎么传播的。” Said here, Calvin also seemed very depressed. 说道这里,卡尔文也显得很沮丧。 It probably is sudden, Priest exhausted all means that the aristocrat master who these fear death also sealed up oneself manor, however these are useless, this fearful and damn plague disseminated. We do not even know that is actually which place to have problems, is not only the foothold, in the peripheral these forests also many animals infected the plague, becomes the fierce danger, in fact mostly by these monsters grasping to eat ......... & R dquo with the person who in we escaped ; “它就好像是突然发生的,牧师用尽了一切办法,就连那些怕死的贵族老爷也是封闭了自己的庄园,然而这些都没什么用,这可怕又该死的瘟疫还是散播了开去。我们甚至都不知道究竟是哪个地方出了问题,不仅仅是据点,就连周边那些森林里也有不少动物感染了瘟疫,变得凶猛危险,事实上和我们一起逃出来的人里大多都被那些怪物给抓去吃掉了………” „ More than ten days ago? & R dquo ; “十多天前?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow actually. 听到这里,詹恩倒是挑了下眉头。 „ Do you know the exact hour? & R dquo ; “你知道确切时间吗?” I not too clear ......... Sir, I was also listen to Paladin before to say at the point of death, he was really a good person ......... & R dquo ; “我不太清楚………大人,我也是听一位圣骑士在临死前说的,他真是个好人………” News obtained from Calvin here, only then these, but is but actually enough regarding Zhan En. Nadia as if news that because also Cassandra falls to the enemy somewhat surprised, but this moment Zhan En and Enoya as well as Elise talked in whispers in side. 卡尔文这里得到的消息只有这些,不过对于詹恩来说倒已经足够了。娜迪亚似乎还因为卡珊德拉沦陷的消息而有些吃惊,不过此刻詹恩埃诺娅以及伊丽丝却是在旁边窃窃私语。 What do you think of? & R dquo ; “你们有没有想到什么?” „ Do you refer to City of Gold? Masters? & R dquo ; “您是指黄金之城吗?主人?” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Elise gawked, then she also responded the meaning of Zhan En inquiry quickly. 听到詹恩的询问,伊丽丝愣了一下,接着她也是很快反应过来詹恩询问的意思。 Right, Calvin said that he before Paladin at the point of death hears, at that time Cassandra had fallen to the enemy for more than ten days ......... & R dquo ; Said here, Zhan En stopped, later he coldly to smile, puts out a hand to push the eyeglasses. „ How long but crossed after that to the present? Although we are unable to judge the exact date, the news that but that side Howard Bishop obtains 15 days ago ......... you believe, these won't have what issue? & R dquo ; “没错,卡尔文说他是从一个圣骑士临死之前听到的,那个时候卡珊德拉就已经沦陷十多天了………”说道这里,詹恩停顿了一下,随后他冷冷一笑,伸出手去推了推眼镜。“但是从那之后到现在又过了多久?虽然我们无法判断确切日期,但是霍华德主教那边却是在十五天前得到的消息………你们认为,这其中难道不会有什么问题吗?” Therefore ......... & R dquo ; “所以………” Is looking at present Enoya and Elise, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 望着眼前的埃诺娅伊丽丝,詹恩微微一笑。 I believe, now in Cassandra, is certainly putting up a good play. & R dquo ; “我认为,现在在卡珊德拉,一定正在上演着一出好戏。” The darkness is covering Temple. 黑暗笼罩着神殿 In the broad main hall center, laid aside there Sun God Amora statue is pounded a smashing, only then on the foundation can also see a double-break foot, that five meters high Holy statues the minute have rushed to the segregation now, broken fragment and limbs optional placing under smudging the sacrificial altar of stench blood, piles with the heads and white bones of these covered with blood in the same place, original development is nothing left above Holy dignity, displacing is dark and contamination. 在宽广的大殿中央,原本放置在那里的太阳神阿蒙拉的雕像已经被砸了个粉碎,只有底座上还能够看见一双断脚,那原本有五米高的神圣雕像现在早已经分奔离析,残破的碎片与肢体随意的摆放在涂抹着腥臭鲜血的祭台下面,与那些血肉模糊的头颅和白骨堆在一起,原本的展现在其上的神圣威严已经荡然无存,取而代之的则是黑暗与污秽。 The time arrived. 时候到了。 Old Bishop raised the head, looks these whole bodies to the Temple great hall is wrapping the black cloth, worships on bended knees the followers there, they were still praying, the object who however prayed is not that once can for their gods of brilliance and hope, but was one is subscribed on the plank stands erect, strange carved stone statue. 主教抬起头来,望向神殿大堂之中那些全身包裹着黑布,跪拜在那里的信徒们,他们依然是在祈祷,但是祈祷的对象已经不是那个曾经可以为他们光辉与希望的神明,而是一个被订在木板上竖立起来的,诡异的石刻雕像。 Time arrived!! & R dquo ; “时候到了!!” Old Bishop opens the mouth, the loud anger exclaimed again, when his sound and beforehand guide religious believer went to church together was equally loud and clear, but heard his sound, these followers started to shiver, they raised the head, having the terrified vision to gaze at present old Bishop, the butcher who one crowd treated probably butchered the lamb that looks at to sharpen the knife. But feels their looks, old Bishop closed the eye, in the surface obviously reveals to be infatuated with the frantic smile. Then he raises both hands high, the mouth whispers is not knowing that is saying anything, later old Bishop opens the eye, looks to the present crowd, later puts out a hand, aimed at a direction. 主教张开嘴巴,再次大声怒吼道,他的声音和之前引导信徒一起做礼拜时一样洪亮,而听到他的声音,那些信徒们开始颤抖起来,他们抬起头,带着惊恐不安的目光注视着眼前的老主教,就好像一群待宰的羔羊看着磨刀霍霍的屠夫。而感受他们的眼神,老主教闭上眼睛,面上明显流露出了陶醉与狂热的笑容。接着他高高举起双手,嘴里嘀咕着不知道在说些什么,随后老主教睁开眼睛,望向眼前的人群,随后伸出手去,指向了一个方向。 No!! & R dquo ; “不!!” By the old Bishop finger/refers the person jumped, she has turned around to try to flee. But has not waited for her to have an action to perform, the knights of two wear armor have walked up in big strides, holds down this emaciated young girl, then drew in the sacrificial altar. The young girls are struggling crazily, tries to be similar to strong common both hands to work loose from two knight that. But unfortunately all these are unproductive, old Bishop put out a hand, tearing got down the young girl black robe, revealed inside ** the body, then he holds up the dagger in hand high. But sees this, the young girl is even more panic-stricken, she like swaying from side to side, will try to avoid this forthcoming nightmare that the fish goes all out. However nearby knight gave her a fist, makes the young girl who struggled stop the movement immediately, he puts out a hand, grabs the hair of young girl to make her raise head, next moment, the dagger in old Bishop hand pricked the throat of young girl like this. 被老主教指到的人跳了起来,她转过身试图逃离。但还没有等她有所动作,两个穿着盔甲的骑士就已经大踏步的走上前来,把这个瘦弱的少女一把按住,然后拉上了祭台。少女疯狂的挣扎着,试图从两个骑士那如同铁铸一般的双手中挣脱。但可惜的是这一切都是徒劳,老主教伸出手去,一把撕扯下了少女身上的黑袍,露出了里面**的身体,接着他高高举起手中的匕首。而看见这一幕,少女越发惊恐,她像条鱼一样拼命的扭动着,试图躲避这即将到来的噩梦。但是旁边的骑士只是给了她一拳,就立刻让原本挣扎的少女停下了动作,他伸出手去,抓着少女的头发让她仰起头来,紧接着下一刻,老主教手中的匕首就这样刺入了少女的喉咙。 ......... ............! & R dquo ; “咯………咯…………!” The severe pain makes young girl start again struggle, but old Bishop remains unmoved slightly, the dagger that in handshake he concentrates on, makes an effort to slice downward. The sharp dagger tore the throat, cut open a pipe in the chest of young girl, to lower abdomen, but the cut open body turns toward the two sides to turn over, inside internal organs start outflow slowly. 剧烈的痛楚让少女再次的开始挣扎,但是老主教丝毫不为所动,他全神贯注的握着手中的匕首,用力向下切去。锋利的匕首撕裂了喉咙,在少女的胸口切开了一道竖线,一直到小腹,而被切开的皮肉则向着两边翻转,里面的内脏开始缓缓的从中流出。 Roar ......... drinks ......... drinks ............... & R dquo ; “吼………喝………喝……………” The girl opens the mouth, attempts blood-curdling screech, but she sends out , is mixing with the blood froth air bubble, her body starts to pull out, two legs seem like the frog same curl, shoots, the curl, shoots & mda S h again ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Afterward soft hanging to the ground, did not have the movement again. 女孩张开嘴巴,试图惨叫,可是她发出的只有夹杂着血沫的气泡,她的身体开始一抽一抽,两条腿像是青蛙一样卷曲,弹起,再卷曲,再弹起———随后软绵绵的垂到在地上,再也没有了动作。 Regarding the young girl of dying, old Bishop has not cared, he puts out a hand to search into the body of young girl, makes an effort to grasp, when his hand takes back again, in the old Bishop palm center, are many a heart. Sees only the old person to open the mouth like this, makes an effort to nip, taking that then starts to go all out, is only the moment time, that heart by clean that old Bishop eats. Until this time, he raised the head, looks again to the people. But at this moment before his body, led the followers of frightened look are being the eyes shining to look steadily at that to be built the incision by Paladin high the young girl corpse, showed the exciting and greedy facial expression. 对于死去的少女,老主教没有丝毫在意,他伸出手探入少女的身体之中,紧接着用力一抓,当他的手再次收回时,在老主教的手掌中心,已经多了一颗心脏。紧接着只见老人就这样张开嘴巴,用力咬下,接着开始拼命的吸食,只是片刻功夫,那颗心脏就被老主教吃的一干二净。直到这个时候,他才抬起头来,再次望向众人。而此刻在他的身前,原本还带着恐惧眼神的信徒们则是双眼发亮的盯视着那具已经被圣骑士高高架起切开的少女尸体,露出了兴奋与贪婪的神情。 Glory to Death! & R dquo ; 赞美死亡!” Glory to Death!! & R dquo ; 赞美死亡!!” With the old Bishop shouts, the followers lift up high both hands, summoned loudly. 伴随着老主教的呼唤声,信徒们高举双手,大声呼唤起来。 But in this moment, the flame in Temple, arrived at the apex finally.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 而在这一刻,神殿中的火焰,也终于到达了顶点。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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