DR :: Volume #3

#244: Biochemical crisis

The gentle Holy Light sparkle, illuminated the dark room. ¥ f 柔和的圣光闪耀而起,照亮了黑暗的房间。¥f Under comforting of Holy Light, the complexion was red, the youngster of breathing rapidly returned to normal. He closes the eye, heavy goes off, until this time, Nadia took up placed the right hand on opposite party forehead, then vents anger lightly. 圣光的抚慰下,原本面色通红,呼吸急促的少年重新恢复了平静。他闭上眼睛,沉沉睡去,直到这个时候,娜迪亚才拿起原本放在对方额头上的右手,接着轻出了口气。 It’s nothing obstructs greatly, because the hunger excessively added on by the cold again, therefore had a fever, so long as ate a thing, ate some hot soup, recuperated again well. & R dquo ; “没什么大碍,只是因为饥饿过度再加上受了风寒,所以发烧了,只要吃点东西,喝些热汤,再调养一下就好。” ......... & R dquo ; “呼………” Hears here, Calvin and his companion then relax, but Zhan En discovered that almost at the same time, Nadia is relaxes lightly. 听到这里,卡尔文和他的同伴这才松了口气,而詹恩发现几乎就在与此同时,娜迪亚是轻松了气。 However this also no wonder, must know before then, Nadia also suspected that because of vacillation to the belief, making the gods take back granted own strength, this kept her from detecting these evil monsters. Now seems like, the gods grant her strength also, but these monsters are unable to be discovered, it seems like with is really same, but was because they that Zhan En said were not trueevil & R dquo ; Monster. 不过这也难怪,要知道在这之前,娜迪亚也怀疑是不是因为自己对信仰的动摇,使得神明收回了赐予自己的力量,这才让她无法侦测到那些邪恶的怪物。现在看起来,神明赐予她的力量还在,而那些怪物之所以无法被发现,看来真的就和詹恩所说的一样,只不过是因为它们并非是真正的“邪恶的”怪物罢了。 Help thank you, the knight Sir of good intention. & R dquo ; “谢谢您的帮助,好心的骑士大人。” Sees the companion to be out of danger, Calvin is the look is also excited, to be honest, he did not hold anything to expect regarding these people. Can see from their dressing up, these people are the aristocrats, although Calvin does not know why these aristocrats will come here, but with his experience, these aristocrats generally speaking looks down upon like them the wanderer. When he goes to the Zhan En hope helps, Calvin even prepared for by psychology that the opposite party kicks aside. Has not thought that these aristocrat Sirs are so good to speak, not only made this Paladin give their companion to treat wounded and sick. Even gave back to their warm food. These days since this made Calvin and others that has been big and hungry eat delicious food finally, making them nearly cry. 看见自己同伴转危为安,卡尔文也是神色激动,说实话,他原本对于这些人不抱什么期望的。从他们的装扮就可以看出,这些人都是贵族,虽然卡尔文不知道这些贵族为什么会来到这里,但是以他的经验,这些贵族一般来说都是看不起像他们这样的流浪者的。所以当他去向詹恩祈求帮助的时候,卡尔文甚至都做好了被对方一脚踢开的心理准备。没想到这些贵族大人却是如此好说话,不但让这位圣骑士给他们的同伴医治了伤病。甚至还给了他们温热的食物。这让这段时间以来饥肠辘辘的卡尔文等人总算是吃了一顿美味的食物,让他们都差点儿哭出来了。 Ok. Now since the issue has been solved, then we can enter the subject. & R dquo ; “好了。现在问题既然已经解决,那么我们可以进入正题了。” Until this time. Zhan En also patted clapping, then he has turned the head, is looking steadily at Calvin. 直到这个时候。詹恩也拍了拍手,接着他转过头去,盯视着卡尔文 I want to know, actually these days Casalance what happened? Looks at this appearance, the plague eruption of Casalance is not one day two days of things. & R dquo ; “我想知道,这段时间卡萨兰斯究竟发生了什么事?看这幅样子,卡萨兰斯的瘟疫爆发已经不是一天两天的事情了吧。” This ............ & R dquo ; “这个…………” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Calvin hesitated slightly, before he from the opposite party mouth had known that they are the Templar Order representatives, arrived here to investigate about the Casalance plague erupts this matter. But Calvin does not know oneself can add on their anything busy, a bludger as vagrant street. Calvin is also like others, has the inborn fear feeling to these aristocrats. In their opinion, these aristocrat masters, even if the saliva that spits wants fine expensive/noble many compared with the average person. But the person who these keep aloof naturally also cared that some big on issue, them the bludgers among the information that spreads, the great person who these keep aloof will not care, even said feared that smeared the ear of opposite party. But in front of Zhan En's, Calvin is trembling, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. He is very clear, looks is responsible for in these people the manager only. Was the present young aristocrat. 听到詹恩的询问,卡尔文略微犹豫了一下,之前他已经从对方口中得知他们是圣堂教团的代表,来到这里就是为了调查关于卡萨兰斯瘟疫爆发这件事。只不过卡尔文不知道自己能够帮上他们什么忙,作为一个流浪街头的小混混。卡尔文也和其他人一样,对那些贵族有着天生的畏惧感。在他们看来,那些贵族老爷哪怕是吐出来的口水都比普通人要精贵的多。而这些高高在上的人自然也都关心一些很高大上的问题,像他们这样的小混混之间流传的信息,那些高高在上的大人物根本就不会在乎,甚至说出来都怕是污了对方的耳朵。而在詹恩的面前,卡尔文更是战战兢兢,大气也不敢喘一口。他很清楚,在这些人里看起来唯一负责管事的。就是眼前的这位年轻贵族了。 Doesn't matter, you had anything to say anything, spoke incorrectly also indifferently, moreover we did not worry that you will lie ......... & R dquo ; “没关系,你有什么就说什么,说错了也无所谓,而且我们也不担心你会撒谎………” At the same time saying. Zhan En looked at Nadia at the same time unintentionally. 一面说着。詹恩一面有意无意的看了一眼自己身边的娜迪亚 „, Here, but Paladin that believes in God of Truth. & R dquo ; “要知道,我们这里可是有一位信奉真实之神圣骑士呢。” Mr. Zhan En! & R dquo ; 詹恩先生!” Hears Zhan En's to speak, in Nadia surface reveals several points of angry. In her opinion, Zhan En does this is takes own status to bully these pitiful civilians simply. This is not absolutely acceptable in the Paladin creed. Therefore after hearing the Zhan En's speech, Nadia wants to refute several immediately. But her words have not opened the mouth. Actually discovered that Calvin after hearing the Zhan En's speech, the trembling expression immediately became self-possessed, then he relaxed air vent, later nods to look to Zhan En. 听到詹恩的说话,娜迪亚不由的面上露出几分恼怒。在她看来,詹恩这样做简直就是拿自己的身份去欺压这些可怜的平民。这在圣骑士的信条里是绝对不可接受的。于是在听到詹恩的说话之后,娜迪亚顿时想要反驳几句。可是她的话还没有开口。却发现卡尔文在听到詹恩的说话之后,原本战战兢兢的表情顿时变得坦然自若了许多,接着他放松了出了口气,随后点了点头望向詹恩 Good, does the aristocrat master, what you want to know? & R dquo ; “好的,贵族老爷,您想知道什么?” This ......... & R dquo ; “这………” Looks at the performance of Calvin, Nadia does not know at present suddenly should say anything is good, she thinks hears the Zhan En's threat, present Calvin will be angry, or was forced. But what makes her not think, the relative relaxedness of Calvin performance, even emotional quotient of Nadia is not unexpectedly high, she still looks at beforehand Calvin is also somewhat indecisive, seems worrying anything. But present he after hearing the Zhan En's words actually laid down the burden probably, the whole person became relaxed! 看着眼前卡尔文的表现,娜迪亚一时间不知道该说什么才好,她原本以为听到詹恩的威胁,眼前的卡尔文会恼怒,或者被逼无奈。但让她没想到的是,卡尔文居然表现的相当轻松,就算娜迪亚的情商没有那么高,她也看出来之前的卡尔文还算是有些犹豫不决,似乎在顾虑着什么。可是现在的他在听到了詹恩的话之后却像是放下了包袱,整个人都变得轻松了下来! This keeps Nadia simply from understanding, how some people were after possibly threatened, instead will become relaxed? 这一幕让娜迪亚简直无法理解,怎么可能有人被威胁之后反而会变得轻松的呢? The expression income eyeground of Nadia, Zhan En laughs in one's heart in the innermost feelings. Nadia after all is the flowers in greenhouse, basic on the idea of unclear white elephant Calvin such street bludger. Must know before them, the aristocrat has the sweep of power, how wants to rub to pinch these fellows how to rub to pinch, but Calvin they have not dared to have half a word complaint. Actually Zhan En knows that Calvin is worried about anything, he was worried the matter that oneself said was extremely shocking, Zhan En and others does not believe. When the time comes wants them to take the evidence to show that own speech, what can they put out to prove? They are only the bludgers who one crowd of streets roam about, can count on that they do find the evidence of secret murderer/culprit? 娜迪亚的表情收入眼底,詹恩不由在内心暗笑。娜迪亚毕竟是温室里的花朵,根本就不明白像卡尔文这样的街头混混的想法。要知道在他们面前,贵族可是有着绝对权力的,想怎么揉捏这些家伙就怎么揉捏,而卡尔文他们还不敢有半句怨言。其实詹恩知道卡尔文在担心什么,他担心自己说出来的事情太过骇人听闻,以至于詹恩等人不相信。到时候要他们拿证据来证明自己的说话,他们又能够拿出什么证明呢?他们只是一群街头流浪的小混混而已,难道能够指望他们找出幕后真凶的证据吗? Has to acknowledge, the worry of Calvin also has the truth, because the life relative seal of aristocrat, really understands every so often not much the situations of lower classes. Many lower classes' commonly seen things are unthinkable cannot even believe to them simply, in this case, Calvin said any shocking matter by some chance, if by the Zhan En question in lying, he had not been really located to reason things out. 不得不承认,卡尔文的担心也不是没有道理的,因为贵族的生活相对封闭,对于下层民众的情况很多时候真的了解不多。很多下层民众司空见惯的事情对于他们来说简直算是匪夷所思甚至不敢相信,在这种情况下,卡尔文万一说出什么骇人听闻的事情,如果被詹恩质疑是在说谎的话,那他还真的没处说理去。 But now, had Eye of truth Paladin in side, Calvin naturally did not need to be worried that Zhan En will look for own trouble. Regardless of because some makes people who he said unable to believe that Paladin also has the means to distinguish true and false. 而现在,有了真实之眼圣骑士在旁边,卡尔文自然就不用担心詹恩会找自己的麻烦了。因为无论他说的有多么让人无法相信,那位圣骑士也是有办法辨别真假的。 Therefore Calvin will relax, but Nadia is unable to understand delicate relations obviously. 所以卡尔文才会放松下来,但是娜迪亚显然是无法理解这其中的微妙关系的。 „, We discussed this plague. & R dquo ; “那么,我们就来谈一谈这场瘟疫吧。” Zhan En has not given the Calvin too much ponder time actually. But directly entered the subject. 詹恩倒是没给卡尔文太多的思考时间。而是非常直接的进入了正题。 When does this plague from start? & R dquo ; “这场瘟疫是从什么时候开始的?” This ......... the specific time I am not quite clear, but should almost before over half a month. & R dquo ; “这个………具体时间我不太清楚,但是应该差不多是在大半个月前。” „ Before over half a month ? & R dquo ; “大半个月前?” Hears here. Zhan En has not expressed anything, Nadia first is instead startled. This also no wonder. Looks at present the appearance of this foothold, does not seem like over half a month can achieve. If were not Calvin says, Nadia even thinks that this plague has continued for several months! 听到这里。詹恩还没有表示什么,娜迪亚反而先是大吃一惊。这也难怪。看眼前这个据点的样子,怎么也不像是大半个月就能够做到的。如果不是卡尔文说的话,娜迪亚甚至会以为这场瘟疫已经持续了好几个月了! Yes, yes, respectable Sir Paladin. & R dquo ; “是,是的,尊敬的圣骑士大人。” Hears the inquiry of Nadia, the Calvin somewhat terrified opens the mouth replies. 听到娜迪亚的询问,卡尔文有些惶恐的开口回答道。 How I do not know other places, but we know that has the plague to start, when Casalance spreads, is almost over half a month ago matter. & R dquo ; “我不知道其他地方怎么样,但是我们知道有瘟疫开始在卡萨兰斯流传的时候,差不多就是大半个月前的事情。” Then these plagues from spread with the battlefield of Valkyrie duchy that side? & R dquo ; “那么这些瘟疫是从和瓦尔基里公国的战场那边流传过来的吗?” Zhan En asks again the second issue, before Templar Order gave in their information to suspect that this plague was very likely that side the Valkyrie duchy to disseminate. Because behind lost the contact. The front information is also insufficiently detailed, therefore Zhan En almost cannot obtain any useful thing. 詹恩再次开口询问第二个问题,之前圣堂教团给他们的情报之中就怀疑这场瘟疫很有可能是瓦尔基里公国那边散播的。只不过因为后面失去了联络。前面的情报也是语焉不详,所以詹恩这边几乎得不到什么有用的东西。 This ......... I am not quite clear, Sir. However ......... I thought that this should not be an ordinary plague. & R dquo ; “这个………我不太清楚,大人。不过………我觉得这应该不是一种普通的瘟疫。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow. 听到这里,詹恩挑了下眉头。 What do you mean? & R dquo ; “什么意思?” Is this, before Casalance, has to experience the plague, this time plague most starts indeed looks with several other no distinctions, these will infect the plague person to cough, spit blood, give off heat. Then Death ......... may, but, they were not really die! From the beginning, time everyone from the beginning thinks that they died. However after several days, these are considered the person who died lived unexpectedly, then they will start all that attacks them to see!! No matter person or animal. They as if completely lost the reason, turned into wild animal same existence! & R dquo ; “是这样的,卡萨兰斯以前也不是没有经历过瘟疫,这次的瘟疫最开始的确看起来和其他几次没什么分别,那些感染了瘟疫的人会咳嗽,吐血,发热。然后死亡………可,可是,他们并不是真的死了!一开始,一开始的时候大家认为他们都死了。但是过了几天之后,那些被认为死掉的人居然又重新活了过来,然后他们就会开始袭击他们所看见的一切!!不管是人还是动物。他们仿佛完全丧失了理智,变成了野兽一样的存在!” Does not know that recalled anything. At this point, the Calvin expression starts changes is pale. 不知道是不是回想起了什么。说到这里,卡尔文的表情开始变的铁青起来。 Not only that. Is also infected the plague by the person who these fellows bite similarly, will then die, turns with these fellow same monsters of again ......... & R dquo ; “不仅如此。被那些家伙咬伤的人也同样会被感染瘟疫,然后会死去,再变成和那些家伙一样的怪物………” Wait. & R dquo ; “等等。” Hears here, Nadia actually gawked, then she stares the big eye, cannot believe is looking at Calvin. 听到这里,娜迪亚却是愣了一下,接着她瞪大眼睛,不敢相信的望着卡尔文 „ Isn't some Undead witchcraft? It is not necromancer turns into undead lifeform them? & R dquo ; “这难道不是某种死灵巫术吗?难道不是什么死灵法师把他们变成不死生物的吗?” To be honest, Nadia will have such idea is not strange, because the dissemination plague is one of methods necromancer uses frequently. However they disseminate the plague, because this can in the shortest time most dead, thus is good to collect more corpses to transform undead lifeform. But narration of Calvin subverts the Nadia cognition at present completely, if he said right, then this also means that here plagues and these good-for-nothings, do have no relations with necromancer? 说实话,娜迪亚会有这样的想法并不奇怪,因为散播瘟疫是死灵法师经常用的手段之一。但是他们散播瘟疫,只是因为这样可以在最短的时间内让最多的人死去,从而好收集更多的尸体来转化成不死生物。可是眼前卡尔文的讲述完全颠覆了娜迪亚的认知,如果他说的没错的话,那么这也就意味着这里的瘟疫和那些行尸走肉,和死灵法师没有任何关系? I had not heard actually has what necromancer, moreover these monsters also do not seem like listen to the appearance that anyone directs completely, Sir Paladin. & R dquo ; “我倒是没听说有什么死灵法师,而且这些怪物也完全不像是听什么人指挥的样子,圣骑士大人。” Facing the question of Nadia, Calvin is also respectful answered. 面对娜迪亚的质疑,卡尔文也是毕恭毕敬的做出了回答。 Although, when most starts , some Sir Paladin of coming from far away grasp seemed like the person of evil cult disciple, but to does not let it go finally ......... & R dquo ; “虽然在最开始的时候,也有一些远道而来的圣骑士大人抓了些看起来像是邪教徒的人,但是到最后也不是不了了之………” Knows what they grasp is who? & R dquo ; “知道他们抓的是什么人吗?” Hears here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, later asked. But inquired facing Zhan En's, Calvin pondered diligently, later shakes the head. 听到这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,随后开口询问道。而面对詹恩的询问,卡尔文冥思苦想了一下,随后摇了摇头。 Very sorry, this Sir, I am not very clear. Heard that seems like what Death cult beliver follower ......... & R dquo ; “很抱歉,这位大人,我不是很清楚。听说好像是什么死亡密教的信徒………” Death cult beliver? & R dquo ; 死亡密教?” Facing the reply of Calvin, Zhan En pondered the moment, later shakes the head has not said anything again. But this moment Nadia as if thinks what issue, asks again. 面对卡尔文的回答,詹恩思考了片刻,随后摇了摇头没有再多说什么。而此刻娜迪亚似乎想到了什么问题,再次开口询问道。 „, Did you know Cassandra now? & R dquo ; “那么,你知道卡珊德拉现在怎么样了吗?” Cassandra? & R dquo ; 卡珊德拉?” Heard this name, in the Calvin surface appears immediately the surprised expression. 听到这个名字,卡尔文的面上顿时浮现出了惊讶的表情。 Sir Paladin, do you want to go to Cassandra? I urged you should better to cancel this thought! & R dquo ; 圣骑士大人,你们要去卡珊德拉吗?我劝你们最好打消这个念头!” Why? & R dquo ; “为什么?” Because Cassandra has fallen to the enemy more than ten days ago thoroughly, turned into a dead city! & R dquo ; “因为卡珊德拉早在十多天前就已经彻底沦陷,变成一座死城了啊!” What did you say? & R dquo ; “你说什么?” Hears here, Nadia cannot bear finally again, calls out in alarm makes noise. 听到这里,娜迪亚终于再也忍不住,惊叫出声。 p S: Asked the monthly ticket to be powerful, had been kicked to classify first ten...... t_t( to search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel was better to renew is quicker! ps:求月票给力啊,已经被踢出分类前十了……t_t(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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