DR :: Volume #3

#243: The institute of plague arrival

The bright magic illuminated dim, ice-cold Dungeon brilliance. & pe R p ; Under brilliance shining, can see a small form sitting that concentrates on before the desk, the girl is opening the big eye, sparkles the curious brilliance to gaze at the test tube in hand. She is excessive, the deep purple long hair following acting of girl swinging, is reflecting the magic brilliance that gentle pretty brilliance. Looking into the distance, the entire room is presenting the young girl unique pale and pink tone, seems like does not lose elegantly with the innocence, making people feel that relaxes with lovably. 明亮的魔法光辉照亮了昏暗,冰冷的地下城。⊥在光辉的照耀下,可以看见一个小小的身影正专注的坐在书桌前,女孩睁着大大的眼睛,闪耀着好奇的光辉注视着手中的试管。她偏过头去,深紫色的长发顺着女孩的动作不住摆动,反射着魔法光辉那柔和靓丽的光彩。放眼望去,整个房间都呈现着少女特有的淡白与粉红的色调,看起来不失典雅与童真,让人感觉非常放松和可爱。 Looking into the distance, can see the arrangement in room to be warm and comfortable, in the spacious bedrooms, is putting a soft Princess bed. But in the two sides is the gentle warm tone. The pure white furniture and dressing table place in one side, but can also see the above stack several big little bear rag dolls, how regardless to see, here seems like an aristocrat young lady's fragrant boudoir. But in another side of room, is actually the completely different scenes. 放眼望去,可以看见房间内的布置温馨又舒适,在宽大的卧室中间,放着一张松软的公主床。而在两边则是柔和的暖色调。纯白的家具与梳妆台摆放在一侧,还能够看见上面堆放的几只大大的小熊布偶,无论怎么看,这里都像是一个贵族小姐的香闺。只不过在房间的另外一侧,却是完全不同的景象。 A girl is sitting before chocking up the desks of various types of Alchemy items, is making anything wholly absorbed. She seems like approximately the 13 or 14-year-old appearance, wears a fluffy magnificent pale pink Princess skirt. A pair several points of baby fat small face of seemingly is lovable and pure, a pair is round and bright big eye is seemingly simple-hearted, is glittering the bright brilliance. Only noticeable, appears in girl's sending border gap, two round, like sheep general black corner/horn. But even on this pair of corner, is still tying up a pair of white satin ribbon, instead increased lovable and docility of girl. But in her behind, one careful, the peak was the black tail of triangle extended from below of Princess skirt. With the movement of master, the swing that continuously and is moving. 一个女孩正坐在摆满了各种炼金道具的书桌前,正在专心致志的做些什么。她看起来大约十三四岁的样子,穿着一身蓬松华丽的淡粉色公主裙。一双略带着几分婴儿肥的小脸看起来可爱又纯净,一双又圆又亮的大眼睛看起来天真无邪,闪烁着明亮的光辉。唯一引人注目的,就是在女孩的发际间隙中浮现出来的,两个圆圆的,如同绵羊一般的黑角。而就算是这对犄角上,也绑着一对白色的缎带,反而更加增添了女孩的可爱与温顺。而在她的身后,一只细细的,顶端是三角形的黑色尾巴从公主裙的下面伸了出来。伴随着主人的动作,不住的摇摆和甩动着。 My head has an corner/horn ......... & R dquo ; “我头上有只角………” Puts on the girl of pink Princess skirt at the same time in a low voice snort/hum the song. At the same time in the test tube the hand the liquid that boils is pouring in another beaker, sees only the light green liquid instantaneous ebullition. Shortly after then saw to reappear naked eyes in the pure water hardly obviously , hovering sunspot. 穿着粉红色公主裙的女孩一面低声哼着歌。一面将手中试管里正在沸腾的液体倒在另外一个烧杯之中,只见淡绿的液体瞬间沸腾。没多久便看见在原本纯净的水中浮现出了一个个肉眼几乎不可见的,小小的,正在游动的黑点。 I have the tail behind ......... & R dquo ; “我身后有尾巴………” Looks at this, on girl that lovable face showed the joyful smile, she is singing at the same time, the black tail also starts swinging cannot help but. Then she puts out a hand, to side void one finger/refers. Quick, the ray of principle follows the finger fast congealment formation of girl like this, then changed into one numerous and diverse. In law that in the air surrounds unceasingly. The void mouth splits, thing this that is lending the strange aura departs, as if the athlete falls in the water freely sameplunges into & R dquo ; In beaker. Liquid that boiled instantaneously tranquil, strong dark green flash full entire beaker. In this flash, the aura of entire room as if changes, calculates the gentle air seemed changing into some gloomy and cold vicious beast of prey instantaneously, but is only the flash, restored the original appearance. As if a moment ago the change of that flash, but is the misconception. 看着这一幕,女孩那可爱的面孔上露出了快乐的笑容,她一面唱着歌,身后的黑色尾巴也开始不由自主的摆动。接着她又伸出手去,对着旁边虚空一指。很快,法则的光线就这样顺着女孩的手指飞快凝结成型,接着化为了一个繁杂的。在空中不断环绕的法阵。紧接着虚空之口裂开,一个散发着诡异气息的东西就这样从中飞出,仿佛运动员自由落水一样的“跳入”了烧杯里。紧接着,原本沸腾的液体瞬间平静了下来,浓烈的墨绿色一瞬间充溢了整个烧杯。在这一瞬间,整个房间的气息似乎都为之一变,原本还算平和的空气仿佛在瞬间化为了某种阴冷凶狠的猛兽,但只是一瞬间,又重新恢复了原本的样子。仿佛刚才那一瞬间的变化,只不过是错觉。 No one knows, I have many secrets ............... & R dquo ; “谁也不知道,我有多少秘密……………” Sees this, the smile in girl surface is even more lovable. Her behind tail even straight set upright. Afterward then sees the girl on the edges of such both hands holding down chairs, dedicated is looking steadily at the present beaker, about is swaying the body. In mouth also unceasing snort/hum song. With girl's singing sound, above magic also gradually starts to change the color. From the original bright red transformation for the blue color, transforms as later gloomy and cold quiet purple. 看到这一幕,女孩面上的笑容越发可爱。她身后的尾巴甚至都直直的竖了起来。随后便看见女孩就这样双手按住椅子的边缘,一面专注的盯视着眼前的烧杯,一面左右摇晃着身体。口中还不断的哼着歌。伴随着女孩的唱歌声,上方的魔法阵也逐渐开始改变颜色。从原本的鲜红转化为青蓝的色彩,随后又转化为阴冷的幽紫。 I am small Princess. Small Princess, I have many small secrets, the small secret ......... did not tell you, did not tell you ......... not to tell you ......... & R dquo ; “我是一个小公主。小公主,我有很多小秘密,小秘密………就不告诉你,就不告诉你………就不告诉你………” With the girl like the lark bird singing sound, in the beaker the dark green color abates clearly slowly, restored the original purity, looks has no difference from the ordinary water. Even before , these are also missing in sunspot disappearance that in the water waves, but looks at this, the smile in girl surface even more is instead bright. She even puts out a hand, snort/hum song is striking the edge of beaker gently, probably is beating time to oneself. 伴随着女孩清脆如同百灵鸟儿般的歌唱声,烧杯之中墨绿的色彩缓缓消退,重新恢复了原本的纯净,看起来就和普通的水没有任何区别。甚至就连之前那些在水中舞动的黑点儿也消失不见了踪影,不过看着这一幕,女孩面上的笑容反而越发灿烂起来。她甚至伸出手去,一面哼着歌一面轻轻敲打着烧杯的边缘,像是在给自己打拍子似的。 But at this time ............ 而就在这个时候………… Your Highness Princess. & R dquo ; 公主殿下。” With a somewhat ice-cold sound, sees only to fly almost to have small Fairy of palm size from out of the door. She seems like in the small female celestial with folklore to be similar, wears an unpadded garment of thin as cicada wing, has one pair transparently, probably butterfly wing. But always has the friendly smile small female celestial to compare with these legends, present small Fairy actually complexion seriously ice-cold, seems like an aloofing imposing manner. 伴随着一个有些冰冷的声音,只见从门外飞进来一个差不多有手掌大小的小妖精。她看起来和民间传说之中的小仙女差不多,穿着一件薄如蝉翼的单衣,身后有着一对透明的,好像蝴蝶般的翅膀。只不过和那些传说之中总是带着友善笑容的小仙女比起来,眼前的这个小妖精倒是面色严肃又冰冷,看起来一副拒人于千里之外的气势。 „, What matter has? Barbara? & R dquo ; “啊,有什么事吗?芭芭拉?” Hears the small Fairy sound, the girl has turned the head, about is rocking the body, the curious opens the mouth inquiry said. 听见小妖精的声音,女孩转过头去,一面左右晃动着身体,一面好奇的开口询问道。 Is this, Your Highness Princess, I sent people to conduct to settle to the storage room a moment ago, discovered that the t experiment medicament was short of one ......... & R dquo ; “是这样的,公主殿下,刚才我派人对储藏室进行了清点,发现t型试验药剂少了一份………” That ......... & R dquo ; “那个啊………” Hears the report of small Fairy, the girl transferred that round big eye, showed the playful smile. 听到小妖精的报告,女孩转了转那双圆圆的大眼睛,露出了俏皮的笑容。 I saw somebody off. & R dquo ; “我送人了。” Saw somebody off? & R dquo ; “送人了?” Un, some people said that must use, therefore I delivered, in any case was failure, remains also uselessly, happen to be used to do the experiment, had a look at also the place that had something to improve ......... & R dquo ; Is saying, girl has turned the head to stare at the present beaker again. „ ......... These time certainly will be better than before, like, t that the Elder Brother said really misses, must look at the g might. & R dquo ; “嗯,有人说要用,所以我就送出去了,反正是失败品,留着也没什么用,正好可以用来做做实验,看看还有什么可以改进的地方………”一面说着,女孩一面再次转过头去盯着眼前的烧杯。“………这一次一定会比之前更好的,就像哥哥所说的,t型果然还是差了一些,还是要看g型的威力啊。” But at the same time, seems responding to girl's speech, was transparent, in the limpid, tranquil beaker, gradually started to have the brand-new change ............... 而就在与此同时,仿佛是在回应着女孩的说话般,原本透明,清澈,平静的烧杯之中,逐渐开始产生了全新的变化…………… ............!!! & R dquo ; “嘎啊…………!!!” Incisive neighing sound reverberation in nighttime sky, but hears this sound, Calvin only feels scalp tingles. He has turned the head, sees only in the curtain of night, a big piece jet black threw toward oneself like the dark cloud thing straightly. He knows certainly that is anything, how he also saw these unfortunate unlucky eggs dead. He is certain, if oneself by this piecedark cloud & R dquo ; Surrounding words, then only has the dead end!! 尖锐的嘶叫声回荡在夜空之中,而听到这个声音,卡尔文只觉得头皮发麻。他转过头去,只见在夜幕之中,一大片漆黑的如同乌云般的东西向着自己笔直的扑了下来。他当然知道那是什么,他也见过那些不幸的倒霉蛋是怎么死掉的。他可以肯定,如果自己被这片“乌云”包围的话,那么就只有死路一条!! Must leave here!! Escapes a bit faster!! 必须要离开这里!!快点儿逃!! Thinks of here, this thin and small boy does not know the strength where whole body comes, turned over/stood up to jump from the ground, then his crazy ran forward. But in the alley in his behind not far away, another two people are the gaze that the atmosphere does not dare to breathe this, they do not know that Calvin can escape hunts of these fearful monsters, but now, they except for helplessly looks, did not have other means!! 想到这里,这个瘦小的男孩不知道全身上下哪里来的力气,一个翻身从地面上跳了起来,接着他疯狂的向前跑去。而在他的身后不远处的小巷里,另外两个人则是大气也不敢喘的注视着这一幕,他们不知道卡尔文能不能逃开这些可怕怪物的追捕,但是现在,他们除了眼睁睁的看着,也没有别的办法了!! The dark cloud howls under. 乌云呼啸而下。 The sixth sense of human among life and death has an effect in this moment, although without turning head, but Calvin still seems like back has the eye to be the same, that while that dark clouds throw, he rolls immediately forward, avoided that piecedark cloud & R dquo ; Attack. But the darkness of that creeping motion is almost and he scrapes past, after cannot hit flies the sky, then transferred, was screaming throws again downward. 人类在生死之间的第六感在这一刻起了作用,虽然没有回头,但是卡尔文依然像是背后有眼睛一样,就在那片乌云扑下的同时,他立刻就地向前一滚,躲开了那片“乌云”的袭击。而那一片蠕动的黑暗几乎是和他擦身而过,在一击不中之后重新飞上天空,接着转了一圈,尖叫着再次向下扑去。 Ha...... ......... & R dquo ; “哈啊……哈啊………” However this time Calvin had been too tired to move any further, although a moment ago he avoided the attack of opposite party, but actually hits on nearby wall, he at this moment had entered the wall dead angle, has no place to go radically. But now, this unlucky child can do only, only then sticks to the corner, the big mouth is panting for breath, stares the big eyes, panic-stricken is looking at that piece again to the dark cloud that oneself throw, this time, his in the depths of ones heart filled ......... Calvin almost to imagine that desperately following will turn into what appearance, he will be swallowed, tears into shreds, then changed into covered with blood in the blood-curdling screech sound the corpse. Thinks of here, the Calvin closing eye, lowers the head, tight is holding own body, is waiting for finally, arrival of Death. 但是这个时候的卡尔文已经跑不动了,刚才他虽然躲开了对方的袭击,但是却一头撞在旁边的墙壁上,此刻的他已经进入了墙壁的死角,根本无处可逃。而现在,这个倒霉孩子唯一能够做的,就只有紧贴在墙角,一面大口喘息着,一面瞪大双眼,惊恐的望着那片再次向自己扑来的乌云,这一次,他的内心深处充满了绝望………卡尔文几乎可以想象到接下来自己会变成什么样子,他会被吞噬,撕碎,然后在惨叫声中化为血肉模糊的尸体。想到这里,卡尔文不由的闭上眼睛,低下头去,紧紧的抱着自己的身体,等待着最后的,死亡的降临。 He has not seen, at this time, weak bright red glittered together brilliance suddenly several, then formed a frail safety mask, covered on this child's body. 他并没有看见,就在这个时候,一道微弱的鲜红色光辉忽然闪烁了几下,接着形成了一面单薄的防护罩,笼罩在了这个孩子的身上。 next moment, these jet blackdark cloud & R dquo ; Like this hit on the safety mask. 下一刻,那些漆黑的“乌云”就这样撞击在了防护罩上。 The flame erupts. 火焰爆发而出。 The bright red sparking flame flash tumbles is erupting from the safety mask, these shadows swallows like the big mouth that a fierce giant beast opens thoroughly. The flame of contamination shoots up to the sky, lit the trim dark cloud like the river water flash of spread. Before that sharp neighing sound changed into sad and shrill blood-curdling screech in this moment, when the Calvin surprised opening eye looked toward the front, he saw, only then thesedark cloud & R dquo ; Was fired the hard coke the corpse. 鲜红闪亮的火焰一瞬间翻滚着从防护罩上爆发,如同一只凶猛巨兽张开的血盆大口将那些黑影彻底吞噬。沾染的火焰冲天而起,如同蔓延的河水般一瞬间点燃了整片乌云。之前那尖锐的嘶叫声在这一刻化为了凄厉的惨叫,当卡尔文惊讶的睁开眼睛向着前方望去时,他所看见的,只有那些“乌云”被烧成焦炭的尸体。 This, this is ............... & R dquo ; “这,这是……………” Calvin surprised stares the big eye, looks at these to brave the black smoke the corpse, can see from these incomplete limbs, thesedark cloud & R dquo ; The main body is crows. But compared with other crows, their build is bigger . Moreover the appearance is more fearful, but ......... is reappeared now actually the fragrance of several points of barbecue by a fire fever. 卡尔文惊讶的瞪大眼睛,望着那些冒着黑烟的尸体,从那些残缺不全的肢体可以看出,这些“乌云”的本体就是一只只乌鸦。只不过与其他的乌鸦相比,它们的体型更大,而且长相更加可怕,不过现在被火一烧………倒是浮现出了几分烤肉的香味。 Actually this is ............... 这究竟是…………… Also without and other Calvin responded, a sound resounds from his ear. 还没有等卡尔文反应过来,一个声音就从他的耳边响起。 I have never thought that , some people ran all over the place outside late unexpectedly, did no one tell you to go out in the evening is a very dangerous matter? & R dquo ; “真没有想到,这么晚了,居然还有人在外面乱跑,难道没人告诉你晚上出门是件很危险的事情吗?” Hears this sound, Calvin surprised raising the head looks to side, sees only not far away before his body, is standing four person's shadows, but stands in forefront Zhan En, the both hands bosom, has several points of facetious smile, is looking at present this boy in an extremely difficult situation. But sees the appearance of Zhan En and others, the eye of Calvin is actually immediately one bright, he cannot even attend to nearby these fearful burn, side rushing Zhan En's that tumbles directly, then knelt. 听到这个声音,卡尔文惊讶的抬起头望向旁边,只见在他身前不远处,正站着四个人影,而站在最前面的詹恩,正双手怀抱,带着几分戏谑的笑容,望着眼前这个狼狈不堪的小子。而看见詹恩等人的出现,卡尔文的眼睛却是顿时一亮,他甚至顾不得旁边这些可怕的烧焦物,直接连滚带爬的冲到詹恩的身边,接着跪了下去。 Asked you, several Sirs, asking you to rescue Quint!! & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “求求你们,几位大人,求求你们救救昆特!!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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