DR :: Volume #3

#242: The place of living corpse

It seems like we encountered very big problem. ¢ £ & R dquo ; “看来我们遇到了很大的麻烦。¢£” Looks at this oddly shaped monster, Zhan En is shrugging the shoulders at present. However facing present, Enoya and Elise is not serious like Zhan En and earnest, on the contrary, they use to mix with several points of interesting look to gaze at oneself master & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This also no wonder, red seal on Zhan En cheek was really extremely bright. 望着眼前这个形状古怪的怪物,詹恩耸耸肩膀。不过面对眼前的这一幕,埃诺娅伊丽丝却并不像詹恩那么严肃和认真,相反,她们用夹杂着几分有趣的眼神注视自己的主人———这也难怪,詹恩面颊上的红印实在是太过鲜明了。 In fact when Zhan En and others to/clashes, Nadia was also as if scared, when she is staring at the Zhan En's time, this remembers the present almost not to obstruct the body to have no difference from the clothes, therefore along with a grating squeal palm of the hand on such numerous flinging in the Zhan En's surface ........., naturally, Zhan En of unscrupulous appreciation Nadia body is not completely innocently and that's the end. 事实上就在詹恩等人冲进来的时候,娜迪亚似乎也是吓呆了,但是当她盯着詹恩的时候,这才想起自己眼下几乎和衣不遮体没有任何区别,于是伴随着刺耳的尖叫声一个巴掌就这样重重的甩在了詹恩的面上………嗯,当然,肆无忌惮的欣赏娜迪亚躯体的詹恩也并非是完全无辜就是了。 However regarding Enoya and Elise vision, Zhan En but actually appears calmly, he even also has the leisure puts out a hand to stroke the place that was hit to swell, later showed the smile to two people. 不过对于埃诺娅伊丽丝的目光,詹恩倒显得若无其事,他甚至还颇有闲暇的伸出手去抚摸了一下被打肿的地方,随后冲着两人露出了笑容。 Is only a little small accident/surprise, no. & R dquo ; “只是一点儿小小的意外而已,没什么的。” Not, very sorry, Mr. Zhan En ............ & R dquo ; “非,非常抱歉,詹恩先生…………” At this moment well-dressed Nadia has also been blushing to lower the head bashfully to Zhan En apologizes, to be honest, that also made Nadia receive suitable frightening, long she was seen oneself body by the male greatly for the first time, although is not considered as that naked **, but regarding Nadia, could not have missed many. Therefore she met after seeing Zhan En the subconsciousness gave the opposite party a palm of the hand, at this moment recalled, Nadia even felt somewhat blushed ......... 此刻已经穿戴整齐的娜迪亚也是羞红着脸低头向詹恩道歉,说实话,刚才的那一幕也让娜迪亚受到了相当的惊吓,长这么大她还是第一次被男性看见自己的身体,虽然不算是赤身**,但是对于娜迪亚来说,也已经差不了多少了。所以她才会是在看见詹恩之后下意识的给了对方一巴掌,此刻回想起来,娜迪亚甚至感觉有些脸红……… No, no, Miss Nadia. This is only a small accident/surprise, you do not need to care. & R dquo ; “不,没什么,娜迪亚小姐。这只是一个小小的意外,你无需放在心上。” Compared to Nadia. Zhan En actually seems quite calm, even is with smile on the face to hint Nadia not to need for this reason anxious & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; If not die on his cheek that to appear somewhat inflamed close to to be in charge slightly. Zhan En at this moment even can say calculates on was the elegant bearing. 相对于娜迪亚来说。詹恩倒是显得相当冷静,甚至还面带微笑示意娜迪亚不需要为此紧张———如果不死他面颊上那个微微显得有些红肿的巴掌印。此刻的詹恩甚至可以说算的上是风度翩翩了。 Good, I think that we indeed need to solve some more important problem ......... & R dquo ; “好的,我想我们的确是需要解决一些更加重要的问题………” Nadia also seems to think at this moment somewhat shamefacedly, therefore she quickly changed the topic stiffly, although her way is very shoddy, meaning that since the people on the scene have not seen through, then naturally also has no issue, indeed has a more important issue to need them to process let alone at present. 娜迪亚此刻似乎也觉得有些羞愧,所以她急忙生硬的改变了话题,虽然她的方式很拙劣,不过既然在场的众人都没有拆穿的意思,那么自然也就没什么问题,更何况眼下的确有更加重要的问题需要他们处理。 Actually is this what? & R dquo ; “这究竟是什么?” Looks at the matter of monster, Nadia has the tone that is not daring to believe to say at present. 望着眼前怪物的事情,娜迪亚带着不敢置信的口气开口说道。 It seems like probably a devil, in fact I think that this is a devil. But why I could not detect that completely its existence, is now, I cannot feel on its body to have the tiny bit evil and dark aura ............... & R dquo ; “它看起来就好像一个魔鬼,事实上我认为这就是一个魔鬼。可是为什么我完全察觉不到它的存在,就是现在,我也感觉不到它身体上有一丝一毫邪恶与黑暗的气息……………” Also Nadia will have doubts no wonder, at present this monster looks no matter how seems like these devil who runs from the dark nightmare, but the issue is, it seems like that the devil. In addition does not have any represents it truly is a devil, for example it has not triggered Nadia counter- evil law, had not been purified by the Holy flame thoroughly, has not changed into what contamination the thing to pollute the surrounding all. Peaceful lying down there & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; It seems like seems like one ordinary, the dead lifeform was the same. 也难怪娜迪亚会如此疑惑,眼前这个怪物不管怎么看都像是那些从黑暗噩梦之中跑出来的魔鬼,可问题在于,它只是看起来像魔鬼而已。除此之外没有任何一处真正代表它是魔鬼,比如它没有触发娜迪亚的反邪恶法阵,也没有被神圣火焰彻底净化,更没有化为什么污秽的东西来污染周围的一切。只是安静的躺倒在那里———看起来就好像是一个普通的,已经死去的生物一样。 What if here but is actually a dog or other anything lifeform, then this also is actually very normal. When lead changes into a whole body not to have the skin, seems like makes people think when monster that the nausea feels sick. That was a different matter. 如果这里倒着的是一只狗或者其他什么生物的话,那么这一幕其实也很正常。但是当这其中的主角换成一个全身没皮,看起来就让人觉得恶心又作呕的怪物时。那就是另外一回事了。 „ The answer of this issue is very simple, since your Saint strength has not affected, moreover this fellow has not imagined like you destroys. Then explained that it is not that thing that you imagine. & R dquo ; “这个问题的答案很简单,既然你的圣力没有作用,而且这家伙也没有像你想象的那样毁灭。那么就说明它不是你所想象的那种东西。” Said here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. 说道这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜。 Clearly. This should be a lifeform, living. It seems like the wild dog on street, or crow one thing in forest. & R dquo ; “很明显。这应该是一个生物,活生生的。就好像街上的野狗,或者森林之中的乌鸦一样的东西。” But ......... this ......... & R dquo ; “可是………这………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Nadia obviously frowns the plan to say anything, her words have not said, beckoned with the hand to break by Zhan En. 听到詹恩的回答,娜迪亚明显皱起眉头打算说些什么,不过她的话还没有说完,就被詹恩摆手打断。 Never must judge people solely on appearance, Miss Nadia. Does not want, because it does not conform to your aesthetic standard impatiently on infiltrates the evil camp it, you looked, in this world many lifeform are very long are disgusting, for example spider, for example scorpion, for example poisonous snake. Even so, you can think they are evil? What your did broken cut to one because of attacking oneself child evilly started the retaliation to throw to the beast of prey of hunter displays to affect? I acknowledged this gadget is long disgusting a little, since your Holy Light had not detected that its existence, the fire of Holy also has no function to it, then we weren't can only this conclusion? Evil, what is evil? Also is who defines the just and evil between the difference? & R dquo ; “永远不要以貌取人,娜迪亚小姐。不要因为它不符合你的审美观就迫不及待的将其打入邪恶的阵营,你看,这世界上很多生物长得都很恶心,比如蜘蛛,比如蝎子,比如毒蛇。但即便如此,你能够认为它们是邪恶的吗?你的破邪斩能够对一个因为袭击了自己孩子而发动报复扑到猎人的猛兽发挥什么作用?我承认这玩意儿是长的恶心了一点儿,但是既然你的圣光没有察觉到它的存在,神圣之火对它也没有什么作用,那么我们不是只能够得到这个结论了吗?邪恶,什么是邪恶?又是谁来定义正义与邪恶之间的区别的?” I ............... & R dquo ; “我……………” Listens to the Zhan En's lengthy speech, Nadia not to know suddenly on the contrary said anything was good, her dull there, then sighed a moment later lightly. 听着詹恩的长篇大论,娜迪亚一时间反倒不知道说什么才好了,她呆呆的愣在那里,片刻之后这才轻叹了口气。 I do not know that ......... Mr. Zhan En, I thinks in fact ......... I do not know ............... & R dquo ; “我不知道………詹恩先生,事实上我想………我也不知道……………” I don't know either, Miss Nadia, actually actually our not clear here what happened, these monsters are what things, but ............... & R dquo ; Said here, Zhan En stopped suddenly, then he has turned the head, looked to out of the window. „ ......... We can ask that actually others here had anything. & R dquo ; “我也不知道,娜迪亚小姐,其实我们都不清楚这里究竟发生了什么事,这些怪物又是什么东西,不过……………”说道这里,詹恩忽然停顿了一下,接着他转过头去,望向窗外。“………我们可以去问问别人这里究竟发生了什么。” The foothold under curtain of night, as before is a silence. 夜幕下的据点,依旧是一片寂静。 A thin and small form softly touched from the darkness of alley, pokes head, looks around toward all around, then he has turned around, to rear area is gesturing. Quick, two are supporting by the arm mutually the thin and small form appears from behind. They arrive at the side of first person, surprised toward looks at present. 一个瘦小的身影轻手轻脚的从小巷的黑暗之中摸了出来,探出头去,向着四周张望,接着他转过身,对着后方打了个手势。很快,又有两个互相搀扶着的瘦小身影从后面出现。他们来到第一个人的身边,惊讶的向着眼前望去。 The place that „ here is did you say that explodes? Calvin? & R dquo ; “这里就是你说的发生爆炸的地方吗?卡尔文?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Hears companion's inquiry, the boy named Calvin nods, he stares the big eye to gaze is rumbled at present thoroughly to become dregs the ruins, two eyes are sparkling. 听到同伴的询问,名叫卡尔文的男孩点了点头,他瞪大眼睛注视着眼前已经被彻底轰成渣的废墟,两只眼睛闪闪发光。 I saw during the daytime, the innumerable thunder thunder, rumbled the fragment the entire market area! That is not the nature formation! I think that certainly is the magic! The strength of magic! Therefore I want definitely some people to come here, moreover killed these fearful lunatics! & R dquo ; “我白天就看见了,无数的雷霆轰鸣而下,把整个市场区都轰成了碎片!那不是自然形成的!我想那一定是魔法!魔法的力量!所以我想肯定有人来到这里,而且杀死了那些可怕的疯子!” But they might also be killed. & R dquo ; “但是他们也有可能被杀死了。” However the Calvin companion as if not approve his speech, he frowns, is looking at the present boy. 不过卡尔文的同伴似乎并不认同他的说话,他皱起眉头,望着眼前的男孩。 These lunatics have are fearful you and I are know that here defense army are not their opponents, do these outsiders possibly live? & R dquo ; “那些疯子有多可怕你和我都是知道的,连这里的守备军都不是他们的对手,那些外来人又怎么可能活下来?” Fool! They are only the average people, but these people are very possible are mage, mage do you understand? & R dquo ; “笨蛋!他们只是普通人,而这些人很可能是法师,法师你明白吗?” Although refuted itself to be very dissatisfied regarding behind companion unexpectedly, but the boy lowered the sound, excited gave the hand signal to refute companion's speech. 虽然对于身后的同伴居然反驳自己感到很不满,但是男孩还是压低声音,激动的做着手势反驳着自己同伴的说话。 mage is very fierce, they wave to destroy the entire city, I heard that they even can make the sky open a large cave/hole, making is burning innumerably the stone crash from above, then makes the entire city change into a sea of fire. I think that here also has certainly powerful and fearful mage, he is very definitely fierce, these lunatics and monsters cannot harm him! & R dquo ; 法师可是很厉害的,他们挥一挥手就能够毁灭整座城市,我听说他们甚至能够让天空开个大洞,让无数燃烧着的石头从上面坠落,然后让整座城市化为一片火海。我想这里一定也有个强大又可怕的法师,他肯定很厉害,那些疯子和怪物根本伤害不到他!” Ok, even if you said right. „ “好了,就算你说的对吧。“ Facing the rebuttal of Calvin, his behind companion apparently is not in no mood to haggle over with him in this issue. 面对卡尔文的反驳,他身后的同伴显然没心情在这种问题上和他计较。 We best quick a little, do not forget that our time returns to here secretly smooth is seeks for the medicament! Quint is having a fever, he soon could not insist! No matter here whether really also people, at least these monsters seem like disappear, we best take advantage that this opportunity many with some supplies, then leaves this damned place!! & R dquo ; “不过我们最好快一点儿,你别忘记我们这次偷偷溜回这里是来寻找药剂的!昆特正在发烧,他快要坚持不住了!不管这里是否真的还有人,至少那些怪物看起来都不见了,我们最好趁这个机会多拿一些补给,然后离开这个鬼地方!!” The gravity of Calvin obviously also very clear issue, therefore he did not have to say anything, but wear a look of anxious is looking by on another petite form in own companion body. He seems like the complexion flushed, the breathing rapidly, the whole person is shivering slightly. The eye that partly opens is also glittering the confused and void look, clearly, this absolutely is not the healthy symbol. 卡尔文显然也很清楚问题的严重性,所以他没有多说什么,只是面带忧虑的望着靠在自己同伴身体上的另外一个娇小身影。他看起来面色潮红,呼吸急促,整个人正在微微颤抖。就连半睁的眼睛也是闪烁着迷茫与空虚的神色,很明显,这绝对不是健康的标志。 Good, I knew, you are waiting here! & R dquo ; “好的,我知道了,你们在这里等着!” Looks at the companion who fell ill again, Calvin clenches teeth, then he made a deep breath, this pokes head, looks around toward the two sides. After confirming the surrounding shadow does not have any danger, he then softly walked from the alley, then walks toward another side following the spacious street, all the way, Calvin cautious is looking steadily at the two sides. For fear that jumps out one crowd is calling out the fearful lunatic to throw suddenly to oneself in the darkness. However what is lucky, in the shadow anything does not have, an entire foothold deathly stillness, what sound cannot hear. 再次看了一眼自己生病的同伴,卡尔文咬了咬牙,接着他做了一次深呼吸,这才探出头去,向着两边张望。在确认周围的阴影之中没有任何危险之后,他这才轻手轻脚的从小巷里走了出来,然后顺着空旷的街道向着另外一侧走去,一路上,卡尔文都小心翼翼的盯视着两边。生怕在黑暗之中忽然窜出一群嚎叫着的可怕疯子向自己扑来。不过幸运的是,阴影里什么都没有,整个据点一片死寂,什么声音都听不见。 It seems like these fearful fellows had been really killed. 看来那些可怕的家伙真的已经被干掉了。 Thinks of here, Calvin raising the head, looks at the house that is turning on a light to the distant place only, he is certain, these outcomers live there absolutely. This makes Calvin somewhat hesitant, does not know that should ask the opposite party to help. After all, these people, since dares to come to here, then certain strength excels. But will they respond themselves? He is only a young beggar, absolutely does not have the qualifications to go to and these great people climbs up anything to relate! 想到这里,卡尔文不由的抬起头,望向远处唯一亮着灯的房屋,他可以肯定,那些外来者绝对住在那里。这让卡尔文有些犹豫,不知道是不是应该去找对方帮忙。毕竟,这些人既然敢来这里,那么一定实力高强。可是他们会搭理自己吗?他只是一个小乞丐,根本就没资格去和那些大人物攀上什么关系啊! Thinks of here, Calvin being distracted somewhat, this makes him that not pay attention regarding the surrounding situation. Sees only takes back the vision in him the flash, saw only his foot to step on a beverage bottle of tumbling, next moment, Calvin on thisplop & R dquo ; Falls down, his beverage bottle was also pedalled, later& R dquo ; Collision on the wall, pounded a smashing. 想到这里,卡尔文不由的有些走神,这让他对于周围的情况不那么注意。只见就在他收回目光的一瞬间,只见他的脚不由踩在了一个翻滚的酒瓶上,下一刻,卡尔文就这样“噗通”一声摔倒在地,紧接着他脚下那个酒瓶也被蹬了出去,随后“啪”的撞在墙壁上,砸了个粉碎。 Was finished!!! 完蛋了!!! Hears this clear shatter sound, a heart of Calvin only to fall the valley, but almost seems like responding to his unclear premonition, a hoarse sad and shrill scream, erupts from the nighttime sky immediately , sees only several shadow this to emerge out of thin air probably general, flies to shoot from the darkness of curtain of night, threw toward the present prey!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 听见这清脆的破碎声,卡尔文的一颗心只落谷底,而几乎就好像是在回应他那不详的预感般,一声嘶哑凄厉的尖叫,顿时从夜空之上爆发而出,紧接着,只见数道黑影就这样好像凭空出现一般,从夜幕的黑暗之中飞射而下,向着眼前的猎物扑了过去!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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