DR :: Volume #3

#241: Death state

At nightfall. & cu R R en ; 入夜。¤ In entire foothold a quiet piece, even the wind sound/rumor cannot hear. Zhan En sits on a chair slantingly, frowns, is looking steadily at the present corpse. 整个据点里静悄悄的一片,甚至连风声都听不见。詹恩斜坐在一把椅子上,皱起眉头,盯视着眼前的尸体。 After that the people found also calculated complete house situated in foothold edge one as the temporary shelter. The owner in this house obviously also and other person equally thorough being finished extraordinarily good luck, the lucky house was complete, therefore after releasing several magic seals these gaps and were used to stand guard, Zhan En then convened Enoya and Elise, starts to study the present corpse well. 在那之后,众人找到了位于据点边缘一栋还算完好的房屋作为临时的栖身之所。这座房子的主人显然也和其他人一样彻底完蛋大吉,不过幸运的房屋本身还算完好,于是在释放了几个魔法封印了那些缺口和用来警戒之后,詹恩便召集埃诺娅伊丽丝,开始好好研究一下眼前的这具尸体。 Nadia has not been involved, in fact after arriving here, she closes oneself in the room has been approaching oneself gods pray. Regarding this Zhan En does not pay attention from the start, only then looks like Nadia this newly emerged Paladin because this broken matter wavered in own belief. In fact gods' belief is very pure, but human will differentiate good and evil is own benefit causes trouble completely. For example Zhan En can believe firmly that a Eye of truth church doctrine has not forbidden Paladin to kill human, especially these to the person who they create the danger. If the opposite party is one group of gangsters who brandish the sword, then Nadia will be flustered anxious? 娜迪亚并没有参与其中,事实上在来到这里之后,她就把自己关在房间里一直在向自己的神明祈祷。对此詹恩压根不予理会,只有像娜迪亚这种初出茅庐的圣骑士才会因为这点儿破事就动摇了自己的信仰。事实上神明的信仰都是非常纯粹的,而人类之所以会区分其中的善与恶完全是自己的利益作祟。比如詹恩可以确信真实之眼教会没有一条教义禁止圣骑士去杀害人类,特别是那些会对他们造成生命危险的人。如果对方是一群挥舞刀剑的匪徒,那么娜迪亚还会如此慌张不安吗? Really scoundrel logic. 真是混账逻辑。 Thinks of here, Zhan En curls the lip. The murder kills people, no matter kills the good person or the unprincipled people are same, these shoots dead the police of fleeing criminal to accept the counseling in own time personally same as the consultation, what even if they kill the ten times is guilty of the most heinous crime should resurrect to kill fellows unpardonably wicked continuously is also same. Any mature Paladin knows should how , to protect in the situation of belief to make some concessions, rather than looks like Nadia this one-track mind to arrive black. 想到这里,詹恩撇了撇嘴。杀人就是杀人,不管是杀好人还是坏人都是一样,在自己的时代里那些亲手开枪击毙逃犯的警察一样要接受心理辅导和咨询,哪怕他们杀的是罪大恶极十恶不赦应该连续复活杀上十次的家伙也是一样。任何一个成熟的圣骑士都知道该在如何守护信仰的情况下做出一些让步,而不是像娜迪亚这个死脑筋一眼一条道儿走到黑。 Ok, in any case unlucky is also she. 算了,反正倒霉的也是她。 Unstated criticism in heart. Zhan En has not said anything, falling into error Paladin is easier to manipulate. Also is easier to operate and degenerate. Now makes her bore tip of cows horn, they have a more important matter to do. 在心中腹诽了一下。詹恩并没有多说什么,一个误入歧途的圣骑士更容易摆弄。也更容易操纵和堕落。现在就让她一个人去钻牛角尖吧,他们还有更重要的事情要做。 How do you see? & R dquo ; “你们怎么看?” Is looking at the present corpse. Zhan En has turned the head to look to Enoya and Elise, two people frown, looked steadily at that corpse moment carefully, later Enoya first shakes the head, she puts out a hand, aimed at the present corpse to give a hand signal, seemed like inducing anything to resemble, then Enoya took back the right hand, in the eye flashes through strange luminous. 望着眼前的尸体。詹恩转过头去望向身边的埃诺娅伊丽丝,两人都皱起眉头,仔细的盯视了那具尸体片刻,随后埃诺娅首先摇了摇头,她伸出手去,对准眼前的尸体做了一个手势,似乎是在感应什么似的,接着埃诺娅收回右手,眼中闪过一丝怪异的光亮。 Really strange. The masters, I can feel the soul strength that in the corpse contains, this and my approach is completely different. & R dquo ; “真奇怪。主人,我可以感受到尸体之中蕴含的魂力,这和我的做法完全不同。” Enoya Death army Awakens the dead remains in the bodysoul & R dquo ;, Actuates the body to conduct the way of attack through this strength. But this way most obvious special characteristics are once were eliminated, is unable to summon again. Because the soul strength also has its limit infinitely rather, if were destroyed, then along with disappearance of soul strength, the entire body will turn into a thorough carbohydrate, could not have any relations with the life again. 埃诺娅的【死亡大军】是唤醒死者残留在身体之中的“魂”,通过这股力量来驱动身体进行攻击的方式。但这种方式最明显的特质就是一旦被消灭,那么就无法再次召唤。因为魂力也是有其极限而非无限的,如果遭到破坏的话,那么伴随着魂力的消失,整个身体就会变成一具彻底的碳水化合物,和生命再也扯不上任何关系了。 If this footholdmourning corpse & R dquo ; With the words that the Enoya similar means make. Then Enoya absolutely does not have the means to feel the soul strength from their bodies of Death again. However now seems like, these undead lifeform should be Enoya manufacture different & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; However in addition, can other means make them act like the living person? 所以如果这个据点的“丧尸”是用与埃诺娅同样的办法制造出来的话。那么埃诺娅是绝对没办法从再次死亡的它们身体上感受到魂力的。但是现在看起来,这些不死生物应该是和埃诺娅制造的不同———但是除此之外,还有别的办法能够让它们像活人一样行动吗? They have not actually died, but has been living. But was insane? & R dquo ; “难道它们其实没死,而是一直活着。只不过疯了?” Elise the idea actually some truth, from the technique content, turn into the lunatic is not actually difficult the magic angle one group of people after all. However Zhan En does not think this is a right key. Intelligent confused crazy could understand, but after being reduced half of bodies, indomitable continued to initiate attacks this looks does not seem like the matter that a pure lunatic can accomplish. 伊丽丝的这个想法倒是有些道理,毕竟从技术含量上来说,把一群人变成疯子在魔法角度而言其实也没有多么困难。但是詹恩可不认为这是一个正确答案。神智错乱的疯狂或许能够理解,但是被砍掉一半身子之后还不屈不挠的继续发起进攻这看起来就不太像是一个单纯的疯子能够办到的事情了。 Actually however Zhan En cannot reach an agreement this is anything. Actually the actions of these undead lifeform also stem from his unexpected. Because people raised undead lifeform generally, the first response was in the brain these slow-moving. However the strength does not dread the Death monster powerful. undead lifeform that even if Enoya summoned was still same, when attacked City of Gold, Zhan En will treat as the ambush army to cope with outside these reinforcements them. If undead lifeform of Enoya operation had agile that Zhan En to take them to treat as hand/subordinate to attack the army to play the lightning war like this in the western wilderness. 不过就连詹恩也说不好这究竟是什么。其实这些不死生物的行动也蛮出乎他的意料之外的。因为一般人们提起不死生物,第一反应就是脑中那些行动缓慢。但是力量强大不畏惧死亡的怪物。就算是埃诺娅召唤出来的不死生物也是一样,所以在进攻黄金之城的时候,詹恩才会把它们当做埋伏部队来对付外面那些援军。如果埃诺娅手下操纵的不死生物有这样的敏捷那詹恩早就拿它们当做突击大军在西部荒野玩闪击战了。 Actually then this is what thing ............? 那么这究竟是什么东西…………嗯? Thinks of here, Zhan En gawked, where he remembers himself as if to see similar thing suddenly ............ don't tell me ............... wait/etc. ......... 想到这里,詹恩愣了一下,他忽然想起自己似乎在什么地方看见过类似的东西…………难道说……………等等……… Thinks that this possibility, the Zhan En's complexion sank immediately. 想到这个可能性,詹恩的面色顿时沉了下来。 Cannot ......... 不会吧……… What's wrong? Masters? & R dquo ; “怎么了?主人?” Sees the Zhan En expression to change, Enoya selected under the brow, asks. But heard the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En smiled bitterly reluctantly. 看见詹恩表情有所变化,埃诺娅挑了下眉头,开口询问道。而听到埃诺娅的询问,詹恩则是无奈的苦笑了一下。 Without guessing wrong, I think, I have generally known this matter is who does ......... Enoya, you still remember before me, gives these stories that Cutie told? & R dquo ; “如果没猜错的话,我想,我大致已经知道这件事是谁干的了………埃诺娅,你还记得我以前给小可爱们讲的那些故事吗?” Your meaning is ............ & R dquo ; “您的意思是…………” Hears here, Enoya also responded immediately, must know , since Zhan En arrives at Demon World, on continuously and Enoya in the same place, therefore regarding the Zhan En's matter, Enoya almost is very clear. Therefore at present Zhan En raises slightly, she also thinks immediately some once always follows like the tagalong in Zhan En behind, tender Cutie form. Theoretically, Zhan En this guess but actually also right, but ......... 听到这里,埃诺娅顿时也反应了过来,要知道自从詹恩来到魔界之后就一直和埃诺娅在一起,因此对于詹恩的事情,埃诺娅几乎都很清楚。因此眼前詹恩只是稍微一提,她也立刻就想到了某个曾经总是像跟屁虫一样跟随在詹恩身后的,娇小可爱的身影。从理论上来说,詹恩这个猜测倒也没错,不过……… Really is Your Highness Princess? & R dquo ; “真的是公主殿下吗?” This is indefinite. & R dquo ; “这还不确定。” Regarding the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En also shakes the head, now does not have the solid evidence to prove own deduction, moreover here from Dungeon of little fellow also indeed was too far. By Zhan En to her understanding, that always likes in the little fellow of nest in rushing to such far place that oneself warm little nest should not idle to cause trouble bored is right. 对于埃诺娅的询问,詹恩也是摇了摇头,现在还没有确凿的证据来证明自己的推论,而且这里距离小家伙的地下城也的确是太远了一些。以詹恩对她的了解来看,那个向来喜欢窝在自己温暖小巢里的小家伙应该不会闲的无聊跑到这么远的地方来闹事才对。 However these are unimportant, Zhan En believes firmly, so long as have traced, then natural can seek to know the truth. 不过这些都不重要,詹恩确信,只要自己一直追查下去,那么自然能够寻找得知真相。 But in Zhan En and Elise and others at discussion about theseundead lifeform & R dquo ; When origin, in nearby room. Actually is another scene. 而就在詹恩伊丽丝等人在讨论关于这些“不死生物”的由来之时,在旁边的房间里。却是另外一番场景。 Crash-bang. & R dquo ; “哗啦。” The ice-cold water current from top to bottom, flows to the whole body of young girl. The Nadia eyes shut tightly. She at this moment has unloaded armor, only wears a frail underwear. The ice-cold water current lets in the underwear and young girl body that graceful wonderful curve perfect post in the same place. If were seen certainly to stare the big eye by others, greedy appreciation enough. 冰冷的水流从上而下,流淌到少女的全身。娜迪亚双眼紧闭。此刻的她已经卸下了身上的盔甲,只穿着一件单薄的内衣。冰冷的水流让内衣与少女身躯上那婀娜多姿的美妙曲线完美的贴在一起。如果被其他人看见一定会瞪大眼睛,贪婪的欣赏个够。 However now here does not have the bystander, even if or has Nadia not to care. In pricking that the immersion of her wholeheartedly at this moment in the ice-cold spring water brings. Such that just like Zhan En thinks, this fight regarding shock of Nadia quite big, she tries to convince itself time and time again, she is the undead lifeform fight, oneself do not wrong. But sanely and told her clear, flame of Eye of truth or the Holy had shown, these swooped approached own are not the dead. But is the life. Perhaps they lost the intelligence, perhaps they were changed, but they are still living. 不过现在这里没有外人,或者说就算有娜迪亚也不会在意。此刻的她正全身心的沉浸在冰冷的泉水所带来的刺痛感中。正如詹恩所想的那样,这次战斗对于娜迪亚的震撼相当的大,她一次又一次的试图说服自己,她是和不死生物战斗,自己做的并没有错。可是理智又明白无误的告诉她,无论是真实之眼还是神圣之焰都已经证明,那些飞扑向自己的并非是死者。而是生灵。他们或许失去了神智,他们或许被改变,但是他们依然活着。 I lord, I implored you to direct my path ......... to show the correct direction in the puzzled dense fog to me here humbly, my confusedness and anxious all offered in this to you ............... & R dquo ; “吾主,我在这里谦卑的祈求您指引我的道路………在困惑的迷雾之中向我展现正确的方向,我的迷茫与不安皆在此奉献于您……………” Is saying, Nadia takes up the bucket again, pours the inside ice-cold spring water on own body, then she closes the eye, pray that continues to mutter. 一面说着,娜迪亚一面再次拿起水桶,将里面冰冷的泉水倒在自己的身上,接着她闭上眼睛,继续喃喃自语的祈祷。 A shadow has flown from out of the window. 一道黑影从窗外飞过。 Nadia fierce opening eye. She puts out a hand, grips nearby great sword, then agile incomparable standing up, is gazing at all around vigilantly. Although a moment ago. During she also in painful and confused wanders, but now, detected that the danger the factor also quite rapidly reacted toward Nadia that oneself approached gradually. Her both hands get hold of the long sword. The slow and careful trend window, looks outward ......... 娜迪亚猛的睁开眼睛。她一把伸出手去,握住旁边的巨剑,接着敏捷无比的站起身来,警惕的注视着四周。虽然就在刚才。她还在痛苦与迷茫之中徘徊,但是现在,察觉到危险的因素正在逐步向着自己靠近的娜迪亚也是相当迅速的做出了反应。她双手握紧长剑。缓慢而小心的走向窗口,向外望去……… !!! & R dquo ; “呼!!!” The sharp sharp claws grasped from top to bottom to the face of young girl. If were stressed solid, then Nadia this face may be finished thoroughly. However what is lucky is as Paladin. Nadia naturally cannot stupidly to does not have any response, almost while the sharp claws present her one turns over/stands up backward retreats, avoids the attack of opposite party. Meanwhile the great sword straight thorn in her hand, brings to wipe luminous of Holy forward. 尖锐的利爪从上而下抓向了少女的面庞。如果被抓个严实的话,那么娜迪亚这张脸可就彻底完蛋了。不过幸运的是作为一个圣骑士娜迪亚自然不会愚蠢到没有任何反应,几乎就在利爪出现的同时她就一个翻身向后退去,堪堪躲开对方的袭击。同时她手中的巨剑向前笔直的刺去,带着一抹神圣的光亮。 Rips!! & R dquo ; “撕拉!!” Wooden frame and outer wall during this strikes to be torn immediately, but along with an sharp blood-curdling screech sound, a huge shadow crashes from above immediately, numerous falling on floor. Facing the present monster, Nadia planned while winning pursuit, however after seeing clearly its true colors, the young girl actually held breath a cold air/Qi. 木制的框架与外墙在这一击之中顿时被撕裂开去,而伴随着一声尖锐的惨叫声,一个巨大的黑影顿时从上面坠落而下,重重的掉在地板上。面对眼前的怪物,娜迪亚原本打算趁胜追击,但是在看清楚它的真面目之后,少女却是不由的倒吸了口冷气。 Actually is this what thing? 这究竟是什么东西? Sees only appears in front of Nadia at this moment, is one seems like more than two meters high, monster. Its four limbs and facial features with human not different, but outside does not have the flesh, bloody inflation muscle unsheltered development in the Nadia front. But the contraction that in the both arms of this monster, together like bat wing thin film , the dripping blood is infiltrating from the slit, revolting. 只见此刻出现在娜迪亚面前的,是一个看起来足足有两米多高,像人一样的怪物。它的四肢和五官都与人类无异,但是外面却并没有肌肤,只有血淋淋的膨胀开来的肌肉毫无遮蔽的展现在娜迪亚的面前。而在这个怪物的双臂之间,一道如同蝙蝠羽翼般的薄膜正在不住的收缩着,淋漓的鲜血从缝隙之中渗透而出,令人作呕。 Actually this is what monster!! 这究竟是什么怪物!! Looks at present, Nadia also looks pale, but when her god, sees only that monster actually to open the mouth suddenly, later its tongue straight explodes to shoot from the mouth, shoots to go toward the present young girl illness/quick!! 看着眼前的这一幕,娜迪亚也是面色苍白,但就在她愣神的时候,只见那个怪物却是忽然张开嘴巴,随后它的舌头笔直的从口中爆射而出,向着眼前的少女疾射而去!! The attack speed of monster was quick, changes the average person to affirm that cannot respond, but Nadia obviously was not an average person, while that monster put out the tongue, she immediately an attack that was sideways to avoid the opposite party, then held up the both hands great sword in hand high, later made an effort to divide forward. Only hearscrack & R dquo ; The next moment great blade broke out the head of that monster like this, but even so, that monster also struggled crazily several, this looks like a beach mud to fall on the ground, did not have the sound again. 怪物的攻击速度很快,换了一般人肯定反应不过来,但是娜迪亚显然不是一般人,在那个怪物吐出舌头的同时,她立刻一个侧身躲开了对方的袭击,接着高高举起手中的双手巨剑,随后用力向前劈下。只听见“咔嚓”一声,下一刻巨刃就这样劈开了那个怪物的脑袋,而即便如此,那个怪物也还是疯狂挣扎了好几下,这才像一滩烂泥般倒在地面上,再也没有了动静。 What happened? & R dquo ; “发生了什么事?” At this time, Zhan En and Enoya and others also caught up, before seeing present Nadia as well as her body, that is only strange the incomparable monster, everyone stares. 就在这个时候,詹恩埃诺娅等人也赶了过来,看见眼前的娜迪亚以及她身前那只诡异无比的怪物,所有人都是一愣。 What thing is this?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 这是什么东西?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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