DR :: Volume #3

#240: Loses the corpse besieged city

............ & R dquo ; “啊啊啊啊啊…………” With being similar to wild animal squeal, the innumerable shadows were similar to the wild animal that emerged to throw toward four people like this. Suddenly a deathly stillness foothold becomes boiled, the squeal that the ear hears even makes people dizzy sufficiently. 伴随着如同野兽般的尖叫声,无数个黑影就这样如同出笼的野兽般向着四人扑了过去。一时间原本死寂一片的据点变得沸腾起来,耳边传来的尖叫声甚至足以让人头昏眼花。 This, this, actually this is ............... & R dquo ; “这,这,这究竟是……………” Nadia surprised stares the big eye, looks plunges their shadows to these. As a God's family knight, she has naturally seen clearly these shadows is people, including the average person, there are to seem like this foothold the person in soldier, no matter, they have hair dishevelled at present completely, stained the bloodstain and dirt from top to bottom, extends both hands crazily ran toward Nadia and others. 娜迪亚惊讶的瞪大眼睛,望向那些扑向他们的黑影。作为一个神眷骑士,她自然已经看清楚了那些黑影正是一个个的人,其中有普通人,也有看起来像是这个据点的士兵的人,但是不管是哪一个,他们眼下全部都是披头散发,浑身上下沾满了血迹和污渍,伸出双手疯狂的向着娜迪亚等人跑了过去。 Also is gawking doing, waits for death? & R dquo ; “还愣着干什么,等死吗?” Sees the Nadia expression, Zhan En cold snort/hum, although he has not made clear this outcome what's the matter, but future bad good does not come, how this group of people see do not seem like the groupie, looked that their appearances know this crowd of person purposes in coming are bad, actually no matter they are anything, first got rid of said again!! 看见娜迪亚的表情,詹恩冷哼一声,他虽然也没有搞清楚这究竟是怎么回事,但是来者不善善者不来,这群人怎么看也不像是追星族,看他们的样子就知道这群人来意不善,不管他们究竟是什么,先干掉再说!! Thinks of here, Zhan En not slightly hesitant, immediately gets hold of Sea Blue Light to wield backhandedly, next moment then sees to send out the sword light of biting cold chill in the air to be separated from sharp sword blade instantaneously, sweeps off toward the present people. Sees only that wipes crescent moon silver white luminous easy cuts the crowd, has swept like sickle harvesting wheat, in crowd then immediately a overturns piece. However has not waited for the following person to make anything again, the icicle of howling has been similar to the great waves flat land of spraying, the cone icicle that dozens ice crystals congeal spread across like this was forming a dangerous Death barrier. Tore the crowd. And brutally passed through their bodies. Suddenly only sees these crowds overlapping goes backward but actually, then revolved ice cone tearing body, explodes breaks is falling on the ground. 想到这里,詹恩也没有丝毫犹豫,立刻握紧海蓝之光反手挥过,下一刻便看见散发着彻骨寒意的剑光瞬间从锐利的剑锋上脱离而出,向着眼前的众人扫去。只见那抹弯月般的银白光亮轻而易举的切进人群,像一把镰刀收割麦子一样扫过,紧接着人群中便顿时倒翻一片。但是还没有等后面的人再做些什么,呼啸的冰柱已经如同喷射的浪涛般平地而起,数十根冰晶凝结的圆锥形冰柱就这样纵横交错着形成了一道危险的死亡屏障。撕裂了人群。并且无情的贯穿了他们的身体。一时间只看见那些人群层层叠叠的向后倒去,然后被旋转的冰锥撕裂身体,爆裂破碎着倒在地面上。 Nadia, you in what? Is it possible that are you want to turn into the flesh hot pot? & R dquo ; 娜迪亚,你在等什么?莫非你是想要变成人肉火锅吗?” But, but they are not undead lifeform!! & R dquo ; “可,可是他们不是不死生物啊!!” Ridiculed facing Zhan En's, Nadia actually with seeming like soon to cry the same sound to answer, she stared the big eye. Is looking at present that dense crowd. However makes Nadia feel what fear is, under shining of Eye of truth, she cannot see should completely the representative undead lifeform red brilliance. On the contrary, on the bodies of these people are also sending out the brilliance of life. 面对詹恩的嘲弄,娜迪亚却用像是快要哭出来一样的声音做出了回答,她瞪大眼睛。望着眼前那黑压压的人群。但是让娜迪亚感到恐惧的是,在真实之眼的照耀下,她完全看不见应该代表不死生物的红色光辉。相反,这些人的身体上还散发着生命的光辉。 They are the live people!! 他们是活人!! Nadia felt for the first time long sword in own hand is so heavy, at this time her in the brain is completely blank, she remembers clearly oneself are teaching the doctrine that recited, remembers that own teacher taught when she and undead lifeform battled the skill, but by heaven and earth and my conscience, Nadia does not know how completely should kill people. Moreover kills these weaponless people!! 娜迪亚第一次感到自己手中的长剑是如此沉重,这时候她的大脑之中完全是一片空白,她清楚的记得自己在教会里背诵的教义,也还记得自己的导师教导她与不死生物作战时的技巧,但是天地良心,娜迪亚完全不知道应该如何杀人。而且还是杀死这些手无寸铁的人!! „!! „ “哦哦哦哦!!“ A man threw the Nadia front, he opened both hands, crazy grasped toward female Paladin. In the opened mouth can see the incomplete tooth and jet black bloodstain, Nadia that the odor that sends out from top to bottom smokes almost must faint. Even if facing that sharp sword blade, the man has not as if cared completely, he opens the mouth. Jumps high. Threw toward female Paladin. Such seems like a hungry wolf to prey on the prey to be the same simply, frightening. 一个男子扑到了娜迪亚的面前,他张开双手,疯狂的向着女圣骑士抓了过去。张开的嘴巴里可以看见残缺不全的牙齿和漆黑的血渍,浑身上下散发的恶臭熏的娜迪亚几乎要昏过去。哪怕是面对那锐利的剑锋,男子似乎也完全没有在意,他只是张开嘴巴。高高跃起。向着女圣骑士扑了过去。那样子简直就好像是一只饿狼在捕食猎物一样,让人恐惧。 Facing the present crisis, although the Nadia brain is still blank, however start of her body actually instinct action. Facing that to the man who oneself threw, Nadia draws back immediately backward one step, then her both hands got hold of the great sword, from below, but on shouldered high, has wielded toward the man. next moment, sees the Saint white flame to erupt from the both hands great sword blade, tumbles like waves is standing erect. Then throws forward, swallows that men and his behind others completely in the Saint white flame. 面对眼前的危机,虽然娜迪亚大脑依然是一片空白,但是她的身体却本能的开始了行动。面对那个向自己扑来的男人,娜迪亚立刻向后退了一步,接着她双手握紧巨剑,从下而上高高挑起,向着男子挥过。下一刻,就看见圣白的火焰从双手巨剑身上爆发,像海浪般翻滚着竖立而起。然后一头向前扑下,将那个男人和他身后的其他人全部吞噬在圣白的火焰之中。 But in next moment, the flame then vanishes thoroughly, these crazy forms appeared in the Nadia front again. 但在下一刻,火焰便彻底消失,那些疯狂的身影再次出现在了娜迪亚的面前。 Unexpectedly invalid? 居然无效? Found time to see this Zhan En also to stare gawked, before Nadia said that she could not see these people were undead lifeform have made him very curious, but now, Holy Light before these fellows does not even have the effect unexpectedly. Then can explain, these fellows absolutely are not ordinary undead lifeform, even can say that the judgment of Nadia is correct & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; They are the live people. 抽空看见这一幕的詹恩也是愣了一愣,之前娜迪亚说她看不出这些人是不死生物已经让他很好奇了,而现在,在这些家伙面前居然连圣光都没有效果。那么就能够说明,这些家伙绝对不是普通的不死生物,甚至可以说娜迪亚的判断是正确的———他们是活人。 Talked nonsense!! 扯淡呢!! The Zhan En backhand is a sword, tries to cut to turn close to own woman one, the Sea Blue Light sharp sword blade cuts the butter probably equally easily from her right shoulder vertical section to left belly, cut the half body of this woman. But along with the odor blood of splash, the woman breaks is two sections of corpses falls like this in the place. But she does not have Death, on the contrary, sees only her upper part still in crawling of forward effort, drives the internal organs to open the mouth to try to tear and bite present Zhan En & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Until after the cold air on Sea Blue Light becomes an ice sculpture, her frozen broke is thoroughly peaceful. 詹恩反手又是一剑,将一个试图靠近自己的女人砍翻,海蓝之光锋利的剑刃就好像切黄油一样轻而易举的从她的右肩一直切到左腹,将这个女人的半个身体砍了下来。而伴随着飞溅的恶臭鲜血,女人断为两截的尸体就这样掉落在地。可是她并没有死亡,相反,只见她的上半身依然在用力的向前爬行,拖动着内脏张开嘴巴试图撕咬眼前的詹恩———直到海蓝之光上的寒气把她冻成一件冰雕之后砸碎才算是彻底安静了下来。 If this gadget called the living person, that entire Klein Continent race history wanted the renewal! 这玩意儿要是叫活人的话,那整个克莱恩大陆的种族史都要更新换代了! However the Nadia bitter experience was makes Zhan En have a new idea. If these fellows to strength of non- allergy Holy, then in turn, their difficult adversaries definitely were another energy! 不过娜迪亚的遭遇却是让詹恩产生了一个新的想法。如果这些家伙对神圣之力不过敏的话,那么反过来,他们的克星肯定就是另外一种能量了! Elise, begins, with your Magic/Devil flame! & R dquo ; 伊丽丝,动手,用你的魔焰!” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Heard the Zhan En's order, Elise stares gawked, before facing attack she is assisting Enoya to display two walls with flues for heating to prevent the continuation invasions of these people. After all Elise also understands, oneself as the Magic/Devil flame biggest difficult adversary that Warlock has is undead lifeform, therefore she has not planned to use this wild powerful negative energy. However now, does Zhan En want her to use Magic/Devil flame unexpectedly? 听到詹恩的命令,伊丽丝愣了一愣,之前在面对进攻时她正协助埃诺娅施展了两道火墙来阻止那些人的继续入侵。毕竟伊丽丝也明白,自己作为一个法术士所拥有的魔焰最大的克星就是不死生物,所以她也没有打算使用这种狂暴强大的负能量。但是现在,詹恩居然要她使用魔焰 Although some doubts, but Elise is obedient complied with the Zhan En's order, sees only her to put out a hand, forward a finger/refers. The next moment dark-red light beam projects from her fingers together like this, injected in the crowd silently. Afterward then saw the entire crowd to be as if attracted by anything turned toward the middle to depend generally suddenly, the ice-cold flame of negative energy roared like this eruption, bringing the wild with rage explosive sound to proliferate. Its fast has swept toward side, sweeps away all obstacles, almost nothing can stop this strange dark-red flame. The person who these seemingly go crazy is also same, actually no matter they are anything, the ice-cold negative energy seized their vigor source & mda S h in the flash ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Shadow silently passed over gently and swiftly from the sky, only has Death and nihility that stays behind. 虽然有些疑惑,不过伊丽丝还是听话的遵从了詹恩的命令,只见她伸出手去,向前一指。下一刻一道暗红色的光束就这样从她的手指间射出,悄然无声的射入了人群里。随后便看见整个人群似乎被什么东西吸引了一般向着中间猛然一靠,紧接着负能量的冰冷火焰就这样咆哮爆发,带着狂怒的爆炸声扩散开来。它飞快的向着旁边扫过,所向披靡,几乎没有任何东西可以阻拦住这诡异的暗红色火焰。那些看起来像发了疯的人也是一样,不管他们究竟是什么,冰冷的负能量在一瞬间就夺走了他们活力的源泉———阴影悄然无声的从上空掠过,留下的只有死亡与虚无。 If Nadia sees present, perhaps she will produce for several points to suspect to the Elise status. However what pitifully is female Paladin at this moment absolutely does not have the time to watch that side situation, she is raising hand the great sword before oneself these seem like go crazy completely the same person entanglement. After the discovery is unable to injure the Holy flame to these person of iotas, Nadia seemed like seems like beaten thoroughly, she was only mechanical is brandishing the great sword, prevented these people to further act, but has not before actually shown completely, that power and influence. 如果娜迪亚看见眼前的这一幕,或许她会对伊丽丝的身份产生几分怀疑。不过可惜的是此刻的女圣骑士已经完全没有功夫去关注那边的情况,她举着手中的巨剑与自己身前那些看起来像是完全发了疯一样的人纠缠。在发现连神圣火焰都无法伤害到这些人分毫之后,娜迪亚看起来就好像是被彻底击垮了一下,她只是机械的挥舞着巨剑,阻挡那些人进一步的行动,但是却完全没有展现出之前那种威势。 Until after being able to tolerate Zhan En orders Enoya to replace Nadia blocked her gap, the situation is improved. 直到看不过眼的詹恩命令埃诺娅代替娜迪亚堵住了她的缺口之后,情况才为之好转。 Puts on the young girl of aristocrat Chinese dress to smile is extending own right hand, as if at the dance party invites the dance partner reaching present crowd, the next moment a series of thunder lightnings to change into a straight line to drop from the clouds like this, the bombardment of being relentless in the crowd, pounded the sky the lunatics of these acting boldly regardless of one's safety, later then saw the silver-white lightning to peripheral to proliferate, that seemingly was continuously slender the incomparable brilliance silk thread to change into the flame and jet black hard coke of flaming combustion all that all they can touch completely. Suddenly in the air was full of the revolting burn flavor, but this seems like no difference regarding Enoya. The young girl left hand raised the skirt swayed, probably to avoid the dust in ground drew back backward one step, then her right hand convenient drew a circle in void. But in the young girl slender white and tender fingertip, the bright dazzling electric light appears together baseless, they have delimited in void along with the Enoya movement, then links. 穿着贵族华服的少女微笑着伸出自己的右手,仿佛是在舞会上邀请舞伴般的伸向眼前的人群,下一刻一连串的雷霆闪电就这样化为一条直线从天而降,毫不留情的轰击在人群之中,将那些一个个奋不顾身的疯子砸上了天空,随后便看见银白色的闪电向周边扩散开去,那一缕缕看起来纤细无比的光辉丝线把所有它们能够碰触到的一切全部化为了熊熊燃烧的火焰和漆黑的焦炭。一时间空气之中充满了令人作呕的烧焦的味道,不过这对于埃诺娅来说似乎没有什么区别。少女左手提起裙摆,像是为了躲避地面上的尘土般向后退了一步,接着她的右手顺手在虚空之中画了一个圆圈。而在少女纤细白嫩的指尖,一道明亮耀眼的电光凭空浮现,它们伴随着埃诺娅的动作在虚空之中划过,然后重新结合在一起。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” in a moment, the thunder halo of sparkle then covers the remaining people is completely one of them bombardment that a series of thunder are relentless, at present fellows of these crazy making threatening gestures together with their construction together shelled smashing. 只是眨眼的工夫,闪耀的雷霆光环便将剩下的众人全部笼罩在其中,一连串的电闪雷鸣毫不留情的轰击而过,将眼前那些疯狂的张牙舞爪的家伙连同他们身边的建筑一起被轰击的粉碎。 Attacks quickly goes also quick. 袭击来的快去的也快。 Because this actually not these lunatics retreated, because they had been eliminated completely. In sweeping clear enemy, Zhan En, Enoya as well as Elise professional, compared with them, Nadia this Paladin instead was more like a talent just to tread the school gate not to have the expressed rookies with enough time. 这倒不是因为那些疯子撤退了,而是因为他们已经被完全消灭。在清扫敌人方面,詹恩,埃诺娅以及伊丽丝都是职业的,与他们相比,娜迪亚这个圣骑士反而更像是一个才刚刚踏出校门还没有来得及有所表示的菜鸟。 However present Nadia is not in no mood to consider that this issue, she is leaning on the big sword, big mouth is panting for breath. That appearance seemed like seems like just participated in critical frigid war same & mda S h simply ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Although Nadia has not even massacred a person in fact, pure does for show there. 但是眼下的娜迪亚却没心情去考虑这个问题,她拄着大剑,大口的喘息着。那副样子看上去简直就好像是刚刚参加了一场生死攸关的惨烈战争一样———虽然事实上娜迪亚甚至连一个人都没有杀掉,单纯只是在那里摆样子罢了。 The entire foothold fell into a deathly stillness again, the night fell, the dim weather gradually covered the present all. But looks that at present this is gradually becoming the dark foothold. Zhan En also frowns, he has seen undead lifeform, even Enoya has also operated undead lifeform. But undead lifeform in these fellow and general sense is not a matter, but must say that they are the live people, that kills Zhan En first not to believe. 整个据点再次陷入了一片死寂,夜幕降临,昏暗的天色逐渐笼罩了眼前的一切。而看着眼前这正在逐渐变得黑暗的据点。詹恩也是皱起了眉头,他见过不死生物,甚至埃诺娅还操纵过不死生物。可是这些家伙和一般意义上的不死生物根本就不是一回事,但是要说他们是活人,那打死詹恩第一个不相信。 Then, are actually these fellows what thing? 那么,这些家伙究竟是什么东西? Thinks of here, Zhan En receives the sword to return to the sheath, then looked at side not far away scared witless Nadia. 想到这里,詹恩收剑回鞘,接着望了一眼身边不远处魂不守舍的娜迪亚 However now looks like, most makes one have a headache, was this young lady. 不过现在看来,最让人头疼的,就是这位大小姐了。
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