DR :: Volume #3

#239: The place of Death

Sun of burning hot burns brilliance is roasting the land, looking into the distance, can see in the withered surface to reveal the crack trace. & S um ; The sod has become withered and yellow, the present that several trees are also a half-dead appearance. Looks around toward the distant place, even can see the heat flow of galloping to surge, the present scenery is twisting rocks, making one have a dizzy spell. 炙热的太阳光辉灼烤着大地,放眼望去,可以看见干枯的地表上露出了龟裂痕迹。∑草皮早已经变得枯黄,就连眼前的那几棵树也是一副半死不活的样子。向着远处张望,甚至能够看见奔腾的热流涌起,以至于眼前的景色都在扭曲晃动,让人头晕目眩。 Front was Casalance. & R dquo ; “前面就是卡萨兰斯了。” Nadia progresses to arrive at side Zhan En, says in a low voice. This she as Templar Order representative, goes to Casalance with Zhan En time together. Regarding this Zhan En naturally is warm welcome, he also worried could not find the justifiable opportunity to seduce this Paladin, now has such good opportunity to be placed in front of oneself, if did not use that may on white reckless. 娜迪亚策马来到詹恩身边,低声开口说道。这一次她以圣堂教团代表的身份,与詹恩一起前往卡萨兰斯。对此詹恩自然是热烈欢迎,他原本还愁找不到名正言顺的机会来诱惑这位圣骑士,现在有这么好的机会摆在自己面前,如果不利用的话那么可就白瞎了。 Really is strange, on the road that we come ......... anything does not have ......... & R dquo ; “真是奇怪,我们来的路上………什么都没有………” Elise puts down the hood, frowns to sweep around one, Sun of this burning hot makes her somewhat unhappy, but as the perfect body, Elise is also insufficient, because this sunlight has problems. 伊丽丝放下兜帽,皱起眉头扫了一眼四周,这炙热的太阳让她有些不快,不过作为完美体,伊丽丝还不至于因为这点儿阳光就出什么问题。 According to before inquired news that nearby Casalance has almost been at the thorough blocked state, the merchants is not willing to run risks through the epidemic disease area, in addition the isolation of Templar Order, has not seen anyone is also very normal. & R dquo ; “根据之前打听到的消息来看,卡萨兰斯附近几乎已经处于彻底封锁状态,商人们也不愿意冒着风险通过疫病区,再加上圣堂教团的隔离,没看见什么人也是很正常的。” Compared to Elise, the Enoya expression actually seems very tranquil, rides wears that magnificent high-ranking black formal clothes in immediately her as before, but same wrapped near black lace cape & mda S h with all lady outside ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; But under this about 40 degrees high temperature, seeming like was really somewhat inopportune. 相对于伊丽丝来说,埃诺娅的表情倒是显得很平静,骑在马上的她依旧穿着那身华丽显贵的黑色礼服,只不过和所有大家闺秀一样在外面套了件黑色蕾丝边的斗篷———只不过在这近四十度的高温下,看起来就实在是有些不合时宜了。 Naturally, has a look to put on Zhan En as well as similar appearance of aristocrat formal clothes Elise. Nadia of wear sincerer armor, should say that this group of people are very actually strange ............ 当然,看看穿着贵族礼服的詹恩以及同样打扮的伊丽丝。还有穿着更加厚重盔甲的娜迪亚,应该说这一群人其实都很奇怪………… These goes to Casalance time. Zhan En only took Elise and Enoya, but kept the station Pattilina and these young girl knights completely. Coordinates Alice to defend own ground den. After all he was not clear that actually the opposite party comes to oneself, therefore in surface at least needs to prepare for is good. Although Howard Bishop said that Templar Order will help look, but Zhan En knows that asks others for help to be inferior the intimate truth, everything always does begin to feel relieved some not? 这一次前往卡萨兰斯詹恩只带上了伊丽丝埃诺娅,而将帕蒂莉娜和那些少女骑士全部留在了驻地。配合爱丽丝们对自己的地面老巢进行防守。毕竟他不清楚对方究竟是不是冲着自己来的,因此表面上的准备至少要做好才行。虽然霍华德主教圣堂教团会帮助照料,但是詹恩知道求人不如靠己的道理,凡事总还是自己动手放心一些不是吗? Just, this Zhan En chooses Elise and Enoya rather than Pattilina, more profound reason. 只不过,这次詹恩之所以选择伊丽丝埃诺娅而非帕蒂莉娜,还有更加深刻的原因。 Looks at the foothold in distant place, Zhan En is narrowing the eye, recalled again before the brain words that Howard Bishop spoke. 望着远处的据点,詹恩眯起眼睛,在脑中再次回想起之前霍华德主教所说的话。 In fact, we suspected that City of Gold and Casalance matter is very likely with the gang behavior. According to news that Ten Towns Alliance spreads, in City of Gold presented one type to be able in undead lifeform that under Sun acted. But also had similar situation in Casalance, these strange plagues not only will kill people, even can also after these people die urges their corpses to stand the action, but also does not dread the brilliance of Sun. Therefore we believe, these definitely have anything to relate ............... & R dquo ; “事实上,我们怀疑黄金之城卡萨兰斯的事情很有可能是同一伙人所为。根据十镇联盟传来的消息来看,在黄金之城出现了一种可以在太阳之下行动的不死生物。而在卡萨兰斯也出现了类似的情况,那些奇怪的瘟疫不但会杀人,甚至还能够在那些人死后驱使他们的尸体重新站起来行动,而且不畏惧太阳的光辉。所以我们认为,这其中肯定有什么联系……………” Nonsense. 胡扯。 Zhan En snorts contemptuously regarding the judgment of Howard Bishop, City of Gold undead lifeform is Enoya uses own talent Dead Army Awakens. As for Casalance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; She has not gone, even if here has what undead lifeform, is still not related issues with Enoya. But even so. Zhan En still is also very curious, can be Enoya exclusive product this no other semicolon is only right in undead lifeform that under the sunlight walks, but now , do some people do this gadget unexpectedly? 詹恩对于霍华德主教的判断嗤之以鼻,黄金之城不死生物埃诺娅利用自己的天赋【亡者大军】唤醒的。至于卡萨兰斯———她可从来都没有去过,因此就算这里有什么不死生物,也和埃诺娅扯不上关系。只不过即便如此。詹恩也依然很好奇,能够在阳光下行走的不死生物原本应该是埃诺娅独家出品只此一家别无分号才对,但是现在,居然还有人搞出了这玩意儿? Is holding this curiosity. Zhan En then brings Enoya and Elise arrived here, chooses their reasons to be very simple, both people are undead lifeform. To plague thing inborn immunity. Zhan En are also the child of Demon King, general plague to him from the start useless. ......... Thinks of here as for Nadia. Zhan En swept a God's family knight. 抱着这种好奇心。詹恩这才带着埃诺娅伊丽丝来到了这里,选择她们的原因很简单,两个人都是不死生物。对瘟疫这种东西天生免疫詹恩自己也是魔王之子,一般的瘟疫对他来说压根没什么用。至于娜迪亚嘛………想到这里。詹恩扫了一眼自己身边的神眷骑士。 Some her gods look in any case, should not die. 反正有她的神看着,应该不会死吧。 Foothold has not sent out the signal ............ & R dquo ; “据点没有发出信号…………” Nadia had not detected that Zhan En thatharbors evil intentions & R dquo ; Vision. She looks at the fort foothold in distant place heavyheartedly, looks from here, could not see on completely the city wall has the person, inside even also has the black smog to emit, several black birds are circling in the sky of fort, how this sees does not seem like the good deed. Although from Sir Bishop there had learned that the situation possibly has become very not wonderful, but Nadia has not thought that unexpectedly will turn into this. 娜迪亚并没有察觉到詹恩那“不怀好意”的目光。她忧心忡忡的看着远处的要塞据点,从这里看去,完全看不到城墙上面有人,内里甚至还有黑色的烟雾在冒出,几只黑色的鸟儿正在要塞的上空盘旋,这一幕怎么看都不像是好事。虽然已经从主教大人那里得知情况可能已经变得很不妙,但是娜迪亚也没想到居然会变成这样。 Perhaps it seems like here had been finished thoroughly. & R dquo ; “看来这里恐怕已经彻底完蛋了。” Zhan En does not have Nadia is so sentimental actually, but he puts out a hand, pushed the eyeglasses, later looks again to Nadia. 詹恩倒是没娜迪亚那么多愁善感,不过他伸出手去,推了推眼镜,随后再次望向娜迪亚 Miss Nadia, you can detect, having a look at the ground to be safe? I did not want just to come here, actually many must face a warm welcome of a group of undead lifeform ......... god knows some of their. & R dquo ; 娜迪亚小姐,你能否侦测一下,看看地面是否安全?我可不希望才刚刚到达这里,就要面对一大群不死生物的热烈欢迎………天知道它们究竟有多少。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” Perhaps is the stimulation that because present brings to Nadia extremely in the intense reason, these facing the Zhan En's request, she has not said anything time much, but nods quickly. It seems like at present this unexpected scene also makes Nadia somewhat anxious. Therefore she closes the eye quickly, prayed in a low voice, then sees only pale yellow Holy Light to reappear from the body of Nadia together, later the young girl opens eye & mda S h again ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; But before different, now in the eye pupil of young girl is burning white flame. 或许是因为眼前的这一幕给娜迪亚带来的刺激太过于强烈的缘故,这一次面对詹恩的要求,她倒没有多说什么,而是很快点了点头。看来眼前这出乎意料的场面也让娜迪亚有些不安。于是她很快闭上眼睛,低声祈祷,接着只见一道昏黄的圣光娜迪亚的身体上浮现,随后少女再次睁开眼睛———只不过和之前不同,现在少女的眼瞳之中燃烧着一圈白色的火焰。 ............... What does not have, I have not detected the undead trace. & R dquo ; “……………什么都没有,我没有察觉到不死者的痕迹。” Good. & R dquo ; “好吧。” Hears the reply of Nadia, Zhan En nods. 听到娜迪亚的回答,詹恩点了点头。 Then we continue to go forward, from the evening, I have thought shortly after we should have a rest seek for one to locate & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; I am not at least willing to live outdoors in the open country. & R dquo ; “那么我们继续前进,距离傍晚已经没多久了,我想我们应该寻找一个歇脚之处———至少我可不愿意在野外风餐露宿。” Although that said that but the person arrives at the foothold gate in the presence of everyone, this discovered that wants to seek for a having a rest place, perhaps imagines them is more difficult. 虽然话是这么说,但是当众人来到据点门前时,这才发现想要寻找一个歇脚的地方,恐怕比他们想象的还要困难。 Sees only in Zhan En's at present, foothold front door crooked is opening, can see the junks that the bloodstain as well as piles up in a hurry everywhere, seemed like the foothold to be under the attack of anything. Also can see to burn the corpse in periphery the fire of high-piled firewood, the rich bloody aura and rotten flavor transmit, almost makes one sick. Entire foothold like dying general silence. Only then flybuzz humming sound & R dquo ; The sound surrounds in the ear, sounds seems even more discomforting. 只见在詹恩的眼前,据点大门歪歪斜斜的打开着,随处都可以看见血迹以及匆忙之间堆积起来的杂物,看起来似乎据点遭遇到了什么东西的袭击。在周围还能够看见焚烧尸体的火堆,浓郁的血腥气息和腐烂的味道传来,几乎让人作呕。整个据点如同死一般的寂静。只有苍蝇“嗡嗡嗡”的声音在耳边环绕,听起来显得越发令人不安。 This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Looks at present. The Nadia complexion blanch, this is the first time that she saw pitiful condition that with own eyes the plague brings. This foothold near the trade route, is one has 200-300 people, but also calculates the lively agglomeration. However now, here is a deathly stillness, is simply ordinary like the dead territory. She is looking steadily at one group of burned black of side not far away, seems like there seems like cremates the corpse the place, can see lying this way and that at this moment there lies down several to be fired the black coal the corpse. But facing these corpses, Nadia does not dare to look, she looked at a that scorched skeleton head has quickly turned the head. Looks weak to side, the look does not know that is thinking anything. 看着眼前的这一幕。娜迪亚面色发白,这还是她第一次亲眼见到瘟疫所带来的惨状。这座据点位于商路附近,也算是一个有着200-300人,还算繁华的聚集地。但是现在,这里已经是一片死寂,简直如同死域一般。她盯视着自己身边不远处的一团焦黑,看起来那里似乎是火化尸体的地方,可以看见此刻在那里横七竖八的躺着几具已经被烧成黑炭的尸首。而面对这些尸体,娜迪亚也是不敢多看,她只是望了一眼那被烧焦的骷髅头就急忙转过头去。望向旁边,神色犹豫不定的不知道在想些什么。 Continues to go forward, support requirement letter that before Church received from here, such being the case, then inside should have the survivor to be right. & R dquo ; “继续前进,之前教团收到的求援信是来自这里的吧,既然如此,那么里面应该会有幸存者才对。” ......... Un ......... & R dquo ; “啊………嗯………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Nadia then recovers, nod of she looks pale, then looked by one scorched corpse, later turning around stand forth. But looks at Nadia to leave. Zhan En then put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, looked to that fire of high-piled firewood, later in the eye flashed through wipes none. 听到詹恩的说话,娜迪亚这才回过神来,她面色苍白的点了点头,接着又望了一眼旁边被烧焦的尸体,随后转身向前走去。而看着娜迪亚离开。詹恩这才伸出手推了推眼镜,望向那个火堆,随后眼中闪过一抹精光。 Perhaps Nadia has not detected, but Zhan En had discovered. After that corpse does not die, was cremated, on the contrary, that is burnt livingly. 娜迪亚或许没有察觉到,但是詹恩已经发现。那具尸体并不是死了之后才被火化,相反,那是被活生生烧死的。 It seems like. This place was getting more and more interesting. 看来。这个地方越来越有趣了。 More sets out toward the foothold , the Nadia complexion also becomes even more ugly. The entire foothold seemed like is completely destroyed by the plague, can see to be destroyed and trace of burning down everywhere. However is different from Nadia. At this moment walks in following Zhan En and other people have the completely different views. 越是向着据点内部进发,娜迪亚的面色也就变得越发难看。整个据点看起来似乎已经完全被瘟疫摧毁了,到处都可以看见被摧毁和焚烧的痕迹。不过和娜迪亚不同。此刻走在后面的詹恩等三人却对此有着完全不同的看法。 How do you see? & R dquo ; “你们怎么看?” Zhan En asks, but inquired facing Zhan En's, Enoya first is stretches out a finger to arrive on the chin, pondered the moment, subsequently then answered. 詹恩开口询问道,而面对詹恩的询问,埃诺娅先是伸出一根手指抵在下巴上,思考了片刻,随后这才做出了回答。 Corpse is unexpected few, the corpse that so far, we discover was almost burnt down, the person in conceivable this foothold in indeed is to control spreading of plague from the beginning. However behind actually does not know, because what reason erupts ............, but here corpse is actually such few, really surprises people very much. & R dquo ; “尸体出乎意料之外的少呢,直到目前为止,我们发现的尸首几乎都是被焚烧的,可以想象这个据点里的人在一开始的确是想要控制瘟疫的流传。但是后面却不知道因为什么原因爆发…………但是这里的尸体却是如此之少,实在很让人意外。” „ It seems like does not seem like transformed the undead lifeform appearance by necromancer ......... & R dquo ; “看起来也不像是被死灵法师改造成不死生物的样子………” This moment another side Elise also joined the discussion, although she is not necromancer, but Warlock inborn is quite sensitive to the negative energy, if this plague is related with necromancer, then the omnipresent negative energy trace will bring to the attention of Elise absolutely. However now seems like, here all normal, cannot see the Undead spell trace completely. 此刻另外一侧的伊丽丝也加入了讨论,她虽然不是死灵法师,但是法术士天生对于负能量极为敏感,如果这场瘟疫和死灵法师有关,那么无所不在的负能量痕迹绝对会引起伊丽丝的注意。但是现在看起来,这里一切正常,也完全看不出有死灵法术的痕迹。 This may really be interesting ............ & R dquo ; “这可真是有趣…………” Hears the speech of Elise, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly, if Elise cannot even feel the negative energy the trace, then explained here plague and necromancer and so onevil & R dquo ; Exists are not related, is don't tell me here plague the nature eruption? But Templar Order receives information about undead lifeform what's the matter? 听到伊丽丝的说话,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,假如连伊丽丝都感受不到负能量的痕迹,那么就说明这里的瘟疫与死灵法师之类的“邪恶”存在没有关系,难道说这里的瘟疫是自然爆发的?可是圣堂教团接到的关于不死生物的情报又是怎么回事呢? ..................! & R dquo ; “………………!” At this time, suddenly, transmitted like the wild animal low roar. 就在这个时候,忽然,一声如同野兽般的低吼传来。 Is hearing this sound the instance, the people stops the footsteps immediately, Zhan En put out a hand the sword hilt of holding down waist, but Elise and Enoya also vigilant is looking steadily at all around. Although said that sound weak almost even wind sound/rumor compared a moment ago, but, but has half vampire of perfect body as the powerhouse of legendary domain, the facial features of people are quite keen. Therefore even if only the little sound, can bring to their attention similarly. 在听到这声音的瞬间,众人顿时停下了脚步,詹恩伸出手去按住腰间的剑柄,而伊丽丝埃诺娅也是警惕的盯视着四周。虽然说刚才那个声音微弱的几乎连风声都比不过,但是作为传奇领域的强者和拥有完美身躯的半吸血种,众人的五官可是相当敏锐的。因此哪怕只是一点点儿的声音,都同样可以引起他们的注意。 What's wrong? Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; “怎么了?詹恩先生?” But detected that the Zhan En and others unusual form, Nadia gawked gawked. Actually by her strength, if concentrates on all around impossible not to have heard a moment ago that low roar. But Nadia seemed like at present the pitiful condition in foothold daunting, suddenly has not responded. However quick, she knows that what happened. 而察觉到詹恩等人的异状,娜迪亚愣了一愣。其实以她的实力,如果专注四周的不可能没有听到刚才那声低吼。只不过娜迪亚似乎是被眼前据点的惨状给吓住了,一时间没有反应过来。但是很快,她就知道发生了什么事。 Roar ............ & R dquo ; “吼…………” Roar roar ............... & R dquo ; “吼吼……………” One intermittently like wild animal neighing sound continuously from transmitted in all directions, feels seems them to step into the den of what wild animal general. But this time Nadia also responded, she& R dquo ; Pulls out the long sword, anxious anxious is gazing at fixedly the front, these sounds are getting more and more near, nearly, clearly, they are more and more turning toward Zhan En and others to close up. But ......... 一阵阵如同野兽般的嘶叫声此起彼伏的从四面八方传来,给人的感觉就好像他们踏入了什么野兽的老巢一般。而这个时候的娜迪亚也反应了过来,她“唰”的一声抽出长剑,紧张不安的瞪视着前方,那些声音越来越近,越来越近,很明显,它们正在向着詹恩等人靠拢。而紧接着……… ..................!! & R dquo ; “啊………………!!” The original low roar is almost changing into sad and shrill blood-curdling screech instantaneously, next moment, the people then saw over a hundred shadows jumps out from the two sides alleys and streets, fast rushes over to them!!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 原本的低吼几乎在瞬间化为了凄厉的惨叫,下一刻,众人便看见上百个黑影从两边的小巷和街道之中窜出,飞快的向他们冲了过去!!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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