DR :: Volume #3

#238: Request from Templar Order

„ If not I know that this is really not I does, I also think that this is really I does. & R dquo ; “如果不是我知道这真的不是我做的,我还以为这真是我做的。” Sits in the carriage, Zhan En has the helpless expression to look to oneself front Enoya, later opening the mouth complained. But hears his complaint, Enoya to show a faint smile, has not said anything. She is very clear, Zhan En is just venting own disaffection. Actually no wonder Zhan En is so also depressed, is really because the development of situation was above beyond the Zhan En's estimate. 坐在马车里,詹恩带着无奈的表情望向自己面前的埃诺娅,随后开口抱怨道。而听见他的抱怨,埃诺娅则是微微一笑,并没有多说什么。她很清楚,詹恩只不过是在发泄自己的不满而已。其实也难怪詹恩这么郁闷,实在是因为事态的发展超乎了詹恩的预想之外。 After Alexander runs away, Zhan En also planned takes advantage of Soros not to know this matter, catch a white wolf empty handed (profit without investing) is black his. When the time comes so long as the thing succeeds in obtaining, even if that the truth exposes Zhan En not to fear. But has not waited for him to be put into action, an accident/surprise had & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Why does not know, Alexander escaped this matter to be divulged from Templar Order unexpectedly! 亚历山大逃走之后,詹恩原本还打算依仗索罗斯不知道这件事,空手套白狼的黑他一把。到时候只要东西到手,那么就算真相败露詹恩也不怕。可是还没有等他付诸行动,一个意外发生了———不知道出于什么原因,亚历山大圣堂教团逃跑这件事居然被泄露了出去! Suddenly, this becomes the news that entire Hoffer and even Passus and even Eagle Plateau most cause a stir, must know that is Templar Order! Unexpectedly can also some people run away from their jails? Actually is this what situation? Templar Order in Eagle Plateau is also powerful, can run away from their jails now unexpectedly, don't tell me did Eagle Plateau come a more fearful evil cult organization? Also or is did the follower plan of what devil launch the attack? 一时间,这成为了整个华福尔乃至帕苏斯乃至雄鹰高原最轰动的新闻,要知道那可是圣堂教团啊!居然还有人能够从他们的监牢里逃走?这究竟算是个什么情况呢?圣堂教团雄鹰高原也算是势力强大,如今居然能够让人从他们的监牢里跑掉,难道说雄鹰高原来了一个更加可怕的邪教组织吗?又或者是什么魔鬼的信徒打算发起攻击了? Suddenly the people discuss spiritedly, but the Templar Order pressure also increases immediately. They think does not understand actually this matter how leaks out. Because really knows that Alexander escapes the person of this matter is not many, besides at that time Holy guard of Templar Order jail, only then the high level of jail. Also only has Howard Bishop again outward. Nadia and Zhan En knew this matter. 一时间众人议论纷纷,而圣堂教团的压力也是顿时大增。他们怎么也想不明白这件事究竟是怎么泄露出去的。因为真正知道亚历山大逃跑这件事的人并不多,除了当时圣堂教团监牢的神圣守卫之外,就只有监牢的高层。再往外也只有霍华德主教娜迪亚詹恩知道这件事了。 From the suspicion, is Zhan En is naturally biggest, in fact in Templar Order some people suspected that he is because uncomfortable Alexander runs away this matter, divulged the information intentionally, brings pressure & mda S h to Church ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Regarding this Zhan En snorts contemptuously radically, he was also counting on by this news black Soros one, how possibly stupid enough to tell others this matter well? 从嫌疑上来说,自然是詹恩最大,事实上圣堂教团里就有人怀疑他是因为不爽亚历山大逃走这件事,故意泄露了情报,给教团带来压力———对此詹恩根本就是嗤之以鼻,他还指望着靠这个消息好好黑索罗斯一把呢,怎么可能蠢到把这件事告诉别人? In brief. After this matter spreads outside, Templar Order is also badly battered. On the one hand they must comfort these people, the influence that on the other hand, they must bring this matter minimizes, but this is not an easy matter. Because Soros family after learning of this news, immediately sends people to inquire that actually Templar Order what happened, even also accuses Templar Order and Zhan En colludes, gave a pretext Alexander to be missing, actually executed his secret! 总而言之。在这件事流传到外面之后,圣堂教团也是焦头烂额。一方面他们要安抚那些民众,另外一方面,他们也要把这件事所带来的影响降到最低,不过这可不是件容易的事情。因为索罗斯家族在得知这个消息之后,立刻派人去询问圣堂教团究竟发生了什么事,甚至还明里暗里指责圣堂教团詹恩勾结,借口亚历山大失踪,其实是将他秘密处死! Naturally cannot ignore facing so obvious slinging mud at Zhan En. On the contrary facing the Soros family's indictment, he shouted abuse directly, the suspicion of mentioning names was the Soros family sends people to rescue Alexander with some ignominious method. Moreover he brought to light the Soros family to affirm that colluded straightforwardly with certain evil cult in secret, but that Alexander perhaps was the important personage in evil cult, will therefore be rescued. Should be based on this, conducts a thorough check to the entire Soros family! 面对如此明显的扣屎盆子詹恩自然不会置之不理。相反面对索罗斯家族的指控,他直接破口大骂,指名道姓的怀疑是索罗斯家族派人用某种不光彩的手段救走了亚历山大。而且他更是直截了当的挑明了索罗斯家族肯定和某些邪教暗中勾结,而那个亚历山大说不定就是邪教中的重要人物,所以才会被救出去。应该以此为基础,对整个索罗斯家族进行一次彻底的清查! both sides are not the affable people. Tore to pieces the face by this time directly. Therefore Zhan En or the Soros family is almost sparks/Mars scatters, must hit shortly. But the entire upper class is also noisy, because the issue between Soros family and Zhan En, fleeing of Alexander, and Templar Order deterrent force ......... wait wait/etc. etc. these things simply became a hopeless mess randomly, can say, the situation in present Eagle Plateau, confused not can have withstood becomes more chaotic, seemed like a person to enter being noisy market area, near the ear except forbuzz humming sound & R dquo ; Beside loud noise. Almost does not have the means to make clear anything. 双方都不是好惹的主儿。到这时更算是直接撕破了脸。因此无论是詹恩还是索罗斯家族几乎都是火星四溅,眼看着就要打起来了。而整个上层阶级也是闹哄哄的,由于索罗斯家族与詹恩之间的问题,亚历山大的逃离,以及圣堂教团的威慑力………等等等等这些东西简直乱成了一锅粥,可以说,现在的雄鹰高原里,原本就已经迷乱不堪的局势变得更加混乱,就好像是一个人走进了闹哄哄的市场区,耳边除了“嗡嗡嗡”的喧闹声之外。几乎没办法搞清楚什么事情。 Therefore Zhan En will say that „ , if not I know that this is really not I does, I also think that this is really I does. & R dquo ; One group of because the situation making randomly then the profit is the matter that Zhan En always most excels, is certain, if this time is not and has the interest relations, Zhan En had really not minded that sells teammate a time. 所以詹恩才会说出那句“如果不是我知道这真的不是我做的,我还以为这真是我做的。”因为把局势弄的一团乱然后从中获利是詹恩向来最擅长的事情,可以肯定,如果这次不是和自己有利益关系的话,詹恩还真不介意卖一次队友。 But by heaven and earth and my conscience, this time is really not he does! 可天地良心,这次真不是他干的啊! Actually regarding is who to disclose that Zhan En and Enoya have the consensus, when Templar Order also the interior like the fool searches, he and Enoya had obtained conclusion & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Alexander that who rescues, is information that who disseminates. The reason is very simple, knows the person of this matter only then such several, except for oneself, then naturally was the litigant. The guards dislike disgraced will not speak irresponsibly, but can the fleeing criminal speak irresponsibly only then god knows. Moreover, since the opposite party can come out not to alarm Templar Order Lane Alexander, explained that is also strength excel existence, only now does not know is actually the goal that the opposite party does that is oneself, is Soros, or is Templar Order. Because of this matter, the three parties may suffer the suitable attack. Zhan En mustis in cahoots & R dquo facing him and Templar Order ; Kills the accusation of Alexander in secret( regarding Zhan En this from the start is not anything), but the Soros family must be busy explaining that to own ally between they and evil cult people no relations, is more impossible to entrust the evil cult disciple to rescue Alexander ......... as for Templar Order is also anxiously the comforting people , indicating that this is only an accident/surprise, Templar Order all usual, these evil shadows tremble under the Holy brilliance as before...... 对于究竟是谁透露的,詹恩埃诺娅都已经有了共识,在圣堂教团还像个傻瓜一样内部搜查的时候,他和埃诺娅就已经得出了结论———谁救的亚历山大,那么就是谁散播的信息。原因很简单,知道这件事的人就只有那么几个,除了自己这边的,那么自然就是当事人了。看守嫌丢人不会乱说,但是逃犯会不会乱说就只有天知道了。而且,对方既然能够把亚历山大出来而不惊动圣堂教团,说明那也是个实力高强的存在,现在唯一不知道的就是对方这么做的目的究竟是自己,还是索罗斯,或者是圣堂教团。因为这件事,三方可都是遭受了相当的打击。詹恩要面对他和圣堂教团“狼狈为奸”暗中杀害亚历山大的指责(不过对于詹恩来说这压根不算什么),而索罗斯家族也要忙着给自己的盟友解释他们和邪教徒之间没有什么关系,更不可能委托邪教徒去救亚历山大………至于圣堂教团也是急着安抚民众,表示这只是一个意外,圣堂教团一切如常,那些邪恶的阴影依旧在神圣光辉下瑟瑟发抖…… One black three, this technique reaches a high degree of proficiency, adept incomparable. 一黑黑三,这手法可谓炉火纯青,娴熟无比。 Zhan En always thought that this technique is a little familiar, he can believe firmly where oneself have seen, but cannot think suddenly. However he is certain, does this matter absolutely is demon, otherwise oneself will be is impossible to have the impression. 詹恩总觉得这种手法有点儿熟悉,他可以确信自己在什么地方见过,但是一时间也想不起来。不过他可以肯定,干出这种事的绝对是魔族,不然的话自己是不可能会有印象的。 However now he is not looks for the chief criminal. 不过现在他可不是来找罪魁祸首的。 The carriage stops before big Churchgate slowly, Zhan En opens the vehicle door, goes down the carriage. Looked at one at present this white, sharp church tower top & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Regarding the church, Zhan En has no special sentiment. As demon, he is certainly impossible to go to the church to go to church and pray, but this Zhan En actually has to come this, after all, this will also relate to his future. 马车在高大的教堂门前缓缓停下,詹恩打开车门,走下马车。望了一眼眼前这白色的,尖尖的教堂塔顶———对于教堂,詹恩没什么特别的感情。作为魔族,他当然不可能去教堂里做礼拜和祈祷,不过这次詹恩却不得不来这一趟,毕竟,这也关系到他的未来。 I have to acknowledge, as Bishop, is very good, Howard Sir Bishop who the menacing aspect you do. & R dquo ; “我不得不承认,作为一名主教,在危言耸听方面您还是做的很棒的,霍华德主教大人。” Enters the spacious, bright hall. Looks is putting on the white at present. Is mounting gold-edged the old person of Priest robe. The opens the mouth of Zhan En satire said all, but hears his complaint, Howard Bishop was also only smiled bitterly reluctantly, in fact he also knows, Zhan En was actually a very lazy person, only if necessary did not go out. This time he is willing to arrive at the church, because Howard Bishop conveyed an information through Nadia to Zhan En. Needs with his private talk, but this information & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Then relates to future of Zhan En on Eagle Plateau. 走进宽敞,明亮的大厅。望着眼前穿着白色。镶嵌着金边的牧师袍的老人。詹恩无不讽刺的开口说道,而听见他的抱怨,霍华德主教也只是无奈的苦笑了一下,事实上他也知道,詹恩其实是个很懒的人,除非必要根本就不出门。这次他之所以愿意来到教堂,还是因为霍华德主教通过娜迪亚詹恩传达了了一个信息。需要和他密谈,而这个信息———则关系到詹恩雄鹰高原上的未来。 However as for this is the art exaggerating or the fact, discussed separately. 但是至于这是艺术夸张还是事实,就另说了。 Enoya has not entered the church with Zhan En, although said that as higher undead lifeform, Enoya also has the resistivity of certain extent regarding the church, seems like at least in the ordinary day with the average person has not distinguished. However her undead lifeform, seems like some people after all, although has not fallen ill, but the flavor of similarly repugnant hospital decontaminating solution is also the same, Enoya takes undead lifeform. In that Holy the aura regarding the church naturally is also please excuse my inability to comply. Therefore she has not followed Zhan En to come in together, but is the choice waits for own master on the carriage. 埃诺娅并没有和詹恩一起进入教堂,虽然说作为高等不死生物,埃诺娅对于教堂也算是有一定程度的抵抗力,至少在平日里看起来和普通人没区别。但是她毕竟还是不死生物,就好像有些人虽然没生病,但也同样讨厌医院消毒水的味道一样,埃诺娅作为不死生物。对于教堂里那种神圣的气息自然也是敬谢不敏的。所以她并没有跟随詹恩一起进来,而是选择在马车上等待自己的主人。 Good, said no matter how, I came. Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “好吧,不管怎么说,我来了。主教大人。” Looks at Howard Bishop, Zhan En puts out a hand to push under the eyeglasses, says. 看着霍华德主教,詹恩伸出手去推了下眼镜,开口说道。 If you have anything to tell me. Then can speak frankly greatly. Let me go ahead and guess, is the fellow suspicion that brain of one crowd of back Saint spines stupidly falls I appears a difficult problem to them? If their IQ really so low, please trouble them to produce the evidence, I may have no interest in standing in the chancel ......... & R dquo by one crowd of feeble-minded retarded inquiries ; “如果你有什么事情想要告诉我。那么大可以直说。让我猜猜看,是不是又有一群背圣书背的脑子傻掉的家伙怀疑是我给他们出了难题的?如果他们的智商真的如此低下,就请麻烦他们拿出证据来,我可没兴趣站在圣坛上被一群低能弱智询问………” Good, Mr. Zhan En, my time asks you to come not for this bored matter. & R dquo ; “好了好了,詹恩先生,我这次找你来可不是为了这种无聊的事情。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Howard revealed the helpless forced smile, he has to acknowledge that Zhan En in & mda S h of reason Templar Order also has unpopular ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; On him these words, had offended a large number of people a moment ago. 听到詹恩的说话,霍华德露出了无奈的苦笑,他不得不承认詹恩圣堂教团也不受欢迎不是没有的原因的———就他刚才这句话,就已经得罪了相当一部分人了。 In fact Templar Order had realized that this time matter has no relations with you, we think the enemy possibly in the outside. Naturally, so far, we have not known that who they are, but I want, they to appear the primary form before long. & R dquo ; “事实上圣堂教团已经认识到这次的事情与你没有什么关系,我们认为敌人可能在外部。当然,到目前为止,我们还不知道他们是谁,但是我想过不了多久,他们就会显出原形的。” Said here, Howard Bishop stopped, then looked to Zhan En, said again. 说道这里,霍华德主教停顿了一下,接着望向詹恩,再次开口说道。 In fact, this time I asked you to come, was hopes that you can accept the request of Templar Order. & R dquo ; “事实上,这次我请你来,是希望你能够接受圣堂教团的委托。” Request? & R dquo ; “委托?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow. 听到这里,詹恩挑了下眉头。 The awarding a decoration aristocrat is the glory, is the responsibility. Zhan En benefitted from Templar Order here, then naturally must pay anything to be good. This naturally is not only Zhan En, is the responsibility of all awarding a decoration aristocrats. However to put it bluntly is Templar Order needs themto save world & R dquo ; Time, will come to invite these awarding a decoration aristocrats to help. But this time, seemed like Templar Order as if to look for something to do to oneself. 授勋贵族是荣耀,也是责任。詹恩圣堂教团这里得到了好处,那么自然也要付出些什么才行。这当然不仅仅是詹恩,也是所有授勋贵族的责任。不过说白了就是圣堂教团需要他们“拯救世界”的时候,就会前来邀请这些授勋贵族帮忙。而这一次,看起来圣堂教团似乎要找些事情给自己干了。 Does not need to suspect. & R dquo ; “不用怀疑。” Looks at the Zhan En's expression, Howard Bishop has guessed correctly the Zhan En's idea. 看着詹恩的表情,霍华德主教就已经猜到了詹恩的想法。 This is Templar Order to let you can be far away from this vortex ......... the Soros family's indictment to make us have a headache temporarily very much, in this crucial point, we do not want more mistakes ............... & R dquo ; “这就是圣堂教团为了让你能够暂时远离这个漩涡………索罗斯家族的指控让我们很头疼,在这个节骨眼上,我们也不希望出现更多的差错……………” Actually does not need Howard Bishop to explain, Zhan En has understood why Templar Order will give itself to issue while this time entrusted. The accusation of Soros family makes Templar Order have a headache very much, moreover after knowing Alexander is missing, their energy also to be as if harder, is also getting more and more tyrannical regarding the Zhan En's attitude. But Zhan En is not that good nature person, in fact he has almost prepared the army, when waits to kill to visit, tidies up thoroughly the Soros family. But such a blasting fuse naturally is Templar Order does not want to see, therefore they open Zhan En simply, then copes with the Soros family by oneself. Moreover, as the matter stands Templar Order protects also more justifiable & mda S h to Zhan En's ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; After all the opposite parties goto save world & R dquo for oneself ; Then Templar Order does support Zhan En is not the natural matter? 其实不用霍华德主教解释,詹恩就已经明白为什么圣堂教团会趁这个时候给自己发布委托了。索罗斯家族的指责让圣堂教团很头疼,而且知道亚历山大失踪之后他们的底气似乎也硬了很多,对于詹恩的态度也越来越强横。而詹恩也不是那种好脾气的人,事实上他几乎已经准备好了大军,就等着什么时候杀上门去,把索罗斯家族彻底收拾掉。而这样一个导火索自然是圣堂教团不希望看见的,所以他们干脆把詹恩支开,然后由自己去对付索罗斯家族。不仅如此,这样一来圣堂教团詹恩的保护也会更加名正言顺———毕竟对方都为自己去“拯救世界”了,那么圣堂教团支持詹恩不也是理所当然的事情吗? Howard Bishop has not said is too detailed, but is the point, but Zhan En actually understands his meaning, obviously, this regarding Zhan En, is a good deed. 霍华德主教并没有说的太详细,而是点到为止,不过詹恩却非常了解他的意思,显然,这对于詹恩来说,也是一件好事。 Good. & R dquo ; “好吧。” Although in the heart longs for that can taste the Soros family's blood, but in the Zhan En surface acts at least is a rich sense of justice knight, therefore he hesitated the moment, then nods. 虽然心中更渴望能够去品尝索罗斯家族的鲜血,不过詹恩表面上扮演的至少是一个富有正义感的骑士,所以他只是犹豫了片刻,便点了点头。 „ If Templar Order gives my request, then I naturally can spare no effort to complete. & R dquo ; “如果是圣堂教团交给我的委托,那么我自然会不遗余力完成的。” I know that Mr. Zhan En you will certainly accept. & R dquo ; “我就知道詹恩先生你一定会接受的。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, in the Howard Bishop surface also showed the satisfactory smile. 听到詹恩的回答,霍华德主教的面上也是露出了满意的笑容。 In fact, currently our Templar Order faces has two troublesome ......... because just we are every insufficient, therefore needs Mr. Zhan En your aid. Naturally, you only need to help us solve one of them to be possible. & R dquo ; “事实上,目前我们圣堂教团面临的有两个麻烦………正因为我们人手不够,所以才需要詹恩先生您的援助。当然,你只需要帮助我们解决其中之一就可。” Two troubles? & R dquo ; “两个麻烦?” Hears here, Zhan En puts out a hand, pushed the eyeglasses again, in the eye flashed through together luminously. 听到这里,詹恩伸出手去,再次推了推眼镜,眼中闪过一道光亮。 Mentioned listens. & R dquo ; “说来听听。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” Spoke facing Zhan En's, Howard Bishop nods, then explained quickly. 面对詹恩的说话,霍华德主教点了点头,接着很快做出了说明。 „ The first request, is hopes that Mr. Zhan En you can lead the person to go to the western wilderness, the investigation happen at the City of Gold mysterious event. There seemed under the attack of undead lifeform, moreover now entire City of Gold already completely and outside world lost the contact, we also sent people to go to investigate, but had no news completely. & R dquo ; “第一个委托,是希望詹恩先生您能够带人前往西部荒野,调查发生在黄金之城的神秘事件。那里似乎遭遇到了不死生物的袭击,而且现在整个黄金之城已经完全和外界失去了联络,我们也曾经派人前去探查过,但是完全没有任何音信。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow, has entrusted PASS to fall this in in the depths of ones heart. Cracking a joke, City of Gold is his domain, now Templar Order will want Zhan En to bring his operational unit to cope with his domain, Zhan En takes the fine minute to comply to accept this request to what degree. 听到这里,詹恩挑了下眉头,不过在内心深处却早已经把这个委托PASS掉了。开什么玩笑,黄金之城原本就是他的地盘,现在圣堂教团詹恩带着他的作战单位去对付他的地盘,詹恩要精分到什么程度才会答应接受这个委托啊。 As for another troublesome ............... duchies about border region Casalance and trouble between Valkyrie, hears Casalance and Valkyrie both sides is battling, but during this period, Casalance erupted a very strange and powerful plague suddenly, now the entire area has been surrounded by the disease, in order to solves this trouble as soon as possible, we need to send people to go to Casalance and fighting area of Valkyrie duchy, investigates thoroughly this matter. & R dquo ; “至于另外一个麻烦……………是关于边境地区卡萨兰斯瓦尔基里公国之间的麻烦,听闻卡萨兰斯瓦尔基里双方正在交战,而在这期间,卡萨兰斯忽然爆发了一种非常奇怪而强大的瘟疫,现在整个地区都已经被疾病所包围,为了能够尽快解决这个麻烦,我们需要派人前往卡萨兰斯瓦尔基里公国的交战地区,彻查此事。” This is actually very interesting ......... & R dquo ; “这倒是很有趣啊………” Hears the name of Valkyrie duchy, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly, he has not thought, unexpectedly in this case, will also involve on the relations with this country again. 听到瓦尔基里公国的名字,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,他可没有想到,居然还会在这种情况下,再次和这个国家牵扯上关系。 However ............... plague ............... 不过……………瘟疫…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En rotated under the eye, later he raised the head, looks to Howard Bishop. 想到这里,詹恩转动了下眼睛,随后他抬起头来,望向霍华德主教 I am willing to go to Casalance. & R dquo ; “我愿意前往卡萨兰斯。” Then, Zhan En says. 接着,詹恩开口说道。
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