DR :: Volume #3

#237: Bothering

„ Does Alexander disappear? & R dquo ; 亚历山大不见了?” Hears this news, the Zhan En's corner of the eye jumps slightly, later he narrows the eye, looks to is gazing at fixedly own Nadia at present in a threatening manner. & pe R p ; 听到这个消息,詹恩的眼角微微一跳,随后他眯起眼睛,望向眼前正气势汹汹的瞪视着自己的娜迪亚。⊥ What's all this about? Miss Nadia? & R dquo ; “这是怎么回事?娜迪亚小姐?” This is also I wants to ask that your issue, Mr. Zhan En, is you ............ & R dquo ; “这也是我想要问你的问题,詹恩先生,是不是你…………” Miss Nadia, turns over to ripe ripe, you will speak at a venture I to consider you to slander like this same. & R dquo ; 娜迪亚小姐,熟归熟,你这样乱说话我一样会告你诽谤的。” Also without and other Nadia said that Zhan En then light stopped up her thread of conversation. 还没有等娜迪亚说完,詹恩便轻飘飘的堵住了她的话茬。 I indeed am very repugnant that idiot, however for an idiot, you thought that I can go into the Templar Order jail? Moreover, if were I killed him, then I have hung his corpse to the Soros family entrance, but where can you have see his corpse? Where let alone my you close him do not know, I possibly do go to look for him? & R dquo ; “我的确很讨厌那个白痴,但是为了一个蠢货,你觉得我有可能跑到圣堂教团的监牢里去吗?而且,如果是我杀了他,那么我早就把他的尸体吊到索罗斯家族大门口了,但是你可有在什么地方看见他的尸体?更何况我连你们把他关在哪儿都不知道,我怎么可能去把他找出来?” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Asked back facing Zhan En's, Nadia is also speechless for a while, she also after Howard Bishop there learned this news, this informs Zhan En, simultaneously questions his. After all looks like in Nadia, Zhan En is that person, before he added that must kill Alexander, who knows that is he himself steals that fellow then to massacre from the jail secretly? 面对詹恩的反问,娜迪亚也是一时无语,她也不过是从霍华德主教那里得知这个消息之后,这才来通知詹恩,同时盘查他一下。毕竟在娜迪亚看来,詹恩就是那种人,之前他还说要杀了亚历山大,谁知道是不是他自己从监牢里劫走那个家伙然后偷偷杀掉的? However under the Zhan En's ridicule, Nadia also discovered oneself indeed are the brain hole opens greatly, if Zhan En really must kill him, a sword in the jail massacres directly, or as he said that after killing, hangs in Soros family entrance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; By Nadia to the Zhan En's understanding, this matter he can do absolutely. 不过在詹恩的嘲弄下,娜迪亚也发现自己的确是脑洞大开,如果詹恩真的要杀他,直接在监牢里一剑杀掉了事,又或者如他所说,杀了之后吊在索罗斯家族大门口———以娜迪亚詹恩的认识来看,这种事情他绝对是做得出来的。 However at present listens to a Zhan En such saying, Nadia also knows that was crude. 不过眼下听詹恩这么一说,娜迪亚也知道是自己鲁莽了。 Sorry. Mr. Zhan En ......... is I ............... & R dquo ; “对不起。詹恩先生………是我……………” Although is not willing very much, but as Paladin. Nadia also knows oneself make mistakes. As the Eye of truth Tom follower, without evidence. Without the truth, cannot accuse others casually. But Nadia was not good regarding the Zhan En's sense, when that conflict, Zhan En under own obstruction must to Alexander in the deathtrap, this give Nadia to make the quite profound impression by any means possible again and again. After knowing Alexander vanishes, her first thought suspected that this is Zhan En does. However now seems like, is completely not such matter. 虽然很不甘愿,但是作为一个圣骑士娜迪亚也知道自己犯了错。作为真实之眼托姆的信徒,没有证据。没有真相,是不可以随便指责别人的。只不过娜迪亚对于詹恩的感官一直都不好,而且在那次冲突的时候,在自己的阻挠下詹恩还千方百计三番两次要至亚历山大于死地,这给娜迪亚留下了相当深刻的印象。所以在得知亚历山大消失之后,她的第一个念头就是怀疑这是不是詹恩干的。不过现在看起来,完全不是这么回事。 Therefore even looked Zhan En is not very pleasing to the eyes, Nadia still has to obediently bows the apology to him. She is Paladin, to is right. Wrong is wrong, since oneself make a mistake, who regardless of that the opposite party is, must apologize is good. 于是即便看詹恩很不顺眼,娜迪亚依然不得不乖乖的向他低头道歉。她是一个圣骑士,对就是对。错就是错,既然自己犯了错误,那么无论对方是谁,都必须是要道歉才行的。 If Nadia knows that stands in the present man is demon, it is estimated that her idea changes immediately. 如果娜迪亚知道站在自己眼前的这个男人是个魔族的话,估计她的想法就会立刻发生改变了。 That, actually what's the matter? & R dquo ; “那么,究竟是怎么回事?” Is missing this matter regarding Alexander, Zhan En is very careful, because this indeed extremely stemmed from his unexpected. After that matter, Templar Order imprisoned Alexander. As for detaining the place, Church has not stated clearly, Zhan En had not asked. both sides are very clear this is a tacit process, Zhan En do not inquire about here issue. But Church will help Zhan En process Alexander. So long as Alexander still in Templar Order, then Zhan En can negotiate with the Soros family. 对于亚历山大失踪这件事,詹恩还是很上心的,因为这的确太过出乎他的意料之外了。在那件事情之后,圣堂教团亚历山大囚禁了起来。至于关押的地点,教团没有明说,詹恩也没有问。双方都很清楚这是一个默契的过程,詹恩不去过问这边的问题。而教团则会帮助詹恩处理好亚历山大。只要亚历山大依然在圣堂教团手里,那么詹恩就可以和索罗斯家族谈判。 However now ......... does Alexander disappear unexpectedly? 但是现在………亚历山大居然不见了? Must say that Alexander is escapes, kills Zhan En not to believe. His strength Zhan En is very clear, the brace has refused stubbornly the Elite rank. One-to-one Alice does not need dead also turns him competently. Can such fellow escape from the Templar Order jail? Must know that Templar Order jail that is not the average person enters casually, can have the qualifications to be detained there. It is not the evil cult disciple is the demon envoy, if makes them run casually, that Templar Order can die. 要说亚历山大是自己逃出去的,打死詹恩都不信。他的实力詹恩很清楚,撑死不过精英等级。一对一爱丽丝不用即死也能干翻他。就这么个家伙能够逃出圣堂教团的监牢?要知道圣堂教团的监牢那可不是一般人随便进的,能够有资格被关押在那里的。不是邪教徒就是魔族的使者,要是让他们随随便便跑出去,那圣堂教团就可以去死了。 Therefore the garrison strength of Templar Order jail can be said as entire Klein Continent being strongest, the royal family prisons in many country do not have the means to place on a par. Even has such joke in many ruling classes, if you really worried that your political opponent will stand up from failure in the salt fish in the future to oneself brings the trouble, then delivers to him the Templar Order jail simply and ensure your whole life did not need to be worried about any issue again. 所以圣堂教团监牢的警备力量可以说是整个克莱恩大陆最强的,就连很多国家的王室监狱都没办法相提并论。甚至在很多统治阶级之中都有这样的笑话,如果说你实在担心自己的政敌会在日后咸鱼翻身给自己带来麻烦,那么干脆就把他送到圣堂教团的监牢里去,保证你这辈子就不用再担心任何问题了。 Naturally, this is only a joke, Templar Order is the religious organization, naturally cannot by these ruling class uses, be able to close in the Templar Order jail, either hidden in the demon adorer who implements the evil plot secretly secretly, either is cruel evil Captain evil cult and so on existence, did not say that what people have the qualifications to go. In fact Alexander was closed there also temporary, when comes out after his trial result, he will be shifted to other place. 当然,这只是一种玩笑话,圣堂教团是个宗教组织,自然不会被那些统治阶级利用,能够关到圣堂教团的监牢里的,要么就是隐藏在幕后暗地里实行邪恶阴谋的魔族崇拜者,要么就是残忍邪恶的邪教首领之类的存在,不是说什么人都有资格进去的。事实上亚历山大被关在那里也不过是临时的,等到关于他的审判结果出来之后,他就会被转移到别的地方去。 However no one has thought, Alexander ran unexpectedly! 但是谁也没想到,亚历山大居然跑了! What mighty waves this matter has not caused in the outside world, however is actually the thunder vibrates in Templar Order, in the jail that the aristocrat young master who only has a high and respected position can unexpectedly from Templar Order runs away, then these evil cult disciple leaders and so on wasn't easier? Must know that many of them may be super powerful, the powerhouse of legendary domain is the case everywhere, Templar Order has the seal to limit their strengths, perhaps this group of people overturn the heavens also really take them to have no means. 这件事在外界还没有引起什么波澜,但是在圣堂教团内部却已经是雷霆震动,区区一个养尊处优的贵族少爷居然能够从圣堂教团的监牢里跑掉,那么那些邪教徒首领之类的不是更加容易了?要知道他们当中不少人可都是实力超强,传奇领域的强者比比皆是,要不是圣堂教团有封印限制他们的力量,恐怕这群人翻了天还真拿他们没什么办法呢。 In Templar Order, naturally also started a quite serious investigation, but actually stems from everyone's unexpected finally. Actually the matter is very simple, after conducting the evening prayed, the criminals returned to oneself room to rest and sleep, at this time Alexander also, moreover compared also no exceptionally performance with others. In the morning then when next morning, the person will conduct prayed the time in the presence of everyone, went to call Sacred hall guard of person then to discover that Alexander disappeared. In his room does not have any strange place, without the magic power vestiges of release magic, has not seen what evil transmission, cannot see the said/tunnel that what wall bottom corner digs. The entire room was like before, the only difference was, Alexander vanished thoroughly. 圣堂教团内部,自然也开始了一次相当严肃的调查行动,但是结果却出乎所有人的意料之外。其实事情本身很简单,在进行完晚间祈祷之后,犯人们就回到自己的房间里休息和睡觉,这个时候亚历山大还在,而且和其他人相比也没什么异常表现。然后等到第二天一早,当众人进行早间祈祷的时候,前去叫人的圣堂守卫这才发现亚历山大不见了。他的房间里没有任何奇怪的地方,没有释放魔法的魔力残余,也没有看见什么邪恶的传送阵,更看不见什么墙底拐角处挖的地道。整个房间还和之前一样,唯一的区别就是,亚历山大彻底消失了。 A big living person, how helplessly such missing? 一个大活人,怎么会眼睁睁的就这样失踪呢? Templar Order has not looked like Nadia does not pass through the brain suspects Zhan En, although he indeed has the suspicion, but first Zhan En does not know where Alexander was closed, he has not inquired this matter. Secondly Zhan En has not left Eagle Plateau these days, therefore is naturally impossible to look for the trouble of Alexander. In addition and Nadia is different, existence of Howard very clear Alexander regarding what Zhan En haspolitical significance & R dquo ;, This is one is used withchip & R dquo that the Soros family negotiated ;, Is astute by Zhan En's, is decidedly impossible to make this stupid matter. 圣堂教团内部倒没有像娜迪亚这么不经大脑的去怀疑詹恩,虽然他的确是有嫌疑,但是一来詹恩根本就不知道亚历山大被关在什么地方,他也没有询问过这件事。二来这段时间詹恩也没有离开过雄鹰高原,所以自然不可能会去找亚历山大的麻烦。再加上和娜迪亚不同,霍华德很明白亚历山大的存在对于詹恩来说有什么样的“政治意义”,这是一个用来和索罗斯家族谈判的“筹码”,以詹恩的精明,是断然不可能做出这种愚蠢的事情的。 Then is the Soros family? 那么是索罗斯家族? Cracks a joke, if the Soros family will make this matter, absolutely Templar Order can be relentless puts down the entire Soros family, do not say that he is only on Eagle Plateau a small aristocrat family, even a ruling class of country, if dares to provoke the Templar Order dignity with this way, then launched the holy war only to choose! 开什么玩笑,如果索罗斯家族会做出这种事的话,圣堂教团绝对会毫不留情的把整个索罗斯家族扫平,不要说他只是雄鹰高原上一个小小的贵族家系,就算是一个国家的统治阶级,如果胆敢用这种方式挑衅圣堂教团的威严,那么发动圣战就是唯一的选择了! But besides these two people, Templar Order really cannot discover other possibilities, these two possibilities they feel very forced. Zhan En is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, his standpoint and Templar Order are consistent, in fact gives Templar Order Alexander is also Zhan En nods assent, otherwise he took away to hang Templar Order unable to manage initially directly. But that side the Soros family have no reason, Alexander is only the third smooth successor, is not favored in the Soros family very much, if the Soros family really braves to offend the Templar Order danger to rescue him, regardless of first success ratio high, dares to have this idea only to explain that their brain holes were big enough. 可是除了这两个人之外,圣堂教团也实在找不出其他的可能性,就连这两个可能性他们都觉得很牵强。詹恩是授勋贵族,他的立场和圣堂教团一致,事实上把亚历山大交给圣堂教团也是詹恩点头同意的,不然当初他直接拿走吊死圣堂教团也管不着。而索罗斯家族那边就更没有理由了,亚历山大只是第三顺序继承人,在索罗斯家族里也不是很受宠,索罗斯家族如果真的冒着得罪圣堂教团的危险去营救他,先不论成功率有多高,敢有这个想法就只能说明他们脑洞够大了。 Now this matter in interior, only then young some people know ......... & R dquo ; “现在这件事在内部,也只有一小部分人知道………” In the whole thing detailed told after Zhan En, Nadia then says. Actually she knows this matter , because Howard Bishop wants through this information transmit to Zhan En, is only Nadia is too deep to the Zhan En prejudice, will therefore go to interrogate from the beginning. Afterward discovered own question radically is utterly unjustified, therefore she also raised hand to surrender to admit defeat on obediently. 在把整件事情详细的对詹恩诉说了一遍之后,娜迪亚这才开口说道。其实她之所以会知道这件事,就是因为霍华德主教想要通过她将这个消息传递给詹恩,只是娜迪亚实在对詹恩成见太深,所以才会一开始前去质问。后来发现自己的质疑根本是毫无道理的,于是她也就乖乖举手投降认输了。 What meaning is the Howard Bishop that side? & R dquo ; 霍华德主教那边是什么意思?” Sir Bishop hopes that you can be calm, at present Templar Order is investigating thoroughly this matter, we ensure will look for the Alexander whereabouts in the shortest time ......... & R dquo ; 主教大人希望你能够冷静,目前圣堂教团正在彻查这件事,我们保证会在最短的时间内寻找到亚历山大的下落………” Said here, the Nadia tone became somewhat seriously is even dignified. 说道这里,娜迪亚的语气甚至变得有些严肃凝重起来。 Trial of any evil inescapable Eye of truth, Mr. Zhan En, regardless of he rushes to there, in place of the brilliant ray, absolutely is impossible to hide that evil the whereabouts. & R dquo ; “任何罪恶都无法逃脱真实之眼的审判,詹恩先生,无论他跑到那里,在光辉照耀之地,就绝对不可能隐藏那罪恶的行踪。” Hears these words, Zhan En raised the head, swept present Paladin. Her vision is similar to the sword sharply generally is looking steadily at itself, not hesitant disclosed to own vigilance. Clearly, she a moment ago those words, and not only aimed at Alexander. 听到这句话,詹恩抬起头来,扫了一眼眼前的圣骑士。她的目光正如同剑一般锐利的盯视着自己,丝毫不犹豫的透露出对自己的警惕。很明显,她刚才那句话,并不仅仅只是针对亚历山大来说的。 Regarding this Zhan En is not accidental/surprised, but ......... this Paladin young girl was too tender. & R dquo ; 对此詹恩并不意外,只不过………这个圣骑士小妞还是太嫩了一些啊。” I am very clear, Miss Nadia. & R dquo ; “我很清楚,娜迪亚小姐。” Welcomed Nadia to gaze at own vision, Zhan En is smiling was answering. 迎着娜迪亚注视着自己的目光,詹恩微笑着做出了回答。 Regarding Zhan En, missing of Alexander is only a small interlude, although this also makes him lose the chip that and Soros family negotiated, but the Soros family did not know the circumstances of the matter. Just like Nadia said, really knows this matter, only then in Templar Order is responsible for some Eagle Plateau here high levels and one small people, obviously, Templar Order is the plan keeps secret this matter. After all once spreads, this regarding the Templar Order prestige is also a big attack, perhaps will also create the certain extent the confusion, this naturally is Templar Order does not want to see. 对于詹恩来说,亚历山大的失踪只是一个小小的插曲,虽然这也让他失去了和索罗斯家族谈判的筹码,但是索罗斯家族对此并不知情。正如娜迪亚所说,真正知道这件事的,只有圣堂教团里负责雄鹰高原这里的高层和一小部分人,显然,圣堂教团是打算将这件事保密的。毕竟一旦流传开去的,这对于圣堂教团的声望也是个不小的打击,说不定还会造成一定程度的混乱,这自然是圣堂教团不希望看见的。 Since Templar Order is willing to cover up this matter, then Zhan En naturally also takes this now-defunct chip and Soros family on happy continuation trades, if all smooth, catch a white wolf empty handed (profit without investing) regarding Zhan En, was not the issue. 既然圣堂教团愿意遮掩这件事,那么詹恩自然也就乐的继续拿这个已经不存在的筹码与索罗斯家族进行交易,如果一切顺利的话,空手套白狼对于詹恩来说,也不是什么问题了。 However what pitifully is, has not waited for Zhan En to put into practice own plan, the accident/surprise happened.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 不过可惜的是,还没有等詹恩将自己的计划付诸实施,意外发生了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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