DR :: Volume #4

#343: Prey that delivers

............ The matter is this. & R dquo ; “…………事情就是这样。” After that Tillis unretentive that all that told oneself saw before Zhan En and Aina, including covering entirely a law sky, was that blue woman, matter that as well as had finally. But Tillis do not know why that woman must run, she only knows that the opposite party as if saw anything, departure that then frightens. As for is how a matter, Tillis is not actually clear. 在那之后,蒂莉丝毫无保留的向詹恩艾娜讲述了自己之前所看见的那一切,包括布满法阵的天空,还是那个蓝色的女人,以及最后所发生的事情。只不过蒂莉丝自己并不知道那个女人为什么要跑,她只知道对方似乎看见了什么东西,然后吓的离开。至于究竟是怎么一回事,蒂莉丝也不清楚。 How to have this matter? That should not be what Ghost ghost. & R dquo ; “怎么会发生这种事情?那该不会是什么幽灵鬼怪吧。” Listened to narration of Tillis, Aina flexure to scratch the head, then looked to nearby Zhan En. But heard her reply, Tillis shivered, she knows certainly that Aina referred to anything. In the Adventurer legend, there is a story about ghost, hearsay these is unwilling the ghost that died to make the illusion, tempts these ignorant Adventurer to move toward Death. don't tell me, is that woman also same? 听完蒂莉丝的讲述,艾娜挠了挠头,接着望向旁边的詹恩。而听到她的回答,蒂莉丝则是不由的颤抖了一下,她当然知道艾娜指的是什么。在冒险者们的传说之中,有很多关于幽魂的故事,传闻那些心有不甘死去的冤魂会制造幻境,引诱那些无知的冒险者走向死亡难道说,那个女人也是一样吗? Ghost ghost? & R dquo ; 幽灵鬼怪?” Regarding the Aina brain hole, Zhan En shakes the head, he is certain that absolutely is not the Ghost ghost. In fact when demon seal activates, Zhan En has caught the aura of that woman through seal, he is certain, that absolutely is not the ghost. Even that woman is not the living creature, on the contrary, she is just the illusory image that is congealed by magic power. 对于艾娜的脑洞,詹恩只是摇了摇头,他可以肯定那绝对不是什么幽灵鬼怪。事实上在魔族刻印激活的时候,詹恩就已经通过刻印捕捉到了那个女人的气息,他可以肯定,那绝对不是什么鬼怪。甚至那个女人本身也不是什么活物,相反,她只不过是由魔力凝结的幻影罢了。 But in Klein Continent, can achieve this matterthing & R dquo ; Only has one type, that isspirit & R dquo ;. 而在克莱恩大陆,能够做到这种事情的“东西”只有一种,那就是“器灵”。 So-calledspirit & R dquo ;, Referred to has the item of self-awareness, this type of item is the magic equipment generally. Because bored manufacture this type of thing that only then these mage will idle. Perhaps was these fellow dwellings is too long in the mage tower. Does not understand how to exchange with others, therefore makes magic staff or Alchemy that person occasionally anything can speak simply chats with itself & mda S h ; The person is to each their own, so long as is not the extremely dangerous matter, then we, so long as protects them to be good with the warm vision. 所谓“器灵”,指的就是拥有自我意识的道具,这种道具一般都属于魔法装备。因为只有那些法师才会闲的无聊制造这种东西。或许是那些家伙宅在法师塔太久了。已经不懂得如何与他人交流,所以干脆造一根会说话的法杖或者炼金人偶什么的来陪自己聊天—嘛,人各有所好,只要不是太过危险的事情,那么我们只要用温暖的目光守护他们就好。 Naturally , some evil black demon mage will choose to extract the soul of innocent person, pours into conducts the fetter and operation to other objects. But demon in this aspect is super adept. However demon has the weapon item of the self-awareness and elaborative faculty regarding the manufacture is not warm-hearted, although they are imprisoning, the fetter and operation soul has the extraordinary talent. However in this regard, the demon actually unexpected discretion, the radical that is far from main plane these mage coming. 当然,也有一些邪恶的黑魔法师会选择将无辜者的灵魂抽取出来,注入到其他的物体之中进行束缚和操纵。而魔族在这方面更是超级拿手。不过魔族对于制造拥有自我意识和思考能力的武器道具却并不热心,虽然他们在禁锢,束缚和操纵灵魂方面拥有着超绝的天赋。但是在这方面,魔族倒是出人意料的谨慎,远远没有主位面那些法师来的激进。 In main plane, can have is the high-grade magic equipment items that the self-awareness is conducted to tempt, but Zhan En can believe firmly, the illusory image that before Tillis saw is also stemming from this. Why as for is Tillis sees the illusory image rather than others, reason also very simple & mda S h ; The imaginary technique of any rank. Will only produce the results to these spiritual vulnerable people. Zhan En belongs to higher demon, general spiritual control and control to him radically invalid. But race that the Charm Demon spiritual control that Aina transforms is also expert, naturally also immunity imaginary technique attack. Then remaining only then Tillis, she is very exhausted, in addition the spiritual attack of Aina had opened the loophole on the movie screen of her heart, will therefore be sneak attacked to go well by the opposite party. If not in the Tillis spirit is planted demon seal. Perhaps then the opposite party has forced to carry off Tillis at this moment. 主位面,能够拥有自我意识进行引诱的都是高等级的魔法装备道具,而詹恩可以确信,之前蒂莉丝所看见的幻影也正出于此。至于为什么是蒂莉丝看见幻影而不是其他人,原因也很简单—无论是哪个等级的幻术。都只会对那些精神脆弱的人产生效果。詹恩本身属于高等魔族,一般的精神操纵与控制对他来说根本无效。而艾娜转化的魅妖魔人本身也是精神操纵专精的种族,自然也免疫幻术攻击。那么剩下的就只有蒂莉丝了,她原本就已经很疲惫了,再加上艾娜的精神攻击已经在她的心之障壁上打开了漏洞,所以才会被对方偷袭得手。如果不是蒂莉丝的精神里已经被种上魔族刻印的话。那么说不定对方此刻已经强行将蒂莉丝带走了。 But as for why the opposite party will do that. Coming out that Zhan En can also guess. The Antiquity demonic entity rule came from the ancient times, after it completely relieved the seal, that powerful strength will break this local all rules, but had self-awareness Magical Weapons is not naturally willing to destroy, but clearly, it also felt the Antiquity demonic entity aura, knows oneself are dull will only turn into one pile of tattered here, therefore did everything possible to tempt others to take away itself. But Tillis looks like in it obviously is quite appropriate candidate & mda S h ; Naturally, this is only temporary, so long as leaves here. Then was a different matter. 而至于为什么对方会这么做。詹恩也可以猜的出来。上古邪物的规则来自于远古,当它彻底解除封印之后,那股强大的力量会破坏这一片地区所有的一切规则,而拥有自我意识的魔法武器自然不甘愿就此毁灭,而很明显,它也感受到了上古邪物的气息,知道自己再呆在这里只会变成一堆破烂,所以才想尽办法想要引诱别人带走自己。而蒂莉丝在它看来显然是个相当合适的人选—当然,这只是暂时的,只要离开这里。那么就是另外一回事了。 The opposite party has not thought that Tillis had been planted demon seal by oneself, therefore when tried to operate her spirit to activate the recoil of demon seal, escaping that hurriedly therefore that woman can frighten, opposite party also very clear demon was what morality, fell actually also has no difference in their hands and thorough destructions. 只是对方没有想到蒂莉丝早已经被自己种下了魔族刻印,因此在试图操纵她的精神的时候激活了魔族刻印的反冲,所以那个女人才会吓的急匆匆的逃跑,想必对方也很清楚魔族是个什么德性,落在它们手中和彻底毁灭其实也没有什么区别了。 However what pitifully is, it or slow one step, was discovered by Zhan En the aura is. 不过可惜的是,它还是慢了一步,被詹恩发现了气息所在。 In that inside the tower. 就在那座塔里啊。 Thinks of here, Zhan En swept tall tower of not far away, that tower is located in the edge in aristocrat area, Zhan En remembers right the words, in the map, that stretch of area become famous by the mage agglomeration. Naturally, in the demon moist catastrophe of dark green blue city destruction, here is also the first thoroughly destroyed place. Can fortunately survives , and has insisted present, absolutely is the equipment of Divine Artifact rank. Because Magical Weapons also needs the support of magic power, but City of Lost was abandoned has several hundred years, during these several hundred years, slightly bad magic equipment because magic power will turn into the scrap iron separately. Only then these highest level, endures compared with the magic equipment of Divine Artifact , can achieve to maintain own goal through active uptake air dissociation magic power. 想到这里,詹恩扫了一眼不远处的高塔,那座塔位于贵族区的边缘,詹恩记得没错的话,在地图之中,那片地区是以法师聚集地出名的。当然,在苍蓝之城毁灭的魔潮浩劫里,这里也是第一个被彻底毁灭的地方。能够在其中幸存而且一直坚持到现在的,绝对是神器等级的装备。因为魔法武器同样需要魔力的支持,而失落之城被废弃已经有几百年了,在这几百年之中,略微差一些的魔法装备都会因为魔力失散而变成废铁。只有那些最顶级的,堪比神器的魔法装备,才能够通过主动吸收空气的游离魔力来达到维持自己存在的目的。 If only this, this equipment and is not meaningful regarding Zhan En. However in feels the aura of opposite party after demon seal, Zhan En changed view & mda S h ; He can detect that woman has pure, noble soul. Although does not know that woman got up by the seal, offers sacrifices on own initiative, but such pure soul regarding demon may be the superior delicacies. But regarding Zhan En, this purity, has the soul of great power is the excellent prey, if he can obtain this soul, can speed up restoring the Cerberus advancement. On only antiquity Demonic Artifact as Zhan En, the Cerberus strength was not only restricted in this, but Zhan En believes firmly, if oneself can restore this thoroughly the weapon, then the strength in his hand will also be enhanced. Moreover ......... comes City of Lost time, anything has not fished to run, is really some is not quite also willing regarding Zhan En. 如果只是这样的话,这件装备对于詹恩来说并没有什么意义。不过在通过魔族刻印感受到对方的气息之后,詹恩就改变了看法—他可以察觉到那个女人拥有一个纯粹,高贵的灵魂。虽然不知道那个女人是被封印起来的,还是主动献祭的,但是这样纯净的灵魂对于魔族来说可算是上等佳肴。而对于詹恩来说,这种纯净,拥有强大力量的灵魂更是绝好的猎物,如果他能够获得这个灵魂,就能够加快修复塞伯拉斯的进程。作为詹恩手上唯一一把上古魔器,塞伯拉斯的力量不仅限于此,而詹恩确信,如果自己能够彻底修复这把武器的话,那么他手中的实力还会更加增强。而且………难道来一次失落之城,什么东西都没捞到就跑,对于詹恩来说也实在是有些不太甘心。 Moreover ......... 不仅如此……… Thinks of here, Zhan En toward their swept one behind, then takes back the vision. 想到这里,詹恩向着他们的身后扫了一眼,接着收回目光。 Tillis, you determined that is that tower? & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝,你确定就是那座塔吗?” Yes, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “是的,詹恩先生。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Tillis nods. In fact when that woman places on the hand her forehead, Tillis felt oneself flew probably, her line of sight crossing over ruins fast, entered tall tower, following steps on, before finally that leaf of front door & mda S h ; But at that time, that woman was screaming took back own hand, actually after this has not let Tillis sees the gate, have anything. 听到詹恩的询问,蒂莉丝点了点头。事实上在那个女人将手放在她额头上的时候,蒂莉丝感觉自己就好像飞起来了一眼,她的视线飞快的穿越废墟,进入高塔,顺着阶梯而上,直到最后那扇大门之前—只不过就在那个时候,那个女人尖叫着收回了自己的手,这才没有让蒂莉丝看见门后究竟有什么东西。 Very good, we go to there to have a look. & R dquo ; “很好,我们就去那里看看。” Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生?” Master? & R dquo ; “主人?” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Aina and Tillis stare, they have not thought completely Zhan En will be interested in this matter unexpectedly. They now in not fleeing City of Lost on the way of? Although two people are not understood regarding the present situation, but they also know that now should be seizes every second and minute to be right. But at this kind of time, Zhan En can shift to another place to waste the time unexpectedly? 听到詹恩的回答,艾娜蒂莉丝都是一愣,她们完全没有想到詹恩居然会对这件事感兴趣。难道她们现在不正是在逃离失落之城的途中吗?虽然两个人对于眼下的情况并不是非常了解,可是她们也知道现在应该是分秒必争才对。而在这种时候,詹恩居然要转向去另外一个地方浪费时间? „ There is nothing at the worst. & R dquo ; “这没什么大不了的。” Facing the vision that two people have doubts, Zhan En beckons with the hand. 面对两人疑惑的目光,詹恩摆了摆手。 Although we indeed do not rush to time false, but we same can leave City of Lost from the magic tower that side, I think that you also saw, by being bewitched Fattaz's another side city wall had collapsed, so long as we can leave this stretch of ruins, can leave City of Lost following the city wall. We will not waste the too much time, but changed a direction. Moreover ............ & R dquo ; “虽然我们的确是赶时间不假,不过从魔法塔那边我们一样可以离开失落之城,我想你们也看见了,靠着魔法塔另外一侧的城墙已经坍塌了,只要我们能够离开这片废墟,就能够顺着城墙离开失落之城。我们不会浪费太多时间,只不过是改变了一下方向而已。而且…………” Is saying, Zhan En smiles to Tillis. 一面说着,詹恩一面对蒂莉丝微笑了笑。 This perhaps is the arrangement of destiny, Miss Tillis. Since you have felt the summon of being destined, why not then we do have a look? The footsteps of destiny disappear, no one can come, we can do, seizes each opportunity, not? & R dquo ; “这说不定是命运的安排,蒂莉丝小姐。既然你已经感受到了命中注定的召唤,那么我们何不去看看呢?命运的脚步转瞬即逝,没有人能够重新来过,我们所能够做的,就是抓住每一次机会,不是吗?” Spoke these words, Zhan En beckons with the hand, then turns around the direction that turns toward tall tower to be at to walk. But in his behind, Aina and Tillis also looked at each other one, then hurried with. Quick, the forms of three people disappeared in the remnant of destroyed building like this, was missing. 说完这句话,詹恩摆了摆手,接着转身向着高塔所在的方向走去。而在他的身后,艾娜蒂莉丝也是对视了一眼,接着急忙跟了上去。很快,三个人的身影就这样消失在了断壁残垣之中,不见了踪影。 ......... these fellows ............!! & R dquo ; “唔………这些家伙…………!!” But along with disappearance of Zhan En and others, a black form never in the alley in distant place walked. Tinidell is staring the eyes, looks at tall tower to distant place, in the hand is gripping tightly that giant sickle. She bites the lip tightly, looks steadily at the Zhan En and others form to vanish in the darkness, this stamps the feet suddenly. 而伴随着詹恩等人的消失,一个黑色的身影从不远处的小巷里走了出来。蒂尼德尔瞪着双眼,望向远处的高塔,手中紧紧握着那把巨大的镰刀。她紧咬住下嘴唇,盯视着詹恩等人的身影消失在黑暗之中,这才猛然跺了跺脚。 „ Is that fellow doing, he does not know that damn monster can regain consciousness? This fool ......... & R dquo ; “那个家伙在干什么啊,他难道不知道那个该死的怪物就要苏醒了吗?这个笨蛋………” Is saying, Tinidell turns toward another side main road to walk. However after several, saw only Tinidell to stop the footsteps again, she has turned the head, has a look at that tall tower, visits oneself front path, frowns to show the anxious expression. But at this time, suddenly, land start again shivered, but originally in solid ground, gradually appeared spider web cracks. 一面说着,蒂尼德尔一面向着另外一侧的大道走去。但是在走了几步之后,只见蒂尼德尔再次停下了脚步,她转过头,看看那座高塔,又望望自己面前的道路,皱起眉头露出了不安的表情。而就在这个时候,忽然,大地再一次的开始颤抖起来,而原本坚实的地面上,也逐渐浮现出了一道道蛛网般的裂缝。 The seal is collapsing. 封印正在崩溃。 ............ That bastard!! Why I must go to manage him, made him stay here dead simply to consider as finished......!! & R dquo ; “啊…………那个混蛋!!我为什么要去管他啊,干脆让他留在这里死掉算了……!!” Sees this, Tinidell to angrily roar, then she makes an effort to stamp the feet, later then sees the young girl on this turning around without hesitation, runs in the direction that Zhan En and others leaves. in a moment, the form of young girl also disappeared in the dark shadow rapidly. 看见这一幕,蒂尼德尔怒吼一声,接着她用力一跺脚,随后便看见少女就这样毫不犹豫的转过身,向着詹恩等人离开的方向跑去。只是眨眼的工夫,少女的身影也迅速消失在了黑暗的阴影之中。 But at this moment, the tremor of land also stopped again.( To be continued.) 而此刻,大地的颤动也再一次的停了下来。(未完待续。)
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