DR :: Volume #3

#234: From dark invitation

Facing Zhan En, what reply the Soros family will make, no one knows. However regarding Alexander, at least is a little affirmed that was his destiny and family has no connection. 面对詹恩,索罗斯家族会做出什么样的回答,没有人知道。但是对于亚历山大而言,至少有一点是肯定的,那就是他的命运与家族已经没有任何关联了。 Alexander at this moment is lying down in a blackness, in dim stone room, eyes soulless is looking steadily at the ceiling. He at this moment is in the jail of Templar Order subordinate. Here to detain these offended the desecrater and evil cult of disciple grave offense, but now, he also becomes one. Before soon, him is a high-spirited aristocrat, but now, he is only captive & mda S h in rags ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Even eats well expected, here is not his warm family/home, again also some people will not act servilely flatters him, but all these bitter fruits, can only make Alexander withstand. 此刻的亚历山大正躺在一间漆黑,昏暗的石房里,双眼无神的盯视着天花板。此刻的他正在圣堂教团下属的一个监牢之中。这里原本是为了关押那些触犯了重罪的亵渎者与邪教徒的,但是现在,他也成为了其中的一员。就在不久之前,他还是一个意气风发的贵族,但是现在,他只是一个衣衫褴褛的阶下囚———甚至连吃顿好的都是奢望,这里已经不是他那温暖的家,也不会再有人卑躬屈膝的来讨好他,而这一切的苦果,只能够让亚历山大自己承受。 Alexander does not know waits for own can be anything, but he knows that absolutely will not be a good deed. There are several days from that matter in the past, he has been detained in the Templar Order prison. In the family has not sent people to see itself, clearly, this had been given up by the family on behalf of Alexander. Moreover from these in process the mouth of person, Alexander also heard some hearsay occasionally somewhat, but that to him is not what good deed. In fact a well-known rumor is Alexander may be sent to some monastery very much, was imprisoned by an ascetic practices Monk status, till he died. 亚历山大不知道等待自己的会是什么,但是他知道那绝对不会是件好事。距离那件事过去已经有好几天了,他一直被关押在圣堂教团的监狱里。家族中也没有派人来看望过自己,很明显,这代表着亚历山大已经被家族放弃了。而且从那些偶尔经过的人的口中,亚历山大也多多少少的听到了一些传闻,但那对他来说都不是件什么好事。事实上一个众所周知的流言就是亚历山大很有可能被送去某个修道院,以一个苦行修士的身份被禁锢其中,直到他死去为止。 This makes Alexander quite anxious, thinks the own future years might pass in the dull monastery very much, he whole body trembled. However what means does he have? The Soros family clarified must give up him, but Templar Order was impossible to let off him, don't tell me he can only obediently obeyed the arrangement of Templar Order, went to some remote, did the wretched monastery pass the remaining years? 这让亚历山大极为不安,一想到自己日后的岁月很有可能在枯燥无味的修道院之中度过,他就不由的浑身发颤。但是他又有什么办法呢?索罗斯家族摆明了要放弃他,而圣堂教团这边也不可能放过他,难道说他只能够乖乖的听从圣堂教团的安排,去某个偏僻,孤苦的修道院度过残生? Cracks a joke!! 开什么玩笑!! Thinks of here. Alexander clenched the teeth, grasps hammered under the wall that the fist is making an effort. All these are that man create!! Zhan En Bassammens!! If not he, then oneself still meet the attire now attractively hugs some woman to sleep in the warm small nest. Rather than here, goes through the relapse on this ice-cold stone bed! Damn. His position, his wealth, his all have gone far away to him thoroughly, present Alexander has turned into not having a thing in the world idiot & mda S h completely ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; He even can imagine how in the family these people ridiculed oneself stupid and biased! 想到这里。亚历山大咬紧牙关,握着拳头用力的锤了下墙壁。这一切都是那个男人造成的!!詹恩巴夏侬门斯!!如果不是他的话,那么自己现在依然会衣着光鲜的在自己温暖的小窝里搂着某个女人睡觉。而不是在这里,在这冰冷冷的石床上辗转反复!该死。他的地位,他的财富,他的一切已经彻底离他远去,现在的亚历山大已经完全变成一个一无所有的蠢货———他甚至能够想象到家族中那些人是如何嘲笑自己的愚蠢和偏执的! For these days Alexander had not slept calm and steady, when each time he closed the eye, that wipes the ice-cold cold light to appear in the Alexander front, brutal pulled back the reality from the dreamland him. Alexander has to experience the fight, but makes him feel like Zhan En oneself from Death are such near almost does not have. That makes him feel the anger and hatred. Naturally. Perhaps Alexander also detect that hidden in own in the depths of ones heart, the fear to Zhan En great power is all roots. He was scared, when Zhan En pulls out the long sword, putting that his mangy dog has frightened probably trembles, continuously sways the hope opposite party to give him a way out. Regarding Alexander, this is weak, humiliation, is the desperate fear. 这几天亚历山大没有睡过一个安稳觉,每次当他闭上眼睛时,那一抹冰冷的寒光就会出现在亚历山大的面前,无情的将他从梦境重新拉回到了现实。亚历山大并非没有经历过战斗,但是像詹恩那样让他感觉自己距离死亡是如此之近的却几乎没有。那让他感到愤怒和仇恨。当然。或许亚历山大自己也察觉到,那隐藏在自己内心深处的,对詹恩强大力量的恐惧才是一切的根源。他被吓坏了,在詹恩抽出长剑的时候,他就好像一直癞皮狗般吓的夹起尾巴瑟瑟发抖,不住的摇晃着渴望对方能够给他一条生路。对于亚历山大来说,这是软弱,屈辱,也是绝望的恐惧。 Perhaps also realizes this point, he even more will be angry. 或许也正是意识到这一点,他才会越发感到愤怒。 Matter should not be this. 事情不应该是这样的。 Alexander closes the eye again. Forces itself to try to go to sleep. As before, because the sleep is insufficient, he fell into the sleep quickly. However quick. In the darkness his appears that to wipe cold luminous & mda S h at present again ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That ice-cold sword blade until the chest, Alexander actually has no place to go, he can only stand in dull same place, helplessly looks that passes through his chest the sword, tears his muscle, then cut open his body upwardly, Alexander even saw the heart that oneself that beat unceasingly to jump from the black hole of chest, crashed to go toward own limitless darkness ......... 亚历山大再次闭上眼睛。强迫自己试图入睡。和以前一样,因为睡眠不足,他很快就陷入了睡梦之中。但是很快。黑暗之中他的眼前再次浮现出了那一抹寒冷的光亮———那冰冷的剑锋直到胸口,亚历山大却无处可逃,他只能够呆呆的站在原地,眼睁睁的看着那把剑贯穿他的胸口,撕裂他的肌肉,然后向上切开了他的身体,亚历山大甚至看见自己那颗不断跳动的心脏从胸口的黑洞之中跳了出来,向着自己脚下无边无际的黑暗坠落而去……… No!!! & R dquo ; “不!!!” Alexander opens the eye, his big mouth is panting for breath. Two eyes stare big. He can feel the heart of chest to beat intensely, this makes him have to put out a hand to cover the chest. Probably this can prevent it to jump to be the same. 亚历山大睁开眼睛,他大口的喘息着。两只眼睛瞪的大大的。他可以感受到胸口的心脏正在激烈的跳动,这让他不得不伸出手去捂住胸口。好像这样就可以阻止它跳出来一样。 Damn! Damn!! Damn!!! 该死!该死!!该死!!! Alexander grips tightly the double fist, in a low voice cursing. He does not even know that should hate anyone, Zhan En? This fellow definitely in own revenge list, if he can leave here, if he has the powerful strength, then he can thoroughly eliminate that repugnant bastard, looks that he kneels down to beg for mercy in oneself front. Beats him, kills him, listening to his weeping and wailing sound to tear into shreds his four limbs and body, then bathes in the blood, during that is Alexander vainly hopes for expansion, rather than like the present, desperate waiting Death in an ice-cold jail. 亚历山大紧握双拳,低声咒骂着。他甚至不知道应该去恨谁,詹恩?这个家伙肯定在自己的复仇名单里,如果他能够离开这里的话,如果他拥有强大的力量,那么他就可以彻底消灭那个讨厌的混蛋,看着他在自己的面前下跪求饶。击败他,杀死他,听着他的哭喊声撕碎他的四肢和身体,然后沐浴在鲜血之中,那才是亚历山大梦想之中的展开,而不是像现在这样,在一间冰冷的监牢里绝望的等待死亡 whistling ............... & R dquo ; “呼呼呼……………” But at this time, suddenly, laughter transmitted from the ear of Alexander suddenly. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一阵笑声忽然从亚历山大的耳边传来。 Who is?!! & R dquo ; “是谁?!!” Hears this sound quickly, Alexander sits to set out from the bed, looks steadily direction that the sound is sending out. Quick, he sees in the shadow of jail, graceful form going out slowly. But when seeing clearly the opposite party, Alexander turned very quiet. 听到这个声音,亚历山大急忙从床上坐起身来,盯视着声音发出的方向。很快,他就看见在监牢的阴影之中,一个婀娜多姿的身影缓缓的从中走出。而在看清对方时,亚历山大不由的屏住了呼吸。 That is a woman. 那是一个女人。 A beautiful woman. 一个美丽的女人。 Alexander can pledge, he has not seen such beautiful woman, the chest that her plentiful stands tall and erect clearly shivered was attracting his attention, the waist that slender being unable to withstand grasped made Alexander almost crazy, that pair of plentiful thigh is and out in the slit that the skirt was placed, appears the white and tender attractive color. A pair of deep purple long hair, is matching that maturity, the charming face, making her seemingly fill a mature female the unique seduction and charm. 亚历山大可以发誓,他从来没有见过这么美的女人,她那丰满圆润高耸的胸部颤动着吸引了他的视线,纤细的不堪一握的腰肢让亚历山大几乎疯狂,那双丰满的大腿在裙摆的缝隙之中忽隐忽现,显现出了白嫩诱人的色彩。一双深紫色的长发,搭配着那张成熟,妩媚的面孔,让她看起来充满了一种成熟女性所特有的诱惑与魅力。 Her step by step arrives at the Alexander front, but looks at her movement, the breath of Alexander starts seems even more rapid. He even wants impatient overrunning, throws to this woman, then vented heartily own. Why however does not know, this moment Alexander free hands and feet seems like by thousand jin (0.5 kg) chains fetters is been common, simply does not have the means to move. 她就这样一步一步的走到亚历山大的面前,而看着她的动作,亚历山大的呼吸开始显得越发急促。他甚至想要迫不及待的冲过去,扑到这个女人,然后尽情的发泄自己的。但是不知道为什么,此刻亚历山大自由的手脚却好像是被千斤的锁链束缚一般,根本没有办法动弹。 ......... Really is a pitiful person, Alexander ............ & R dquo ; “哦………真是个可怜的人,亚历山大…………” The females arrive at the Alexander front, puts out a hand to lift his chin, forcing him to gaze at itself. But at this time Alexander noticed, at present the pupil and human of this woman seems like some to be not quite same, that is not the eye pupil of human, but seemingly is more like the pupil that that of cat or snake stands erect, but why does not know, Alexander at this moment is not afraid. 女子走到亚历山大的面前,伸出手去抬起他的下巴,强迫他注视着自己。而这个时候亚历山大才注意到,眼前这个女人的瞳孔和人类的似乎有些不太一样,那不是人类的眼瞳,而看起来更像是猫或者蛇的那种竖立起来的瞳孔,但是不知道为什么,此刻的亚历山大一点儿都不感到恐惧。 Has a look at your present appearance, will you turn into this? Alexander? You have the noble position, unequalled strength, but why do present you seem like seem like a stray dog .........? Un? My lovable Alexander? & R dquo ; “看看你现在的样子,你怎么会变成这样?亚历山大?你原本有着高贵的地位,无与伦比的实力,可是现在的你看起来就好像是一只流浪狗………为什么?嗯?我可爱的亚历山大?” Why? & R dquo ; “为什么?” Is gazing at the eyes of female, Alexander at this moment only felt that own mind is getting more and more murky, that seems him actually not to wake up at present, but has a dream to be the same as before. In fact present Alexander absolutely does not have to ponder that who this woman is, why she will appear in oneself front, his as if instinct is muttering, pondered, is answering the issue of female. But that answer, now already already in the heart of Alexander. 注视着女子的眼睛,此刻的亚历山大只感觉自己的头脑越来越昏沉,那就好像眼下他其实并没有醒来,而是依旧做着一场梦一样。事实上现在的亚历山大根本就没去思考这个女人是谁,她为什么会出现在自己的面前,他只是仿佛本能般的喃喃自语着,思考,回答着女子的问题。而那个答案,现在早就已经在亚历山大的心中了。 Zhan En ............... & R dquo ; 詹恩……………” Right, if not he, how oneself possibly fall to this fate! All these are he harm, all these all, are other party become. Why, finally unlucky is actually oneself!! 没错,如果不是他,自己又怎么可能落到这个下场!这一切都是他害的,这一切的一切,都是他造成的。为什么,最终倒霉的却是自己呢!! Right, Zhan En. & R dquo ; “没错,詹恩。” Hears the reply of Alexander, the female showed the self-satisfied smile, she lowers the head, narrows the eye to look to the present man. 听到亚历山大的回答,女子露出了得意的笑容,她低下头去,眯起眼睛望向眼前的男人。 He is your enemy, Alexander, only then eliminates him, you can heavy obtain all that loses newly. I can lead you to leave here, grants you strength, making you have sufficiently and Zhan En for the strength of enemy, but ............... & R dquo ; “他是你的敌人,亚历山大,只有消灭他,你才能够重新获得失去的一切。我可以带你离开这里,赐予你力量,让你拥有足以和詹恩为敌的力量,但是……………” Said here, the voice of female actually vanished suddenly, although she is looking at present Alexander as before, lips gathered seemed like saying anything, but has not actually made the sound completely. But Alexander actually dull is looking at her, does not seem to detected any strange place completely. Until a moment later, he then nod of slowly. 说道这里,女子的声音却是忽然消失了,虽然她依旧望着眼前的亚历山大,双唇一张一合的看起来像是在说些什么,但是却完全没有发出声音。而亚历山大却是呆呆的望着她,似乎完全没有察觉有什么奇怪的地方。直到片刻之后,他这才缓缓的点了点头。 I want ............... & R dquo ; “我愿意……………” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Hears the reply of Alexander, the female shows a faint smile, then she puts out a hand, is touching the face of Alexander. 听到亚历山大的回答,女子微微一笑,接着她伸出手去,抚摸着亚历山大的面孔。 Opens your mouth ............... & R dquo ; “张开你的嘴巴……………” Alexander at this moment completely seemed to have lost the intelligence, he such dull is looking at the female, then opens the mouth. Afterward then sees the female to lower the head, opens the red lips lightly. Two people lips tight posts in one. 此刻的亚历山大似乎已经完全失去了神智,他就这样呆呆的望着女子,接着张开嘴巴。随后便看见女子低下头去,轻启朱唇。紧接着,两人的双唇紧紧的贴在了一起。 ............ ............... & R dquo ; “唔…………唔……………” Feels beautifully this like the touch visionally, Alexander starts to shiver, he puts out a hand, wants closely to embrace the tender body in bosom. However still does not have the means to act half. But immerses Alexander not to discover, while kisses with this female, a smoothness, flat, followed the tongue that two people were intertwined to enter in own mouth like the egg common thing, then slid into own throat deep place. 感受到这美丽如同梦幻般的触感,亚历山大开始颤动起来,他伸出手去,想要紧紧搂抱住怀中的娇躯。但是却依然没有办法行动半下。而沉醉其中的亚历山大更没有发现,就在和这个女子接吻的同时,一个柔滑,扁平,像卵一般的东西就这样顺着两人交缠的舌头进入了自己的口中,然后滑入了自己的喉咙深处。 But looks at present the Alexander movement, before the female revealed again, that strange smile, later, she puts out a hand, before placing the Alexander forehead, gently. 而看着眼前亚历山大的动作,女子再次露出了之前那种诡异的笑容,随后,她伸出手去,轻轻放在亚历山大的额头前。 Then ............... was the time of rebirth. My lovable puppy, accepts your brand-new future. & R dquo ; “接下来……………就是重生的时刻了。我可爱的小狗,接受你全新的未来吧。” With these words, Alexander feels own consciousness, in this flash fell into the boundless darkness thoroughly. ( to be continued ) 伴随着这句话,亚历山大感觉到自己的意识,在这一瞬间彻底堕入了无边的黑暗之中。(未完待续) ... ...
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