DR :: Volume #3

#233: Mutually technicality that flings the pot

The weather is late. 天色已晚。 Bright magic brilliant ray in broad comfortable living room, smooth, smooth marble floor bright can shine upon but actually above inverted image. The hills of out of the window appeared several points of dark green color under the beautiful moonlight, appearing was especially tranquil and serene. The ice-cold night wind has blown, even can see distant place the top of crown to swing along with the wind direction slightly, sent out satisfiedrustle & R dquo ; The sound, looks particularly beautiful. 明亮的魔法光辉照耀着宽阔舒适的客厅之中,平整,光滑的大理石地板明亮的能够映照倒上方的倒影。窗外的群山在明媚的月色下显现出了几分青绿的色彩,显得格外宁静与安详。冰冷的夜风吹过,甚至能够看见远处的树冠之顶伴随着风向微微摆动,发出了令人惬意的“沙沙”声,看起来分外美丽。 But regarding such beautiful scene, can do only, naturally enjoys. 而对于这样的美景,唯一能够做的,自然就是享受。 Zhan En does not have the demeanor like this slanting by sofa, the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, having an arc to look at the correspondence in hand. He such earnest read the letter/believes in hand, then this letter that was printed with the Templar Order dye printing handed over to throw in one side. 詹恩就这样毫无风度的斜靠在沙发上,嘴角微微翘起,带着一丝弧线望着手中的信函。他就这样认认真真的看完了手中的信,接着将这份印有圣堂教团印花的信件转手扔在了一边。 „ The Soros family rejected my request. & R dquo ; 索罗斯家族拒绝了我的要求。” The Zhan En's tone is tranquil, even also has several points to ridicule. But hears his speech, continuously peaceful stands silent Enoya to put out a hand, took up the letter to sweep one, later shakes the head. 詹恩的语气非常平静,甚至还带着几分嘲弄。而听到他的说话,一直安静的站在旁边沉默不语的埃诺娅伸出手去,拿起信件扫了一眼,随后摇了摇头。 This is natural, master. Although indeed has reason, but wants the opposite party to compensate an city such matter is really extremely unthinkable. Moreover this is not a small town, but is the big city that on Eagle Plateau have several. If the Soros family surrenders something submissively this city, necessity that then they have not continued to have. In any event, regarding the influence on Eagle Plateau, we are an outcomer, therefore resistance and rejection of Soros, not only will not cause others 's ridicules, on the contrary, this will also make these influences share a common hatred to look for our troubles. After all to being unsolicited who breaks into the room, has lived the person here to make them feel relieved. & R dquo ; “这是理所当然的,主人。虽然的确是事出有因,但是要对方赔偿一座城市这样的事情实在是太过匪夷所思。而且这也不是一座小镇,而是雄鹰高原上有数的大城市。如果索罗斯家族将这座城市拱手让人,那么他们也没有继续存在下去的必要了。无论如何,对于雄鹰高原上的势力来说,我们都是外来者,因此索罗斯的抵抗和拒绝非但不会引起其他人的嘲笑,相反,这还会让那些势力同仇敌忾来找我们的麻烦。毕竟相对于一个闯入房间的不请自来者,还是早就已经生活在这里的人更会让他们感到安心。” Said here, Enoya stopped, put down the letter in hand. 说道这里,埃诺娅停顿了一下,放下手中的信件。 If therefore we act willfully, perhaps will encounter surrounding of entire Eagle Plateau aristocrat influence, by that time, the Parwood family and Templar Order are impossible to brave to violate the popular anger the danger to stand this side us. It seems like this Soros family's head of the clan Sir is very indeed intelligent, he very clear truth. & R dquo ; “所以如果我们一意孤行,恐怕会遭遇到整个雄鹰高原贵族势力的围堵,到那个时候,帕伍德家族和圣堂教团都不可能冒着犯众怒的危险站在我们这一边。看来这位索罗斯家族的族长大人的确很聪明,他很明白其中的道理。” Yes, I like the smart person, because they like making very simple matter is very complex. & R dquo ; “是啊,我就喜欢聪明人,因为他们喜欢把很简单的事情弄的很复杂。” Hears the analysis of Enoya carefreely, Zhan En by the chairback of sofa, both hands interlocks, narrows the eye, showed a small fox smile. 听到埃诺娅的分析,詹恩悠闲自在的靠在沙发的椅背上,双手交错,眯起眼睛,露出了一副小狐狸般的笑容。 Thought are more, more many of worry, are easier to reveal oneself weakness. Known too many sometimes is also a weak trend, don't you think like this? Since the opposite party felt oneself are very intelligent, moreover shows off these ignorant and stupid cheap tricks in my front ......... that Enoya, how then should we do? & R dquo ; “想的越多,担心的越多,就越容易露出自己的弱点。知道的太多有时候也是一种弱势,你不这样认为吗?既然对方觉得自己很聪明,而且还在我的面前卖弄这些无知又愚蠢的小把戏………那么埃诺娅,接下来我们应该怎么做呢?” „ Very simple, master. & R dquo ; “很简单,主人。” Inquired facing Zhan En's, Enoya also revealed self-confident, graceful smile. 面对詹恩的询问,埃诺娅也露出了充满自信的,优雅的笑容。 Initiative from beginning to end in our hands, such being the case, then we must do, is continues to grasp the negotiation the direction. Since Soros so strong rejection, then we only needed to give them another request to be OK again. & R dquo ; “主动权从始至终都在我们手上,既然如此,那么我们所要做的,就是继续掌握住交涉的方向。既然索罗斯如此强硬的拒绝,那么我们只需要再给他们另外一个要求就可以了。” As for is anything requests ............... 至于是什么要求嘛…………… The member who „ lets the Soros family personally acts, apologized to the Bassammens family? & R dquo ; “让索罗斯家族的成员亲自出面,向巴夏侬门斯家族道歉?” Howard old Bishop surprised stares the big eye, is looking at peaceful standing before oneself, wears the magnificent foreign-style clothing, like thousand gold (daughter) young lady Enoya. To be honest, is obtainingat the worst everyone together to be dead & R dquo from Soros there ; After the answer, Howard was really also worried that Zhan En will disregard really launches the attack to the Soros family, if in that case, then the Templar Order standpoint will be very awkward. However now seems like, seems an entirely different story? 霍华德主教惊讶的瞪大眼睛,望着安静的站在自己面前,穿着华丽洋服,如同千金大小姐般的埃诺娅。说实话,在从索罗斯那里得到“大不了大家一起死”的答复之后,霍华德还真担心詹恩会不管不顾真的对索罗斯家族发起进攻,要是那样的话,那么圣堂教团的立场就会很尴尬了。不过现在看起来,似乎完全不是这么一回事? You meant, is willing to give up the beforehand request? & R dquo ; “你的意思是说,愿意放弃之前的要求?” This is natural, respectable Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “这是当然,尊敬的霍华德主教大人。” Sound gentleness of as always Enoya, auspicious, light/only listened to have the favorable impression. In fact kills Howard unable to think, at this moment stands before oneself, no matter how looks seems like a young girl of lady, unexpectedly can be undead lifeform & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; On the other hand, as undead lifeform Enoya also dares to come to teach unexpectedly, this is an unthinkable matter. 埃诺娅的声音一如既往的轻柔,祥和,光是听了就让人产生好感。事实上打死霍华德也想不到,此刻站在自己面前的这位不管怎么看都像是一位大家闺秀的少女,居然会是一个不死生物———话说回来,身为不死生物埃诺娅居然还敢来教会,这本身就已经是件让人匪夷所思的事情了。 „ The beforehand proposal is just the master a small joke, although said that but we are also very clear this are only an indulgent idea. Therefore even the Soros family rejected our proposition, is still the natural matter, regarding this I and masters can understand. & R dquo ; “之前的提案只不过是主人所开的一个小小的玩笑,虽然是那么说,但是我们也很清楚这只是一个异想天开的想法罢了。所以即便索罗斯家族拒绝了我们的提议,也是理所当然的事情,对此我和主人都能够理解。” Said here, Enoya had the apology to smile to Howard Bishop, this also made the old Bishop nervousness relax much. However he also knows, with the Zhan En's temper, the matter so will not be perhaps easy to finish. Howard Bishop is also the person always becomes a ghost, he knows certainly, if were refused later Zhan En to shut up by Soros, then after Bassammens family , the day on Eagle Plateau may be sad. If they cannot make anything to manifest oneself influence and exist ......... 说道这里,埃诺娅带着歉意向霍华德主教微笑了笑,这也让老主教原本紧张的心情放松了不少。不过他也知道,以詹恩的性子,恐怕事情不会如此容易结束。霍华德主教也算是人老成精,他当然知道,如果被索罗斯拒绝之后詹恩就闭嘴的话,那么巴夏侬门斯家族以后在雄鹰高原上的日子可就难过了。如果他们不能够做点儿什么来体现自己的势力和存在的话……… But ............... & R dquo ; “但是……………” Really, when Howard thinks of here, his ear immediately receives the word in that expectation. 果然,就在霍华德想到这里的时候,他的耳朵立刻收到了那个预料之内的词。 „ The Bassammens family is also a great family that has the ancient inheritance, any regarding the insult and attack that the family members adopt, we must respond to be good. Since the Soros family rejected the beforehand proposition, then we request the Soros family to us express the apology! & R dquo ; 巴夏侬门斯家族也是一个拥有古老传承的伟大家族,任何对于家族成员采取的侮辱与攻击,我们必然都要做出回应才行。既然索罗斯家族拒绝了之前的提议,那么我们要求索罗斯家族必须向我们表达出歉意!” Said finally, the Enoya pleasantly warm sound immediately became firm. 说道最后,埃诺娅原本温软的声音顿时变得坚定起来。 If they dare to neglect the Bassammens family's glory, and tries to shame us again, then we with the name of ancestor, will launch with the Soros family do not die the continuous war! The insulted reputation must be able to clean with the blood! If the Soros family continues to neglect our requests, then our rather this plateau rivers of blood, field littered with corpses, even if with all artificial enemies, we will not flinch and vacillate absolutely! & R dquo ; “如果他们敢于忽视巴夏侬门斯家族的荣耀,并且试图再一次羞辱我们的话,那么我们将以先祖之名,与索罗斯家族展开不死不休的战争!被侮辱的名誉必须要用鲜血才能够洗净!如果索罗斯家族继续忽视我们的要求,那么我们宁可这片高原血流成河,尸横遍野,哪怕与所有人为敌,我们也绝对不会退缩与动摇!” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears here, Howard old Bishop immediately one startled, until this time, he thorough understood the meaning of opposite party. 听到这里,霍华德主教顿时一惊,直到这个时候,他已经彻彻底底的明白了对方的意思。 This is compelling the Soros family to play a card! 这是在逼索罗斯家族出牌啊! Most starts, the Soros family's strong rejection the Zhan En's request, Howard also thinks that the Soros family's approach is very intelligent. Moreover he was really also worried choice war that very much Zhan En can disregard, even if by that time he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, Templar Order could not guarantee him. Must know that Templar Order is nine complexes of churches, is naturally impossible to achieve the absolute sincerity cooperation, regarding the Zhan En's actions, many people is also quite repugnant, thinks that initially Templar Order issued the awarding a decoration title to Zhan En is a dislocation, because the actions of this young people were too scandalous, moreover during easy to involve some to be troublesome Templar Order. If Zhan En really decides to begin, then Templar Order will not support obviously his. 最开始的时候,索罗斯家族强硬的拒绝了詹恩的要求,霍华德也认为索罗斯家族的做法很聪明。而且他也真的很担心詹恩会不管不顾的选择战争,到那个时候就算他是授勋贵族,圣堂教团也保不了他。要知道圣堂教团原本就是九个教会的联合体,彼此之间自然不可能做到精诚合作,对于詹恩的所作所为,有不少人也是相当反感的,认为当初圣堂教团詹恩颁发授勋爵位就是一个错位,因为这个年轻人的所作所为实在太不成体统了,而且也容易把圣堂教团牵扯到一些麻烦之中去。所以如果詹恩真的决定动手的话,那么圣堂教团显然也是不会支持他的。 However now, Zhan En made a quite intelligent response, he flung directly this pot to the Soros family! 但是现在,詹恩做出了一个相当聪明的回应,他把这个锅直接甩回给索罗斯家族了! Although noisy noisy of Alexander this matter in Eagle Plateau, but the aristocrat or Templar Order or other anything person, reaches the agreement in 1 : 00, that is Alexander this time noisy really went too far. Dispatches the army and battleship surrounds a legitimate aristocrat, if in remote mountains and ancient forests, you in Hoffer, does under glare of the public eye. 虽然亚历山大这件事在雄鹰高原里闹的沸沸扬扬,但是无论是贵族还是圣堂教团又或者其他什么人,在一点上是达成共识的,那就是亚历山大这次闹的实在太过分了。派遣军队和战舰去围堵一个合法贵族,如果是在深山老林也就罢了,偏偏你还是在华福尔,还是在众目睽睽之下这么干。 No matter in which world, some being established by usageunspoken rule & R dquo ;, The aristocrats are naturally no exception, you can the contract killer assassinate your enemy, can camouflage the gangster to attack their motorcades, even can through make the opposite party admit defeat using the provision of law. However this is in private, behavior that cannot be exposed to light, moreover no one meets to be willing to acknowledge this point. 不管是在哪个世界,都有一些约定俗成的“潜规则”,贵族们自然也不例外,你可以雇佣杀手暗杀自己的敌人,也可以伪装成匪徒去袭击他们的车队,甚至可以通过利用法律条文来让对方吃瘪。但是这都是私下的,不能见光的行为,而且也没有人会愿意承认这一点。 But the Alexander dry/does matter, was almost actually equal to that originally hypocritical and malicious and assassination under banquet intoxicated the aristocrats suspends to the desktop directly! Moreover bare, displayed slightly bluntly. This makes these aristocrats feel the exceedingly indignant immediately, although in fact they support the Soros family, but regarding Alexander this pig teammate, they are really speechless. The conclusion that Templar Order investigates also expressed chief criminal who Alexander is the matter, they in this on a little naturally are also without a doubt. 可是亚历山大干的事情,却几乎等于把贵族们原本在宴会下的口蜜腹剑和刺杀下毒直接摆到桌面上来了!而且还是裸的,丝毫不加掩饰的表现了出来。这让那些贵族顿时感到无比愤怒,事实上虽然他们都支持索罗斯家族,但是对于亚历山大这个猪队友,他们真的是无话可说。就连圣堂教团调查出来的结论也表示亚历山大才是整件事的罪魁祸首,他们在这一点儿上自然也是毫无疑问的。 But is because the Zhan En's request really makes people be hard to accept, will fuel the rebounds of other aristocrats. After all you said that annoys you to cede territory and pay indemnities one time, this matter no one accepted. Can today is the Soros family, every day be one's turn other family? Once this matter held the precedent, that also? 只不过是因为詹恩的要求实在让人难以接受,才会引发其他贵族的反弹。毕竟你说惹你一次就要割地赔款,这事谁也接受不了。今天是索罗斯家族,每天会不会又轮到别的家族?这种事情一旦开了先例,那还了得? However now, Zhan En actually solved this contradiction ingeniously, he throws the Soros family the issue again, since is they make mistakes, then they must apologize. But actually the Soros family can give what sincerity, is the key of issue. Moreover this is a very subtle issue, if the Soros family givessincerity & R dquo ; Too many, was regarded as will fear Zhan En. But if the Soros family is superficial, then Zhan En erupts Wrath of Thunder again time, other aristocrats did not say anything. After all again and again was shamed, no matter which aristocrat is impossible to endure below this tone. 但是现在,詹恩却巧妙的解决了这个矛盾,他重新把问题扔回索罗斯家族,既然是他们犯了错,那么他们必然要道歉。而索罗斯家族究竟能够给出什么样的诚意,才是问题的关键。而且这还是一个非常微妙的问题,如果索罗斯家族给出的“诚意”太多,那么就会被视为怕了詹恩。但是如果索罗斯家族对此轻描淡写,那么接下来詹恩再爆发雷霆之怒的时候,其他贵族也不好说什么了。毕竟一而再,再而三的被人羞辱,不管是哪个贵族都不可能忍的下这口气的。 Also because of this, Howard Bishop after hearing the request of Enoya, immediately the complexion slightly changes, he is very clear, Zhan En pushes the responsibility to the Soros family now again completely, but then, is the war is, was chosen by Soros. 也正因为如此,霍华德主教在听到埃诺娅的要求之后,顿时面色微微一变,他很清楚,詹恩现在是把责任再次全部推给了索罗斯家族,而接下来,是战是和,就由索罗斯来选择了。 But facing Zhan En the difficult problem, what reply will the Soros family make? R 1152 而面对詹恩所出的这个难题,索罗斯家族又会做出什么样的回答呢?r1152 The quickest renewal, reading invited. 最快更新,阅读请。 ... ...
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