DR :: Volume #3

#232: Difficult Soros

Snort! & R dquo ; “哼!” Looked at the letter in hand, old person cold snort/hum is throwing it in one side. Then he raised the head, looks to the front. Sees only at this moment in the study room, the people are gazing at this old man seriously, does not dare to breathe the atmosphere. 看完手中的信件,老人冷哼着将其扔在了一边。接着他抬起头来,望向前方。只见此刻在书房里,众人都是面色凝重的注视着这位老者,连大气都不敢喘一口。 This is the Soros family's shame!! & R dquo ; “这是索罗斯家族的耻辱!!” Soros family's head of the clan, Pasid. Soros these really felt time angrily, he almost bore the temper to look that Zhan En that was full of the naked taunt, scoffs correspondence that and threatened. The above graceful magnificent literary flourishes have not concealed the true idea of opposite party in the depths of ones heart completely, can see that aristocrat unique affected & mda S h of between the lines ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This seems like a well-born aristocrat to look at the beggar in roadside, actually must maintain the demeanor to speak to be the same with him, Pasid that condescending superiority feeling looks at almost must be mad the heart disease. 索罗斯家族的族长,帕西德.索罗斯这一次是真的感到愤怒了,他几乎是耐着性子看完了詹恩那份充满了赤裸裸的嘲讽,耻笑和威胁的信函。上面优雅华丽的辞藻完全没有掩饰对方内心深处的真实想法,从字里行间都可以看出那种贵族特有的矫揉造作———这就好像是一个出身高贵的贵族看着路边的一个乞丐,却还要维持风度和他说话一样,那种居高临下的优越感看的帕西德几乎都要气出心脏病来了。 This damn bastard!!! 这个该死的混蛋!!! Perhaps if Zhan En, Pasid cut here directly, what pitifully was, what before him was not oneself, but was only a letter paper. Therefore the senior head of the clan can only depress own anger reluctantly, since he looks to other person of that angry looks can see, senior head of the clan at this moment is leaves the anger. 如果詹恩在这里的话,帕西德说不定就直接砍过去了,不过可惜的是,在他面前的并不是本人,而只是一张信纸。因此老族长只能够勉强压下自己的怒火,但是从他望向其他人那种愤怒的眼神就可以看出,此刻的老族长已经是出离愤怒了。 Shame!! This is the shame!! Will Alexander that idiot, provoke Bassammens unexpectedly? Hasn't don't tell me that bastard heard their facts? Unexpectedly also does stupid wish experience personally? But was good, our Soros family has become the Skaar federation laughingstock now!! & R dquo ; “耻辱!!这就是耻辱!!亚历山大那个白痴,居然会去招惹巴夏侬门斯难道说那个混蛋没有听说他们的事迹吗?居然还愚蠢的想要亲自去体验一下?这下可好了,我们索罗斯家族现在已经成为了斯卡尔联邦的笑柄!!” Senior head of the clan numerous is pounding on the table, the vibration that the beard continuously. The looked following people are also fearful and apprehensive. In fact the Pasid anger is not unreasonable. After the failure of that ceremony, the Soros family's prestige had fallen much, if not they and Parwood families makes the transaction, hopes that they conceal the sword of dark green wind to be changed to the undead lifeform news, perhaps the matter will be worse. Transforms undead lifeform this matter, can only do in private. Once were discovered, even was held Templar Order there. Then the Soros family absolutely does not have the fruit to eat. 老族长重重的拍着桌子,胡子不住的抖动的。看的下面的众人也是一阵心惊胆战。事实上帕西德的愤怒也并非完全没有道理。在那次仪式的失败之后,索罗斯家族的声望就已经下跌了不少,如果不是他们和帕伍德家族做交易,希望他们隐瞒苍风之剑被转化为不死生物的消息的话,恐怕事情还会更糟糕。转化不死生物这种事情,只能够在私下做做。一旦被发现,甚至被捅到圣堂教团那里去的话。那么索罗斯家族绝对没有好果子吃。 However what is lucky is the political business is always dirty and dark, will grab this trump card stupidly, the Parwood family naturally not will notify Templar Order, but will take this to force the Soros family to withdraw from the election as the price, even also pledged that can not to them add to the chaos in the period that the Parwood family will be in power again, otherwise they did not mind that will disseminate this matter, making the Soros family have a headache well. 不过幸运的是政治交易总是肮脏又黑暗的,抓着这张王牌,帕伍德家族当然不会傻兮兮的去通报圣堂教团,而是以此为代价逼迫索罗斯家族退出选举,甚至还承诺在帕伍德家族执政的时期不得再给他们添乱,不然他们不介意把这件事散播出去,让索罗斯家族好好头痛一番。 This had irritated the Soros senior head of the clan, because the failure of Soros is not only a he failure, is a Skaar federation interior Soros school of failure. This not tight was only the Soros family, but also including his allies. But now, lead lost, naturally must receive scolding of ally. Originally presses with great difficulty these things regarding Soros already enough difficult, what makes the senior head of the clan not think, oneself are laborious in front. Does Alexander this bastard hold back to oneself in behind unexpectedly?! 这本来就已经让索罗斯老族长非常恼火,因为索罗斯的失败不仅仅是他一家的失败,更是斯卡尔联邦内部索罗斯一派的失败。这可不紧紧只是索罗斯家族了,还包括他的盟友们。而现在,领头的输了,自然要受到盟友的责难。本来好不容易才把这些事情压下去对于索罗斯来说就已经足够困难的,但是让老族长没想到的是,自己在前面辛辛苦苦。亚历山大这个王八蛋居然在后面给自己扯后腿?! Whom he provokes is not good. Unexpectedly provokes Bassammens this evil star! Is this dislikes the Soros family to live is long?! 他去招惹谁不好。居然去招惹巴夏侬门斯这个煞星!这是嫌索罗斯家族活得太长吗?! But makes the senior head of the clan depressed, then came from the accusation of Templar Order. 而更让老族长郁闷的,则是来自圣堂教团的指责。 In such big matter, Templar Order naturally must meddle the investigation, because this is only together the simple conflict, does not involve what schemes and tricks, therefore the speed of Templar Order investigation is also quick, they have almost not spent how much time to reorganize the complete picture of event. But did not say politely, at this matter, Alexander has completely, unshirkable responsibility. First. He goes in the river course recklessly is dangerous, moreover action that does not care other person of safety. If Zhan En does not respond, the ferry that then he rides may also be given to throw off by Alexander, therefore the Zhan En's correspondence has no mistake. But in later a series of conflicts, then is completely the Alexander initiative provocation, Zhan En is also forced to respond. 发生了这么大的事情,圣堂教团自然不会不插手调查,由于这只是一起简单的冲突,并不涉及什么阴谋诡计,所以圣堂教团调查的速度也很快,他们几乎没花费多少时间就已经整理出了事件的全貌。而不客气的说,在这件事上,亚历山大负有完全的,不可推卸的责任。首先。他在河道里肆意行驶就已经是一个非常危险,而且不把其他人安危放在心上的举动。如果詹恩不做出回应的话,那么他所乘的渡船也有可能被亚历山大给掀翻,所以詹恩的对应没有什么错误。而在之后一系列的冲突,则全部都是亚历山大主动挑衅,詹恩也不过是被迫做出回应。 Naturally, if makes Templar Order angriest, was Alexander dares to assemble the garrison regiment to implement unexpectedly to attack this matter to Zhan En. 当然,如果说让圣堂教团最为愤怒的,就是亚历山大居然胆敢调集警备军团对詹恩实施袭击这件事了。 Generally among the aristocrats has the battle, even if clashes, is still sends the private soldier to attack each other generally, rather than rises to the regular level. Because the private soldier to put it bluntly is the dog that the aristocrat raises, both sides put the dog to bite mutually can only beconflict & R dquo ;. But if you on the direct regular army, that were almost equal to naked declaring war. 一般贵族之间不是没有争斗,但是就算是发生冲突,也一般都是派遣私兵互相攻击,而不是上升到正规层面。因为私兵说白了就是贵族养的狗,双方互相放狗咬人只能够算是“争端”。可是你要是直接上正规军,那几乎就等于是赤裸裸的宣战了。 If Zhan En were killed, then like him to Howard Bishop said that Templar Order may protest may be angry, but will not do anything for him. But Zhan En had not been killed, moreover came a round of success instead to kill. Therefore the Templar Order attitude also had the change, good and evil Zhan En is also the awarding a decoration aristocrat, attacks him to be equal to that does not give the Templar Order face. In addition Alexander, therefore their condemnations also spoke righteously wrongly, reproving makes the Soros family unable to raise the head. 如果詹恩被干掉的话,那么就像他对霍华德主教说的,圣堂教团或许会抗议或许会生气,但是不会为他做些什么。可是詹恩没有被干掉,而且来了一轮成功反杀。于是圣堂教团的态度也产生了变化,好歹詹恩也是授勋贵族,袭击他就等于不给圣堂教团面子。再加上错误本来就在亚历山大这边,所以他们的谴责也是义正词严,一通训斥使得索罗斯家族抬不起头来。 Moreover, as a result of the involvement of Templar Order, does not favor the Soros family's hearsay also starting to spread. For example many person hearsay why will Alexander want to attack Zhan En? Because he is actually a evil cult disciple, eliminates Zhan En to attack Templar Order & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Has to acknowledge that this view actually has the market very much, moreover Templar Order also has similar sound. Because the Alexander actions were too crazed were really unthinkable, for the conflict of that little, he sent the regular army to plan that encircled unexpectedly Zhan En, can the average person do such matter to come? 不仅如此,由于圣堂教团的介入,很多不利于索罗斯家族的传闻也开始流传开去。比如就有不少人传闻为什么亚历山大会想要袭击詹恩呢?因为他其实是一个邪教徒,消灭詹恩就是为了打击圣堂教团———不得不承认这个说法其实还是很有市场的,而且就连圣堂教团内部也有类似的声音。因为亚历山大的所作所为实在是太丧心病狂匪夷所思了,就为了那一点点儿的冲突,他居然就派遣正规军打算对詹恩进行围剿,普通人能够干出这样的事情来吗? But if said that Alexander is the evil cult disciple, then the matter explained that was simpler, because the evil cult disciple in the average person opinion itself was one crowd of mental illness, making anything was not strange. 但是如果说亚历山大是个邪教徒的话,那么整件事解释起来就简单多了,因为邪教徒在普通人看来本就是一群神经病,做出什么事情都不奇怪的。 This rumor attacks regarding the Soros family very in a big way, makes them feel what headache is, the Soros family's ally also starts to suspect whether these rumors are only the hearsay, really has its matter. After all the statement of Templar Order only then the Soros family's internal member knows, others only know the Soros family was given the condemnation by Templar Order. Actually is what content to be actually unknown specifically. In this case. If is really the Soros family and evil cult disciple has an affair, that what to do? 这个流言对于索罗斯家族来说打击很大,更让他们感到头疼的是,就连索罗斯家族的盟友也开始怀疑这些流言是否只是传闻,还是确有其事。毕竟圣堂教团的声明只有索罗斯家族内部的成员才知道,其他人只知道索罗斯家族被圣堂教团给谴责了。具体究竟是什么内容却不得而知。在这种情况下。如果万一真的是索罗斯家族和邪教徒有染的话,那怎么办? This a series of things make the Soros family badly battered, but the Zhan En's reclamation is to let their angry incomparable & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Does that bastard want Hoffer unexpectedly? This is having a dream simply!! 这一系列的事情都让索罗斯家族焦头烂额,而詹恩的赔偿要求更是让他们愤怒无比———那个混蛋居然想要华福尔?这简直是在做梦!! Must know Hoffer, but Soros family after how many with great difficulty construction and development the city, how possibly surrenders something submissively the influence that in own trains with great difficulty? This daydreams radically, wishful thinking!!! 要知道华福尔可是索罗斯家族历经几代人好不容易才建设和发展起来的城市,怎么可能把自己手里好不容易培养出来的势力拱手让人?这根本就是白日做梦,痴心妄想!!! What idea do you have? & R dquo ; “你们有什么想法?” Is striking the desktop with the finger, senior head of the clan looks steadily at the present people, cold sound was saying. But hears these words. Almost all people lower the head, does not dare to look at his & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Clearly, facing this request that did not have the truth to the extreme, they also had no good way. Rejection? Certainly must reject! However the opposite party has said was very clear, if they reject this request, then Zhan En has the possibility to get the gate to send a punitive expedition very much directly! 一面用手指敲打着桌面,老族长一面盯视着眼前的众人,冷声说道。而听见这句话。几乎所有人都低下头去,不敢看他———很明显,面对这种没有道理到了极点的要求,他们也没什么好办法。拒绝?肯定是要拒绝啊!但是对方已经说的很清楚了,如果他们拒绝这个要求,那么詹恩很有可能直接打上门来兴师问罪! That bastard can obtain such matter absolutely dry/does!! 那个混蛋绝对可以干得出这样的事情!! Especially thinks in the letter/believes said „, if you rejected my reasonable demand, then I certainly very happy saw the Alexander corpse to flutter on the Callander Town Square. & R dquo ;, Makes senior head of the clan evil fire unable to bear from in the depths of ones heart erupts, he is conceivable. If Zhan En really makes this matter to come, then the Soros family was finished thoroughly. Their prestige will suffer a disastrous decline, but their alliance can also divide to rush to the segregation, by that time, Soros family, even if were finished thoroughly. 特别是一想到信中所言“如果贵方拒绝我的合理要求,那么我一定会非常高兴的看见亚历山大的尸体飘扬在卡兰德尔的中心广场上。”,就让老族长一股邪火忍不住从内心深处爆发,他可以想象。如果詹恩真的做出这种事来,那么索罗斯家族就彻底完蛋了。他们的声望会一落千丈,而他们的联盟也会分奔离析,到那个时候,索罗斯家族,就算是彻底完蛋了。 But actually should what to do? 可是究竟应该怎么办? Father Sir. I think that ......... we are best to choose to make concessions. & R dquo ; “父亲大人。我认为………我们最好选择退让。” But at this time. A man raised the head suddenly, says. Hears his speech, the people have turned the head, surprise is looking steadily at his & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That Kate. Soros, is Pasid. Soros son, the Soros family's first successor. 而就在这个时候。一个男人忽然抬起头来,开口说道。听见他的说话,众人都转过头去,诧异的盯视着他———那正是凯特.索罗斯,也是帕西德.索罗斯的儿子,索罗斯家族的第一继承人。 You meant, we should agree to his request? & R dquo ; “你的意思是说,我们应该同意他的要求?” Facing the speech of Kate, the senior head of the clan has not flown into a rage, on the contrary, he is hoarse the throat. Asks in a low voice. 面对凯特的说话,老族长并没有大发雷霆,相反,他沙哑着嗓子。低声开口询问道。 Yes, father Sir. & R dquo ; “是的,父亲大人。” Feels the vision of senior head of the clan, Kate braces oneself to nod. As Soros family's successor, before Kate, when attended that ceremony, already very clear understanding Zhan En's strength, who if presents most to have the right to speak, then went to none other than him. 感受到老族长的目光,凯特硬着头皮点了点头。作为索罗斯家族的继承人,凯特之前在参加那场仪式的时候,就已经非常清楚的了解到了詹恩的实力,所以如果说在场谁最有发言权的话,那么就非他莫属了。 I with the Bassammens family's members had once met in the ceremony ......... with all due respect, the father Sir, the world all thinks that Bassammens is only one goes down in the world the aristocrat, because afterward obtained awarded a decoration Noble's honor then to soar, but I think that this was only a false appearance. In fact, I suspected that this Bassammens family is very likely an ancient secret family, moreover is powerful. & R dquo ; “我曾经在仪式之中与巴夏侬门斯家族的成员见过面………恕我直言,父亲大人,世人皆认为巴夏侬门斯只是一个落魄贵族,后来因为获得了授勋贵族的荣誉这才一飞冲天,但是我认为这只是一个假象。事实上,我怀疑这个巴夏侬门斯家族很有可能是一个古老的隐秘家族,而且实力非常强大。” Your meaning is ............... & R dquo ; “你的意思是……………” I in Delly that in the ceremony meets, her these soldier are not the Parwood family's private soldiers, member but who came from the Bassammens family. They are young, but has the strength of Grandmaster rank . Moreover the girl who that knight dresses up even can defeat the sword of dark green wind!! The father Sir, such strength, at all possibly is not an awarding a decoration aristocrat should have! Even if they obtained the wealth, however training of talent is not matter in one single day! & R dquo ; “我在仪式之中所遇到的黛莉,她身边那些士兵并不是帕伍德家族的私兵,而是来自巴夏侬门斯家族的成员。她们年龄不大,但是却都有着大师等级的实力,而且那个骑士打扮的女孩甚至能够击败苍风之剑!!父亲大人,这样的实力,根本不可能是一个授勋贵族应该拥有的!就算他们获得了财富,但是人才的培养可不是一朝一夕的事情!” Un ..............., therefore you mean ......... & R dquo ; “嗯……………所以你的意思是………” I suspected, this Bassammens family has between the possibility and Templar Order very much some anything relates, according to us the news obtained from Templar Order, this Mr. Zhan En can obtain to award a decoration, successfully helps God of War Temple obtain the god graciousness besides him, a very main reason was the Bassammens family once responded the summons of Templar Order when the second world war, attended that war, therefore ............... & R dquo ; “我怀疑,这个巴夏侬门斯家族很有可能和圣堂教团之间有些什么关系,根据我们从圣堂教团内部得到的消息来看,这位詹恩先生之所以能够获得授勋,除了他成功帮助战神神殿获得神恩之外,还有一个很主要的原因就是巴夏侬门斯家族曾经在第二次天地大战之时响应圣堂教团的号召,参加了那场战争,所以……………” Therefore ............... this family is very likely a Templar Order secret internal strength? & R dquo ; “所以……………这个家族很有可能是圣堂教团一只隐秘的内部力量?” Hears here, the Soros senior head of the clan also immediately the complexion becomes dignified. If the matter is really this, but that troubled. Moreover according to own son's view, this possibility is very big. After all other thing can camouflage, but accompanies with the strength of below servant is unable to camouflage. You can certainly buy over some powerhouses with money, person but who these hired person, with was trained since childhood by the family, in the imposing manner is completely different. 听到这里,索罗斯老族长也顿时面色变得凝重起来。如果事情真的是这样的话,那么可就麻烦了。而且根据自己儿子的说法,这种可能性真的很大。毕竟别的东西都可以伪装,可是随从和下仆的实力是无法伪装的。你当然可以用金钱去收买一些强者,但是那些被雇佣的人,和从小就被家族培养出来的人,在气势上是完全不同的。 Draws back 10,000 steps, even if the Bassammens family and Templar Order have no special relations, but its strong strength also does not allow slightly to peep. Only was the tip of the iceberg that Zhan En revealed hangs all aristocrats on dozen of Eagle Plateau sufficiently, who knew in his back, what colossus but also is standing? 退一万步来说,就算巴夏侬门斯家族和圣堂教团并没有什么特别的关系,但是它那强大的实力也同样不容小窥。光是詹恩露出的这冰山一角就足以吊打雄鹰高原上的所有贵族了,谁知道在他的背后,还站着什么样的庞然大物呢? .................. & R dquo ; “………………” Facing own son's speech, the senior head of the clan closes the eye, he silent moment, later, the old person opens the eye again. 面对自己儿子的说话,老族长闭上眼睛,他沉默了片刻,随后,老人再一次睁开眼睛。 However this time, in his eye flame of flaming combustion. 但是这一次,他的眼中只有熊熊燃烧的火焰。 I will not agree to this proposition. & R dquo ; “我不会同意这个提议的。” Afterward, the senior head of the clan says one word at a time. 随后,老族长一字一顿的开口说道。 „ The Soros family's glory, constructs in the fight and victory, from the ancestor hence, we never has not fought first says the matter of defeat! This is the Soros family's shame! & R dquo ; 索罗斯家族的荣耀,建筑在战斗与胜利上,从先祖至此,我们从未有未战先言败之事!这才是索罗斯家族的耻辱!” Said here, the old person pounded on the table suddenly, stood up. 说道这里,老人猛然一拍桌子,站起身来。 „ Does he want Hoffer? Good, makes he himself take! I must have a look but actually, actually that young people have what skill!! & R dquo ; “他想要华福尔?那好,就让他自己来拿吧!我倒要看看,那个年轻人究竟有什么本事!!”
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