DR :: Volume #3

#231: Miss Nadia does not raise vigorously

When Nadia arrives at the Zhan En's monastery, expectedon big & R dquo by inside ; The imposing manner shocked. Before Nadia had from Howard Bishop there has heard the main purpose of this monastery, but in her opinion, specifically was used to adopt the Abandoned by Gods monastery, where should good to not go. But now, the light looking from the outside, this monastery unexpectedly compared with magnificent big, this that the center church in Eye of truth church must come makes Nadia be startled. Naturally, at the same time, Nadia also felt several points of discontented, this also no wonder, Eye of truth church that even if she grew up was called the building of Holy palace, seemed like not such big elegant. However here, is this is only used to adopt these Abandoned by Gods unexpectedly? 娜迪亚来到詹恩的修道院时,不出所料的被里面“高大上”的气势所震惊了。之前娜迪亚不是没有从霍华德主教那里听说过这座修道院的主要用途,但是在她看来,一座专门用来收养神弃者的修道院,应该不会好到哪儿去。可是现在,光从外表来看,这座修道院居然比真实之眼教会的中枢教堂都要来的华丽高大,这着实让娜迪亚吃了一惊。当然,在与此同时,娜迪亚也感受到了几分不满,这也难怪,就算是她长大的真实之眼教会那被称为神圣殿堂的建筑物,看起来也没有这么高大典雅。但是在这里,这居然只是用来收养那些神弃者的? Facing all these, Nadia feels is puzzled, very surprise. Because of according to her observation, this monastery, although in name is the monastery, but seemingly is more like the palace. Moreover she also discovered that in this in monastery, cannot see any sacred image, generally speaking, even if in the royal palace, will exhibit shapes of the nine Saint to express people of nine Saint construction and asylum light the gratitude. However here, a statue cannot see. The relief on wall is also only some ordinary sceneries, the lace of decoration is also the mark of ivy and rose lily, drops fair of very drainage opening also design, is only covert the carving under the eaves blooming fresh flower sculpture, is used to act as the trace of drainage channel. Although looks like in these benighted average people, this monastery seems to have no issue, but seems like in Nadia is actually completely different. At least currently speaking, the master of this monastery is not willing pulls anything to relate obviously with the religion and gods. 面对这一切,娜迪亚感觉即不解,也很诧异。因为根据她的观察,这座修道院虽然名义上是修道院,但是看起来更像是宫殿。而且她还发现在这所修道院里,根本看不见任何的圣象,一般来说,哪怕是在王宫里,都会陈列一座九圣之像以表达九圣建造和庇护光之子民的感谢之情。但是在这里,一座雕像都看不见。墙壁上的浮雕也只是一些普通的景物,装饰的花边也是常春藤与玫瑰百合的印记,就连滴水口也设计的很中规中矩,只是在屋檐下方隐蔽的雕刻着一朵朵绽放的鲜花般的雕塑,用来充当排水管道的痕迹。虽然在那些愚昧无知的普通人看来,这座修道院似乎没什么问题,可是在娜迪亚看起来却是完全不同。至少从目前来看,这座修道院的主人显然并不愿意和宗教以及神明扯上什么关系。 In these seemingly ordinary pattern, the clear mark that Nadia sees is only the double krait of swallowing head and tail on the floor draws up. But according to here master, Madame Lydia introduction. This is the owner of monastery, is the Bassammens family's family/home emblem. It can be said. This was also in the entire monastery has existence of individual mark only. 在这些看似平凡的花纹之中,娜迪亚唯一看见的清晰印记就是地板上绘制的吞噬首尾的双环蛇。而根据这里的主人,丽姬娅夫人的介绍。这是修道院的拥有者,也就是巴夏侬门斯家族的家徽。可以说。这也算是整个修道院里唯一带有个人印记的存在了。 However makes Nadia feel puzzled is not only this monastery, lives in resident. 不过让娜迪亚感到不解的不仅仅是这座修道院本身,还有居住在其中的住民。 According to her observation, although Zhan En has this monastery, but he does not live here. The one who lives here is an aristocrat madame of good intention. Has to acknowledge, the feeling of Nadia to Lydia many that Zhan En is better, perhaps is Lydia that delicate makings is very easy to cause others 's favorable impression reason, after the Lydia process meets, and conversation, Nadia wants the idea that adopts some orphans to consider regarding this aristocrat madame is also very respectable. 根据她的观察,虽然詹恩拥有这所修道院,不过他并不在这里居住。住在这里的是一位好心的贵族夫人。不得不承认,娜迪亚丽姬娅的感觉要比詹恩好的多,或许是丽姬娅那种柔弱的气质很容易引起他人的好感的缘故,所以在和丽姬娅经过见面并且交谈之后,娜迪亚对于这位贵族夫人想要收养一些孤儿来照顾的想法也是很尊敬的。 However most makes Nadia have, is goal & mda S h that do missionary work ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Also is these Abandoned by Gods. 但是最让娜迪亚感到头疼的,就是自己传教的目标———也就是那些神弃者 Nadia has to conduct doing missionary work. In fact when her practice knight, once more than once follows the Bishop going out tour, spreads the gospels of nine Saints for the people. However at that time their everywhere one visit was almost welcomed by people, even if these simple-hearted children, can have the curious vision to listen respectfully to their preaching, thus steps onto to track down the path of Holy belief. But regarding Nadia, can guide a person to yearn for the light, was best to reward. 娜迪亚不是没有进行过传教。事实上在她还是见习骑士的时候,就曾经不止一次的跟随主教出外巡礼,为民众传播九圣的福音。但是那个时候他们所到之处几乎都是受到了人们的欢迎,哪怕是那些天真无邪的孩子,也会带着好奇的目光聆听他们的传道,从而走上追寻神圣信仰的道路。而对于娜迪亚来说,能够多引导一个人向往光明,就是最好的奖赏了。 But here, Nadia obtains does not listen respectfully. Also does not accept, but questions and opposition. 可是在这里,娜迪亚得到的不是聆听。也不是接受,而是质疑与反对。 Each words that she delivered almost will be questioned and opposed by these Abandoned by Gods children, they everyone are different from beforehand Nadia has contacted, generally speaking. Person who even if these will not want to believe in nine Saints, many did not say anything with them. After all the religious freedom, Templar Order has not forced others to believe in some gods. Therefore these people are most do not believe that or occasionally will sexually harass their belief slightly. But is also this. 她所讲的每句话几乎都会被那些神弃者的孩子所质疑和反对,她们与之前娜迪亚所接触过的所有人都不一样,一般来说。就算是那些不怎么会想要信仰九圣的人,多数也只是不和他们多说什么。毕竟信仰自由,圣堂教团也从来没有强迫别人信奉某个神明。所以那些人最多也就是不信,或者说偶尔会稍微调戏一下他们的信仰。但也不过就是这样。 But these children are different. 可是这些孩子不同。 From their speeches, Nadia can listen to not mince matter. Regarding Templar Order and even for nine Saints the angers and hatreds, this makes her feel at first simply extremely surprised, hates a gods such matter of regarding the Nadia such devout follower can calculate simply on is unthinkable, even can say, only then the evil cult disciple will have the idea of like this blaspheming. However she has not thought, she will see a less than ten -year-old little girl stands in oneself front seriously, the complexion to her to sayI hate these gods, without them, then the world will be to us better. & R dquo ; 从她们的说话之中,娜迪亚可以听出毫不掩饰的。对于圣堂教团乃至对于九圣的愤怒与仇恨,这最初让她简直感到万分吃惊,仇恨一个神明这样的事情对于娜迪亚这样虔诚的信徒来说简直可以算的上是匪夷所思,甚至可以说,只有邪教徒才会有这样亵渎的想法。但是她从来没有想到,她会看见一个不到十岁的小女孩站在自己的面前,面色严肃的对她说“我恨那些神明,如果没有他们,那么对我们来说世界会更好。” At first hears this typetreason and heresy & R dquo ; When speech, Nadia simply is helpless, if the opposite party is a evil cult disciple, then she has cut. But facing a child, moreover is a body has the child of disabled, her naturally impossible being able to get down hand. What can she say? Regarding these Abandoned by Gods, they have not felt existence and warmth of gods, was born to start from them, has been living the loathed life. But all these roots are to come from create the world epic, from the Templar meeting, from these devout followers. Do not say that is Nadia such newly emerged Paladin, perhaps even Archbishop of tongue resplendent orchid, does not have the means easy change these children's ideas. 最初听到这种“大逆不道”的发言时,娜迪亚简直是手足无措,如果对方是一个邪教徒,那么她早就砍上去了。可是面对一个孩子,而且还是一个身体有残疾的孩子,她自然不可能下得去手。可是她又能够说什么?对于这些神弃者来说,她们从来没有感受过神明的存在与温暖,从她们出生开始,就一直过着被人厌恶的生活。而这一切的根源就是来自创世史诗,来自圣堂教会,来自那些虔诚的信徒。不要说是娜迪亚这样一个初出茅庐的圣骑士,就算是一个舌灿兰花的大主教,恐怕也没有办法轻而易举的改变那些孩子的想法。 All these make Nadia feel very exhausted, has such several times, she has even thought departure. However finally, Nadia insisted. She thinks that this is the gods gives her trial, she must do everything possible to change these pitiful children's concepts, making them feel the gods' the loves and warming to these children, only by doing so, she can let these children far away from the hatred and evil dark Abyss, has a new lease of life. 这一切都让娜迪亚感到非常疲惫,有那么几次,她甚至想过离开。不过最终,娜迪亚还是坚持了下来。她认为这就是神明给予她的试炼,她必须要想尽办法扭转这些可怜孩子的观念,让她们重新感受到神明对这些孩子的爱与温暖,只有这样,她才能够让这些孩子远离仇恨与罪恶的黑暗深渊,重获新生。 „ Aren't you really worried? Masters? & R dquo ; “你真的一点儿都不担心吗?主人?” Looks at out of the window to turn back Paladin of room listlessly, Lydia frowns, the anxious opens the mouth inquiry said. 望着窗外无精打采的走回自己房间的圣骑士,丽姬娅皱起眉头,不安的开口询问道。 Although is less likely, but if these children were really persuaded ......... & R dquo by this Miss Paladin ; “虽然可能性不大,但是如果那些孩子真的被这位圣骑士小姐所说动的话………” Does not use such anxiously, Lydia. & R dquo ; “不用这么紧张,丽姬娅。” Compared with look anxious Lydia, Zhan En actually seems carefree. 与神色紧张的丽姬娅相比,詹恩倒是显得悠闲自在。 I can promise you, this possibility 1/1000000 do not have continually. You must know, what the believer most excels gives others the illusory guarantee, they call it the faith it, the hope. But these things do not have the significance regarding our Cutie. They need, is not that float above the clouds. Cannot see thing that cannot feel, but is some type is more realistic. More concrete direction. However this obviously was that silly thing Paladin cannot give, therefore ............ & R dquo ; “我可以向你保证,这种可能性连百万分之一都没有。你要知道,教徒最擅长的是给与他人虚无缥缈的保证,他们将其称之为信念,希望。可是这些东西对于我们的小可爱来说毫无意义。她们所需要的,不是那种漂浮在云端之上。看不见摸不着的东西,而是某种更加现实。更加具体的指引。但是这明显是那个傻丫头圣骑士给不了的,所以…………” Said here, Zhan En shrugged the shoulders. 说道这里,詹恩耸耸肩膀。 ......... She is wasting one's words. Moreover to be honest, even if some people were persuaded by her, then I was not worried. & R dquo ; “………她不过是在白费唇舌罢了。而且说实话,就算有人被她说动,那么我也不担心。” Zhan En was not certainly worried that even if really had Witch's child to be persuaded the heart by Nadia, after being changed to Charming Monster, her belief and faith still meet twist the distortion in a flash immediately, from this perspective. Zhan En looks forward to Nadia to succeed actually several times, the belief is firmer, the contrast after distortion is also bigger. 詹恩当然不担心了,就算真的有魔女之子娜迪亚说动了心,在被转化为魅妖之后,她的信仰与信念也会一瞬间立刻歪曲变形,从这个方面来说。詹恩倒是巴不得娜迪亚能够成功几次,信仰越坚定,扭曲之后的反差也就越大。 Do not say ......... Nadia regarding Zhan En, similarly is a prey. 更不要说………娜迪亚本身对于詹恩来说,也同样是一个猎物。 Degenerating Paladin ......... 一个堕落的圣骑士……… Zhan En thought that by this local product, oneself can return home with riches and honors. 詹恩觉得靠这件土特产,自己就可以衣锦还乡了。 Ok. & R dquo ; “好了。” Drinks up the good wine in cup, Zhan En stands up. 喝完杯中的美酒,詹恩站起身来。 Then, should be attended class for this Miss Paladin. 接下来,该是自己为这位圣骑士小姐上课的时候了。 Ha ............... & R dquo ; “哈啊……………” Dull sitting on the stair, sighing that Nadia is exhausted. She is looking at the present pond, on the deep blue water surface is producing an inverted image the blue sky and white clouds. However this beautiful scenery is actually not able to make Nadia feel to relax. She only felt that the deep frustration, she arrived here to have several days, is to these children, Nadia is really a little means does not have. She has not seen has held the child of hostility and suspicion to the gods. Also does not know how should eliminate them to own anxiety and frightened. Nadia is not a fool, when she can feel does missionary work each time these children to look to own vision contains the fear, not trust and dislike. This makes her also somewhat vacillate regarding own actions. All that oneself make are really correct? These child's silent complaints keep Nadia from being tranquil the careful ponder, so long as she closes the eye. Will remember these children's forms. Among them some people are unable to walk inborn, from being born the world only had a darkness. Even some people have not been able to speak, this is also the gods gives themto bless & R dquo ;? Howard Bishop said that this can help them wash clean the sin, but looks like in Nadia, these children have no sin, really said like the outside world, they birth not permitted? 呆呆的坐在台阶上,娜迪亚疲惫不堪的叹了口气。她望着眼前的池塘,湛蓝的水面上倒映着蓝天与白云。但是这美丽的景色却丝毫无法让娜迪亚感到放松。她只感觉到了深深的挫败感,自己来到这里已经有好几天了,可是对那些孩子,娜迪亚真的是一点儿办法都没有。她从来没有见过对神明如此保有敌意和怀疑的孩子。也根本不知道该如何打消她们对自己的不安与恐惧。娜迪亚不是笨蛋,她可以感受到每次传教时那些孩子望向自己的目光里包含着的恐惧,不信任与厌恶。这让她对于自己的所作所为也有些动摇起来。自己所做的一切真的是正确的吗?那些孩子无声的控诉让娜迪亚无法平静下来仔细思考,她只要闭上眼睛。就会想起那些孩子的身影。她们当中有的人天生无法走路,从出生下来世界只有一片黑暗。甚至还有人无法说话,这也是神明给予她们的“祝福”?霍华德主教说这可以帮助她们洗清罪孽,可是在娜迪亚看来,这些孩子根本没什么罪孽,难道真的就像外界所说,她们连出生都是不被允许的吗? In this case but, why can Templar Order care about these Abandoned by Gods? 可是这样的话,为什么圣堂教团要来关心这些神弃者呢? This is the first time that Nadia had the vacillation to own belief, before she thinks wants the doctrine back skillfully, can understand this world. However now, what Nadia first discovery original know is so deficient, simply does not have the means to go facing all these. These memorize in heart the doctrine unable to give her anything to help in this case, will only make her feel even more puzzled. 这还是娜迪亚第一次对自己的信仰产生动摇,以前她认为只要把教义背的滚瓜烂熟,就可以了解这个世界。但是现在,娜迪亚第一次发现原来自己所知道的是如此匮乏,以至于根本没有办法去面对这一切。那些熟记于心的教义在这种情况下根本无法给予她什么帮助,只会让她感到越发困惑。 Great Eye of truth, my god Tom ......... I pleaded your direction here humbly, hopes that you can direct me to see through this dense fog, far away from dark and puzzled other end ............... & R dquo ; “伟大的真实之眼,吾神托姆啊………我在这里谦卑的恳求您的指点,希望您能够指引我看穿这迷雾,远离黑暗与困惑的彼端……………” Muttered is talking to oneself in a low voice, Nadia both hands closed up, lower the head to pray. 一面喃喃的低声自语着,娜迪亚一面双手合拢,低下头去祈祷起来。 However at this time, a sound resounded from her back. 但是就在这个时候,一个声音从她的背后响起。 If you like this are always naive, then you never will succeed, Miss Nadia. & R dquo ; “如果你总是这样天真的话,那么你永远都不会获得成功的,娜迪亚小姐。” Who is! & R dquo ; “是谁!” Hears this sound, Nadia quickly jumps to set out, she quickly turns around, the hand is gazing at according to the sword hilt vigilantly rear area, quick, she then sees the Zhan En's form to appear. But sees Zhan En's to appear, the Nadia expression becomes even more ice-cold. 听到这个声音,娜迪亚急忙跳起身来,她急忙转过身去,手按剑柄警惕的注视着后方,很快,她便看见詹恩的身影从中出现。而看见詹恩的出现,娜迪亚的表情变得越发冰冷起来。 I do not need you to criticize my belief, Mr. Bassammens. & R dquo ; “我不需要你来批评我的信仰,巴夏侬门斯先生。” I have no interest in your belief, Miss Nadia. & R dquo ; “我对你的信仰没有兴趣,娜迪亚小姐。” Hears the reply of Nadia, Zhan En cold snort/hum. 听到娜迪亚的回答,詹恩冷哼一声。 I just do not hope that sees a crude person to damage my lovable children, here is not Sacred hall, is not your speaking thoughtlessly carries the place that the doctrine can obtain to focus attention on. Miss Nadia, I thinks that Howard Bishop made you come really to make a wrong decision, you did not understand the doctrine the true meaning, how also possible to teach others? & R dquo ; “我只不过不希望一个看见一个半吊子来祸害我可爱的孩子们罢了,这里不是圣堂,不是你随口背出教义就可以获得瞩目的地方。娜迪亚小姐,我认为霍华德主教让你来真是做了一个错误的决定,就连你自己都不明白教义的真意,又怎么可能去教导别人呢?” Why you said that I do not understand the doctrine! & R dquo ; “你凭什么说我不明白教义!” Hears these words, Nadia seemed like stepped on the cat of tail the same as jump immediately. 听到这句话,娜迪亚顿时像是被踩了尾巴的猫一样跳了起来。 I am since childhood big in Templar chairman, accept the Eye of truth baptism and guidance, I very clear ............... & R dquo ; “我从小就在圣堂教会长大,接受真实之眼的洗礼与教导,我很清楚……………” However, the Nadia words have not said, was broken by Zhan En. 但是,娜迪亚的话还没有说完,就被詹恩打断了。 You now the confusedness here, is the best reply. & R dquo ; “你现在在这里的迷茫,就是最好的回答。” I ............... & R dquo ; “我……………” Heard these words, Nadia grew up suddenly the mouth, but actually does not know that completely should say anything was good. 听到这句话,娜迪亚一时间长大了嘴巴,但是却完全不知道该说什么才好。 Knows why you aren't able to win their trusts? Proud, complacent, arrogant, Miss Nadia, this is your present performance. You grow up in Templar Order since childhood, since childhood in study doctrine, therefore thinks understands these compared with here everyone, but how is the fact? You really have the intention to ponder and understand the true meaning in the doctrine containing? The gods are sheltering the people of light, but does not represent them to process all. Your sword technique is the gods grants? These farmers from living to farm? How does everyone obtain own skill? Is it possible that is opens the eye to be granted by the gods? No, they will fight, meet the practical training , because this is they utilizes own wisdom, diligently after the study, achievement that must come. Rather than all day kneels in the ground prayed gracious gift obtained. & R dquo ; “知道你为什么无法获得她们的信任吗?自傲,自满,自大,娜迪亚小姐,这就是你现在的表现。你从小在圣堂教团里长大,从小就在学习教义,所以自认为比我们这里所有人都懂这些,但是事实又是如何呢?你真的有用心去思考和理解教义之中蕴含的真意吗?神庇护着光的子民,但并不代表他们会处理一切。你的剑技是神明赐予的吗?那些农民是从生下来就会种田的吗?每个人是如何获得自己的技能的?莫非是睁开眼睛被神明赐予的吗?不,他们之所以会战斗,会劳作,是因为这都是他们运用自己的智慧,努力学习之后得来的成果。而不是整天跪在地面上祈祷所获得的恩赐。” Said here, Zhan En stopped, then swept pale Nadia meaningfully. 说道这里,詹恩停顿了一下,接着意味深长的扫了一眼面色苍白的娜迪亚 Has not been thinking completely depends upon own effort, but implored pitying of gods? Perhaps Miss Nadia, I wants you not to suit this work ......... I to hope that you can seriously consider, if possible, I will request Howard Bishop to change a candidate to continue this quest. & R dquo ; “完全没有想着依靠自己的努力,只是祈求神明的怜悯?娜迪亚小姐,我想或许你并不适合这个工作………我希望你能够认真考虑一下,如果可以的话,我会要求霍华德主教重新换一个人选来继续这项任务的。” Spoke these words, turning around that Zhan En is without hesitation, sees only on disappearance suddenly is missing. 说完这句话,詹恩毫不迟疑的转身,眨眼只见就消失不见了踪影。 But Nadia is only dull looks at the Zhan En's back, in the look is reappearing the confusedness that wiped unable to say a word.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 娜迪亚则只是呆呆的望着詹恩的背影,眼神中浮现出了一抹无法言语的迷茫。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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