DR :: Volume #3

#230: Miss Nadia was not happy

The Nadia Erin Sofitel board the face is standing in the entrance, having the discontented vision to gaze at fixedly the above that form, has not covered up the disaffection in the surface reappearing completely. If possible, she really thinks to turn around to leave now, but finally, Nadia endures patiently the dislike feeling that oneself in the depths of ones heart appeared, her cold snort/hum, takes back the vision to look to another side street, forcing oneself to focus in crowd that these will come and go. 娜迪亚艾琳索菲特板着面孔站在大门口,带着不满的目光瞪视着上方的那个身影,完全没有遮掩自己面上浮现出来的不满。如果可以的话,她真想现在就转身离开,只不过最终,娜迪亚还是忍耐住了自己内心深处浮现出来的厌恶感,她冷哼一声,收回目光望向另外一侧的街道,强迫自己将注意力集中在那些来来往往的人群上。 As God's family, the Nadia Erin Sofitel life journey is always problem-free. When she was born, she received the Eye of truth baptism, had the powerful and mysterious holy halo. But after that in a while, she heard the news Bishop of Eye of truth church catches up with regard as important, joined the Eye of truth church, becomes a God's family knight. In that later day, Nadia has been studying hard diligently, learns various knowledge, she is also in Templar Order famousIron Nun & R dquo ;, Regarding the irreverence of Templar meeting, Nadia believes oneself will not lose to anybody. 作为一个神眷者,娜迪亚艾琳索菲特的人生道路向来是一帆风顺的。在她出生的时候,她就受到了真实之眼的洗礼,拥有了强大而神奇的圣洁光环。而在那之后没过多久,她就被闻讯赶来的真实之眼教会的主教所看重,加入了真实之眼教会,成为了一名神眷骑士。在那之后的日子里,娜迪亚一直都在努力用功,学习各种知识,她也是圣堂教团之中有名的“钢铁修女”,对于圣堂教会的虔诚,娜迪亚坚信自己不会输给任何人。 But this time, Nadia will arrive at Hoffer , because she is going to start the travel of tour by a Paladin status. In this journey, Paladin needs belly one person to go to the distant place to take risk, withstands the test that may arrive. So long as they can pass through this final checkpoint, can become an official God's family knight. 而这一次,娜迪亚之所以会来到华福尔,是因为她将要以一个圣骑士的身份开始巡礼之旅。在这个旅途之中,圣骑士需要肚子一人前往远方去进行冒险,承受有可能到来的考验。而只要她们能够经过这最后的关卡,就能够成为一名正式的神眷骑士了。 Completely what ......... makes Nadia not think, oneself will be sent & plu S mn unexpectedly ; Does such a work. 只不过………让娜迪亚完全没有想到的是,自己居然会被派±来做这么一件工作。 Right, this Nadia Erin Sofitel Templar Order dispatches, is responsible for the person who these Abandoned by Gods do missionary work! 没错,这位娜迪亚艾琳索菲特正是圣堂教团所派遣来,负责为那些神弃者传教的人! This makes her quite surprised. Because Nadia never has to think oneself can have the relations with one crowd of Abandoned by Gods unexpectedly, do not say. She must go to the domain of that repugnant aristocrat, goes to do missionary work for these Abandoned by Gods. This makes the Nadia mood quite complex. After all she regarding the impression of Zhan En and others not, said no matter how, the opposite parties in the worldwide chaos role that entire Hoffer stirs. However facing the chaotic city, Zhan En is actually unresponsive, the racket the buttocks turn around to walk. Cannot see the compunction from his surface, the lives of as if these people show absolutely no concern to him radically. This also makes Nadia with Zhan En even more discontented, can say that from any perspective, this men are the Nadia most repugnant that type, proud. Arrogant, does not have the least bit respect regarding the gods, filled the bare greed and planning, and cruel and merciless. It looks like in Nadia, such person should send to the religious court to be right early. 这让她颇为吃惊。因为娜迪亚可从来没有想到自己居然会和一群神弃者扯上关系,更不要说。她还要前往那个讨厌的贵族的地盘,去为那些神弃者传教。这让娜迪亚的心情相当复杂。毕竟她对于詹恩等人的印象并不算好,不管怎么说,对方都是在整个华福尔搅的天下大乱的角色。但是面对混乱的城市,詹恩却是毫无反应,拍拍屁股转身就走。从他的面上看不出一点儿内疚,仿佛这些人的死活对于他来说根本就毫不关心似的。这也让娜迪亚对于詹恩越发不满,可以说从任何一个角度来看,这个男人都是娜迪亚最讨厌的那种类型,骄傲。自大,对于神明没有半点儿尊重,充满了裸的贪欲和算计,而且还心狠手辣。在娜迪亚看来,这样的人应该早早送去宗教审判所才对。 But what makes her angry is, facing Zhan En'satrocity & R dquo ;, Templar Order and Howard Sir Bishop, not only pretends to look but not see, even must for his broken matter processing head and tail, this make Nadia even more discontented. 但让她愤怒的是,面对詹恩的“暴行”,圣堂教团霍华德主教大人非但装作视而不见,甚至还要为他的这件破事处理首尾,这让娜迪亚越发不满。 Nadia is not the Great Mother follower. She is actually the God of Truth Tom Church member, reason that will come here , because of travelling & mda S h of God's family knight ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Outside each God's family knight will go to travel some time after finishing an apprenticeship, to guarantee that they can be mature. Can more profound understanding belief, the choice, as well as this world. But Nadia does not know. Howard Bishop chooses itself to hold the post of this quest, is for this. 娜迪亚并非是伟大之母的信徒。她其实是真实之神托姆教团的成员,之所以会来到这里,也是因为神眷骑士的游历———每一名神眷骑士在出师之后都会去外面游历一段时间,以确保他们能够成熟起来。能够更加深刻的了解信仰,选择,以及这个世界。而娜迪亚并不知道。霍华德主教选择自己担任这个任务,正是出于这个考虑。 As a God's family knight. Nadia naturally has the firm ideal and faith, is sometimes this ideal and faith is extremely firm. Instead will make people feel anxious and dangerous. In fact until now, when the reality and ideal conduct the conflict, Nadia almost can guard own ideal. After all she is the God's family knight, her ability and strength there swayed, regarding Nadia, are seeing these wrong behaviors, and bravely steps forward to prevent them is own responsibility and natural duty. When probably she sees Zhan En to plan kills the Alexander time to do is the same. 作为一名神眷骑士。娜迪亚自然是有着坚定的理想和信念,可是有些时候这种理想和信念太过坚定。反而会让人感觉到不安与危险。事实上直到现在,当现实与理想进行冲突时,娜迪亚几乎都可以捍卫自己的理想。毕竟她是神眷骑士,她的能力和实力在那里摆着,对于娜迪亚来说,看见那些错误的行为,并且挺身而出阻止它们是自己的责任和天然的义务。就好像当她看见詹恩打算杀死亚历山大时候所做的一样。 However Howard Bishop is very clear, this world is black in white/vain is not so only simple, although the God's family knight has the powerful strength inborn, but often displays in the trial likely weak child, good is good, badly is bad, this is not a qualified follower should do. But how can he? It looks like in Nadia, the strength of Holy oneself have from gods, but she is enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven. Therefore defeats these evilly, looks like in Nadia is also the natural matter. Even can say, each victory instead makes Nadia even more firm up own belief, is even more tenacious. But Howard Bishop knows that this is not what good deed, if Nadia this way, then she might encounter the danger that is hard to deal in the future very much. 但是霍华德主教却很清楚,这个世界不仅仅是黑与白这么简单,神眷骑士虽然天生拥有强大的力量,可是在试炼之中往往表现的像个幼稚的孩子,好就是好,坏就是坏,这并不是一个合格的信徒应该做的。可是他又能够怎么样呢?在娜迪亚看来,自己拥有的神圣之力来自神明,而她就是替天行道者。因此战胜那些邪恶,在娜迪亚看来也是理所当然的事情。甚至可以说,每一次胜利反而让娜迪亚越发坚定自己的信仰,越发固执起来。可是霍华德主教知道这不是件什么好事,如果娜迪亚继续这样下去的话,那么日后她很有可能遭遇到难以应对的危险。 But at this time, Zhan En appeared. 而就在这个时候,詹恩出现了。 It looks like in Howard Bishop, this obviously is the good opportunity of polishing Nadia. After all the Zhan En and others strength is strong enough, can break Nadiagods to grant me the strength to eliminate evilly, therefore my victory is equal to the evil failure, all that therefore I make are correct & R dquo ; Such a faith strange circle. Next he has also carefully studied the Zhan En's behavior pattern, discovered, although most time aristocrats like carrying too far, each matter that but he does has reason. Even if from the Templar Order doctrine, is not blasphemes with the evil act. But this is also Howard Bishop hopes that Nadia can experience, he very clear regarding Nadia, the ordinary rigid theorizing has been not meaningful, only then makes her feel the change, will have a more profound experience and touching. 霍华德主教看来,这显然是一个打磨娜迪亚的好机会。毕竟詹恩等人的实力足够强劲,可以打破娜迪亚“神明赐予我力量就是为了消灭邪恶,所以我的胜利等于邪恶的失败,因此我做的一切都是正确的”这样一个信念的怪圈。其次他也仔细研究过詹恩的行为方式,发现虽然多数时候这位贵族爱走极端,但是他做的每件事都是事出有因。哪怕是从圣堂教团的教义来看,也算不上多么亵渎与邪恶的行为。而这也是霍华德主教希望娜迪亚能够体验的,他很清楚对于娜迪亚来说,普通的说教已经没什么意义,只有让她亲身感受到变化,才会有更深刻的体会与触动。 But is Abandoned by Gods does missionary work, looks like in Howard Bishop is a good choice. After all this matter must some people do, but now Nadia also is very naturally suitable to do this matter. He also hopes that Nadia can in the exchanges of these Abandoned by Gods during, realized that the thing when some uses the sword to go facing is unable to realize. 而为神弃者传教,在霍华德主教看来就是个不错的选择。毕竟这件事总要有人去做,而现在娜迪亚自然也很适合去做这件事。他也希望娜迪亚能够在和那些神弃者的交流之中,体会到一些自己用刀剑去面对时无法体会到的东西。 Nadia does not certainly know that idea of Howard Bishop, just she at this moment as before is a face not happy expression. However Zhan En does not care, in fact, Howard is willing to deliver to the monastery Paladin of this chest big no brain, regarding Zhan En instead was the opportunity of bestowed by heaven. Traded usually, does he possibly get so far as Paladin to do the transformed experiment? 娜迪亚当然不知道霍华德主教的想法,只不过此刻的她依旧是一脸不高兴的表情。不过詹恩倒也不在乎,事实上,霍华德愿意把这个胸大无脑的圣骑士送到修道院,对于詹恩来说反而是天赐之机呢。换了平时,他怎么可能弄到一只圣骑士来做转化实验? But now ............, historically because the belief is shattered to degenerate is the follower of demon family member should not be too many. 而现在嘛…………嘿嘿嘿,历史上因为信仰破灭堕落为魔族眷属的信徒可不要太多啊。 Also because of this, performance of Zhan En when facing Nadia is very warm. He did not worry that Nadia will brainwash these Abandoned by Gods, because Zhan En has looked. This small girl actually intrinsic is a white paper, innocent. In comparison Elinster they may many that Nadia is maturer. These Abandoned by Gods which are not sees the world hardship since childhood, experience world hundred condition. Your only knows all day the pray and extolled the God's family knight of gods to be able compared with the darkness in their heart? 也正因为如此,詹恩在面对娜迪亚时的表现还是很热情的。他一点儿都不担心娜迪亚会把那些神弃者洗脑,因为詹恩已经看出来了。这个小丫头其实内在还是一张白纸,天真幼稚的很。相比之下艾琳丝特她们可比娜迪亚成熟的多了。那些神弃者哪个不是从小就见惯人间疾苦,体验世间百态的。你一个整天只知道祈祷和赞颂神明的神眷骑士能够比的过她们心中的黑暗吗? But in fact, Zhan En's guessed that is also correct. 而事实上,詹恩的猜测也是正确的。 After the Hoffer event, Zhan En had then ridden the saddle horse tire others to return to the monastery, but as the Church representative, Nadia is also one of them obviously. However looks at this luxurious carriage, instead makes the God's family knight feel that disaffection even more, in her eyes, has been regarded as arrogant Zhan En completely, the black sheep of the family of being arrogant and complacent. 华福尔的事件已了之后,詹恩便乘坐马车带着其他人回到了修道院,而作为教团的代表,娜迪亚显然也在其中。不过看着这奢华的马车,反而让神眷骑士感到越发的不满,在她眼里,已经完完全全把詹恩看做是一个飞扬跋扈,骄傲自满的败家子了。 Also because of this. Nadia is putting on a serious face all the way, is gazing at fixedly Zhan En, as if this can prove oneself are corroded absolutely, the lotus of avoiding getting contaminated growing from mud is the same. Regarding this Zhan En and Enoya have not cared obviously, after all in their opinion, this God's family knight besides having the strength of God's family, other aspects from the start nothing to be afraid. 也正因为如此。一路上娜迪亚都是板着脸,瞪视着詹恩,仿佛这样就可以证明自己是绝对不会受到腐蚀,出淤泥而不染的荷花一样。对此詹恩埃诺娅显然都没有放在心上,毕竟在他们看来,这个神眷骑士除了拥有神眷之力外,其他方面压根就不足为惧。 But this does not represent others not to look for trouble, before some specially, has looked at the Nadia very not pleasing to the eyes fellow. 只不过这并不代表其他人不会找麻烦,特别某个之前就一直看娜迪亚很不顺眼的家伙。 I said that your board a face like dying the person is up to mischief. & R dquo ; “我说你板着一张脸像死了人一样是搞什么鬼呢。” Pattilina cold snort/hum is staring to Nadia, then opening the mouth complained. 帕蒂莉娜冷哼着瞪向娜迪亚,接着开口抱怨道。 Rides such comfortable luxurious carriage. Is enjoying such good food, you cannot display is happier? These thing average people cannot enjoy for a lifetime, looks at your ghost appearance, does not know thinks you are receiving punishment! & R dquo ; “坐着这么舒适豪华的马车。享受着这么棒的食物,你丫就不能够表现的高兴一些?这些东西普通人一辈子都享受不到,看你这幅鬼样子,不知道的还是以为你是在受刑呢!” Enjoyment is an evil! & R dquo ; “享受是一种罪恶!” Hears the speech of Pattilina. Nadia cannot bear say finally. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话。娜迪亚终于忍不住开口说道。 This luxury is completely unnecessary, because during human just will wallow is enjoying will degenerate, we must maintain the firm mind and faith frequently. Therefore ............ & R dquo ; “这种奢侈完全是不必要的,人类正因为沉迷在享受之中才会堕落,我们必须时刻保持坚定的心灵和信念。所以…………” Bah, all talked nonsense. & R dquo ; “呸,全是扯淡。” Facing the rebuttal of Nadia. Pattilina cold snort/hum, interrupted her speech. 面对娜迪亚的反驳。帕蒂莉娜冷哼一声,打断了她的说话。 Human will not enjoy has not progressed. According to your view, only then do these drink water to eat the dry rations all day Monk are crispest? Nonsense! You go to ask the farmer who by farms to ask casually, who does not hope oneself have a good crop, can change a money, but do they take a money for what? For same drinks the cold water with your nonsense followers all day? A comfortable warm family/home, good clothes, even is a good wife, this is the thing that these farmers want! Everyone trying hard works also not for future enjoyment, according to your views, enjoys degenerates, don't their what do simply roams about outside all day is not good? I most cannot get used to seeing is your crazy followers, from oppressive must die, but must compel others together from oppressively, the opposite party from the oppressive elegantly beautiful noble expression they are not the vulgar lower reaches, is one step below others ......... cuts, I thought that your are all right the follower who asks to pull out to be really sick! & R dquo ; “人类不会享受就没有进步。按照你的说法,那只有那些整天喝水啃干粮的修士才是最爽的?狗屁!你去随便找个旁边种地的农民来问问,谁不希望自己有个好收成,能够多换点儿钱,而他们多拿点儿钱是为了什么?是为了和你们这些狗屁信徒一样整天喝凉水吗?一个舒适温暖的家,一件上好的衣服,甚至是一个好的妻子,这才是那些农民想要的东西!每个人努力工作还不都是为了日后的享受,按照你们的说法,享受就是堕落,那他们这些人干脆什么也别干整天在外面流浪不就好了?我最看不惯的就是你们这些狂信徒,一个个自虐的要死,还要逼着别人一起自虐,对方不自虐就冷艳高贵的表示他们是低俗下流,低人一等………切,我看你们这些没事找抽的信徒才是真的有病!” How you can say like this! & R dquo ; “你怎么可以这样说!” Heard the ridicule of Pattilina, Nadia cannot bear immediately. 听到帕蒂莉娜的嘲弄,娜迪亚顿时忍不住了。 Gods grant our misery are to our disciplining, only then the experience disciplines can firm and resolute own mental, luxurious enjoyment will only make the heart of person weak ............... & R dquo ; “神明赐予我们的苦难是对我们的磨练,而只有经历磨练才能够坚毅自己的心智,奢侈的享受只会让人的心变得软弱……………” Alexander that brat will also very enjoy, haven't I seen him to become weak? The matter that for that is not concerned about face he even dares to deploy the army to attack us, this has not calculated mental firm and resolute, will the average person for own face, choose to launch a war? & R dquo ; 亚历山大那兔崽子也挺会享受的,我怎么没看见他变得多软弱?为了那点不要脸的事情他甚至敢派遣军队来攻击我们,难道这还不算心智坚毅,一般人为了自己的面子,会选择发动一场战争吗?” You ............ you ......... this is quibbles! & R dquo ; “你…………你………这是强词夺理!” The even/including of Nadia air/Qi was white, her discontented is gazing at fixedly Pattilina, this girl will always look for some to think unclearly severe Danshi makes one the reason that is hard to refute pester endlessly, looks like in Nadia, the Templar Order doctrine is Holy, inviolable. But why can this girl always discover some bewildered theories to refute itself? 娜迪亚气的连都白了,她不满的瞪视着帕蒂莉娜,这个女孩总是会找些不明觉厉但是又让人难以反驳的理由来胡搅蛮缠,在娜迪亚看来,圣堂教团的教义都是神圣的,不可侵犯的。可是为什么这个女孩总能够找出一些莫名其妙的理论来反驳自己呢? Snort. & R dquo ; “哼。” Facing angry roaring of Nadia, Pattilina shrugs the shoulders, contemptuous snort/hum, had then turned the head no longer to look at her. But Nadia has also turned the head, looks to another side, seems not willing to say anything with Pattilina again. 面对娜迪亚的怒吼,帕蒂莉娜只是耸耸肩膀,轻蔑的哼了一声,便转过头去不再看她。而娜迪亚也转过头去,望向另外一侧,似乎也不愿意和帕蒂莉娜再多说什么。 However no one notices, at this moment Elinster of peaceful sitting in corner, has the vision of dislike, is gazing at the God's family knight in not far away. 但是没有人注意到,此刻安静的坐在角落里的艾琳丝特,却是带着厌恶的目光,注视着不远处的神眷骑士。 In her look, darkness appears quietly.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 在她的眼神中,一丝黑暗悄然浮现。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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