DR :: Volume #3

#229: psychological trauma, is immeasurable

Kills an aristocrat. 杀死一个贵族。 Regarding Zhan En, this is the potluck, he has the criminal record in any case early. However regarding Howard Bishop, heard these words he was receiving enormous frightening instantaneously. Although Alexander is not the Soros first position successor, but he is not the position does not have in the Soros family, what is more important, such a person, if Zhan En said that killed killed, what then the consequence can be? 对于詹恩来说,这已经是家常便饭,反正他早有前科。但是对于霍华德主教来说,在听到这句话的瞬间他就受到了极大的惊吓。虽然亚历山大并不是索罗斯的第一顺位继承人,但是他在索罗斯家族里也不是一点儿地位都没有,更重要的是,这样一个人,假如詹恩说杀就杀了,那么后果会是什么? The Soros family must give the response, if they were killed does not have any response regarding oneself family member, then the conceivable Soros family's dignity will suffer a disastrous decline, as one of the Skaar federation most powerful families, Soros will not make this matter happen decisively absolutely. 索罗斯家族必然要给予回应,如果他们对于自己家族成员被杀没有任何反应的话,那么可以想象索罗斯家族的威严会一落千丈,作为斯卡尔联邦最强大的家族之一,索罗斯就断然绝对不会让这种事情发生的。 I can certainly do that. & R dquo ; “我当然可以这么做。” Zhan En cold snort/hum, is looking steadily at Howard. 詹恩冷哼一声,盯视着霍华德 He can kill me, why can't I kill him? Is it possible that because we external, does not have the foundation in this place, therefore seems like better to bully? If were we are killed here, Templar Order will revenge for us? You most are also protest, what can also make? & R dquo ; “他能杀我,我为什么不能杀他?莫非因为我们是外来的,在此地没有根基,所以看起来就更好欺负一些?如果是我们在这里被杀了,圣堂教团会为我们报仇吗?你们最多也不过就是抗议一下,还能够做些什么?” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears Zhan En question unrestrained/no trace of politeness, old Bishop could not speak actually suddenly. What because Zhan En said is the fact. If he dies today unfortunately here, Templar Order really did not have the means to make anything, perhaps they will protest, will condemn, but also was this. Under Templar Order is not the monolithic bloc . Moreover the Zhan En's noble title is God of War Temple gives to seal, other Temple naturally impossible the respected family, for his such person and Eagle Plateau rank among the best really has a falling out thoroughly. Therefore finally the best result is Alexander is also imprisoned, but best was also this. 听到詹恩毫不客气的反问,老主教倒是一时间说不出话来。因为詹恩说的是事实。假如他今天不幸死在这里,圣堂教团还真的没办法做些什么,或许他们会抗议,会谴责,但也不过就是这样了。圣堂教团下原本就不是铁板一块,而且詹恩的贵族头衔是战神神殿授封的,其他神殿自然也不可能为了他这么一个人和雄鹰高原里数一数二的大家族真的彻底闹翻。所以最后最好的结果也不过就是亚历山大被监禁,可最好的也不过就是这样了。 You are quibbling!! & R dquo ; “你这是在强词夺理!!” Saw old Bishop not to have the word that Zhan En compelled, that golden Saint warrior stood again, discontented looked steadily at Zhan En to say. 看见老主教詹恩逼的没词了,那个黄金圣斗士则是再次站出来,不满的盯视着詹恩开口说道。 As the awarding a decoration aristocrat, you should record the Templar Order glory sincerely. But now the actions will only make Templar Order feel awkward, in you enjoy the honor that Templar Order grants, has not thought responsibility that it represents? & R dquo ; “身为授勋贵族,你应该谨记圣堂教团的荣耀。而现在你的所作所为只会让圣堂教团感到为难而已,难道在你享受圣堂教团赐予的荣光时,没有想到过它所代表的责任吗?” I think that you made a mistake a point. This young lady. & R dquo ; “我想你搞错了一点。这位小姐。” Hears opposite party's speech, Zhan En has not even looked straight at to look at her. 听到对方的说话,詹恩甚至都没有正眼瞧她。 I become the awarding a decoration aristocrat. Is because this is I earns, this was Templar Order once owed our families, now was it should just give back to us to our things. This is not the bestowment, is not the gracious gift, but repays & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Therefore I do not need to be grateful for the Templar Order actions, but you do not have the qualifications to accuse me, when I for Templar Order in Underdark to innumerable evil devil, you have not known that which place in nurses! & R dquo ; “我之所以成为授勋贵族。是因为这是我应得的,这是圣堂教团曾经欠我们家族的,现在只不过是它把早就应该给我们的东西还给了我们而已。这不是施舍,也不是恩赐,而是偿还———所以我不需要为圣堂教团的所作所为感恩戴德,而你也没有资格指责我,当我为了圣堂教团幽暗地域里面对无数邪恶魔物的时候,你还不知道在哪个地方吃奶呢!” You ............!! & R dquo ; “你…………!!” Hears the Zhan En's speech. That female Paladin immediately complexion one named Erin stiff, but Howard Bishop sighed secretly. Erin anything is good, but the life in Templar Order causes her is the understanding are not really many year to year regarding outside situation, it seems like creating world epic and doctrine back cannot help her solve any problem skillfully. In Erin opinion, the Zhan En's title is the glory that Templar Order grants, then he must consider for Templar Order, this is an idea of typical rookies. In fact the Zhan En's view is bare opened inside story & mda S h of Templar Order awarding a decoration aristocrat ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is Templar Order gives the reward of his ministrant, between both sides does not grant with the granted relations, but is transaction relations. Zhan En takes the awarding a decoration aristocrat to help Templar Order complete quest as the condition in Underdark, obtained the acknowledgments of nine Saints. Therefore his was sealed naturally. However after that he whether needs to consider Templar Order was a different matter. 听到詹恩的说话。那个名叫艾琳的女圣骑士顿时面色一僵,而霍华德主教则是暗暗叹了口气。艾琳什么都好,但是常年在圣堂教团中的生活使得她对于外面的情况实在是了解不多,看来把创世史诗和教义背的滚瓜烂熟不能够帮她解决任何问题。在艾琳看来,詹恩的头衔是圣堂教团所赐予的荣耀,那么他必然要为圣堂教团着想,这就是一个典型的菜鸟的想法。事实上詹恩的说法才是裸的揭开了圣堂教团授勋贵族的内幕———这不过是圣堂教团给予其协助者的奖励,双方之间并不是赏赐与被赏赐的关系,而是一种交易关系。詹恩以授勋贵族为条件帮助圣堂教团幽暗地域完成任务,获得了九圣的承认。所以他的受封理所当然。但是在那之后,他是否需要考虑圣堂教团就是另外一回事了。 In fact in Templar Order history many similar characters, although said that is Hero. But many Hero are actually the family background marketplaces, and what is more gathers for the benefit at the Hero surroundings. Among them many Thief and mercenary such generation of being concerned only about profit, after obtaining Church enjoys, these fellows will not be grateful to Church like others, but will do everything possible to use this status to seek some convenience and benefits for oneself. Regarding this Templar Order has also been used to it, so long as is not unpardonably wicked, then regarding that son small trouble, they also turns a blind eye mostly, compares them. Zhan En is not willing to involve Templar Order to come, but chose itself to solve the problem has the approach of moral integrity very much. 事实上圣堂教团的历史之中不乏类似的人物,虽然说是英雄。可是很多英雄其实都是出身市井,更有甚者是为了利益才聚集在英雄的周围。他们当中不乏盗贼和佣兵这样的唯利是图之辈,在获得教团封赏之后,这些家伙也不会像其他人那样对教团感激涕零,而是会想方设法利用这个身份为自己谋取一些方便和福利。对此圣堂教团也已经习惯了,只要不是十恶不赦,那么对于那点儿小小的麻烦,他们多半也是睁一只眼闭一只眼,相比起他们来说。詹恩不愿意牵扯圣堂教团进来,而是选择自己解决问题已经算是很有节操的做法了。 But he chose the way of solving the problem extremely to be really intense. 只不过他选择解决问题的方式实在太过激烈了一些。 Ok. Erin. & R dquo ; “好了。艾琳。” Old Bishop blocked by the Zhan En air/Qi young girl who almost must go crazy, helpless sighing. 主教拦住了被詹恩气的几乎要发疯的少女,无奈的叹了口气。 Didn't have other means? Mr. Zhan En? I know that you and Parwood family relationship is very good. However so kills an aristocrat descendant blatantly, is not the smart person behavior. & R dquo ; “难道就没有别的办法了吗?詹恩先生?我知道你和帕伍德家族关系很不错。但是如此公然杀死一个贵族后裔,可不是聪明人所为。” Other choice naturally has. & R dquo ; “别的选择自然不是没有。” Hears here, Zhan En gave the ponder of old Bishop face actually very much the moment, this said. 听到这里,詹恩倒是很给老主教面子的沉思了片刻,这才开口说道。 First, Sir Bishop, you must acknowledge, the Alexander call army, launches the attack to me is proven. Moreover he obviously wants to kill me and my aide, even also adopted the so intense method. Also caused the enormous harm to our physical and moral integrity. In this case, I think that we demand some compensations to use for the psychological trauma fee/spent, should be very reasonable request. & R dquo ; “首先,主教大人,你必须承认,亚历山大召集军队,对我发动进攻是证据确凿的。而且他明显想要杀害我与我的侍从,甚至还采取了如此激烈的手段。对我们的身心健康也造成了极大的危害。在这种情况下,我认为我们索取一些补偿作为精神损失费,应该是非常合理的要求吧。” This .................. indeed so. & R dquo ; “这………………的确如此。” Hears the Zhan En tone to become less crowded, old Bishop relaxes actually, he also is really afraid Zhan En to act willfully to look for opposite party's trouble. Although said that the strict this matter and cannot pull anything to relate, but if Zhan En noisy is too big, will then be scolded as Howard Bishop of this piece of local head unavoidably. If Zhan En wants the peaceful settlement, then natural is a good deed. 听到詹恩口气松动,老主教倒是松了口气,他还真害怕詹恩一意孤行去找对方的麻烦。虽然说严格来讲这件事和自己扯不上什么关系,但是如果詹恩闹的太大,那么作为这片地区负责人的霍华德主教难免会受到责难。而如果詹恩愿意和平解决的话,那么自然是件好事。 „, What Mr. Zhan En do you have to request specifically? & R dquo ; “那么,詹恩先生你具体有什么要求呢?” „ Very simple. & R dquo ; “很简单。” Heard the inquiry of Howard, Zhan En sneers was sweeping complexion grayish white Alexander. 听到霍华德的询问,詹恩冷笑着扫了一眼面色灰白的亚历山大 This is the fight between aristocrat and aristocrat, the winner naturally can obtain all that the loser has ......... this, my other does not want, gives me to be good Hoffer, how you look. & R dquo ; “这是贵族与贵族之间的战斗,胜者自然可以获得失败者拥有的一切………这样吧,我别的也不要了,把华福尔给我就好,你看如何。” ...............? & R dquo ; “……………哈啊?” Hears here, even if Howard is also startled. He knows that Zhan En definitely meets the lion big opens the mouth. However wants to come in Howard, perhaps the opposite party also demands some manors, some properties or some treasures. But never expected that Zhan En unexpectedly so big appetite. Opened mouth wanted entire Hoffer. 听到这里,哪怕是霍华德也是大吃一惊。他知道詹恩肯定会狮子大张口。但是在霍华德想来,对方恐怕也不过就是索要一些庄园,一些财产或者一些宝物。可是没想到詹恩居然如此大的胃口。一张嘴就要了整个华福尔 Mr. Zhan En, your really indulged in fantasy. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,您这实在是太异想天开了。” Hears the Zhan En's reply. Howard Bishop shakes the head again and again. 听到詹恩的回答。霍华德主教连连摇头。 Hoffer big city that but Eagle Plateau have several, is one of most important domains the Soros family grasps, because how possibly a mistake of family member does hand over? Your this also rather extremely indulged in fantasy. & R dquo ; 华福尔可是雄鹰高原有数的大城市,也是索罗斯家族掌握的最重要的地盘之一,怎么可能因为一个家族成员的错误就拱手相让?你这也未免太过异想天开了一些。” This I do not manage. & R dquo ; “这我不管。” However facing the speech of Howard Bishop, Zhan En actually beckons with the hand. 但是面对霍华德主教的说话,詹恩却是摆了摆手。 My words have thrown in any case here, if Soros does not accept my condition, then I hang Alexander in the Callander Town Square, then declares war to Soros as aristocrat officially. Actually should how do, you should be very clear. & R dquo ; “反正我的话已经扔在这里,如果索罗斯不答应我的条件,那么我就把亚历山大吊死在卡兰德尔的中心广场,然后以一个贵族的身份正式向索罗斯宣战。究竟该怎么做,你应该很清楚。” You ............... & R dquo ; “你啊……………” Hears here. Howard finally helpless sighing. Although he does not believe Zhan En really to dare with the Soros positive/direct showdown, but he also knows that this little fellow is a quite strong person, if really makes him hang to death Alexander in the square in front of Soros family, that Soros family, only then died to knock this choice with Zhan En. 听到这里。霍华德终于无奈的叹了口气。他虽然不相信詹恩真的敢和索罗斯正面对决,但是他也知道这个小家伙是个相当强硬的人,如果真的让他把亚历山大吊死在索罗斯家族的门前广场上,那索罗斯家族就真的只有和詹恩死磕到底这一个选择了。 But the issue is, the present Skaar federation, cannot withstand the further turbulence absolutely ......... 可问题在于,现在的斯卡尔联邦,绝对经不起进一步的动荡啊……… How negotiates as for should and Soros family, Zhan En does not manage. Under old Bishop finally chose undertook this matter, after all he is not willing to see both sides really to tear to pieces the facial skin, if Zhan En really killed Alexander, then the matter may on troublesome many. Therefore he to Zhan En ensure is acted and Soros family by oneself discussed compensates the matters concerned. As for Alexander oneself, was thrown by Zhan En to Templar Order directly, in any case he is this causing trouble chief instigator. Templar Order catches him is not considered as that violates the stipulation. Naturally, Zhan En was not worried that Templar Order will release people secretly & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Or he looks forward to the opposite party to bleed off quietly, as the matter stands did oneself have the reason to tidy up Soros not? 至于该如何和索罗斯家族交涉,詹恩就不管了。老主教最终还是选择了承担下这件事,毕竟他也不愿意看见双方真的撕破脸皮,而且如果詹恩真的杀了亚历山大的话,那么事情可就麻烦的多了。所以他向詹恩保证由自己出面去和索罗斯家族讨论赔偿事宜。至于亚历山大本人,则被詹恩直接扔给了圣堂教团,反正他是这次闹事的主谋者。圣堂教团抓他也不算是违反规定。当然,詹恩一点儿都不担心圣堂教团会私自放人———或者说他倒巴不得对方悄悄把人放走,这样一来自己就更有理由去收拾索罗斯了不是吗? Has not been idling the pot throws after Templar Order completely Zhan En, in fact, he at this moment leisurely and carefree sitting on chair, satisfaction is looking steadily in the hand this seemingly pitch-dark, does not have the slight gloss long sword & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is Shadowmoon sword, Alexander as if not regard as important the sword regarding this, therefore has not worn in the side, but threw in own family/home. Then makes Zhan En pick up a bargain. 将锅全部扔给圣堂教团之后詹恩也没有闲着,事实上,此刻的他正悠闲的坐在椅子上,满意的盯视着手中这把看起来黑漆漆的,没有丝毫光泽可言的长剑———这正是影月之剑,亚历山大对于这把剑似乎不甚看重,所以并没有戴在身边而是扔在了自己的家里。这才让詹恩捡了个便宜。 Raises while convenient, Alexander manor villa also by Zhan Enwhile convenient & R dquo ; Inventoried and confiscated. 顺带一提,亚历山大的庄园别墅也被詹恩“顺便”查抄了。 „ Does this really have the sword that? Masters? & R dquo ; “这把剑真的有那么好吗?主人?” Pattilina is gazing at fixedly a round big eye. Is looking at present this black coal long sword, obviously showed the sparing a glance expression. 帕蒂莉娜瞪视着一双圆圆的大眼睛。望着眼前这把黑炭长剑,明显露出了不屑一顾的表情。 How this gadget sees how is broken and rotten. Radically useless. & R dquo ; “这玩意儿怎么看怎么都是又破又烂。根本没用嘛。” That is because it has not activated, Pattilina. & R dquo ; “那是因为它还没有激活,帕蒂莉娜。” Hears the speech of Pattilina, Enoya smiles in side is actually saying. She has followed side Zhan En's, naturally also absorbed many knowledge, therefore Zhan En saying Shadowmoon sword, Enoya understands the idea of opposite party immediately. 听到帕蒂莉娜的发言,埃诺娅倒是在旁边微笑着开口说道。她一直跟随在詹恩的身边,自然也吸收了不少知识,因此詹恩一说影月之剑,埃诺娅立刻就明白了对方的想法。 Shadowmoon sword needs in the night of lunar eclipse, to summon to the black moon/month in the darkness strongest surface, can erupt its strength through the final dark baptism. Present Shadowmoon sword in the deep sleep condition, in fact true Shadowmoon sword is very attractive. & R dquo ; 影月之剑需要在月食之夜,于黑暗最浓重的地表向黑之月进行呼唤,通过最后的黑暗洗礼才能够爆发出它的力量。现在的影月之剑还是在沉睡状态,事实上真正的影月之剑可是非常漂亮的。” Said here, Enoya silent moment, then looked to Zhan En. 说道这里,埃诺娅沉默了片刻,然后望向詹恩 Next & l S quo ; Moonlight Lady & R S quo ; Will appear ten days later, the master, have you chosen the good ceremony place? & R dquo ; “下一次‘无颜之月’会在十天之后出现,主人,您已经选择好仪式地点了吗?” Naturally. & R dquo ; “当然。” Hears the speech of Enoya, Zhan En nods. 听到埃诺娅的说话,詹恩点了点头。 Where come, where to goes to ......... me to think, the place of shadow can be a good choice. & R dquo ; “从哪里来,到哪里去………我想,阴影之地会是个不错的选择。” „ The place of shadow? & R dquo ; “阴影之地?” Hears here, Enoya selected under the brow. 听到这里,埃诺娅挑了下眉头。 That indeed is a good choice, but the master, before that you as if have another matter to first handle are good. & R dquo ; “那的确是个不错的选择,不过主人,在那之前,您似乎还有另外一件事要先搞定才行。” Naturally, I am very clear. & R dquo ; “当然,我很清楚。” Is saying, Zhan En turns the head to look to out of the window. 一面说着,詹恩一面转头望向窗外。 In there, can see wear gold armor a form of Paladin. ( to be continued ) 在那里,可以看见一个穿着黄金盔甲的圣骑士的身影。(未完待续) ... ...
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