DR :: Volume #3

#228: Battle of words, does not make concessions

I have not thought that will see you here, Zhan En husband. & R dquo ; “我也没有想到会在这里看见你,詹恩丈夫。” Looks at the present young people, Howard old Bishop sighing, he looks to all around, the raising eyes institute and place only has jet black wreckage. In killed by Zhan En and Enoya, was rumbled by the battleship, then after by Pattilina and that golden Saint warrior pounding one, here anything does not have remaining. These corpses also only have flake flake surviving now the corpse block, but these were broken to grind the part of meat sauce to be burnt direct black being able to see by the stone by the flame are anything ............... 看着眼前的年轻人,霍华德主教不由的叹了口气,他望向四周,举目所及之处只剩下漆黑一片的残骸。在被詹恩埃诺娅杀了一圈,然后被战舰轰了一圈,接着又被帕蒂莉娜和那个黄金圣斗士给砸了一圈之后,这里已经什么都没有剩下。就连那些尸体现在也只剩下一小片一小片残存的尸块,而那些被石头砸碎碾成肉酱的部分更是被火焰一烧直接黑的看不出原本是什么东西了…………… However this is perhaps better. 不过说不定这样更好。 Looks brings leisurely and carefree smile Zhan En at present, Howard old Bishop may not be calm. In fact in the former discussion must after Zhan En carries out the cooperation, Howard old Bishop also sends people to inquire an experience of this awarding a decoration aristocrat, although said that Templar can be a complex, but divides to belong to the different churches after all, believes the different gods, therefore intelligence circulation \ { no + is not naturally convenient. Since however because recently these years Templar will only give a title of such awarding a decoration aristocrat, therefore Howard Bishop did not have the waste too big time to inquire the information about this young people actually. 看着眼前带着悠闲笑容的詹恩,霍华德主教的心情可就没有那么平静了。事实上在之前商议要和詹恩进行合作之后,霍华德主教也派人去打听了一下这位授勋贵族的经历,虽然说圣堂教会是一个联合体,但是毕竟分属于不同的教会,信仰不同的神明,所以情报流通方面\{无+自然也没有那么方便。不过由于最近这几年以来圣堂教会只给予了这么一个授勋贵族的头衔,所以霍华德主教倒是没废太大工夫就打听到了关于这个年轻人的信息。 The information that but must come, makes Howard feel heavyhearted. 只不过得来的情报,却让霍华德感到忧心忡忡。 The aristocrats can the acquired information, Howard naturally also be able . Moreover the intelligence information that as the Templar Order internal member, he obtains also wants detailed many compared with these aristocrats. Therefore quick, Howard discovered, perhaps oneself was annoys one greatly troublesome. 贵族们能够收集到的情报,霍华德自然也能够得到,而且作为圣堂教团的内部成员,他得到的情报资料也比那些贵族要详细的多。于是很快,霍华德就发现,自己说不定是惹上了一个大麻烦。 In the information, how and he to obtain the awarding a decoration title the content to have no strange place regarding the Zhan En's origin. Brings to the Howard attention, is actually another aspect. That is this young Knight is quite cruel and merciless. Moreover supercilious, the working style is quite strong. In fact. He had made earth-shaking important matter & mda S h in Underdark ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; He killed personally with Valkyrie duchy famous General Gustav and his son of Balf Templar Order together cooperation, as well as several hundred elite Valkyrie duchy soldier. The cause was General Gustav son's subordinate plays rough to the Zhan En's maid by Zhan En is found, later was killed. But is unable to swallow this tone Balf to lead elite soldier hand/subordinate to try to surround the Zhan En revenge. However the Zhan En's strength is never so expected that powerful, dispatches almost to slaughter to the Underdark crack troops the Valkyrie duchy, but Balf Viscount also dies under his sword, General Gustav revenges for own child is also instead killed by it. After that Zhan En becomes the Valkyrie duchy first issues a warrant for arrest the felon. 在情报之中,对于詹恩的来历和他是如何获得授勋爵位的内容倒没有什么奇怪的地方。引起霍华德注意的,却是另外一个方面。那就是这位年轻的爵士相当心狠手辣。而且心高气傲,做事风格极为强硬。事实上。他在幽暗地域里就曾经做过一件惊天动地的大事———他亲手杀死了与圣堂教团一同合作的瓦尔基里公国享有盛名的古斯塔夫将军和他的儿子巴尔夫,以及数百名精锐的瓦尔基里公国士兵。起因则是古斯塔夫将军儿子的手下对詹恩的女仆动粗被詹恩发现,随后被杀死。而无法咽下这口气的巴尔夫则率领手下的精锐士兵试图围堵詹恩复仇。但是没想到詹恩的实力如此强大,以至于将瓦尔基里公国派遣至幽暗地域的精锐兵力几乎屠戮一空,而巴尔夫子爵也死在他的剑下,古斯塔夫将军为自己孩子报仇也反被其杀害。从那之后,詹恩就成为了瓦尔基里公国的第一通缉重犯。 Changed others to make such matter, not only will not obtain the praise of Templar Order, will also receive the trial of Church to be right. However Zhan En has not actually been arrested the trial. The reason is very simple, after that war, he obtained the God of War honor, but this was also regarded as the will of gods by God of War Temple, therefore Zhan En has not encountered any penalty. But finally, Templar Order also pressed this matter, now besides the Valkyrie duchy interior, almost no one also knows this matter. 换了别人做出这样的事情,不但不会得到圣堂教团的嘉奖,甚至还会受到教团的审判才对。但是詹恩却并没有遭到审判和逮捕。原因很简单,在那场战争之后,他获得了战争之神的荣光,而这也被战神神殿视为神明的意志,因此詹恩并没有遭到任何惩罚。而最终,圣堂教团也将这件事情压了下去,现在除了瓦尔基里公国内部之外,几乎没有什么人还知道这件事了。 Howard somewhat was doubtful to this information, said no matter how. This matter rather was extremely also unthinkable. However also therefore, he also knows Zhan En is a quite dangerous character, what is more important, he works as if never considers consequence & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Or. The matter that this young people most excel is noisy the matter, till situation out of control. 原本霍华德还对这个情报有些半信半疑,不管怎么说。这种事情也未免太过匪夷所思了一些。不过也因此,他也知道了詹恩是个相当危险的人物,更重要的是,他做事似乎从来不考虑后果———或者说。这个年轻人最擅长的事情就是把事情闹大,直到一发不可收拾的地步为止。 What is more important, he also has the whole thing noisy big strength. 更重要的是,他还有把整件事情闹大的实力。 If Howard many also a little suspected before. Then now present, is thorough told him that is not the exaggerating hearsay. But is the fact. 如果说以前霍华德对此多少还有点儿怀疑的话。那么现在眼前的这一幕,已算是彻彻底底的告诉了他那并非是夸张的传闻。而是事实。 The process of matter he has listened to Locke City Lord saying that Alexander this idiot stirs up trouble is not a day two days. To be honest, Templar Order is also annoyed regarding the behavior of his wreaking havoc unseemly behavior. However they as the religion, naturally must consider oneself influence, if meddles rashly, perhaps will also bring in the rebound of Skaar federation. 事情的经过他已经听洛克城主说过了,亚历山大这个白痴惹事也不是一天两天。说实话,圣堂教团对于他这种肆虐妄为的行为也非常恼火。但是他们作为宗教,自然也要考虑到自己的影响,如果贸然插手其中的话,说不定还会引来斯卡尔联邦的反弹。 However now, looks at the present all these, Howard knows how oneself do not need to worry about the Alexander future to be. But he has not thought that Zhan En will not have a little had scruples unexpectedly completely, starts in the Hoffer city directly, this is the fight of legendary domain, is not careful, ruining half of the city is not excessive. However now, what can he say? Matter had turned into this, does not need to look that also knows Blaze Guard and garrisoned fleet to be finished thoroughly, but entire Hoffer starting from tomorrow will go haywire. To be honest, Howard thorough is speechless. 不过现在,看着眼前的这一切,霍华德知道自己已经不用去操心亚历山大的未来会是怎么样了。只不过就连他都没有想到詹恩居然会完全没有一点儿顾忌,直接在华福尔城里开打,这可是传奇领域的战斗,一个不小心,毁掉半个城市都不算过分。但是现在,他又能够说什么呢?事情已经变成了这样,不用看也知道烈焰卫队和警备舰队已经彻底完蛋了,而从明天开始整个华福尔又会陷入混乱之中。说实话,霍华德对此已经彻底无语了。 You should not come here, Howard Bishop. & R dquo ; “您不应该来到这里,霍华德主教。” Zhan En swept by one to brave the black thick smoke the battlefield, Pattilina to receive the long spear/gun at this moment, resembles kitty docile standing that again changed in Zhan En's behind, as if ruined this place a moment ago was not she is the same. But one side of inside, that golden Saint warrior also coughed to walk from the black smoke, although her strength added on that matter heavy/thick armor to rescue this golden Saint warrior life, but looked at on her uneven, tattered armor can see, she also received a big wound obviously. 詹恩扫了一眼旁边冒着黑色浓烟的战场,帕蒂莉娜此刻已经收起了长枪,再次变的像猫咪般温顺的站在詹恩的身后,仿佛刚才毁掉这个地方的根本就不是她本人一样。而在里面一侧,那个黄金圣斗士也是咳嗽着从黑烟之中走了出来,虽然她的实力加上那层厚重的盔甲救了这个黄金圣斗士一命,但是看她身上那凹凸不平,破破烂烂的盔甲就可以看出,她显然也受了不小的伤。 If I do not come, you can entire Hoffer opening? & R dquo ; “如果我不来的话,你是不是就要把整个华福尔给拆了?” Hears Zhan En's to complain, Howard looked at his one eyes ill-humoredly, later will look around golden Saint warrior. 听到詹恩的抱怨,霍华德没好气的望了他一眼,随后将目光投向旁边的黄金圣斗士。 You, Erin! How I was you told that you were booing, unexpectedly fought with the opposite party!! & R dquo ; “还有你,艾琳!我是怎么跟你说的,你倒好,居然和对方打起来了!!” But, Sir Bishop ............ & R dquo ; “可是,主教大人…………” The golden Saint warrior at this moment also took off the helmet, revealed a prettiness, the heroic spirit full face. She shook her shawl short hair, later frowns, discontented is gazing at fixedly Zhan En. 此刻的黄金圣斗士也摘下了头盔,露出了一张俏丽,英气十足的面孔。她摇动了一下自己的披肩短发,随后皱起眉头,不满的瞪视着詹恩 When I rush to here, happen to sees him to try to kill my behind innocent person, therefore ............... & R dquo ; “当我赶到这里的时候,正好看见他试图杀死我身后的这个无辜的人,所以……………” I may beg to differ regarding your words, this young lady. & R dquo ; “对于您的话我可不敢苟同,这位小姐。” Enoya that had not spoken walked from Zhan En's until this time, she selected under the brow, since a pair of eyes pupil narrows the eyes slightly. Has the obvious disaffection to retaliate the opposite party. 一直没有说话的埃诺娅直到这个时候才从詹恩的身边走了出来,她挑了下眉头,一双眼眸微微眯起。带着明显的不满回敬着对方。 Without knowing cause and effect, I think that should not be arbitrarily innocent. Pure, small and weak and other words and expressions casual wraps on somebody's body. At least to me. Transferred the army, recruits the battleship, tries to harm and kill our people, which perspective no matter is not innocently from. & R dquo ; “在没有得知前因后果的情况下,我认为您还是不要擅自将无辜。清白,弱小等词语随随便便的套在某个人的身上。至少就我来说。一个调动了军队,征召战舰,试图伤害和杀死我们的人,不管从哪个方面而言都算不上无辜。” ......... & R dquo ; “呜………” Pattilina fights fiercely, however the Enoya expression benefits like the blade edge, this makes that female Paladin even suddenly dumbfounded, she is gazing at Enoya, somewhat shrinks under the opposite party severe vision obviously. However finally, she is cold snort/hum one. Says. 帕蒂莉娜打架厉害,但是埃诺娅的言辞更是利如刀锋,这使得那个女圣骑士甚至一时间哑口无言,她注视着埃诺娅,在对方严厉的目光下显然有些畏缩。不过最终,她还是冷哼一声。开口说道。 No matter how said, as Paladin, I always cannot look that others 's life encounters the danger and aloof. & R dquo ; “不管怎么说,身为圣骑士,我总不能够看着他人的性命遭到危险而无动于衷。” Bah. & R dquo ; “呸。” Hears here, Pattilina disdains spat one. 听到这里,帕蒂莉娜不屑的啐了一口。 What slogan he brings the person kills our times not to see you to come out to shout loudly, do we want to kill his you to run the protection life? Your this inexpensive goods are not and that male dog will have a leg, has not really visited you also is really enough the wave, this man you want ............ & R dquo ; “他带人来杀我们的时候也没见你出来高喊什么口号,我们要杀他你就跑出来保护生命?你这贱货不会是和那头公狗有一腿吧,真没看出来你还真是够浪的,这种男人你都要…………” You...... you...... you talked nonsense!! & R dquo ; “你……你……你胡说八道!!” Cursing that Pattilina cannot withstand vulgarly made female Paladin blush immediately the face, long was so big, she has not seen has had that person to dare before oneself to say such vulgar language. But Pattilina actually sends the fainting word in her front greatly. Although said that looks in the opposite party is in the share of little girl, female Paladin does not plan and her haggles over, however the Pattilina hooligan also makes her angry. 帕蒂莉娜粗俗不堪的咒骂顿时让女圣骑士羞红了脸,长这么大,她还没见过有那个人敢在自己面前说出如此的污言秽语。而帕蒂莉娜却在她的面前大发厥词。虽然说看在对方是个小女孩的份上,女圣骑士不打算和她计较,但是帕蒂莉娜的流氓也着实让她愤怒无比。 I did not know that this husband, I am just fulfilling me the duty ......... & R dquo as Paladin ; “我根本就不认识这位丈夫,我只不过是在履行我身为圣骑士的义务………” „. Idiots same ......... & R dquo ; “切。白痴一样………” Hears the argument of female Paladin, Pattilina cold snort/hum, is planning to say anything again. However this moment Zhan En has actually put out a hand, patted the small head of Pattilina gently. Therefore the closing mouth that the little fellow the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope immediately, she has not forgotten to stare that female Paladin simultaneously. Then raises the right hand, clamps the thumb between the index finger and ring finger, rocked to her, then raises up the middle finger high. Although does not know that is what meaning, but female Paladin also knows obviously this is not what good movement, under the gaze of Howard Archbishop, she anything had not said finally, closed the mouth to stand in side. 听到女圣骑士的辩解,帕蒂莉娜冷哼一声,正打算再说些什么。但是此刻詹恩却已经伸出手去,轻轻拍了拍帕蒂莉娜的小脑袋。于是小家伙也就立刻心不甘情不愿的闭上嘴巴,同时她还不忘瞪了一眼那个女圣骑士。接着举起右手,把大拇指夹在食指和无名指之间,冲她晃动了一下,然后高高竖起中指。虽然不知道那是什么意思,但是女圣骑士显然也知道这不是个什么好的动作,不过在霍华德大主教的注视下,她最终还是什么都没有说,闭上嘴巴站在了旁边。 But at this moment, Howard Bishop and Zhan En had started the conversation again. 而此刻,霍华德主教詹恩已经再次开始了交谈。 This and Church is uninterested, Howard Sir Bishop, this is the disputes between our aristocrats, should solve from our aristocrats. Alexander husband not only again and again is regarded as spiritless my exercising forbearance, even also ridiculed my family blatantly, and tried to harm my accompanying and subordinate, this was unable to forgive absolutely. & R dquo ; “这和教团毫无关系,霍华德主教大人,这是我们贵族之间的纠纷,就应该由我们贵族之间来解决。亚历山大丈夫不但一而再,再而三的将我的忍让看做是懦弱,甚至还公然嘲弄我的家族,并且试图伤害我的随从与部下,这是绝对无法原谅的。” I acknowledged that this Alexander indeed is noisy excessive some ............ & R dquo ; “我承认,这次亚历山大的确是闹的过分了一些…………” Hears here, Howard Bishop is also the brow tight wrinkle, the aristocrat also has the bottom line between aristocrats, the Alexander reassignment army, blatantly surrounding, and launches the attack to Zhan En, this had crossed that bottom line. Moreover Howard somewhat is also uncomfortable to Alexander, must know Zhan En, but the awarding a decoration aristocrat, was protected by Templar Order, you look for his trouble, hasn't thought Templar Order? Said you haven't paid attention to Templar Order from the start inadequately? 听到这里,霍华德主教也是眉头紧皱,贵族也有贵族之间的底线,亚历山大调动军队,公然包围,并且对詹恩发动攻击,这已经越过了那条底线。而且霍华德亚历山大也有些不爽,要知道詹恩可是授勋贵族,是受圣堂教团保护的,你找他的麻烦,就没想过圣堂教团?还是说你压根就没把圣堂教团放在眼里不成? But you do not need to make such big sound, now entire Hoffer quick is insane, many people think that has what monster or Barbarian race enters the city to come ......... & R dquo ; “但是你也没必要弄这么大的动静,现在整个华福尔都快疯了,很多人都以为是不是有什么怪物或者蛮族打入城来………” Occasionally does to seek asylum the training to have anything is not good, like this waits for their city real falling to the enemy time, running is also more familiar. & R dquo ; “偶尔做做避难训练有什么不好,这样等他们的城市真的沦陷的时候,跑起来也会熟悉一些。” At the same time saying, Zhan En side oblique shrugging the shoulders. 一面说着,詹恩一面毫无诚意的耸耸肩膀。 Was sorry put to trouble very much to everyone, what pitifully is, I will not change my decision. & R dquo ; “很抱歉给各位添麻烦了,不过可惜的是,我是不会改变自己的决定的。” Said here, Zhan En looked again to pale Alexander. 说道这里,詹恩再次望向面色苍白的亚历山大 He must die. & R dquo ; “他必须要死。” You cannot do that! & R dquo ; “你不能这么做!” Hears here, Howard Bishop immediately one startled , if Alexander died, then the situation completely will be different. Regardless of both sides who were wrong to whom before, so long as Alexander died, then the Soros family will definitely initiate the retaliation, by that time ............ may turn is greatly troublesome!!( To be continued......) 听到这里,霍华德主教顿时一惊,要知道,如果亚历山大死掉的话,那么情况就会完全不同了。无论之前双方谁对谁错,只要亚历山大死掉,那么索罗斯家族肯定会发起报复的,到那个时候…………可就会变成大麻烦了!!(未完待续……) Chapter 228 battle of words, does not make concessions: 第228章唇枪舌战,互不退让: ... ...
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