DR :: Volume #3

#227: The sword of glory, silver white spear/gun

The golden sword light appears suddenly, interlocks to delimit in the air, wove an airtight big net, blocked the Zhan En's attack. however faces this sudden hindrance, Zhan En is not completely surprised, on the contrary, he backhands one revolution, Sea Blue Light in hand has from the sky delimited again, next moment changed into to inundate the Sky Sword light to turn toward Alexander to puncture again. But while his sword light erupts, the golden flame of a series of sparkle appear from void immediately, with mixing with Sea Blue Light of endless cold air is colliding again. 金色的剑光骤然浮现,在空气之中交错划过,编织出了一张密不透风的大网,挡住了詹恩的攻击。⊙但是面对这突如其来的阻碍,詹恩却完全不感到意外,相反,他反手一转,手中的海蓝之光再次在空中划过,下一刻化为了漫天剑光再一次向着亚历山大刺了过去。而就在他的剑光爆发的同时,一连串闪耀的金色火焰顿时从虚空之中浮现,与夹杂着无尽寒气的海蓝之光再次碰撞。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “砰!!” During this fierce hit, even the air had similar ripple vibration, that is because the space is unable to hold the warning that the great power of both sides has again. As for that originally the tattered battleship , because this fierce hit, but explodes thoroughly, is completely stave under the tremendous pressure, is wailing deep place that vanishes in the rivers. 在这猛烈的撞击之中,甚至连空气都不由产生了类似波纹般的抖动,那是由于空间再也无法容纳双方的强大力量而产生的警报。至于那艘原本就已经破破烂烂的战舰,更是因为这猛烈的撞击而彻底爆炸,在巨大的压力下完全破碎,哀嚎着消失在河流的深处。 However Zhan En has not pursued at this moment again, his right hand grasps the sword, peaceful standing in ground, is gazing at front & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In there, a whole body puts ongolden Sacred clothes & R dquo ; The Paladin forehand grasps a great blade to keep off in own front, but complexion grayish white Alexander in Paladin behind, in collapsing to the ground scope, looks at the appearance of his more dead than alive, obviously is not far from Death. 不过詹恩此刻也没有再追击,他右手握剑,安静的站在地面上,注视着前方———在那里,一个全身穿着“黄金圣衣”的圣骑士正手握着一把巨刃挡在自己的面前,而面色灰白的亚历山大则在圣骑士的身后,瘫坐在地面上,看他那副要死不活的样子,显然离死亡也没有多远了。 Bold avid follower, dares to flaunt in Hoffer unexpectedly causes trouble ominously! & R dquo ; “大胆狂徒,居然敢在华福尔里逞凶闹事!” Words do not speak irresponsibly, this Miss Paladin. & R dquo ; “话不要乱说,这位圣骑士小姐。” Hears shouting angrily of opposite party, the Zhan En complexion sinks, he coldly is looking steadily at present this wear gold Sacred clothes, brings Paladin of helmet. Although the heavy/thick helmet covered the face of opposite party, the armor model and sound that but put from her body can listen, this Paladin was a female. However this and Zhan En has nothing to do. Now he coldly, quite uncomfortable is gazing at fixedly the opposite party. Absolutely does not have tiny bit, because the opposite party is Paladin has the restrained appearance. 听到对方的怒喝,詹恩面色一沉,他冷冷的盯视着眼前这个穿着黄金圣衣,带着头盔的圣骑士。虽然厚重的头盔遮挡住了对方的面孔,但是从她身体上穿的盔甲型号和刚才的声音就可以听出,这位圣骑士是一位女性。不过这和詹恩无关。现在他可是冷冷的,相当不爽的瞪视着对方。完全没有一丝一毫因为对方是圣骑士而有所收敛的样子。 This is the battle between aristocrats, you as church member. Should better not to meddle. & R dquo ; “这是贵族之间的争斗,你身为教会成员。最好不要插手。” But among you battle has affected entire Hoffer! & R dquo ; “可是你们之间的争斗已经影响到了整个华福尔!” Interrogated facing Zhan En's that Paladin is also the opens the mouth counter-attack without hesitation. 面对詹恩的质问,那个圣骑士也是毫不犹豫的开口反击。 Why you do not have a look at all around, actually having a look here to turn into what appearance! You must because of the one's own selfish interests, but makes entire Hoffer go haywire in? & R dquo ; “你们为什么不看看四周,看看这里究竟变成了什么样子!难道你们要因为一己之私,而让整个华福尔陷入混乱之中吗?” Has to acknowledge, this Miss Paladin words not wrong, the fight of Zhan En and Alexander has almost destroyed 1/5 Hoffer city area, but here is the field littered with corpses, the wreckage everywhere, moreover Pattilina that artillery not only bang broke to pieces the Alexander battleship. The might has even extended to the end of horizon, left behind enough dozens meters wide gulleys in the entire Hoffer city, even the city wall in distant place cannot block wild this strikes. This moment river water crazy flowing in backward in, after contacting inside high temperature changed into the white steam. Is mixing with the bloody aura reverberation of stench in the side of people. 不得不承认,这位圣骑士小姐的话也没有错,詹恩亚历山大的战斗几乎已经毁灭了五分之一的华福尔城区,而在这里更是尸横遍野,残骸遍地,而且帕蒂莉娜的那一炮不但轰碎了亚历山大的战舰。其威力甚至一直延伸到地平线的尽头,在整个华福尔城里留下了一道足足有数十米宽的深沟,甚至连远处的城墙都没有能够挡住这狂暴的一击。此刻河水正疯狂的倒灌其中,在接触到内里的高温之后化为了大片大片白色的蒸汽。夹杂着腥臭的血腥气息回荡在众人的身边。 As if hell. 仿佛地狱。 Your indictment found fault the goal. & R dquo ; “你的指控找错了目标。” Zhan En receives the sword to return to the sheath, simultaneously put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. 詹恩收剑回鞘,同时伸出手去推了推眼镜。 We are just the justifiable defenses, in fact first surrounds us to launch the attack, is that Mr. Alexander, if you do not believe that can ask him ............ & R dquo ; “我们只不过是正当防卫,事实上最先包围我们发起进攻的,正是那位亚历山大先生,如果你不相信的话,可以自己去问问他…………” I will certainly investigate the whole thing. This mister, however your fights to create chaotic is obvious, as the Church member, we cannot tolerate the tyrannical disciple to destroy the peace and tranquility that people must come with great difficulty absolutely recklessly. Therefore ......... & R dquo ; “我当然会对整件事情进行调查。这位先生,但是你们的交手所造成混乱是显而易见的,身为教团的成员,我们绝对不能够容忍暴虐之徒肆意破坏人们好不容易得来的安宁与平静。所以………” Puts your mother's dog smelly fart, b*tch that your no one holds!! & R dquo ; “放你娘的狗臭屁,你这没人操的碧池!!” However the Paladin words have not said, Pattilina could not bear immediately. In like cat that in front of Zhan En she always displays docile lovable. However she shows oneself savage wild army riffraff natural disposition before others immediately. 但是圣骑士的话还没有说完,帕蒂莉娜顿时就忍不住了。在詹恩面前她向来都表现的像猫儿一样温顺可爱。但是在别人面前她就立刻展现出了自己凶残狂暴的兵痞本性。 The bastard who „ that is not concerned about face brings the battleships and several thousand soldier looks for our troubles, you do not ask him instead to talk nonsense before us. Looked that we quite do bully? I thought that your golden shell under punches!! Looked that this young lady pounds the meat sauce you, has to plant you do not hit back to me!! & R dquo ; “那个不要脸的王八蛋带着战舰和数千名士兵来找我们的麻烦,你不去找他反而在我们面前胡言乱语。看我们好欺负是吗?我看你这一身黄金壳子就是欠揍!!看本小姐把你砸成肉酱,有种你不要给我还手!!” Finishing barely the words. Sees only together the silver light flash, next moment Pattilina then rushed to the front of golden knight with the spear/gun, a spear/gun howls to puncture forward, even the surrounding air as if the attraction was started to revolve by the Pattilina silver spear/gun in this moment, then the river water in surface river course met the animal same upward tumbling of fast natural enemy to surge probably, formed a water barrier, blocked the escape route of golden knight. 话音未落。只见一道银光闪过,下一刻帕蒂莉娜便连人带枪冲到了黄金骑士的面前,一枪向前呼啸刺去,甚至就连周围的空气都在这一刻仿佛被帕蒂莉娜的银枪所吸引般开始旋转,而后面河道中的河水更是好像遇到了天敌的动物一样飞快的向上翻滚涌起,形成了一道水的屏障,挡住了黄金骑士的退路。 Legendary domain? & R dquo ; “传奇领域?” Saw making a move of Pattilina, in the eyes of golden knight to flash through amazed, her hurried both hands got hold of the great blade, then turned over/stood up to avoid the Pattilina straight thrust. Afterward the great sword belt in hand golden flame is wielding & mda S h forward ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is the flame of Holy, is one of the Paladin symbols, is used to purify these evil and unclear thing. 看见帕蒂莉娜的出手,黄金骑士的眼中闪过了一丝惊诧,她急忙双手握紧巨刃,接着一个翻身躲开了帕蒂莉娜的直刺。随后手中的巨剑带着一条金色的火焰向前挥出———这是神圣之焰,也是圣骑士的标志之一,用来净化那些邪恶与不详之物。 If Enoya, perhaps does not dare to meet this to strike absolutely. However Pattilina is different, although she not pure human, but is not the evil thing, the machine person is the mixture of a human and machinery, is regarded as the semimetal lifeform actually also to be possible all. Although Paladin the flame of Holy has the effect regarding the evil thing, but had no effect regarding inorganic substance. 如果是埃诺娅的话,恐怕是绝对不敢接这一击的。但是帕蒂莉娜不同,她虽然并非纯粹的人类,但是也并非邪物,机人是一种人类与机械的混合体,被视为半金属生物其实也无不可。虽然圣骑士神圣之焰对于邪物有效果,但是对于一个无机物就没什么效果了。 How do you judge a stone are good or evil? 你怎么去判断一块石头是善良还是邪恶? Regarding the present flame, Pattilina naturally does not care, the world that she was born does not have the gods from the start, as a product of mechanical civilized highly developed world, Pattilina is familiar with the strength of machinery and science and technology, but is not interested in what Holy evilly from the start. Even if in the flame of this Holy showed the powerful Saint strength, Pattilina was anything cannot feel. To her these pure purifications can not exist, therefore she does not care at all, direct hits in the present flame, the long spear/gun in hand wielded forward, immediately ripped open the gap of flame. Then the little fellow tumbling, the silver white long spear/gun marches forward. 对于眼前的火焰,帕蒂莉娜自然是一点儿都不在乎,她出生的世界压根就没有神明,作为一个机械文明高度发达的世界的产物,帕蒂莉娜对于机械与科技的力量非常熟悉,但是对于什么神圣邪恶压根就不感兴趣。所以即便这神圣之焰上展现出了强而有力的圣力,帕蒂莉娜也是什么都感受不到。对于她来说那些纯洁的净化之能根本就不存在,所以她毫不在意,直接一头撞进了眼前的火焰之中,手中的长枪向前一挥,顿时就撕开了火焰的缺口。接着小家伙就地一个翻滚,银白的长枪继续向前。 Sees through the flame of Holy Pattilina returns safe and sound, the golden knight also to stare obviously, perhaps before is , the behavior of little fellow makes her instinct think that the opposite party should be evil. Therefore will release the flame of Holy to prevent. However saw that the flame of Holy has no effect regarding Pattilina, instead lets some golden knight surprise & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; After all doing not rely on hearsay seeing is believing. Can return safe and sound after the flame of Holy, explained that she is not evil. 看见帕蒂莉娜毫发无伤的通过神圣之焰,黄金骑士显然也是一愣,或许是之前小家伙的行为让她本能觉得对方应该是邪恶的一员。所以才会释放神圣之焰来阻挡。但是看到神圣之焰对于帕蒂莉娜没有任何效果,反而让黄金骑士有些诧异———毕竟耳听为虚眼见为实。能够经过神圣之焰而毫发无伤,说明她本身并不邪恶。 Naturally. The golden knight cannot think at present this young girl is not human, therefore evil to her also has no significance and that's the end. 当然。黄金骑士怎么也想不到眼前这个少女根本就不算人类,所以邪恶不邪恶的对她来说也没什么意义就是了。 Clang clang clang!! & R dquo ; “铛铛铛!!” Long spear/gun fast punctures forward, a spear/gun meets a spear/gun as if not to have the limit forever. But the golden knight is also grasps to stop the great sword, slow and steadfast is resisting. She seems like by the reef that the ocean waves swat is been common, regardless of the offensive of opposite party is how turbulent, gorgeously motionless. Even if the attack of Pattilina surges wave upon wave, this golden knight has not vacillated. 长枪飞快的向前刺出,一枪接一枪仿佛永远没有止境。而黄金骑士也是握住手中的巨剑,缓慢而坚定不移的抵挡着。她就好像是被海浪扑打的礁石一般,无论对方的攻势如何汹涌,都巍然不动。哪怕是帕蒂莉娜的进攻一浪高过一浪,这位黄金骑士也没有丝毫动摇。 God's family. & R dquo ; 神眷者。” Sees this, Zhan En cold snort/hum, can with the Pattilina resistance. Explained that the opposite party had arrived at the legendary domain. But sounds from her sound, this Paladin is not old, moreover seems like should be human. In this age, only human, if no system external anything's gadget assistance, can enter the legendary domain in such small age, that only possibly was God's family. 看见这一幕,詹恩冷哼一声,能够和帕蒂莉娜对抗。说明对方已经到达了传奇领域。而从她的声音听起来,这个圣骑士的年龄也不大,而且看起来应该是人类。在这个年纪,区区一个人类,如果不是有系统外挂什么的玩意儿辅助,能够在这么小的年纪进入传奇领域,那就只可能是神眷者了。 God's family? & R dquo ; 神眷者?” Hears Zhan En's cold snort/hum curiously, Alice crooked head, asks. But nearby Elinster was throws on Zhan En the vision directly. Actually in everyone. Elinster is responds in a big way to this word, Abandoned by Gods, God's family, absence of one word. However sounds is actually completely different existences. 听到詹恩的冷哼,爱丽丝好奇的歪了歪脑袋,开口询问道。而旁边的艾琳丝特更是直接把目光投到了詹恩身上。其实在所有人里。艾琳丝特是对这个词反应最大的,神弃者,神眷者,一字之差。但是听起来却是完全不同的存在。 Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Detected that the Elinster vision, in the Zhan En eye flashes through a happy expression, then he puts out a hand to aim at and Pattilinapingpong & R dquo ; Hit delighted golden knight. Says. 察觉到艾琳丝特的目光,詹恩眼中闪过一丝笑意,接着他伸出手去指向和帕蒂莉娜“乒乒乓乓”打的不亦乐乎的黄金骑士。开口说道。 So-called God's family, by gods care. They received gods' blessing in the birth, obtained the intelligent mind. Strong body, beautiful appearance. Moreover many that their strength rises are also quicker than the average person, have a look at Holy Light of this small girl, perhaps even if these practice many years of Bishop not to have this ability, but she is inborn has ............ & R dquo ; “所谓神眷者,就是被神明所眷顾者。他们在出生的时候就受到了神明的祝福,获得了聪明的头脑。强健的身体,美丽的容貌。而且他们的实力提升也比一般人快的多,看看这个小丫头的圣光,就算是那些修行多年的主教恐怕都没有这种能力,但是她却是天生就有…………” Said here, Zhan En sneered. 说道这里,詹恩冷笑一声。 Only can say, between person and person really different. & R dquo ; “只能说,人和人之间果然不一样啊。” Hears Zhan En's to sigh, the Elinster complexion sank immediately, she has turned the head to look to that golden knight, in the eye is glittering clear hatred and hatred. But detected that the change of Elinster expression, Zhan En also shows a faint smile, has not said what & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The seed has planted, what flowers then looks will start out. 听到詹恩的感叹,艾琳丝特的面色顿时沉了下去,她转过头望向那个黄金骑士,眼中闪烁着明白无误的憎恶与仇恨。而察觉到艾琳丝特表情的变化,詹恩也只是微微一笑,没有多说什么———种子已经种下了,接下来就看会开出什么样的花朵。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” When the Zhan En speech, Pattilina and resistance between golden knights had also arrived at the apex, the silver long spear/gun and gold sword of fierce collides in together, the air current that the eruption produces full power even the people drew back backward several steps. Obviously, by this time, both people complete made really hot, has not had scruples slightly. 就在詹恩说话的时候,帕蒂莉娜和黄金骑士之间的对抗也已经到达了顶点,银色长枪与黄金之剑剧烈的碰撞在一起,全力爆发产生的气流甚至连众人都不由的向后退开了几步。显然,到这个时候,两个人都已经完完全全的打出了真火,丝毫没有顾忌可言了。 Dies!! & R dquo ; “去死!!” The long spear/gun in Pattilina hand takes back rapidly, along with her movement, saw only that to decompose the silver white long spear/gun immediately, revolves was revealing in the jet black artillery tube, but next moment, the bright dazzling flame erupted from the artillery tube like this. 帕蒂莉娜手中的长枪迅速收回,伴随着她的动作,只见那把银白的长枪立刻分解,旋转着露出了里面漆黑的炮筒,而下一刻,明亮耀眼的火光就这样从炮筒之中爆发而出。 Almost at the same time, the golden knight as if also detected that danger, she holds up the great sword in hand suddenly, makes an effort to insert in the ground, quick, a golden barrier appeared in her front like this. But at this moment, from Pattilina muzzle spraying, but shell, had arrived at the side of golden knight. 几乎就在与此同时,黄金骑士似乎也察觉到了危险,她猛然举起手中的巨剑,用力插在地面上,很快,一个金色的屏障就这样出现在了她的面前。而就在此刻,从帕蒂莉娜枪口喷射而出的炮弹,也已经来到了黄金骑士的身边。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” The land like the sea level start tremor, the giant jet black mushroom cloud shoots up to the sky, the high temperature and flame mighty current of burning hot toward peripheral dispersing. The mist and dust scattered in all directions, making the entire battlefield cover in smog. 大地如同海面般的开始颤动,巨大漆黑的蘑菇云冲天而起,炙热的高温与火焰洪流向着周边散开。烟尘四散,使得整个战场都笼罩在了一片烟雾之中。 Stops to me!! & R dquo ; “都给我住手!!” But at this time, an old sound resounded. Afterward, Zhan En then sees a Bishop complexion to be pale, hurriedly walks toward here. But after seeing his appearance, Zhan En gawked, later he immediately moving forward to meet somebody of all smiles. 而就在这个时候,一个苍老的声音响起。随后,詹恩便看见一个主教正面色铁青,急匆匆的向着这边走来。而看见他的样子之后,詹恩愣了一下,随后他立刻满面笑容的迎了上去。 I have never thought that can see you unexpectedly here, Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “真没有想到,居然能够在这里见到您,霍华德主教大人。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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