DR :: Volume #3

#226: The violent storm, the fire thunders

The fire and thunder lightning of staggered sound reverberation thundering above the Hoffer sky, awakened this originally to fall into the city of deep sleep immediately. Many people were awakened by the fire bellow in the sleep, they opened the window blurry, looks toward the place that the sound sends out , the shooting up to the sky gunsmoke and fire make the people sleepiness all disappear immediately. 轰鸣的炮火与雷霆闪电交错的声响回荡在华福尔的天空之上,顿时惊醒了这座原本已经陷入了沉睡的城市。不少人都是在睡梦之中被炮火轰鸣声所惊醒,他们迷迷糊糊的推开了窗户,向着声音发出的地方望去,紧接着,冲天而起的硝烟与炮火顿时让众人睡意全消。 Is this is up to mischief? What's the matter? don't tell me was Hoffer attacked? Why doesn't have the warning? 这是搞什么鬼?怎么回事?难道说华福尔遭到袭击了?为什么没有警报? Hoffer is an inland city, only from here process only has the rivers, therefore here fleet not like open sea these fleet huge, in fact entire Hoffer only then three warships and more than ten boats, here after all is the inland waterway, the too big ship may be unable to support the water. Moreover nearby Hoffer is also quite safe tranquil, even some Thief, do not dare absolutely with the battleship resistance. However now, people actually surprised seeing along with the sound that the fire thunders, the ferry spot flame of Hoffer surrounding situated in twinkle that continuously, thick gunsmoke tumbling, even can smell the flavor that in the air irritates the nose thickly. 华福尔是一个内陆城市,唯一从这里经过的只有河流,所以这里的舰队也不像外海那些舰队那样庞大,事实上整个华福尔只有三艘战船和十多艘小船,这里毕竟是内河航道,太大的船可吃不住水。而且华福尔附近也是颇为安全平静,就算有些盗贼,也绝对不敢和战舰对抗。但是现在,众人却惊讶的看见伴随着炮火轰鸣的声响,位于华福尔外围的渡口处火光不住的闪烁着,浓密的硝烟翻滚而起,甚至能够闻到空气之中浓密刺鼻的味道。 This outcome what's the matter? Actually what happened, must use the battleship unexpectedly? 这究竟是怎么回事?究竟发生了什么事,居然还要动用战舰? Most people at this moment face present to be confused completely, does not know that should should do. But in another side City Lord mansion, is actually another scene. 此刻的大多数人面对眼前的这一幕完全是一头雾水,根本不知道该如何是好。可是在另外一侧的城主府邸上,却是另外一番场景。 Locke City Lord complexion pale looks at the distant place flame to soar to the heavens the ferry spot that snow white goat beard shivers unable to say half a word words. He knows certainly that the ferry spot had anything, Alexander transfers Blaze Guard and matter of harbor garrison he is naturally clear, but Locke actually knows oneself do not have qualifications manages matter. Because Alexander is the Soros family's member, Hoffer is the Soros family's domain. Oneself are only works to put it bluntly, no position. To put it bluntly. He looks like an affairs personnel, is responsible for hitting to overcome the hand for the Soros family. Operates company hotel anything. However a family's true strength, is impossible in his hands. Although is extremely discontented with the Alexander behavior, but he does not have the power to prevent Alexander to do that. Although Locke can also notify the Soros family directly, then with togetherimperial decree & R dquo ; Prevents acting arbitrarily of Alexander, but Locke is not willing to disturb own immediate superior with this matter obviously. In addition in his opinion, Alexander this is just deliberately creates trouble, perhaps somewhat oversteps the limit, but should not have what too tremendous impact ......... 洛克城主面色铁青的望着远处火光冲天的渡口,那雪白的山羊胡子颤抖着却说不出半句话来。他当然知道渡口发生了什么,亚历山大调动烈焰卫队和港口警备队的事情他自然是清楚的,可是洛克却知道自己没资格管这种事情。因为亚历山大索罗斯家族的成员,华福尔又是索罗斯家族的地盘。自己说白了只是个打工的,根本没有什么地位。说白了。他就像是一个财务人员,负责替索罗斯家族打打下手。经营一下公司酒店什么的。但是一个家族真正的实力,是不可能在他手中的。所以虽然对亚历山大的行为非常不满,可是他并没有权力阻止亚历山大这么做。虽然洛克也可以直接通报索罗斯家族,然后拿一道“圣旨”来阻止亚历山大的独断专行,不过洛克显然不愿意拿这种事情去打搅自己的顶头上司。再加上在他看来,亚历山大这只不过是胡闹一下,或许有些出格,但应该不会造成什么太大的影响……… Should not have what too tremendous impact ............... 应该不会造成什么太大的影响…………… Now looks at the ferry spot that the flame soars to the heavens, Locke only wants to oneself ruthlessly a fan palm of the hand. Present made the Locke beforehand idea turn into a biggest joke. Now he can do only, is here dull looks at all these, simply does not have means solution this issue. Because Blaze Guard and garrisoned fleet to be transferred by Alexander, only now in the Locke hand can direct only then how many guards of City Lord mansion, but were these guards also useful? 现在看着火光冲天的渡口,洛克只想给自己狠狠扇一个巴掌。眼前的这一幕让洛克之前的想法变成了一个最大的笑话。现在他唯一能够做的,就是在这里呆呆的看着这一切,却根本没有办法解决这个问题。因为烈焰卫队和警备舰队都被亚历山大调走了,现在洛克手中唯一能够指挥的就只有城主府的几个护卫,可这几个护卫又有什么用呢? Thinks of here, Locke actually trembles suddenly, as if thinks anything resembles, then he hurried one has caught nearby guard. 想到这里,洛克却是猛然一颤,仿佛想到了什么似的,接着他急忙一把抓过旁边的卫兵。 Immediately invites Howard Archbishop!! Quickly!! Asked him to come, late without enough time!! & R dquo ; “立刻去请霍华德大主教!!快!!请他过来,晚了就来不及了!!” In fact Locke does not know. When he issues the order, already without enough time. 事实上洛克并不知道。就在他下达命令的时候,就已经来不及了。 A series of fires covered the ferry spot, being unable to withstand the load ferry spot immediately the exploded minute rush to the segregation, in the land appear giant cavities. The sailors are almost inclining crazily the ammunition, in fact they are not have what hostility to Zhan En and others, more is the human instinct one fear. The great power that Zhan En and others displays has exceeded the limit that all mortals can imagine completely. If nothing else, is only looked that Enoya waved to put down a block. Changes into hard coke such behavior inside all lifeform, perhaps anyone can the innermost feelings shiver. 一连串的炮火覆盖了渡口,不堪重负的渡口顿时被炸的分奔离析,大地上浮现出了一个又一个巨大的凹洞。水手们几乎是在疯狂的倾斜着弹药,事实上他们并非是对詹恩等人有什么敌意,更多的则是出于人类本能的一种恐惧。詹恩等人表现出来的强大力量已经完全超出了所有凡人能够想象的极限。别的不说,光是看埃诺娅一挥手就扫平了一座街区。把里面的所有生物都化为焦炭这样的行为,任何一个人恐怕都会内心颤抖。 Suddenly the fire sound is unceasing. Everyone was insane the same packing ammunition, the launch, the packing ammunition, re-radiation. They have not even wanted to aim at the opposite party. Because at this moment in the gunsmoke, Zhan En and others already completely covers by the fire and thick smoke including their horse-drawn vehicles, cannot see the trace. 一时间炮火声不断。每个人都疯了一样的填充弹药,发射,填充弹药,再发射。他们甚至都没有想要去瞄准对方。因为此刻在硝烟之中,詹恩等人包括他们的马车已经完全被炮火与浓烟所笼罩,根本看不见踪影。 The fire that until a moment later, falls in torrents crazily stops one by one. Sailors big mouth is panting for breath the thick air/Qi, surprised uncertain mutually is looking at each other. In fact now the brains of many are completely blank, near when their ears still also reverberates the fire to thunder the loud sound, at present still remains that dazzling flame flash. Many people only felt at this time oneself seem having a dream probably, the present all are just a dreamland, is not a reality. They raise the head, toward looks around everywhere, but strikes the eye the institute and place, actually only then flame of remnant of destroyed building and combustion. 直到片刻之后,疯狂倾泻的炮火才逐一停止。水手们大口的喘息着粗气,惊疑不定的相互对视着。事实上现在很多人的大脑完全是一片空白,他们的耳边依然还回荡着炮火轰鸣时的巨响,眼前依然残留着那刺眼的火焰闪光。以至于不少人这个时候只感觉自己似乎好像正在做梦,眼前的一切只不过是一个梦境,并不是现实。他们抬起头来,向着四处张望,可是触目所及之处,却只有断壁残垣与燃烧的火焰。 However next moment, the bright golden brilliance suddenly appeared on this in their eyes together. 但是下一刻,一道明亮的金色光辉就这样突然出现在了他们的眼中。 & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “——————!!” The dazzling eye-catching light beam the thick smog will rumble a smashing, then penetrated the present battleship by the potential of Thousand Catties Thunderclap. Left behind a diameter to have several meters circular cavity on its hull. Then the straight shoots towards sky, even left behind a striking path on the dark nighttime sky, looked also cuts fissure in the sky probably. 刺眼夺目的光束将原本浓密的烟雾轰了个粉碎,接着以雷霆万钧之势穿透了眼前的战舰。在它的船身上留下了一个直径足足有数米长的圆形空洞。接着笔直的射向天空,甚至在黑暗的夜空上都留下了一道醒目的轨迹,看起来就好像在天空中也切出了一道裂痕似的。 This flash even seems somewhat tranquil, because that light beam comes extremely sudden, many sailors simply had not responded that what happened, they are looking at large cave/hole on hull dull, completely actually suddenly did not make clear to have anything. 这一瞬间甚至显得有些平静,由于那道光束来的太过突然,以至于很多水手根本没有反应过来发生了什么事情,他们只是呆呆的望着船身上的大洞,一时间完全搞不清楚究竟发生了什么。 Until the following hurricane comes, this makes them recover from that absent-minded boundary again. 直到接下来的飓风汹涌而至,这才让他们从那种恍惚的境界之中再次回过神来。 The windage of long in coming howls is hitting layer on layer/heavily on the present battleship, as if a savage great claw of giant monster tore originally the passed through hull. Suddenly only sees to howl along with the strong winds, the deck and hull mix with the shatter ship's sail to fly together to the sky, stands the sailor in deck as for these is naturally no exception. Their desperate emanation blood-curdling screech, desperate is brandishing both hands both feet, as if same is trying to resist the present disaster with the fish of high sea fight. However what pitifully is, their resistances are completely futile, is only in a moment, these sailors together with these by a wreckage launching that the windage sweeps across to the sky, then disappearance is missing. 姗姗来迟的爆风呼啸着重重撞击在了眼前的战舰上,仿佛一只巨大怪物的凶残巨爪般撕裂了原本就已经被贯穿的船身。一时间只看见伴随着狂风呼啸,甲板与船身夹杂着破碎的船帆一道飞向天空,至于那些还站在甲板上的水手自然也不例外。他们绝望的发出惨叫,拼命的挥舞着双手双脚,仿佛在和怒涛搏斗的鱼儿一样试图抵抗眼前的灾难。不过可惜的是,他们的抵抗完全是徒劳无功,只是一眨眼的工夫,这些水手就连同那些被爆风席卷的残骸一起飞向天空,接着消失不见了踪影。 But the giant beast that until this time, the present battleship is then injured probably, moaned is dropping down slantingly, sank toward the water. 而直到这个时候,眼前的战舰这才像是受了伤的巨兽般,呻吟着斜斜倒下,向着水中沉去。 No!! Why can be this!! Why!! & R dquo ; “不!!为什么会是这样!!为什么!!” The Alexander luck is good, he stands in the bow, but that bunch bombardment the light of fire actually hit the stern, making him escape reluctantly. However present Alexander had not considered from the start this issue, he does not even care about battleship under the body to sink completely slowly, the ship edge that with a sense of urgency but both hands make an effort, stares the big eye to gaze at the present ferry spot stubbornly. In there, this moment gunsmoke has diverged, but Alexander sees, is not Zhan En and others scene in an extremely difficult situation, on the contrary, they still stand in side of carriage, seems like even the clothes is not damaged by abrasion. That carriage that makes Alexander very much be reprehensible, still safe and sound stay in same place, even that two pulling a cart horse is also pleased as punch as before, safely contented appearance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Compares in lower-level plane the demon army thousands of resistances and attacks, this fire in these have in the warhorse ear of The lower world bloodline to listen are also some quite annoying drumbeats. 亚历山大的运气还算不错,他站在船头,而那束轰击的炮火之光却是击中了船尾,使得他勉强逃过一劫。但是现在的亚历山大压根就没有考虑这个问题,他甚至完全不在乎自己身下的战舰正在缓缓下沉,只是双手用力的抓紧船沿,瞪大眼睛死死的注视着眼前的渡口。在那里,此刻硝烟已经散去,但是亚历山大所看见的,并不是詹恩等人狼狈不堪的景象,相反,他们依然站在马车的旁边,看起来甚至连衣服都没有被擦破。就连那辆让亚历山大很是看不顺眼的马车,也依然安然无恙的停留在原地,甚至就连那两匹拉车的马也依旧是摇头摆尾,一副安然自得的样子———相比起下层位面魔族大军成百上千万的对抗与攻击来说,这点儿炮火在这些拥有下层界血统的战马耳里听来也不过就是一些比较烦人的鼓声罢了。 !! & R dquo ; “噗!!” Sees here, Alexander cannot bear finally again, a blood direct injection. However this also no wonder, to cope with Zhan En, he assembled the entire Hoffer sharpest battle efficiency, even also assembled garrisoned the battleship, but now? Oneself think of every means done all, does not have the significance in the opposite party eyes! This 2 or 3 years old child, beats an adult probably, even tears his lower hem corner unable to achieve! 看到这里,亚历山大终于再也忍不住,一口鲜血直喷了出来。不过这也难怪,为了对付詹恩,他调集了整个华福尔最精锐的战斗力,甚至还调集了警备战舰,但是现在呢?自己费尽心思所做的一切,在对方眼里根本就毫无意义!这就好像一个两三岁的孩子,去殴打一个成年人,甚至连撕裂他的衣角都做不到! But because of this, makes Alexander feel even more angrily, oneself made so many, but what uses not to have unexpectedly, then he is simply different from the clown? 而正因为如此,才让亚历山大感到越发愤怒,自己做了这么多,但是居然什么用都没有,那么他简直不就是和小丑一样吗? Really is stupid, Mr. Alexander. & R dquo ; “真是愚蠢,亚历山大先生。” But at this time, the Zhan En's sound resounded again. Hears his speech, Alexander raised the head, sees only Zhan En to stand there carefreely, has the faint smile expression, seemed looking fool same looks at itself. 而就在这个时候,詹恩的声音再次响起。听到他的说话,亚历山大抬起头来,只见詹恩正悠闲自在的站在那里,带着似笑非笑的表情,仿佛在看傻瓜一样的看着自己。 I have told you, provokes my price, you cannot pay. However what pitifully is, you toward have not obviously gone at heart, is sorry ............... & R dquo very much ; “我告诉过你了,招惹我的代价,你付不起。不过可惜的是,你明显没有往心里去,那么很抱歉……………” Is saying, Zhan En holds up the long sword, aimed at the present man straightly. 一面说着,詹恩一面举起长剑,笔直的指向了眼前的男子。 This mistake, asked you to use the life to repay. & R dquo ; “这个错误,就请你用生命来偿还吧。” „ Do you, you dare to kill me?!! & R dquo ; “你,你敢杀我?!!” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Alexander showed the frightened expression extremely for the first time, he looked that the Zhan En's look seems like also looking at a lunatic. The aristocrat on Klein Continent was protected, even the battle between aristocrats, besides the duel, will still rarely have the situation that some side aristocrat kills, because this will only provoke between two aristocrat families the battle without limits. But now, he must kill itself unexpectedly, he does not fear the Soros family's anger! 听到詹恩的说话,亚历山大第一次露出了恐惧万分的表情,他看詹恩的眼神也像是在看一个疯子。克莱恩大陆上的贵族可是受保护的,就算是贵族之间的争斗,除了决斗之外,也很少会出现把某一方贵族杀死的情况,因为这只会挑起两个贵族家系之间无止境的争斗。而现在,他居然要杀了自己,难道他就不怕索罗斯家族的怒火吗! However Alexander does not have the thoughts to think this issue, because while the Zhan En voice drops, he has put out a hand to forward, next moment, mixes with the sharp sharp sword air/Qi of ice-cold chill in the air to fly to shoot from the Zhan En's sword blade, shoots toward the Alexander illness/quick. Saw that say/way ice-cold sword air/Qi the big mouth that seems the wild animal to open raids to oneself, Alexander at this moment is the gearing does not have the means to move, the piercing chill in the air that store front comes almost freezes the blood, now Alexander understands finally why these soldier facing Zhan En, supported including one round before does not pass. 但是亚历山大已经没有心思去想这个问题,因为就在詹恩话音落下的同时,他已经伸手向前,下一刻,夹杂着冰冷寒意的锐利剑气就从詹恩的剑身上飞射而出,向着亚历山大疾射过去。眼看着那道冰冷的剑气好像野兽张开的血盆大口般向自己袭来,此刻的亚历山大却是连动都没有办法动一下,那铺面而来的刺骨寒意几乎连血液都为之冻结,现在亚历山大终于明白,为什么之前那些士兵面对詹恩,连一个回合都支撑不过去了。 However what pitifully is, is too late. 不过可惜的是,为时已晚。 The ice-cold sword air/Qi had arrived at the Alexander front, so long as passes the moment again, will pass through at present the body of man thoroughly, but at this time, suddenly, the mutation lived suddenly. 冰冷的剑气已然到达了亚历山大的面前,只要再过片刻,就会彻底贯穿眼前男人的身体,但是就是在这个时候,忽然,异变突生。 Stops to me!! & R dquo ; “给我住手!!” along with one tenderly, sees only the path of innumerable say/way golden sword to emerge out of thin air suddenly, turns toward the sword air/Qi that Zhan En sends out to move forward to meet somebody like this!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 伴随着一声娇喝,只见无数道金色的剑之轨迹忽然凭空出现,就这样向着詹恩发出的剑气迎了上去!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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