DR :: Volume #3

#225: Zhan En transits, wiped out to the last man

The long sword comes out of the sheath. 长剑出鞘。 The Sea Blue Light sword blade brought to wipe during the night like the band of light remnant shadow, next moment sees only that say/way remnant shadow to proliferate immediately forwards, formed crescent moon silver white sword air/Qi, the tearing darkness, set out forward. The ice-cold chill in the air changed into the ice storm of essence in this moment, mixes with Hoarfrost in snowflake and ground that everywhere is dancing in the air to howling, suddenly covers Zhan En front soldier is one of them. But facing the Zhan En's attack, these soldier also has a big shock, although the experience crossed many things, but the existence of upfront and legendary domain confronts such matter regarding these soldier is also inexperienced, the holding up shield of their instinct, tries to block Zhan En this seemingly superficially strikes, but the shield and sword air/Qi in their hands collides 2 instances, the hard shield that is made by the pure steel starts immediately curvingly, tearing, the live image is a light paper equally easy was divided into two by the silver white sword light, the sword air/Qi continues forward, tears the skin, passes through the internal organs, cuts open the skeleton, The ice-cold chill in the air follows, before the blood sprays froze all. 海蓝之光的剑刃在黑夜之中带过一抹如同光带般的残影,下一刻只见那道残影顿时扩散向前,形成了一道弯月般的银白剑气,撕裂黑暗,向前进发。冰冷的寒意在这一刻化为了实质的冰风暴,夹杂着漫天飞舞的雪花与地面上的白霜向呼啸而过,眨眼之间就将詹恩面前的士兵笼罩在其中。而面对詹恩的攻击,那些士兵们也是大惊失色,他们虽然见识过了许多东西,但是正面和一个传奇领域的存在对峙这样的事情对于这些士兵来说也是毫无经验,他们本能的举起盾牌,试图挡住詹恩这看起来轻描淡写的一击,但就在他们手中的盾牌与剑气碰撞二的瞬间,那由纯钢制成的坚硬盾牌就立刻开始弯曲,撕裂,活像是一层薄薄的纸一样轻而易举的被银白的剑光一分为二,紧接着剑气继续向前,撕裂皮肤,穿过内脏,切开骨骼,冰冷的寒意紧随其后,在鲜血喷射出来之前就冰冻了一切。 However in the eyes of bystander, actually seems shocks & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Zhan En brandishes, but the sword air/Qi eradicated the defense of soldier easily, tore their armor, an ice crystal seems the path of sword air/Qi in its rear area sprinkles, but then sees the ice crystal congealment change of fast these originally just fingernail size, in a moment turned into several hundred to have the ice cone of fist size, howled to revolve the thorn to the front. Probably the high explosive shells of revolving be relentless entered the body of soldier, is revolving hits to putting on their muscles and vertebrae, suddenly can only look that the cold ice four shoot. But soldier look like the wood/blockhead pile to be torn to pieces, is utterly routed. 但是在外人的眼中,却显得更加震撼———詹恩挥舞而出的剑气轻而易举的破除了士兵们的防御,撕裂了他们的盔甲,点点冰晶仿佛是剑气的轨迹般在它的后方洒落但是紧接着便看见这些原本只不过指甲盖大小的冰晶飞快的凝结变化,眨眼的工夫就变成了数百枚足足有拳头大小的冰锥,呼啸旋转着刺向前方。就好像一颗颗旋转的榴弹般毫不留情的打进了士兵们的身体,旋转着把他们的肌肉和脊椎打了个对穿,一时间只能够看寒冰四射。而士兵们则像木头桩子般支离破碎,溃不成军。 The strength of legendary powerhouse in this moment completely obviously without doubt. 传奇强者的实力在这一刻尽显无疑。 What is more important is. Zhan En is not a person is fighting. 更重要的是。詹恩并非一个人在战斗。 Enoya raises the right hand high. 埃诺娅高高举起右手。 The thunder that called loudly erupted from her hand, quick formed one completely the sickle that became by the lightning congealment of beat. She grips tightly the sickle, wields forward. Sees only along with the thunderous sound that called loudly, innumerable lightning large snake this appeared baseless, as if one pounded into the great hammer the crowd. in a moment, calculates the close formation wreaked havoc torn to pieces of silver snake bombardment immediately dancing in the air, the dazzling flash mixes with the twinkle that the deafening bellow is not living, under that pale luminous, each bombardment can make one crowd of soldier scream scatters in all directions to crash, falls down. However their wailing sounds did not even have to be heard with enough time. Was swallowed by the sound of thunder lightning. Suddenly even the land shocks, on continuous fighting shipboard Alexander and other sailors is also the complexion blanch, the prestige of nature in the incisiveness that this moment manifests, that by any fetter, purely was not been incomparable, powerful strength. 轰然鸣动的雷霆从她的手中爆发,很快就形成了一把完全由跳动的闪电凝结而成的镰刀。她紧握镰刀,向前挥出。只见伴随着轰然鸣动的雷鸣声,无数条闪电长蛇就这样凭空浮现,仿佛一把把巨锤般砸入了人群之中。只是眨眼的工夫,原本还算紧密的阵型顿时被肆虐飞舞的银蛇轰击的支离破碎,耀眼的闪光夹杂着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声不住的闪烁着,在那惨白的光亮之下,每一次轰击都会让一群士兵尖叫着四散坠落,倒在地上。但是他们的哀嚎声甚至还没有来得及被人听到。就被雷霆闪电的声响所吞噬。一时间甚至连大地都为之震撼,就连战舰上的亚历山大和其他水手也是面色发白,自然之威在这一刻体现的淋漓尽致,那是不受任何束缚的,纯粹无比的,强大的力量。 But compares Zhan En and Enoya, another person's performance appears is not conspicuous, but actually fatal & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Unexpected, Pattilina this guard Zhan En's has not acted in name. But is grasping long spear/gun peaceful standing. But replaces her to appear in another side is responsible for preventing these soldier is actually wearing blue white maid attire, seemingly tender Cutie incomparably delicate Alice. 而相比起詹恩埃诺娅而言,另外一个人的表现却显得没那么显眼,但是却更加致命———出乎意料的,帕蒂莉娜这位名义上詹恩的护卫并没有出手。而是握着长枪安静的站在旁边。而代替她出现在另外一侧负责阻挡那些士兵的却是身穿着蓝白色女仆装,看起来娇小可爱无比柔弱的爱丽丝 Facing the present young girl, even these fight experienced veterans are still hesitant, is really Alice seems like is completely a human and animals harmless appearance. Facing these fully-armed soldier. She has the doubts expression, the double back of the hand after behind, the probe head looks around forward. Does not know completely the opposite party must set anything's example. Facing this innocent person, pure and free of evil intention stance. So long as is not that unpardonably wicked cold blood homicidal maniac demon, vacillated. 面对眼前的少女,就算是那些战斗经验丰富的老兵也是不由的犹豫了一下,实在是爱丽丝看起来完全就是一副人畜无害的模样。面对那些全副武装的士兵。她只是带着疑惑的表情,双手背在身后,探头向前张望。一副完全不知道对方要做什么的样子。面对这种无辜,纯真又无邪的姿态。只要不是那种十恶不赦的冷血杀人狂魔,都会有所动摇的。 However regarding Alice. She apparently does not have this at heart barrier. In fact, facing these fully-armed soldier, the young girl has not even spoken a few words at present, on the contrary, she stretches out a finger to place the mouth, then smiles to the present people. 但是对于爱丽丝来说。她显然没有这种心里障碍。事实上,面对眼前这些全副武装的士兵,少女甚至连一句话都没有多说,相反,她只是伸出一根手指放在嘴边,接着对眼前的众人轻轻一笑。 Charmings eyes beaming with smiles hundred flatters to live. 回眸一笑百媚生。 Although the Alice smile cannot be this degree, however in the eyes of these soldier, sees the Alice smile in them the instance, they only felt that periphery the dim world suddenly becomes dazzling beautiful, that stood in their front young girl whole person filled with some type of intoxicated aura. Moreover, when her pair of beautiful eye pupil is gazing at you dedicated, even can feel that as if benefits the arrow to put on the chest stimulation. Has flash that they even felt that oneself heart stopped the beat ............... 虽然爱丽丝的笑容达不到这种程度,但是在那些士兵的眼中,在他们看见爱丽丝笑容的瞬间,他们只感觉周围原本昏暗的世界忽然变得耀眼明媚,那站在他们面前的少女整个人都充满了某种让人心醉的气息。不仅如此,当她那双美丽的眼眸专注的注视着你时,甚至能够感觉到仿佛利箭穿胸般的刺激。有那么一瞬间,他们甚至感觉到自己的心脏都停止了跳动…………… Then they really dropped down like this. 然后他们就真的这样倒下了。 Without the brilliant magic, without the ice-cold blade light/only, is only a smile, captured about hundred soldier lives, this is Alice. 没有绚烂的魔法,没有冰冷的刀光,只是一个笑容,就夺取了近百个士兵的生命,这就是爱丽丝 Actually must discuss the battle efficiency truly, Alice is not indeed high, her battle efficiency only then two stars, can deal with the average person in the unarmed condition. Like Elite soldier, so long as closes, then Alice, only then obediently is without a fight the share that waits for death. But the issue is, as golden Elite SR operational unit, Alice, since can arrive at the golden the degree, naturally has her originality. 其实要真正论起战斗力,爱丽丝的确不高,她的战斗力只有两星,在赤手空拳的状态下也不过能够对付普通人而已。像这样的精英士兵只要一拥而上,那么爱丽丝只有乖乖束手就擒等死的份儿。可问题在于,作为一个黄金精英sr的作战单位,爱丽丝既然能够到达黄金的程度,自然就有她的独到之处。 That is Non- dark attribute dies characteristic. 那就是【非暗属性即死】特性 To put it bluntly, this effect, if described with the game terminology is a few words & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; When Alice to the enemy launches the attack, will start one round dead, if the enemy non- dark attribute or the psychic force are weak, then comes under the influence of dead effect immediately. It can be said that the Alice ability is used to clean up the wide scope mixed soldier to be simply good. 说白了,这个效果如果用游戏术语来描写的话就是一句话———爱丽丝对敌人发动攻击时,会发动一轮即死,而如果敌人非暗属性或者精神力不够强,那么就会立刻受到即死效果的影响。可以说,爱丽丝的能力用来清理大范围杂兵简直再好不过。 But as the matter stands, the Alice weakness is also very obvious, that is the dark attribute existence attack is invalid, moreover namely the dead skill is a spirit attacks, so long as the opposite party has the equipment that immunity is dying, or the psychic force is tenacious enough, then the attack of Alice has no effect. Moreover similarly, if beyond certain range distance, Alice the dead attack does not have the effect. However wants to detect that this point is not easy, the sinister place of Alice this race lies in they have the outstanding charm inborn, this causes even in battlefield, is still very difficult some people to dare really to attack them. Almost all people are seeing Alice first to be confused by their beautiful appearance, thus relaxes own spiritual defense, but in this case Alice launches the dead attack again. Almost is every shot hits the target, has no accident/surprise completely. 只不过这样一来,爱丽丝的弱点也很明显,那就是暗属性的存在攻击无效,而且即死技能本身是一次精神攻击,所以只要对方带着免疫即死的装备,又或者精神力足够强韧,那么爱丽丝的攻击就没有任何效果。而且同样,如果是一定范围距离之外的话,爱丽丝的即死攻击也没有效果。但是想要察觉到这一点可不容易,爱丽丝这个种族的阴险之处就在于她们天生拥有出众的魅力,这使得即便是在战场上,也很难有人敢真的去攻击她们。几乎所有人在看见爱丽丝们的第一眼都会被她们的美貌所迷惑,从而放松自己的精神防御,而在这种情况下爱丽丝再发动即死攻击。几乎是百发百中,完全没有任何意外的。 What awfully is. Regarding oneself approach, Alice did not think completely has anything is not right. Zhan En may not forget. TheseAlice & R dquo ; But occupiesnature & R dquo ; Position to put it bluntly they are natural race part, but this race most major characteristics not like human, Angel and devil bright good and evil concept. Regarding the nature, all are only a samsara, hunts for with the hunted samsara. The Alice murder seems the wild wolf to besiege the prey to eat food to them, is the natural matter. However in a civilized society, the jungle principle will not naturally be received. 更要命的是。对于自己的做法,爱丽丝们完全不觉得有什么不对。詹恩可还没有忘记。这些“爱丽丝”可是占据“自然”之位的说白了她们是属于自然种族的一部分,而这个种族的最大特点就是没有像人类,天使和恶魔那样鲜明的善恶观念。对于大自然来说,一切都只是一个轮回,一个捕猎和被猎食的轮回。爱丽丝杀人对于她们来说就好像野狼围攻猎物来进食,是理所当然的事情。但是在一个文明社会,丛林法则自然是不会被人所接收的。 Alexander will certainly not know the Alice ability, in fact in his at heart, besides Zhan En. Other how many women look like radically the useless vase in Alexander, his idea is very simple, that pushes with the human wave attack, he does not believe Zhan En to be fierce, can protect all women to be inadequate? 亚历山大当然不会知道爱丽丝的能力,事实上在他的心里,除了詹恩之外。其他几个女人在亚历山大看来根本就只是毫无用处的花瓶,他的想法很简单,那就是用人海战术去推,他就不信詹恩再厉害,难道还能够保护好所有的女人不成? However now, the reality actually gave a Alexander slap in the face ruthlessly, in his opinion these almost useless woman, can so eliminate oneself elite army hand/subordinate unexpectedly easily! Looks own subordinate probably harvested wheat equally large expanse of arrives, Alexander is also in the heart in great surprise. If beforehand he is angry. Then present Alexander almost can call on was panic-stricken! He stares the big eye, gazes is having the fight in ferry spot, hardly can believe own eye!! 但是现在,现实却是给了亚历山大狠狠的一个耳光,在他看来这些几乎毫无用处的女人,居然能够如此轻而易举的消灭自己手下的精锐部队!看着自己的部下好像被收割的麦子一样成片成片的到下,亚历山大也是心中大惊。如果说之前的他是愤怒的话。那么现在的亚历山大几乎可以称的上是惊恐了!他瞪大眼睛,注视着发生在渡口上的战斗,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛!! Ferry spot at this moment had turned into a battlefield of flesh completely, the soldier continuous charge forward. However the long sword in Zhan En hand actually seemed the God of Death sickle to draw arc one after another, is brutally harvesting these lives. But a Enoya graceful young lady stands in probably same place, in the hand that was congealed the sickle that became to bring the silver snake thunder one after another by the lightning. The white that the connection sparkles unceasingly links up into a single stretch brilliance, takes a broad view to look seems like whips to wash out forwarding that the great waves of coast are not living in simply continuously. Forwards, forwards again. But in Enoya erupts the front. These soldier do not have the significance, they at this moment even gave up the resistance, was screaming tries to retrocede. However Enoya has not actually let off their meanings completely, on the contrary, her finger/refers, the great waves of next moment lightning raise up forward immediately high, then flushes away suddenly forward. Only hearsbang & R dquo ; A sound shaking the loud sound voice of entire city, the present ferry spot half blocks changed into the ruins during the explosion of thunder lightning immediately directly, these constructions vanishes in a puff of smoke in the rear soldier all together with these ambushes thoroughly, was only left over the burned black remnant of destroyed building. 此刻的渡口已经完全变成了一个血肉的战场,士兵们源源不断的向前冲锋。但是詹恩手中的长剑却好像死神的镰刀般划出了一道又一道的弧线,无情的收割着那些生命。而埃诺娅则好像一位优雅的大小姐般站在原地,手中那由闪电凝结而成的镰刀带起了一道又一道的银蛇雷霆。连接不断闪耀的白色光辉连成一片,放眼望去简直就好像是连续不断拍打冲刷着海岸的浪涛般不住的向前。向前,再向前。而在埃诺娅的爆发面前。那些士兵根本就毫无意义,此刻的他们甚至放弃了抵抗,尖叫着试图后退。但是埃诺娅却完全没有放过他们的意思,相反,她向前一指,下一刻闪电的浪涛顿时高高竖起,接着猛然向前冲去。只听见“轰隆”一声震动了全城的巨响声,眼前的渡口顿时有半个街区直接在雷霆闪电的爆炸之中化为废墟,那些建筑连同那些埋伏在后方的士兵一切彻底灰飞烟灭,只剩下了焦黑的断壁残垣。 If the fight of Zhan En and Enoya also calculates the normal range, then the Alice battlefield completely belongs toexceptionally & R dquo ; Category. The young girl is only stands in another side of carriage peacefully, is gazing at these soldier that to/clashes dedicated from the lane entrance, anything has not done, sees these soldier stopping footsteps, then quiet pouring in ground, this died thoroughly. But what awfully is, rear soldier does not know actually completely front what happened, they march forward, after seeing corpse everywhere then stops the footsteps immediately, surprised uncertain looks toward the front. But in they map the Alice eye pupil that instantaneous, their destinies have also been doomed. 如果说詹恩埃诺娅的战斗还算正常范围的话,那么爱丽丝的战场则完全属于“异常”的范畴。少女只是安静的站在马车的另外一侧,专注的注视着那些从巷口冲出来的士兵,什么也没有做,就看见那些士兵自己一个个的停下脚步,然后悄无声息的倒在了地面上,就这样彻底死去。而更要命的是,后方的士兵完全不知道前面究竟发生了什么事情,他们继续向前,在看见了满地的尸体之后便立刻停住脚步,惊疑不定的向着前方望去。而就在他们映入爱丽丝眼眸的那瞬间,他们的命运也就早已经注定了。 Looks own soldier hand/subordinate died, Alexander cannot endure patiently finally again, he at this moment has even gotten angry without enough time, but is panic-stricken extremely gazes at fixedly that to be similar to the deicide people at present, in the brain only has a thought. 看着自己手下的士兵一个个死去,亚历山大终于再也忍耐不住,此刻的他甚至已经来不及发怒,而是惊恐万分的瞪视着眼前那如同杀神般的众人,脑中只有一个念头。 This is a devil!! They certainly are the devils!! 这是魔鬼!!他们一定都是魔鬼!! To a certain extent, Alexander also really guessed right. 从某种程度上来说,亚历山大还真猜对了。 Attack!! Opens fire!! Opens fire!!! & R dquo ; “进攻!!开火!!开火!!!” From the extreme anger to the extreme fear, Alexander at this moment had completely lost the reason, in his brain, only then a thought that must spare nothing, thoroughly eliminates them! Otherwise, oneself died!! Right, they will certainly kill oneself!! Probably kills these soldier to kill itself equally easily!! Oneself cannot make them work absolutely, must therefore first begin, killed them!! Even if pays the price of entire city also to refuse to balk!! 从极度的愤怒到极度的恐惧,此刻的亚历山大已经完全丧失了理智,在他的脑中只有一个念头,必须不惜一切代价,彻底消灭他们!不然的话,自己就死定了!!没错,他们一定会杀了自己的!!就好像杀死那些士兵一样轻而易举的杀死自己!!自己绝对不能让他们得逞,所以要抢先动手,杀了他们!!哪怕付出整个城市的代价也在所不惜!! The sailors on battleship also by Zhan En and others slaughtered was shocked, they have not thought completely the opposite party will have the so powerful strength unexpectedly, therefore a brain blank. But after hearing the order of Alexander, they then responded, quickly started own movement. 战舰上的水手们也被詹恩等人的杀戮惊呆了,他们完全没有想到对方居然会拥有如此强大的力量,因此大脑一片空白。而在听到亚历山大的命令之后,他们这才反应了过来,急忙开始了自己的动作。 Quick, the artillery gate opens, the artillery tube shifts, several pitch-dark muzzles aimed at the present battlefield like this. 很快,炮门打开,炮筒转向,数个黑洞洞的炮口就这样瞄准了眼前的战场。 Opens fire!! & R dquo ; “开火!!” With the howling that Alexander shouts oneself hoarse, the flame scatters, next moment, the entire ferry spot covers on this radical exploded flame.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 伴随着亚历山大声嘶力竭的吼叫声,火光四溅,下一刻,整个渡口就这样彻底被爆炸的火焰笼罩其中。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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