DR :: Volume #3

#224: Dark and windy, the night of murder

The dim light of night is deep. 夜色已深。 Comes out from Shining Fountain is night, entire Hoffer had also eliminated day of noise, gradually becomes peaceful. During the daytime also the lively river course and bridge last present could not have seen half person's shadow, only then the lanterns and torches of these ignitions are still shining the present city. 光辉喷泉出来已经是深夜时分,整个华福尔也已经消除了一天的喧闹,逐渐变得安静下来。白天还热热闹闹的河道与桥梁上现在已经看不见半个人影,只有那些点燃的灯笼和火炬依然照耀着眼前的城市。 Nobody left. 空无一人。 The ferry spot of carriage arriving stream bank slowly, according to the truth, should the ferry wait for them here, so long as takes this ferry, Zhan En and others can return to the inn to rest following the river course directly. However what is unexpected is, in the stream bank cannot see to order should the ferry here, not only that including the surroundings is empty one piece, cannot see half person's shadow. This is very obviously unusual, because Hoffer other places must rest even, the waterway will not rest, even idle time, still several guard and workers will guard the ferry spot, to prevent some people to steal the thing, or will prepare at any time, when the transportation commodity will help. However now, here person does not have, some under the flame shines upon the empty ferry spot. Looking into the distance, even peripheral cannot see the trace of half ship. Anybody can look, the present situation absolutely is not normal. 马车缓缓的来到河堤的渡口,按照道理来说,在这里应该有一艘渡船等待着他们,只要乘坐这艘渡船,詹恩等人就可以顺着河道直接回到旅店休息。不过出乎意料之外的是,河堤上根本看不见原本预订应该在这里的渡船,不仅如此,连周围都是空荡荡的一片,看不见半个人影。这明显很不寻常,因为就算华福尔的其他地方要休息,水路也是不会休息的,就算是再清闲的时候,也会有几个守卫和工人看守渡口,以防止有人来偷东西,或者随时准备在运输物资的时候帮忙。但是现在,这里一个人都没有,有的只是在火光映照下空荡荡的渡口。放眼望去,甚至连周边都看不到半艘船的踪影。任何人都能够看出来,眼前的情况绝对是不正常的。 After arriving at ferry spot, Zhan En's carriage peaceful stopping has been motionless there. Warhorse often being pleased as punch that two jet black reach as high as, showed a quite satisfied appearance. But inside also does not have any sound, seemingly calm and others takes itself to be the same probably here. 在来到渡口之后,詹恩的马车就一直安安静静的停在那里一动不动。那两匹漆黑高达的战马不时的摇头摆尾,展现出了一副相当惬意的样子。而里面也没有任何动静,看起来淡定的就好像在这里等人来接自己一样。 dá dá ......... & R dquo ; “哒哒哒………” But in a while, rapid sound of footsteps broke the night silence. Then sees several hundred fully-armed soldier to grasp the weapon to gush out from the crossroad, from surrounded the Zhan En's carriage in all directions thoroughly. The bow crossbow in their look serious holding up hand present carriage. But facing tumult that this such as it comes suddenly. That two pulling a cart warhorse also turned the head to sweep these soldier one, then has turned the head to look again to the front. It seems like completely not the appearance that these soldier pay attention. 而没过多久,一阵急促的脚步声打破了夜晚的寂静。紧接着便看见数百名全副武装的士兵手握武器从道路口涌出,从四面八方将詹恩的马车彻底围堵了起来。他们神色严肃的举起手中的弓弩准了眼前的马车。而面对这忽如其来的骚动。那两匹拉车的战马也只是转头扫了这些士兵一眼,接着再次转过头去望向前方。看起来似乎完全没有把这些士兵放在眼里的样子。 Sees this, these soldier stare at heart. Perhaps according to their ideas, oneself so many people, that carriage will receive to frighten mostly are right. However without thinking on this carriage, not only cannot see the cart driver, that two pulling a cart horse also their love principle to the appearance that ignores, this makes soldier really be quite depressed & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; From starts, even did the horse look down upon them? 看见这一幕,那些士兵不由心里一愣。按照他们的想法,自己这么多人,恐怕那辆马车多半就会受到惊吓才对。但是没想到这辆马车上非但看不见车夫,就连那两匹拉车的马也对他们一副爱理不睬的样子,这让士兵们真是颇为郁闷———从什么时候开始,连马都看不起他们了? & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “呼————!!” After these soldier form the encirclement ring, sees only on the jet black river course the flame to be sparking immediately, next moment, a form of warship appeared in the middle of river course like this. Its artillery gate opens. The pitch-dark muzzle aimed at the present carriage like this straightly. But, Alexander on this in big strides walks from the cabin, arrived in working overtime, self-satisfied raising the head, is looking steadily at the present carriage. 就在这些士兵们形成包围圈之后,只见原本漆黑的河道上顿时火光闪亮,下一刻,一艘战船的身影就这样出现在了河道的中间。它的炮门打开。黑洞洞的炮口就这样笔直的对准了眼前的马车。而紧接着,亚历山大就这样大踏步的从船舱之中走出来,来到了加班上,得意的抬起头来,盯视着眼前的马车。 You have had no place to go, rolls to me! Bassammens!! & R dquo ; “你已经无处可逃了,给我滚出来!巴夏侬门斯!!” The Alexander angry roaring sound dissipates in the nighttime sky, all around deathly stillness, until a moment later, Zhan En's sound then spooky resounding. 亚历山大的怒吼声消散在夜空之中,四周一片死寂,直到片刻之后,詹恩的声音这才幽幽的响起。 Really is stupid ............... & R dquo ; “真是愚蠢……………” With these words. Sees only the carriage front door that shut tightly to open slowly, then sees to put on Zhan En of black formal clothes to take a step to go down the carriage, but follows naturally is Enoya and Pattilina, as well as Ellie and Elinster. Even were surrounded with large army. The Enoya expression also still has no change, she seems the Zhan En's shadow to be the same forever, faithful standing in his behind. But Pattilina exciting being ready to fight. Looked around these soldier to show a mischievous smile, obviously. She regarding the sandbag that this crowd delivered is somewhat impatient. 伴随着这句话。只见原本紧闭的马车大门缓缓打开,接着便看见穿着黑色礼服的詹恩举步走下马车,而紧随其后的自然就是埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜,以及爱丽艾琳丝特。即便被重兵包围。埃诺娅的表情也依然没有什么变化,她永远都好像詹恩的影子一样,忠实的站在他的身后。而帕蒂莉娜则兴奋的摩拳擦掌。望着旁边那些士兵露出了一丝调皮的笑容,显然。她对于这群送上门来的沙包已经是有些迫不及待了。 But Alice is still that pure free of evil intention appearance, she stares the big eye. Curious looked steadily at the present people, in the surface was filling curiously with the question, seemed like her is only an innocent passer-by, does not know completely why will come across this matter to be the same. On the contrary is the response of Elinster is most normal, her rolling up body, is gazing at all around these soldier vigilantly anxiously, does not know completely. However does not need to ask also knows, this absolutely is not the good deed. 爱丽丝则依然是那副单纯无邪的样子,她只是瞪大眼睛。好奇的盯视着眼前的众人,面上充满了好奇与疑问,就好像她只是一个无辜的路人,完全不知道为什么会遇到这种事情一样。反倒是艾琳丝特的反应是最正常的,她蜷缩身体,警惕不安的注视着四周的那些士兵,完全不知道这是怎么回事。不过不用问也知道,这绝对不是什么好事。 Goes down Zhan En of carriage is still that leisurely attitude, he narrows the eye like this, looks at the distant place to stand in the deck is gazing at own Alexander complacently, bringingchild is not possible to teach also & R dquo ; Expression helpless shaking the head, then sighed lightly. 走下马车的詹恩依然是那副悠闲自得的态度,他就这样眯起眼睛,望着远处站在甲板上得意洋洋的注视着自己的亚历山大,带着“孺子不可教也”的表情无奈的摇了摇头,接着轻叹了口气。 I have given you opportunity, Mr. Alexander. Two, may not again repeatedly over and over again four, what pitifully is, seemed like you to treat as spiritlessly my yielding. Such being the case, then seemed like me not to need to show mercy to you again. & R dquo ; “我已经给过你机会了,亚历山大先生。再一再二,不可再三再四,不过可惜的是,看起来你把我的容让当做了懦弱。既然如此,那么看起来我也不需要再对你手下留情了。” You ............!! & R dquo ; “你…………!!” Has to acknowledge, Zhan En's understood firmly very much how to bring back the anger of opposite party, he is only a few words, lets also long for immediately originally sees the Zhan En panic expression Alexander to get angry on the heart again. Own pleasure boat sank, for that was colored 3 million the broken sword, if this matter passed on the prestige and future in family can also be imagined. Thinks that these Alexander is a lot of air/Qi, in his opinion the present distressed aspect is Zhan En one creates. However has a look at now this bastard, unexpectedly clean that all responsibility push, noisy instead seems like he himself not different! 不得不承认,詹恩的确很懂得如何去勾起对方的怒火,他只是一句话,就顿时让原本还渴望看见詹恩惊慌失措表情的亚历山大再一次怒上心头。自己的游船沉了,还为了那把破剑花了三百万,这件事要是传出去自己在家族中的声誉和前途也就可想而知。想到这些亚历山大就是一肚子气,在他看来自己如今的狼狈局面就是詹恩一手造成的。但是看看现在这个混蛋,居然把所有的责任都推的一干二净,闹的反而好像是他自己不对一样! Good, very good!! & R dquo ; “好,很好!!” Thinks of here, Alexander is also the anger instead smiles extremely, he has the fierce fierce smile to look at present Zhan En, cold Shengheng was saying. 想到这里,亚历山大也是怒极反笑,他带着狰狞凶恶的笑容望着眼前的詹恩,冷声哼道。 How was casual you saying that but your obstinate argumentative also only had now! Here altogether has 500 fully-armed soldier, three warships ............... & R dquo ; “随便你怎么说,但是你嘴硬的也只有现在了!在这里的一共有五百名全副武装的士兵,还有三艘战船……………” Therefore? & R dquo ; “所以呢?” However this time, the Alexander words have not said, by Zhan En again light interruption. 但是这一次,亚历山大的话还没有说完,就被詹恩再一次轻飘飘的打断了。 You want to cope with me here, an awarding a decoration aristocrat? I have to admire your courage and IQ ......... Mr. Alexander, the Soros family had not taught you, what in opposite directions means to aristocrat pointed weapons? & R dquo ; “你难道想要在这里对付我,一个授勋贵族?那我不得不佩服你的勇气和智商了………亚历山大先生,索罗斯家族难道没有教过你,对一位贵族兵刃相向意味着什么吗?” This does not need you to come to me to worry! & R dquo ; “这不需要你来给我操心!” Hears in the Zhan En's words to refer, Alexander flies into a rage. He thinks, oneself assembled so many manpower, but also caused the stance of real swords and spears, wetting pants that this pretty boy can definitely frighten, oneself ridiculed his when the time comes again well, exports the foul odor. However what makes Alexander without thinking, facing surrounding own these soldier, Zhan En from the start would have no to pay attention. Until this time, Alexander could not bear finally again, at this moment his brain completely has been blank, the entire day of anger in the instantaneous radical eruption, present he has no longer considered to do this will lead to what consequence, no longer considered that this will produce anything to affect to the Soros family, he brain only has a thought now. 听到詹恩的话中所指,亚历山大更是暴跳如雷。他原本以为,自己调集了这么多的人手,还弄出了真刀真枪的架势,这个小白脸肯定会吓的尿裤子,到时候自己再好好嘲笑他一下,也算是出了口恶气。但是让亚历山大没有想到的是,面对包围自己的这些士兵,詹恩压根就没有放在眼里。直到这个时候,亚历山大终于再也忍不住了,这一刻他的大脑已经完全是一片空白,整整一天的怒火在瞬间彻底爆发,现在的他已经不再去考虑这样做会引起什么后果,也不再考虑这会对索罗斯家族产生什么影响,他现在满脑子只有一个念头。 Killed this bastard!! 杀了这个混蛋!! Began to me, killed him!! & R dquo ; “给我动手,杀了他!!” With angry roaring of Alexander, saw only these soldier to touch off the trigger immediately, quick, the crossbow arrow that several hundred are smudging the toxicant from flew in all directions, covered the people in instantaneously. 伴随着亚历山大的怒吼,只见那些士兵立刻扣动了扳机,很快,数百只涂抹着毒药的弩矢从四面八方飞来,瞬间就将众人笼罩在了其中。 However Zhan En has not begun, even Enoya, Pattilina, Alice has not begun. Sees only when these crossbow arrows fly in front of them, in that black carriage compartment appeared suddenly bright magic brilliance, mysterious rune/symbol writing showed rapidly, twists is transforming in the air for barriers, but these crossbow arrows after passing through the barrier then lost the power immediately, fell down on the ground, „ dingdong & R dquo ; Scatters one piece, has not actually caused anything to trouble to the people completely. 但是詹恩并没有动手,甚至就连埃诺娅,帕蒂莉娜,爱丽丝也都没有动手。只见就在这些弩矢飞到她们面前的时候,那辆黑色的马车车厢上忽然浮现出了一道道明亮的魔法光辉,紧接着神秘的符文迅速展现,扭曲着在空气之中幻化为了一道道屏障,而那些弩矢在穿过了屏障之后便顿时失去了动力,一头栽倒在地上,“叮叮当当”的散落一片,却完全没有给众人造成什么麻烦。 This also no wonder, the Zhan En's carriage makes to order from Demon World, besides artistic comfortable, in the security naturally also spent a big time. In fact this magic carriage not only can the attack to the physical level conduct the resistance of certain extent, even can also the threat of immunity low level magic. Also because of this, regarding the threat of Alexander, Zhan En has not cared from the start, even if in fact they sit in the carriage to the Alexander wanton bombing, will not fall a fine hair absolutely. 这也难怪,詹恩的马车可是从魔界定做的,除了美观舒适之外,安全性上自然也是下了一番大工夫。事实上这辆魔法马车非但能够对物理层面的攻击进行一定程度的抵抗,甚至还能够免疫低级魔法的威胁。也正因为如此,对于亚历山大的威胁,詹恩压根就没有放在心上,事实上就算他们坐在马车里任凭亚历山大狂轰滥炸,也绝对不会掉一根汗毛。 However now, Zhan En appears here, not only obviously to look at Alexander makes fun. 不过现在,詹恩出现在这里,显然不只是为了看亚历山大闹笑话的。 Gives on me!! Killed them!! & R dquo ; “给我上!!杀了他们!!” Sees the attack to be invalid, Alexander is even more angry, breathless angrily roared was issuing the order. But hears the order of Alexander, nearby aide quickly takes up the bugle, blew in a low voice. 看见攻击无效,亚历山大越发恼怒,气急败坏的怒吼着下达了命令。而听见亚历山大的命令,旁边的侍从急忙拿起号角,低声吹了起来。 ............... & R dquo ; “呜……………” The low and deep bugle horn sound passes through in the curtain of night, but heard soldier of attack bugle horn sound also rapidly to react. They discarded the bow crossbow in hand, pulls out the long sword, holds up the shield, uniform approaches toward Zhan En. Has to acknowledge, Hoffer as a commercial city, these soldier qualities is quite good, almost every soldier has the level of Elite rank, in Eagle Plateau, this was also good crack troops. 低沉的号角声在夜幕之中穿过,而听到了进攻号角声的士兵们也迅速作出了反应。他们扔掉了手中的弓弩,抽出长剑,举起盾牌,整齐划一的向着詹恩逼近。不得不承认,华福尔作为一座商业城市,这些士兵的素质还是相当不错的,几乎每个士兵都拥有精英等级的水准,在雄鹰高原之中,这也算是一只不错的精兵了。 But looks like in the Zhan En eye, these fellows are one group of bringing death pitiful creatures. 只不过在詹恩眼中看来,这些家伙不过是一群送死的可怜虫罢了。 Looks at these to soldier that oneself throw, the Zhan En corners of the mouth is curling upwards, sneers. Alexander is thinking that what he guessed certainly correctly, nothing but is to use the human wave attack, then launches the surprise attack to oneself. Naturally, perhaps the opposite party has not thought that must beat itself, so long as he can succeed to oneself person causes the damage, then same also wins. 望着那些向自己扑来的士兵,詹恩嘴角微翘,冷笑一声。亚历山大在想什么他当然猜到了,无非是想要利用人海战术,然后对自己这边发动突袭。当然,或许对方没想到要击败自己,但是只要他能够成功对自己身边的人造成伤害的话,那么一样也算是获得胜利。 However Zhan En naturally cannot give Alexander this realizationA Q spirit & R dquo ; Opportunity. 不过詹恩自然不会给亚历山大这个实现“阿q精神”的机会。 Thinks of here, in his eye flashes through wipes the cold light, then saw only Zhan En to put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, later, his right hand has flung forward. 想到这里,他眼中闪过一抹寒光,接着只见詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,随后,他的右手向前甩过。 next moment, the aura of cold ice is mixing with the ice-cold cold light, tore the dark curtain of night.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 下一刻,寒冰的气息夹杂着冰冷的寒光,撕裂了黑暗的夜幕。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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