DR :: Volume #3

#223: The place special product, does not have a business

Everyone, then must auction, is a beautiful artware from Underdark! & R dquo ; “各位,接下来要拍卖的,是一件来自幽暗地域的美丽艺术品!” With the speaking voice of auctioneer, the people were peaceful immediately. Underdark, is only this name brings to everyone's attention sufficiently, the people here are the experienced generation, they understand certainly that Underdark means anything. But at present, Shining Fountain can get so far as something by auction from Underdark unexpectedly, makes them feel really somewhat surprisedly. 伴随着拍卖师的说话声,众人顿时安静了许多。幽暗地域,光是这个名字就足以引起所有人的注意,在这里的人都是见多识广之辈,他们当然明白幽暗地域意味着什么。而眼下,光辉喷泉居然能够弄到一件来自幽暗地域的拍卖品,着实让他们感到有些惊讶。 But sees the expression of people, the auctioneer was also self-satisfied, he waves, quick saw the assistant draw to carry a smooth cushion to walk up, but in the middle of that cushion, is placing a necklace. 而看见众人的表情,拍卖师也是得意了许多,他挥了挥手,很快就看见助手平端着一块平整的垫子走上前来,而在那垫子的中间,则正摆放着一条项链。 ............... & R dquo ; “哦哦哦……………” In the flash that necklace enters the stage, everyone was attracted by its beauty, on the slender and fine necklace that is built by the silver what carves is to make the person wallow beautiful decoration sufficiently, six sparking purple crystals mount like this, is sending out weak luminous, causes sacred item that this necklace seems like similar to drops from the clouds, has a holy aesthetic sense that makes people unable to resist. 就在那条项链出场的一瞬间,所有人都被它的美丽所吸引,由白银打造的纤细而精美的项链上所雕刻的是足以让人沉迷其中的美丽装饰,六颗闪亮的紫色水晶就这样镶嵌其中,散发着微弱的光亮,使得这条项链看起来就如同从天而降的圣物般,拥有一种让人无法抵御的圣洁美感。 I think, everyone has witnessed its beauty, but in fact, this necklace and not only attractive! In fact, so long as wearing its person, can relaxed in intermediate foresight of darkness. I here to guarantee, that simply am an unequalled dream experience! In jet black, in the pitch-dark room, it can actually take the stars illuminates the present darkness for you luminously, shows that to bright path! This necklace named stars destiny, hearsay in Underdark, once only then the most ancient aristocrat had the qualifications to wear it to obtain the brilliance direction noblly. But now, it here!! & R dquo ; “我想,各位已经亲眼目睹了它的美丽,但是事实上,这条项链并不仅仅只是好看而已!事实上,只要佩戴上它的人,都能够轻松的在黑暗之中视物。我在这里向各位保证,那简直是一种无与伦比的梦幻体验!在漆黑的,伸手不见五指的房间里,它却能够以星辰的光亮为您照亮眼前的黑暗,将那条通往光明的道路展现出来!这条项链名为星辰命运,传闻在幽暗地域里,曾经只有最高贵最古老的贵族才有资格佩戴它来获得光辉的指引。而现在,它就在这里!!” Hears auctioneer's explanation. The low people are even more excited, in the upper theater box also many aristocrats had the interest. On the contrary is Zhan En there hear swaying back and forth that almost must smile. This auctioneer is really on a mouth the character of running train, by getting up to talk nonsense also is really first-class. Any stars destiny, anything most precious the treasure in Underdark actually talked nonsense. Although this gadget is seemingly exquisite, moreover indeed has the function that the auctioneer said that was this thing in Underdark basic several money on the value, because the lifeform in Underdark has evolved either the dark vision, either has abandoned the vision, only then these stupid surface residents can need this type of thing to help them completely understand the darkness, but in Underdark. Basic will be interested in this thing on no one. 听到拍卖师的说明。低下的众人越发兴奋,就连上层包厢里也有不少贵族产生了兴趣。反倒是詹恩在那里听的几乎要笑的打滚。这拍卖师果然是个嘴上跑火车的人物,论起胡说八道来还真是一流。什么星辰命运,什么在幽暗地域里最珍贵的宝物其实都是扯淡。这玩意儿虽然看起来做工精巧,而且也的确拥有拍卖师所说的功能,可是这东西在幽暗地域里根本就值不了几个钱,因为在幽暗地域里的生物要么早就进化出了黑暗视觉,要么早就抛弃了视觉,只有这些愚蠢的地表住民才会需要这种东西来帮助他们看透黑暗,而在幽暗地域。根本就没有什么人会对这东西感兴趣的。 In fact this gadget where has what history, Zhan En took from the duergar treasure house looks it initially attractively, is thinking if in the future will soak what aristocrat young lady perhaps used on. Sending the auction naturally also emerges but for a while conveniently is, but that side Shining Fountain, Zhan En also says the effect of this thing casually. As for what history, anything inherits, what destiny he has not raised on a few words from the start. Name Zhan En had not thought at that time, but without thinking of Shining Fountain is indeed specialized, after the thing succeeds in obtaining, turned the head to find out such legendary a series of baseless and irrational concoctions. Pouring is also quite funny. 事实上这玩意儿哪有什么历史可言,詹恩当初把它从灰矮人宝库里拿出来的时候也只是看着漂亮,想着日后如果去泡什么贵族小姐说不定用的上。送来拍卖自然也是一时兴起随手而为,而光辉喷泉那边,詹恩也只是随随便便说了说这个东西的效果。至于什么历史,什么传承,什么命运他压根就一句话都没提。就连名字詹恩当时都没有想好,只不过没想到光辉喷泉的确专业,东西到手之后转头就想出了这么富有传奇色彩的一连串的胡编乱造。倒也算是颇为好笑。 Now starts to auction, base price 500,000 gold coins! & R dquo ; “现在开始拍卖,底价五十万金币!” The auctioneers finish barely the words, below some people hold up the sign immediately impatiently. However this also no wonder, this necklace not only excellent workmanship. Even can also in intermediate foresight of darkness, this function can be quite useful. To these Adventurer, is to the aristocrat. This is an unsurpassed treasure!! 拍卖师话音未落,下面立刻就有人迫不及待的举起了牌子。不过这也难怪,这项链不但做工精美。甚至还能够让人在黑暗之中视物,这个功能可以算是颇为有用。不论是对那些冒险者,还是对贵族来说。这都是一件无上的宝物!! Suddenly fluctuating of price is also very intense, even intense had also been accepted by the aristocrat of above theater box until sometime. Was actually still drawn the situation of going back by below. This scene may be rarely seen, once generally speaking above takes over. Then below these people will give up being right on own initiative. After all the both sides strength status is suspending here, is not always good to provoke these great people. However now, both sides will give up this unspoken rule for a necklace unexpectedly, thus it can be seen this necklace is attractive. 一时间价格的起伏也是非常激烈,甚至还激烈到有一段时间已经被上面包厢的贵族接受。却依然被下面又重新拉了回去的情况。这种场景可不多见,一般来说一旦上面接手。那么下面那些人就会主动放弃才对。毕竟双方实力地位在这里摆着,总不好招惹那些大人物。但是现在,双方居然会为了一条项链而放弃这条潜规则,由此可见这条项链有多么诱人。 But all these Zhan En of getting a panoramic view can only the helpless shaking the head forced smile. Actually by having the value, 100 this type of necklaces cannot compare that Shadowmoon sword, but the reality is actually that works as the trash false Divine Artifact , but this genuine trash was actually hounded by one group of people ......... thinks that here Zhan En feels incomparably laughably. It seems like no matter which world, has such matter. 而将这一切尽收眼底的詹恩只能够无奈的摇头苦笑。其实论起价值,一百条这种项链也比不上那把影月之剑,但现实却是那把伪神器被人当垃圾,而这个真正的垃圾却被一堆人追捧………想到这里詹恩就觉得无比可笑。看来不管是哪个世界,都有这样的事情啊。 Finally, Zhan En's this necklace was patted by the prices of 1.35 million gold coins by a top layer aristocrat. But actually this increase in the reasonable region, actually they can also shout the price is higher. However before Zhan En and Alexander that time clashed the produced consequence complementary waves not, that exaggerating & mda S h that therefore other person selling quotations, will not shout now even ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; After all broken swords of value tens of thousands gold coins sold 3 million such things to be very scary. If comes again one time, really does not know living that they also do pass through frightens. 最终,詹恩的这条项链被一个顶层贵族以一百三十五万金币的价格拍下。这个涨幅倒还是在合理区域之内,其实他们还可以把价钱喊的再高一些。不过之前詹恩亚历山大的那次对撞所产生的后果余波未了,所以现在其他人就算是喊价,也不会喊的那么夸张———毕竟一把价值几万金币的破剑卖出三百万这样的事情已经很吓人了。如果再来一次的话,也真不知道他们还经不经的住吓。 After that the price of auction starts gradually to rise, presented several million auction. But these auction are expensive, therefore sells more expensive a little is also natural. But Zhan En also along several hands, young girl bought some small gadget for oneself, he bought a elf bracelet for Enoya, delivered a crystal statue as for Alice, but Pattilina has not been idling, bought a sculpture of lightning leopard to take the ornament. Even Elinster also obtained Zhan En to give her pair of magic earring, this made Elinster feel extremely flattered, holds that not to know to the earring completely should should do. 在那之后,拍卖的价格开始逐渐上升,也出现了几百万的拍品。只不过这些拍品本身就价格昂贵,所以卖的更贵一点儿也是理所当然。而詹恩也顺出了几次手,给自己身边的少女买了些小玩意儿,他给埃诺娅买了一只精灵手镯,至于爱丽丝则是送了一个水晶雕像,而帕蒂莉娜也没有闲着,买了一只闪电豹的雕塑作为装饰品。甚至就连艾琳丝特也获得了詹恩送给她的一对魔法耳环,这让艾琳丝特受宠若惊,捧着那对耳环完全不知道该如何是好。 These small gadget are seemingly common, from all sides also spent the Zhan En about 3 million gold coins, but this moment people have no question regarding the Zhan En's financial resource, the owner of it seems like that this mysterious theater box indeed has money, but is pure is playing with Alexander. But looks that the opposite party purchases the auction contentedly, Alexander is good to hang the one breath not to come up to faint directly. He did not give up and Zhan En entanglement, but after purchasing that broken sword, Alexander has linked a gold coin not to have on hand. Present he does not even have the qualifications of selling quotation, if otherwise pats next to come again, Alexander may be the negative asset, cannot pull out money. 这些小玩意儿看起来不起眼,前前后后也花了詹恩近三百万金币,而此刻众人对于詹恩的财力已经没什么疑问了,看来这个神秘包厢的主人的确不是没钱,而是单纯在玩弄亚历山大而已。而看着对方悠然自得的购买拍品,亚历山大更是好悬一口气没上来直接昏死过去。他不是放弃了和詹恩纠缠,而是在购买了那把破剑之后,亚历山大手头已经连一枚金币都没有了。现在的他甚至连喊价的资格都没有,不然要是再拍下一件来的话,亚历山大可就是负资产了,连钱都掏不出来。 Thinks of here. Alexander is angry, he is gazing at fixedly side under that mysterious theater box wickedly. Two eyes revealed the flaming anger. What pitifully is Alexander after all is not Zhan En, does not have the evil eye. Is impossible to penetrate the wall to see inside situation, was naturally impossible to see anything. 想到这里。亚历山大就越是恼怒,他恶狠狠的瞪视着下方侧面的那个神秘包厢。两只眼睛露出了熊熊怒火。只不过可惜的是亚历山大毕竟不是詹恩,没有邪恶之眼。不可能透过墙壁看见里面的情况,自然也不可能看到什么东西了。 However Alexander also has own means that he waves, quick called own aide. 不过亚历山大也并非没有自己的办法,他挥了挥手,很快就把自己的侍从叫了过来。 You, go to stare at that theater box to me, actually in has a look is who! Has any situation, immediately returns to me!! & R dquo ; “你,去给我盯着那个包厢,看看里面究竟是谁!有任何情况,立刻向我回报!!” This ........., but master ............... & R dquo ; “这………可是主人……………” Hears here, the aide is also the brow wrinkles painstakingly, Shining Fountain always keeps secret regarding the news of guest. Wants him to stare at the theater box, finally perhaps cannot stare at what result. If by some chance by Shining Fountain discovery words, oneself and others driven out! However looks at Alexander expression at this moment, that unlucky egg also knows oneself said again anything is also useless, has to nod, then turns around to leave. But until this time, Alexander then took back the vision, stubbornly is looking steadily at the following theater box. 听到这里,侍从也是眉头苦皱,光辉喷泉对于客人的消息向来保密。要他去盯着包厢,最后恐怕也盯不出什么结果来。而且万一被光辉喷泉发现的话,那自己等人可是会被赶出去的啊!不过看着亚历山大此刻的表情,那个倒霉蛋也知道自己再说什么也没有用,只好点了点头,接着转身离开。而直到这个时候,亚历山大这才收回目光,死死的盯视着下面的包厢。 This time, he wants this bastard to pay the price absolutely!! 这一次,他绝对要这个混蛋付出代价!! After that. Zhan En has not acted actually again. The thing that after all then auctions and he has no relations, only then the space link of next to last act aroused Zhan En a little interest slightly, but he has not certainly planned to take. In fact this Zhan En in only has Shadowmoon sword that at the auction has a liking for only, thing in addition perhaps is appears regarding these main plane country bumpkins quite fine expensive/noble. However looks like in the Zhan En eye of The lower world family background is also that a matter. 在那之后。詹恩倒是再也没有出手。毕竟接下来所拍卖的东西和他都没有什么关系,只有压轴的空间手环稍微引起了詹恩一点儿兴趣,不过他也没有一定打算弄到手。事实上这次詹恩在拍卖会上唯一看上的就只有影月之剑,除此之外的东西对于这些主位面的乡巴佬来说或许还算是显得比较精贵。但是在下层界出身的詹恩眼中看来也不过就是那么回事罢了。 Perhaps is because before , sequela that Zhan En and Alexander attack brutally, although this auction successfully ended finally, but the atmosphere was actually inferior before , warm that comes. Regarding this in the people naturally have a mind to prepare early. Only can the helpless expression own luck is too bad, naturally. Actually also the owners of many person curious that mysterious theater boxes are, has what enmity with Alexander. However these guessed that they also only dare to discuss in secret. After all the local bully is not affable . Moreover the short temper of Alexander is also becomes famous here, no one wants to provoke him. Therefore after the auction ended, the people almost chose departure. 或许是因为之前詹恩亚历山大大打出手的后遗症,虽然这次拍卖会最终圆满结束,但是气氛却不如以前来的热烈。对此众人自然也是早有心里准备。只能够无奈的表示自己运气实在太差,当然。也有不少人好奇那位神秘包厢的主人究竟是谁,和亚历山大之间到底有什么仇怨。但是这些猜测他们也只敢在私下里讨论一番。毕竟地头蛇还是不好惹的,而且亚历山大的脾气暴躁在这里也是出了名的,谁也不想招惹他。所以拍卖会结束之后,众人几乎都选择了离开。 Only then Zhan En stayed the moment here slightly, his time these little things that put out Underdark caused a big reaction at the auction, can look, came from drow and duergar creation regarding these, the people surges upward warmly. Pats to arrive finally, including that the Zhan En seemingly common necklace, three goods from Underdark laid out the prices of 8.6 million gold coins unexpectedly. Regarding Zhan En, this is also a small income. 只有詹恩在这里稍微停留了片刻,他这次拿出幽暗地域的那些小东西在拍卖会上引起了不小的反响,看得出来,对于那些来自黑暗精灵灰矮人造物,众人可谓热情高涨。一路拍下来到最后,包括那条在詹恩看起来毫不起眼的项链在内的,三件来自幽暗地域的物品居然拍出了八百六十万金币的价格。对于詹恩来说,这也算是一笔小小的收入。 But Shining Fountain also is quite obviously satisfied, when that is responsible for receiving the Zhan En's waiter also to Zhan En submits the auction gold/metal to suggest that Shining Fountain regarding coming from the Underdark treasure is very interested, if on Zhan En also has a more precious thing also to probably give them and ensure can sell a good price. But regarding this favor done at little or no cost, Zhan En naturally is the nod complies. In his Dungeon what are in any case many are the Underdark product, moreover does not spend. Throws with it there is covered with dust, might as well with makes a pocket money. Although compares to plunder a city, money that this gets to come can only be futile attempt, but the so-called mosquito again slightly is also the meat, what always compares not? 光辉喷泉显然也对此相当满意,那位负责接待詹恩的侍者也在向詹恩递交拍卖金时暗示光辉喷泉对于来自幽暗地域的宝物很有兴趣,如果詹恩手上还有更加贵重的东西也请务必交给他们,保证能够卖出一个好价钱。而对于这份顺水人情,詹恩自然是点头答应。反正他的地下城里多的是幽暗地域的产品,而且还都不花钱。与其扔在那里吃灰,还不如拿出来赚点儿零用钱。虽然相比起掠夺一个城市来说,这样得来的钱只能够算是杯水车薪,但所谓蚊子再小也是肉,总比什么都没有强不是吗? Let alone here was not the game, the city is plundered can also renovate ......... 更何况这里又不是游戏,城市被掠夺了还能刷新的……… But while Zhan En and others returns home with a full load, in dark tunnel behind them, a bright red eye is gazing at fixedly the carriage back of going far away stubbornly. 而就在詹恩等人满载而归的同时,在他们后面黑暗的巷道之中,一双鲜红的眼睛正在死死瞪视着远去的马车背影。 You determined that is they? & R dquo ; “你确定就是他们?” Alexander grips tightly the double fist, lowers the sound to ask. But hears his inquiry, quickly nods in nearby aide. 亚历山大紧握双拳,压低声音开口询问道。而听到他的询问,在旁边的侍从急忙点了点头。 Yes, Sir, I can definitely be they. Before I had carefully looked at the person who came out from the theater box, only then these new faces, moreover they indeed walked from the east gate! & R dquo ; “是的,大人,我可以肯定就是他们。之前我已经仔细看了从包厢里出来的人,只有这几个生面孔,而且他们的确是从东门走出来的!” Very good ............ to know that who they were? & R dquo ; “很好…………知道他们是谁了?” You do not expect badly, Sir, I inquired in every way, that Imp (little demon) Zhan En. Bassammens. & R dquo ; “您所料不差,大人,我多方打听,那个小鬼正是詹恩.巴夏侬门斯。” Snort! & R dquo ; “哼!” Hears here, Alexander sinks the face, cold snort/hum. If he about oneself bitter experience felt before the anger, present Alexander has been determined to give this bastard one to be attractive. The opposite party are just under 20-year-old Imp (little demon), unexpectedly dares is so wild in own place, if cannot make him know own fierce, then later in Hoffer, how oneself also to mix!? 听到这里,亚历山大沉下脸去,冷哼一声。如果说之前他只是对自己的遭遇感到愤怒的话,现在的亚历山大则是已经下定决心要给这个混蛋一个好看了。对方只不过是一个还不到20岁的小鬼,居然敢在自己的地头上如此猖狂,如果不能够让他知道自己的厉害,那么以后在华福尔,自己还怎么混!? „ Did all prepare? & R dquo ; “一切都准备好了吗?” Prepared, absolutely did not have the issue, Sir, was ............... & R dquo ; “准备好了,完全没有问题,大人,可是……………” But what? & R dquo ; “可是什么?” You really plan noisily ............... by some chance too big ............... & R dquo ; “您真的打算……………万一闹的太大……………” Shuts up to me! & R dquo ; “给我闭嘴!” Hears aide's speech, Alexander backhands a palm of the hand to knock down immediately the opposite party. Damn, before this group of pitiful tagalong said that what is what, never dares to oppose, but now, do they dare to offer an opinion to themselves unexpectedly? 听到侍从的说话,亚历山大顿时反手一个巴掌将对方打翻在地。该死的,以前这群可怜的跟屁虫自己说什么就是什么,从来不敢反对,但是现在,他们居然敢给自己提意见了? All because of that bastard!! 一切都是因为那个混蛋!! I have decided! This time, I must make that young bastard obtain a lifetime unforgettable lesson! & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “我已经决定了!这一次,我要让那个小混蛋得到一个终身难忘的教训!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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