DR :: Volume #3

#235: Liberation the heart of wild animal

............!! & R dquo ; “…………!!” Alexander opens the eye suddenly, big mouth respite.... 亚历山大猛然睁开眼睛,大口的喘息起来。… In a moment ago, him felt that oneself had an incomparably marvelous dream probably. In the dream has a woman, a very pretty woman. However her actually long anything appearance, Alexander is unclear. He only remembers that the opposite party said might help itself run away, then ......... then ............? 就在刚才,他感觉自己好像做了一个无比奇妙的梦。梦里有个女人,一个非常漂亮的女人。但是她究竟长什么样子,亚历山大却已经记不清了。他只记得对方好像说要帮自己逃走,然后………然后…………嗯? Near the ear insect whining noise brought to the attention of Alexander, until this time, he discovered oneself are, was not before detains own prison cell, but was a barn. This makes Alexander be startled, will oneself come here? Actually is here where? 耳边的虫鸣声引起了亚历山大的注意,直到这个时候,他才发现自己所在的,并非是之前关押自己的牢房,而是一个谷仓。这让亚历山大大为吃惊,自己怎么会来到这里的?这里究竟是什么地方? Standing up that he staggers along, vacant looks toward all around, but can only see barn that worn-out outer wall, and sketches of all around these houses, seeming like at this moment are the mid-night, besides the street two sides ignition light, anything cannot see. 他跌跌撞撞的站起身来,茫然的向着四周望去,但只能够看见谷仓那破旧的外壁,以及四周那些房屋的剪影,看起来此刻已经是午夜时分,除了街道两边的点点火光之外,什么也看不见。 This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事? Actually although does not make clear at present is what situation, but Alexander is a little certain, that was he had left Templar Order that damn damned place, regained the freedom! Right, thinks of here, Alexander remembered that woman in dream, certainly is she, certainly was she helps itself escape from that fearful place? Actually is that woman who? Why does she help herself? 虽然搞不清楚眼前究竟是什么情况,但是有一点亚历山大可以肯定,那就是他已经离开了圣堂教团那个该死的鬼地方,重新获得了自由!对了,想到这里,亚历山大又重新想起了梦里的那个女人,一定是她,一定是她帮助自己逃出了那个可怕的地方?那个女人究竟是谁?她为什么帮助自己? Although at present a Alexander brain confusion, but he also knows, said no matter how, oneself had left Templar Order, is what to do then should? Although Alexander short temper, but some cleverness in trivial matters. He is very clear, no matter how oneself are leaves. Solely jailbreaks this point from the Templar Order prison, oneself were finished. Templar Order will not let off absolutely his. Even if he runs back the Soros family, the family will not shelter him absolutely again. He is only the third smooth successor, the Soros family does not absolutely need to brave to offend the Templar Order danger after all to give shelter to itself, once otherwise were discovered by Templar Order, will also suspect that is the Soros family rescues oneself, if really turns into this appearance, that troubled! 虽然眼下亚历山大的大脑一片混乱,但是他也知道,不管怎么说,自己都已经离开了圣堂教团,可是接下来该怎么办?亚历山大虽然脾气暴躁,可还是有些小聪明的。他很清楚,不管自己是怎么离开的。单单只是从圣堂教团的监狱里逃狱这一点,自己就完蛋了。圣堂教团绝对不会放过他的。而就算他跑回索罗斯家族,家族也绝对不会再庇护他。他毕竟只是一个第三顺序继承人,索罗斯家族根本就没必要冒着得罪圣堂教团的危险收留自己,否则一旦被圣堂教团发现的话,甚至还会怀疑是索罗斯家族把自己救出来的,如果真的变成这个样子,那就麻烦了! Damn! 该死! Thinks of here, Alexander hammered under the ground layer on layer/heavily, although he indeed leaves the Templar Order jail now, but is this also useful? He can also like before. Regains to have the status and position that? 想到这里,亚历山大不由的重重锤了下地面,虽然现在他的确离开了圣堂教团的监牢,但是这又有什么用呢?他还能够像以前那样。重新获得自己原本应该有的身份和地位吗? Works as lang!! & R dquo ; “当啷!!” But at this time, a clear sound brought to the attention of Alexander, he quickly stands up, looks in the direction that the sound sends out. Sees only in the entrance of barn, the female who a peasant woman dresses up is staring the big eyes panic-stricken, is gazing at him. This no wonder, no one can think that in such a place, will see a appearance of stranger. Do not say that Alexander at this moment may also wear the prison uniform, beard and thick hair that in addition have not shaved long time. Let him seem like simply and a savage has no difference. 而就在这个时候,一阵清响引起了亚历山大的注意,他急忙站起身,向着声音发出的方向望去。只见在谷仓的大门口,一个农妇打扮的女子正惊恐的瞪大双眼,注视着他。这也难怪,谁也想不到会在这样一个地方,看见一个陌生人的出现。更不要说此刻的亚历山大可还穿着囚服,再加上多日没刮的胡子和浓密的头发。让他看起来简直和一个野人没什么区别。 Come, coming the person...... to come the person ............! & R dquo ; “来,来人啊……来人啊…………!” Sees Alexander to look to own look, that peasant woman screamed immediately, but heard this squeal. Also makes Alexander feel startled & mda S h immediately ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; If were discovered, then he was finished!! 看见亚历山大望向自己的眼神,那个农妇顿时尖叫起来,而听到这尖叫声。也立刻让亚历山大感到一惊———如果被人发现的话,那么他就完蛋了!! In a twinkling, almost while the brain of Alexander has transferred this thought. His body is similar to a hungry wolf to kick out suddenly forward suddenly, rises with a spring. Both hands seized the neck of that peasant woman stubbornly, and wailed to stop up her scream. Then he like this peasant woman stubbornly according to arriving in place, as if wild animal roars lowly is trying to choke to death this woman. But faced with the threat of Death, that peasant woman also responded, she opens the mouth, like attempt breath that the fish of coming ashore continuously, simultaneously both hands make an effort is thrashing the present man, the swaying from side to side body that continuously tries to be separated from his fetter. Alexander at this moment naturally is but impossible to put this woman to maintain a livelihood, he is breathing heavily, stubbornly seizes the neck of this woman, is feeling her strength of life in the response that in own hand gradually extinguishes. 说时迟那时快,几乎就在亚历山大的脑子转过这个念头的同时。他的身体忽然如同一只饿狼般向前猛然扑出,一跃而起。双手死死的掐住了那个农妇的脖子,将她的尖叫与哀嚎重新堵了起来。接着他就这样将农妇死死的按到在地,仿佛野兽般的低吼着试图掐死这个女人。而面临死亡的威胁,那个农妇也反应了过来,她张开嘴巴,像上了岸的鱼一样不住的试图呼吸,同时双手用力的捶打着眼前的男人,不住的扭动身体试图脱离他的束缚。可是此刻的亚历山大自然不可能放这个女人活命,他一面喘着粗气,一面死死的掐住这个女人的脖子,感受着她的生命之力正在自己的手中逐渐熄灭的反应。 However at this time, a thought unchecked appeared from the brain of Alexander suddenly, seemed the person hungrily to eat food, thirsty wanted to drink water to be the same, when saw this woman soon dead, in his brain appeared suddenly a thought. Then, Alexander opened the mouth like this. 但是就在这个时候,一个念头忽然不可遏制的从亚历山大的脑中浮现,就好像人饿了想要进食,渴了想要喝水一样,在看见这个女人即将死去的时候,他的脑中忽然浮现出了一个念头。接着,亚历山大就这样张开了嘴巴。 ..................!!! & R dquo ; “………………!!!” Perhaps Alexander oneself have not detected, but that peasant woman has actually seen, after the present man opens the mouth, the revealed tongue wants longer compared with human. That seems like winding & mda S h that a bright red meat snake continuously simply ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The gods on, she even see in the acme of that tongue, but also opened an opening that brings the small advantage tooth!! 或许亚历山大本人并没有察觉到,但是那个农妇却已经看见,眼前的男子张开嘴巴之后,露出的舌头比起人类要长许多。那简直就好像是一只鲜红的肉蛇般不住的缠绕———神明在上,她甚至看见在那个舌头的尖端,还张开了一个带着小小利齿的裂口!! Actually this is what monster!! 这究竟是什么怪物!! However at this time, that pitiful woman has not needed to make clear this issue, because in next moment, the tongue of Alexander has been similar to Sharp Edge to shoot in the mouth that woman opened, penetrated in her body. Can see bright red that probably the straw same tongue cannot start extends shrinks, seems like the person to take what drink general with the straw. But along with the Alexander movement, the resistance of that woman also gradually weakens, finally, her both arms weak hanging to the ground, did not have the response again. 不过这个时候,那个可怜的女人已经没有必要去搞清楚这个问题了,因为就在下一刻,亚历山大的舌头已经如同一把利刃般射进了那个女人张开的口中,深入到了她的身体里。紧接着,就可以看见那鲜红的,像是吸管一样的舌头开始不住的一伸一缩,就好像是人在用吸管吸食什么饮料一般。而伴随着亚历山大的动作,那个女人的反抗也逐渐减弱,最终,她的双臂无力的垂到在地面,再也没有了反应。 But Alexander at this moment has not actually noticed this point slightly, on the contrary, he seems bewitched general, is absorbing the energy of the female body obtaining crazily. He can feel, one type continuously, the powerful warm and comfortable strength entered in own body like this, this feeling makes Alexander feel ecstasy, he never has the experience so wonderful feeling, that seems like the whole person above the clouds, he can feel, the powerful strength filled his body, at this moment, he is almost omnipotent!! 可是此刻的亚历山大却丝毫没有注意到这一点,相反,他仿佛着了魔一般,疯狂的吸取着从女子身体之中获得的能量。他可以感受到,一种源源不断的,强大温暖又舒适的力量就这样进入了自己的身体之中,这种感觉让亚历山大感到心醉神迷,他从来没有体验如此美妙的感觉,那就好像整个人都在云端之上,他可以感觉到,强大的力量充满了他的身体,这一刻,他几乎无所不能!! Has not known how long, Alexander then stopped the movement of taking finally, but at this moment under his body, that woman also calculates plentiful body withered like breaking the hole balloon was the same, the withered rough skin pastes on the bone, seems like particularly makes one be afraid. 不知道过了多久,亚历山大这才终于停止了吸食的动作,而此刻在他的身体下方,那个女人原本还算丰满的身躯已经干瘪的如同破了洞的气球一样,干瘪粗糙的皮肤贴在骨头上,看起来分外令人感到恐惧。 However regarding Alexander, this as if is completely not the issue, why he will not even care about that woman to turn into this appearance. At this moment he feels only, is the energy in the body containing, he can feel, the strong vitality is seething with excitement in own body, after he digested these vitalities, his strength will go a step further!! 但是对于亚历山大来说,这似乎完全不是什么问题,他甚至不在乎那个女人为什么会变成这个样子。此刻他唯一感觉到的,就是身体里蕴含的能量,他可以感觉到,强大的生命力正在自己的身体之中沸腾,而当他消化了这些生命力之后,他的力量就会更进一步!! However this is insufficient ......... he also to be more, more strengths ..............., so long as had the sufficient strength, then he can change oneself destiny. By that time, no matter Templar Order, is the Soros family, is Zhan En, will submit to under own strength, he is strongest!! He will become entire Eagle Plateau, and even entire Klein Continent greatest ruler!! This world myriad things, and even the gods, will tremble in the face of his strength!! 但是这样还不够………他还要更多,更多的力量……………只要有了足够的力量,那么他就可以改变自己的命运。到那个时候,不管是圣堂教团,还是索罗斯家族,还是詹恩,都将臣服在自己的力量之下,他是最强的!!他将会成为整个雄鹰高原,乃至整个克莱恩大陆最伟大的统治者!!这世间万物,乃至神明,都会在他的力量面前瑟瑟发抖!! Thinks of here, the eye of Alexander shone immediately, he has turned the head, looks to out of the window that seemingly peaceful incomparable village & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The beforehand all people who do not seem to awaken here deep sleep, they in the dim light of night, are still enjoying the delightful sleep and fond dream. 想到这里,亚历山大的眼睛顿时亮了起来,他转过头去,望向窗外那个看起来安静无比的村落———之前的一切似乎并没有惊醒这里沉睡的人们,他们依然在夜色之中,享受着自己甜美的睡眠与美梦。 However regarding Alexander, this is the biggest fond dream. 但是对于亚历山大来说,这才是最大的美梦。 Looks at these pitch-dark houses, Alexander licked the lip. 看着那些黑漆漆的房屋,亚历山大舔了下嘴唇。 Time of dining. 用餐的时间到了。 But in Alexander enjoys oneself are separated from the first good food after prison, in Dungeon a thousand-mile away, Zhan En is actually receiving a special guest. 而就在亚历山大享受自己脱离牢狱之后的第一顿美食之时,远在千里之外的地下城里,詹恩却正在接见一位特殊的客人。 Or ......... potential union. 或者说………潜在的同盟。 Thinks that once incomparably rampant the young people before oneself, Eliette did not hit on the air/Qi comes out, this is not that arrogant attitude that because Zhan En shows before him, before was Eliette recalls, he before himself own daughter Elise to good deed & mda S h that made ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Gives the devil his due, any fathers are unable to tolerate such provocation. 想到那个曾经在自己面前无比嚣张的年轻人,伊莱特就气不打一出来,这并非是因为詹恩在他面前表现出来的那种傲慢的态度,更是伊莱特回想起了之前他在自己面前对自己的女儿伊丽丝所做的好事———平心而论,任何一个父亲都无法容忍这样的挑衅。 However Eliette does not have the means to make anything, after that and Zhan En's conflicts, he then returned to Black Onyx Stone City. As a result of afterward human allied armies noisy enough big, moreover appears is captured and matter of destruction in city of Morzoblythe and duergar one after another, suddenly Black Onyx Stone City is also flustered. After all Underdark is the place of law of the jungle, moreover city of Morzoblythe or the duergar, many that Black Onyx Stone City is more powerful, even they by easy elimination, perhaps then following Black Onyx Stone City will have bad luck. Because of this threat, making Eliette have to put down temporarily to the worry of own daughter, after all he is one of the Black Onyx Stone City rulers, must be responsible for own people. 不过伊莱特也没办法做些什么,在那次与詹恩的冲突之后,他便回到了黑玛瑙石城。由于后来人类联军闹的足够大,而且还出现在魔索布莱斯灰矮人之城相继被攻陷和毁灭的事情,一时间黑玛瑙石城也是人心惶惶。毕竟幽暗地域是个弱肉强食的地方,而且无论是魔索布莱斯还是灰矮人之城,都比黑玛瑙石城强大的多,连他们都被轻而易举的消灭,那么说不定接下来黑玛瑙石城也会倒霉。正是因为这种威胁,使得伊莱特也只好暂时放下对自己女儿的担心,毕竟他是黑玛瑙石城的统治者之一,必须要为自己的子民负责。 However this does not mean that Eliette was not worried own daughter, that after all is the only flesh and blood, moreover Elise always clever obedient, is deep the affection of Eliette, now was turned to run by such a man, this lets Eliette is also quite uncomfortable. He does not know whether the opposite party will treat own daughter well, at least seems like, that Zhan En is a very uncouthly strong person, will perhaps do to have an accident to own daughter ............... 但是这不意味着伊莱特不担心自己的女儿,那毕竟是自己唯一的骨肉,而且伊丽丝向来乖巧听话,深得伊莱特的喜爱,现在被这么一个男人拐跑了,这让伊莱特也是相当不爽。他也不知道对方是否会好好对待自己的女儿,至少看起来,那个詹恩是个非常粗鲁强硬的人,对自己的女儿说不定会做出什么事呢…………… Also because of this, Eliette never changes regarding the worry of Elise, when thus it can be seen he sees return Black Onyx Stone City of Elise is well, Eliette can be how happy. 也正因为如此,伊莱特对于伊丽丝的担心从未改变,由此可见当他看见伊丽丝平安无事的回到黑玛瑙石城时,伊莱特会是多么高兴。 The news that but then, spreads from Elise there, makes Eliette be startled. 只不过接下来,从伊丽丝那里传来的消息,却让伊莱特吃了一惊。 Counter-attacks the surface. 反攻地表。 That young people had come to a stop unexpectedly the footsteps in the surface, moreover is trying to expand step by step own range? 那个年轻人居然已经在地表站稳了脚步,而且正在试图一步步的扩张自己的范围? Then, can actually oneself cooperate with him? 那么,自己究竟要不要和他合作呢? Until steps into this Dungeon again, Eliette has not made up mind, but he knows, the Black Onyx Stone City future, will depend on this.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 直到再一次踏入这座地下城,伊莱特也没有拿定主意,但是他知道,黑玛瑙石城的未来,就在此一举了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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