DR :: Volume #3

#220: The pond of wealth, the spring of brilliance

The night falls. 夜幕降临。 The lighting a lamp small flame got up, replaces Sun to illuminate the land again. Hoffer under curtain of night appears even more beautiful moving, is not only on the river bank two sides street in these constructions the turning on a light light, on the river course, ships also lightened the lantern, the light of hovering flowed following the river water, looked to form beautiful light rivers from afar. Daytime noise disappearance seems to have been missing completely, displacing is another form, is the night liveliness and liveliness specially. 点点灯火亮起,代替太阳再一次的照亮了大地。夜幕下的华福尔显得越发美丽动人,不仅仅是河岸两边街道上那些建筑中亮起了灯光,在河道上,一艘艘船也点亮了灯笼,游动的灯光顺着河水流淌而过,远远望去形成了一条美丽的光的河流。白天的喧闹似乎已经完全消失不见了踪影,取而代之的则是另外一种形式的,专属于夜晚的繁华与热闹。 The carriage passes through Third Avenue, is treading the green slat slowly stopped before the building of main road end. Quick has the wear attractive waiter to walk up, opened the vehicle door respectfully, then lowers the head, welcome the arrival of honored guest. 马车走过第三大道,踏着青石板缓缓的在大道尽头的一栋建筑物前停了下来。很快就有穿着光鲜的侍者走上前来,恭敬的打开了车门,接着低下头去,欢迎贵客的到来。 Zhan En goes down the carriage, raised the head to look around. 詹恩走下马车,抬头张望。 Sees only before him, is three high, was similar the Ancient Rome Arena building, but compared with the open-air arena, here were many a circular arc shape vault. The entire building is brilliantly illuminated, even front the fountain under shine of flame is also glittering the golden brilliance, simply at first sight goes to seem like the gold to do is the same. 只见在他面前的,是一栋三层高,类似古罗马斗兽场般的建筑物,只不过与露天的斗兽场相比,这里则多了一个圆弧形状的穹顶。整个建筑物灯火辉煌,在火光的映照下甚至就连前方的喷水池也闪烁着金色的光辉,乍一看去简直就好像是金子做的一样。 Shining Fountain, the township of wealth. 光辉喷泉,财富之乡。 Here is the warehouse of money, here is the cradle of wealth, comes and goes out here everyone is the affluent honored guest, their status all do not allow slightly to peep. Naturally, Zhan En also knows, Shining Fountain is not only only the product that an area entertains, on the contrary, as high aristocrats the institute of difference, can have frequently the qualifications step into this building is the honored and popular generation, without exception. To be honest. Originally by the Zhan En's status. To enter here is not an easy matter. After all although his reputation is enough, but this situation needs some people to recommend generally can touch to stepping into threshold. But regarding Zhan En, he may have no personal connection in Eagle Plateau at present, naturally could not talk about finds the person to recommend itself to join. In fact this is just accidental/surprised & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Dispatches to protect the Delly thank-you gift as Zhan En, old Parwood then wrote a letter of recommendation, making Zhan En have can come and go out Shining Fountainmembership card & R dquo ;. Naturally, this in the aristocrat is only a way of very ordinary paying a man back in his own coin. However Zhan En knows that the matter so will not be simple. Must know that Shining Fountain also not only has in Hoffer, also has the station in other two big cities on Eagle Plateau. But that old codger wrote a Hoffer letter of recommendation to oneself intentionally, clarified is given Soros that fellow to incur reproach for somebody by oneself. However Zhan En does not care, both sides each other use in any case, accord to his need. 这里是金钱的仓库,这里是财富的摇篮,出入这里的每一个人都是腰缠万贯的贵客,他们的身份皆不容小窥。当然,詹恩还知道,光辉喷泉不仅仅只是一个地区自娱自乐的产物,相反,作为一个上流贵族们经常出入之所,能够有资格踏入这座建筑物的都是有头有脸之辈,没有例外。说实话。原本以詹恩的身份。想要进入这里也不是件容易的事情。毕竟虽然他的名声已经足够,但这种场合一般都需要有人推荐才能够摸到踏入其中的门槛。而对于詹恩来说,目前他在雄鹰高原可没有什么人脉,自然也谈不到找人来推荐自己加入。事实上这只不过是一个意外———作为詹恩派遣手下保护黛莉的谢礼,老帕伍德这才写了一封推荐信,让詹恩拥有了一张可以出入光辉喷泉的“会员卡”。当然,这在贵族之中只是一种很平常的礼尚往来的方式。不过詹恩知道事情不会这么简单。要知道光辉喷泉也不仅仅只是在华福尔有,在雄鹰高原上的其他两座大城市之中同样也有驻地。而那个老不死的故意给自己写了一封华福尔的推荐信,摆明了就是让自己去给索罗斯那个家伙上眼药的。不过詹恩也不在乎,反正双方都是彼此利用,各取所需。 However feared that you cannot play ............ the old fogy ......... 不过就怕你玩不起啊…………老家伙……… Thinks of here, Zhan En takes back the train of thought that then put out a hand into the bosom to put out the invitation. But the waiter put out a hand to receive the invitation respectfully, opening fast swept an above name, later his complexion slightly changed. Sees only the waiter deeply lowers the head, respectful toward Zhan En good a ritual. 想到这里,詹恩收回思绪,接着伸手入怀拿出了请柬。而侍者则恭敬的伸出手去接过请柬,飞快的打开扫了一眼上面的名字,随后他的面色微微一变。紧接着只见侍者深深的低下头去,毕恭毕敬的向着詹恩行了一礼。 I represent the Shining Fountain chamber of commerce to welcome your arrival, hopes that you can pass a wonderful night here, respectable Zhan En. Mr. Bassammens. & R dquo ; “我代表光辉喷泉商会欢迎您的到来,希望您能够在这里度过一个美妙的夜晚,尊敬的詹恩.巴夏侬门斯先生。” Is saying, waiter is sideways, gave the hand signal of invitation. 一面说着,侍者一面侧过身去,做了个邀请的手势。 Please come with me. & R dquo ; “请跟我来。” Compared with noise of outside. Shining Fountain interior actually very peaceful. The design of similar five-star hotel is ordinary, heavy/thick, furry rug shop in ground, two sides with lantern of expensive legendary luminous pearl embellishment. The gentle light illuminated the dim corridor, seems like as if makes one place the clouds. But these ornaments of nearby ornaments and exhibition, all pass reveal the luxurious aura. 与外面的喧闹相比。光辉喷泉的内部倒是非常的安静。类似五星级酒店的设计一般,厚重,毛绒绒的地毯铺在地面上,两边则是用昂贵的夜明珠点缀的灯笼。柔和的光照亮了昏暗的走廊,看起来仿佛让人身处云端。而旁边摆设与陈列的那些装饰品,更是无一不透露出奢华的气息。 Elinster surprised stares the big eye, is gazing at the present all these curiously. Although said that the life in monastery should also be to the utmost luxurious. But this and Shining Fountain is not quite same, in the monastery is a cleanness, unusual refined noble and elegance. But in Shining Fountain, on behalf of the human in the depths of ones heart most naked desire. Here to enjoy this ultimate objective exist, is only places to be one of them, will make people feel a happiness, dark warmth and seduction. 艾琳丝特惊讶的瞪大眼睛,好奇的注视着眼前的这一切。虽然说起来她们在修道院中的生活也应极尽奢华。但这和光辉喷泉却是不太一样,修道院之中是一种干净,超凡脱俗的高贵与典雅。而在光辉喷泉,则代表人类内心深处最赤裸裸的欲望。这里的一切都是为了享受这个终极目标而存在的,光是身处在其中,就会让人感受到一种甜蜜,黑暗的温暖与诱惑。 Entire Shining Fountain is divided into five, following three for these rich merchants and all young powerful local bully preparations, among them include some rich merchants, and chieftain of each organization, for example Thief group, mercenary association organization so forth and individual. But middle fourth has the person preparation of certain position to these, as for uppermost one, only then these noblest guest & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; For example Parwood family's the class/flow of head of the clan has the qualifications to sit is one of them. However because the information of each theater box is the strict security, therefore regarding most people, they did not understand. 整个光辉喷泉内部分为五层,其中下面三层是为那些有钱的商人和一切小有势力的地头蛇准备的,他们当中包括一些富商,以及各个组织的头目,比如盗贼团啊,佣兵协会啊诸如此类的组织与个人。而中间的第四层则是给那些有一定身份地位的人准备的,至于最上面一层,则只有那些最高贵的客人———比如帕伍德家族的族长之流才有资格坐在其中。不过由于每个包厢的信息都是严格保密的,所以对于大多数人来说,他们对此也并不了解。 Actually according to the Zhan En current status, sits the top theater box to have more than enough to spare. However since the Passus independent matter has not exposed, then Zhan En is also glad to put on an act. In any case to him, this time attended the auction to emerge for a while, this brings entire family to go out to play probably, then strolls the Water World, the guarding the threshing floor movie, then eats meal is the natural matter. Similarly, since had arrived at Hoffer, then watched the Shining Fountain auction naturally is not the understandable matter. Naturally, in addition, Zhan En comes to here also to have another reason. 其实按照詹恩目前的身份,坐顶层包厢绰绰有余。不过既然帕苏斯独立的事情还没有暴露,那么詹恩也乐得装样子。反正对于他来说,这次参加拍卖会只是一时兴起,这就好像带着全家出去游玩,那么逛逛水上乐园,看场电影,然后去吃顿饭都是理所当然的事情。同样,既然已经来到了华福尔,那么来看看光辉喷泉的拍卖会自然也不是什么不可理解的事情了。当然,除此之外,詹恩来这里还有另外一个理由。 Regarding these stolen goods on his hand, deals with through the auction market obviously is a quite wise choice. 对于他手上的那些赃物来说,通过拍卖场进行处理显然是一个相当明智的选择。 As a transportation developed convenient city, Hoffer naturally gathered regional many strange treasures, liveliness that although here might as well these true great nations come, but on its scale, calculated on is quite good. Zhan En this time attended the auction, first wants to watch the fun, secondly is also wants to have a look to buy any interesting thing. Although said takes Dungeon Master, Zhan En can also plunder many treasures, what pitifully is limited to the status, he does not dare to take to use. Probably in City of Gold, Zhan En seized Cobos use the tooth of magic sword Sharp Edge, this magic sword is also quite good, sufficiently in Sea Blue Light with Zhan En delicate and pretty. However Zhan En does not dare to take to use it, because the tooth of well-known Sharp Edge is the Cobos saber, but at the present of City of Gold downcast, in Zhan En hand, if presents this suddenly the tooth of Sharp Edge, that will definitely be suspected by the opposite party. This stupid matter Zhan En will not naturally do, therefore the best way purchases through the legitimate channel, as the matter stands the matter will be more convenient, moreover does not need to be worried that will be detected what trick. 作为一座交通发达便利的城市,华福尔自然集合了各地的不少稀奇古怪的宝物,虽然这里还不如那些真正的大国来的繁华,不过就它自己的规模来说,却已经算的上相当不错。詹恩这次来参加拍卖会,一来是想要看看热闹,二来也是想要看看能不能买到什么有趣的东西。虽然说作为地下城主,詹恩也能够掠夺到不少宝物,不过可惜的是限于身份,他可不敢拿出来用。就好像在黄金之城里,詹恩可是缴获了科沃斯使用的魔法剑利刃之牙,这把魔法剑也算是相当不错,足以和詹恩手里的海蓝之光相俊美。不过詹恩可不敢把它拿出来用,因为世人皆知利刃之牙是科沃斯的佩剑,而在黄金之城陷落的现在,詹恩手中要是忽然出现这把利刃之牙,那肯定会被对方怀疑。这种愚蠢的事情詹恩自然是不会去做的,所以最好的办法就是通过合法渠道来购买,这样一来事情会方便许多,而且也不用担心会被人察觉有什么猫腻。 What Shining Fountain is the Zhan En and others arrangement is situated in the fourth theater box, the entire within theater box was seemingly luxurious the comfortable, soft spacious sofa, the dalbergia nigra wooden furniture and bearskin rug is increased several points of luxurious aura for this by the room that the gentle magic covered brilliance. In addition, but can also see various drinks and special foods of nearby laying aside, weaves the velvet window curtains of beautiful design to let fall the ground, covered all external peeping at vision for the master in room. 光辉喷泉詹恩等人安排的是位于第四层的一间包厢,整间包厢看起来豪华舒适,柔软宽大的沙发,黑檀木制的家具和熊皮地毯都为这间被柔和的魔法光辉所笼罩的房间增添了几分奢华的气息。除此之外,还能够看见旁边放置的各种饮品与特色小吃,编织着美丽图案的天鹅绒窗帘垂落地面,为房间里的主人遮挡住了一切外在的窥视目光。 But on nearby desk, but also is placing an synopsis of auction, sees here, Zhan En also has to sigh that Shining Fountain can achieve such big enterprise, really has several brushes. Only looks here design, can give people a quite happy feeling. From this, what Shining Fountain does is quite good. 而在旁边的书桌上,还摆放着一本拍卖物的简介,看到这里,就连詹恩也不得不感叹光辉喷泉能够做到这么大的事业,果然是有几把刷子的。单是看这里的设计,就能够给人一种颇为舒畅的感觉。从这点来说,光辉喷泉做的还是相当不错的。 But at this time, Enoya entered the room, then closed the door conveniently. 而就在这个时候,埃诺娅走进房间,接着随手关上了房门。 Has processed, master. & R dquo ; “已经处理完毕了,主人。” What kind of? & R dquo ; “怎么样?” Heard the report of Enoya, Zhan En sweeps under one to take a seat the crowd that bustlingly the waiting auction started, spoke thoughtlessly the inquiry to say. 听到埃诺娅的报告,詹恩扫了一眼下方正在熙熙攘攘就坐等待拍卖开始的人群,随口询问道。 „ The opposite party is satisfied to the gift that we submit, they have decided temporarily to increase some auction, but our auction also in. They have not inquired the origins of these auction, and has not pestered our status. & R dquo ; “对方对我们提交的礼物非常满意,他们已经决定临时增加一些拍品,而我们的拍品也正在其中。他们并没有询问这些拍品的来历,而且也没有纠缠我们的身份。” I know. & R dquo ; “我就知道。” Hears here, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. This time he comes Shining Fountain to be a guest, possibly is not naturally penniless. In fact Zhan En is very clear, in this situation, each new member must put out an auction to prove own value. Zhan En is naturally no exception, although said that the City of Gold thing is not suitable to act here, but the spoils of war in Zhan En hand are not only then these. In fact his time entrusted Enoya to take, before Zhan En walked off with another's possessions a small part that in spoils of war in the city of duergar took away. These things in Underdark on value not poor, on the surface natural price was even more expensive. Must know these, but the collection of duergar, initial Zhan En takes in fact these small gadget, the Shining Fountain head almost must stare the eyeball, thus it can be seen, these things have the market in the surface very much. 听到这里,詹恩耸耸肩膀。这次他来光辉喷泉做客,自然不可能是两手空空。事实上詹恩很清楚,在这种场合,每一个新加入的成员都必须拿出一件拍品来证明自己的价值。詹恩自然也不例外,虽然说黄金之城的东西不适合在这里出手,不过詹恩手中的战利品也不是只有那些。事实上他这次委托埃诺娅拿出去的,正是之前詹恩灰矮人之城里顺手牵羊拿走的战利品中的一小部分。这些东西在幽暗地域里就价值不菲,上了地表自然价格越发昂贵。要知道这些可是灰矮人的收藏,事实上最初詹恩把那些小玩意儿拿出来的时候,光辉喷泉的负责人几乎都要把眼珠子瞪出来了,由此可见,这些东西在地表还是很有市场的。 Thinks of here, Zhan En interlocks both hands, the corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly. 想到这里,詹恩交错双手,嘴角微微翘起。 This is a very good experiment, as the matter stands, oneself can trade underground to go the thing of surface greatly, transports/fortunes the underground cargo to the surface again sells, thus makes the sudden and huge profits.( Moreover is 100% sudden and huge profits, after all Zhan En with snatching...... does not have a business is really does compared with anything well.) 这是一个很好的实验,这样一来,自己大可以将地表的东西贩卖到地底去,再将地底的货物运到地表来出售,从而赚取暴利。(而且还是百分之百的暴利,毕竟詹恩都是用抢的……无本买卖真是比什么都好做。) Naturally, this also needs enough much spoils of war ........., that side drow also many concealed goods, should no issue. However sits idle and eats is not always good, it seems like oneself must have the next step plan. 当然,这也需要足够多的战利品………嗯,黑暗精灵那边还有不少藏货,应该没什么问题。不过坐吃山空总是不好的,看来自己必须要有下一步的计划了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En puts out a hand, knocked the desktop gently. 想到这里,詹恩不由伸出手去,轻轻敲了敲桌面。 Perhaps can the Illithid den be a very good choice? 或许夺心魔的老巢会是一个很好的选择? When the Zhan En consideration must goes to chapter of fish head there to plunder one wantonly, the light in entire auction market immediately was gloomy , a series of clear bell (rang) resound, but hears this bell (rang) , the loud noise that under hears also vanishes rapidly. Until this time, Zhan En then supported the body, looked to below central platform. 就在詹恩考虑要不要去章鱼头那里大肆搜刮一笔的时候,整个拍卖场之中的灯光顿时暗淡了下来,紧接着,一连串清脆的铃声响起,而听到这铃声,下方传来的喧闹声也迅速消失。直到这个时候,詹恩这才支起身体,望向下方的中央站台。 Evidently, the auction must start quickly. 看样子,拍卖很快就要开始了。
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