DR :: Volume #3

#221: star shining summoned, Shadowmoon sword

Regarding Zhan En, the auction that just started actually and has no worth to let the place that the person cares about. After all this is only the opening, is frying the hot atmosphere, the auction that therefore puts mostly is some flashy but lacking substance small gadget, for example destiny Play-card, the hot tube of dwarf slightly somewhat is so forth rare, but is not very valuable thing. Makes Zhan En feel only somewhat funny was the auctioneer also put out a pair of devil ring unexpectedly, this gadget was not the good thing. Although the auctioneer said that it can strengthen the strength of holder, has mysterious magic power. However as coming from one of the The lower world ruling classes, Zhan En knows this gadget fierce. To be honest, although said that the The lower world thing is very dangerous, however the true The lower world residents know that spreads the thing that to have two types from Demon World unable to abuse, one type is a necklace, one type is a ring. The necklace on behalf of the fetter, the ring represents the contract, the person's who these do not know the circumstances of the matter while on wearing these jewelry although can obtain the powerful strength, but this also means that they already and these jewelry original owners reached the contract or the agreement, but the fate natures of these fellows only then one, that is the soul falls into The lower world, always can not turn over/stand up. 对于詹恩来说,刚刚开始的拍卖会其实并没有什么值得让人在意的地方。毕竟这只是开头,也不过是在借此炒热气氛罢了,因此放出来的拍品大多都是些华而不实的小玩意儿,比如命运卡牌啊,矮人的火筒诸如此类稍微有些稀罕,但不是很值钱的东西。唯一让詹恩感觉有些好笑的就是拍卖师居然还拿出了一对恶魔指环,这玩意儿可不是什么好东西。虽然拍卖师说它能够增强持有者的力量,拥有神奇的魔力。但是作为来自下层界的统治阶级之一,詹恩可是知道这玩意儿的厉害。说实话,虽然说下层界的东西都很危险,但是真正的下层界住民都知道从魔界流传出来的东西有两种是不能够乱用的,一种是项链,一种是指环。项链代表束缚,指环代表契约,那些不知情的人在佩戴上这些首饰的同时虽然能够获得强大的力量,但这也同时意味着他们已经和那些首饰原本的主人达成了契约或者协议,而这些家伙的下场自然只有一个,那就是灵魂堕入下层界,永世不得翻身。 The emergence of devil ring is in the auction a high tide, after all this gadget received the Demon World consistent fine attractive work, naturally triggers the attention of these aristocrats, in addition its magic attribute, the natural sale price multiplies. Therefore the price also rises, finally was patted by an aristocrat by the prices of 15,000 gold coins, looked that his overjoyed appearance Zhan En knows this fellow fell into The lower world to become the spoils of war of some devil thoroughly is only the time issue. 恶魔指环的出现算是拍卖会里一个小小的高潮,毕竟这玩意儿秉承了魔界一贯精美诱人的做工,自然会引起那些贵族的注意,再加上它的魔法属性,自然身价倍增。于是价钱也是一路走高,最终以一万五千金币的价格被一个贵族拍走,看他那欢天喜地的样子詹恩就知道这家伙堕入下层界彻底成为某个魔鬼的战利品只是时间问题了。 What relations however this and does he have? 不过这和他又有什么关系呢? After the devil ring fried hotly the atmosphere, the auction room put out the picture scrolls of several collections instantaneously. Stems from the famous expert writing skill. Therefore below quarrel again. Is Zhan En lacks on the contrary regarding these great picture interests, the art of human seems like in the demon eye is also that a matter, moreover these person of lives are also short, the picture that draws does not see where attractive to goes. But the implication is only also effective to human in the historic importance anything's gadget, is actually not meaningful regarding demon. Therefore regarding these picture scrolls, Zhan En does not set at a word, but he can also with nearby Enoya often discuss that the products of which person which years these works are. Appraises their technique and so on, therefore is not considered as that bored. 在恶魔指环炒热了气氛之后,拍卖行又不失时机的拿出了几幅珍藏的画卷。都是出自名家手笔。于是下面再一次的争吵起来。反倒是詹恩对于这些名画兴趣缺缺,人类的艺术在魔族眼中看起来也就是那么回事,而且这些人寿命又短,做出来的画也不见的漂亮到哪儿去。而蕴含在其中的历史意义什么的玩意儿也只对人类有效,对于魔族来说其实没什么意义。所以对于这些画卷,詹恩也是不置一词,只不过他也会和旁边的埃诺娅不时讨论这些作品是哪些人哪个时代的产物。评价一下他们的手法之类,因此也不算是无聊。 Pattilina is drowsy in side, appearance that cannot spunk up, but this also no wonder, she is pure warrior, this type of thing in the little fellow eyes does not have the value a broken paper, casual can hold rottenly, is also willing to spend the high price to purchase like some scribblings people unexpectedly, regarding this Pattilina can only think that is one group of lunatics. 帕蒂莉娜在旁边昏昏欲睡,一副打不起精神来的样子,不过这也难怪,她是一个纯粹的战士,这种东西在小家伙眼里根本就是毫无价值可言的一张破纸,随随便便都能捅烂,像这样的鬼画符居然还有人愿意花大价钱去购买,对此帕蒂莉娜只能够认为那都是一群疯子。 On the contrary is Elinster in the side hear with great interest. She knows that for the first time own master unexpectedly so learned widely experienced, in her opinion, these are just pictures, but Zhan En not only can give an oral account these pictures authors, but can also say these pictures to create to do under what situation, what story the back also has. This lets Elinster regarding own master is the incomparable admiration. The youth who who these has drunk she has to see likes boasting drunkenly. However the Zhan En's performance is self-confident, obviously possibly does not make out of whole cloth. This also made Elinster attain a yet higher goal regarding own master's worship. 反倒是艾琳丝特在旁边听的津津有味。她还是第一次知道自己的主人居然如此的博识多闻,在她看来,那些只不过是一幅幅画,而詹恩不但能够一口说出那些画的作者,还能够说出这些画是在什么情况下创做的,背后又有着什么样的故事。这让艾琳丝特对于自己的主人更是无比敬佩。她不是没有见过那些喝的醉醺醺喜欢吹牛的愣头青。但是詹恩的表现非常自信,显然不可能是瞎编的。这也让艾琳丝特对于自己主人的崇拜又更上了一层楼。 As for Alice as before standing not making a sound, dedicating is acting the role as maid, as if she is only one stands there human form ornament, simply does not have own will to be the same. 至于爱丽丝则依旧不声不响的站在旁边,尽忠职守的扮演着自己身为女仆的角色,仿佛她只是一个站在那里的人形装饰品,根本没有自己的意志一样。 When Zhan En is distracted, the auctions about these artwares is also getting more and more intense, even the upper theater box has the aristocrat to act, finally an aristocrat bought Kaka Lunt's «Rivers Opposite shore» by the prices of 500,000 gold coins, looked Zhan En also shakes the head again and again, a broken picture can also sell 500,000 unexpectedly. It seems like the face of person is really is sometimes more valuable than anything. 就在詹恩走神期间,关于这些艺术品的拍卖也越来越激烈,甚至连上层包厢都有贵族出手,最终一个贵族以五十万金币的价格买下了卡卡伦特的《河流对岸》,看的詹恩也是连连摇头,一副破画居然还能够卖五十万。看来有时候人的面子还真是比什么都值钱。 However good and evil these things can also say that reluctantly is vice- is good to draw, the composition is at least fine, the color is bright. In the Zhan En's world, has happened compared with this crazier matter. He may still remember that in an art show, there is a so- called artist to make at sixes and sevens broken gadget & mda S h that made one unable to understand completely ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; To put it bluntly abandoning after clothes pack, piles up one on top of another casually, then the giving a name character, then this gadget sold 15 million US dollars price unexpectedly, makes people unable to understand simply. It looks like in Zhan En, will buy that trash product either is the brain is sick, either launders money, in addition almost did not have the third explanation. 不过好歹这些东西还勉强能够说算是副好画,至少构图精美,色彩鲜艳。在詹恩的世界里,比这更疯狂的事情都发生过。他可还记得在一个艺术展里,有个所谓的艺术家弄了个让人完全看不懂的乱七八糟的破玩意儿———说白了就是把废弃的衣服打包之后随随便便堆叠起来,然后起了个名字,接着这玩意儿居然就卖出了一千五百万美元的价格,简直让人无法理解。在詹恩看来,会花钱买那种垃圾制品的要么是脑子有病,要么就是借此洗钱,除此之外几乎没有第三种解释了。 Thump thump thump! & R dquo ; “咚咚咚!” After another transaction ended, the auctioneer sounded the hammer again, entire auction market immediately peaceful. But Zhan En also raised the head, looks toward the floor. Afterward, he gawked. 在又一笔交易结束之后,拍卖师再次敲响了锤子,紧接着整个拍卖场立刻就安静了下来。而詹恩也抬起头,向着台面上望去。随后,他愣了一下。 Sees only on auctioneer behind platform, calm and upright static is lying down a long sword, that seemed like should be the following auction. Compared with other auction, this is seemingly ordinary the sword, outside scabbard pitch-dark seemed like just dug not to wash from the coal pile cleanly, such thing did not only ask for from the appearance happily. Considering the present is medium-range of auction, it seems like that the opposite party does not think this obviously valuable the sword. 只见在拍卖师身后的台子上,正安静的躺着一把长剑,那看起来应该就是接下来的拍品了。只不过和其他拍品比起来,这把剑看起来平淡无奇,外面的剑鞘黑漆漆的就好像是刚从炭堆里挖出来还没有洗干净一样,这样的东西光从卖相上来看就不怎么讨喜。考虑到现在才不过是拍卖会的中程,看来对方显然也不认为这把剑有多值钱。 However Zhan En is seeing this is actually the spirit inspires the flash of sword, later sits to set out. 但是詹恩在看见这把剑的一瞬间却是精神一振,随后坐起身来。 ......... This is not ............... 不是吧………这难道是…………… Has not waited for Zhan En to think anything, sees only the auctioneer to turn round, took up that the long sword, then holds up to the people high. 还没有等詹恩多想什么,只见拍卖师已经回过身去,拿起了那把长剑,接着向众人高高举起。 This is a mysterious magic treasured sword, it came from a vestige in hard Tuola desert, is protected by the mysterious dead spirit, everyone do not look that its semblance seems to be common, but in fact, this is mysterious Magical Weapons . “这是一把神秘的魔法宝剑,它来自于辛拓拉沙漠内的一处遗迹,由神秘的亡灵所守护,各位别看它的外表似乎毫不起眼,但事实上,这是一把神奇的魔法武器 Is saying, auctioneer grips the sword hilt, then „ „ pulled out the long sword. The silver white, bright as snow sword blade was almost appears from the darkness instantaneously, shows in the front of people, the above dense cold light made many people hold breath immediately a cold air/Qi. But the auctioneer as if also is very that satisfied the aspect make, he first happily swept surrounding one. Then gets hold of the long sword in hand. The steeliness shield that places to side chops rapidly. Only hearsto rip to draw & R dquo ; A light sound, next moment that steel shield seems like the cream by the easy incision, this caused one to call out in alarm. 一面说着,拍卖师一面握住剑柄,接着“唰“的抽出了长剑。银白,雪亮的剑身几乎是瞬间就从黑暗之中浮现,展现在了众人的面前,上面的森森寒光顿时让不少人都倒吸了口冷气。而拍卖师似乎也很满意自己制造出来的局面,他先是得意的扫了周围一眼。接着握紧手中的长剑。迅速向旁边摆放的钢制盾牌劈下。只听见“撕拉”一声轻响,下一刻那面钢盾就好像奶油般被轻而易举的切开,这更是引起了一阵惊呼。 I think, everyone has also witnessed the might of this treasured sword. & R dquo ; “我想,各位也已经亲眼目睹这把宝剑的威力了。” The auctioneers are with smile on the face, then he says again. 拍卖师面带笑容,接着他再次开口说道。 But in fact, it also has a more mysterious effect! & R dquo ; “但是事实上,它还有一个更加神奇的效果!” Is saying, auctioneer the draw lifts the long sword. Afterward then sees under shining of light, this appeared dazzling magnificent luminous the sword blade of long sword on, his thorn, then saw that say/way radiance on sword blade to shoot suddenly forward later epidemic, punctured toward nearby stuffed dummy armor. Only hearsbang & R dquo ;, next moment that stuffed dummy was knocked down, but its armor was also made a giant cavity. Sees this, the people sent out& R dquo ; Whoa. But Zhan En, held breath at this moment a cold air/Qi. He is not surprised the might of long sword for this, in fact, Zhan En at this moment had known the real status of this sword. 一面说着,拍卖师一面平举长剑。随后便看见在灯光的照耀下,这把长剑的剑身上浮现出了一层耀眼华丽的光亮,紧接着他猛然向前一刺,随后便看见剑身上的那道光华顿时疾射而出,向着旁边的假人盔甲刺了过去。只听见“砰”的一声,下一刻那个假人就被打翻在地,而它身上的盔甲也被打出了一个巨大的凹洞。看见这一幕,众人更是发出了“哦哦哦”的惊叹声。而就连詹恩,此刻也是不由的倒吸了口冷气。他不是为这把长剑的威力而惊讶,事实上,此刻的詹恩已经知道了这把剑的真实身份。 Shadowmoon sword? How can this gadget here?! & R dquo ; 影月之剑?这玩意儿怎么会在这里?!” On Klein Continent, the weapon is divided into several rating, but manifests its value truly only has four types, that is the excellent weapon. Imbued weapons . Magical Weapons , as well as Divine Artifact ( or Demonic Artifact ). 克莱恩大陆上,武器分为好几个评级,但是真正体现其价值的只有四种,那就是精良武器。附魔武器魔法武器,以及神器(或者魔器)。 And the excellent weapon builds the excellent ordinary weapon, without magic, has no special attribute, the value is lowest. But Imbued weapons attaches a magic on these excellent weapons, can treat as the magic sword to use, but the effect is ordinary, is poor. 其中精良武器就是打造精良的普通武器,没有魔法,也没有什么特殊属性,价值最低。而附魔武器则是在这些精良武器上附着一层魔法,也可以当做魔法剑来使用,只不过效果一般,并不怎么好。 But true Magical Weapons , weapon that is congealed by the magic. It seems like Sea Blue Light in Zhan En, is the sword of pure water element. This type of weapon is not existence that the mortal can forge. But is the will of magic manifests. As for Divine Artifact and Demonic Artifact not to mention, that is on plane and under plane to exists high, the mortal including witnessed fortunately its appearance/portrait the qualifications do not have. 而真正的魔法武器,则是由魔法凝结成的武器。就好像詹恩手里的海蓝之光,就是纯粹的水元素之剑。这种武器已经不是凡人可以锻造出来的存在。而是魔法的意志体现。至于神器魔器就更不用说了,那都是上位面和下位面的至高存在,凡人连有幸目睹其真容的资格都没有。 But Shadowmoon sword is Magical Weapons , in fact compared with Sea Blue Light in Zhan En hand, the rank of Shadowmoon sword must be higher, almost can be called false Divine Artifact . It is not world of mortals creation, but stems from shadow plane, comes in the shadow, by light of forging Silver moon, it may be said that is rare double attribute Magical Weapons , it not only has the shadow attribute, but also has the moonlight attribute, it can be said that dark and windy easiest-to-use murder sharp weapon. Regarding Zhan En, a multiple attribute weapon best, his being expert is the operation, can the attribute effect of greatest display each weapon. It seems Zhan En to grasp Sea Blue Light time, his operation characteristic to water element with being expert in legendary swordsman of water element has no difference. If Zhan En can obtain this to obtain the operation shadows and moonlight two species abilities Shadowmoon sword that him simultaneously. 影月之剑就是一把魔法武器,事实上比起詹恩手中的海蓝之光来说,影月之剑的等级还要更高一些,几乎可以被称为伪神器。它并非凡间造物,而是出自阴影位面,在阴影之中现身,由银月之光锻造而成,可谓是一把不可多得的双属性魔法武器,它不但拥有阴影属性,还拥有月光属性,可以说是月黑风高最好用的杀人利器。对于詹恩来说,一把多重属性的武器是最好不过的,他的专精是操纵,能够最大程度的发挥每把武器的属性效果。就好像詹恩握上海蓝之光的时候,他对水元素的操纵特性与专精水元素的传奇剑士没有任何区别。而如果詹恩能够获得这把影月之剑那么他就可以同时获得操纵阴影与月光两种属性的能力了。 However now seems like this not to bring to the attention of too many the sword, even Shining Fountain had not as if detected that its unique element, this no wonder, is really the Shadowmoon sword appearance is also too bad, besides the sword blade luminous photo person, other parts seems like by the black coal is burnt is the same, ugly awfully. Also auctions the guild to attain the sword this no wonder medium-range auctions, rather than puts the next to last act, if knows this true value of sword, is certain, this absolutely is treasure of the next to last act. 不过现在看起来这把剑还没有引起太多人的注意,甚至就连光辉喷泉似乎也没有察觉到它的特殊之处,这也难怪,实在是影月之剑的卖相太差,除了剑身光亮照人之外,其他部分都像是被黑炭烧过一样,难看的要命。也难怪拍卖行会把这把剑拿到中程来拍卖,而非放到压轴,如果知道这把剑的真正价值的话,那么可以肯定,这绝对是一把压轴之宝。 However now ............... 不过现在嘛…………… Now begins shooting, base price 30,000 gold coins, every time 15% that increases price for the base price. & R dquo ; “现在开拍,底价三万金币,每一次加价为底价的百分之十五。” The auctioneers finish speaking, some quick under people bid. Although said that this is very ugly the appearance of sword, the aristocrat mostly looks does not glance. But regarding Adventurer that these risk one's life all day, ratio anything that the sword actually comes is important. Therefore although these aristocrats mostly have not acted, but following competition is also quite intense, was jacked 60,000 gold coins in several rounds of prices. 拍卖师话音刚落,很快下方就有人出价了。虽然说这把剑的卖相很难看,贵族大多看不上眼。可是对于那些整天出生入死的冒险者来说,一把好剑却来的比什么都重要。因此虽然那些贵族大多没有出手,可是下面的争夺也是相当激烈,没过几轮价格就被抬升到了六万金币。 Zhan En does not have the making noise selling quotation, but is waiting for peacefully. He is very clear, now these selling quotations is the small fish small shrimp, the true hope obtains this also to have the person of rich financial resource the long sword to disdain to befriend with these fellows radically, after exhaustion that so long as they struggled gives the final word, then can achieve the perfect success. 詹恩并没有出声喊价,而是安静的等待着。他很清楚,现在这些喊价的都是小鱼小虾,真正渴望获得这把长剑又拥有丰厚财力的人根本不屑与这些家伙为伍,只要等他们争的筋疲力尽之后再一锤定音,那么就能够获得完美胜利了。 Further enhances along with the price, the competed person was also short, but competes to be instead more intense. But at this time, in the lower-level theater box also had the aristocrat to start to take over, an aristocrat promoted 80,000 gold coins the price, put down the following these people's disputes directly. However quick, two aristocrats joined competition, quick this rose the price of treasured sword 95,000. 伴随着价格进一步提高,争夺的人也少了许多,但是竞争反而更加激烈起来。而这个时候,下层包厢里也有贵族开始接手,一个贵族将价格提升到了八万金币,直接扫平了下面那些人的争议。但是很快,又有两个贵族加入了争夺,很快这把宝剑的价格就上升到了九万五千。 But at this time, Zhan En acted. He nods to Enoya, but naturally understands the Zhan En's meaning with his mind interlinked Enoya, therefore she held up the sign in hand. 而就在这个时候,詹恩出手了。他冲着埃诺娅点了点头,而与他心灵相通的埃诺娅自然明白詹恩的意思,于是她举起了手中的牌子。 100,000. 十万。 Facing this unexpected competitor, almost all people stare, many people look up in the Zhan En's direction, guessed that actually in this mysterious theater box is. 面对这个出乎意料的竞争者,几乎所有人都是一愣,不少人都抬头向着詹恩的方向望去,猜测这个神秘包厢里究竟是谁。 Who is that? & R dquo ; “那是谁?” Alexander frowns, looks to under not far away that mysterious theater box, asks. But hears his inquiry, nearby aide also shakes the head. 亚历山大皱起眉头,望向下方不远处那个神秘的包厢,开口询问道。而听到他的询问,旁边的侍从也是摇了摇头。 „ It is not clear, Sir, Shining Fountain regarding customer the strictness of very information same security, but before that theater box continuously vacant, it seems like to some new guest. & R dquo ; “不清楚,大人,光辉喷泉对于顾客的信息一样保密的很严,不过之前那座包厢一直空置,看来是给某个新来的客人的吧。” New guest? & R dquo ; “新来的客人?” Hears here, Alexander pondered the moment, later sneers. 听到这里,亚历山大思考了片刻,随后冷笑一声。 I think that I know who there was ............ held up the display board! & R dquo ; “我想我知道那里是谁了…………举牌!” When the people discuss spiritedly for the guest of that mysterious theater box, suddenly, from top theater box, some people raised the price. 就在众人为那个神秘包厢的客人而议论纷纷的时候,忽然,从顶层包厢之中,也有人提高了价格。 130,000. & R dquo ; “十三万。” Sees this, the people immediately in an uproar, they thought this is not attractive the magic treasured sword, therefore many filthy rich aristocrats cannot have a liking, but now? Why will have the upper-level aristocrat to compete for this seeming like has no thing of difference from the tattered fever fire rake? Even it is very fierce, is still unworthy so much money. 看见这一幕,众人顿时哗然,他们是觉得这把魔法宝剑不怎么好看,所以很多财大气粗的贵族都看不上,但是现在这是怎么回事?为什么会有上层贵族来争夺这把看起来和破烂烧火棍没什么区别的东西?就算它真的很厉害,也不值这么多钱吧。 Snatches with me? & R dquo ; “和我抢?” Heard opposite party's offer, Zhan En to put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, in the eye flashed through together the cold light. He nods to Enoya, quick, Enoya then holds up the display board again. 听见对方的报价,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,眼中闪过一道寒光。他冲着埃诺娅点了点头,很快,埃诺娅便再次举牌。 150,000. 十五万。 At this time under had died general was silent, the auctioneer also seemed somewhat helpless, everyone knows that at present the development is somewhat unexpected. But actually why to turn into this appearance, is actually no one knows. Suddenly the people discuss spiritedly, but actually cannot find out what clue. 这个时候下面是已经死一般的寂静了,就连拍卖师也显得有些手足无措,所有人都知道眼下事情的发展有些出乎意料。但究竟是为什么会变成这个样子,却是没有人知道。一时间众人议论纷纷,但是却想不出什么头绪。 Two people who however confront do not care about the views of others, after Zhan En promotes the price to 150,000, the top theater box returns to 170,000 prices immediately, then Zhan En direct quotation 200,000. Afterward above continues to compete with him, 230,000 later quick are 250,000, is 300,000. However this did not finish, both sides as if have killed red the eye completely, is 50,000 and 100,000 promotion, Zhan En mentions 350,000 completely, the opposite party returns to 400,000 quickly, then Zhan En rises in prices again 450,000, the opposite party returns to 500,000 immediately. Sees this, Zhan En is also no longer hesitant, he puts out a hand, gave a hand signal to Enoya directly, then the young girl nods, holds up the sign in hand again high. 不过对峙的两人可不在乎其他人的看法,在詹恩将价格提升到十五万之后,最顶层的包厢则立刻回出了十七万的价格,接着詹恩直接报价二十万。随后上面继续和他竞争,二十三万之后很快又是二十五万,接着是三十万。但是这还不是结束,双方仿佛已经完全杀红了眼睛,接下来全部都是五万与十万的提升,詹恩提到三十五万,对方很快就回到四十万,接着詹恩再次提价四十五万,对方立刻回到五十万。看见这一幕,詹恩也是不再犹豫,他伸出手去,直接对埃诺娅做了一个手势,接着少女点了点头,再次高高举起手中的牌子。 But sees this sign, the audience immediately in an uproar. 而看见这个牌子,全场顿时哗然。 1 million. 一百万。
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