DR :: Volume #3

#219: This is the provocation, is the demonstration

Dang!! & R dquo ; “咣当!!” Fine tea set by numerous throwing on the ground, fallen smashing. & S um ; Alexander wicked is gazing at fixedly in front of him this pitiful, guard team leader who the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, only felt that since an anger flees from the heart, then his direct arm wields, wielded in the thing on desktop the ground like this in a hurry, suddenly various types pounded to hit the sound shatter, instead caused the atmosphere in room even more ice-cold dignified. 精致的茶具被重重的扔在地上,摔的粉碎。∑亚历山大恶狠狠的瞪视着他面前这个可怜的,连大气都不敢喘的卫兵队长,只感觉一股怒火从心头窜起,接着他直接手臂一挥,就这样将桌面上的东西匆匆挥到了地面上,一时间各种破碎砸撞声响起,反而使得房间里的气氛越发冰冷凝重。 Therefore you did come back like this? Un? Did you come back unexpectedly like this? The opposite party said how many words, your such obediently rolled? One group of idiots!! You gave to lose simply completely my face!! You simply are the Soros family's shames, you do not match to wear this military uniform!! One crowd of waste, are the waste!! & R dquo ; “所以你们就这样回来了?嗯?你们居然就这样回来了吗?对方只是说了几句话,你们就这么乖乖的滚回来了吗?一群蠢货!!你们简直把我的脸都给丢尽了!!你们简直就是索罗斯家族的耻辱,你们不配穿上这身军服!!一群废物,统统都是废物!!” But the Sir ............... that is the Bassammens family! & R dquo ; “可是大人……………那可是巴夏侬门斯家族啊!” Facing the interrogation of Alexander, the guard team leader is the atmosphere does not dare to leave, although he also knows oneself do this really very loses face. However now guard team leader fortunate pay attention the eye, investigated status origin & mda S h of these people ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is actually not the troublesome matter, because has the Zhan En's family symbol on the carriage. Among the aristocrats this news naturally is helps supply each other, in addition that Templar Order symbol in family/home emblem really is extremely conspicuous, therefore under following up a clue, they investigated thoroughly the real status of that young people quickly. 面对亚历山大的质问,卫兵队长则是大气也不敢出,虽然他也知道自己这样做实在很丢人。但是现在卫兵队长则非常幸庆自己还是多留了个心眼,调查了一下这些人的身份来历———这其实并不是什么麻烦的事情,因为在马车上就有詹恩的家族徽记。贵族之间这种消息自然是互通有无的,再加上家徽上的那个圣堂教团标志实在太过显眼,因此顺藤摸瓜之下,他们很快就查清楚了那个年轻人的真实身份。 Then this group of people frightened the urine. 然后这群人就吓尿了。 Bassammens. 巴夏侬门斯 This family arrives at the Eagle Plateau time is not long, but has been known to everybody to be known to everybody in the aristocrat, reason for this. Zhan En in Hard rock city that causes trouble time is the influence is extremely really widespread. Is better than sword Saint Stryker also to be swept by his sword flies, north elite Silver Wolf knight regiment directly hit being able to find. Finally also forces that shrewd and crafty Wright feudal lord goes into action to work as the people to him to apologize personally. This a series ofbrilliance deeds & R dquo ; He also heard, to be honest before that. The guard team leader only felt own boss is most extremely arrogant rampant fearful existed, but now and this young people compare, this simply is the space underground! 这个家族来到雄鹰高原的时间并不长,但已经在贵族之中无人不知无人不晓,究其原因。詹恩坚石城的那一次闹事实在是影响太过广泛。强如剑圣斯特尔克也被他一剑扫飞,精锐的银狼骑士团更是直接被打的找不到北。最后还逼迫着那个老奸巨猾的苏莱特领主亲自出马当着众人的面向他道歉。这一系列的“光辉事迹”就连他也是有所耳闻,说实话在那之前。卫兵队长只觉得自己的上司已经算是最狂妄嚣张可怕的存在了,但是现在和这个年轻人一比,这简直就是天上地下啊! After investigating the Zhan En's real status, the guard team leader naturally does not dare hurriedly . Moreover the opposite party is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, this title wants the high head compared with other aristocrats. Where entire doesn't continent have the Templar Order church? The awarding a decoration aristocrat's position in Templar Order is quite high, in this case, oneself these people look for Zhan En's to be troublesome rashly, isn't this brings about own destruction? 在调查到了詹恩的真实身份之后,卫兵队长自然再不敢造次,而且对方是授勋贵族,这个头衔本身就比其他贵族要高一头。全大陆哪里没有圣堂教团的教会?授勋贵族在圣堂教团之中的地位颇高,在这种情况下,自己这些人贸然去找詹恩的麻烦,这不是自寻死路吗? Pondering over. Finally he decides first to come back to report. No matter how said that this pot cannot make itself carry, no matter finally is what result, decision-making power also Alexander here. He is not these idiot rice buckets, to flatter own lord anything does not attend, that is an aristocrat, if oneself make a move secretly, shouldered is the war between aristocrat and aristocrat. This matter may be possible to be small greatly, person who the simplest resolution format is two has the contradiction mutually conducts the duel, the victor obtains all. But if the matter becomes if serious. That may evolve war & mda S h very much ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Among the aristocrat families such matter has to happen, sometimes for a woman, an quarrel/corners of the mouth, both sides quarrel on can the pointed weapons. Attacking brutally. The guard team leader is not certainly willing to become a blasting fuse of war by oneself, a few words, this pot he does not carry! Leaves Sir Alexander to solve! 思前想后。最终他还是决定先回来汇报。不管怎么说这锅也不能够让自己来背,不管最终是个什么结果,决定权也是在亚历山大这里。他可不是那些白痴饭桶,为了讨好自己的主子就什么都不顾,那可是一位贵族,如果自己私自出手,挑起的就是贵族与贵族之间的战争。这种事情可大可小,最简单的解决方式就是两个互有矛盾的人进行决斗,胜利者得到一切。但是如果事情变得严重的话。那很有可能演变成一场战争———贵族家系之间这样的事情并非没有发生过,有时候为了一个女人,一句口角,双方就可以兵刃相向。大打出手。卫兵队长当然不愿意让自己成为一场战争的导火索,一句话,这个锅他可不背!还是留给亚历山大大人自己解决吧! Snort!! & R dquo ; “哼!!” Hears here. Alexander is also the complexion sinks, although he is proud extremely arrogantly. But is not a fool. In addition he is the Soros family's member, the nature defeats the Stryker matter to understand regarding Zhan En. But at this moment hears this name from own guard team leader there. Not only has not made Alexander feel to dread, on the contrary, he appears is even more angry and does not spare a glance. 听到这里。亚历山大也是面色一沉,他虽然自负狂妄。可并不是傻瓜。再加上他可是索罗斯家族的成员,自然对于詹恩击败斯特尔克的事情有所了解。而此刻从自己的卫兵队长那里听到这个名字。非但没有让亚历山大感到畏惧,相反,他显得越发愤怒和不屑一顾。 Therefore? Here is the Soros family's domain!! Here is the city of Qian River!! It is not the place that lowly awarding a decoration aristocrat can act unruly casually, don't tell me you thinks that we should endure this tone? & R dquo ; “所以呢?这里是索罗斯家族的地盘!!这里是千河之城!!不是那个低贱的授勋贵族可以随便撒野的地方,难道说你认为我们就应该忍下这口气吗?” How otherwise can also? 不然还能够如何呢? At the same time is listening to angry roaring of Alexander, the guard team leader is also in the heart the unstated criticism, actually he also really the hope to consider as finished. Because of strictly speaking, the whole thing is Alexander was not right, he is arrogant, batters before others, how also possibly to kick this sheet iron? Now the opposite party has not walked to do accounts is magnanimous, do you also want to walk to bring death? 一面听着亚历山大的怒吼,卫兵队长也是心中腹诽,其实他还真希望就这么算了。因为严格来说,整件事情本来就是亚历山大不对,要不是他飞扬跋扈,在别人面前横冲直撞,又怎么可能踢到这块铁板?现在对方没找上门来算账已经算是大度,难道你还要自己找上门去送死吗? However in the heart the unstated criticism turns over to the unstated criticism, he also knows this saying, if said itself not to need to mix, therefore he was only timid did not speak, to this Sir there ignition. But facing a fellow who hits does not hit back to scold does not talk back, Alexander is also uninterested, he angrily roared several, finally silent. Did not attend to at this time, Alexander as if thinks anything resembled, suddenly at present one bright. 不过心中腹诽归腹诽,他也知道这话要是说出来自己也就不用混了,所以他只是唯唯诺诺的不吭声,任凭这位大人在那里发火。而面对一个打不还手骂不还口的家伙,亚历山大也是意兴索然,他怒吼了几句,最终还是沉默了下来。不顾就在这个时候,亚历山大似乎想到了什么似的,猛然眼前一亮。 Right, you said how many people before they did come? & R dquo ; “对了,你之前说他们来了几个人?” Five, Sir. & R dquo ; “五个,大人。” Besides that damn bastard, who other four is? & R dquo ; “除了那个该死的混蛋之外,其他四个是什么人?” „ It seems like Mu Sir/minister and maid of that Sir, a wear armor, probably the little girl of guard. In addition did not have others again. & R dquo ; “看起来像是那位大人的幕卿和女仆,还有一个穿着盔甲,像是护卫的小女孩。除此之外就再也没有其他人了。” Doesn't have bodyguard? & R dquo ; “没有亲卫队?” No, Sir. & R dquo ; “没有,大人。” Some of their following what act, do you know? & R dquo ; “他们接下来有些什么行动,你知道吗?” Listened to the inn boss saying that they were plan to participate in the evening at the Shining Fountain auction. & R dquo ; “听旅店老板说,他们是打算参加晚上在光辉喷泉举办的拍卖会。” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Heard the guard team leader's reply, in the Alexander surface appears again the gloomy and cold smile. He sits on the chair, both hands bosom in the chest, is thinking anything probably. But looks at his expression, the heart of guard team leader actually raised again, he naturally cannot understand again own master, whenever Alexander shows this expression, behind expressed certain no good deed. However what pitifully is, present he did not have the means to change anything. 听到卫兵队长的回答,亚历山大的面上再次浮现出了阴冷的笑容。他重新坐回椅子上,双手怀抱在胸口,像是在想些什么。而看着他这幅表情,卫兵队长的心却是再次提了起来,对于自己的主人他当然是再了解不过的,每当亚历山大露出这幅表情,就表示后面一定没有什么好事。不过可惜的是,现在的他也没办法去改变什么了。 Really, how long without, then sees Alexander to pound on the table suddenly. 果然,没等多久,便看见亚历山大猛然一拍桌子。 Immediately goes to look for Daros, simultaneously requests Blaze Guard and harbor garrisons fleet to enter the first-level combat readiness system!! & R dquo ; “立刻去把达罗斯找来,同时要求烈焰卫队和港口警备舰队进入一级战备体制!!” Sir!? & R dquo ; “大人!?” Hears here, does the guard team leader the complexion big change, set out Blaze Guard and harbor immediately simultaneously garrisons fleet? Actually does this Sir want to do? Words that if has an accident, that may make in a big way! 听到这里,卫兵队长顿时面色大变,同时出动烈焰卫队和港口警备舰队?这位大人究竟想要干什么?万一出了什么事的话,那可就闹大了! Few idle talk, gave me to transmit orders a bit faster! I am prepared them to me before the darkness, ahem, what extraordinary even if the legendary powerhouse also does have? I cannot be victorious he, couldn't have tidied up his how many little girls hand/subordinate? Heard that they are some beautiful women? This is very good, I well plays with them, then strips off the clothes to throw the square to come up to these despicable civilian visits, by that time, I want to take a look in that bastard surface to have how splendid expression but actually! & R dquo ; “少废话,快点给我去传令!我要他们在天黑之前给我准备好,哼哼哼,就算是传奇强者又有什么了不起?我打不过他,难道还收拾不掉他手下的几个小丫头片子?听说她们都是些美人儿?这很好,我会好好的把她们玩弄一番,然后脱光衣服扔到广场上去给那些下贱的平民参观,到那个时候,我倒想看看那个混蛋面上会有多么精彩的表情!” But, is the Sir ............ & R dquo ; “可,可是大人…………” Hears here, the guard team leader is the cold sweat braves, he does not know Alexander, if succeeded, matter will turn into what appearance. However he is certain, that absolutely is not the good deed. However if Alexander were defeated, then also troubles, thinks of here, he also can only brace oneself, advised in a low voice. 听到这里,卫兵队长更是冷汗直冒,他不知道亚历山大要是成功了,事情会变成什么样子。但是他可以肯定,那绝对不是什么好事。不过亚历山大如果失败了,那么也同样麻烦,想到这里,他也只能够硬着头皮,低声劝告到。 Such big matter, must inform Locke City Lord one ............... & R dquo ; “这么大的事情,要不要通知洛克城主一声……………” Without this necessity! & R dquo ; “没有这个必要!” Alexander cold snort/hum , he although in the surface is only a head who defends the regiment, but as one of the Soros family's successors, Alexander has the position in the Hoffer city in fact very much. Locke City Lord is just a subordinate who is loyal to the Soros family, has no position in the family. Because he excels at the internal affairs and business, will be assigned in this position. As an outcomer, Locke City Lord to will certainly not do against with the Soros family's internal member stupidly, why this is Alexander, although the duty is not high, however strikes awe one of reasons actually still no one dares to manage in the entire Hoffer city Riyan military. But now he wants to mobilize the Hoffer city 2/3 garrison strengths, does not need Locke to nod assent. After all the entire city is the Soros domain, to put it bluntly, that City Lord is the laborer who the family invited, what qualifications will have to say this and that to the future boss? 亚历山大冷哼一声,他虽然表面上只是一个守备军团的负责人,但事实上作为索罗斯家族的继承者之一,亚历山大华福尔城还是很有地位的。洛克城主只不过算是一个忠于索罗斯家族的部下,在家族内部没什么地位。只不过因为他擅长内务和商业,才会被调派到这个位置上。作为一个外来者,洛克城主当然不会愚蠢到和索罗斯家族内部的成员对着干,这就是为什么亚历山大虽然职务不高,但是在整个华福尔城里扬武扬威却依然没人敢管的原因之一。而现在他想要调动华福尔城三分之二的警备力量,也根本不需要洛克点头同意。毕竟整个城市都是索罗斯的地盘,说白了,那个城主就是家族请来的打工仔,有什么资格对未来的老板说三道四? Has not gone quickly!! & R dquo ; “还不快去!!” Knows that the matter does not have room to maneuver, guard team leader also because no longer, after leading the order, then tumbles turns around to leave. But until this time, Alexander then sneered to make noise, he by the chairback, looked outside is gradually becoming the dark city. 知道事情已经没有了转圜的余地,卫兵队长也不再由于,领了命令之后便连滚带爬的转身离开。而直到这个时候,亚历山大这才冷笑出声,他靠在椅背上,望着外面正在逐渐变得黑暗的城市。 Zhan En's fierce Alexander is not does not know, is because of his existence, enabling the Soros family to be defeated in the federal convention overall, can fly to the duck that finally succeeded in obtaining, really makes people feel disappointed about them. However now, this is the heaven gives an own opportunity. If oneself can suppress this bastard well, then the old fogies in these families will naturally hold in high esteem to oneself, by that time, he position in Soros family can when production costs rise, prices rise too. As for Zhan En oneself? Alexander does not pay attention to from the start, the aristocrat has the rule of aristocrat, life and death that kills in secret does not represent in the surface also to make the same matter. The aristocrats by the ancient pledge restraint, no one were dared to kill an aristocrat at will, even he is very angry, absolutely is impossible to kill itself, because he will face a war as the matter stands ........., but looks like in Alexander, the Soros family's strength, naturally is not Zhan En can compare. 詹恩的厉害亚历山大不是不知道,正是因为他的存在,使得索罗斯家族在联邦会议上可谓全盘失败,到最后原本到手的鸭子也能够飞了,真是让人对他们感到失望。不过现在,这可是上天给予自己的一个机会。如果自己能够把这个混蛋好好的打压一番,那么那些家族里的老家伙自然就会对自己刮目相看,到那个时候,他在索罗斯家族里的地位就会水涨船高。至于詹恩本人?亚历山大压根就不放在眼里,贵族有贵族的规则,私下里杀的你死我活不代表表面上也可以做出同样的事情。贵族受古老的誓言约束,没有人胆敢随意杀害一位贵族,就算他真的很愤怒,也绝对不可能杀死自己,因为这样一来他就会面临一场战争………而在亚历山大看来,索罗斯家族的力量,自然不是詹恩可以相比的。 Snort, makes me have a look, rampantly when you can also arrive, bastard!! & R dquo ; “哼,就让我看看,你还能够嚣张到什么时候吧,混蛋!!” Thinks of here, in the Alexander surface showed the fierce smile, then he stands up, arriving entrance in big strides. 想到这里,亚历山大的面上露出了狰狞的笑容,接着他站起身来,大踏步的走到门口。 Comes the person, changes clothes, I must go to Shining Fountain! & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “来人,更衣,我要去光辉喷泉!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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