DR :: Volume #3

#218: This price, you cannot pay

But in Zhan En and others rides the carriage swaggers away, near the purple lily river course, is actually performing oneextremely tragic & R dquo ; Tragedy. 而就在詹恩等人乘坐马车扬长而去之时,在紫百合河道边,却正上演着一处“惨绝人寰”的悲剧。 Not ............!!! My Royal Ark!!! & R dquo ; “不…………!!!我的皇家方舟号!!!” Alexander both eyes are red, his desperate puts out a hand, shivering is gazing at present the wreckage of this ship. This ship was finished at this moment thoroughly, that giant hull is tattered, the water line high and low is the shocking opening, the river water gurgle gurgle is pouring into the hull following the slit everywhere unceasingly, but these soldier are shouting at the same time, at the same time unproductive tries to prevent this ship to further sink. However they are also very clear, at present this scene, so long as is not the fool, can look at & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This ship thorough is incurable. 亚历山大双目通红,他绝望的伸出手去,颤抖的注视着眼前这艘船的残骸。这艘船此刻已经算是彻底完蛋了,那巨大的船身破破烂烂,吃水线上下到处都是触目惊心的裂口,河水正在不断咕嘟咕嘟的顺着缝隙灌入船体之中,而那些士兵则一边呼喊着,一面徒劳的试图阻止这艘船进一步下沉。不过他们心里也都很清楚,眼下这个场面,只要不是傻子,都能够看出来———这艘船已经彻底没救了。 My imperial ark ............ not!!! Why! Why can be this!!! & R dquo ; “我的皇家方舟…………不!!!为什么!为什么会是这样!!!” The Alexander wailing sound resounds through the horizon, where he at this moment also very to goes, although as the owner of this ship, he first was rescued by own subordinate, but Alexander now are also in an extremely difficult situation. On him wears a clothing of similar naval captain, at this moment is dripping wet one piece, behind the coat that the gray-blue flannelette makes is also torn one after another. His head also brings a wide eave tricorne, coordinating present this appearance in an extremely difficult situation is quite actually funny. 亚历山大的哀嚎声响彻天际,此刻的他也好不到哪儿去,虽然作为这艘船的主人,他第一时间就被自己的属下救了出来,可是亚历山大现在自己也是狼狈不堪。他身上穿着一身类似海军舰长的服装,此刻已经是湿淋淋的一片,灰蓝色绒布制成的外套后面也被撕裂成了一道一道。他的头上还带着一顶宽檐三角帽,配合着现在这幅狼狈不堪的样子倒是颇为滑稽。 Sees only a Alexander simply probably angry bull at this moment, he is staring, stubbornly is staring at presentbattleship & R dquo ; Wreckage. Regarding Alexander, he did not feel oneself do has anything is not right. He yearns for the sea, longs for that navigates in the limitless sea. What a pity is he came from Eagle Plateau. Most people have not seen the place that crosses ocean for a lifetime. Therefore he can only purchase a small-scale battleship of retirement through some methods. All day loafs in this river bank, gives the euphemistic name ofpatrol to inspect & R dquo ;, Actually to satisfy oneselflong-distance voyage & R dquo ; Vanity. As for these by other ships that he compels, Alexander is paid attention, although in the people regarding Alexander this approach is also the complaint quite a lot, but he does not care. It looks like in Alexander, oneself cannot navigate in the length and breadth boundless sea. Only can the nest in this damned place already enough suffering, were you suffering can have me to put in great inconvenience?, The river course was so also big, who called you not the long eye? 只见此刻的亚历山大简直就好像一头愤怒的公牛,他瞪着眼睛,死死的盯着眼前自己“战舰”的残骸。对于亚历山大来说,他不觉得自己做的有什么不对。他向往大海,渴望在无边无际的海洋上航行。可惜的是他出身于雄鹰高原。一个大多数人一辈子都没见过海的地方。因此他只能够通过一些手段购买了一艘退役的小型战舰。整天在这条河上游来荡去,美其名曰“巡逻检查”,其实只是为了满足自己“远航”的虚荣心罢了。至于那些被他逼开的其他船只,亚历山大根本就没放在眼里,虽然民众中对于亚历山大这种做法也是抱怨颇多,但是他一点儿都不在乎。在亚历山大看来,自己不能够在广袤无边的海洋上航行。只能够窝在这种鬼地方就已经够委屈的了,你们再委屈能够有我委屈?再说了,河道那么大,谁叫你们自己不长眼睛的? Because of this, therefore Alexander does not think the matter that oneself handle has anything is not right, he always does that also has not had the matter. However today, he felt very suffering, very angry & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Oneself have condescended to this degree. Why will have this damn matter! 正因为如此,所以亚历山大并不认为自己做的事情有什么不对,他一直以来都是这么做的,也从来没有出过事情。但是今天,他感觉到很委屈,很愤怒———自己都已经屈尊到这种程度了。为什么还会发生这种该死的事情! Thinks of here, Alexander gets more mad, he holds soldier that passes through from own side, angry is staring at him, the loud anger exclaimed. 想到这里,亚历山大越想越气,他一把抓住一个从自己身边经过的士兵,愤怒的盯着他,大声怒吼道。 Who!! Is who!! Actually damn is who!? & R dquo ; “谁!!是谁!!究竟他妈的是谁!?” Greatly, Sir? & R dquo ; “大,大人?” Facing the Alexander anger. That unlucky soldier hoodwinked actually completely. Does not know the outcome what's the matter, can only look at Alexander pitifully. But sees the appearance of his stray cur, Alexander is the exceedingly indignant, he opens the mouth, angrily roars loudly, spurted an opposite party face the fleck of saliva. 面对亚历山大的愤怒。那个倒霉的士兵倒是完全蒙了。不知道究竟是怎么回事,只能够可怜巴巴的望着亚历山大。而看见他这幅丧家之犬的样子,亚历山大更是无比愤怒,他张开嘴巴,大声怒吼起来,把吐沫星子都喷了对方一脸。 Who is? Actually damn is who sank my ship?! Said! You said to me!! Actually is which bastard!! & R dquo ; “是谁?究竟他妈的是什么人撞沉了我的船?!说啊!你给我说啊!!究竟是哪个混蛋!!” I, I do not know ......... the Sir ............! & R dquo ; “我,我不知道………大人…………!” You have not checked quickly!! & R dquo ; “那你还不赶快去查!!” Hears opposite party's reply, Alexander gets angry from the heart immediately, fights with the fists on the face of that unlucky egg, his numerous fight in place. He clenches jaws. Facial color red is gazing at fixedly at present this over the face terrified soldier, seems like a lunatic to eat the person evidently simply to be the same. 听到对方的回答,亚历山大顿时怒从心起,一拳打在那个倒霉蛋的脸上,将他重重的打到在地。他咬牙切齿。面色通红的瞪视着眼前这个满面惶恐的士兵,看样子简直就好像是一个疯子想要吃人一样。 Checks to me!! Now starts the entire Hoffer entire city to declare martial law!! I must look for that bastard, I must kill him, but must kill his entire family!! I must hang his entire family in Nurkse Square! Let as we all know, this is these bastards should have the fate that!!! I must make him pay a price & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “给我查!!现在开始整个华福尔全城戒严!!我一定要把那个混蛋找出来,我要杀了他,还要杀了他全家!!我要把他全家吊死在纳克斯广场!让所有人都知道,这才是那些王八蛋应该有的下场!!!我要让他付出代价————!!” Alexander face upwards to angrily roar, the anger with killing intent erupts from his mouth, making everyone on the scene shiver. They are very clear, Alexander is the short temper and vicious cruel fellow, but this time he had such big anger unexpectedly, thinks of here, the people each other looked at each other one. 亚历山大仰天怒吼,愤怒与杀意从他的口中爆发而出,让在场的所有人都不由的颤抖了一下。他们都很清楚,亚历山大是个脾气暴躁又凶狠残忍的家伙,而这次他居然产生了这么大的火气,想到这里,众人不由彼此对视了一眼。 It seems like this time, greatly was troublesome. 看来这次,是有大麻烦了。 Under the order of Alexander, quick these soldier the search clue, this to them is not the difficult matter. As the local bully, these soldier want to inquire any news, was too easy. Do not say that at that time under glare of the public eye, so many people saw account, although said that somewhat loses face, but soldier believe firmly actually oneself can definitely discover is who and Royal Ark bumped into at that time. 亚历山大的命令之下,很快那些士兵们就去搜索线索,这对于他们来说并不是什么困难的事情。作为地头蛇,这些士兵想要打听些什么消息,实在太容易不过了。更不要说当时在众目睽睽之下,那么多人都看到了事情的经过,虽然说出去有些丢脸,但是士兵们确信自己肯定可以找出当时究竟是谁和皇家方舟号相撞。 To them, this is a very simple matter. 对于他们来说,这是一件非常简单的事情。 But after they start to investigate, these unlucky eggs discovered the matter and imagine complete different. strictly speaking, was basic on does not have any ships and Royal Ark at that time bumps into, after all the Alexander speed is so fast, other ships first are thinking gives way to traffic, that will also idle bored hits directly, this is not the kamikaze dare-to-die corps, hits the pleasure boat that a battleship transforms to have what advantage to them? 可是当他们开始调查之后,这些倒霉蛋才发现事情和自己所想象的完全不一样。严格来说,当时根本就没有任何船只与皇家方舟号相撞,毕竟亚历山大的速度那么快,其他船只第一时间都想着去避让,那还会闲的无聊直接撞上去,这又不是神风敢死队,撞一艘战舰改造的游船对他们有什么好处? Without the solid evidence, in addition being domineering and tyrannical of Alexander has caused the popular anger, each journey emerges temporarily, the indication does not have continually. Therefore many ship owners depart each time are with trepidation, for fear that met this fellow went crazy that to have bad luck. Moreover, Alexander this action every will bring a big loss to the people one time. The ship destroys the goods to sink is light, not careful words even have the possibility deceased person. Moreover this matter was not one time two, because of this, in addition did not have the solid evidence. Therefore the investigations of these soldier reached in the impass quickly, has to acknowledge, this really somewhat stems from their unexpected, finally, these soldier can only brace oneself , to continue to investigate. Hopes can discover the murderer/culprit as soon as possible. Boss who comforts oneself that short temper. 由于没有确凿的证据,再加上亚历山大的横行霸道早就引发众怒,他每一次出行都是临时兴起,连一点儿征兆都没有。所以很多船主每次出航都是提心吊胆,生怕遇到这个家伙发疯的时候那可就倒霉了。不仅如此,亚历山大这种举动每一次都会给民众们带来不小的损失。船毁货沉都算轻的,一个不小心的话甚至有可能死人。而且这种事情也不是一次两次了,正因为如此,再加上没有确凿的证据。因此那些士兵的调查很快就陷入了僵局之中,不得不承认,这实在是有些出乎他们的意料之外,最终,这些士兵只能够硬着头皮,继续调查。希望能够尽快找出真凶。来安抚自己那脾气暴躁的上司。 Otherwise, unlucky was they. Conceivable if they have achieved nothing, then Alexander will vent own anger absolutely on these pitiful subordinates, regarding Alexander cruel and tyrannical they is very clear, can believe firmly, if did not harvest again, then regarding these unlucky eggs. Life already to the end. 不然的话,倒霉的就是他们了。可以想象如果他们一无所获,那么亚历山大绝对会把自己的怒火发泄在这些可怜的部下身上,对于亚历山大的残忍与暴虐他们都很清楚,可以确信,如果再没有收获的话,那么对于这些倒霉蛋来说。人生就已经到头了。 But in these soldier likely headless flies , in the Hoffer city scurries about everywhere, true chief criminal at this moment actually in resplendent in gold and jade green inn, leisurely is enjoying the relaxed joyful time. The graceful tweedle reverberation in the spacious room, Zhan En sits in the balcony, is appreciating outside scenery, at this moment is at dusk. Sun will soon sink to the horizon bottom, but a bright red sunset glow tissue covers in the city of Qian River probably, along with reflecting the river water, felt that the entire city covers during a piece is bright red. 而就在这些士兵像无头苍蝇般在华福尔城中到处乱窜的时候,真正的罪魁祸首此刻却是正在金碧辉煌的旅店里,悠闲自得的享受着轻松快乐的时光。优雅的琴声回荡在宽敞的房间里,詹恩坐在阳台上,欣赏着外面的景色,此刻已经是傍晚时分。太阳即将沉入地平线底,而鲜红的晚霞就好像一层薄纱笼罩在千河之城上,伴随着倒映着的河水,感觉整个城市都笼罩在一片鲜红之中。 However not who is such relaxed. For example Elinster at this moment seems very anxious. 不过并非谁都是这么轻松的。比如艾琳丝特此刻就显得非常紧张。 Her time by Zhan En's retinue status journey, therefore no means transfer the revolutions like these passengers everywhere, has a look at the scenery, visits. However Elinster regarding this and does not have any discontentedly, on the contrary, she instead likes such arrangement very much. Because of own body reason. People are very easy to discover that sheis at variance with average man & R dquo ; Part. Suffers the supercilious looks of others with it by that time. Might as well follows like the present in the side of Sir, so long as completes own matter to be good. 她这次是以詹恩的仆从身份出行,所以没办法像那些旅客那样到处去转转,看看风景,参观参观。但是艾琳丝特对此并没有什么不满,相反,她反而很喜欢这样的安排。因为自己的身体原因。人们很容易发现她“异于常人”的部分。与其到那个时候遭受其他人的白眼。还不如像现在这样跟随在大人的身边,只要做好自己的事情就好。 Right, so long as completes own matter ............ 没错,只要做好自己的事情………… Elinster lowers the head, carries the tea tray to walk toward Zhan En. In monastery these days, she not only need study the deportment of aristocrat, but how also follows Lily and Jasmine studies to take care of the aristocrat. Now also to Zhan En demonstrates the study result the time. Thinks of here, Elinster feels somewhat anxiously, but she was the deep breath the tone, forcing oneself to be tranquil, arrived at side Zhan En's step by step. Then puts out the tea set to place in front of Zhan En's in turn. Her movement is careful, for fear that makes a little sound. Because Jasmine had told her, if a maid is awkward, always causes the sound to come, that not only she will be looked down upon, the master will also be despised. Because he does not have to educate oneself retinue well, but such master apparently does not have the qualifications to obtain others respectable. 艾琳丝特低下头,端着茶盘向詹恩走去。在修道院的这些日子里,她不但要学习贵族的仪态,还跟随铃兰茉莉学习如何服侍贵族。现在也正是自己向詹恩展现学习成果的时候。想到这里,艾琳丝特不由感到有些紧张,不过她还是深呼吸了口气,强迫自己平静下来,一步步的走到了詹恩的身边。接着依次拿出茶具放在詹恩的面前。她的动作非常小心,生怕发出一点儿声音。因为茉莉曾经告诉过她,一个女仆如果笨手笨脚,总是弄出响动来的话,那么非但她本人会被看不起,就连主人也会受到轻视。因为他没有好好教育自己的仆从,而这样的主人显然是没资格获得别人的尊敬的。 First is the tea tray ......... is the angle that the teacup ............ places appropriate ............... 首先是茶盘………然后是茶杯…………摆放的角度要合适…………… Is recalling the guidance of beforehand Jasmine in in the depths of ones heart, Elinster puts out a hand, places the tableware in hand in front of Zhan En's. She can feel that Enoya and Pattilina are taking a look at themselves, this makes the little fellow feel that the pressure is very big, but so, she still records the speech of Jasmine even sincerely, forces appearance that oneself treat as anything not to feel, but concentrates on at the vision the present matter. Although the speed is somewhat slow, what Elinster does is very good, the placed movement is quite smooth, even is somewhat jerky still is just because proficiently does not cause, so long as ............ 一面在内心深处回忆着之前茉莉的教导,艾琳丝特一面伸出手去,将手中的餐具一个个摆放在詹恩的面前。她可以感觉到埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜正在打量着自己,这让小家伙感到压力很大,不过即便如此,她也谨记着茉莉的发言,强迫自己当做什么都没有感觉到的样子,只是将目光专注到眼前的事情上。虽然速度有些慢,但是艾琳丝特做的还是非常不错的,摆放的动作相当流畅,就算有些生涩也只不过是因为不熟练所导致的,只要………… Thump thump thump! & R dquo ; “咚咚咚!” At this time, suddenly, knock resounded, this frightened Elinster to jump immediately, the teapot in her hand also thereforeclang & R dquo ; Bumped in the teacup, exuded a series of sounds. But this also makes on intense Elinster even more terrified, but has not waited for her to make anything again, sees only the door bybang & R dquo ; Opens, dozens fully-armed soldier crash in the room like this, surrounded the people all round. 就在这个时候,忽然,一阵敲门声响起,这顿时吓了艾琳丝特一跳,她手中的茶壶也因此“铛”的一声碰在了茶杯上,发出了一连串的响声。而这一幕也让原本就紧张的艾琳丝特越发惶恐不安起来,可是还没有等她再做些什么,只见房门就被“砰”的一声打开,紧接着数十个全副武装的士兵就这样冲进房间,将众人团团包围了起来。 Your big courage!! & R dquo ; “你们好大的胆子!!” Sees soldier that these intrude arbitrarily, Zhan En not to say anything, is Pattilina first jumps on the contrary, although is the adjutant she to be inferior to Enoya, is the maid to be inferior to Alice, but as a guard, was no one is more competent than her. But almost while these soldier draw out the weapon, the little fellow has extended the right hand, next moment, the silver white long spear/gun howls is drilling from the space, having the swift and fierce wind sound/rumor to sweep away, present soldier will drive back. 看见这些擅自闯入的士兵,詹恩还没有多说什么,反倒是帕蒂莉娜第一个跳起来,虽然做副官她不如埃诺娅,做女仆不如爱丽丝,不过作为一个侍卫,却是没有人比她更加称职了。而几乎就在这些士兵拔出武器的同时,小家伙就已经伸出右手,下一刻,银白的长枪呼啸着从空间中钻出,带着凌厉的风声横扫而过,将眼前的士兵们逼退开去。 „ Who are you? & R dquo ; “你们是什么人?” Until this time, Enoya ease walks behind from Zhan En's, gazes at soldier that these are presenting at present suddenly peacefully. But Alice had actually arrived at the Elinster side at this moment, before starting to process , because receives to frighten, but at sixes and sevens aftermath. Is still looking at outside sky as for Zhan En, as if immerses in this beautiful scene, simply had not detected that what happened is the same. 直到这个时候,埃诺娅才悠然的从詹恩的身后走出来,安静的注视着眼前这些忽然出现的士兵。而爱丽丝此刻却早已经来到了艾琳丝特的身边,开始处理之前因为受到惊吓而乱七八糟的残局。至于詹恩则依然只是望着外面的天空,仿佛沉醉于这幅美景之中,根本没有察觉到发生了什么事情一样。 We are the guards of Hoffer City Garrison. & R dquo ; “我们是华福尔城市守备队的卫兵。” Does not know that pointed at to feel the threat by the Pattilina long spear/gun, the people indifferent free attitude made these soldier have several points to worry, their initial strong was short at this moment actually. Looks at the appearance of opposite party, has Mu Sir/minister, has the maid, guard. How to see seems like an honored aristocrat, after they were also obtained the news, quickly caught up before, this thinks here was class/flow of the rich merchant, but if were the aristocrat, then their time came may somewhat be crude. 不知道是被帕蒂莉娜的长枪指着感受到了威胁,还是众人淡然自若的态度让这些士兵有了几分顾虑,他们最初的强硬此刻倒是少了许多。看对方的样子,有幕卿,有女仆,还有护卫。怎么看都像是一位尊贵的贵族,他们之前也不过是得到消息之后就急急忙忙赶过来,本以为住在这里的不过是个富商之流,但如果是贵族的话,那么他们这次来的可就有些鲁莽了。 However since had come, is naturally impossible to return empty-handed like this. Facing the interpellation of Enoya, the guards gawked dull, quick, the person who a team leader dresses up walked, he first to people good a ritual, this says. 不过既然都已经来了,自然不可能就这样空手而归。面对埃诺娅的质询,卫兵们呆愣了一下,很快,一个队长打扮的人就从中走了出来,他先是向众人行了一礼,这才开口说道。 Is sorry to disturb everyone very much, in fact, we receive the lead, here some people on suspicion of attacking ships, therefore we will come to examine rashly, has the improper place please disrespectful, but ......... I want to ask everyone, are you concerned with this matter? & R dquo ; “很抱歉打搅各位,事实上,我们接到线报,在这里有人涉嫌袭击船只,所以我们才会贸然前来查看,有不妥的地方请恕失礼,不过………我想请问一下各位,你们是否与此事有关?” Said here, that team leader also somewhat hesitated. Because according to the lead, the opposite party indeed should be five people, four female and one male, but now he sees with is also the same, in addition that black carriage that in the information demonstrates also stops in this hotel, the inn boss also acknowledged that personally they are ride this carriage, if that right, these people should be the chief criminals. 说道这里,那个队长也有些犹豫。因为根据线报,对方的确应该就是五个人,四女一男,而现在他看见的也和情报上显示的一样,再加上那辆黑色的马车也停在这个旅馆之中,旅店老板也亲口承认他们是坐这架马车来的,那么如果没错的话,这些人应该就是罪魁祸首。 Actually however ............... are they who? 不过……………他们究竟是什么人? But hears the guard team leader's inquiry, Enoya smiles. 而听到卫兵队长的询问,埃诺娅轻轻一笑。 Attacks the ships? & R dquo ; “袭击船只?” Yes, today on the purple lily river course, some people witnesses ......... & R dquo ; “是的,今天白天在紫百合河道上,有人亲眼目睹………” However, the words of team leader have not said, Zhan En actually opened the mouth finally. He turns the head, first was takes up the teacup to drink black tea, later narrowed the eye, having the ice-cold smile to look to the present guard team leader. 但是,队长的话还没有说完,詹恩却是终于开口了。他转过头来,先是拿起茶杯喝了一口红茶,随后眯起眼睛,带着冰冷的笑容望向眼前的卫兵队长。 If you said that in the idiot ship that in front of us batters, that indeed is we do. Unexpectedly dares in the behavior that my front makes so acts recklessly , can only be it has only self to blame, if it is not that stupid keeping off in the route that we go forward, why by this unexpected calamity? The people make mistakes must be punished, isn't this truth? & R dquo ; “如果你是说那艘在我们面前横冲直闯的白痴船的话,那的确是我们干的。居然胆敢在我的面前做出如此不知死活的行为,也只能够算是它咎由自取,如果它不是那么愚蠢的挡在我们前进的路线上的话,又何必遭此横祸?人犯了错就要受到惩罚,难道不是这个道理吗?” Holy shit! 我了个去 Hears these words that Zhan En spoke, these soldier have not nearly stared the eyeball. Not long after they think oneself boss enough rampantly already extremely arrogant, but has not thought completely, at present this young people are unexpectedly more rampant than Alexander, is extremely arrogant, is stronger. 听到詹恩说的这句话,那些士兵差点儿没把眼珠子瞪出来。曾几何时他们以为自己的上司已经足够嚣张狂妄的了,但是完全没有想到,眼下这个年轻人居然比亚历山大更加嚣张,更加狂妄,更加强硬。 Since you had acknowledged that was sorry very much, Mister, it seems like you must walk one with us. & R dquo ; “既然您已经承认了,那么很抱歉,先生,看来你必须要和我们走一趟了。” Since opposite party acknowledged that then here does not need to inquire anything again, the matter that clearly, then they must handle only has one. 既然对方自己都承认了,那么这边也不需要再询问什么,很明显,接下来他们要做的事情只有一件。 Sir Alexander is hunting down in the entire city, hopes that you can put down the weapon, walks with us. & R dquo ; 亚历山大大人正在全城搜捕,希望您能够放下武器,和我们走一趟。” If I do reject? & R dquo ; “如果我拒绝呢?” I advised politely you to should better not to reject. & R dquo ; “我奉劝您最好不要拒绝。” Replied facing Zhan En's, the tone of guard team leader also became ice-cold. 面对詹恩的回答,卫兵队长的语气也变得冰冷了许多。 Perhaps your strength is very powerful, but Hoffer not just we, even if you beat us, should still have other soldier to look troublesome. For everyone considers, but also please walk with me, price that otherwise, your payout will unlikely be inconceivable. & R dquo ; “或许您的实力很强大,但是华福尔并不是只有我们,就算您击败了我们,也会有其他的士兵来找各位的麻烦的。为了各位着想,还请你们和我走一趟,不然的话,恐怕你们会付出难以想象的代价。” Price? & R dquo ; “代价?” Hears here, Zhan En sneers, later he looks again to that guard team leader, the corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly. 听到这里,詹恩冷笑一声,随后他再次望向那个卫兵队长,嘴角微微翘起。 Interesting ......... I thought that you are a very interesting person, what pitifully is, as the aristocrat, I have my pride and dignity. Passed on to that idiot named Alexander, making him best to leave looks for my trouble again, otherwise ............ I will let the price that he paid him unable to pay. & R dquo ; “有意思………我觉得你是个很有趣的人,不过可惜的是,身为贵族,我也有我的骄傲与尊严。去转告那个叫亚历山大的白痴,让他最好别再来找我的麻烦,不然的话…………我会让他付出一个他付不起的代价。”
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