DR :: Volume #3

#217: Bullies the weak, naturally

„ It is not good!! & R dquo ; “不好!!” Sees the water spray that this store front comes, the captain also to have a big shock, actually in the river course, the boat lets the steamship is a very normal matter. The water spray that because the steamship raises is bigger, if not give way to traffic, then may be whipped by the water spray even throws off. Because here is the inland river course, he has not thought that unexpectedly will meet a pleasure boat of high-speed travel, this F1 race car plays the sprint on the ordinary road probably, what to do do you let others? 看见这铺面而来的水浪,船长也是大惊失色,其实在河道里,小船让大船是很正常的一件事。因为大船掀起的水浪更大,如果不避让开的话,那么就有可能被水浪拍打甚至掀翻。只不过由于这里是内河河道,他也没想到居然会遇到一艘高速行驶的游船,这就好像一辆F1赛车在普通道路上玩冲刺,你让其他人怎么办? However now captain also has no means that in fact the unlucky ship is not only only his one, nearby these ferries and passenger steamers also mostly meet with a disaster. Many ships after evading to flash to be wasted by the water spray, hit in nearby stream bank. Even several unlucky boats threw off directly, wailing bitterly praying for rescue. 但是现在船长也没有任何办法,事实上倒霉的船不仅仅只是他一艘,旁边的那些渡船和客船也大多遭了殃。很多船都在避闪不及后被水浪打飞,撞在旁边的河堤上。甚至还有几艘倒霉的小船被直接掀翻,正在哭天喊地的求救。 However these and captains have no relations, he transferring bow as far as possible, is trying to evade this wave of turbulent water spray. But unfortunately is too late. Sees only next moment, the water spray floats off from their under like this, will suspend the ferry to withstand/top. Suddenly the people even can feel when rides the elevator weightlessness feeling similarly. 不过这些和船长都没有什么关系,他正在尽可能的调转船头,试图躲过这一波汹涌的水浪。但可惜的是为时已晚。只见下一刻,水浪就这样从他们的下方浮起,将摆渡船顶了起来。一时间众人甚至能够感觉到类似乘坐电梯时的失重感。 Was finished! 完蛋了! Feels the under foot turbulent great waves, the captain looks pale, if this is an ordinary ship, then he also has the means to maintain the balance, the adjustment hull as far as possible avoids unexpected occurrence, but this clumsy swayed ferry is obviously impossible to make such movement. Present he also can only closely grab the edge of ship, simultaneously great shout is wanting the person in carriage to be careful to pay attention, in addition, he could not make anything. 感受到脚下汹涌的浪涛,船长面色苍白,如果这是一艘普通的船,那么他还有办法来保持平衡,尽可能的调整船身来避免意外的发生,但是这条笨拙的摆渡船显然不可能做出那样的动作。现在的他也只能够紧紧抓着船的边缘,同时大声呼喊着要马车里的人小心注意,除此之外,他也做不了什么了。 But at this time, near the ear of captain. Actually hears a clear cold hum/snort suddenly. 而就在这个时候,在船长的耳边。却是忽然传来一声清晰的冷哼声。 Snort! & R dquo ; “哼!” With this sound. Immediately downward sees only seems like by the ferry that the water spray holds up is used the hand to press to resemble sinks suddenly. But follows the extrusion of ferry, the water spray that below jacks also reverberates rapidly. When has the repulsive force toward coming the direction rushes over. 伴随着这个声音。只见原本被水浪举起的渡船顿时像是被人用手向下按去似的猛然一沉。而紧接伴随渡船的挤压,下面顶起的水浪也迅速回荡。带着反冲力向着来时的方向冲了过去。 According to the truth, regarding that type of steamship is nothing affects like the water current that a small swayed ferry raises, even makes the opposite party sway slightly cannot achieve. However what makes everyone not think, the monstrous waves that this swayed ferry raises exceeded ten meters unexpectedly suddenly, as if since flies the monster from the river surface, angrily roars is plunging own prey to be the same. If carefully looks. Even can see to mix with a point ice crystal in great waves! 按照道理来说,像这样一艘小小的摆渡船掀起的水流对于那种大船是没什么作用的,甚至连让对方微微摇晃都做不到。但是让所有人都没有想到的是,这艘摆渡船掀起的巨浪居然在眨眼间就超过了十米,仿佛一只从河面上飞起的怪物,怒吼着扑向自己的猎物一样。如果仔细看去的话。甚至能够看见夹杂着浪涛之中的点点冰晶! High sea giant beast ran upon at present that giant pleasure boat, but the opposite party has not thought obviously completely a small swayed ferry can assume an awe-inspiring pose hence, to avoid unexpectedly radically without enough time. In fact rolls by from the pleasure boat to the water spray returns wells up, is more than ten seconds, do not say avoided, reacts to presumptuously think. 怒涛的巨兽一头撞上了眼前那艘巨大的游船,而对方显然完全没有想到一艘小小的摆渡船居然能够发威至此,根本就来不及躲避。事实上从游船驶过到水浪回涌,也不过就是十几秒的时间,不要说躲避了,就连做出反应都是妄想。 & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;! & R dquo ; “吱呀————!” With the hoarse sound, saw only side that pleasure boat to be torn a giant crack immediately, although design, even marine storm still being hard wound to its slightest. However now attacks its may not only be only the ocean waves. Congealment the blade of ice brutally pricked the side of ship, probably one great hammer hollow getting down that the surface of entire ship pounds, shatter fission, but the huge impulse strips this ship to rush over toward the side directly, only hearsto rumble & R dquo ;, next moment that pleasure boat hit like this in another side stream bank. Wails like the beast of prey that one is seriously injured is dropping down loudly. Did not have the sound again. 伴随着嘶哑的声响,只见那艘游船侧面顿时被撕裂开了一个巨大的裂缝,虽然在设计上来看,就算是海上的风浪也难以伤到它分毫。但是现在冲击它的可不仅仅只是海浪而已。凝结的冰之刃无情的刺入了船的侧面,像是一把把巨锤般将整个船的表面都砸的凹陷下去,破碎分裂,而巨大的冲击力更是直接一路带着这艘船向着侧面冲了过去,只听见“轰”的一声,下一刻那艘游船就这样撞击在了另外一侧的河堤上。像一只身受重伤的猛兽般哀嚎着轰然倒下。再也没有了声息。 Hiss & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & R dquo ; “嘶—————” Sees this, everyone held breath a cold air/Qi. They have not thought completely, a big pleasure boatwill be sunk & R dquo by a small ferry unexpectedly ;. A that elephant was killed by a cat simply probably, simply is the unlikely matter. However the fact is actually so, that pleasure boat is lying down near the stream bank at this moment, downward submersion slowly. But the above sailor is shouting and wrangling a life-saving to evacuate this at the same time already the pleasure boat that was finished thoroughly. But looks at this, in other person actually hearts on river course dark crisp, after all this broken ship bluffed and blustered in the river course already more than once, but no one can govern before opposite party. But now, this loathful fellow kicked the sheet iron finally. Only is looks that makes people feel happy. 看见这一幕,所有人都是倒吸了口冷气。他们完全没有想到,如此大的一艘游船居然会被一艘小小的渡船给“撞沉”。那简直就好像一头大象被一只猫撞死般,简直是不可能发生的事情。但是事实却是如此,那艘游船此刻正躺在河堤边,缓缓的向下沉没。而上面的水手则在大呼小叫着一面救人一面撤离这艘已经彻底完蛋的游船。而看着这一幕,河道上的其他人倒是心中暗爽,毕竟这只破船在河道里耀武扬威已经不止一次了,只不过以前都没人能够治的了对方。而现在,这个惹人讨厌的家伙终于踢上了铁板。光是看着就着实让人感到心情愉快。 Just ............... 只不过…………… Thinks of here, many people looked to that pleasure boat was fluttering the flag, in the eye flashed through an anxiety. 想到这里,不少人都望向那艘游船上原本飘扬着的旗帜,眼中闪过了一丝不安。 That is not a fellow who is good to provoke ............... 那可不是个好招惹的家伙啊…………… But the captain of this ferry obviously also is very clear this truth, therefore after is calm and steady the ship, he immediately while an opposite party chaotic time, quietly drove into another side branch river course the ferry. Afterward before this captain is sweating profusely the cautious arriving carriage, knocks on a door gently. He is not a fool, knows that own ship is impossible to have might that can fly a pleasure boat bang, is conceivable, this absolutely was the somebody behavior in this carriage. When the captain is young is also is widely traveled, but even he, whom still without seeing has had so powerful, sufficiently the ability of prestige of operation nature. Therefore is quick he to know oneself ran into the extraordinary person absolutely, but he, does not know actually even the opposite party is what background. However a little captain is very clear, that is if do not make anything, was finished thoroughly. 而这艘渡船的船长显然也很清楚这个道理,因此在将船安稳下来之后,他就立刻趁着对方一片混乱的时候,悄悄的将渡船驶入了另外一侧的分支河道。随后这位船长才满头大汗又小心翼翼的来到马车前,轻轻敲了敲门。他不是傻瓜,知道自己的船不可能有能够把一艘游船轰飞的威力,那么可以想象,这绝对就是这辆马车里的某人所为了。船长年轻时也算是走南闯北,但即便是他,也没见过谁拥有如此强大的,足以操纵自然之威的能力。因此很快他就知道自己绝对遇到了了不得的人,但就算是他,也不知道对方究竟是什么来路。不过有一点船长是很清楚的,那就是如果自己再不做些什么的话,就彻底完蛋了。 Therefore he orders these sailors to continue to go forward, before cautious arriving carriage, knocks on a door gently, quick, the vehicle door opens, later the Alice curious going down carriage, looked at the present captain to show the beautiful smile. 所以他一面命令那些水手继续前进,一面小心翼翼的来到马车前,轻轻敲了敲门,很快,车门打开,随后爱丽丝好奇的走下马车,望着眼前的船长露出了明媚的笑容。 What matter has? Captain mister? & R dquo ; “有什么事吗?船长先生?” Is such ......... & R dquo ; “是这样的………” Looks at the smiling face of Alice, the captain also somewhat terrified heart at this moment was also law-abiding, he turned toward the carriage to look at one secretly, this lowered the sound to say. 看着爱丽丝的笑脸,船长原本还有些惶恐的心此刻也是安分了许多,他偷偷向着马车望了一眼,这才压低声音开口说道。 A moment ago that ......... was inside Sir behavior. & R dquo ; “刚才那个………是里面的大人所为吧。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears captain's inquiry curiously, Alice crooked head, but had not replied. However the captain had not planned the opposite party will acknowledge honestly, but lowered the sound to continue to say. 听到船长的询问,爱丽丝好奇的歪了歪脑袋,但是并没有回答。不过船长原本也没有打算对方会老实承认,只是压低了声音继续说道。 To be honest, I thought that this matter you know are quite good, in fact the master origin of that ship is not simple, he is the Soros family's person! & R dquo ; “说实话,我觉得这件事你们还是知道比较好,事实上那艘船的主人来历可不简单,他是索罗斯家族的人!” Is saying, captain from beginning to end conducted the explanation the matter. 一面说着,船长一面原原本本的把事情进行了说明。 In fact, that pleasure boat was domineering and tyrannical to have here a long time, the Hoffer ruler was the Soros family, then there is qualifications to dare to cause trouble here, naturally was the Soros family's person. That pleasure boat belongs to Alexander. The Soros thing, he is the Hoffer City Garrison commander, is a quite arrogant fellow. Depends family's influence powerful, always runs amuck. The hearsay Sir's dream is to become a great commander who leads fleet, but around Eagle Plateau goes around a mountain, has the long distance is so far from the sea level, therefore he will have come the dry/does addiction with this pleasure boat. In in the river course will play some thrilling stimulationgame & R dquo ;, Also, that drink today the fellow must play simulation bombing in the business district unexpectedly, luckily the above person really did not have to letting him pounds a none stupidly own thing the situation, this levels this trouble with great difficulty. Perhaps because of this, therefore he will go flat here. 事实上,那艘游船在这里横行霸道已经有很长一段时间了,华福尔的统治者是索罗斯家族,那么有资格敢在这里闹事的,自然就是索罗斯家族的人。那艘游船就是属于亚历山大.索罗斯的东西,他是华福尔的城市警备队指挥官,也是一个相当飞扬跋扈的家伙。仗着自己家族的势力强大,总是胡作非为。传闻这位大人的梦想是成为一个率领舰队的伟大指挥官,只不过雄鹰高原四面环山,距离海平面有十万八千里那么远,所以他才会拿这艘游船来过过干瘾。是不是的就会在河道里玩一些惊险刺激的“游戏”,今天还算好的,有一次那个喝多了的家伙居然要在商业区上玩模拟炮击,幸亏上面的人还真没傻到让他把自己家的东西都砸个精光的地步,这才好不容易把这个麻烦摆平。或许正因为如此,所以他才会在这里撒气。 Has not thought that unexpectedly kicked down Zhan En this sheet iron, but then good, with that fellow hot tempered temper, but also refers to erratically will make anything to come. Although says now a confusion, but the captain is certain, after waiting for that side to tidy up, will conduct the entire city to hunt down to Zhan En this group of people absolutely, not only they are when the time comes hapless, perhaps cannot escape including oneself same. After all so many eyes saw the matter that had a moment ago, always does not have the means to conceal the truth. By that time, matter will turn into what appearance to be possible not to say. 只是没想到居然踢倒了詹恩这块铁板,这下可好,以那个家伙暴躁的性子,还指不定会做出什么事情来呢。虽然说现在一片混乱,但是船长可以肯定,等那边收拾好之后,绝对会对詹恩这群人进行全城搜捕,到时候不光他们要倒霉,恐怕连自己也一样逃不掉。毕竟那么多眼睛都看到了刚才所发生的事情,总是没办法瞒过去的。到那个时候,事情会变成什么样子可就不好说了。 Earnest listens to narration of captain, Alice also to nod, then she returns in the compartment not to know that said anything with Zhan En, when just Alice arrives at the captain front again, in her surface brings as always, the smile without changed. 认真的听完船长的讲述,爱丽丝也是点了点头,接着她重新回到车厢里不知道和詹恩说了些什么,只不过当爱丽丝再次来到船长面前时,她的面上却是带着一如既往,没有丝毫改变的笑容。 Please relax, captain mister, this to us is not the important matter, annoyed on the contrary for you troublesome, the master felt that somewhat felt sorry. & R dquo ; “请放心吧,船长先生,这对我们来说并不是什么大事,反倒是为您惹来了麻烦,主人感到有些过意不去。” Is saying, Alice put out a purse to hand over. But sees this heavy purse, the captain is also at present one bright, quickly put out a hand to receive. 一面说着,爱丽丝一面拿出一个钱袋递了过去。而看见这沉甸甸的钱袋,船长也是眼前一亮,急忙伸手接过。 Master said that this is your apologizing to captain mister, after all you are forced to be involved. If caused anything to lose for you, even if these apologized ahead of time. Also, regarding that Alexander, captain mister you do not need to be worried completely, if he wants to ask you to inquire that our whereabouts, said we stop over in the Golden Bell Avenue mountain fragrant flowers inn may. & R dquo ; “主人说了,这算是对船长先生您的赔礼,毕竟您是被迫卷入其中的。如果为您造成了什么损失的话,这些就算是提前赔礼好了。还有,对于那个亚历山大,船长先生您完全不需要担心,如果他想要找您来询问我们的行踪的话,就说我们在金铃大道的山香花旅店落脚就可。” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears conveying a message of Alice, the captain somewhat cannot feel the mind, according to the truth, the so-called hadrosaurus does not press the local bully, he also said a moment ago, Alexander this fellow is domineering and tyrannical so many years in Hoffer, naturally also has it to take advantage. He will warn Zhan En and others, how on the one hand the opposite party said that is also own donor, gave a lot of money. On the other hand the Alice passive halo is extremely really powerful, in the captain is not willing to make this lovable little girl be involved in anything to trouble. But has not thought opposite party's response by far is above own is unexpected, he also thinks these money are also the seal fees, making oneself keep secret to their traveling schedules, but is this what's the matter? 听到爱丽丝的传话,船长有些摸不着头脑,按道理来说,所谓强龙不压地头蛇,他刚才也说了,亚历山大这个家伙在华福尔横行霸道这么多年,自然也是有其依仗的。他之所以会告诫詹恩等人,一方面对方怎么说也是自己的金主,给了不少钱。另外一方面爱丽丝的被动光环实在太过强大,船长也不愿意让这个可爱的小女孩被卷入什么麻烦里去。只不过没想到对方的回应远远超乎自己的预料之外,他原本还以为这些钱也算是封口费,让自己对他们的行程保密呢,可是这算是怎么回事? Please relax, captain mister. & R dquo ; “请放心吧,船长先生。” Detected that the doubts of captain, Alice flushed him to show the incomparably sprightly smile again. 察觉到船长的疑惑,爱丽丝再次冲他露出了无比明快的笑容。 „ The trivial Soros family, is not anything threatens regarding the master. & R dquo ; “区区索罗斯家族而已,对于主人来说根本就不算是什么威胁。” Hears here, the captain was shocked immediately. 听到这里,船长顿时愣住了。
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