DR :: Volume #3

#216: The city of Qian River, the place of trouble

What should a Demon King's daily life be? 一个魔王的日常生活应该是什么样的? In folklore, they to destroy the world always, but works hard, likely also or lazy pig sitting laughs on the luxurious throne looks that was lost into wok with cooking oil the painful suffering of soul to seek pleasure. In brief a few words, that is their daily life definitely is also evil and brutal, even makes people unable to look straight ahead. 在民间传说之中,他们无时无刻不在为了毁灭世界而努力工作,又或者像头懒猪般的坐在豪华的王座上哈哈大笑的看着被丢入油锅的灵魂的痛苦煎熬而取乐。总而言之一句话,那就是他们的日常生活肯定也是邪恶又残酷,甚至让人无法直视的。 However regarding Zhan En, these talked nonsense. 不过对于詹恩来说,这些都是扯淡。 As Demon King, he naturally to bring the biggest confusion and war to this world works hard, does one's best( died then oneself even, demon still outmoded this). However Zhan En is not that workaholic, he not like own big brother, to take revenge recklessly. To him, so long as he still lives for one second in this world, then these human must die. But Zhan En may not have this being wronged young wife general holds to read, to him this is a game, appreciates the war, chaotic, game of Death. Plays with the will of the people, disrupts the order, looks that they are gradually chaotic, degenerates. Gradually moves toward Abyss under own tempting, that wonderful feeling can calculate on is a very good entertainment, but to Zhan En, this is also the entertainment & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; No one will hold appreciatively the game to treat as to manifest the symbol of life value for a lifetime. 作为一个魔王,他理所当然会为了给这个世界带来最大的混乱与战争而努力奋斗,鞠躬尽瘁(死而后己就算了,魔族也不兴这个)。但是詹恩可不是那种工作狂,他不像自己的大哥,为了复仇不顾一切。对于他来说,只要他依然在这个世界上多活一秒,那么那些人类都必须要死。而詹恩可没有这种受委屈的小媳妇一般的执念,对于他来说这就是个游戏,一个欣赏战争,混乱,死亡的游戏。玩弄人心,破坏秩序,看着他们自己逐渐混乱,堕落。在自己的引诱下一步步走向深渊,那种美妙的感觉可以算的上是一种非常不错的娱乐,但是对詹恩来说,这也不过就是娱乐而已———谁也不会一辈子把玩游戏当做体现自己生命价值的标志的。 This is between Demon King and Hero(es) the biggest difference, Demon King only needs to formulate the good approximate direction, why can have one's wish to do, perhaps his subordinate will collect one crowd similarly evilly, longs for the hoodlum of Death and destruction. However these fellows do not have the significance regarding Demon King. They use up the board game piece that throws. No matter succeeds also well, the failure, regarding Demon King is only an entertaining fashion. But Hero(es) was different, the evil thought that because perhaps Demon King starts for a while, they must climb mountains and cross rivers, defeats enemies, eliminates plots. Moreover will pay the average man the price that is unbearable. When they sacrificed oneself lover, own friend, own family member, after spelling went all-out to prevent the Demon King's plot, flows excited tears Hero absolutely unable to think, in dark Abyss, Demon King had given up this bored game & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Started the consideration next more interesting idea. 这就是魔王勇者之间最大的区别,魔王只需要制定好大致方向,然后就可以随心所欲想干什么就干什么,或许他的手下会汇集一群同样邪恶,渴望死亡与破坏的暴徒。但是这些家伙对于魔王来说毫无意义。他们只是用完就扔的棋子。所以不管成功也好,失败也罢,对于魔王来说只是一种娱乐方式。而勇者就不同了,或许就因为一个魔王一时兴起的邪恶念头,他们就要跋山涉水,去击败一个又一个敌人,消灭一个又一个阴谋。而且还会付出常人难以承受的代价。而当他们牺牲了自己的爱人,自己的朋友,自己的亲人,拼尽全力阻止了魔王的阴谋之后,流淌着激动泪水的英雄们绝对想不到,在黑暗的深渊之中,魔王已经放弃了这个无聊的游戏———开始考虑下一个更加有趣的点子了。 Zhan En at this moment is also same, he knows that now the Skaar federation circumstance is critical, these representatives who because sent out before may mostly be each family's successor. But Zhan En sends Alien majority will kill none. In this case, each family inevitable will be chaotic. But the Soros family's successors were returned in the family, they obviously not because comforting of old Parwood and shows good will could rest assured that to him, definitely still seizes the position of ruling senior official in the hope of eying covetously again. Moreover there is a that mysterious third party ......... Zhan En not to know that who the opposite party is, is disinclined the manages, but he is certain. These fellows and same eye covetously to the Skaar federation. But now. Oneself had tempered the Skaar federation strength, if these fellows do not jump, but was idiot one. 此刻的詹恩也是一样,他知道现在斯卡尔联邦情势危急,因为之前派出的那些代表可大多都是各个家族的继承人。而詹恩则派异形将其中大部分都杀了个精光。在这种情况下,各个家族不可避免的会混乱起来。而索罗斯家族的继承者则被放回家族之中,他们显然不会因为老帕伍德的安抚和示好就对他放心,肯定还在虎视眈眈的渴望重夺执政长官的位置。而且还有那个神秘的第三方………詹恩并不知道对方是谁,也懒得去管,不过他可以肯定。那些家伙和自己一样对斯卡尔联邦虎视眈眈。而现在。自己已经削弱了斯卡尔联邦的力量,那些家伙如果再不跳出来的话,可就是蠢材一个了。 However now regarding Zhan En, he has nothing needs to do. Although there is sufficient resources, constructed the suitable army greatly, but Zhan En knows in own hand this military can only the small scale, if really study the Elder Brother such destroys the world the ironclad less than five minutes by full Toubao returning. Therefore now he must do waits, waits for the Skaar federation to continue to get down feebly, till that moment of beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, contradictory radical eruption. 不过现在对于詹恩来说,他已经没什么需要做的。虽然有了足够的资源,大建了相当的军队,但是詹恩知道自己手中这点儿兵力只能够小打小闹,如果真的学自己哥哥那样去毁灭世界的话铁定不到五分钟就被满头包的打回来。所以他现在要做的就是等待,等待斯卡尔联邦继续衰弱下去,直到内外交困,矛盾彻底爆发的那一刻为止。 Therefore he can bring Enoya and Elinster arrives at Hoffer. Comes one to idle bored, travel of going ahead. 所以他才会带着埃诺娅艾琳丝特来到华福尔。来一场闲得无聊的,说走就走的旅行。 Hoffer is the Eagle Plateau second largest commercial city, here depends upon to chant poetry the canal, the water transportation extends in all directions. Therefore here is also in the entire plateau the rare lively place. However compared with other cities, Hoffer seems more special. Although seems like it and ordinary city from outside has no difference, but enters will discover, in the entire city 85% are the rivers and bridge, people want to go on a journey, either travels by boat, either is the saddle horse car(riage). The entire city seems like establishes on the water surface probably is the same, has the elegant demeanor of Otherworldly Venice. 华福尔雄鹰高原第二大的商业城市,这里依靠咏诗运河,水运四通八达。因此这里也是整个高原里难得的繁华之地。不过和其他的城市相比,华福尔显得更为特殊。虽然从外面看上去它和普通的城市没什么区别,但是进入其中就会发现,整个城市里百分之八十五都是河流与桥梁,人们想要出行,要么是坐船,要么是坐马车。整个城市看起来就好像是建立在水面上一样,颇有异界威尼斯的风采。 ............! & R dquo ; “…………!” Lies near the carriage, looks at outside city, Elinster showed the surprised and exciting expression, she stares the big eye curiously, is gazing at present that big arched bridge, as well as back and forth ships of shuttle on river course. She arrives at like this big city for the first time, must know that Elinster from the birth to the present, almost passed in the countryside small town, as for other places, she has also heard during others' talk occasionally, like the big city, Elinster has not come. 趴在马车边,看着外面的城市,艾琳丝特露出了惊讶与兴奋的表情,她好奇的瞪大眼睛,注视着眼前那一座座高大的拱桥,以及在河道上来回穿梭的船只。她还是第一次来到这样的大城市,要知道艾琳丝特从出生到现在,几乎都是在乡下小镇里度过的,至于其他的地方,她也只是偶尔在别人的谈话之中听到过,像这样的大城市,艾琳丝特可从来都没有来过。 However compared to the Elinster pleasant surprise, tranquility of very Enoya performance, she has not even looked at several outside sceneries, but puts out a small book from the bosom, starts to follow a prescribed pattern reported to Zhan En. 不过相对于艾琳丝特的惊喜,埃诺娅则表现的很平静,她甚至没有多看几眼外面的风景,而是从怀中拿出一个小本子,开始一板一眼的向詹恩报告起来。 Then the master, then we first are the visit tour the purple lily river course, then goes to Golden Bell Avenue to dine, then participates tonight at the Shining Fountain auction ......... the time is starting from 6 : 00 pm, without issue. & R dquo ; “那么主人,接下来我们首先是参观游览紫百合河道,然后前往金铃大道用餐,接着去参加今天晚上在光辉喷泉举办的拍卖会………时间是下午 6 点开始,没问题吧。” Naturally no. & R dquo ; “当然没有。” Hears the arrangement of Enoya, Zhan En nods, later he stared one with no trace in side curious craning one's neck and look around Pattilina. This is the matter that an adjutant should handle, she will arrange appropriately a master day of itinerary, quite enables the person to act routinely. In turn Pattilina did not have this thoughts, little fellow besides fighting actively, other times were lazybones type that mixed to eat to wait for death, this is also why Zhan En must draw Enoya to own reason. Really is because Pattilina is not extremely suitable to do this matter, causing Zhan En has to make the choice. 听到埃诺娅的安排,詹恩点了点头,随后他不着痕迹的瞪了一眼在旁边好奇的探头张望的帕蒂莉娜。这才是一个副官应该做的事情,她会把主人一天的行程都安排妥当,好让人可以按部就班的行动。反过来帕蒂莉娜就没这个心思了,小家伙除了打架积极之外,其他时候都是一副混吃等死的懒虫样儿,这也是为什么詹恩一定要把埃诺娅拉到自己身边的原因。实在是因为帕蒂莉娜太过不适合干这种事情,使得詹恩不得不重新作出选择了。 But detected that the Zhan En's vision, Pattilina shrank under the small head, spits appearance that the tongue pretends not to see. But sees the response of Pattilina, Zhan En cold snort/hum, along with her. 而察觉到詹恩的目光,帕蒂莉娜缩了下小脑袋,吐了吐舌头装作没看见的样子。而看见帕蒂莉娜的反应,詹恩冷哼一声,也就随她去了。 After the city gate, Zhan En then instructed under the carriage nearby wharf. Hoffer has two courses of action, one type takes a passage, one type walks. The river course that however considering that in the entire city spreads across as well as crosses a bridge the time that requires to spend, taking a passage is obviously more appropriate. 在通过城门之后,詹恩便指示马车下到了旁边的码头。华福尔有两种行动方式,一种是搭船,一种是走路。不过考虑到整个城市里纵横交错的河道以及过桥所需要花费的时间来说,搭船显然更加合适一些。 As a large-scale metropolis, Hoffer naturally must have suspends the ferry, in fact Shangmatou even also has special transports the ferry of carriage, compares pleasure boat, this type of ship appears smoother spacious, looks seems like a paracone rear rectangle. But has 16 sailors to grasp the long ship pole to be responsible for in all around of ship rowing a boat, this type of ship is used to send and pick up these status noble aristocrats generally, therefore price not poor, the average person cannot sit. 作为一座大型都市,华福尔自然少不了摆渡船,事实上码头上甚至还有专门运输马车的渡船,相比起起来的游船来说,这种船显得更加平整宽大,看起来就好像是一个前尖后方的长方形。而在船的四周有十六个水手握着长长的船杆负责划船,这种船一般只是用来接送那些身份高贵的贵族,所以价钱不菲,一般人根本坐不起。 However this regarding Zhan En naturally is not the issue, money that because he gives are many enough, in addition is responsible for also bringingto be liked by everybody inborn & R dquo on behalf of Alice that the master negotiated ; Halo, therefore quick Zhan En and others got so far as in the wharf to be biggest a best ferry, bringing their carriage to turn toward the direction of purple lily river course to drive together. 不过这对于詹恩来说当然不是问题,由于他给的钱足够多,再加上负责代表主人去谈判的爱丽丝又天生带着“人见人爱”的光环,所以很快詹恩等人就弄到了码头上最大最好的一艘渡船,带着他们的马车一起向着紫百合河道的方向驶去。 The travel on the river course, is appreciating the surrounding city of beautiful scenery Qian River, indeed makes people completely relaxed. Looking into the distance, the deep green river water is shining upon the sky, but the limpid water surface is producing an inverted image the bridge, the pedestrian, the shadow of building and ships. At first sight only feels like under the water surface is two completely same standing upside down world is ordinary, making people are crazy. 行驶在河道上,欣赏着周围千河之城美丽的景色,也的确让人心旷神怡。放眼望去,碧绿的河水映照着天空,而清澈的水面则倒映着桥梁,行人,建筑与船只的影子。乍看之下只感觉好像水面水底是两个完全一样的倒立世界一般,让人不由的为之着迷。 Pattilina and Elinster curious lying turns toward outside to look at this to look at that in the glass, but Alice is arranging the snack as a maid for others, but Zhan En and Enoya rest in side. In fact until now, Zhan En does not know that actually present Alice is several. This actually not they long exactly the same, but also really extremely resembled. It seems a native of US, Europe to look at the Asian, the Asian looked that black person and white are almost are the same, does the time of in a mold carving only if being together grew, how otherwise see is not a person? Do not say that Alice build, the height is similar, the hair is also the pretty mild-mannered golden shawl long hair, moreover wears the blue bottom white side maid clothing/taking, in this case wants Zhan En minute of clear & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is not playing everyone to find fault! 帕蒂莉娜艾琳丝特好奇的趴在车窗上向着外面瞧这瞧那,而爱丽丝作为一名女仆则正在为其他人布置茶点,而詹恩埃诺娅在旁边休息。事实上直到现在为止,詹恩也不知道眼前的这个爱丽丝究竟是几号。这倒不是她们都长的一模一样,可是也实在太过相像了。就好像欧美人看亚洲人,亚洲人看黑人和白人几乎都是一个模子里刻出来的一样,除非相处的时间长了,否则怎么看不都还是一个人吗?更不要说爱丽丝们的体型,身高都差不多,头发也都是靓丽柔顺的金色披肩长发,而且还都穿着蓝底白边的女仆服,在这种情况下要詹恩一个个分清楚———这又不是在玩大家来找茬! However in any case each Alice memory and thought are common, the belt/bring no one has badly. 不过反正每个爱丽丝的记忆和思想都是共通的,带谁都没差啦。 Zhan En and others is appreciating the present city, but they also brought to the attention of many. In fact in the city of Qian River, the aristocrats sits on the carriage ferry the travel is a fashionable tidal current. But in this case, invisible formed the one competition between aristocrat and aristocrat. Whose carriage is more attractive, is more luxurious, whose mount is more obedient, is more vigorous and healthier, is more intelligent. These are in the city of Qian River a unique scenery, but Zhan En their horse-drawn vehicles, naturally also attracted other attention of aristocrats comes out to travel. 詹恩等人在欣赏着眼前的城市,而他们本身也引起了不少人的注意。事实上在千河之城,贵族们坐在马车渡船上旅行已经算是一种时尚的潮流。而在这种情况下,也无形形成了贵族与贵族之间的一种攀比。比谁的马车更加漂亮,更加豪华,谁的坐骑更听话,更健壮,更聪明。这些都算是千河之城里一道独特的风景,而詹恩他们的马车,自然也吸引了其他出来游历的贵族们的注意。 However this also no wonder, the Zhan En's carriage inherits the limit that demon enjoys luxuriously, adhered to stick cohere magic seal the horse-drawn vehicles to let person envy, jealousy, hate with eternal the lamp and other magic of sufficiently, do not provide that two skin black big tall horses that pulls a cart, they stand there, the powerful warhorse probably is the same. Moreover can look, these two horses are very intelligent, they have not worn the eye-shade obviously, actually turns a blind eye to the surrounding all, will not seem like the frightened appearance completely, will seem like them also to be able completely will & mda S h of execution master ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Must know that this carriage may not have the cart driver! 不过这也难怪,詹恩的马车可是继承魔族奢华享受的极限,原本附着着魔法刻印与永恒之灯等魔法的马车就已经足以让人羡慕嫉妒恨了,更不要提用来拉车的那两皮黑色的高头大马,它们站在那里,威风凛凛的好像战马一样。而且还可以看得出来,这两匹马都很聪明,它们明明没有佩戴眼罩,却对周围的一切视若无睹,完全不像是会受惊的样子,而且看起来它们还能够完全的执行主人的意志———要知道这辆马车可没有车夫啊! Suddenly the Zhan En's carriage captured the attention of many aristocrat, the people are whispering, discuss spiritedly, actually wants to make clear the present unexpected visitor is, his family/home emblem is representing what origin. But Zhan En naturally also felt this peeping, but he did not care from the start these stupid human, made them look oneself carriage envy, jealousy, hate went! 一时间詹恩的马车吸引了不少贵族的目光,众人都在交头接耳,议论纷纷,想要搞清楚眼前的这个不速之客究竟是什么人,他的家徽又代表着什么来历。而詹恩自然也感受到了这种窥视,不过他压根就不关心那些愚蠢的人类,就让他们看着自己的马车羡慕嫉妒恨去吧! However when the ferry has transferred the third curve, the accident/surprise happened. 但是就在渡船转过第三个弯道的时候,意外发生了。 Has the swayed ferry two times of big pleasure boats to drive fast from another side of river course, the water spray that raises makes other ships avoid in abundance. But Zhan En's suspends the ferry as if not to think that completely will have this matter, although the captain was also shouting quickly shifts, but one step, saw only that ship to scratch late is suspending the ferry to roll by fast, but the water spray that next moment, the high-speed travel brings turned toward the swayed ferry that Zhan En was at to well up like this! 一艘足足有摆渡船两倍大的游船从河道的另外一侧飞快驶来,掀起的水浪让其他船只都纷纷躲开。而詹恩的摆渡船也似乎完全没有想到会发生这种事,虽然船长也大喊着急忙转向,但还是晚了一步,只见那艘船擦着摆渡船飞快驶过,而下一刻,高速行驶所带起的水浪就这样向着詹恩所在的摆渡船涌了过来!
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