DR :: Volume #3

#215: Elinster, destiny choice

In spacious corridor end, a petite form hiding quietly behind column, secretly peeps at the old person to enter the room, then she has turned around, runs to turn the corridor end. At this moment there, the three girl anxious seats is waiting for her. 在空旷的走廊尽头,一个娇小的身影正悄悄的躲在立柱后面,偷偷的窥视着老人走进房间,接着她转过身,一路小跑着拐进了走廊尽头。此刻在那里,正有三个女孩焦急不安的等待着她。 What kind of? & R dquo ; “怎么样?” Sees Elinster to come back, sits the girl on wheelchair asks anxiously. But facing her inquiry, Elinster is puts out a hand, drew anything on the drawing board, then lifted to rock in their front, although was very immature, but can look on the drawing board, was the symbol of Templar meeting. 看见艾琳丝特回来,一个坐在轮椅上的女孩不安的开口询问道。而面对她的询问,艾琳丝特则是伸出手去,在画板上画了些什么,接着举起来在她们的面前晃动了一下,虽然还很稚嫩,但是可以看得出来在画板上的,正是圣堂教会的标志。 Really is they?! & R dquo ; “果然是他们?!” Sees this sign, that girl's complexion immediately became ugly, the arm rest of her tight holding down wheelchair, looking pale, during was terrified also has several points of anger. 看见这个标志,那个女孩的面色顿时变得难看了许多,她紧紧的按住轮椅的扶手,面色苍白,惶恐之中还带着几分愤怒。 These repugnant god sticks, they come to here to do!? & R dquo ; “那些讨厌的神棍,他们来这里干什么!?” Because of the beforehand these rumors ......... & R dquo ; “是因为之前那些流言吧………” Hears her to interrogate angrily, stands in another side, shut the eyes, in the hand takes a girl of cane to sigh spookily, then said. But hears these words, another stands in her girl actually bites the lip, reveals expression that soon cried. 听到她愤怒的质问,站在另外一侧,闭着双眼,手中拿着一根手杖的女孩幽幽的叹息了一声,接着开口说道。而听到这句话,另外一个站在她身边的女孩却是咬住嘴唇,露出了快要哭出来的表情。 Difficult, don't tell me do we want to be expelled? & R dquo ; “难,难道说我们要被赶走了吗?” To people, Archbishop comes visiting personally, it may be said that is the unsurpassed honor. However regarding these Abandoned by Gods, they regarding Templar Order, only then dislike and hatred. This is also their family background decisions, Abandoned by Gods, by god disclaimer, from the beginning. Their names have not possibly been doomed they to be admitted by the church. But these children must say that regarding this does not have the complaint is absolutely impossible. Perhaps when they are young, regarding this not a clear cognition. However along with gradually grows up, the known matter are getting more and more, their in the depths of ones heart unavoidably will be full of the hate to the religion and gods, in average person opinion, the gods created this world, is sheltering them. Therefore will receive people's worship and belief. However looks like in Elinster and others, perhaps without the gods, they by the treatment, they will not be abandoned by the parents like this, was loathed, not because of gods? Templar Order is not same, kept on proclaiming saves the world, when they long for getting the help, was actually kicked to raise like the rubber ball. No one is willing to respond radically. 对于一般人来说,大主教亲自来访,可谓是无上的光荣。但是对于这些神弃者来说,她们对于圣堂教团只有厌恶与痛恨。这也是她们的出身决定的,神弃者,被神放弃者,从一开始。她们的称呼就已经注定她们不可能被教会所接纳。而这些孩子要说对此没有怨言是绝对不可能的。或许在她们还小的时候,对此并没有一个清晰的认知。但是伴随着逐渐长大,知道的事情越来越多,她们内心深处就难免会对宗教以及神明充满怨恨,在普通人看来,神明创造了这个世界,庇护着他们。所以才会收到众人的崇拜与信仰。但是在艾琳丝特等人看来,如果没有神明的话,说不定她们也就不会遭到这样的待遇,她们之所以被父母抛弃,被人厌恶,还不就是因为神明?圣堂教团不也是一样,口口声声说拯救世人,但是当她们渴望获得帮助的时候,却被像皮球一样踢来提去。根本没人愿意搭理。 Regarding outside rumor, these girls do not know nothing, Elinster comes time but actually has not heard anything. However in these successors mostly has actually listened to the rumor about this matter, even among them some people therefore the child by orphanage were also ridiculedyou must turn into the devil immediately food hahahaha! & R dquo ;. 对于外面的流言,这些女孩也并非一无所知,艾琳丝特来的时候倒还没听说什么。但是那些后来者里却大多都听过关于这件事的流言,甚至她们当中还有人因此被孤儿院的孩子嘲笑“你们马上就要变成恶魔的食物啦哈哈哈哈哈哈!”。 Also because of this, when they come here, from the beginning is very anxious and frightened. 也正因为如此,当她们来到这里的时候,一开始还是非常紧张和恐惧的。 However in the monastery the tranquil peaceful and comfortable life conquered these Witch's child finally. They calm the mind to start to enjoy the brand-new life quickly. If changed these normal people. Perhaps will also be worried that this is the happy toxicant or the trap of some devil. However these Witch's child actually do not care, to put it bluntly, they are live not to have the love radically. Moreover here person is very good to them, could not look completely has any evil place. Draws back 10,000 steps, even if they then really raised what devil plump and fair-complected then takes away to offer sacrifices, then they still recognized, how because do run away from here? Returns to outside? Returned to that to be full of the dislike to them the world then pitiful dying? What does this and offer sacrifices to give the devil to distinguish? Dies in any case, why doesn't make us enjoy dead comfortably again? 但是修道院内平静安宁又舒适的生活最终还是征服了这些魔女之子。她们很快就静下心来开始享受自己全新的生活。如果是换了那些正常人。恐怕还会担心这是不是某种魔鬼的甜蜜毒药或者陷阱。但是这些魔女之子却是一点儿都不在乎,说白了,她们根本就是生无可恋。而且这里的人对她们都很好,完全看不出来有什么邪恶的地方。退一万步来说,就算她们接下来真的会被养的白白胖胖然后拿去献祭什么恶魔,那么她们也认了,因为就算自己从这里逃出去又如何呢?回到外面?回到那个对她们充满厌恶的世界然后悲惨的死去?这和献祭给恶魔有什么区别吗?反正都是死,为什么不让我们舒舒服服的享受完再去死呢? These rumors that also because of this, they spread regarding outside are quite angry and annoyed, comes to see in these Witch's child. The opposite party spouted rhetoric in the outside nonsense for oneself purely fun. These people have not cared about them, even sees, how also to possibly care about itself from afar they can hide actually to offer sacrifices to give other devil what monsters? 也正因为如此,她们对于外面流传的那些流言颇为愤怒和恼火,在这些魔女之子来看。对方单纯只是为了自己好玩才在外面胡言乱语大放厥词的。那些人从来没有关心过她们,甚至连看见她们都会躲的远远的,又怎么可能会在乎自己究竟是被献祭给恶魔还是其他什么怪物? If before Witch's child to the outside world werehostile & R dquo ; Words, then to them, outside world ishates & R dquo now completely ; Prestige. 如果说以前魔女之子对外界是“敌对”的话,那么现在对于她们来说,外面的世界就完全是“仇恨”声望了。 What can they make? They are only some children, moreover everyone has the flaw of body, Elinster, although cannot speak, but at least in action nothing not convenient place. But others are the eye cannot see either, either is unable to walk, by their situations, regardless of makes anything to be difficult. Fortunately after arriving here, under the leadership of Elinster, they have united, becomes one to have the small group of considerable cohesive force, but also is only this. 可是她们又能够做什么呢?她们只是一些小孩子,而且每个人都有身体方面的缺陷,艾琳丝特还算好,虽然不能说话,但至少行动上没有什么不方便的地方。可是其他人要么是眼睛看不见,要么是无法行走,以她们的情况来说,无论做什么都非常困难。幸运的是在来到这里之后,在艾琳丝特的带领下,她们已经团结起来,成为了一个彼此之间拥有相当凝聚力的小团体,但也只是这样而已。 Facing the Templar meeting, what can they make? 面对圣堂教会,她们又能够做些什么呢? Thinks of here, the people lower the head, the influence of their very clear Templar meeting powerful, aristocrat master who even if these keep aloof, facing these Bishop is still timid, does not dare to talk too much. In their eyes, this Templar will walk, perhaps because of the beforehand these rumors, but can the wife of that good intention resist the Templar meeting? 一想到这里,众人不由的低下头去,她们都很清楚圣堂教会的势力有多强大,就算是那些高高在上的贵族老爷,面对那些主教也是唯唯诺诺,不敢多言。在她们看来,这次圣堂教会找上门,恐怕就是因为之前那些流言,而那位好心的夫人能够抵挡住圣堂教会吗? They do not hug too in a big way hope. 她们对此可不抱太大希望。 Suddenly the people feel heavyhearted, even bell (rang) of lunchtime has not heard, in the past these attracted their good food, at this time had also lost the attraction. Shelter that after all but here they found with great difficulty, if even here must catch up with them to leave, what meaning then they do live in this world have? 一时间众人都感到忧心忡忡,甚至就连午餐时间的铃声都没有听见,以往那些吸引她们的美食,这个时候也已经失去了诱惑力。毕竟这里可是她们好不容易找到的安身之所,如果连这里都要赶她们离开的话,那么她们活在这个世界上还有什么意思? „ Do you do here? & R dquo ; “你们在这里干什么?” But when everyone is depressed, a sound resounded from them suddenly behind, frightens them to jump, has turned the head, saw only in the corner of corridor not far away, Zhan En is standing there, frowns to gaze at them. 而就在大家闷闷不乐的时候,一个声音忽然从她们身后响起,吓了她们一跳,转过头去,只见在走廊不远处的拐角,詹恩正站在那里,皱起眉头注视着她们。 Lunch bell (rang) has made a sound, shouldn't you dine? & R dquo ; “午餐铃声已经响了,难道你们不该去用餐吗?” Sir! & R dquo ; “大人!” Sees Zhan En, Witch's child including Elinster bows to salute to him, unlike Lydia, Zhan En in their hearts is one very seriously some people of awe. However they pour are not afraid the present Sir, because they are also very clear. Reason that oneself can on such life. Completely because of giving money generously of this Sir. Moreover Zhan En before them the arrogance of , although displaying, but that and aristocrats ordinary day that nostril upwards arrogant is completely different, is more like to own one intense self-confident & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; To be honest, sees such Zhan En, instead makes Elinster they to him more confident. 看见詹恩,包括艾琳丝特在内的魔女之子们纷纷向他低头行礼,与丽姬娅不同,詹恩在她们心中是一个非常严肃又有些敬畏的人。不过她们倒并非害怕眼前的这位大人,因为她们也很清楚。自己之所以能够过上这样的生活。完全是因为这位大人的慷慨解囊。而且詹恩在她们面前虽然表现的很高傲,不过那和贵族们平日那种鼻孔朝天的傲慢却完全不同,更像是对自己的一种强烈自信———说实话,看见这样的詹恩,反而让艾琳丝特她们对他更有信心。 If traded in the ordinary day, was caught present them definitely to leave by Zhan En immediately. This aristocrat Sir in this aspect is quite strict, if by him were discovered does not obey the custom to be punished. However the situation is now different. Facing Zhan En, people hesitant, finally, that girl who sits the wheelchair asks. 如果换了平日里,被詹恩抓了个现行的她们肯定会立刻离开。这位贵族大人在这方面是相当严格的,如果被他发现不守规矩可是要受惩罚的。但是现在情况不同。面对詹恩,众人犹豫了一下,最终,那个坐着轮椅的女孩开口询问道。 That ......... the Sir, can we also stay here? & R dquo ; “那个………大人,我们还能留在这里吗?” What do you mean? & R dquo ; “什么意思?” Heard her inquiry, Zhan En selects under the brow, the eye shot at her like sharp sword blade. But detected that the Zhan En's vision, that girl shivered a body, but she has the courage. Asks. 听到她的询问,詹恩挑了下眉头,眼睛如同锐利的剑锋般射向了她。而察觉到詹恩的目光,那个女孩不由的颤抖了一下身体,但她还是鼓起勇气。开口询问道。 Because before ........., we see Templar to send, therefore ............... & R dquo ; “因为………之前我们看见圣堂教会派人来,所以……………” So that's how it is. & R dquo ; “原来如此。” Hears her reply, Zhan En nods. 听到她的回答,詹恩点了点头。 Right, the person of Templar meeting came to here indeed to discuss before outside these stupid rumors, but the issue has been solved now. Templar Order will not look for our troubles again, but so long as you also complete your things safely on the line. Got it? & R dquo ; “没错,圣堂教会的人来这里的确是为了商讨之前外面那些愚蠢的流言,不过现在问题已经解决了。圣堂教团不会再来找我们的麻烦,而你们也只要安心做好你们自己的事情就行。明白了吗?” Yes!! & R dquo ; “是!!” Hears itself is not expelled. But can live as before as usual here, the young girls buoy up immediately, made the response excitedly. But facing their replies, Zhan En is also satisfied nod. 听到自己不会被赶走。而是能够依旧如常在这里生活,少女们顿时重新振作起来,兴奋的做出了回应。而面对她们的回答,詹恩也是满意的点了点头。 Right, a matter, starting from next week, you will increase curriculum & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Templar Order will send people to come to here to do missionary work, regarding this you must have the preparation. & R dquo ; “对了,还有一件事,从下周开始,你们会多增加一节课程———圣堂教团会派人来这里进行传教,对此你们要有心理准备。” This is also Zhan En and Howard Bishop conducts a condition of transaction, Templar Order, since must meddle, then naturally must show own existence feeling. The impossible anything to give Zhan En to do. Therefore after condition that both sides agree, will include Howard Bishop to send a nun to come to here, for these Abandoned by Gods preaching, will teach the theology curriculum. 这也是詹恩霍华德主教进行交易的一个条件,圣堂教团既然要插手,那么自然也要展现自己的存在感。不可能什么事都交给詹恩去做。因此在双方约定的条件之后,就包括霍华德主教会派遣一位修女来这里,为那些神弃者传道,教授神学课程。 Regarding this Zhan En has not expressed the opposition, but readily agreed. After all he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, this position is Templar Order gives, that inmajor issue of principle & R dquo ; Before doing missionary work issue, he must choose to stand Templar Order. However Zhan En was not worried that Templar Order will infiltrate own domain, because his very clear these Witch's child are serious regarding the Templar Order hostility, in fact they reduce to today's this fate, Templar Order must bear responsibility to a great extent. Therefore Zhan En was not worried that Templar Order can deceive them in a few words but actually, although these children are the children, but they seek livehood in the hardships since childhood, even if even in the dark floor world, they experiences is still darkest that side. To them, spoke what gods' belief purely, the redemption was meaningless. 对此詹恩并没有提出反对,而是一口答应了下来。毕竟他是授勋贵族,这个位置是圣堂教团给的,那么在“大是大非”的传教问题前,他必然要选择站在圣堂教团这边。不过詹恩也不担心圣堂教团会渗透自己的地盘,因为他很清楚那些魔女之子对于圣堂教团的敌意有多么严重,事实上他们沦落到今天这个下场,圣堂教团要背负很大程度上的责任。所以詹恩不担心圣堂教团三言两语就能够把她们骗倒,这些孩子虽然是孩子,但是她们从小就在艰难困苦中求生,甚至就算是在黑暗的底层世界里,她们经历的也是最黑暗的那一面。对于她们来说,单纯讲什么神明的信仰,救赎是毫无意义的。 Do not say that ............... this is the good opportunity of reverse osmosis Templar meeting. 更不要说……………这还是个反向渗透圣堂教会的好机会呢。 In the history routs the belief using the belief, causes example that these devout Paladin and Monk degenerates painstakingly thoroughly, but is innumerable. 历史上利用信仰击溃信仰,导致那些虔诚的圣骑士和苦修士彻底堕落的例子可是数不胜数啊。 However Elinster they may not know that this matter, hears Zhan En's to speak at this moment, in the surface of almost all people revealed awkward color. 但是艾琳丝特她们可并不知道这件事,此刻听到詹恩的说话,几乎所有人的面上都露出了为难的色彩。 What preaching do we want to listen to that? Sir? & R dquo ; “我们一定要去听那个什么传道吗?大人?” Has obtained wants to pay, Templar Order is responsible for helping us level these troublesome, what listening to them to talk incessantly two also to lose? & R dquo ; “有所得就要有所付出,圣堂教团负责帮我们摆平那些麻烦,听他们唠叨两句又有什么损失?” In front of these Witch's child, Zhan En performance unusual relaxed at will, but his speech also indeed makes these Witch's child quite happy. After all they do not like Templar Order, but Zhan En this view also quite suits their appetites, indeed, has obtained wants to pay, this truth they naturally also understood. Moreover they have the sense of belonging regarding here, if listens to these god sticks to talk incessantly several, can avoid suffering disaster, then they will naturally do. 在这些魔女之子面前,詹恩表现的非常轻松随意,而他的说话也的确让这些魔女之子颇为高兴。毕竟她们本身并不喜欢圣堂教团,而詹恩这种说法也颇合她们的胃口,的确,有所得就要有所付出,这个道理她们自然也是懂得。而且她们对于这里也已经有了归属感,如果听那些神棍唠叨几句,就可以免于遭难的话,那么她们自然是会去做的。 Ok. & R dquo ; “好了。” Saw these girls to understand own meaning, Zhan En also no longer said anything, but waves. 看见这些女孩已经明白了自己的意思,詹恩也不再多说什么,而是挥了挥手。 You can walk, the present is the lunchtime, you have been late, I think that you should know how to do. & R dquo ; “你们可以走了,现在是午餐时间,你们已经迟到了,我想你们该知道怎么做。” Yes, Sir. & R dquo ; “是,大人。” Hears here, the girls nod to respond again, then they then turn around quickly walks in the direction of restaurant. But at this time, Zhan En actually opened the mouth again. 听到这里,女孩们再次点头回应,接着她们便转身急急忙忙的向着餐厅的方向走去。而就在这个时候,詹恩却再次开口。 Right, Elinster. & R dquo ; “对了,艾琳丝特。” „? & R dquo ; “?” Hears Zhan En to shout own name, Elinster turns around, is gazing at him curiously. 听到詹恩喊着自己的名字,艾琳丝特转过身来,好奇的注视着他。 You prepare, tomorrow you must leave here with me, goes to Hoffer. & R dquo ; “你准备一下,明天你要和我一起离开这里,前往华福尔。” Said here, the Zhan En corners of the mouth curled upwards, showed a happy expression. 说道这里,詹恩嘴角微翘,露出了一丝笑意。 I lead you to see the big world. & R dquo ; “我带你去见见大世面。”
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